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1.) A tragic backstory that is realistic and not forced 2.) Great voice acting by both Ella and Mia 3.) Iconic design for both her and her weapons 4.) Her mental illness isn't played for laughs but showcased in every tiny detail of her personality and presented as a tragic and terrifying thing 5.) Despite how insane she is, she still retains a good portion of her humanity, which makes her feel like a person and not a caricature 6.) Even though she's a complex character, she comes off as a fairly simple person with simple needs Overall, if Season 2 sticks the landing, Jinx might become one of my favorite fictional characters of all time, alongside characters such as Jack Sparrow, Geralt of Rivia and Zuko.


> Overall, if Season 2 sticks the landing, Jinx might become one of my favorite fictional characters of all time She's already my favorite.


>Overall, if Season 2 sticks the landing, Jinx might become one of my favorite fictional characters of all time i think the same, jinx is šŸ’Æ i also think that vi and viktor's upcoming arcs have a lot of potential, narratively speaking; and we already have a glimpse of what we can expect about vi on S2 - sounds pretty good imo, especially after watching that new schnee video


Personally, I relate a lot to her insecure side, while I absolutely love her confident side.


Her insecure side is relatable, while her confident side is inspiring.


I wish my trauma had made me a badass gunslinger that nobody on earth can catch


Hey! It made you a wonderful person that can empathize with people that went through the same as you, I'm sure Jinx would like to be understood for once!


That's so fucking true. I watched Furiosa the other day and thought "goddamn, I wish this is what I was". Just the feminine urge to ride a bike across the wasteland and shoot guns, dammit!


Whenever I see her I think what could have been. She is remarkably intelligent even as Powder growing up. As Jinx she really played to her strengths in her resourcefulness still. I keep thinking that she could have done good things for the betterment of Zaun had things been different (like Viktor getting the opportunity to work at the academy). Like Viktor said, in pursuit of great we failed to do good. Jinx will always be sort of tragic in my view sort of bittersweet in her potential.


I relate to her, don't feel like analysing why rn and I absolutely adore Ella Purnell


For over a decade, we had this perception of Jinx as a psychopathic, homicidal maniac who just raised chaos for the sake of it. Basically Leagueā€™s version of Harley Quinn. Then Arcane came out and what we learned about who she really was, is nothing short of staggering. The quality of the writing and acting is absolutely sublime. Jinx is easily one of the most well written characters in all fiction, with unrivaled emotional expressions in the animation medium. Sheā€™s an extremely complicated and layered character that *feels* real. Sheā€™s easily the cornerstone of Riotā€™s portfolio after all sheā€™s gone through.


without any doubt after arcane vi and jinx have to be the mascots for riot games at this point lol


Jinx was already the "face" of *League* well before *Arcane*. She's always been quite popular.




šŸ’Æ I knew who Viktor was because thatā€™s who my buddy from undergrad played as. I knew who Jinx was because Riot Games wanted me to know who she was.




Well said. They did an excellent job of establishing her as a very sympathetic character while also reminding the audience of why she's called "the Loose Cannon" in the first place.


This is an amazingly written description of Jinx, I really enjoyed reading it and I also absolutely agree with you!


She's interesting, she's funny, she's an asshole, and she moves the plot forward. I like how she's the character with the most agency in the show.


she has a great taste in fashion




Jinx is my favorite fictional character of all time, so, naturally, I believe there is a lot to like about her. She's a wonderfully designed and well-written character, with an impeccable vocal performance by Ella Purnell to boot. A character whose thoughts and actions may be questionable or even reprehensible to others, but the show goes to great lengths to illustrate just how Jinx became who she is, making her a very deep and complex character in the process. There's just something about her that feels so *real* to me, and that's not just because I can strongly relate to her. She's a fully realized individual, multi-faceted and nuanced, just like you would assume most real people are. And the lifelike way she is animated only enhances that feeling of "realness". It's almost as if I can reach out and touch her. When it comes to which side of Jinx I prefer, I can't bring myself to choose. I love Jinx, not just one aspect of her. She can be cute, funny and playful or deeply insecure and begging to be loved, or even unpredictable and dangerous. She could be somewhere in between all of that. Yet, it all feels authentic, and seeing the way she goes about doing things only increases my affection towards her. As for your last question, as an ex-*League* player and former Jinx main, seeing that vulnerable and insecure side of Jinx only made me like her even more than I already did. I always believed that there was more to her character than what was shown in the game. What *Arcane* did was allow me to sympathize with and relate to a character who I already deeply appreciated yet yearned to see more of. I felt some sense of validation, but, at the same time, I wanted nothing more than to comfort Jinx in her moments of despair and do whatever I could make her happy. In a previous post, I said that I felt like I had "grown up" alongside Jinx, and her journey in *Arcane* in some strange way mirrors my own. This only deepens the connection I have to her and allows me to really put myself in her shoes, and, in the real world, often times entertain the idea of "What would Jinx do?"


This is about the most honest analysis on her. Arcane Jinx does feel like an actual human person pushed into this fantastic world, and has little need to invoke the 'fish out of water' trope, her reactions alone do sell it all.


Woah, that's very deep. You're so very right, she does feel pretty much real. Fortiche did a really great job on animating her facial expressions, since she goes through so many of them, which I think also contributed to her realness, along with her writing and Ella Purnell's voice acting, of course. I wouldn't want to pry, so if you're not comfortable answering, just don't, but I find it really interesting that you feel like you've grown up with her and share her journey to the point of asking yourself what Jinx would do were you in her shoes, what do you mean by that?


> I find it really interesting that you feel like you've grown up with her and share her journey to the point of asking yourself what Jinx would do were you in her shoes, what do you mean by that? Just what it says on the tin. I've known Jinx for ten years now, and, in that time, I feel as though we've both matured. She started as an endearing caricature and then became a deep, complex person. In a way, I see this as mirror of my own growth as I transitioned from adolescence and into adulthood. I believe this strengthened my connection to her. Her journey as a character is a very personal one, in which she battles with herself as much as she does others. I can strongly relate to what she goes through: the feelings of inadequacy and weakness, the desire for validation, the regret of past actions. Because of this, I look at how she handles the situations she finds herself in and try to apply what I've learned to my own life. Jinx is deeply troubled, but there's a confidence and drive in her that I'd like to adopt.


That's beautiful! It's really cool to see that a character can affect someone so deeply, like helping through negative feelings, teaching things that will be useful in life and having qualities that are worth adopting: that again reinforces how real she is. I wouldn't want to overstep a boundary, but having such a deep connection with her also makes it clear to me why you said that it was really hard to ignore who criticizes Jinx, I guess you feel those critics on yourself, so it becomes quite the personal matter for you. That said, whatever you're going through will get better, you'll come out on top and you will get the confidence and drive that you seek from Jinx! Maybe she'll even be the one to "push you, pick you up when all the colors are black".


Yes! She's both a comfort and an inspiration, and I want nothing but the best for her. As for how I react to criticism of Jinx, I'd say you're close. I *do* see a lot of myself in Jinx, and thus tend to take any slander against her personally. At the same time, I've been defending Jinx from naysayers long before *Arcane*, and that's because I genuinely love her character regardless of how relatable she is. She's very precious to me, like a close friend or family member. I also feel like I owe her for all the ways she's helped and inspired me in the past. > That said, whatever you're going through will get better, you'll come out on top and you will get the confidence and drive that you seek from Jinx! Maybe she'll even be the one to "push you, pick you up when all the colors are black". I look forward to that. She's already the reason I'm still alive.


to me; her confidence and especially her prodigy like mind to invent and create that if she hadn't gone though her tramaic experince and born on the upper city she could have been one of the leading inventors


silly cute puppy eyed girl šŸ„°


Yeah, that's also a big part of why I like her haha


This is a simplified version of my reasonings... I love tech geniuses. Give me 3 days I'll make a nuke. It's fun when characters play the game with their minds or create devices to act as buffs or cheat codes. I love that she is actually a Jinx and messes up a lot. It is thematic, character-building, and sad... making it great TV. Her whole relationship to Mylo is great including after death. How his words that came from the same insecurities haunt her. Her fighting style. Ranged fights in cartoons give such variety and possibilities. Fighting can only go so far before you need to incorporate weapons ranged or not to introduce variety. Jinx came prepackaged with that as well as being in one of the best mediums to explore it. As well as the whole jinx mind scribbles and visions that I think added more to the story and character weight. With that, her harming people is something we get to explore beyond the action but the result in the world and to the victims and that again adds weight that I really appreciate in a morally grey story. All the little details from the animators. Her little gifts to Silco on his desk. her working on the firelight bombs before it happened. The symbolism of the crow she shot returning in the final episode. The beloved Powder/Jinx facial rig, the early signs of Jinx's mental illness in the first scene of the first episode. The use of her environment in exploring her growing into a more violent person. aka Zaun's A very aggressive punchy place where people who can punch are more valued than those who can create (which parallels Piltover nicely). It helps explain her and Mylo inferiority complexes since they come from a place that doesn't value them and why she focuses so much on weaponry (to act as a crutch for her as a young weak child who wants to be valued). Her council archives... The voices bit is very interesting to read and then rewatch her scenes with. How they conveyed a twisted, toxic, co-dependent, yet still familiarly loving relationship between her and Silco visually through the lack of healthy boundaries. Instead of some character like Sevika close to them saying a one-off explaining it. With that lack of boundaries, how she hasn't mentally matured despite being nearly (or is) an adult. She still acts like the clingy 9-11 year old. She'll end up speaking like a (cutsie demonic) children's book especially when stressed with an air of obvious innocence which is fun since it gives her very unique and out-of-place feel (which again connects to council archives). I like characters that don't speak conventionally. Her perspective is so interesting as she fights against her hallucinations (usually Mylo) and tries to be the voice of reason with them but needs confirmation due to her paranoia. We saw with the bridge and before that, she kept trying to give Vi the benefit of the doubt saying "It's just a goodbye hug" or "She was there for me, not the enforcer" but her hallucinations and paranoia build suspicion. All the information she has of them is those short incredibly hectic bits from episodes 6 and 7, what other parties (Silco and Sevika) are saying, and her hallucinations before, during, and after the shimmer procedure. Her perception of episodes 6 and 7. She meets her sister again, and she is in fact with an enforcer that Jinx blew up to get the gemstone (like Sevika said). Firelights come and both Vi and Cait are taken (extracted) by them with the crystal (that Caitlyn dove for). The next time she sees Vi they're at the bridge not only with the enforcer but THE firelight Ekko with the gemstone about to hand it back over to Piltover if not for Marcus. From Jinx's perspective that does sort of support what Sevika was saying more so than what Vi was. We know better since we have multiple perspectives but I can see why Jinx thinks what she's thinking beyond the paranoia and psychosis (though not without it) and I love that it's written in a way where I can see what she thinking and that's them is some validity to her thoughts though her methods of dealing (shooting at Cait+Vi) could use work (but I STILL understand why she's acting out how she is). HER WRITING HER PSYCHOLOGY HER AESTHETIC HER VOICE ACTING (both Ella and Mia destroyed it) Probably my second favorite character ever (right behind the Doctor \[Doctor Who\]) and maybe #1 if all goes well with season 2.


That is the simplified version?


I started with the simple bit at the end and got carried away... But also yes.


Very well put. I agree with this šŸ’Æ


I love reading these long and well-written comments about Jinx, it really feels like we care about her. I also love her being a tech genius and the fact that she brings that part of her in her fights is awesome. Nice of you to mention Doctor Who, I am also a big fan of The Doctor, especially the 10th, but I recently lost sight of it. I should probably get into it again at some point.


Ellaā€™s voice is what hooked me. Her performance was inspired.


I see what you did there. I like it.




Yes indeed


I like girls who look dainty/innocent but are freaky as fuck and Jinx fits that perfectly for me


Interesting tastes my friend and I get ya, we're on the same page here.


I came here to like the comment that said she is smart. She is. She was able to reverse engineer Hex Tech from Jayceā€™s notes. She built a hex tech devise. Sheā€™s smart. Sheā€™s also crazyā€¦. But that is the beautiful tragedy that made you like the show enough to be in its subreddit reading this commentā€¦


Breaks my top 5 favorite characters because of her design, followed closely behind Viktor. I like the vibes she brings to the show, the big change from funny to crazy to tragic. Sheā€™s not my top favorite character but sheā€™s up there.


I agree with most of the comments about her, but I also want to point out her realistic intelligence. Jayce has Hextech. Ekko with his board, this is a serious problem with aerodynamics and a very serious load on his legs and back. And the Jinx weapon is more than real, and it can be repeated literally from junk. A machine gun is a gatling gun with an electric motor. This thing does not need an industrial machine for production, as for modern machine guns. The only problem is the weight. The rocket launcher is also very realistic. Even without a crystal, such a design will work. The most difficult thing is actually a handgun. I don't really understand how the cartridge supply system works, etc. But it's still more realistic than a flying board.


Red Flag on me: She reminds of my ex crazy gf. Still haven't gotten over her :(


Her voice helps me sleep deeply.


I love her character so much. To me, sheā€™s so well executed on such a touchy subject like grooming, trauma, mental illness etc. and we can truly understand her thoughts and ā€œjustificationsā€ behind the awful things she does. Sheā€™s a great example of the blending of nurture vs nature. Also, her relationship with Vi is such a gut punch to me, and the parallels it has with my own relationship with my little sister.


I really like that part where she killed those people.


The murders are a part of her irresistible charm.


Oh, that's absolutely true haha Jinx without the murders and carefree attitude towards them wouldn't be the same.


Yeah, me too! That's truly one of the parts of all times for me.


I relate to her in some way. I also love her design and voice


*I relate to her* *In some way. I also love* *Her design and voice* \- Interesting\_Move\_919 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


related to her , afraid screw things up, struggle to make decisions, but still innocent inside and crazy at the same time, I know her in TV series arcane not league of legends, maybe in games much different Plus Ella Purnell voiced Jinx definitely right choice, I addicted to her voice


League Jinx is fun and funny to watch. Arcane Jinx is Darth Vader.


The accurate and heartbreaking portrayal of trauma without excusing her actions. As a neurodivergent person with ptsd and has had a lot of identity crisises cause of it seeing how they portrayed both Jinx and Powder made feel seen I guess. Also her design, voice performance, animation, everything 10/10.


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She is just like the Joker. No, I only watched the first and last episodes.


WHAT?! You didn't fully watch Arcane? You've got to be kidding me! That's like... illegal!


I barely got through the imagine dragons song.


You don't like the show? Or is it just the Imagine Dragons song?


A little bit of both, I just donā€™t know much about lol and I really donā€™t like imagine dragons. I tried watching but I just couldnā€™t care for the story.


Mhm, very interesting! Music taste is subjective so I won't comment on that. Though, if you ever feel like it, I'd suggest you watch it at least until the third episode before deciding. Even if you already saw the last episode, I still think you'll be entertained by watching how they get there. Let me know if you ever do so!




Nothing šŸ„° Nah but it's the "What could have been" with her and her family. I appreciate her as a character but she isn't that sympathetic to me.


Yeah, that's about right, flair checks out haha Though, I really feel your "what could have been" perspective, most of us here probably do so.


Nothing honestly. Really annoying.


So you've chosen... death! Jokes aside, may I ask you why is it so?