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That's cool. However, I don't think the cops would believe that The Hood is a slim short girl.


Thanks mate appreciate the feed back! did consider that, but also remembered how Roy was still almost a head shorter than Oliver and the voice modulators could potentially pull it off, most other cops also hadn’t seen him before either and with Thea being Verdant’s owner it’s be believable for her to be The Arrow, to them anyways


This was so long to read


Ahahah yeh got a bit carried away, hope it was worth it tho!


It’s really good but this seems like it’s more than 2 seasons lol.


Yeh it’s meant to be spread across S3, S4 & S5 with one little add-on to S2


I don't know, I think rewriting Arrow to make Laurel be fitting Black Canary and love interest is just too much work and difference. They just needed to keep Sara as Canary and both problems - love interest with chemistry and kick ass Black Canary would have been solved.


Yeh see where ur coming from, just thought this’d be a better way to honour the comic storyline. Instead of Laurel’s mum being the original Black Canary (Dinah Drake, who they made a random character later), Sara would’ve been the first and her inspiration to take up the mantle. I feel this makes it a great way to bring Oliver and Laurel together too as she has stronger training from Ted and doesn’t just run around swinging a stick like she does in S3. Makes her a stronger character as well as someone who isn’t too much like Oliver and can help keep him grounded whilst also being able to relate to the loss and being someone who’s in my opinion more of an anchor rather than Felicity


For me Laurel is just not the comics character regardless of her name. She is just an original character that Arrow writers decided to name Laurel, which is also a sign they don't really see her as Dinah. So in that regards Laurel being Black Canary and with Oliver in the show is not really honoring the comics lore. But in your line of thinking that Black Canary is a legacy then it could have been Laurel who isnpires Sara to be a hero and Canary becomes Black Canary, the way Arrow became Green Arrow but remained in the same man - one woman inspires another but one woman grows and keeps the mantle.   Arrow never intended to follow the comics very tight. We have Malcolm as Dark Archer instead of Thomas, we have Thea Queen as Speedy - another original character and even based on two different comics characters.  We have Chase as Prometheus and not Vigilante. We had Easter eggs with Ivo and Amazo. And so on. So Sara ending as the Black Canary instead of Laurel in the context of the show would have made more sense and still be honoring the comics as Sara is way more like Dinah Lance.


Yes, I've also alway thought the same - Sara was actually Dinah Lance with the personality and abilities while Laurel was an original character that they wanted to develop into Black Canary, but they failed because she lacked the personality. You can teach someone to fight but you can not make them a person they were never written to be.


I’m hooked. Posting to re-read later 


Superior to what we got.


Actually this is very very good as a rewrite, well done! I actually like how you put very well the dots of Laurel becoming metahuman and Tommy 's identity as Prometheus.