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“Abner! The Carduff girl is stroking herself in the yard again!”


"I'll get the hose..."


Omg, this sent me! Just picturing some old man in his white t-shirt and boxer shorts, hosing Ash down from over the fence with his heavy duty 9-way sprayer nozzle, while his wife of forty years in her caftan and curlers watches from the kitchen window, lol.


She’s a Hoes


Just saw the video. What the actual fuck is wrong with her?


I swear she doesn’t know how to be a human.


Lol, I just said almost the exact same thing in another comment, only I used the name Fred and the word masterbating!


Why is she so swollen and red there?


Haha I made a similar comment


“Scars scattered like constellations across my body”🤮


Constellations like rings on a pimp


They’re constellations because they’re far apart, faint, and barely recognizable to most people


i love her scar metaphors, they never disappoint.


Sounds better than laparoscopic surgery scars I guess.


It's so cringe.. It needs to be new flair 😂 edit... gosh y'all are fast 😅




Trying so hard to sound deep, but sounds like a middle schooler writing a poetry assignment.


But never really understanding the assignment


She stopped wearing them like the rings on a pimp, unfortunately 🥺


Also this is the exact same caption as 15,000 other random but still the same videos/photos and I for one have HAD ENOUGHHH


WE ARE TIRED‼️‼️‼️‼️






Enough is enough!


Happy cake day!


Thank you!! ☺️


This is the girl who wasn’t going to make her whole online presence about being so speshul sick and smol anymore, right?


Lmao you’re right


The glitches 😭 I am genuinely surprised she posted this blatant use of slimming filters. Her arm shape visibly changes numerous times 😵‍💫🧘🏼‍♂️


It’s also weird how it’s all one video with like three diff cuts? I’m guessing the cuts are where the glitches got too noticeable lol


Aside from the continued cringe misuse of the term "POV" this is just unhinged. What the fuck is this even supposed to be?? Why does she insist on taking the absolute weirdest selfies where she looks so stiff and uncomfortable and then slap some stupid unrelated caption on them? I swear if she isn't a satire/troll account then her head really has been warped by everything she's done to herself, medical or otherwise.


This person is really annoying, sometimes infuriating. But what gets me the most is this misuse of POV. The fuck, did she never seen a POV pr0n? Or seen somebody playing a game in first person or third person. What is there not to get? It’s the friggin name “point of view” meaning “this is what I see. My view. Like my eyes”. Even my cat recognizes herself in the mirror and gets “her point of view”. I am from Germany and English is not my first, but I never got the thing wrong. How can you get that wrong. How is this even possible? The correct capture would be “POV of Luna: seeing some spoiled brat doing the shitting-in-the-woods pose in the backyard again, instead of going for a walk with me” ARGL I really hope the neighbor gets the hose. Maybe that’s why she is in this lame excuse of a bathing suit. Ash get a job! And then get a fucking dictionary and learn your own language Thanks for reading my TED talk.


I agree so hard with your rant 😂 Somehow tiktok got it into everyone's heads that they need to not only misuse the term, but to needlessly add it to every single post they make (on other socials like instagram too.) It's unnerving to me because in the states at least, POV was always previously well understood. It's taught in literature classes in public schools and it's even discussed regarding films and video games since it's an important concept. But somehow, for some reason, tiktok came along and ruined all that and now even fully grown adults add "POV" to all their "content" and misuse it constantly.


It’s exactly the same in Germany. On every TikTok and instagram post where it’s used, it is used wrong


“scars scattered across my body like constellations” okay john green


![gif](giphy|TxsWTohOBBG3rSGLtI|downsized) You just made my day.


she would’ve thrived on tumblr in 2013


Oh God, the John Green days. I wrote a long one-star review of The Fault in Our Stars on Goodreads from the POV of being a therapist that worked with teenagers, then turned off my phone for the weekend. That’s how rabid his fans were, as you remember, and you’re right, Ashley would have blossomed, cosplaying a cancer patient, or someone with a dying boyfriend, or manic Alaska, playing in traffic. FFS, the fanbase cared about every word Hank Green said because he was related! What a weird, weird time. Yes, my one-star review was actually well-received in the spirit I intended, and it spawned a serious discussion about consent. If I ever see a black cloud next to a white cloud on a blue background again, I may stroke. 😃


i loved tfios as a teenager!! but i haven’t reread as an adult. his book turtles all the way down though truly changed my life - you may like that one! it’s a really, really great representation of OCD and gave me a lot of language to describe my own experiences. this one is more recent, though, so out of the 2012 cringe fest 😂




She has scars from surgery, so her issues were taken very seriously unlike many women complaints of health issues. And if she doesn't find help in traditional medicine, her parents will pay for naturopaths and LLMDs who will do whatever their patients ask to make them feel better. Ash is showing her privilege again, yet disguising it as being a victim. She's had access to every resource she's needed, ever. She's going to be just fine.


She is so patronizing it’s not even funny


Most women actually *do* know what it’s like to receive an “earth-shattering diagnosis” at some point. Not all of us while we’re children, teens or young adults. Having your first major health emergency at a young age is definitely a specific experience, but pretty much everyone will develop some serious condition… most will have to take medication with side effects… many will have to undergo surgery… and yeah, we’re all eventually gonna die ‼️ Ironically, she has actually been through very little in her young adult life. No major tragedies have befallen her, she also basically lives in a bubble and that has spared her a lot of the world’s adversities. I wonder if she will ever realize her insane lack of perspective, or stop clinging to this delusional “specialness,” talking down to an audience of people who “don’t know what it’s like.” Lmao babe, we actually do know what it’s like, everything is hard and who gives a shit 🤪


I was gonna say the same, like yes it's actually quite common for women to receive a diagnosis of some type of chronic illness or disease.. think of how many women have endometriosis, PCOS etc. And based on a quick search, 8% of the population have an autoimmune disease, 78% of those are women. She's not as special as she'd like to think she is. Most people just don't make it their whole personality and try to carry on as best as they can..


She has like 3 scars. And her weight gain is from sitting on her ass in bed all day eating pancakes and pastry. She doesn’t have chronic fatigue- she just needs to stop waking and baking and popping Valium.




This is the wierdest pose ever, it's like someone has a gun tobhwr head and instructed her to pose in a wierd way




i was just thinking about how it looks like she’s shitting in the yard here lmao


Ha ha!!


Gotta get her goods out for the neighbours


“Fred, that Carnduff girl is masterbating in her mother’s backyard again.”


It's giving " execution pose "


>so many women will never know what it's like to receive an earth shattering diagnosis that flips their world upside down Between the 40% who will be diagnosed with cancer, 26% who will be diagnosed with an STD, and 44% who will be diagnosed with heart disease, I think Ashley might be a little mistaken.


🙋🏼‍♀️Cancer and heart disease, here. She has no fucking clue. I can’t with this bitch.


Sorry about that 🙁 And this is why she’s so freaking problematic. Millions of women (and men too) receive earth shattering updates about their health on a daily basis - They still aren’t pregnant. Insurance won’t pay for their lipedema surgery. Their cancer spread. Their heart function is declining despite doing all the right things. Ashley is completely out of touch with reality but also just incredibly insensitive and selfish. WTAF.


Or the huge amount that gets diagnosed with the PCOS or endo she seemed to actively WANT to get!


Why does she always act like she’s the only one to experience chronic illness?! It’s insane to me.


Because narcissistic people think they're the center of the universe and no one else and their feelings exists.


She doesn't have ANY chronic illnesses. Her one illness is in remission.


This is a genuine question btw: if it's in remission but not cured, could it potentially flare up/ come back? Or is it probably in remission forever as long as she still takes her med for it?


It will inevitably come back to some extent or another, which is part of what makes her story so appalling to me. She has had a gift of ten years in remission — she could have so many more wonderful years before it comes back and they have to find a new way to fight it. Instead of living her life with the time she’s got, she’s been bed rotting and pretending she’s as sick as she was the day she was diagnosed. I don’t understand why she’s done this to herself, and I think if she truly reflected on the time she’s pissed away, she’d never forgive herself for it tbh. Idk if I could.


Does this shit never get old for her?? 😂😭


I guess not.


Girl really needs to let go of this Chron’s at 15 shit. This is an embarrassment and bad advocacy. There are amazing women and men out there who are doing what they need, be it running from job to job, owning a job, advocating through organizations or something actually positive, raising a family, or volunteering at various organizations etc. Ash, sorry to break it to her, but when she did not have double chin, the one she is trying to hide and filter or whatever, she had no problem showing off her body. There wasn’t this insecurity about the body. There still is a chance for her to turn her life around. She is so young. She needs to go get off social media for her own good and her for her family. I think it is starting to negatively affect everyone cause of it. Please show what is possible living with the Chron’s she had. What a life having it under remission can do. What she is doing isn’t going to catch anyone’s eye. No inspiration, just despair from what she puts out. She also has badly lost her identity. What is it???


rings on a pimp to star constellations


She really said rings on a pimp?!


ohhhh yesss! not in the post obviously, but in a past post that she swiftly deleted.


If she ever has a baby she’s gonna blame her child for destroying whatever is left of her body image.


Go fuck yourself with your tiny scar and your shite diet. Take some fucking responsibility for a change and fuck off.


Why is she kneeling in the dirt in a bathing suit?!


Her constant insistence that "so many women don't know what it's like to get an earth shattering diagnosis like me" is the worst kind of cancer-baiting given she is one of the healthiest and most supported people _and has family members who have died of cancer_ God she's awful. I don't understand how she can go on posting this same self valorising story one hundred thousand million trillion times. It just makes her soul look more and more ugly and sociopathic !


Don’t you know, she’s the only woman in the world who has gotten sick as a child?! And she’s the sickest, bravest person out there!! We must bow down!!


same long winded caption, different day. no one cares ashley. shut up. you have like 3 scars. your weight gain is because of your lifestyle choices. mentioning it 928639492738 times isn’t going to do anything. your polypharmacy has caused your “chronic fatigue” and your inability to try and improve your stamina. also… EARTH SHATTERING DIAGNOSIS?!?? YOU ARE IN REMISSION YOU [redacted] [redacted] this is way too OTT, she really needs to touch the grass she is kneeling on instead of feeling herself up like she does in the video. my god. the dimmness of this one.


Scars are scattered across my body like rings on a pimp


Wow—I just went and watched the actual video and it’s *disturbing.* Why does she cup herself so much?


Where’s the video? I’ve been blocked and blessed since before I found the sub lol.


I found it on insta


Oh fuck off with the “so many women will never know what it’s like to receive a diagnosis”. Miss me with that shit. iirc 25-30% of women have a chronic illness. My chronic illness onset started at the age of 2 and I’m not screaming it from my backyard while I stroke my hair awkwardly.


"So many women will never receive earth shattering news like poor meeeeeee" GIMME A FUCKIN BREAK


She really thinks she’s some kind of special, rare bird, doesn’t she? So many women *will* receive earth shattering news like, idk, they have cancer or their child does, for example. This privileged idiot has no idea! “But I do.” No. No, you really don’t, you steaming pile of bed rotting compost!


> So many women will never know I’m NoT LiKe OtHeR gIrLs


But pay her $160 and you, too, can learn how to post inane bullshit and have two (2) LinkedIn followers!


Oh Ash, eat dirt. Lots of people have received cancer diagnoses, which I would argue is MUCH scarier than your illness. You’re in REMISSION. Be grateful for your good health. Weight gain does suck, but your daily use of filters, photoshop, etc. perpetuates the problem! If you don’t like how you look, work on it in therapy and GET OFFLINE. Nobody is making you try to be an influencer.


god, she is so fucking boring. the same posts, over and over. im still dying at her trying to shill her OnLiNe CoUrSe for $160 when her lazy ass didn’t even fill in the starter templates she used lmaoo ETA: “love on each other fiercely” made my soul cringe


Didn't someone mention before that when Ashley was slimmer, she would make fun of overweight people?


Oh really?! We’d have had words if she was in my presence for that shit. Oh you want everyone to pat you on the ass and tell you that you’re beautiful even though you eat like a hog with it’s throat cut, yet you never afforded other people any body positivity, get fucked Ash.


"So many women will never know what it's like to receive an earth shattering diagnosis that flips their world upside down.  But I do." *humblebrag*  So fucking gross. 


Woah hold on... is she copying again, chat gpt or what?? I swear I've seen that scars scattered like constellations phrase before somewhere.


https://preview.redd.it/9qh9raa55z5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4db8069a3051ffdeade9049194f936b347623df Not sure if this is original, but it is from \~a year ago


Yoni, crawl, nourish, rest, and bath are her favorite words. What other ones you guys got?


“Me” and “I”.


Scars, medication, port, infusion


Ash is so freaking weird, good gosh. This is giving… like….. childish playing in the yard, but subtle adult trying to be sexy… all at once. And it’s creeepy! Who kneels like that on the bare ground, in their bathing suit in the backyard?!


HOW MANY TIMES CAN SHE POST AND DELETE THE EXACT SAME THING. I am 100% convinced she has a serious mental problem. This is NOT normal behaviour.


Okay, but you still need a bra that'll hold your tits up.


Medication HAS NOT been what made you gain weight you insufferable potato, you must have forgotten that we see every sugar filled carb filled thing you eat? You consume the amount of someone way bigger than you and wonder why you’re fat. Stop lying.


This is a fucking weird thing to post about while stroking one’s tits in their backyard, in clear view of the neighbors.


This just makes me explosively angry “so many women will never know what it’s like”- dude, screw you SO MANY women know exactly what it’s like, including me. I’ve had 15 surgeries in my life and more scar tissue than anyone should have. Henry Rollins said it best “Scar tissue is stronger than regular tissue. Realize the strength, move on”. I’ve chosen to tattoo over my scars and the parts of my body I hate as a way of taking my body back and turning it into something I think is beautiful. She is not helping herself by re-hashing this narrative over and over.


Exactly, what is she going to tell all those women at cancer center doing their absolute best for a chance to prolong their lives by just a little. Lots of women who has cancer or had, can’t even dream of having kids to raise because there is so much thoughts and physical barriers involved. They don’t want to pass on a possible of cancer for their children or don’t want their children to lose them because cancer decided to stop letting them live. This message of hers is very self centered and shows how she is truly a non advocate and doesn’t care about others. Very disappointing day. She has been a disappointment, but this is just wrong. She needs to take this down. Ash needs to volunteer somewhere to gain some perspective and stay off social media.


I 100% agree. She should definitely take this down. She doesn’t know real suffering. She’s been healthy for years now and hasn’t had a Crohns flare in god knows how long. I’ve lost many people to cancer. Some of them quite young. I have a friend right now who’s been fighting for his life with brain cancer for the past year. After multiple surgeries and I don’t even know how many rounds of chemo and radiation they found another tumor a few weeks ago. He’s so weak. He used to be big and strong and now he can’t do any of the things he loves. He keeps talking about giving up. She will never understand how that feels. He’s terrified his children might one day have to deal with it. Ash is so horribly selfish that his story probably wouldn’t even move her. She’d try to turn it around to make it seem like her life has been worse. At this point I feel like she’s just a bad person.


I had 78 staples going from below my belly button to right below my bra line. It’s a huge scar which they cut a little strip of fat out so now it’s healed it looks like a butt. It sucks. It’s nothing like constellations, it’s like a fucking scar, Ash.


Yeah that’s a pretty major scar. My biggest a scars are two hip to hip scars ( c-section and hysterectomy) and one up the back of my upper arm, down the back of my elbow and down the back of my forearm.


I guarantee you would have to squint to see hers. I heard the hysterectomy scars (the old school ones) are pretty major also.


I’m sure hers is tiny. My brother in law had a bowel resection from crohns and his scar is like a cm long. I was supposed to have a laparoscopic hysterectomy but my endometriosis was so severe they had to do open surgery because they couldn’t see what they were doing with the laparoscope. This was 17 years ago.


Oh do you have any recommendations or anything you learned about getting scars tattooed? I have several big ones (back of neck and wrist) that I want to get tattooed bc they are so visible to people and I am scared. Anything tricks or tips?


The first thing to know is it’s going to hurt more than getting a tattoo on non scarred skin but it’s not unbearable. Do some good research on artists in your area. Some actually specialize in scar cover ups. But definitely find one that has done scar cover ups before because the tissue acts differently and takes ink differently than regular skin. Have an idea in mind but be flexible. A good artist can help you design something that will work with the body and the size and shape of the scar. The goal is usually to camouflage the scar and not just tattoo over it. Lastly it’s more than worth paying for a good artist. Tattoos are definitely one of the “you get what you pay for” purchases. As an example this arm was covered in self harm scars. I got them covered in January of this year. I love the tattoo and it hides my scars so well that I can’t see them. All I told my artist was that I wanted Medusa and this is what he did for me. https://preview.redd.it/d6xh6yoq6z5d1.jpeg?width=1065&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6761d85aaf4e00be36145df14bd964d70cfb197c


In my experience it hurt less, but a couple of my scars are still numb so that makes sense that it would be more painful if they weren’t.


It could be that my fibromyalgia has something to do with it but my scars are pretty sensitive. I don’t like to touch them because I get this weird buzzing feeling.


Thank you so so much! Love your ink! Appreciate the advice 🫶🏻


I feel like tattooing over scar tissue is actually easier than non-scarred skin. I dated a tattoo artist and can’t show my other tattoos here (c-section scars, hysterectomy scar, etc.), but this is one on my hand that has a scar underneath from my sexual assault and it was so freeing to cover that visible reminder of trauma I endured. https://preview.redd.it/mqrv04k9hz5d1.jpeg?width=1369&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e3f6cf08390c2769b1ff8f549cec8621e0b24cf I don’t necessarily have any tips or tricks, just that it was less painful for me to tattoo over scar tissue than fresh skin.


Wait, why is she feeling her boobs? Is she considering an OF career? Ew


Let’s face it: OF may be her only viable option for earning money at this point. At least it would be an honest living instead of sponging off of her parents.


You were an adult though ![gif](giphy|toB3AnUDkqE3GENKx0) Also just mho but there's some weird connotations here. Fkn freak 😒


I thought she wasn’t focusing on her “illnesses” anymore ? 🙄


She looks like she's trying to take a fetish piss in the yard.


“So many women will never receive an earth shattering diagnosis etc etc” Ashley…girl…come the fuck on are we really pretending like the statistics support this.


My body and my brain are broken , anyway here's me in my bathing suit in the yard .


“love on each other fiercely” anyone else cringe at the phrase “love on”?? it’s such a sickly sweet bullshit phrase, it reeks of phony crunchy wanna be influencer. why not “respect each other” or “be kind”?


It has fundie vibes


Wtf does she mean by, “so many women will never know what it’s like?” Does she really think she’s some fucking special snowflake? For having what, PCOS? One of my the most common disorders? POTS? Crohn’s that’s in remission? This post is seriously making MY blood pressure go up. Who does she think she is, some special sick girl who has all these mysterious unique illnesses? 116 comments here so I’m assuming yall are as annoyed as I am. I’d say she’s trolling but she really is THAT out of touch holy shit


Wears her scars like rings on a pimp? Or like stars on the constellation?


Her arm bones seem to be wobbling.


It's like in Harry Potter where he breaks his arm during Quidditch and Professor Lockhart tries to mend the bones but ends up removing them, making Harry's arm rubbery and extra bendy.


POV: you continue to misuse POV


She ruined a perfectly good bathing suit with her shamelessness.


Mah! MAH!! That Carnduff girl is by our fence again and she’s pointing her yoni at us!! CALL THE COPS!!


Gah, *what* is this pose???


She takes a message that we can all agree is good and positive, even if it's mind-numbingly trite ("Don't judge other people's bodies!") and then builds it into the most insufferable mountain of shit you've ever read in your life. She really has a skill here.


Can’t work, taking a chinchilla dirt bath.


jfc trashley SAY LESS.


“Constellations” “earth shattering “ 😂😂😂. I see why she didn’t graduate with honors.


Actually, a lot of us deal with earth shattering news, but we don’t make our trauma our entire personality.


"love each other fiercely?" What is this, a CROSSOVER episode?


Ok but why does she look like a dog getting ready to drop a deuce?


Ever since I saw someone put in a chat gpt request and it spit out an Ash caption, emojis and all, I’ve never been able to see them the same. It’s kind of disgusting and inauthentic to see. It’s in the memes/satire tab…scroll all the way to the bottom it’s like the 4th or 5th from bottom. Someone should do that again.


She is so depressing omg


"I don't want anybody else, when I think about ME I touch myself" - Ashley


How many times has she used the scars constellations allegory


And what a weird weird vid, why she sitting in the garden facing a fence like that?


Here she is again, making the world a better place, one condescending lecture at a time.


You would think that the social media genius would know how to use a P.O.V post correctly. Her body is 30 and her brain is still a 15 year old girl. I don’t know how she will survive after her parents leave this earth.


I haven't really thought about it before but she often says it's the _diagnosis_ that was terrible. But I think most people would just be glad to know why they feel so bad and what to do about it.


How many tomes is she going to tell us she was diagnosed at 15 😴 change the fucking record, ash. Jfc.


Why is she in the garden feeling herself up??? Girl, this is not the content anyone wants to see except on OF.


Ash, you’re obese and horribly deconditioned because you eat nothing but shit 24/7 and never leave your bed. In remission chrons has absolutely nothing to do with you being a gluttonous, lazy hog. Hope that helps!


If you don't want people talking about your (photoshopped) body, stop shoving it in our face without consent. And why make this big ol post about your body and not even post your own? Such an awkward pic, the pose, the location, the context with the pic, everything.


For the low low price of $169, you too can learn how to make the same post every week consisting of a photo that genuinely looks like you’re posed and straining to take a shot on the ground in public view with a caption dramatically bragging about surviving one of the most common and easily treatable diseases known to medicine almost a decade ago, after multiple promise to stop talking about your health on social media