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I’d say don’t ship. In order to get a band slot, you have to reach out to an Army Band Liason (search army bands on Google), win an audition, be told that you have been selected and that there is a spot for you. If you ship to basic/AIT, eventually you can do an MOS change, but you’ll have to go through band AIT when you transfer. Not worth the trouble imo.


Pm me if you like, I am currently in Army bands.


And what if he doesn’t get selected? Band is not an easy process that just because you play an instrument you’ll get selected, I’m sure you know that. Have had experienced musicians not get selected.


Yeah so what. The guy wants to play. Don’t set him up for a year that he’s gonna hate. Set him up for a career that he’ll love.


It’s no guarantee that he will get selected or even if he plays an instrument in need. I’m all for going for what you want to do but, be realistic.


Roger that. He’s in music school. Army bands desperately need new e4’s. He’s also a 9M, and we need those too.


Idk, but I know a girl who didn’t do band until senior in high school and is in the army band now as trumpet player I think and she’s really successful now.


I’ve had a few band applicants most recently one auditioned for Special band in DC was runner up. Only one I’ve had get selected was a sound engineer. It ain’t easy but it may be complicated a little now since you’ve dep’d in already.


First, if you aren’t happy with your job and you haven’t shipped yet, your only option is to request a reno (renegotiation) of your contract. This won’t go over well with your recruiter, especially if you’re close to your ship date, but it’s your career. Secondly, you can’t just enlist into the band. It’s very competitive and requires several auditions in order to be considered. Thirdly, you will not be able to reclass immediately after AIT, you will need to fulfill your current contract and then reclass options may become available if you choose to reenlist. However, band is not typically a reclass option. As I mentioned previously you will need to audition and be selected which you may be able to do in your current contract after you get to your first unit.


Former Army Band here. If you haven't gone though the band recruitment process, and you want to change MOS after you're in, you can reclass. There are requirements of course, and you'll have to satisfy whatever time in service requirements your first job has. You'll go through the audition process the same as any Bandsman. Every Army band has a few folks who've reclassed into the band, many who choose to do it as a reenlistment option (and you can even serve with the band at your current post while you wait for your AIT slot). You'll attend musician AIT in Virginia as a reclass, and once you pass that you're in the new MOS.


What MOS did you pick?


91 Delta , tactical power generator specialist


I guess we all got someone for somethin.


Damn , hate to tell you but more than likely if you want to reclass you’ll just be reclasses to needs of the army … (cook, tanker, supply)


I had a buddy from high school who wanted to join the army band but ended up enlisting as an HR specialist. After about a year he tried out for the band and got accepted, I think he plays the clarinet. I didn’t even know he joined until I bumped into him at the 24/7 shopette on Hood. Small world.


Whatever you do, don't ship out under the assumption that you'll be able to change your MOS once you're in. Recruiters love to lie about this one and tell you that you can change your MOS after basic and AIT with a DA Form 4187. While that is technically true (that is the form), in practice it is FAR more difficult than they'll make it out to be, and it's most often impossible unless you are able to get it in a reenlistment contract. You can count on holding the MOS you are contracted for until that contract is up. That being said, you're also not going to get into the band unless you're already really talented and experienced. You have to audition for it, and it's super competitive, so I wouldn't hang my hat on it. If I can offer one piece of advice, pick an MOS that is interesting and offers experience and marketable skills outside of the military. I chose an MOS with no civilian equivalent (11C) and have regretted it ever since.


As long as you haven’t sworn in yet, you don’t have to ship, don’t ship and get what you want


This 💯


That’s the problem, I did the swear thing at Meps


Did you swear in at MEPS after your physical? Did you join the Delayed Entry Program? That's kinda like you're promising to join. You swear in again when you ship out and that's the real one. If you're in the DEP, you can simply tell your recruiter you changed your mind and he's SOL. I don't recommend that route without trying other options though, because that's being a dick and you signed a contract. Start by asking to go band and explore what you said here. They SHOULD be willing to work with you if you are firm. Until you've shipped, you still have the leverage. I have years of MEPS experience. DM if you have any questions.


Reach out to the band liaison, they can work with the local recruiters and might be able to help delay until they determine if you’re accepted into the bands or not. They’re recruiters too. My enlistment bonus originally wasn’t in my contract and the band liaison had it fixed almost immediately.




Yeah, my recruiter didn’t tell me that I can’t do band and other works as well, but maybe it’s also my fault for not asking? So I didn’t know and always hesitate to ask because already sworn and I heard that my recruiter won’t be happy if I wanna change MOS especially since I’m close to shipping now in like 3 weeks




Yeah ☹️