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I love the development of Lance and Oliver’s relationship in season 4


After what happened in season 3 between them, the Evolution in their relationship was quite interesting!


Love the League civil war between Malcolm and Nyssa. Everyone quickly deciding to kill Malcolm while Oliver finds another way to save Thea while not having to murder her father was a great way to showcase the valor, tenacity, and heroism of the character. Seriously underrated part of the season.


You're so right! I always loved this Civil War between two sides of the League and how Oliver interacts with all of this, talking unexepctedly, Malcolm's side!


I loved it! Even Felicity and Diggle were advising him to kill Malcolm, but he refused and found another way. Thought that was brilliant character work.


Loved that too! It was a very precise work, tò make all of us question too, if this was the right thing!


Yeah exactly! Even though S4 is considered the worst (it is), it still has some redeeming qualities.


In a way, Oliver saved Thea twice with that move- once in that episode, and once again when Malcolm sacrificed himself to save Thea on Lian Yu.


Not to mention whenever they were out on the field! In S6 in particular she tries to save Roy but they're about to be overwhelmed by Diaz's men. Oliver pulls her out and even though she's pissed at him, he saved her life.


Darhk was a cool villain. But he was in the wrong show.


Agree. I liked his escalation through the season, but i was way more interesting in legends


Darhk was the single most fascinating character they created. I didn't mind him on Arrow, but seeing his character grow and change in both Legends and Flash was incredible to watch.


I like how he was a little reasonable at times. Like when Oliver saved his family, he gave him a couple weeks before trying to kill him again.


I like Oliver's sleeveless costume


That was a nice touch xD


S4 Sara coming back to go to Legends Oliver & Quentin becoming close Oliver’s sleeveless costume Darhk was good at the start (love him in legends)


Totally agree, especially with the relationship between Oliver and Quentin, and what you said about Darhk!


I’m so glad Darhk got a second chance in legends. Both seasons he was a main character were phenomenal. You could tell from episode 1 of arrow season 4 that he should’ve killed Oliver in seconds


I fully agree with you! I actually never understood the idea of introducing a main villain with mystical powers, whose abilities were so powerfull that could also actually kill someone. Regardless of his skills, Oliver couldn't stand a chance, and it was too much disbalanced. I would've liked to see Darhk, as a former assassin, with his true combat skills and his HIVE or... If It was truly necessary to give him some Powers, make him as a metahuman...


I like Darhk being mystical. I had no problem with that. It was the fact that he was an arrow villain that made no sense. Maybe if he didn’t have his magic at all in the season he could’ve been a good villain, like he was in legends season 2 with no powers (mostly). I see what you’re saying with the have him be a meta thing if they really wanted someone strong though. But any meta with good powers should be able to stomp Oliver too so idk. Darhk would still be a huge threat to Oliver without his powers so I wish they went down that route


Fr, Darhk was actually entertaining as a villain, but everything was disbalanced by his magic. Needless to say that I agree with you even with this. And they should've changed this pattern maybe even for Reiter.


The Reiter flashbacks were the first time I didn’t enjoy the flashbacks. I just watched because they were important to the plot. I don’t really pay attention to them on rewatches. I do agree with you on that though


The only good point I can give tò those flashbacks, is that they are actually a setup for what we see in 5 season flashbacks


Yeah that’s exactly it. They are necessary for plot. Just wish they were more entertaining. But my oh my were the season 5 flashbacks worth the wait


Ras Al Ghul was okay…wait that was my favorite season…I’ll have to get back on that


Interesting point though, I liked Ra's Al Ghul too


S6-7 : The new team members


Yeah, especially René!


Fr, the og team with Diggle and Felicity was golden, even with Red Arrow and thea


I loved Thea as Speedy, she had a great chemistry also as a Hero, with Oliver. Like a true brother-sister bond! Glad they kept it!


Season 4. I loved the sisterly bond between Thea and Laurel, as well as watching Laurel and Diggle bond as friends. Out of everyone on the team, the two of them were the ones most alike.


That was one of the strongest point in the season! Well said!


Hated season 8 but was glad Oliver was back.


I loved season 8, but they overhyped an event like Crisis, that never reached the expectations


Damian Darkh was an entertaining villain.


Season 7A was decent


Oh my God, the prison arc was so entertaining on certain points!


Quentins early season interactions with Darhk


It always left a kind of suspence, every scene with both of them interacting


I really enjoyed the first episode's flashbacks to Oliver's first attempt at vigilante'ing in Coast City. I'm not sure why they completely dropped his desire to be a vigilante in favour of a magic plot on the Island, but it really didn't hit the mark. They even gave the man a haircut and made it virtually impossible for him to get his hair back for Season 5. It was such a promising start, and I appreciated it.


Yeah, the season 4 flashbacks didn't truly hit the Mark, especially for the change of tone. Season 5 luckily resumes the original plotline


Season 6 had an AWESOME music track during the final fight between Oliver and Diaz. It's so good, I still have it on my ipod. Other than that, the entire season was trash.


You and I are the same xD. I didn't loved that much season 6, but oh my God, the final fight between Diaz and Green Arrow with that amazing soundtrack... Gold.


Same, my least favorite was season 4 because of how they handled Laurel. But I did like Sara coming back from the dead and the John Constantine appearance.


I'll never forgive them for what they did to Laurel


Season 4: i like the DC characters "special" appearences, like Constantine, Vixen, The Flash (as usual), Roy Harper, etc. Darhk is a fun character, although i dislike his presence on the show. The Season 4 GA suit and the posters.


Constantine manages to steal the scene in any show he appears, no matter what xD.