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Please be ED 🙏


Erectile disfunction?


Oh, ending, took me a moment


No, that's Mushoku.


he already got his boner back.






OP only if one of the singers is voicing an arc titular character. Such is tradition


No absolutely not, just the ed is enough.


YOASOBI’s whole schtick has been songs-based-on-manga/books/short stories etc., so them being chosen for this whole thing doesn’t surprise me. I’m really hoping they take as many cues from the music in the show as they do words in the books. So much of what Meg Rock did during that first season and beyond was so good and the musical variety really made that 1:30 section of the show mean something. TL;DR I love YOASOBI and I think they can do this right but I don’t want to totally move on from one of the more unique parts of the series


The part on “interpreting the feelings of the characters” makes me feel like this could be for an OP, which would be really disappointing.


Unlikely tbh. Monogatari is known for having 1 op for each arc. If this is the opening, then that would mean there's only 1 opening. What much more likely is that it's an ending theme for the whole season, which is what Monogatari been doing for years. They could also do the switcheroo and have this be the 1 opening with multiple ending theme instead, like how CSM did it.


why would it being one of the OP instead of the ED being dissapointing?


because the characters sing the openings


oh, yeah i completely forgot about that


Not necessarily, we have endings that are attached to certain characters in the past seasons as well, like Kieru daydream in nekomonogatari kuro, or the endings of the entire second season, that have an ending for each book adapted in it. considering that this anime will be adapting several books at once, it could be the same approach that was for second season. Considering the name "undead" and the part of the lyrics that is possible to listen in the new PV, I'm almost sure that this theme music is related to Ononoki.


The lyrics literally say "peace peace" its about ononoki


Yes! My major doubt is if it's only about her or if the lyrics have something about the other main characters of the Off Season as well


Not sure what to think about this. I do like what they created for some shows, not sure whether I'll like it in this series. Their sound is nice when it fits but the variance doesn't seem to be big - so will it fit? Because if not, something really ugly and dissonant will be the outcome. Meg Rock was great in adapting a lot, and if there is a series which doesn't need a group that's marketable and can rather use some flexibility, it's Monogatari. The "one-by-one" part is the most worrying though. It's beem repeated to death by parrots here that Shinobu's VA doesn't sing, but that doesn't mean her arcs don't have unique OPs (eg. Mein Schatz). Having a single OP for the whole season is a shame. I'll cope by believing what someone else said - that even with a single OP there could be multiple endings like CSM direction did it. That would be the best of all worlds, and still has a chance YOASOBI could hit right and totally rock.


I like em fingers crossed


God damn you guys are downers


Facts itl prolly be good, i dont think shaft will allow something that isnt exceedingly good for this series, considering they delayed it for years to make sure they were ready for more arcs.




I’ve always thought some of Yoasobi’s music videos gave me Monogatari vibes with some of the animations they have made, did not realize they were a favorite of hers though.


It was the guy who said that he loves monogatari. The girl write it like she didnt watch it at all.


Nah the guy is the one who writes it the girl just sings it


I don't want to completely write them off, but my god do they only have one style of music. Say some stuff lowkey, transition to the same build, have a fast paced chorus, repeat. I liked Yoru no Kakeru the first time I heard it but now it's gotten so formulaic that it's painful. Idol works well for Oshi no Ko and I guess Yuusha gets a passing grade for Sousou no Frieren. But even these standouts are so fucking similar in not only structure, but also delivery from the singer that it's a joke. Monogatari OPs while not always the best have clear effort put into reflecting the character and the arc they represent. Now we have one of the most interesting characters in the series who already has an extremely well done track in Étoile et Toi and you're telling me Copy Paste the band is gonna make something which meets expectations? I doubt they're gonna call Yoasobi for an ED. And I doubt they're gonna break their streak. But ofc I hope I'm wrong.


There is a reason why I chnage Frieren first op with Violet Evergarsen op


I've always found them to be extremely overrated and now I know the reason lol


I agree


I like Yaosavi


> I sang the songs while carefully interpreting the feelings of the characters in this work **one by one.** it’s so over, rip to character va OPs


One thing to mention is that there isn’t actually any explicit mention of song***s***, I feel the translator just chose plural because of the 䞀぀䞀぀ (one by one) part, so it might still mean that she considered the feelings of a variety of characters while singing a single ED not coping I swear.


Bro every single thread about this has already said that Maaya Sakamoto doesn't sing her OPs


But shinobu's op were great even without lyrics.


The trysail one feels exactly the same way as they describe this so I’m still coping that it’s the ED


the gatekeepings in this sub are insane


the title makes me feel this is gotta be OP


This gives me a little hope that it won't just sound completely factory produced like the average yoasobi song


I love the character openings but if any artist could do a Monogatari OP, it’d be YOASOBI.


Already it's not looking so good


I really likes frieren's first op and idol hut damn my favorite music of all to listen to was definitely the character sung openings. They were always my most listened to songs. This better be the ending because I want more character openings.


After the P.V dropped I can most def say it’s the ED song. It just gives off ending theme vibes. And the arcs can’t have 1 Op


People really hating on Yoasobi, they’ll show you what they are capable of


Is it rly hate they are getting in here? Sure some comments are rather straight forward, but most aren’t disappointed with yoasobi they just want the seiyuus to keep the tradition singing their own op? I also rly like yoasobi and listen to their songs a lot but i still would be a bit disappointed if we only get one yoasobi op. Seiyuus singing the Op is just one small neat detail which made the Monogatari Series the Series it is today and we enjoy.


This is so over


Fr if they do end up making for the op, we're so done for.


it's confirmed that UNDEAD is solely for the ED i believe.


Well that's good


We can have a banger on our hands! đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„


I will remain pessimistic as I do not like Yoasobi and believe that their style is not fitting of Monogatari. Edit: I was right. It’s their usual schtick and it doesn’t fit Monogatari.


They can interpret a lot of styles as we seen in various anime (Oshi no ko, frieren, beastars, ...), plus the endings of monogatari have always felt so special so there is no way the producers would do such a bad job that this will change, especially working with such talented artists. I seriously don't understand why so many people dislike this news, and I'm sure in some time people will say things like "you remember the times we learnt about yoasobi playing the ending, that was so cool!".


People are worried we’ll be losing the character songs. I think most are fine with them being the ED.


Is it confirmed that it's the Ed? It would kinda suck if they replaced character ops with just one op for the entire series.


No, but again I don't think they'll throw away everything they done, let's just trust them like always. I'm also pretty sure if this ends up as one op for the whole season this will be justified.


>frieren Their Frieren's op really didn't fit the show. That's one of the issue people have, with them.


Not fitting with the show? That's one of the worst take I heard on Frieren. The lyrics are literally explaining the plot of the show, and the music itself becomes more intense when talking about things Frieren herself feels differently. The whole song is about her relationship with Himmel, lyrics and music fits perfectly.


Absolutely horrendous take


It's ok to be wrong.


True I shouldn't have pointed it out


Those are all the same exact style though lol I can literally predict how the song goes every time I listen to a new yoasobi song.


I agree with you. Her style just feels too generic


I will remain optimistic as I like Yoasobi and believe their style has the potential to do well as a companion piece to Monogatari (as an EDđŸ€ž).


what do they mean '' in charge'' of the music ??? as long as its the skippable part of the episode im okay with it . their sound is super generic and one note , i remember skipping their song in frieren every.single.time .