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Well, you’re kinda joining a group of degenerates. So, whatever headspace you might be in rn, you’ll fit right in.


Lol 😂


All I can add is don’t be expecting to buy a house unless your married.


I honestly want to be single all throughout my army career.. most men have just been distracting and harmful within my life and would much rather try dating once I’m more set up in life


Yes you get the VA loan, all I can add for this is if you wait for things to be perfect in life your going to miss out on everything. Dating sucks, but you don’t have to date military members, as a guy it’s really hard to date near or around base, I have to go 50 plus miles becouse no one trusts males.


It’s just not on my mind lol I’m not worried about a man … I just don’t know why you’re saying I won’t get a house unless I’m married lol I thought you were saying that had to be a must in order to use it. If it happens it happens .. just saying my main focus is making my life better ya know


You won’t be able to qualify for the VA loan unless you have dual income, and your required to have a barracks room as lower enlisted. Unless married.




Well I’ll pray that I’ll find a great partner so that we can cash in on the VA loan lol


You have to maintain a barracks room, and you don't get bah. But that doesn't mean you can't live somewhere else if you can figure out the money.


Yes and no. You are eligible for a VA loan, but the amount you can borrow / get approved for is still based on your income and ability to pay that back. You don't need to be married, but being married does (typically) increase your household income if you are both working. More than likley you will not buy a home in your first 5-10 years in the army- especially if you are single because 1) you are not eligible to live off base for the first few years depending on your rank and location, and 2) you just don't make enough money. If you look at the cost of homes right now, even though the VA will let you do 0% down, that means your monthly payment is huge, so you are better off saving, and using your VA entitlement as a veteran after you're out, or later in your career when you csn afford your mortgage.... with or without a husband.


But we get a VA loan don’t we?


Basic sucks. It won’t be the worse thing you’ve ever experienced but it sucks. Full send that shit and keep your head down for 10weeks. Trust me when I say you’re making the best decision for yourself. Believe that, and take it one day at a time. You got this


Thank you


Just try to be a better, stronger version of yourself. That's the point anyway, fake it till you make it. Always remember, someone else has it worse than you.


Like scouts lol


You’ll be fine. IET (your initial training) is basically going to be you playing Army. Pay attention, be in the right place at the right time in the right uniform, don’t fall asleep, don’t bang anyone. That’s literally all anyone needs to do to be successful. It’s so easy (yet people still find ways to fuck it up). Your DS are going to yell at you but don’t take it personally. Remember, they have to get a ton of people each cycle through training and some of these people you’ll be training with are the lowest of the low and need to get that type of motivation to do the bare minimum. Once you are out of BCT and enter AIT, you’ll have more privileges (that people will manage to fuck up and have stripped from everyone). Just learn your job and get damn good at it. After that, go to your unit and settle in. Do the best at your job and stick with it. Pick up any opportunity to learn. You have a pretty cushy gig and you’ll learn some valuable skills from it. Look at it this way, how often do people go out of their way to leave raving reviews about a place? Most people use review sites as a sounding board to talk about how upset they are. You always hear about what *can* happen to you, but in reality, you are more than likely to have a pretty trouble free enlistment. Also, many people who constantly talk about how their leadership failed them refuse to take a look in the mirror - not trying to downplay people’s negative experiences but at the same time, I saw a ton of guys who felt their leadership was always out to get them. Pretty much every single one of them was shitbagging (hell, one was constantly getting busted down for pretty serious stuff, but refused to accept responsibility for his actions). Just breathe in, breathe out, take it one meal at a time. You’ll be fine.


Don't be scared.. just think about the Army as another relationship.. you'll get to enjoy it at first but then as time grows you'll learn to hate it.. but when you're gone you'll learn to miss it


As long as you're prepared to leave and possibly never return, what else could scare you


Hear me out sis, I have no better option left in life to do so I chose army I too have college plans I pick a job and signed a 3 year contract, I’m physical ready (I’m skinny but a couch potato) all my recruiter said is just prepare yourself mentally, and also if you’re not so solid in thoughts of joining just don’t waste your recruiter time.


I just don’t wanna go in and end up super depressed. I’ve been hyped and happy about it for the most part and now it’s real. I also have no other options in life really


Then you've got nothing to lose.


Very true


Even I don’t have any options I’m leaving to basic on July 1, just make a friend I guess


good luck! you'll do great don't let reception distort your opinion on basic training or the military, it sucks but basic is NOTHING like that hellhole lmao. It gets easier! Have fun


Thanks. Good luck to you and hopefully things go well with you


It's gonna suck but you will look back and be glad you did it because it will move your life in the right direction.


Also a skinny couch potato


>. I’ve heard about people trying to kill themselves in BT , losing their minds and getting hurt by leadership plus way more horrible shit. That happens in every career field. Some people just don't handle stress well. There are resources though.


The Army made me a much better person, work ethic wise and so on. I’m out now, and I miss it constantly. But it comes with its bullshit. I know you’re not liking negativity rn, but that’s life girl… this is something you need to hear. As a young girl that seems relatively niave (no offense, I’m 25 but I was the same at 22). Please be careful with who you associate yourself with. Do not let yourself be taken advantage of. Ultimately, you will be okay. Basic will be a fun memory in hindsight, and you will make amazing friendships. Good luck :)


This is real not negative in my eyes. Thank you for the advice.


Do it send it


Basic training is only a couple months long. It’s not that big of a deal. People do it all the time. Everyone feels depressed in basic and boot camp.


You’ll be aight. Just stay level headed and do what you’re told.


Do it. I did it and it was all the emotions you feel. I joined as a male with wife and kids. I knew what to expect and I also didn’t know what to expect. I don’t regret it. In fact I always think about how grateful I am that my family is safe. You are doing it for the right reasons so whenever you are down think of the reasons you joined. It is scary for a huge life changing decision but you come out feeling accomplished and proud. And when you graduate, just know the work is not done. There are plenty of opportunities and resources in the army that soldiers don’t take advantage of or are too tough to use. Use them!


>I joined as a male And now?


You get out what you put in. Basic is ten weeks of bullshit and suffering, but you'll make some lifelong friends when you embrace the suck together. It will be hard to believe when you're there, but the DSes by and large want to see you succeed. You're going to get smoked over dumb shit. You're going to get smoked over shit you had nothing to do with. This is because sometimes there isn't any training scheduled to fill the time, and idle hands are the devil's playground, and they've got ten weeks to turn you from lazy soft civilians to relatively lean, fit Soldiers. Just play the game, keep your head down, and keep moving forward. The fastest way is through.