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Ultracheese, because my daughter likes to dance with me to it and it melts my heart. Also song is fantastic.


thats so damn cute






I think it deserves as much as attention 505 got. One of the most well written breakup songs from them imo


i’d love to participate but i’m not allowed to have reddit and i would get absolutely UNALIVED if i told a stranger my adress good luck to anyone else participating!


ship it to the library, or some store that receives shipments


My favourite Arctic Monkeys song is The Jeweller’s Hands. It takes the best elements from the rest of the album, making it a perfect album ender. It’s lyrically complex, which helps building the vibe. For me, it has the best outro they’ve ever created, and complements the song by liberating all the emotions that the melody built slowly. Every instrument and effect is perfectly placed, also, it has one of the most powerful basslines of their discography. An absolute masterpiece!


Pretty visitors and it’s my favourite purely for the line ‘what came first the chicken or the dickhead’.




Shakespeare who?!!




Brilliant lyricism from Alex Turner there 😂


My favourite HAS to be A Certain Romance. The whole of WPSIATWIN is great, but that final song is just the cherry on the top. The song bursts into life with this flurry of drums and a rhythmic riff before easing into this bittersweet little tune, while Alex sings about how he's feeling dissolusioned about his situation, the people he sees and the people knows, the lack of real romance in his life and his friends, before the whole thing just explodes into this section that's just like a rolling stone. It keeps building and building, the momentum keeps going. the drums keep crashing and the riff just gets better, before ending on this quieter and more bittersweet note. It's just perfect, combining the best of what the band were at the time great at: snappy but punchy lyrics and music that makes you feel a certain way that I really can't describe. It's like a night out with some of your best friends. The night just keeps getting better and better, and when you finally stagger home, weary and hungry, you're on top of the world, even if you do feel a bit sad that its over, and you can go to sleep knowing that you're happy, and for just a wee while, the world seems perfect. You can do anything, as long as you have your tunes and your best friends. Thank you :)


My favourite song is One Point Perspective and seeing it live for the first time + alex loosing his train of thought was something else, I hope I win but good luck to everyone else!


My favorite AM song is That’s Where You’re Wrong. I love the shimmery production, the simple 2 chords going back and forth, and the catchiness of all the melodies. It’s also perfectly placed at the end of Suck It And See. It’s a perfect jangle-pop song.


My favorite song is crying lightning, I am genuinely amazed how a song can be this well made and sound so cool


My favourite Arctic Monkeys song is definitely Mardy Bum. I’m from the UK, not Sheffield, but the British slang and British feel of it is amazing. It’s something which always brings me back home whenever I listen to it wherever I am and gives me a great connection to both the band and their music. The context of when I listened to it also makes it that much more special, my best friend first played it for me in the park on the first sunny day of the year, and then went on to convince me to go to a festival that summer and watch them live with him. He was trying to get me into AM for a while but it never quite worked and that was the song which convinced me. So whenever I listen to it both the memory of the north of England, that great day and my best friend always come to the forefront. Plus it’s a very romantic song, but it feels real. It’s not a fantasy it’s not Romeo and Juliette it’s two people with real problems. Alex is writing about how this guy is trying his best but it’s not quite enough for his girlfriend. And they’ve hit a rough patch and they’re trying to find their way back to what they originally had. That makes it just so special to me. I’m sure we’ve all been there at some point. P.S. I love reading everyone else’s responses!


The Jeweller's Hands. The initial bassline is great, the keys are haunting with that off-kilter tremolo guitar, the lyrics are stellar as per usual, but the real draw is the outro. It's like everything builds and builds until it completely falls in on itself, and it's all done in such a unique psychedelic implosion-esque fashion.


Do Me a Favour. The lyrics paint such a vivid picture of the emotions surrounding a break up. The guitar chords interspersed throughout the song are fantastic and the buildup/bass drop moment goes so hard


love is a laserquest words cannot describe how fucking much i love this song the lyrics themselves make it my favourite and are some of the best i’ve ever heard, and the tone of voice alex sings them with is absolutely perfect and makes me feel all the emotions the instrumental accompanies the vocals and lyrics so well and their simplicity works well to oush emphasis on the importance of the lyrics the subversion of expectations set by the title to be some weird corny love song and turning out to be one of the most beautiful songs i’ve ever heard about pining over someone that broke your heart that you still can’t truly get over it’s placement in suck it and see is perfect, succeeding another amazing mellow song piledriver waltz and followed by suck it and see, the tone stays consistent and makes for one of the best run of songs on any of their albums amongst all of their other incredible guitar riffs, matt’s amazing drumming, and alex’s brilliant vocals this song stands out to me like no other and i will love it til the day i die


cornerstone, just really like singing it


My favorite AM song is knee socks. Sure, I’ll get hate because it’s on their most mainstream album. However, no one can deny the guitar riffs and the solo are so damn catchy!


I Bet You Look Good on The Dancefloor because it makes me want to dance and I like the way he sings with an accent.


Anyways can’t describe how i felt the first time i heard it. ~ Just another microcosm somewhere in the ether~


The best AM song in my opinion is Fireside. Because the first time I heard it was right after my best friend died and the lyrics: And I suspect you already know, but that place down memory lane you liked, still looks the same but something about it’s changed. It really stuck with me because for me it means: the school we went to, his house, certain smells, certain colour combinations and really just life and especially the good things about it, because he loved life more than anything. So I use the song as a everyday reminder of him


Golden trunks, it's so mysterious and beautiful, and the maida vale version is so good


great choice :)


Fav AM song is Bigger Boys and Stolen Sweethearts, it’s so amazing, some great vocal work from Alex and such amazing synergy in the band. No Buses is also great, but is making me cry atm so try not to listen to it too much lol


That’s Where You’re Wrong stands to be my favorite Arctic Monkeys song! It fills me with hope for a better tomorrow on top of just being an all around great song. Their album enders are all bangers but this one does the most for me :) Thank you for the giveaway by the way :)


Too Much to Ask. Lyrically it slaps and the overall eerie vibe


Hard request, becuase i have more than just 1, but... My favorite song from Arctic Monkeys is Star Treatement, from the album Tranquility Base Hotel + Casino. May not be my favorite opening song from an AM album, but from TBH+C is just amazing, i love how the drums start the album. I feel like this song is about aging. The Strokes and Blade Runner and 1984 references. The transitions, the layers of sound. Also introduced the piano that will be used in the rest of the songs. And maybe becuase the name of the song, Star Treatment. Treatment for me is a lot of Arctic Monkeys songs that help me in my daily life, during hard times.


Dance Little Liar cuz it rips


My favorite Arctic Monkeys song is Dance Little Liar. It’s my favorite because I love the guitar tone and lyrics. I live for that breakdown at the end.


I love it for how individual it is with the chords and the spooky sort of feeling it gives you. Alex certainly is the best songwriter I know of.


It's gotta be Star Treatment for me because it does such an excellent job of setting the stage for the science fiction adventure that is TBHC. Plus it's funky as hell.


My favorite song is This House Is A Circus, I love everything in that song, the line "This house is a circus berserk as fuck" is so iconic. I love the buildup and the energy from the riffs, Alex's voice sounds great, amazing song


It's so hard to choose just one favorite song but I'll go with secret door, I just love everything about that song, the rithme change, the lyrics, just everything goes so well together and it makes me want to listen to it over and over again haha. Good luck everyone!


My favorite song is Secret Door because the lyrics are fantastic and i love how it switches between a fast upbeat song to a beautiful slow ballad


The blonde o sonic shimmer trap because how can you not love a song titled that especially considering the first line is “black as a beacon in a river of shimmering fog yes she was” Alex at his best imo.


Black treacle is a complete underrated track on an underrated album. The lyrics are all over the place and interpreting it is really enjoyable. Also the music is fantastic, just a fun listen all around.


The Ultracheese because it makes me feel like a spaceman


The Blond-O-Sonic Shimmer Trap because if you were beat-seeking, it would be hard to ignore.


This is awesome! Thanks for doing this! This is such a hard question, but I’d say my all time favorite is Arabella. My best friend first showed me AM when it came out my junior year of high school. I fell in love and this song was my ‘walk through the hallways with my headphones at full volume’ song. To this day, that guitar solo still makes me feel like such a badass while I sit at my quiet office job. Absolutely love it


2013. Probably their most hated song, but it's just so groovy and catchy.


My favourite song from Arctic Monkeys is Teddy Picker... It's the first song I knew from them, and like 12 years later, the first cover I sang on stage. I love the bassline of the song, the rythm, the energy which it must be played with, the lyrics and their meaning... And, I must confess, that time I first sang it on stage... I just felt goosebumps at the end of the song, the moment of suspense when saying >*"...when there's people like..."* Then remaining silent, watching the whole public in the eyes, one by one, all of them expectant... and then... >*"...You."* Followed by the last riff of the song... And then cheers and applauses... Pure bliss ❤️


My current favorite is The mirrorball. All the releasing process caught me in a period that I was changing rapidly, having rough days all along. When I heard that that album is gonna be released, I was on a highway, crying and thinking about the realization and relief, and pain. Idk but it was like a hug from an old friend. Then later, I heard the mirrorball, "yesterday still leaking through the roof", "I promised this is what I wouldn't do" etc. really caught me off guard and made me feel better. I was doing right, changing in a metamorphosis like a butterfly, it was okay. Sorry, this was long but these are heartfelt emotions from my side


My favourite is 505. I know it's cliche and all, but it's the first song I heard from Arctic monkeys and I instantly fell in love. The song helped me get through so much, I can't help but get emotional (it not like me) whenever I hear that organ.


Don't pick me, I just wanted to comment on how nice it is for you to do this for the community!


From Ritz To The Rubble. It reminds of the struggles of being 18, trying so desperately to get into a club. Also, Alex manages to fit lyrics into places that makes no sense, so it’s not a conventional song. It’s organised chaos, and I loved seeing it live at Reading.


"Star Treatment" - a perfect opening to a perfect album.


when the sun goes down 100%


505! Reminds me of being 15 again, my world was so small back then. No care in the world except for my first girlfriend (who introduced me to AM!) and what to do in the weekends. Take me back :')


My Spouse and I are gonna have our first dance be to piledriver waltz (when we have our actual wedding) 🥰


Do you prefer the suck it and see version or the submarine one?


it’s hard to pick a favorite song, but at the moment it’s mirrorball, it came out during the week of my birthday and lately it has felt like a hug to the heart because I'm going through a very difficult breakup, I'm also liking it a lot lately because I love playing it on the piano


I’m gonna have to go with star treatment


I absolutely love Star Treatment, and everything on TBH+C for that matter. Besides being a really beautiful song, it really sets the pace for the rest of the album. It feels like a personal letter from Alex especially, I think that that album in general it's a love letter from Alex to himself and his passion for music and that we had the look to take a look. I love the imagery and atmosphere he manages to create in that song and in that album. I really hope to see more of that in The Car


Crying Lightning


honestly I think my fav AM song is view from the afternoon! its def up there 😛


Would love to participate but sadly I’m not in possession of a record player. Good luck to all the participants!


Honestly, There’d Better Be a Mirrorball has grown on me so much it’s definitely the favorite right now. Love the slow and cinematic mood it gives off, really let’s the listener sink right into the song


Hard to choose but I always come back to humbug as my number #1 album, and dance little list is my all time favourite


Mine is No Buses because it feels very nostalgic to me—not too sad, not too happy—I just love singing to it. I have a vivid memory from a couple of years ago: I was at a birthday party with all my best friends and at some point at dawn, I remember feeling so physically and emotionally tired that I sat alone in a corner, I held my phone to my ear playing that song, and I just watched everyone having a ball, half asleep. Good times though


tbh my favorite is mirrorball bc i was (and still kinda am) going through a rough time when it dropped and it gave me something to be happy about. also my girlfriend loves it and that makes me happy.


It’s gotta be for me I wanna be yours because every time I’m going through a hard time I listen to that song and the lyrics just resonate with me every time and the sombre tone just gets me into tears consistently


My favorite song has to be Do Me A Favour. The buildup of emotion in the song is top tier with lyrics to match. As a bassist i absolutely love how the bassline fits meshes with the drums & its extremely fun to play.


My favorite song is Mardy Bum. It’s a great and kinda tender song in and in an album that picks a punch, is a nice slowdown that still has groove


The Jeweller’s Hands is my favorite, I love the lyrics, the theme, the outro especially with that fever dream vibe


The Ultracheese. I started listening to AM's entire discography for the first time when I was feeling very down because of loneliness and friendships falling apart and just being able to relate to this song, to feel understood, really helped me get out of the slump and finally discover something that I like Btw, thank you so much for doing this giveaway!


Leave before the lights come on because wow that guitar tune and drum


I'd say at the moment my favourite is There’d Better Be A Mirrorball. The melody is so deep and sophisticated, Alex's voice is so calm and soothing... Just a perfect song.


My absolute favourite song is Love Is A Laserquest, I first heard it when I was going through some pretty tough times and it just helped massively. I listen to it all the time, the entire song gives me chills


I’m not sure I could choose one, but Leave Before the Lights go on resonates with me a lot. (: Thanks for the give away!


I know it's a pretty commonly revered song, but A Certain Romance will always be my favourite. Lyrically, it encapsulates perfectly what I thought of growing up in my hometown and having a friendgroup that weren't really my sort of people. Musically, it's just so well put together, and it's an amazing way to end an album. Thanks for putting this together, and good luck to everyone else!


Matador - it’s heavy AF and the riff is fat


They should've done more instrumental songs, I mean, not dissing or whatever but if they do really like to do music because of the music why don't throw one or two instrumental songs in every album?


My favourite Arctic Monkeys song is A Certain Romance, and it also happens to be my favourite song of any artist. It's just such a perfect end to anything. I intentionally listen to it very rarely so that I don't get bored of it.


I bet you look good on the dancefloor, I just love the intro. made me pick up guitar !


that’s awesome, she looks like fun is my favorite one, lyrics are just amazing and the guitar riff after “dance as if somebody’s watching, cause they are” always gives me the chills


My favorite song is "You Probably Couldn't See for the Lights..." because I love the lines "One look sends it coursing through the veins Oh, how the feeling races Back up to their brains To form expressions on their stupid faces"


I absolutely love when the sun goes down because its the song me and my dad used sing as loud as we could when going skiing, and because its an amazing song ofc :)


My favourite arctic monkeys song is brick by brick because of how dynamic and flowing it is. I love how vibrant the soundstage is and how every little twinkle makes my spine vibrate ✌️


U wot m8




All you people are vampires! Because I learned it on bass when I was 13 and the bass line is so so good. It’s just my favorite of all time.


The Afternoon’s Hat. Im not really sure what about it makes me love it. Perhaps its because theyve never played it live iirc. The humbug b-sides are all fantastic but the Afternoon’s Hat just pulls me in every time


Love is a Laserquest. Every single line from that line makes me tear up. I know it will be a popular opinion and lots of people relate to that song, but it always made me feel specially understood in the times I've felt completely misunderstood. Thanks for doing that, by the way, it's very kind of you.


A Certain Romance for perfectly capturing teenagehood, nostalgia and growing up. Fantastic tune, too.


I wasn’t gonna enter cuz I have mad paranoia but even if I tried I can’t for the life of me name my fav AM song


I absolutely love a certain romance. That song is so perfect in every way. It starts out amazing and then you get that short, and calm solo. The lyrics are also amazing and it's just an overall a perfect song.


Man so hard to pick a favourite - the answer will change every month but at the moment Id say Arabella ​ Good luck to all :D


Hey :) My favorite is the Afternoon’s Hat. Great songwriting, such a weird solo that leads into a beautiful outro. The singing, the riff, the bass. I still remember the first time I heard that song and it just gives me lots of amazing memories. 11/10 for me.


The jeweler's hands because of how atmospheric it is and it's like no other AM song.


Star treatment


Mardy Bum. I remember a few years ago me and my family went on a road trip around Europe and my dad used to play a ton of music from his iPad. Whatever People Say I Am, That’s What I’m Not was on there, and Mardy Bum became one of the songs of that trip alongside Fire by Kasabian and Californication by Red Hot Chili Peppers.


Argh it's such a tough choice!! It's got to be When the Sun Goes Down for me. It was the first Arctic Monkeys song my dad showed me, and I just remember being blown away.


long time listener here. Star Treatment for me is their best song from both the lyrics and the musical ideas.


I'm about the same age as the Monkeys were when they were writing their first songs, and the clubbing and disco scene in my town is really really active, so most of their debut really resonates with me and I can easily relate to most of the songs on the album. It's quite difficult to pick a song out of the 13 on the album, but I have to go with Still Take You Home. The feeling of seeing some girls on a night out, thinking "hmmm they look ok-ish looks-wise" and then your friend chimes in and forces you to go talk to them with him is perfectly incapsulated in that song. On top of that, on that track the instruments are really explosive, and I fucking love the "Daradada-dadadarara-daradadadadada" and the dragged out vocals that Alex does on "handsss" or on "wronnnng". Also, the vocal stile is really raw, I find it rawer than the rest of the album, almost in a Beneath The Boardwalk maneer.


A certain romance always for me, it’s nostalgic for a time and place that may not be right for you but is home to you. I love the guitar solo at the end it’s a perfect ending song to an album


i would definitely say no. 1 party anthem. it seems to give me a sense of nostalgia and just feel-good vibes for some reason. i ESPECIALLYYYY love the instrumentals that blend so perfectly with alex’s voice 🥹🖤


My favourite arctic monkeys song is The View From The Afternoon because I love how specific the drum playing and the guitar sound is!! :)) You’re very kind for doing this give away and very happy for whoever wins!!


One Point Perspective The way it makes you feel like you're in a movie is unparalleled


Temptation Greets You Like Your Naughty Friend. It's a great music in all aspects, the drums, the riffs, and it's so unique compared to their other songs, mainly because of the rap part. It's similar to nu metal in some sense, mixing rock with rap.. in my opinion it makes that song very diverse and nice to listen to.


Four our of Five. Love the vibe and it always puts me in a good mood


I think my favorite and dearest song would be star treatment. Tbh+c is my dark side of the moon, I got baked, wrapped myself up in a burrito and listened to it in the darkness of my room. Everytime I hear star treatment, I always get transported back to that magical moment and how much of a trip it was. I'm actually planning to do the same with the car and I cannot wait.


Batphone, i think what astonishes me are both alex's songwriting and his vocals, especially during the final 'I've recognized the glow of your low beam'. Gives me chills everytime.


Despair in the departure lounge


Favorite song is Four out of Five, it just does something else that I've never heard in a song before


The jeweller's hands


fireside because i like it


Catapult God the anger in this song is incredible. Alex perfectly encapsules the anger that comes with betrayal and trying to stay civil


One Point Perspective, for a lot of reasons, as a bass player i just love the bassline on this song, probably my favorite in their entire discography, the lyrics sound relatable for some freaking reason, the guitar solo is simply perfect, but in general, not just looking at the "technical" parts of it, the song as a whole just hits me different, it marks the point in my life that i started being myself, so it will probably be one of my top tracks for the rest of my days.


My favorite song is Star Treatment. I hadn't listened to AM in years and a friend wanted to sell me tickets to their show in Detroit so I at down to listen to TBHC for the first time and I'll never forget it. It hit me like a train, those big 7th chords at the beginning, and it was right out of my childhood too, my dad was a band director and a jazz musician just like Alex's. It was the first piece of music that really struck me, and I think it's always going to stick with me. It's a piece that's all about the distance that ego creates between you and other people, it's about feeling distant and misunderstood. It's funny to me that this song about the difficulty of connecting with other people is the song that connected me to another person, but I guess it makes sense. I love the song because it makes me feel like there's somebody else, even if it's just one other person, who understands me.


Probably I Bet You Look Good On The Dance Floor because I grew up listening to arctic monkeys with my parents and this was always a favourite of mine even when I was about 8


hmm gotta be My Propeller, i just love the entire vibe of the song, the sound yk it makes me feel really fuzzy inside when i listen to it idk how else to describe it lol


Fluorescent Adolescent. I was shown this song three separate times within a month at college by separate people. Every time I hear it, it makes me think of them and those are some pretty great memories. (Edit: grammar)


Ritz to the rubble as it was one of the first I ever listened to and have enjoyed it ever since


Pretty Visitors, it's their heaviest and most powerful song I believe, and Humbug is my favourite albums of them so yeah, 100% that




Cigarette Smoker Fiona. I just think it encapsulates everything good about 2005 Arctic Monkeys, it got on the Reading set list which was incredible and well...it's just one of those songs that you can instantly relate to without any actual relation to it.


Secret Door I've been in love with the band since I was 12-13. At some point I started dating and this sort of became "our song". I have some really great moments of listening to this tune and thinking about that specific girl and some beautiful moments we shared. After we broke up I couldn't hear it for a couple of years. Now that I got back to it I feel it to be a much more emotional song for me. It just reminds me of both the good and the bad. It's as if my naivety has left and I can see things for what they are and not what I had wished them to be.


Brick by Brick Cause…. Brick by Brick is just a lyrical marvel unlike any song to come before or after. That’s the high I have been chasing.


No buses is my favorite because I really like the instrumental


Star treatment because the mellowness and the songwriting amazes me. I write poetry and it feels like a poem. It shows you how much you can do with so little.


My underrated favorite is Batphone. The ambience this song makes, the imagery it produces is a new, exciting, and enticing scene. Alex’s falsetto is unparalleled in any other song (though mirror ball is a close contender)


it’s hard to choose but my favourite song has to be hellcat. the tune reminds me of summer, title is wild, and lyrics are amazing


Cornerstone because I used to listen to it a lot when I was a freshman in high school and it just brings back the memories


My favourite Arctic monkeys song is Fake Tales of San Fransisco because of the sheer volume and thickness of the instrumentals. Particularly at the 2:07 mark and onwards when it absolutely swells so much I can’t even describe how amazing it sounds. Also the lyrics are witty and amusing, I just never get tired of it. Honourable Mentions: Nettles, Cornerstone, If you’ve found this it’s probably too late, Balaclava.


Fluorescent adolescent. It's the first song I heard on the Radio in Canada and immediately became obsessed with the song and eventually the band. There's songs I like more, but that will forever be my favorite for the personal reason of being the song that lead to my favorite band.


One Point Perspective - love Alex losing his train of thought, the vocals are amazing!


Four out of Five How the whole entire song builds the whole time, and the last 2 minutes it just playing that one section repeated. And more and more elements get added. At the end there's so much music and I love it!


Probably From the Ritz to the Rubble, the first song of theirs to really hook me. Or A Certain Romance, although I don’t really have a good reason other than that it’s amazing


Afternoon's Hat It makes feel better when I'm down, because if this amazing lyric: "Together we'll find something to direct some laughter at". You can always find something to laugh with.


There'd Be A Mirrorball because holy shit that song is beautiful. I remember first listening to TBHAC and not really liking it, it wasn't the Arctic Monkeys I was familiar with so I assumed it was 'bad'. But after a couple months it really started to grow on me, I mean REALLY. And now it's probably my favourite album lol, absolutely adore it. Now that I feel comfortable with the new AM listening to TBBAG blew me away! The beautiful strings, the crisp drums and ofc Alex's outstanding vocals. Just a perfect track for me. CAN'T WAIT FOR THE ALBUM!!!


crying lightning bc that bass part is so fun to play


Too Much To Ask <3 Good Luck to Everyone here!


505 because I love Miles Kane


My fav is Balaclava, I’m a sucker for FWN and the guitars on that song are just amazing, the sudden slow down turned into the build hitting on the CRIME then the guitar riff is just amazing. I also can never stop myself from singing along to the WRONG WRONG WRONG. The flow of the song is just amazing with the tone shifts and all around just a bop!


Batphone. Definitely Batphone. For me that’s Peak Alex right there.


Four out of five, bridge part is so catchy and inspired me to play guitar


As of right now There'd Better Be A Mirrorball is my favourite song of all time. It's just instrumentally and vocally gorgeous, and it just feels really good to listen to.


A Certain Romance. The instruments are played phenomenally, the lyrics are amazing, and the fact live aspect of it makes it whole. It’s just one of their most complete songs. Certified banger and classic.


Teddy Picker because it was the first song I heard from them on MTV Brasil, and it's also a fucking great song


My favorite song is One for the Road and definitely the one I’ve heard the most. It’s just the portrayal of cool, calm and collected. It also reminds me of James Dean for a reason. Finally, the build up of the solo and the solo itself makes you feel so bad ass, but in a subtle yet cool way… sort of like James Bond.


BRICC BY BRICC BECAUSE BRICC oh wait, this isn't the circlejerk? probably don't forget who's legs you're on, it's just so hauntingly beautiful. the humbug singles are absolutely my favorite era of the band.


For sad days, despair in the departure lounge - that raspy mic almost sounds like an old train station microphone and gets me all the time. just imagining standing lonely after work for a ride home


A Certain Romance. Fell in love with this song when I first started listening to WPSIA and it's been my favorite ever since.


Four out of five I just have always loved the message behind it. Nothing you ever do will be 5 stars out of 5 so just do your best and don’t be so hard on yourself.


Tough question, but I'd probably lean Secret Door. For sure that's a song with lots of meanings, but the more obvious way to interpretate it really makes me feel things. The sense of just wanting to be with people who really mean to you, to be free of the foolish things we gotta do to adapt to this world. And of course it sounds amazing, one of the most beautiful songs ever for me


If I HAD to choose one AM song to be my favourite it would probably be "The Ultracheese", it used to make me really sad and it made me feel down every time i listend to it but then I learned that it shouldn't make me feel that way. It reminded me of how lonely and alienated I feel most of the time but then it made me realise that I'm not the only one in this and that there are millions of people who I can relate with that didn't make me feel less lonely but gave me a sense of comfort, it made me realise that mistakes get made and a lot of my choices may not have been ideal and that it's okay to regret choosing them but life still goes on and it won't stop no matter what, That's why one of my favourite lines ever is "but I haven't stopped loving you once." It would forever be my go to song when I'm feeling down cause it never fails to comfort me.


It's either american sports or teddy picker. Teddy picker is not only a banger but it is also not only lyrically strong, with the song being about the understated calamities of being famous and "making it" it's also very catchy. American sports is very spooky sounding and genuinely epic sounding with the piano chords hitting harder with each chord played and the very short bridge guitar solo is beautiful and mixed perfectly. Also the lyrics in the one are flowed very well once again and are incredibly thought provoking. I love piano so I think I'll end up with American sports.


the jewelers hands is my current fav. it's such a good closer to humbug, and i love alex's voice in it. he just sounds much deeper than he does for a lot of humbug, and it's such a dark and sinister song it works super well.


My favorite song is 505. It brings back so many memories of being in high school and trying to escape my reality through music. Listening to things that I needed to feel in the moment. That whole album was a huge part of my music growth and I was a fan ever since the first song heard by them!


From the ritz to the ruble because I can truly picture the whole situation in my head and it’s just amazing


i have so many favorites but i have to go with the jeweller's hands!!! (it was my most streamed song of 2021...) it has such a rich musical arrangement––i can feel the super deep bassline in my spine, i love the way alex harmonizes with himself throughout, the fast strumming guitar rhythm in the back and the call-and-response guitar, the whimsical keyboard, the way the drum rolls, the orchestral cymbals crashing, love it all so much. when i listen to this song with headphones it feels like they're rotating around my head with all the mono-audio sound effects. and the lyrics are absolutely dripping in metaphor and poetry (my favorite is the second verse...like "laughter's assassin" are you kidding me that's absolutely brilliant). listening to this song sounds like reading a fantastical book full of magic and mystery and full moons. also we need to talk about the OUTRO.... the instrumentals are absolutely amazing––sounds like the love child of arctic monkeys and the last shadow puppets––and is the PERFECT closing to the whole album. i could write a whole essay about this song LOL i just love it so much. thank u for starting this giveaway––fingers crossed i get the album i could would literally cry!! p.s. bonus favorite song from the last shadow puppets: pattern (obviously)


My favorite song by them is probably From the Ritz to the Rubble. It just slaps all the time and has been one of those songs that I grew up with.


From the Ritz to the Rubble because it's the most energizing song I know!


I worked up a smile on my face thinking about how happy the person will be when they find out they won, and it made me smile. I’m not entering, because it feels like it would detract from the sentiment of the post if I were to then be like, “…but I should be the one to see that because… blah…blah…blah” Anyway, I thought about that (I may have crushed up a bundle of love 😵‍💫) and was like wow, that’s so corny— it’s great… I love it.


Electricity, because it's fucking awesome


Ultracheese because me and the boys go all out at the jukebox and the local farmers at the bar think we're out there


My favorite one is Who the F*ck are the Arctic Monkeys? because of the essence it has. It’s simply a masterpiece


My favourite is Love is a laserquest. I love that song cause I can kind of relate to it in some ways


One Point Perspective. It is truly, simply, perfection. TBHC is what really got me into AM but specifically one point perspective and star treatment. Can’t go a week without listening to it.


My favorite is the The Bakery.. for no reason in particular. For me the song has a nostalgic feel to it and I absolutely adore it. Can never ever get bored of it no matter how hard I try :) Also I love all of AM if you played any song from their discography I would know it in few seconds.


The worlds first ever monster truck front flip because they named a song after the greatest accident in human history, the world’s first ever monster truck front flip


teddy picker! i just listened to it for the first time recently and i love the lead in so much and the little shouty thing they do 😌 it's my current fave but all time fave is probably mmmm mardy bum


I really like A certain romance and That’s where you’re wrong. My all-time fav is A certain romance. Whenever I hear it I recall the 2006 T in the park performance. It's my fav bc it makes me feel young; you can see their faces and how realized they feel at the moment. Besides, that song condenses the feeling of complicated friendships and relationships, super relatable...


My favourite is Brianstorm because it sounds so energetic. If I listen to it I can’t stay put :)


Riot Van. Something about having all the heavy tracks like IBYLGOTDF and TVFTA and then Riot Van comes in all calm with some incredible lyrics and just a 10/10 vibe i can’t even explain it. Definitely a song that doesn’t get enough credit.


Brick because briccccc


Piledriver Waltz I feel it captures the end of a relationship better than any other song


My favourite Arctic Monkeys song is The Blond-O-Sonic Shimmer Trap. This song is so special. It's melody, the guitars, bass and drumming and I really like how calm are Alex's vocals. The backing vocals are really ethereal and the lyrics (as always) are really beautiful and relatable. I love SIAS B-Sides, because they have such a unique style and tend to be different from the album songs. Also I have a undying love for Cadillacs and in this song is being referenced at the choruses and apparently it's mirrors get smashed by a furious lady, cool stuff hahaha!


Plastic tramp. It goes back to when I started listening to music seriously instead of just what I heard on the radio on the way to school, and I remember I liked fluorescent adolescent so much I looked for the B side and fell in love.


do me a favour. the lyrics are so visual and the arrangement is beautiful. and so good live too


Star Treatment Definitely a great opener to a great album . The first line ‘I just wanted to be one of The Strokes’ is iconic to be fair. I always imagined my self, I am Alex Turner and singing it with the fans. I could probably say Star Treatment is one of my favourite songs of all time


Dance littke liar The best and darkest all-arounder. It consists of sweet and cute, mysterius and upbeat rocky parts, while telling a memorable and teaching story. The emotions it gives me are just unreal, I can listen to it in every mood and situation and always be overly satisfied.


sticking to the floor because of its energy


Batphone it is simply the greatest song there is. His vocals are orgasmic to my eardrums


Piledriver Waltz, I love both versions! I think the poetry in the lyrics is just great and the song has something magical about it.


Do me a favour for me. The whole build up of the song is perfect and not rushed with numerous great instrumentals. The ending of ‘And to tear apart the ties that bind, perhaps fuck off might be too kind…’ also contains my favourite AM lines. I’ve never even been through a breakup but they lyrics make total sense and the song has distinct phases sort of like a breakup which flow so well. I’m definitely overanalysing here but it’s just so perfect shame it’s not played as fast live anymore though.


No. 1 Party Anthem. This song makes me feel undoubtedly nostalgic. Alex’s voice and the hypnotic rhythm makes me feel like I’ve missed out on a life I once lived, or a life I had meant to live.


My favourite track is "R U Mine?" The first verse is layed out and brought so creatively. Friend of mine kept talking about the Monkeys and how amazing they were and got me into the rabbit hole. Now waiting for The Car to come out and so excited fot it!


Balaclava, the bass line.


Mine would be Anyways, a little cheesy but it's the song i first kissed my very first girlfriend to :)


My favourite Arctic monkeys song is definitely brick by brick from the hit album suck it and see. My favourite line is “I wanna build you up, brick by brick”. This song played when my only son was born and it makes me emotional to hear it. Also it is a very good song.


ill go with "Don't forget whose legs you're on " i love the feeling it gives me. love the piano rthym too :) thank you for the generosity good luck to everyone🥰


why’d you only call me when you high has to be my favourite because it was one of the first songs by the monkeys that i heard, it really clicked with me and i fell in love with it, it introduced me to the band and all the other amazing music they have, if it wasn’t for that song i may not have ever given them a chance, i just love the vibe and i really connected with it


My favourite song has to be That’s Where You’re Wrong. The summery feeling, the lyrics and then ending in a blasting last chorus. It just gives me so much good vibes.