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I absolutely love reading romantic stories, especially lgbt romance stories, I kick my feet and get all giddy over how cute it all is. I just never experience those feelings toward actual people. I have forced myself into long term relationships for the past 12 years or so, and I always feel trapped and unhappy.


My ao3 history is SWEATING lmao But no, I 100% understand what you mean. I get butterflies and want to scream about how cute romance scenes are in books/fanfics/movies/tv. I love the *idea* of romance, I just don't feel it for others. I actually feel physically ill when people express interest in me, but I love watching people be in love with one another.


yeah same, this. not physically ill when someone expressed interest in me, but just completely indifferent. Fictional romance? Awww lets go, so glad for the pixels or words on the screen and love reading or writing about it; but anything irl? Naaah I'm good.


I've never gotten butterflies in my stomach.


Personally, spiders don't taste any better


Watch your mouth! (friendly reminder to not swallow them on purpose cuz they are super cool and lovely creatures)


Ants taste much better imo


So the thing with romance in media is that it’s usually fancy and well-put together and that’s *extremely* uninteresting to me. But I do get butterflies from fictional stories where both parties are awkward and nervous, or when they both think the other party hates them. Otherwise I like when one of them makes a throwback to one of their first interactions (which I would love in real life even from a friend or squish).


I think one of the main reasons i became romance repulsed is bc my mom would force me to watch those romantic christmas movies where mr. perfect and ms. perfect overcome some challenge with the magic of christmas or something and she used the excuse that it was to "learn how real people behave"


sounds like ageoromantic attraction. i dont get butterflies but sometimes my heart beats a little bit weird


honestly depends on my mood and also how it's done. i find romantic subplots in novels and movies irritating and "unrealistic". i feel they detract from the main story and spend most kissing scenes going "when can we get back to the action?" however, this is not the case with romance focused stories. i have a soft spot for shoujo romance manga and find the ones that are written well incredibly sweet. in real life i'm somewhat romance repulsed, PDA disgusts me, and the idea of it happening to me is abhorrent, but fake romance does have the potential to give me butterflies :\] you can definitely be aromantic and still enjoy romance stories, many people enjoy things in fiction or in theory that they do not like in reality. i think cheesecake looks delicious, but find it disgusting to eat, my experience with romance in fiction is similar.


Same all the way. Feels good to meet somebody who I fully shares my perception of these things.


A lot of romantic stories (especially movies bc uh, rushed as hell) are severely lacking these days because pretty much every Alloromantic will forgive poor plot and characters bc romance for the sake of romance is good enough for them


Absolutely do not hahaha


Before I experienced romantic attraction and realized I was demiro, I did! I still do, but I absolutely did have those excited feelings for the other characters. It's why I loved romance as a genre so much. It made me so excited and filled what was missing for me.


I haven't but I still enjoy it.


Yes! I've been a huge fan of paperback romances for *years*. One of my favorite feelings in the world is when I get giddy about characters being sweet with each other. I also get this feeling when I watch Bridgerton lol. You're still aromantic if you enjoy romance as a genre. 💚


nah, no way... you _totally_ won't catch my 23-year-old ass squeeing and kicking my feet when the grumpy male lead blushes...... /s


Pretty much never unless its about a ship I really like lol


I got a strange emotions when I read a x reader fic once but instead my nose started hurting. I was only getting stomach aches during more spicy things instead of romantic or anything.


You might be aegoromantic. I'm aego so I relate 100% to what you're experiencing. I really enjoy romance in media, but I have zero interest in irl romance(I'm repulsed even)


My ao3 history is screaming right now. Honestly some people write romance really well and I find it cute. I’ve never really had the *butterflies* before but sometimes at a cute moment I end up smiling a bit cuz it’s adorable. But it’s hard to find stuff like that that doesn’t feel cringy and forced…


BL with smut and angst usually gets my heart thumping for some reason.


I have a question to everybody who experiences this, does it feel like an adrenaline rush, or a stroke?


Yes. Mostly TV shows with established characters I know and care about a lot. Random character in books or movies don’t give me that feeling bc I don’t know them well. I have shipped hardcore. Maybe to fill that missing part of my life. But like someone said above I don’t feel them for myself.


My aegoromantism is screaming at me every time lol. It makes me feel really warm inside I guess? Even so it's like being hungry all day but as soon as food is a actually served to you just aren't hungry anymore. I don't talk about my aegosexuality... https://preview.redd.it/5dni84agqk8d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a71e437fe15368d7e32d0a663bdde664512e7ebf


another aego? one of us? 👀


Sometimes if it’s for specific characters but most of the time I’m either fangirling or cringing


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No. I dont watch romance but from what ive seen from movies and books, i just dont care. I guess i find it humorous


Not at all and I read about 200 romance books a year. Mostly MM. I really like the angsty, 'it's complicated', hurt/comfort type ones that give me a good, cleansing cry. I've only experienced 'butterflies' for real people three times in over 40 years. Nothing for the last 24 years.


I hate reading, so no


No, but I get euphoria when the underdog gets the girl.




I get anxious reading/watching romance. It makes me uncomfortable. Really uncomfortable. The closest i could ever feel to "butterflies in my stomach" is when i hug my best friend and squish, and the ever-present anxiety that's been there since my first panic attack eases and i feel warm inside, and also kind of giddy sometimes


Yes! I love reading romancy (fantasy-romance) or drama-romance! It makes me giggle, kick my feet, gives me the butterflies and whatnot... but I can't really stand "general" romance when that's the main focus. I get uninterested really fast


Occasionally. Or a sense of repulsion. It can go either way. Basically I can’t get enough of connecting with a character being desired, but I’ve never desired anyone in my life. I do want to be desired myself, though, so for me that dynamic is compelling, like a passion that I will never understand. A lot of other romantic stuff is just cringey, though. I usually avoid romantic dramas or comedies because it’s boring. I want a romantic thriller with conflict and layers of competing desires and a unique relationship.