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Bro, it's crazy to see the amount of work you've put in it. I've read all of it! I loved the fight scenes against Adam Hunt, the tension, the descriptions and the accuracy with Laurel'a feelings! You truly managed to make me read everything despite i know the episode! Keep it up!!!


Thank you so much!!!


I can't wait to read it.


Thanks, let me know if you'll like it!


This is good. You kept most of the stuff the samse, but changed a couples of things.. interesting to see how you handle the rest of the series.


Thanks! Yeah, I'll be changing a lot of things during the series, but the beginning, Will be mostly the same, but with some differences, like adding scenes on my own that will fit to the story.


You can click here, if you want: [https://m.fanfiction.net/s/14346665/1/The-Arrow-a-dark-undertaking](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/14346665/1/The-Arrow-a-dark-undertaking) (unfortunatly, it doesn't appear on the post, or strangely, I don't see it! :0 )


**In changing these things, here are some of the ideas that God blessed me with:** ***PART 1*** ***SEASON 1:*** Same basically. Small differences though. Wendy White, instead of Felicity, but only as recurring. Same actress can play her. Introduce Roy in him stealing to fuel his addiction. Keep Diggle, Tommy, Moira, Walter, and Quentin. Keep Thea. Her arc does lead her to being more responsible and try to help Roy get past his addiction when they meet. Laurel goes by Dinah. Her story is mostly the same. Oliver isn’t a stone cold murderer. But he has adapted a kill or be killed mindset. The character of Mckenna Hall is now Kate Spencer and fills the role of both Mckenna Hall and Huntress in the season, but now as an extended arc over many episodes. Kate Spencer is now a cop, who works with Quentin and over the course of episodes becomes bitter, angry and jaded at seeing criminals escape and such, after her husband was murdered, and she eventually crosses the line, hunting down his murderer and taking revenge, becoming a vigilante herself. In the continuation of changes to some plots: Diggle's old army buddies aren't Blackhawk. They're Shadowspire. The changes that go with that follow suit. The idea of Sara is still in the show, but is instead named is Sandra Wu-San. She's Laurel's foster sister taken in by the Lances after her guardian, her older sister, was murdered when she was 5. Oliver was on the boat with Sandra when it wrecked, but wasn’t dating Laurel at the time. He was just a playboy pain, like he was with all women at the time. Him, Tommy and Laurel were all friends and close when this happened. Maybe Oliver and Laurel had dated and broken up before he hooked up with Sandra, but that’s not necessarily needed. Laurel's emotions are more, while she does feel betrayed at them doing this even though her and Oliver dated, she's also angry at Oliver, feeling like he used Sandra for his own kicks and that got her killed. In the mid-season finale after Oliver loses to the Dark Archer, Quentin finds him unconscious and sees it's Oliver. He decides to not turn him in because of how dangerous the Dark Archer is and he thinks that the Hood is needed to defeat him. Malcolm Merlyn is still the Dark Archer and is killed by Oliver. Tommy survives the finale. Quentin dies. **SEASON 2:** This season Oliver's actions have inspired vigilante copycats in Star City. Several crawl out of the woodwork throughout the season. One of them is Huntress, Helena Bertinelli, the only surviving daughter of a mob family that was massacred in front of her, as a part of the stress the Hood was bringing onto the mob families, that lit a match to a mob war. Another is Roy Harper, in his red hoodie, fighting street crime. Kate Spencer returns as well as Manhunter, hunting criminals as well. Some of these vigilantes are pushing the envelop of violence and such. Others are tearing it apart and outright murdering. It’s the anti killing vs killing concept. This isn’t a huge big battle at the end of the season concept. Some blame Oliver for this new barrage of vigilantes. He has to prove to the public that he’s changed. He’s not just automatically accepted. Oliver, after the death of Quentin and his failure to stop Dark Archer's scheme to destroy the glades, has decided to try and avoid killing, seeing his compromises as worthless. Diggle’s brother was still murdered by HIVE. Though that’s not something Dig knows about, but Oliver discovers it and keeps it from Dig as a way to keep him from spiraling after being told by Lyla what happened to Diggle after Andy was murdered and how he fell apart to find revenge. Diggle’s arc is about him getting his old life back that he lost in his low points when he was out for revenge. Laurel takes a more hard lined stance against crime in season 2, becoming an assistant DA. But she does struggle with alcoholism and addiction problems in the 1st half of the season due to Quentin's death. She does get help though in episode 8. And when she finds out about illegal activity connected to Sebastian Blood (someone whose taken advantage of the criminal underworld in the midst of the glades destruction and is manipulating the downtrodden as almost a cult leader, but is presenting himself as respectable figure running for mayor), she looks into him, and is put in Brother Blood’s sights, so he gets her fired from her job to get her off of it, and she’s decides go after him on her own, going after punks for information and beating them up and getting herself nearly killed in the process. When Dinah Drake finds out and tells her that she doesn’t want her to do this, that she doesn't want to lose more family, Laurel insists on it and her mom eventually agrees to it, but only if it’s done her way, and she takes Laurel to an old friend of hers, Ted Grant, who helps train Laurel, because, while Laurel does have fight training, she lacks focus in her fighting, and Ted's boxing is said to be able to help her put that focus in her tactics. In flashbacks to the 80's Dinah Drake became a crimefighter after her dad, a PI, was killed by the mob and she goes after them, where she meets Ted Grant A.K.A. Wildcat, a vigilante as well. They join forces, but Dinah retired after getting married to Quentin and having Laurel, her identity was discovered by a hitman and Laurel was nearly killed. Wendy White, in this season, struggles more with the negative consequences of being vigilante, dealing with the guilt of it and all that, connected to their failure to stop the Undertaking. Moira’s arc is about her trial and then regaining the love and acceptance of her children, which leads her to deciding that she wants to make amends for her actions by running for mayor against Sebastian Blood after finding out from Laurel about his corruption. This does still lead to a similar place for her. Brother Blood is essentially offering advanced tech to the downtrodden of the city to use for crime, making it seem like they have powers. This is what draws Barry Allen in. Almost that entire arc ends up the same there. Thea's arc is about investigating the truth of her mom's secret. In the 2nd half of the season she discovers that Malcolm Merlyn is her biological dad. This devastates her and makes her question herself as a person of who she is if she comes from him. We see her start to regress as the last batch of episodes wraps up, and this only gets worse when Moira is killed. Malcolm returns and manipulates her in her vulnerable state to come with him and he'll show her what she is. Roy’s arc is about getting clean from his addiction and realizing that he wants to do more with his life, him struggling to accomplish that, even in his attempts at vigilantism, until Oliver asks for his help in the second half of the season. Tommy, over the course of the season, is shamed, berated, and attacked, on top of his already personal anger and trauma at what his dad did. He goes to a martial arts trainer as a way to take his aggression out, working tirelessly. He has an emotionally traumatic psychological descent in the first half, this eventually leading to a break, where he begins to take his rage against his dad on criminals in the city, this beginning when he beats Brother Blood's general, Cyrus Gold, to death. Tommy becomes the main villain of the season, going into the second half, taking on the name Komodo, and taking revenge on the upper class criminals of Star City, hunting and murdering them. One of the major ones, Moira, for working with his dad, he murders her on live TV as a message to the people. Tommy is hailed as a hero to many of the the victims of the glades destruction. Tommy also tells Diggle about HIVE's hand in killing his brother and that Oliver was keeping it from him, to try and make him see his way of doing things. But Tommy's caught and defeated by Oliver, who refuses to kill him, even though he killed his mom. To ensure Tommy isn't murdered in prison, he has Lyla pull strings to get Tommy locked in the ARGUS prison on Lian Yu, Oliver apologizing to Tommy for all that he suffered. Tommy is furious, seeing Oliver as weak, for having spared his mom over the people of the city, after what she did, stating that he sees himself as the one who really was trying to help the city. Oliver, saddened by how damaged Tommy's become, simply tells him thank you for helping show him what he can't let himself be and leaving him there in the prison. *In the flashbacks Sandra is revealed to be alive aboard the amazo and Slade’s journey isn’t involved in a romance with Shado at all, but moreso in the building bond between him and Oliver. Ivo and his experiments are basically the same. But Ivo isn't looking for a mirakuru, but a plant (the same one that helped Oliver recover from curare poisoning in s1). The plant is unique and allows for an enhancement of the body's immune system. Ivo tracked the plant to this location from a journal connected to the old World War 2 Blackhawks, hoping to find further clues of it in a crashed submarine. When there, they find a woman named Zinda Blake in suspension among many of the plants in a tank, her having been the first female Blackhawk in WW 2, who'd been badly injured, but the plants had been used to save her life, keeping her alive within the tank. Slade is experimented on by Ivo using the serum he’s crafted using the plant so that it enhances the body to peak condition. Sandra is swept up back into the ocean, as the amazo sinks, Oliver and Slade afterwards just barely escaping, barely conscious. Flashback cliffhanger is Oliver and Slade awaking to being imprisoned by HIVE.*


***SEASON 3:*** Villains are HIVE: It's more like the New 52 version, who plan to advance the evolutionary process through science and technology, using Star City as Ground Zero for this. Why Star City? Because HIVE's cover is as a tech conglomerate and they're engaging in an attempted hostile takeover of Queen Consolidated as a way to gain the cutting edge research of the company. They've also been working through the underground of Star City through Sebastian Blood, essentially usurping control of all the drug and weapons and human trafficking rings, as well, now beginning to trade instead in technological or biological based powers. HIVE were funding Ivo, having been a cult seeking to enhance humanity even then. Their end goal is to sow chaos in a class war of sorts amidst the empowered lower parts of Star City, in a push to fight back against the upper class people, wanting to empower the downtrodden as the way to ensure balance in society. As apart of their experiments they use their science to revive Cyrus Gold, turning him into a mindless monster, practically a zombie, who goes by the named Solomon Grundy, and turn him lose on the city. Oliver having to battle him in the mid season finale, using a barrage of arrows directly into his heart, linking them to high powered electrical wiring to essentially fry him from the inside and shut him down, handing him over to ARGUS. HIVE using this as a distraction for them set off their gene bomb. Diggle, naturally, has a personal stake in this, with his brother and all and this leads him to seek revenge against them in any way he can, which gets in the way with his relationship with Lyla and his newborn baby. This pursuit nearly gets them killed, which Oliver helps stop, and works with Oliver to bring them down. Laurel will have begun being Black Canary, continuing her training under Ted Grant and her mom. Laurel in the premiere finds out that Sandra is still alive, when she saves her from Blood’s thugs, now having taken on the name Lady Shiva. She seeks to expose Sebastian Blood. Through this she discovers that Malcolm is alive, her desire for revenge for the loss of Quentin beginning to fuel her. After Ted Grant is badly hurt, Sandra trains her with more efficient training, which she's gotten from the League Of Assassins, though she has, by this point, left the league. Sandra’s working for HIVE due to them offering information on who her biological sister’s murderer is. They’ll give her the info on the murderer so she can take her revenge on him if she does what they want. But she seeks to protect her foster sister Laurel as well, causing a split between her loyalties. Laurel and Sandra’s arcs parallel eachother. In the season, HIVE has Sebastian Blood murdered and Laurel framed for it. Laurel having to give up her Laurel Lance identity and go into hiding, only operating as the Black Canary, insisting that her mom go into hiding as well for her protection and so Laurel won't be found as well, which she is pushed to do, and helped in doing so, by Lyla. Wendy White has underwent a growth of sorts. She wants strike out on her own on a personal level, striving to have an identity outside vigilantism and all that she's connected to, feeling like making this all her life is, is hurting her emotionally and psychologically. Roy seeks to make amends for the people he hurt in his drug addiction, not just in helping people as a vigilante, but personally. If it must, this can still can conclude it Roy leaving. Thea has been being trained by Malcolm and forged a bond of sorts with him. He's helped her detach from past and become someone new. She thinks of darkness as in her blood now. She's lost both her parents, Malcolm told her the truth about Oliver in between seasons. Her world has been blown apart. Malcolm himself has made a deal with HIVE to ensure his safety against the LOA. Placing Thea as an antagonist against Oliver. Over the course of the season, Thea discovers what HIVE wants to do, along with connecting again with Laurel's pain at the loss of her dad due to Malcolm's actions, and she eventually chooses to fight against her dad, against HIVE, and chooses to be a vigilante at the end of the season as a way, to her, to make up for what she did. This leads to her and Oliver going back to Lian Yu, to seek out information from Tommy about Malcolm's secret accounts, so that they can track his money (Thea telling them that Malcolm's deal with HIVE is connected to him adding funding to their research) and hope that that can lead them to the head of HIVE. There they find that Tommy has escaped his cell and been living on the island, adapting, for months and they fall into his traps. This leading to battle between them. Oliver revealing that Thea is Tommy's sister, which softens him and, after a fight with Oliver that he loses, Tommy gives Oliver the information, in the interest of helping him destroy Malcolm. HIVE is revealed to have found and be using as a brainwashed minion, Zinda Blake AKA Lady Blackhawk. Laurel, Thea, and eventually, Sandra, help break that brainwashing. Oliver has a very specific arc in the season regarding his identity. He essentially seeks to repair his life that he's damaged, with Thea, trying to help Diggle in stopping HIVE without Dig getting himself killed and such, have normal human relationships, and fix his friendship with Laurel fully. He works hard to try to regain control of QC in the first half of the season, his control of it lost after the death of Moira and it currently being pursued for a hostile takeover by HIVE. Oliver, to help achieve this, seeks help from a businessman named Ray Palmer, owner of Palmer Tech (that storyline can still go similarly). But when Oliver fails in the middle of the season against HIVE, when HIVE releases one of their meta activating experiments, a gene bomb, inside a hospital, killing some of the people there, including children, discovers they're too connected and too powerful to be fought by Oliver Queen, leading into an arc where he makes a deal with Ra's Al Ghul to help him take on HIVE. Apart of the deal to protect his city? Kill Malcolm Merlyn. Laurel is caught in the wave of the experiment. Oliver struggles with killing Malcolm, the perception of it being for the greater good, but, in spite of using the league's resources to help bring down HIVE his way, chooses against it, beginning to think that even though he sees it as necessary, it's something that tears away pieces of himself, breaks him down into nothing and takes away all that he cares about and loves. Laurel, in pursuit of her revenge for the death of Quentin engages in a fight with Malcolm, her canary cry being activated in her pain and unresolved grief at her dad's death, then using these powers to try and kill him, which Oliver convinces her not to, using that speech. Malcolm, is arrested, but before he can be taken to prison, his convoy is attacked by the league of assassins and he's taken. Oliver as the Arrow, publicly not deciding to kill Malcolm, all this in the midst of the class war, is picked up by the news and shows the city that the Arrow has committed to no longer killing, as a whole goal. Though breaking this deal is hinted at as having potential consequences in the future. *The flashbacks in the first half of the season show Slade and Oliver, forced by the threat to their family (for Oliver, Moira, Thea, and for Slade his son, Joseph Wilson, whose become an agent of HIVE), into becoming apart of HIVE, gaining detailed training in martial arts techniques and being taught languages over the course of months, Oliver being taught to be a more effective killing machine, with the purpose of HIVE using Oliver and Slade to infiltrate the bratva, using his connection to Anatoly, to steal a gene bomb the bratva has stolen from the government. The flashbacks in the second half of the season show Oliver and Slade infiltrate the bratva, becoming apart of, though working it on separate ends. Slade, feeling guilt for abandoning his son in the interest of, to him, protecting him, after his first son was killed in an attack meant for him, seeks to reach his son and turn him away from being used by HIVE, feeling even more guilt when he discovers his wife, Joe's mother, was murdered, that leading Joe to joining HIVE, HIVE having radicalized him to their cause. Oliver, meanwhile, bonds with the child of one of the bratva members. When Oliver discovers what they're after, he tries to trick HIVE and destroy the gene bomb, but he's discovered, and HIVE takes the child hostage to force Oliver and Slade to bring them the gene bomb. Slade is desperate to ensure they don't also kill his son, putting that first. Oliver lies to Slade and goes to confront HIVE alone, only to be faced with Joe Wilson, who, in retaliation for Oliver's betrayal of HIVE, murders the child. Oliver flies into a rage, and viciously and fights and kills Joe. When Slade discovers his son's death, Oliver lies and says HIVE killed him. Slade wants revenge and he and Oliver destroys the HIVE facility (thinking them all dead), but Slade's rage isn't sated. Oliver then discovers that HIVE has already dispatched it's agents to recover more of those plants on Lian Yu. Slade wants them all dead and states that they should go back to the island. Oliver agrees that they have to be stopped, but the regret and guilt of what he'd done to Slade and his son, beginning to show on him.*


***SEASON 4:*** We open the season with the Arrow beginning to gain more acceptance by the public at large. Some kids are starting to look up to him. The police are being more amicable with him. The press is viewing him as a hero. Oliver feels proud of himself for the first time in years. The public dubbing him the Green Arrow. But that starts to change when murders matching the Hood's old M.O. begin springing up, casting doubt on Green Arrow's supposed change of heart. It's revealed that the League Of Assassins is behind this. They, led by Ra's Al Ghul, essentially seek to sabotage and dismantle the new life Oliver's now achieved as the hero of Star City, as punishment for his breaking of their deal, by any means. They kill, manipulate, sabotage his base, his operations and prevent him from helping people. In the crossover, Oliver still discovers that he has a son named Connor, with Samantha Hawke, a woman he'd slept with years earlier. He wants to bond with his son, and, though she has misgivings and safeguards in mind. In the mid-season finale the league of assassins attack Iron Heights prison and release all the inmates, letting them lose on the city. This forces Oliver to run himself ragged trying to stop all of this, working overtime. Things take a worse turn when all of this leads to his son, Connor, and Samantha Hawke, are caught in the crossfire, when the league begin going after them, Oliver having to hide and protect them. Diggle's arc is about separating himself from the vigilante life, to refocus on his wife and son, named Jake. After Oliver took down HIVE, Diggle and Oliver do spend the season rebuilding trust. He helps Oliver at the end, with Lyla's assistance. Thea's character is in trying to secure her role as a vigilante, dealing with her guilt and anger in regards to Malcolm and finding more common ground in her relationship with Oliver. As a way to attempt to put her issues behind her, her and Oliver go on a mission to rescue Malcolm from the league, who've been torturing him for months as their punishment for him. They succeed and have Malcolm locked up in an ARGUS facility, to use him as a Suicide Squad member. Wendy White is trying to work out her life, her past and her relationships in this season, finding time to have her own life apart from helping the Green Arrow. Apart of this is reconnecting with her brother, and trying to reach out to her dad, whose an ex con and she hasn't seen since she was a child. The league of assassins make that difficult for her, them sowing fear amongst the criminal underworld (thinking the Green Arrow is the one targeting them with such extremist tactics), a crime boss named Daniel Brickwell AKA Brick using this fear to unite the crime families under his leadership and sets up an attack against the Green Arrow, Wendy being hurt in the process, her brother being killed, leaving her with spinal damage. Wendy is left angry and uncertain if she can even escape her life as it is now. Her dad, Noah Kutler, comes to her, sharing the grief and anger that she feels, offering her a way to get revenge on Brick, revealing why he was in prison, because he was once a cyber criminal called the Calculator. Meanwhile Laurel’s arc would be her learning to separate her loyalties to those she cares about with what’s right, not allow her emotions to cloud her better judgment, in regards to her sisterhood with Sandra, who is tracking down who murdered her biological sister, in her revenge quest, her leveraging her knowledge about the league of assassins for them staying out of her way. Laurel's powers of the sonic scream/canary cry are a symbolic showcase of her emotional focus and control, her not being able to control it at first. She begins to emotional understand that she has repressed her pain/anger/resentment towards others, rather than deal with them, and that to gain control she has to deal with them, which she does over the course of the season. After dealing with her issues with her sister, and choosing to stop her from murdering who she's after, but ensure he's arrested, and that Sandra is arrested for her crimes as well, Laurel gains focus and control of her emotions and thus her powers. Oliver's arc in this season is about becoming more emotionally open and willing to connect with others, to step out into the light, in pursuit of becoming more of a hero. He seeks to run for mayor, in connection to this. And tries to repair his relationships with others, by reconciling with Laurel in his treatment of her in the past, training Thea to help her let go of her guilt and anger in regards to Malcolm, reconnecting with Diggle in rebuilding their trust, and helping to even get Wendy White a more balanced life. Him finding out he has a son and building a relationship with Connor is a large part of this. The league of assassins makes this situation tumultuous, Oliver sending them away and letting go of them to protect his son. Ra's Al Ghul sends out more of his assassins to sow chaos and sabotage the Green Arrow's identity, Ra's seeking to prove to Oliver that his path to a peaceful hero is fruitless. With the information given by Sandra, that the only way the league succeeds at their goals in their hundreds of years is by keeping themselves hidden in the shadows, through manipulation and fear, Oliver realizes that the only way to defeat the league and stop them in Star City is to reveal their existence. Oliver knows though, that he can't out them without outing himself. Oliver offers Ra's Al Ghul something he knows Ra's would be honor bound to not refuse: To engage in a duel with him. Meanwhile the rest of team arrow deals with the assassins by luring them into battle to hold them off, with the help of downtrodden people of Star City, who still think the Green Arrow is a hero. Oliver is able to fight well with Ra's, countering his moves and even dealing some blows, fighting him to a stalemate. Oliver reveals to Ra's that he's had all information about the league of assassins released, and ARGUS has been given approval to hunt all league of assassin members down, especially Ra's. Ra's states that if he and his men were brought Oliver's identity would would be outed as a result of that choice. Oliver says he knows and that he's ensured that happened as well. Oliver's identity as the Green Arrow has been outed. ARGUS' soldiers flood in and Ra's, actually impressed with Oliver's tactics, rather than surrender, attacks the soldiers, being aggressively fired upon, before finally going down. *In the flashbacks, Oliver and Slade return to Lian Yu to stop the HIVE members from getting the special plants. Slade is driven by revenge and bloodlust for the death of his son. Slade then discovers that Oliver is the one who murdered Joe, and comes after him. Slade promises to kill everyone Oliver loves and ensure he knows the pain that he feels. Oliver, enraged by this, sets up traps on the island to stop Slade, hurting him badly, on the side of a cliff, him trapped under trees, Oliver using an arrow through Slade's eye into his head to put an murder him, landmines going off on the cliffside, it falling into the ocean, taking Slade with it. Oliver decides that he's lost who he once was and can't return to his family, with what he's done, deciding to stay on the island, seeing this as his home now.* The cliffhanger reveals that Slade is alive, and was the one funding Brick, and still wants revenge, stating that he will bring an end to Oliver.


***SEASON 5:*** Oliver's chickens come home to roost in this season, in Slade Wilson returning as Deathstroke. Seeking revenge, an eye for an eye, almost literally, for the death of his son. *Flashbacks show the Ninth Circle come to the island, seeking any files or information of Robert Queen, having tracked the ship wreckage to that island. Oliver feels as though he's become a monster, undeserving of those in his life, but is intrigued by the information about his dad, seeing the list as a connection to it. As the Ninth Circle members scour the area around Lian Yu and the island itself for these things. Oliver confronts their leader, who reveals to Oliver the corruption his dad helped degrade the city with, how he failed it, their involvement in the corruption of Star City, and how he will help it crumble. Oliver promises to himself that he won't let that happen, that he can fix what his dad did, and in doing so be worthy to live his life again, making up for what he's become as well. This concludes with Oliver donning the hood to take these men out, now having made the jungle his home, killing these men in a detached way, showing how hardened he's become, in a perspective of ends justifies the means. Oliver discovers the contents of the harddrive that his dad left. In the midst of this, Oliver prepares for himself to escape the island, which leads into the events of where the story picks up in the Pilot.* Oliver, having now revealed his identity to the public, is facing the consequences of that. With the societal, and legal issues as well. Particularly his personal life. In the last quarter of the season, Slade breaks Dark Archer and Lady Shiva out, using them, along with Brick. They kidnap Connor Hawke, killing his mother. Then kidnapping team arrow. Which forces Oliver to turn to Tommy for help, telling him that he can get revenge on Malcolm and they can rescue Thea together, being sure to let Tommy know that he doesn't trust him. Diggle is keeping to his family, essentially acting as a stay at home dad, but is restless in some ways, though maintains his focus on his family. When Slade begins making threats against Oliver, Diggle feels a sense of responsibility to help him out, but tries to stick with his family, though Lyla acknowledges his restlessness and that he won't forgive himself if something happened to Oliver. However when Slade makes his threats against those in Oliver's life, Diggle and his family included, Diggle allows himself to take action and actively help Oliver. Lyla does tell him later that helping people has become a part of him now, and even though she's proud of him committing to their family, she's come to accept that he may be needed somewhere else, as well. Wendy is disconnected in her arc this season, more focused on working with her dad to get revenge on Brick than helping the team, her beginning to bond more with her dad. As things begin to spiral with Slade working against Oliver, she's forced to choose between helping people and getting revenge. She chooses to recommit back to team arrow and helps get justice for her brother by assisting in the arrest of Brick. Thea in the season is pushing forward as a hero, though she struggles with her use of the more aggressive and violent tendencies Malcolm taught her. She nearly kills a criminal in rage, who'd murdered a child, using those methods. The idea of this is something that she becomes consumed by, the idea that no matter what, she can't escape Malcolm's influence on her. This weighs on her more, when Malcolm is broken out of ARGUS by Slade and seeks to reclaim her as his daughter. When Tommy and Oliver work together to free Thea, and even though she still hates him for what he did to Moira, she connects with Tommy about their respective relationships with Malcolm, Tommy telling her to not make the same mistake he made, and think that his life has to be defined by what their blood relationships are, saying that she had love that went beyond blood, telling Oliver and Thea that he's sorry for Moira, that he's had time to realize all he did was take away their mom the same way his mom was taken from him, that he became that monster. Thea is unsure how to regard the situation. Oliver is detached from it. Oliver, during the investigation of his actions as the Hood/Arrow/Green Arrow, reveals that Laurel had been framed by HIVE, her being exonerated of those crimes and able to go back out into society. She even gets back her job as assistant DA, but finds the strings attached when she is forced by the DA to reveal any and all information she may have about Oliver's activities as a vigilante. Laurel struggles with this, unsure of what part of her identity she wants to be defined by. She then refuses, choosing her vigilante identity, in quitting her assistant DA job, saying that she became a lawyer for the pursuit of justice, but she doesn't think that's the goal of the DA's office anymore. When faced with Lady Shiva after she's escaped, Laurel convinces her to turn against Slade, pointing out that she's helped a man who has endangered the life of a child and that she of all people, should understand what that means. Tommy and Thea confront Malcolm, taking their anger out on him. Tommy can't beat him in hand to hand combat, but him and Thea both are able to subdue him and, when Thea wants to kill him, Tommy actually encourages her not to, Tommy and Thea working together and actually confronting Malcolm with how he's messed up their lives leading him to face his actions and realize that he's failed his entire family in what he became, agreeing to lead them to Connor's location, them messaging Oliver about it. Slade has prepared for if Malcolm betrays him though and sneak attacks them when they get to Connor's location. Malcolm, seeing Slade about to deal a killing blow on Thea, pushes her out of the way and takes the hit, dying in her place. After having a moment with his son and daughter, apologizing to them, Malcolm dies. Oliver arrives and he, Tommy and Thea fight Slade, Tommy dying to get a chance to get close enough to Slade to inject him with the cure for Slade's mirakuru. Oliver and Thea are taken aback by his death and in a rage Oliver battles Slade and kills him. Oliver quits being Green Arrow, changes his name and takes his son away somewhere, letting society think he died in battle with Slade.