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Faker than a three dollar bill


32nd Infantry Division is all you need for proof of its fraudulence. They haven't been a division since like 1967.


Not to be confused with the 32nd IBCT which is a Wisconsin National Guard unit.


The 32nd IBCT was organized out of the 32nd Infantry division when it deactivated. They even use the same shoulder patch.


Oh *that's* where that patch is from. Now I know to SPIT UPON any Soldiers that wear a disgusting, subhuman Wisconsin patch.


They probably have good cheese. lol.


Their personal hygiene problems are no laughing matter, dude.


Great history. Ye old *Les Terribles.*


I was thinking the undercover soldiers part but okay


Ssgt did it for me


Yup. I saw this scam before. “She” will soon ask you for money to buy body armor and other things “her” unit definitely would have provided for “her” if she were real. Maybe have some fun with it from this point forward. Who knows, maybe you’ll get lucky and find a way to bring the Russian invasion to a close.


Nah first it’ll be “don’t trust them, I’m just undercover” lol


Single handedly end the Russian- Ukraine War? Get this man a COA


Tell her you’ll send money for body armor and uniforms, but you need to see nudes of her body first, you know, to make sure everything will fit.


What got me was the “about 130 other undercover soldiers”


See that is why these fakes fail cause they try to make the army sound cooler than it actually is.


Me too. I’m still laughing.


Never seen any orders like that of any kind. Who would take the time to make stupid shit like this?


You mean as real as a than a three dollar bill. Lol but anyways I didn't even read the letter. Just seeing the words DEPLOYMENT LETTER" up top in bold and all caps had me dying lol.


That’s what they send when they ask pretty please will you deploy


Hold up we don’t publish secret undercover orders wth


Three Dollar Bill Y’all!


I've never met a "notable commander". Plus the date is in the wrong format. G1/S1 would never let that fly.


This is the stupidest, most fraudulent thing I have ever seen in my life. The SECDEF isn't that person, the "Commanding Officer" would actually be the "Commanding General" (or just Commanding) I don't even know what a (Notable Commander) is supposed to be . Undercover Soldiers? This shit is hilarious man. I would 100% block this person and move on before they start asking you for plane ticket money or some other asnine shit. Edit: Just googling shit off that letter shows massive errors. 32nd Infantry Division? just... lol


Alright, thanks. Damn scammers, I just want a cute girlfriend 😭


Best advice I can give you is get in the best shape you can, and work on your BMI and physique. Get regular haircuts, keep your beard trimmed well or shaved, and dress yourself well. Be friendly and kind. Sooner or later the right girl will come along, and you'll be happy you didn't shoot the long shots at potential women in foreign countries or different states or any other number of weird scenarios that us men find ourselves in.


Lol thankfully I don’t have to worry about a beard since I’m a chick, but I do try to keep myself as healthy as I can despite multiple injuries and medical conditions that make weight loss and a good physique next to impossible. Tbh the only reason I was okay with a deployed soldier as a gf was because the letter said she’d return to the states Jan 7


Of course you're a lesbian, username very much checks out. Sorry about the scam OP, hope you find your cute girlfriend to take to the aquarium soon.


Aquarium and lesbians. Is there a connection? What am I missing here?


Just a silly stereotype that we all love aquariums, but I've found it holds true. I took my wife on several aquarium dates long before I had heard that particular stereotype.


Lmao I’m hoping to snag one with my 150 gallon tank


So there's two fish in a tank, right? And one fish says to the other, "Do you know how to drive this thing?" And the other screams and says, "A talking fish?!"


rock attempt disgusted shelter fly obtainable quiet cagey zealous murky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Now I’m concerned my wife has 3 fish tanks… 👀👀


What’s her onlyfans? I kid of course Unless…..


Speaking of OF, saw a notice for a female cop who made a traffic stop. Approaches the car, and the guy says, "I know you from Only Fans, I've seen your (private parts)..."


Lmfao fresh or salt?


As a lesbian... ??? Maybe Aquarium = fish = gay?


Like a gay fish? A “mother fuckin’ gay fish”


Sometimes aquariams have frogs and THEYVE BEEN MAKING THE FREAKING FROGS GAY.




You know, "Inside the Aquarium"? She's a GRU agent. Stop this conversation right now!


Join the army. Plenty of cute girls to date there. Source: am girl, dated many girls in Army


The fucking sounds from the female barracks in AIT.. can't unhear that shit.


Im sure you saved it to the spank bank highspeef


OP, Don’t do this…


Lmao wish I could. I tried to join via JROTC in high school, but the recruiter basically laughed me away from the table since I’m legally blind without my glasses and have some chronic health issues


Oh damn, how great would it be if she met you on this platform and it was just meant to be. Amazing “how I met your _____” story.


I only date women who get pussy so… I kid I kid. I feel bad for OP. Romance scams are rough.


That's when the scammer would ask you for money to cover the plane ticket home


I've seen chick's with beards. Don't make that assumption you'll never grow one!


If the army wanted you to have a girlfriend, they'd issue you one


Volunteer at your nearest aquarium! Lots of cute sea lion trainers!


Wait what is it about sea lions that makes lesbians congregate there? I don’t distrust your gay credentials (cav and all), I’m just curious is all.


Theres like 3 different divisions listed in this thing


Buddy, I have some bad news. It’s difficult to catalogue the full number of things wrong with this, but let’s start with the fact that Luhansk, Ukraine has been under separatist control since 2014, and full Russian annexation for over a year. Thus, it is a poor location for a made up deployment of a logistics battalion from Georgia. It’s all bad, don’t send “her” money.


Damnit, I just want a cute girlfriend. Thanks for your help


I'll be your cute girlfriend OP, don't worry.


Lmao perfect!


Join the army and go cav and you'll have tons of battle buddies where if you close your eyes, they'll be your cute girlfriend


Lmfao I tried to join the army in high school via JROTC, but the recruiter told me that because I’m legally blind without my glasses and have multiple health issues, that I was ineligible to join


Also, I’m legally blind and got in the army. Never too late to try again, almost everything is waiverable


In worse news, all command sponsorships must be signed by “notable commanders” don’t try and slip a non-notable one past the people at DEERS.


The only thing that’s not fake about this is the dick the sender has.


It’s probs a microdick too


It’s just a big clit.


Loving all of the different fonts. This is hilariously bad


*screeches in AR 25-50*


Its written IAW AR 420-69


I was the hq nco in my troop for the last bit of my contract, regularly had to type things on unit letterheads for the commander to sign, man the amount of errors on this thing was the first think I noticed. No way that would have even made it to their level to sign. Woulda been kicked back faster than I could put it in tops door


Feel free to show it to your higher ups for a laugh


Damn, that sucks. Thanks y’all for the help. Stupid scammers


There’s so many things wrong with this “letter”, 32nd infantry division, USAFRICOM but going to Ukraine, the font that doesn’t match up to anything, the “U.S. Army” watermarks and so many more. These scammers are wild


Damn scammers. Being a civilian, I wouldn’t have known. Thanks for the help


I’ll give you mad props for being smart and ask the question here. Good luck and keep us posted.


Thanks! I do my best to listen to my gut when something feels off, and when I’m on the fence like I was here, I ask. There’s a subreddit for everything, so it’s not super difficult to find answers about something like this


It's on purpose, they want to ensurenit catches the right person. They know they'd be wasting their time with people like OP as they'd check before sending money.


Ssgt…no…not in this army.


The scam here is eventually she’s going to say she is taking that “terminal” leave she so helpfully typed she’s allowed to take, to come see you, however big sad she either can’t afford it, or most likely her bank or card won’t work in the Ukraine, so she wants you to pay for the flight, or send her money for the flight (likely using Amazon gift cards) and she’ll swear she’ll transfer you back 3x the amount of money as soon as her plane lands at the airport near you.


Umm, yah, "under cover" and "sustainment" are two words you never see together in the same sentence, brother. Just one of 1000s things wrong with this


I enjoy the approximation of people being sent. We got here with about 130. Plus or minus. If we misplace a couple we can blame it on a miscount.


This is a romance scam. I work in financial fraud. They make these things almost laughably dumb and fake because anyone that will fall for something so obvious is an easy victim. The Indian male behind the screen will eventually make you fall in love with a make believe girlfriend. Then he, I mean she, will ask you to wire $1,600. You do it and then it’s another $1,600. Then $5,000. Then $10,000. Then before you know it, you’re stealing your mom’s bank account information and emptying it by sending $89,739.86 to BILAL PATEL, NEW DELHI INDIA, because this cute ass SSG deployed to Ukraine needs money to help pay for a new house in France, where she promised you and her will settle down at.


Gotcha. Thanks a bunch! I’m usually pretty good at spotting scammers, but this one had me on the fence. I’m definitely grateful I listened to my gut and posted here


It happens and it’s terrible. If you ever have a hunch, it’s likely a scam. You were smart enough to ask and see something was off.


This is so fake that it’s almost offensive. Hell, the Army freely publishes guides on how to make correspondence.


This is just sloppy. Had this been real, some pedantic Major would have red-inked the hell out of this before it ever crossed a commander's desk. I mean, they can't even capitalize all the letters in their acronyms? Source: I was a pedantic Major


I just imagine some major furiously going to town on this hating his/her life and that makes this post all the funnier lol


I got TBI reading the memo.


Deployment letters are a thing. That, however, is just comedy.


>Terms and conditions for deployment Haha didn't sign 'em - not going. Check mate.


Fake af.


This is hysterical. All that work to get to the one line that provides the cover for why they can't get on the phone.


why in the hell does ukraine fall under Africom? lol


Fun game though. Count all the errors. I'm at 35. Anybody else spot more?


I counted into the low 40’s but I’m getting really tickytack 42A on it and counting shit that is there, stuff not being there, citing unusual regulation, not using correct terminology, header is all fucked, how many fonts are being used rapid fire, office symbol, signature block, signature authority and office not matching… it’s just a sensory overload of errors on top each other weaving in and out


>it’s just a sensory overload of errors on top each other weaving in and out That's what was throwing me off too. How many errors do I assign to the fact that she's in Luhansk? 1) There would be no memo acknowledging such a thing 2) She wouldn't be at a base. 3) No NATO troop is on orders in Ukraine 4) Luhansk is under Russian control so she REALLY wouldn't be there right now. 5) Prior to the war, it was under separatist control so there is no US base that was there previously. Etc.


How hard is it to use the name of someone who has actually been SECDEF?


Army orders are not extravagant and in color so this is fake af.


No one in the Army prints in color.


Better go check out r/scams this is a pretty typical one.


Are deployment tasking letters a thing? Yes Is this one? No


***dies in AR 25-50***


I guess AFRICOM is Usafricom now, and somehow encompasses Ukraine


Deployment letters are a thing. Ive had to get them in the past to pause cellphone/ internet bills while gone. Also helped me get a warrant wiped off my record when my car was stolen while deployed and they evaded police. But that letter looks fake as hell.


This looks like it was written by either a scammer from a third world country or a 2LT fresh out of OCS and slotted in BN S-3.




It's like some weird uncanny valley shit. Certain parts of the memo could be viewed as correct but in its entirety its horrifically wrong. Like someone watched an old World War 2 movie, saw this in the background and doubled down.


To help prevent this sort of thing from happening again, here’s what you do; Google the division, battalion, and whatever unit. Whenever you see a name with a rank, Google it. However, lower ranks don’t always pop up in Google. Google named whenever there’s a title like secretary of defense or general so-and-so. Google locations to see if any US troops are at those locations. Remember, Google is your friend. Once you learn it’s a scam, turn the tables and scam the scammer. 😈


Faker then 90% of Hollywood women. Defense secretary is Lloyd Austin General Trent???? As a CO? Hell no. Nobody is even popping up with that name by doing a quick google search besides some IT specialist. UNDERCOVER SOLDIERS. Lmao come onnn this is as good as them REDACTED memes. Sorry my man its a scammer. A real deployment order will look very obvious, looks just like your MEPS orders. Just a hell lot more info, time periods, benefits available etc etc. Plus why does it say Ssgt, never seen just one capital letter. Always the whole thing SSGT/SSG


Ssgt. Yikes. Scam. Sorry friend.


Undercover operations don't normally have deployment orders with exact operations information on them. This is 100% fraudulent, there's real orders that are sent out for tax/pay purposes and this isn't one of them.


The regs it cites are Air Force Instruction (AFI)… and the Ssgt… but is an army unit, lol


This is so bad I’m saving and printing this to show my Major in my shop to watch him start twitching in anger. You just made my next day back to work amazing OP. Sorry for the loss of your fake GF but thank you for the lols.


An Africom base in Ukraine? How kinky.


That's a lot of different fonts for an official memo


There are Russians soldiers and Ukrainian soldiers in Luhansk. There are no U.S. soldiers there. She’s fake, sorry. So is this letter. It’s a scam.


Not only is this fake, this is a really bad low effort fake. 1. The font. Omfg the font. There are like at least 5 different fonts in there. 2. You get deployment orders, not a “deployment letter” or whatever the fuck this is trying to masquerade itself as. 3. “I hereby approve the approve the deployment of…” lol, lmao. Lol 4. Look on a map of Ukraine. Here: https://liveuamap.com/en/2023/6-october-one-more-body-extracted-from-the-rubble-of-building Luhansk is far behind Russian controlled lines. Luhansk has basically been under Russian control since 2014. Do you think the US would have a base there? 5. USAFRICOM is capitalized. Ukraine falls under US EUCOM. This is just lazy. 6. The 87th CSSB is actually a real unit, only they didn’t get its fucking name right. Bro if sustainment BN soldiers are ever going “undercover” anywhere… lol, lmao, lol. 7. I think they meant “Secretary of Defense” instead of “Defense Secretary” whatever that is. SECDEF is Lloyd Austin, not “Michael S Greco”, who apparently was president of the American Bar Association. Again, this is just lazy and has me questioning their competence to not even get this right. Like, they aren’t even scamming goodly. 8. There isn’t a General “Justin P. Trent” nor has there ever been. 9. LTC Joseph McCarthy? The former US Senator from Wisconsin who was responsible for the Red Scare witch hunts in the 50s? Lmao


Coming from 87TH DSSB, 3DSB That whole paper a scam😂 I was S1


Well now I wanna know how to become an “undercover Soldier” in a DSSB 🤩


Army veteran that was Admin: Supperrrrr fake. I don't even know what tf this is, but orders don't look like this. I've never suggested this in my life... but ghost thus person. No closer. No conversation. No nothin. So sorry hun. You'll find someone. 🤞🏿


That hopeful positivity at the end of your message...👍


Ain’t no SSG from the 32nd infantry in Luhansk. 32nd Infantry division doesn’t not currently exist. Also I think Luhansk is under Russian control. 😂 Maybe you’re getting honey potted,bro?


Lol, this is pretty funny, super fake


She's not real at all


I can only equate the seriousness of this letter to [the Afghan jumping jacks video](https://youtu.be/Y8LSnuGTO5w?si=jUaM71AW_0jF2n-_)


I can't get over this fake ass letter. Staff Sergeant in the Army is abbreviated SSG, not Ssgt, which is an Air Force abbreviation. Just Google the basics about this information. Firsrly the people. Most Generals have wikipedia articles or news articles published about them. And hell, the Secretary of Defense for sure does, and you'll find that it's not whatever fake ass name that is. Google the division. You'll see that that's fake. "Undercover soldiers"? LOL. If you were going to send people undercover, would you publish a letter and send it out to people? We have a small number of personnel in Ukraine that work with the defense attaché and maybe some special forces. https://americanmilitarynews.com/2023/04/us-troops-deployed-in-ukraine-biden-spokesperson-confirms/ As someone else said, that area of Ukraine is currently occupied by Russia. The weird US Army watermarks. The font changes. It's just all kinds of fucked up.


Luhansk region in Ukraine is almost completely under Russian control. Not the Best spot for a U.S. Africa Command base


That’s where the underground bio lab is that they release the anti-Slavic biogeese from.


First thing that gave it away is deployment orders don’t have any graphics. It’s just a plain typed letter. Also US Army abbreviates Staff Sergeant as SSG not Ssgt that’s an Air Force abbreviation. AFRICOM not Usafricom. So many things wrong lol


This is faker that my wife telling me my size is the biggest she ever had....


1. That short hand for Staff Sergeant is a version I've only ever seen used by the marines. In the army that rank would be shortened to SSG. 2. I've never received orders that look that nice, nor are they ever written so formally. They're just a sheet of printer paper with a bunch of misc info on it followed by the blandest possible written form detailing generally where you'll go and what operation it'll be a part of. 3. To my knowledge, there are no US soldiers in Ukraine. If there were, it would be huge news. I think I would have heard of that. 4. Even if there were US Soldiers in Ukraine, I really doubt that they would fall under the jurisdiction of AFRICOM, whose main sphere of operation is Africa. Now, I'll be the first to admit that geography isn't one of my strong suits, but I'm pretty sure Ukraine isn't in Africa. Seems like bullshit to me OP.


Heres what I see wrong, there’s probably more - “Office of the Assistant Secretary of the US Army” there shouldnt be a US there. - The 32ND Infantry Division isn’t around - “DTM 16-00” doesnt exist - Secretary of Defense would be capitalized - “Reserved and guard airmen/Undercover agent” is just so weirdly written, has random capitalization and is just bad - Staff Sergeant is abbreviated as SSG, not Ssgt. That’s the Marines - The Paragraph that starts with “- January 7th” is full of grammatical errors. On that note, Terminal leave for a deployment? - Usafricom isnt correct. It’s AFRICOM or USAFRICOM. All capitals. Also why would AFRICOM go to Europe? - Im fairly certain we wouldnt have a document about “Undercover agent on active duty” giving out where they are deployed, nor would we say we have a large amounts if forces in Ukraine - “have been emailed and shall be ready for this deployment” This made me laugh. “What do you mean you arent deployable, we emailed you!” - why would an officer take terminal leave “on the mission” - Also kind of a small thing but this “person” is supposably a SSG, but it constantly talks about “Deployed Officers” - There has never been a SecDef named Michael S Greco, and the signature block would read “Secretary of Defense”, as that is the title - “Commanding Officer” and “Notable Commander” are both just terrible It’s a scam


How about the fact that Staff Sergeants are enlisted and not officers? A little part of me feels as if a scammer is going to use this post and people like us to refine their handiwork.


Op fake yall pretty sure hes not American and most likely the scammer trying to test how to fix his scam letter




🤷‍♂️ I just got told, “get on the plane”


Dude, this is full of fuckups. This hurts my eyes


The admin would love to pick apart this letter. The human in me just wants to apologize that there are people around that try to take advantage like this.


If there's a member of the US Army in Luhansk, they're sure as shit now telling people off match about it.


No one would put blue in the header, 32nd infantry doesn’t exist anymore, improper address format, improper date format, made up Refrence number format, no office symbol, no subject line, no SSN or DoDID, letter says “deployment of officers” then says rank of Ssgt which is an enlisted rank, Ssgt is not an army rank abbreviation, Ssgt should be SSgt. If it was airforce, 32nd IN was Army/ address is Army, rank is incorrect airforce, using dashes and dots instead of numbers or letters, no POC line, Worst fake is three wet signatures from a general and the “defense secretary” there is no defense secretary. It’s the secretary of defense, also why is he signing it but not the secretary of the army. Also why are they signing the document of a Staff Sergeant? Also the secretary of defense is Lloyd Austin, very easy thing to look up. Google doesn’t have a Michael Greco in a us military secretary position. This document is 100% fake and the person that made it is not even in the military. They made a lot of errors. You are being catfished probably from someone in Africa, Russia, India or China. Do not send them money, I would block them immediately. Also if you already sent them money it’s gone, go to r/scams, this is a common one. Also do not fall for recovery scammers, they can not get your money back, they are the same organization and will just take more money from you. Lesson learned, don’t talk to strangers on the internet.


Africom is Africa Command. Ukraine isn’t in Africa. Do you think that the DOD actually puts “we’re sending you undercover” in a letter?


This is so bad and so funny that I'm sad you only have one of these to share. Who even is Michael Greco? I mean you can't even bother to Google who the SECDEF is? It takes less than 10 seconds!


Yes but not like this. This is comically bad.


Those don’t even look like orders….LOL. It’s fake….like really fake.


See, I was thinking "this is fake!" ...until I saw the "Military Telecommunications Department" (MTD), to which i immediately thought, "Oh! A ridiculous acronym. Must be legit".


What?!?!?! Not signed by MAJ Donald D. Duckler Assistant Adjutant He signed a lot of my field expedient requests, along with LTC Michael M. Maus, Logistics Chief.


wasn't Duckler navy, tho?


About as real as a fort hood dfac


See if “she” can send you a titty pic before you block “her”


Since there is no 32nd Infantry Division, this is probably bogus.


She's scamming bro


She's my soldier, I can vouch for her. There was a mix up at Dental. /s


I am a civilian and have no idea if deployment letters are a real thing (or about most of the other terminology for that matter), but I can tell you with 100% certainty that this is fake. There is no US (or any other NATO) military in the warzone that is Donbas. I assume she either wants to scam you, or spread Russian propaganda claiming that US/NATO are fighting in the war against Russia, or both.


There is nothing about this memo that looks real. Soldiers not capitalized. No official letterhead. Numerous grammatical and spelling errors, however, are spot on for Army correspondence.


I love these. Responsive brutality is warranted. A legitimate organization would know how to dodge the weapons. They usually don't. Approved.


Super fake. This letter violates AR 25-50 in roughly 30 different ways. Red flags - garbage letterhead - numerous issues - garbage signature blocks - numerous issues - riddled with passive voice - paragraph indents and spacing - numerous issues - incorrect seals and seal location. If I have the time I'll post a much more convincing fake.


Congrats, OP! You're [famous.](https://www.militarytimes.com/off-duty/military-culture/2023/10/06/dating-app-user-sends-hilarious-fake-deployment-letters-to-spam-match/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=fb_mt&fbclid=IwAR1xT_-86sC5kuyFZnCEDnWt79YX7khLpv_373z7kgjaY8HhS6gQCBwEJZc) As pretty much everyone else has said, this is definitely a fake...and not even a good one. Sorry you were getting played, but it's obviously better to find these things out before rather than after.


Omfg this just made my day 😂😂😂 thank you 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


There is so much wrong here but what's really sad is the first thing that jumped out at me is the atrocious formatting.


To be completely fair, as fake as this is ya kinda have to respect how much went into it?? Like yeah we know it’s absolutely bullshit but this could definitely seem 100% legit to a civ. So….good on her I guess??


Deployment orders are, and these are not orders. All orders, either for awards, reassignment or even for deployment are in times New Roman font. Not to mention "I emailed 3rd brigade" is like a note to self not an order lmao.


I had an E4 who was FTR give me a very similar letter to this. Said he wouldn’t be at work for a while because of a secret deployment. I thought he was out of his mind but I guess he wasn’t. Go get that girl she’s serving her country harder than any of us.


Story time.


Totally legit. Even the SECDEF signed it.


Hope you didn't send him any money guy


Fake brother. Make sure to reverse look up all photos!!! Saves a lot of heart ache!!!!


This has got to be bait, right?


The Army does not use such fonts and coloration in the letterhead either. It would all be the same font


rank is wrong.


Fake as hell


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Man, I know everyone’s already told you what you were looking for. It’s just kinda like a cartoon version of an army document. The switching between fonts! 🤣 I can count like 9 different fonts cut in all over the place.


I’m a notable commander too. But last I checked, Lloyd Austin is SecDef.


Just upvoting because this letter gave me a good chuckle. Dip outta there, mane! 🤣🤣🤣


This is the most bootlegged jimmyrigged shit I’ve ever seen in my life, you’re in love with a 30something year old man in Calcutta


About 130? There's no abouts. There's an exact count. And they dont notify people of deployments via email. Just my nitpick as everyone else has done a great job at picking the rest apart.


Hit up the scammer and say you need money for your family’s sick dairy cow. Uno reverse it for the lolz


I like that Ukraine is a part of AFRICOM now 😂


Cut all communications, report the account, and move on.


Consider browsing r/Scams for future help if it isn’t military related. Best of luck on your search for cuties!


Ukraine is now part of Africom and we have officially committed troops to Ukraine so shit is about to get real. Also, SECDEF Greco? sends his best regards?


For all the crazy red flags on this piece of paper, my favorite it the Ukraine station. Silly rabbit, even if true that would never be in writing.


WTF is this….whoever made it didn’t even try. Orders look nothing like this, and I’m not even going to waste my time pointing out all the other issues here…


"About 130 undercover soldiers" theres multiple points in this one sentence alone that gives it away entirely


Fake as fuck bro.


It would be NATIONAL NEWS if American service members were in Ukraine. Updates daily. All the networks, alternative outlets, etc. Anchors reporting “live via satellite”, etc. While American continue to serve in Europe (Poland, Germany, Italy, and exercise in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, etc there are no Regular Military members in Ukraine. it took less than a minute to confirm the 32d Inf Div is not an active or reserve component unit. Retired by the Army in 1967. Too good to be true? Usually is.


Very fake. Luhansk has been under Russian occupation since 2014 so I doubt there's US troops stationed there, and it's in Europe, not Africa. DOD seal is an outdated one from 2001, it was redesigned last year.


Brrrrrrother 💀 what the figgity *FUCK* is that verbiage. I could make a better counterfeit than that with a broken crayon. I mean, what in the literal rat shit is “Usafricom.” Its AFRICOM. And “reserved and guard airmen” would be Reserve, Guard, and Air National Guard. And the *FONT CHANGE* alllllll over the document. She is apparently a staff sergeant in the ARMY? We abbreviate that SSG. This document says Ssgt. But then, it proceeds to say officers at the lower portion. All of the capitalizations, vocabulary, and punctuation for this ish is atrociously wrong. You’ve been catfished bud. Set that whole house on fire and let the spider burn.


OP’s scammer is taking furious notes to improve their product.


Faker than Kardashian ass cheeks.


LOL {insert wtf.gif} uNDeRcOVer soldiers :D


Too many fonts and colors Date is are up..fake all day long.


What in the TEMU letter is this ? 🤣


There's a lot wrong with this, I don't even know where to start.




this is the most fake thing i’ve ever seen




I do admire the effort this took.


AR 25-whatever. Fake fake fake.


Al right Ladies (and Cav Scouts) we need to hook this civvie up with a hot Army girl (or Cav Scout). Who’s volunteering?


Fake as fuck