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It still gets HOT in the day, but really COLD at night. Bring clothes for both. Bring tarps, rain gear, ropes to tie stuff down. It can get gusty up there. Basic stuff: Bring water. Maybe service your vehicle before you go - or check the tires at least. Bring a backup battery charger/jumper if you can acquire one. (also an inverter to plug in your electronics) ​ have fun, we go camping every ear on the rim in september. 28 years in a row now.


I'm hoping for a least a little sun 🌞 but the poncho will likely stay on for the whole trip.


HOT? It's usually in the 70's up there during the day no?


It wasn't hot at all last weekend. It was perfect Fri-Sun.


It can touch mid 80's on a hot day no problem. Showing in the 70's right now but it can easily get up there. We've hit the 90's in the past so it just depends. You just don't want to be stuck in jeans.


I guess we have a different definition of what hot is...I would call 80's even low 90's quite mild...to each their own


80-90 degrees at 7,000ft is very different from 80 degrees at lower elevations. It roasts you faster, thanks to less atmosphere.


It roasts you faster? Lmao 80 degrees is 80 degrees whether it be at 1200ft or 7000ft


I guess you've never herd of a UV index...


Their comment towards me has nothing to do with uv radiation...


Guess you don't understand how heat works???


Lol has nothing to do with temperature, maybe you need to freshen up before trying to school me. Otherwise have a safe trip guy.


Yeah. This.


If you run into the mogollon monster tell him He still owes me five dollars, he'll know what that means. TIA


The Mogollon Monster was in my dream last night. But it wasn’t a clear sighting.


Was up there last week for a few days...be prepared for huge potholes that don't seem that bad because they're full of water... damn near blew a strut on my 4x4 one was so deep and sharp... if you head up the way towards the Winslow cut off there's tons of great camping and you get away from the ATV crowd... you will have a much more pleasant experience if you bring a fairly large tarp and set up a dry area quickly.


Yes! Drive slowwww through water. Good call.


Camped the rim last weekend. Mud tires and 4WD are a must. We drove the whole thing back and forth a couple times just exploring. Pulled one in our small caravan out of the mud. Took getting muddy ourselves. It rained really hard but our tent was solid and we were off the ground so we were happy. Bring a mushroom field guide. There are some incredible specimens up there right now. Ananita muscaria everywhere! 🍄 Stay out of washes and low meadows. Widowmakers are everywhere. Camp before nightfall and pay attention to any dead/white trees or leaning trees whose roots are pulling up the ground around the trunk. If you're bringing dogs, watch for burrowing toads. Make a stop at Myrtle Point to watch the distant lightning storms. Even though it rained a ton, we got little sunburns so, hats and SPF. Bring firestarters and dry wood in a bin. We had no fire day 2 because of the humidity. Of course, bring lots of water. Have fun!


do you know a decent spot for mushroom hunting


I saw fallen tree full of turkey tails 2 weeks ago, some red mushrooms that I think were Amanita Caesarea, and some jack-o'-lantern mushrooms.


Literally everywhere up there right now. It was wild.


You'll be good, just keep your eye on the sky and try to stay off of rim exposure during the storm due to lightning. Also, make sure you drop your popup or tarps so the winds don't take them away. Sometimes waiting it out in the car with a book is the easiest.


Thanks for the reassurance, I'll be sure to bring a book along.


Road 300 is the best!! I used to camp in that area all the time when I was younger. I hope you have a great weekend. The best advice has already been provided 😁


I stayed at FR 9350 campground. A few weeks ago. It’s a dispersed campground. It was beautiful and watching the storms blow over us was really cool. Unfortunately, there seem to be a lot of rattlesnakes up there this year. The camp hosts told us that they relocated several in the week or two before we were there and one of my dogs actually got bit. Thankfully it was minor (as far as rattlesnake bites go) and she’s recovered, but definitely be careful. There’s also been a lot of bear sightings this year. Hope you have a great time up there!


Oh no, I'm glad your doggo is doing okay. My dog is a bit nosy so I'll be sure to keep her close. Thanks for the heads up.


Vets also carry the rattlesnake vaccine. I live in Yuma. We have tons anywhere near the river especially!


Hey man I’m up here now (just under the rim) and its beautiful. Bring sweaters because once the storms hit it will dip to the low 60s maybe even 50s


Be prepared for heavy traffic. The Payson Rodeo is this weekend.


Thanks for the heads up!


Milkranch Point is a good spot to camp at.


According to Shawn Pahl, a local guide on Google, Milkrach Point is... "horrible" 😂 *All jokes aside I'll have to check it out sometime!


Its hit and miss. Sometimes you get a couple huge groups out there that are obnoxious. But others its been quiet. Its not far off the highway so it sees. Lot of pressure. North of bear canyon can be nice. Out toward chevelon too.


It should be cool this weekend. Out of curiosity, I checked the forecast for Strawberry. Highs in low 70s this weekend and good chance of thunderstorms.


If you want to be close to a small town just in case, you can camp on the west side closer to strawberry/pine.


Hot at day - cold during the night is all I got for ya!! If you’re into photography - bring a camera and tripod and try a long exposure - you’ll get great stars and possibly Milky Way! Or if u have a newer iPhone try long exposure mode while setup on a stable surface. Have fun!


I love camping around the Kehl ridge area, there's lots of little back roads that don't get much traffic. Usually I'd just see 1-2 people on quads or razors a day or so.


I camped in October on the Rim. Rain in the Valley, 6-7 inches of snow.


General Spring area is a good idea!


Prepare for lots of wind if you are right near the cliffside, and there will likely be rain up there I'd imagine. Views are great obviously, I'd say if you are going to be pitching a tent probably do it opposite of cliffside of fr300...that's just my personal suggestion...all I heard all night when camping cliffside was the wind blowing my tent into oblivion whipping around the whole time and it was not easy to crash out, well for me at least lol.


Didn't think about the wind. I look for a spot with some tree cover and hope for the best. And I'll be sure to bring some ear plugs. Thanks for the advice!


Remember not to put a tent under a tree that could drop dead (or live) limbs.


Also don't put up your tent under the tallest tree or tree that has no bark. Lightning most likely knocked the bark off that tree.


Camped at the grand canyon at a side canyon one time. Right near the edge. No wind on the tent but half the night or more the wind in the side canyon just was crazy sound rush most of night. Second night used to it and sounded soothing.


Get a locking cooler and watch out for bears. Had my cooler raided 2 years ago


I'll keep my food in the car, thanks!


Just a heads up, it’s also opening day for archery deer. Be prepared for a lot of hunters in the area


bring DEET, the mosquitos are everywhere, and bear spray just incase