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Why would you not talk to them? They get paid by the company not you.


They get kinda shady about "committing to the process" when you start talking to them. It wasn't an official contract, but I remember having to do a pledge that said I'd participate in their workshops and conferences (and nobody else's) before they'd work with me


Just shop them then. Exclusivity makes sense for their business model, but who cares.


In hindsight you're not wrong. But it's shady behavior like OP suspected


I found two good jobs with JMO recruiters. Lucas Group and Orion. Worked just fine for me.


You used both? I heard that they will drop from their program if they find out you are working with another recruiter


I used one, got a job. Left that job, used a different one.


Did your reason for leaving the first job have anything to do with the recruiter you used?






It’s in my comment.


Remember that YOU’RE the product. They’re paid to fill a specific slot, not to make sure your spouse is ok with you taking a job in Des Moines at a John Deere factory to supervise Iowans.


That's funny. When I was working with one, one of my options was a chicken farm in Merced.


Ope now whats wrong with iowans huh?


As someone from a town of 500 in MN. Absolutely nothing But I’ll never consider moving back after living somewhere where a Casey’s and a Dairy Queen aren’t the sole food choices in town.


If by JMO you mean “jerk me off” recruiters, I assure you they are legit and they will let you jerk them off.


Oh damn I thought they were going to jerk ME off. Thanks for the warning


I made that mistake. Long story short, both hands were busy for a few minutes.


I got a great job that 2.5 years later I still love.


Which JMO recruiter did you use?


I used Lucas Group. They’ve since been bought out and fall under the umbrella of a larger company. I’ll see if I can find the name of the company. 


I think they got bought by Korn Ferry. I'm curious if they are still good because I have heard good things about Lucas Group


That’s the one! 


I went through Cameron Brooks a few years ago. I have mixed feelings about the experience because: 1. I saw people (with impressive functional area backgrounds) get selected for some pretty impressive companies after interviewing at a JMO conference. I don't really know anything about what happened to them long term, but they definitely ended up in a good position to start a civilian career 2. I ended up at a manufacturing job, typical "fuck it, it's something" experience for me personally. Those were basically the only interviews that I had in the first place so the options weren't all that great to begin with. I worked my ass off to get out of that role and into another corporate job at the same company which has turned out really well. I wish like hell that I had landed an opportunity like that right out of the Army instead of spending two years in a factory first. Just remember that they're not working for you, they're working for their customers. They couldn't care less where you end up just as long as you take an offer *somewhere.* If you understand that, and you don't really have any prospects on your own, and you don't plan on going back to school,... *"fuck it, it's something".* At the very least the good ones do have a decent placement rate.


Thanks- appreciate the insight.


If you’re flexible on locations it’s solid. If you’re targeting specific companies or cities, network instead. Referrals are your best shot. Online applications, at least in my work, are worthless.


I used Cameron Brooks until I didn’t, but first: Are you going to get the job you want because of your degree, and you have some army experience. or Are you going to get the job you want because of your army experience, and you have a degree. For me, there came a point where I realized that the opportunities available through Cameron Brooks were not as good – for me - as the opportunities I could find leaning into my degree, in my field, and utilizing the existing network my school had (B1G university, nationally ranked program). I get that’s not the case for everybody, and I’m not trying to put anyone else down. The jobs that were offered were mostly related to medical equipment sales, lots of entry level manufacturing supervision, even one that was managing contracts for shopping carts across the midwest. Many of them were salary + bonuses and very tied to geography (sales territories or some defined region you would spend X years in before being able to move). For me, the geography thing was a deal killer. I was ETSing from a shit hole (which was a big part of why I sought out a recruiter) and didn’t want to go somewhere I would be equally unhappy. The people who were motivated by these jobs tended to be from an academy (USMA, VMI, Norwich), didn’t have a strong degree (LAS or a bachelors that would need a masters to get a job in the field), or their goal was to make as much money as they could as soon as they could after ETS. Note that I said “motivated” not “excited”. They’re motivated to continue the process and buy in to the system. You may not like these opportunities, but they are in many ways the best opportunities you’re going to have to transition into the civilian world. I get that and don’t fault anyone for feeling that way. I know the Cameron Brooks mafia is going to come out of the woodwork about how I wasn’t committed or had unrealistic expectations or bitter that I didn’t get the job I wanted blah blah blah. And well, not really? I was in a position where I had other options – or at least the potential for other options and that’s kryptonite to them. They’re going to scream and yell about how if you walk away you’ll never get a job in X field, and maybe that’s true but if I didn’t want to be in medical equipment sales in Maine I’m OK with that I guess?


It really depends. They specialize in certain roles and if you personally are too constrained by location/role they won't be much help. I was specifically looking for a chemical engineering role and they (Lucas group) did not help much. They got me on the phone with a company that seemed fine, but they didn't even have a position open, so it was just kinda a networking thing. That said, I know a lot of guys that used them and landed decent entry level roles. Manufacturing supervisors, program managers, distribution managers etc...


Did Cameron Brooks, got a great job, 3 years later have been promoted, the company is great. No regrets.


Many of my friends got good starting jobs through them. I didn't want to move to any of the cities they were recruiting into.


I got a job through Cameron Brooks after I got out, they were great.


Cool, glad to hear. Would you mind sharing how the process went?


They're fine if you're open to go whatever and do whatever, but if you're geographically constrained or want a particular job, they might not be for you. Like others have said, they work for the company looking to fill a role, not for you, so they're not really going out of their way to find what you personally want.