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that’s a lot of words for *i unarchieved a filtered, edited, mid nsfw photo of myself in a uncomfortable stance with my girls popping out for likes, while i rehash talking about my body AGAIN.* okay, a little shred of honesty in this caption *here and there* however ; >the shape of my face has changed…it’s more round. *okay so….you just looked in the mirror today and came to this conclusion or??* >my pants size tripled. *we know, you have been saying this since 2022.* >But the truth is… i haven’t fully made the shift towards body neutrality. *you haven’t fully made the shift? when did you even start?* ashley, you can wax poetic all day about how *”fcking hard”* you have had it and how you have *”oVeRcOmE uNbELiEvAbLe CirCuMsTaNcEs”* and then you ask *”so when did that stop being enough?”* YOU ARE LITERALLY \[redacted\] are you kidding me? **you are the one claiming it stopped being enough. no one else. you are once again, victimizing yourself for nothing.** you are blaming chronic illness and everything else in the book to seem very much warrior, but can’t even admit to making poor food choices like every other person does? i mean, you make a post every other week like this, you change it up a little (i think we know why) and try to make your posts suck up every drop of sympathy you possibly can in the form of a *thirst trap.* you don’t show up for yourself. sure you take photos at the gym and whatever else but you never stick with anything. so stop acting like the world has handed you nothing but hardships when you have had the equivalent of a silver spoon (no pun intended) all 26 years of your privileged life. **ENOUGH** you say you wanna let it go, then let it go, you have literally been doing this same disingenuous dance for years. edits: spelling, other stuff please ashley, wash your hands, underneath the nails. please. https://preview.redd.it/q8i7xqxcb5zc1.jpeg?width=897&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c442194be0c8868a94b5413bd0b720f2791273a


her pants size has way more than tripled at this point. assuming she was a US size 2, she sure AF isn’t an 8. id put her between 12-14. which is fully average in the US, but not “tripled” from her starting size. i think she’s sticking with that because it “sounds” like a big increase, and is hoping people assume she was a 4 or 6 to start. she definitely wasn’t.


it’s all part of her *woe is me* mentality. i understand body issues, they suck, truly and genuinely. but ashley is so disingenuous with how comes off. she acts as if this entire time she has been an advocate for body positivity and neutrality but she hasn’t “fully shifted”. that’s such an untrue statement. she has been posting these same posts for years, while the filtering, slimming, and editing have continued. no ashley you aren’t a size 2 anymore. and THAT IS FINE. NO ONE CARES. we care about the inauthenticity that is your #bodypositivity #bodyneutrality while your slimming filters warp that have gone on for years now.


Did you see this comment on it? https://preview.redd.it/1jv22gy945zc1.jpeg?width=1067&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4aa05c1ea24d88ec5fa60c7706d38a52b58aeb5


she cannot be for real right now lmaooo ![gif](giphy|xTiTnGQBF0vfpfPEg8)


Yikes. How fucking zooted is she when she writes this babble.... social media expert cum de laude right ashley lol [](https://external-preview.redd.it/cq1QucCq4hhwk5Yo4Ih_5WDkdDtk7Zc4L3GUMYn-yI8.gif?auto=webp&s=ef8ed40a121fd6cbb1a2eea9c6c076bd50514124)


“Like constellations in the sky” made me actually wince It’s giving 9th grade creative writing class


Unbelievable circumstances….yeah you getting to laze around getting high for the last few years when there’s nothing wrong with you is pretty fucking unbelievable to most of us. Just like the gym post, she’s acting like this is the first time she’d had this revelation when all she’s really interested in is brownie points for pretending to be brave and honest, and she’ll go right back to normal because doing work of any kind(including on herself) is too much for our fragile warrior.


"Unbelievable circumstances" for sure! How many adults get to live a rent/responsibility free life with mom, while indulging in woo treatments, sweet treats and drinks, vacations and gym membership, and diploma mill tuition paid for, all in exchange for doing 2 loads of laundry and wiping down bathroom mirror and counter once a week? I can't listen to her whine about her flab, when she has the opportunities so many do not have. Just shut up, put the donuts, greasy breakfasts, and half and half with coffee drinks down, take Luna outside and move. Blaming the effects of a sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy eating solely on meds, hormones, and "disability" is a cop out. She takes responsibility for nothing.


Her OWN laundry and bathroom even. She literally contributes NOTHING to the household.


Even that time she thought she ate because she was doing the dishes (after the comments here), I think it was just hers lol


this just looks so uncomfortable in so many ways.


the fact that even if she does work in social media, that she doesn’t see an issue with posting a photo like this publicly.. apparently hirers checking digital footprints isn’t a thing anymore??


Oh, not this again! Her Instagram is a constant stream of re-run content. The same stuff over and over...never anything new or original. The same reused words. The same boring photos, color schemes, and scenaries. Never a new thought or idea. It's really embarrassing for her, a "social media expert". I predict this will be deleted shortly. \#PCOS🙄


I cannot deal with this constant stream of literal and figurative navel gazing. At a minimum, you need to accept yourself completely as you are, part of that is accepting the fact that you may have habits and behaviors that are destructive and have led you to this path. This is true of any addiction, whether it be sugar, polypharmacy, attention, malingering, etc. She cannot bring this with her into the workforce. It will not work.


No “I’m soft to the touch”??


This post would feel more authentic if she had a recent, head-to-toe picture of herself with NO FILTERS. A close-up of her underboobs and an artificially-slimmed-down waist reveal she has no credibility, as always.


With her hands covering her belly, no less


You can accept and appreciate your body for its current size and condition while working to better it. She acts like losing weight would mean she hates her body when the truth is that she just doesn’t want to hold herself accountable.


WTF is that last paragraph? Holy hell, she writes like neurotic AI gone bad. I also want to say, by the age of 26, most people have been through some pretty wild shit. Many people that age have gone through things that I cannot even imagine. There are a thousand things I could come up with that are harder than, "has Chrones, had surgeries, is in remission". That was your one struggle, you pathetic tic. Open your damn eyes, the majority of the people around you have been through much harder shit by now.


She posted that she made this post in her stories ..twice..in a row. Talk about fishing for compliments like damn girl.


The second one was her reposting that someone else had reposted...which is still just as bad.


Yeah it’s just so cringe. It’s the constant praise and attention she needs that drives me up a wall


So she deleted the last post on her grid where she's wearing this bathing suit. IIRC the caption was something like "reasons I shouldn't wear a bikini this summer" Then she went to California and wore a tent on the beach. Now she's re-posting this bikini. I'm getting whiplash trying to keep up. She's all talk. She's trying SO hard for engagement but it is so FAKE. She'll post this photo to her grid because she can control everything: the angle that we see her at, the lighting, the photoshop.


She deleted yesterday's gym post. 😂😂


How many times is she going to post the SAME thing!?!? Also, why would anyone want to wear that too small bikini out in public?


The thing that annoys me most about Ashley's post is the distortion of history and the misrepresentation of the causes of her changed shaped. Ashley is one of billions worldwide who are faced with the biological mis-match between their food environment and their activity levels, with a metabolism that evolved to survive famine and long hard days searching for sustenance. However, the solution isn't to blame illness oe medical conditions, it's to accept the reality that in this modern world most of us have to make conscious, science-informed decisions about our food intake and activities for the sake of our long term health, which may involve a level of self-restraint or physical discomfort. She's not special, or brave.


Especially since she tells on herself all the time - we know she's downing sugary/creamy coffees, pastries, and high-caloroe smoothie bowls. We also know that one pilates session was too much for her and she had to spend days resting and recovering. I agree with you. Her weight gain comes down to lifestyle 100%.


Yup. Most of us are surrounded by restaurants with 1000 calorie menu items and bakeries full of pastries and cafes with menus loaded down by elaborate, sugary coffee drinks. I sometimes get so frustrated that I can't just eat whatever I want. However, I feel better not being overweight so I have to make a choice. She is making her own choice.


This post is the definition of "so close!" lmao. She's being more honest and has 1 or 2 reasonable points about body image buried in there, but everything else about this is a mess. Edit: HOW DID I MISS THE FINGERNAILS OMG


Yes! She *almost* had it! She came so close to be self aware. But then…whomp, whomp.


I get that this text block is what gets her the most interaction but I feel like I can recite it from memory by now.


“I’m chronically ill but instead of working out and eating healthy I’m just gonna embrace having a lava lamp under my clothes


We’ve already seen this picture. Kids: Can we go to SHEIN? Mom: No, we have uncomfortable-looking, ill-fitting bikinis at home.


Oh shut up. This is her own damn fault. Not her hormones. Not her “chronic disease”. Her own two hands were the ones shoving donuts coffee and pastries into her mouth. And wrf is this photo supposed to communicate. That her dysmorphia made her buy a swimsuit that flattens her tits to oblivion? That she is so far in denial that she can’t accept what size she is? Idk. I don’t fucking know. This makes no sense


“The thing about my body is that it’s been my home for 26 years.” This wording makes it sound like that’s not true for everyone. “Well, the thing no one else could possibly even come close to understanding is that I’ve had this *same body* all my life,” like it’s some sort of excuse, rather than just … you know … fact. All of our bodies age, Ash. Every person’s body has wear and tear and issues that we have to take into consideration when choosing the ways we care for ourselves. You aren’t unique in this aspect, you just don’t want to take responsibility for the changes you see in yourself that you don’t like.


I’ll never understand how someone who speaks constantly about self care, constantly shares her skin routine, showers, baths and whatnot never notices their own dirty fingernails. These fingernails burn my eyeballs in so many of her posts, sometimes also her toenails. Your own hands are body parts you frequently look at all day.


How can she make under-boob (something that’s 99% sexy when done right) the visual equivalent of room temperature, plain yogurt in a beige bowl? Her 24/7 vibe is that of an old, flaccid penis.


Her nails!!! ![gif](giphy|dOl2LFw0RbTMc)


She’s done variations of this post many, many times and I don’t think I’ve ever seen her acknowledge the primary reason she gained weight in the years after she decided to crawl into bed, get stoned, watch Real Housewives and give herself grace 25/8: her lifestyle. She can talk about illness, hormones and meds all she wants but they didn’t prevent her from eating somewhat sensibly. She chose not to and while I don’t blame her (especially during the pandemic even if it didn’t actually affect her in any meaningful way) she sounds like Bethany talking about her “swelling” with this level of denial.  I have no idea what her body image issues are but she keeps saying the same thing over and over so at this point she should put up or shut up, IMO, because it just comes across as a self-serving attempt to sound relatable.


She’d feel so much better about herself if she lost weight. I’m not saying this because being fat is a moral failing or inherently bad or whatever. I say this because she’s obviously extremely unhappy with how she looks. If you’re unhappy with how you look your choices are to either accept it and move on or change it. She can’t accept how she looks. If she could she wouldn’t be constantly making these posts. If she made changes and lost some weight she’d get to a point where she’d be more ok with how she looks. Alternatively she could find a few pieces of clothing that fit well and make her feel good. That would probably really help her. Even at my heaviest I dressed well and that made a world of difference in how I felt about myself. Also “I have lived in my body for 26 years. It looks lived in.” Is so funny to me. I’d be so offended if someone told me my body “looks lived in”


Does she just copy and paste her old posts?