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Those same guys in the White Jeep shot me and my friends with Airsoft BBs a few weeks ago while we were on the sidewalk downtown, and yelled something incomprehensible. The two I saw looked like a commercial for fetal alcohol syndrome. They’ll be dead or in jail soon.


How gross. If you feel comfortable do you think you could PM me with the details sometime? I’d like to know more if you’re willing


My partner and I were in the blue Subaru Outback behind that turned after them! It caught us off guard but I tried to speed up to catch them. Unfortunately, my car doesn't accelerate that fast, especially on that step hill, and I lost them. Just so you know, it was in fact a mid-2000s Silver Subaru Forester with base model roof rack. We were fairly shook up and even tried to swing back through that area to check on y'all but couldn't find you. Glad to hear you're safe. As for Chiro care, both of us go to Radius Chiropractic over on Tunnel Rd. They are really good people. You can tell Meg at the front desk that Ash sent you and they'll know exactly who you're talking about.


This is awesome news, thank you for the update. Yeah, my partner and I got the hell out of there out of fear they’d come back, but I appreciate you guys trying to come back for us. :’)


Also. Thank you. I am so glad you commented. I just updated my report with the police to match that information.


Same guys yelled “nice chacos f****t” at me late one night on biltmore ave downtown. They were tevas so jokes on them


Hey personally I love my tevas. they’re so comfortable


To be fair I wear them with socks so I do look like a dork but the comfort is top notch


You should make a police report. Maybe nothing comes of it, but I'd still file one.


Working on one right now. Made this post in hoping that if anyone else saw/experienced something similar they could reach out to me.


Def file a report. Hate crimes are no joke and everyone benefits from having more data on this stuff.


I highly doubt APD will do anything / care. Not trying to be negative, just realistic. Sorry that happened to you. Hope it’s nothing serious.


Hey not saying you’re wrong, but I’ve heard if you make a report it’s more about creating a paper trail that can be used later to hold them accountable if/when they do end up caught 👍


Exactly this. Right now without a plate for the vehicle it's hard to hold them accountable for this bullshit. If there's enough evidence later though connecting them, the police can potentially go back and put that connection down as further instances.


That makes sense.


I mean, this is assault I APD does care.


I really truly wish that I could believe that but I don’t. “Protect and Serve” is a joke.


TBD I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️


So those joys of absolute existence are also known to throw eggs and jars of applesauce. And not sure if the same ones, but someone hit a server from downtown in the face with a keyboard out of a car window. As well as the ones who were shooting either frozen orbeez or bbs. This has been going on at least two years, and the cops won't do d!ck unless you have a plate number. I'm very sorry that happened to you. I sometimes think of throwing something back, but they travel in packs.


Ugh how gross. And a keyboard is INSANE and so dangerous. Thankfully the officer working on my case is taking it seriously as a hate crime & an assault. His goal is to ID the guys , though idk how he plans to do that. I’m not surprised if it is a whole pack of teenage hooligans who just enjoy harming people for kicks.


I really hope they catch them. If it's the same kids they've been terrorizing this town for years. If not maybe it'll be a lesson.


I’m sorry but this is funny. A keyboard!


I mean they could have killed them if they hit hard enough...


It’s good to be able to make light of bad situations. Don’t be a downer


Hahaha!! Death by keyboard. What key do you think would do the most damage? Nobody died.


GO TO PHYSICAL THERAPY. Chiros are scammers. Sorry about the homophobes though. Fucking assholes.


Have to agree with this. Chiro treatment made a back problem of mine way worse.


thanks for the tip! and yeah, it was really shitty.


I'm sorry you had a run in with complete and total homophobic assholes. I also want to urge you to stay away from chiros. I went to one for a neck injury and ended up having a seizure during "treatment".


Chiros are just to pad insurance claims, physical therapy is the way.


As an ER nurse- for the love of all things holy, do NOT go to a chiropractor!!!


PT is better than chiropractics.


If the Dead Kennedy’s taught me anything, I think you’re supposed to throw a rock and put a nice sized dent in their life sized hot wheels car. https://youtu.be/Mm5y-ldn3xE?si=C1Iab1pjApztKUj0


Drive-by hate crimes are still hate crimes. I've been in town since the early 2000s and as long as I can remember there have always been assholes doing shit like this. I honestly wouldn't be surprised to learn that the good ol boys who used to drive their lifted trucks up and down Lexington Ave while shouting at and harassing gay couples are the same people who raised these teenagers.


Yeah, I’m currently working on a police report. I usually am not the sort to do that kind of thing but if it prevents this from happening again, or god forbid, escalating further, I’d rather just let the APD know 🤷


People don't like filing police reports because "they won't catch the people anyway", but it's still super important to file a report if you're the victim of a crime. If nothing else, it helps establish a pattern. If there are a few reports of these assholes in a white Jeep harassing people then the police might take it more seriously. And if it ends up making the news, the people will probably stop so they don't get in any actual trouble. So filing a report is definitely helpful!


Do you have any more details on the jeep? Bumper stickers or other marks on the vehicle? Link to a similar looking model?


EDIT: eyewitness said it was a 2000s silver Subaru forester with roof racks


I wonder what those kids are overcompensating for.


mommy no buy PS5 😔 …must…assault pedestrians


Seems everyone needs bodycams now, not just dashcams. Don't trust chiropractors, they'll make it worse. Quack quack. Do yourself a favor and find a good D.O. Hope you get well soon.


You’re supposed to fill the balloon with half water and half air, so it explodes with less force on impact! That’s from EXPERIENCE!!!


There was not a lick of air in that balloon😭 swear to god I thought someone hit me with a brick at first


That’s traumatizing. I hope they get caught soon


Sorry, buddy. Hope you’re gonna be ok! It seems like whoever did this to you needs to spend a healthy chunk of time in prison!


Something about Newton’s Third Law of Motion!!!!😎😂


Chiropractors are as legitimate as a crystal ball reader


I have learned this today! I’m young n still learning, glad to know so I don’t waste my money & time


*Chiropractors are* *As legitimate as a* *Crystal ball reader* \- FunkMasta-Blue --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Useful bot


Time to keep some rocks in your pocket!


So a Jeep full of deeply-closeted self-hating gay dudes is driving around throwing water balloons then?


I guess they just don’t like lesbians 🤷


Probably salty that they can’t get any pussy. Losers. Sorry this happened to you. Fuck those assholes


They do, they just can’t admit it to themselves


Sure it wasn’t a water gel bead gun?


I saw the balloon remains, and considering the splash power it had, I think it was a balloon


I would file a police report, the little bastards will probably keep doing it and maybe even escalate their attacking methods if they never get caught


I'd go back to where it happened during the day and look for any cameras that may have caught the incident or the vehicle. Try to figure out who owns the cameras and see if they're willing to try to help. I'd do this sooner than later bc some don't hold more than a day's footage


Carry a gun


That’s the dream, I’m working on that one for sure




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In all seriousness I’m not a gun nut but hell you’re part of a group of people being targeted for just living your lives. They don’t have a problem assaulting and degrading you. You shouldn’t have a problem defending yourself.


You don’t have to be a “gun nut” to carry a gun.


You are literally setting this person up to go to jail. You can not shoot at a moving vehicle for having a water balloon thrown at you. Encouraging it tells me you know jack shit about guns and laws and should have any you own taken from you. You are a danger to your community and an embarrassment to all legal gun carriers. If they took your advice and missed the jeep and shot an innocent bystander, then what? Your stupidity well get someone killed. Yes, they should own a gun for self-defense and train. But OP, please don't take advice from clowns like this. You'll end up in jail. Im.sorry thst this happened to you, but you can't shoot someone as retaliation


I appreciate the passion in this comment but I am only joking. I know better than that.


Im sure you do, I just hate seeing stupid people give horrible advice that paints gun owners in a bad light as we are already under the microscope. While I feel yes, the jeep driver and passengers deserve to have their 🍑 kicked the dudes advice would just land you in a whole heap of legal issues .


I understand. I’m sure the person was being facetious & not genuinely recommending I retaliate. At least, that’s how I interpreted it. Believe me, I’M not going to try and be anybody’s hero, lol.


I don't think they are suggesting they shoot it, I know many people who have flashed theirs and then been left alone. If the situation were to escalate, they would be performing in self defense. All of these would be covered during a training course and insurance upon carrying...


He literally said put a few rounds into the jeep before it was deleted, hence my comment. This clown is an irresponsible gun owner


And I didn't see the deleted comment, or have any context as to why it couldve been deleted, hence why I even said anything. The OP has more intelligence than to follow some idiotic advice off a reddit page full of assholes, I'm sure.


Oh it was deleted because of the context of it. His recommendation was against the rules. You can't use deadly force for a water balloon


These same kids TRIED to get me once on Market St. One of the kids aim was so bad I didn’t realize I was being shot at til the pellets started hitting the lawyers office beside me. Lol. Bunch of weenies


This is disgusting. I’m sorry broski. As a fellow gay that moved to AVL to be comfortable in my relationship, this makes me sad. 😞


I want to make nerf darts with spark plugs on the ends of them. Ready to start popping every jeep window I see.


Oh wow. Such a big man 🙄


🔫😎Jeep owner spotted


Probably MAGA assholes from Greenville. Fucking Nazis love to drive to Asheville to throw water balloons at the gays. I hate it.


Why do so many obnoxious douchebags drive white vehicles? Usually trucks though.


someday they’re gonna target a gun toting gay and get popped


Ahhh...the dangeres of movie to Asheville. Wish moat would go back where they came, it use to be such a nice place.


A car full of teenagers threw half a milkshake out the window at me about a month ago.  Luckily they missed, but they almost got me.  


Monitto Chiropractic is wonderful. Sorry this happened to you. I hope they find them and are held responsible.


Comprehensive Chiropractic on Hendersonville Rd helped me recover from a back injury! Dr Randall is amazing!


Sad to see so much resentment to your suggestion. A Chiro kept me from having a micro discectomy and I feel better than I ever have... I don't need to go anymore. The discectomy would have been terrible at 30 years old, permanently altering my biomechanics.


One Love Chiropractic on Merrimon - I’ve been to both Chiropractors and PTs. I think they help in different ways.




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