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I like to use it when I am making sniper themed builds because it kinda resembles a hood


Oh interesting! I like how everyone's interpretations of the heads are different. The first time I saw it, my brain turned the side vents on top into eyes with the glowing part being the mouth. I still can't unsee that, but now I'm seeing where the glowy bit can look like the front of a hood.


Firmeza arms, don't see them usually, but man, those formes, angles, edges. I love it. Especially on alba core. And Kazuar head for it hell for perfectionist. Unusual form, angles, this horn on one side, eyes looking like old school auto lights


Redditor of culture. Firmeza arms + Kasuar/ VP-46D head + Alba/ Firmeza core are peak AC design. Bonus points for Nacht/ Kasuar/ Beta legs.


Yes, nacht/kazuar legs are my favourite above this parade of style


Firmeza arms is useful if you want a balnce for melee perf and recoil control it doesnt exacrly have "mid" ish firearms perf


Yep, but style for them is above everything. Shame that only basho is optimal for melee build, while being so good on ap, armor and weight. Low wep spec is doesn't matter at all


All my homies love Firmeza Arms


I deadass thought for the first few hours of my game that the Kasuar Head is actually the head for the Firmeza frame because it just fits so well.


[The VE-44B Head and the EPHEMERA core, both of which I run on my main.](https://imgur.com/BzqxZzH) I loved that head from the moment I first saw Pater's AC in the Arena, and I always found the Ephemera core to look pretty damn cool with its alien-like aesthetic, but for what I've seen many people really dislike their looks, especially the core. I had so much fun adding proper eyes to the head and the red accents on the core as well, I think they look really cool. :3


Yeah I've always loved that hammerhead


Hammerhead lovers unite. The scan distance, the refresh, the LOOK, the VIBE.


Is that a yellow squadron paint job?


Funnily enough no that wasn't the intention haha, I was going for a mid-2000s military mech like Metal Gear RAY or Jehuty from Zone of the Enders, but with yellow instead of orange because yellow is my favorite color


Equally cool sources


Would love to learn how you made this too. MGS has been one if my fav series since I was kid watching my older brother play the first one


I like it, looks like Cascade Range's head if you pulls some mental gymnastics


Tool arms (Loader 4). I think they look great, and as a bonus they have decent ranged and melee stats.


The Firmeza head looks like you plopped a snail on top of an AC


and I like it that way to be honest


This head is sooo ugly to me. I can’t bring myself to use it


I actually played with that head from the very start til the very end. I really enjoyed how alien it looked compared to the more humanoid or conventional head designs. Unfortunately I've been afflicted by the Fashion Souls curse, following looks over practicality: I only learned after the Walter boss fight that my build was dreadfully balanced


Not so much for aesthetics but I really like SPD booster and even have some success in B rank pvp with it but overall the ALLULA is rated more highly for this kind of booster.


I also like the firmeza head.


The firmeza head is one of my favorites in the game,it looks way too cool but it's not that good unfortunately


My mostly used heads are Kasuar and shade eye


...it has eyes? I like the design of the Basho arms, even if it kinda sucks that it eclipses every other arm part in the game in terms of not just melee but overall utility.


Yeah... this sucks: "You want a ranged build? Here are 12 different arms that all have their own unique benefits they bring to a design, from defense to accuracy, there's something for everyone." "I want to mel-" "Basho."


Basho is so goofy looking for being the best arms to melee with.


I wouldn't mind it so much if there was even one other round arm set that was close in terms of melee damage. The default Loader arms would be a PERFECT candidate for this.


Nooo thank you. PvE is already easy enough with the Pulse Blade being the first melee weapon you've got. Giving the default arms 2nd BiS Melee would be insane I agree that RaD can get it, but I'd almost say Carla's arms would be a fun candidate for that. Maybe Meleander C3, since it sacrifices stats compared to Meleander base?


I'd rather see an Arquebus set, so we would have a curvy set of melee arms, but giving Loader the melee buff would give new players more incentive to melee, and might just replace Basho as the only melee arms. This has zero negative effect to you (Basho would still be tougher) and only a positive effect for those equipping Loader arms. If you don't like this, you could simply not use them. This is the same as the transmog argument. It benefits those who want to use it and has zero effect to those who don't, but those who don't want to keep those who do from having fun their way.


Holy shit Yellow 13


Yes! It I, Yellow 13! Remember kids, always eat your vegetables, drink milk for strong bones, and you *too* can be Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation!


You know what, yeah~ kinda could be an iron plume if done right. I always thought the Allmind one was very knight-like, it’d be cool to make it a full themed build with the laser lance. It’s the Ephemura head for me, when looking dead on and coloured, the spikes look like ears! Giving it a fox like appearance to me… Though I’m more of a fan on how some different parts mesh way too well. (Probably on my profile still for pictures) the Frizama chest and DLC AC head mesh perfectly to me, making a perfect headless AC.


Yeah, the Firmeza head is cool! I’m personally fond of parts like the Basho head, Main Dish and Tian-Qiang cores, and Tian-Qiang arms. A lot of people think they’re ugly, but that’s part of why I like them. The fact that they look bulky and industrial makes them really cool for a lot of builds.


The community ignores the firmeza head??? But it's beautiful. You should all try that thing out


I use it for my vulture themed build because it looks kinda like a vulture head when you color it right lol


Ooooo I didn't even think of a vulture! That sounds cool as hell! Do you have any screenshots?


Not rn but I can probably take one in like a few hours lol


Snails legs. Probably because im a gundam fan


Char's only war crime was the sheer amount of drip he had flowing off of him at all times, causing massive flash floods and tidal waves where ever he went


Melander legs. There is beauty in simplicity 


I love the full ALBA frame although I wished they gave the arms better stats


Arquebus frame with verril head. Ppl just hate that frame, but when you look down into all its stats it only has high defense and AP. Stability is meh (for such a heavyweight: 13 hundred) and energy consumption pretty much requires you to run the blue energy generator (unless you play double zimm double ten cells missile launcher kick spam or such). The core IS ungodly good, but the rest of the frame is definitely outclassed by other components, in my opinion.


Ppl acting like the ALBA set is not hard af because it’s too close to looking like a Gundam. My brother in Christ the DESIGNER of the set is a MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM designer


I just can't find myself liking the stiff legs and how the skirt looks on a lot of other builds.


I try not to take it personally when AC pilots don’t share my aesthetic preferences. After all, they are brain damaged.