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Wow, trying to get attention from her dogs issues. Even had to throw in that her thyroid levels were “non existent”. Same language her and Brent use to describe their health issues. She cant just have regular hypothyroidism.


It’s weird as fuck how she is using her pets pain for attention. It’s also a huge slap in the face to every pet owner who has cared for or lost a pet because of a chronic condition. Unlike Ashley, most of us are devastated when our pets are diagnosed with chronic conditions and most of us would never even DREAM of using our pets suffering for attention.


And if this is true, it means Ashley willfully neglected lunas symptoms for a LONG TIME


I agree. She did not give a shit about Luna until things got really bad. Kinda show what kind of parent she will be. A neglectful one.


This right here ✅✅✅ Ashley should never be a mother!!! (imo)


Yeah you don’t just develop this overnight. There are many signs! I’ve had 2 cats with thyroid issues and they FOR SURE had symptoms for which they were brought to the damn vet.


Right?! Especially with how overweight Luna was(is), she should have been at the vet way sooner just for that! Does she not go in for checkups and shots? The vet would have noticed the weight issue then.


Or like she described her depression as having no neurotransmitters (claims the doctor said that) lmao


Need brain cells to have neurotransmitters


Yeah, the OTT runs in the family. Poor Luna, only getting care now because of such neglect and self absorbed owner.


There are a lot of symptoms if thyroid hormones are even off by a little. I guess since it didn’t affect her directly, it didn’t matter until her content source was in danger.


To be fair, my GP called my TSH level “non-existent” when I had subclinical hyperthyroidism because my TSH was actually at 0 / non-detectable; however, the rest is just “Ash as usual 🥱.” Subclinical was the extra term tacked on for me as while my TSH was obviously very low, my other hormones came back normal, albeit at the very top end of the range, and I was experiencing symptoms.


This is what has me wondering...low level is hyperthyroidism, correct? That is associated with weight loss, not gain. So if Luna is losing weight on meds, wouldn't she have hypothyroidism? In which case the level would not be non-existent, it would be other way around? I recently had some irregular levels and I still haven't figured out what they mean.🤣 Also, 16 pounds in 2 months??? That doesn't seem safe or even possible?


Yes, low TSH = hyperthyroidism, high TSH = hypothyroidism. Weight loss is typically associated with hyperthyroidism, but it wasn’t the case for me; I actually gained weight because I was so constantly hungry that I was eating enough to more than make up for my elevated metabolism. My doctor actually initially thought I was hypothyroid and was surprised when my blood work showed hyperthyroidism. I ended up with subclinical hypothyroidism a few years later and I’ve been on a low dose of levothyroxine ever since. I get my levels tested each year and they have been normal for over a decade now. The cause of my thyroid dysfunction remains a mystery. I’ve tested negative for all the autoimmune conditions like Grave’s disease and Hashimoto’s. As for Luna’s weight loss, 16 lbs in 2 months does sound like a lot, depending on how much she weighed to begin with.


Thanks for your response. I am the opposite of you. I've been diagnosed with subclinical hypo, which also is weird because I've lost a lot of weight without really trying. I have more symptoms related to hyper & have strange hormone levels going on (still have a cycle in my late 50s). Dr said that hormone & thyroid levels are interconnected & I will be trying progesterone first (nationwide shortage and have been waiting WEEKS for it). In the meantime, Im granting myself grace and loving on my hormones etc etc.🤣 She is lying or mistaken or both in regards to Luna. Poor doggy.


Wow, I had a similar experience with the reproductive bring when I was subclinically hypo (had a period that lasted for over 6 weeks). I also have PMDD, so I take a long lasting form of birth control to alleviate the mood swings I used to get. I hope you get the medication you need soon! It really has made such a difference for me and my doctor now no longer thinks clinical depression was a possibility (it runs on my mom’s side of the family, so I was at risk to be fair). Anything Ashley says I take with a block of salt. That’s right, a block.




Low levels of TSH mean hyperthyroidism. High levels of TSH mean hypo...it's confusing because it sounds backwards. So if Luna had "non exsistent level", shouldn't she have hyperthyroidism...and be underweight? It makes no sense. Unless it's Ash exaggerating again and getting it wrong. Or I am getting it wrong and need my dr to explain it to me for a third time.😳


Huh, I thought I knew more because my mom has it.... Apparently not! (Oops!)


Hey, I'm just figuring it out and was diagnosed over 3 weeks ago.🤣😂🤣


Even her dog goes on ✨🎀gentle🎀✨ walks. Did she lose all that weight by doing wiggles on her dog bed?




Omg Luna! lay down right now!


Check out my post on this. She didn’t walk her this morning - this pic is a screen grab I was able to capture from the walk three days ago. She is also USING A FILTER on Luna!


I did think she looked a little photoshopped omg


Omg I thought this was an old post I was just seeing, not a new one with an old pic. But for $160 you can learn how to lie, just like Ashley Sarah carnduff of Hailey, Idaho!


Imagine waiting until your morbidly obese dog is myxedemic to take it to the vet. What a cunt.


She hasn’t lost 16 pounds lol. That would be incredibly dangerous for a dog in that short of a time Also that breed (and most others) need more than a 10 minute “gentle” walk. Luna needs to run and jump and play.


If she ever calls herself mama again i will lose it. Shes basically posting about how she let her dog get deathly ill and claiming to be a hero and mother


Reminds me of a lot of the social media chronic illness moms who exploit their babies health struggles for views. Or autism moms who think they’re bringing awareness by posting their autistic kids meltdowns online to get sympathy pats


She looks the same maybe even fatter. Poor baby :(


Came here to say this. That dog did not lose 16 pounds. 16 pounds on a dog in 2 months is INSANE. Thats like a human losing 75 pounds in 2 months.


Poor luna. I genuinely hope if she has a thyroid condition that it’s now better managed. Idk if I trust ash as a source of info tho tbh. Luna deserves so much better 😭


Oh my god. The fact she let the dog get so obese and neglected hypothyroidism to the point where Luna collapsed on a walk is insane. I’m glad she’s doing better, and I hope this doesn’t happen again. I honestly hope it was a wake up call to her. And 16lbs in 1.5-2mo isn’t healthy for a human, let alone a dog.


Also she still looks huge! If she's lost that much weight.....holy shit.


Right like how tf does that even happen,,,, how do you as a dog “mama” 🙄 let it get so bad??


Keep in mind the dermatitis bad enough that a groomer thought it was ringworm - Indicating clearly she isn’t taking basic care of her at home. You know, like looking at her? Let alone brushing. I wonder what her nails look like…


Yeahhhh if my Aussie lost 16lbs in a month and a half, I’d be terrified she had hidden cancer somewhere. Also, that dog has gotten bigger, hasn’t it? If you’re gonna lie, make it believable.


Yeah no way this dog lost that much weight


Derp, made the same comment about time vs amount of weight loss.


How the fuck did a dog lose 16lbs in 2 months???


Having just lost my beloved heart dog despite every feasible effort to save her, all I can say is fuck you from the deepest, darkest part of my being, Trash. I would do anything…fucking ANYTHING, to have one more moment with my dog and all you do is exploit yours for sympathy and ass pats from strangers. Get fucking bent, you neglectful piece of shit. Edit: your immediate downvote doesn’t change the fact that you’re a dog abusing piece of rancid shit, Ashley. Get off Reddit and get a fucking job.


https://preview.redd.it/zarc04ngle6d1.jpeg?width=562&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c39c9cfab8679800af69245412380dc079bd8f35 Also, rest easy my Ditto Dog. I’m so glad you were the best part of my life. I will miss you forever. 💔 (This is what a happy dog looks like Trash. She knew love and care every moment of every day. Do better.)


She is gorgeous. So sorry for your loss 💔


What a sweet girl. I’m so sorry.


I’m so sorry for the loss of your sweet Ditto. ❤️❤️❤️


No ~~thyroid level~~ neurotransmitters. None at all. Hmmm, where have I heard that before


The fact it got this bad before she even thought something was wrong is so terrifying. This woman should never have children. There are sooo many signs of hypothyroidism before it becomes a crisis like this: low energy, little interest in things, poor skin, poor appetite or poor appetite regulation, weight gain, excess sleep … SO MANY SIGNS! Any single one of these should have warranted a trip to the vet. She is just so insanely self absorbed. And Patti isn’t in the clear here, either. She also witnessed this dog deteriorate and did nothing.


Low-key this sub noticed it before she did I think, we just didn't pin it as hypothyroidism 


Even if Luna is big for an aussie, with a "healthy" weight of 55lb, and she was 15lb overweight, a 16lb loss in \~2 months is over 20% of her body weight. That's WAY too fast to be safe. Any bets that she starved her dog?


Not me but my bets are on her being a lying liar that lies.


With any lolcow, rule number one is always: They lie. Foodie Beauty taught me that, and it's a reminder that's served me well watching others as well lol


Don't worry. Ashley is a liar and has to lie about everything. She HAS to exaggerate. Dog looks just as heavy as it did a month ago.


I hope she’s lying, because that’s better than the alternative


It doesn’t look like she’s lost that much yet! I think she looks more like she’s lost 5-8 lbs imo. Just like all other things ash says, it’s lies lol. Shes still visibly over weight with a bit more to go, so idk why she’d claim Luna got to the goal weight lol


Did Ashley mean to say 1.6 pounds instead of 16? Because there’s no freaking way.


Omg Luna has ZERO thyroid levels. 😳


I bet she has zero neurotransmitters too


Using your dog for attention and comments and her being a sh1tty a\_\_ liar is just DISGUSTING ![gif](giphy|bYzZOfz4pCl3fRQ5O2|downsized) Go f\_\_\_k yourself Ash


Wouldn't 16 lbs with dog that size too drastic of a loss in the time period? Even if it was early April, that's still only 2.5 months.


she shouldn’t have gotten to the point of her shaking and being unable to walk because she should’ve noticed she was overweight before that dumb dumb


Her dog has lost 16lbs in a month and a half?!


So she admits that she wasn’t walking Luna enough which caused her to gain 15 pounds??


so now not only did she lie about taking her for a walk, she is photoshopping luna to make her look like she lost weight? i cannot with this stupid \[redacted\] https://preview.redd.it/ymaq1zzw5f6d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9db98c451b5fb43fda451a50097f08e23e89fd60 poor luna man, she needs to go to a home where she will be properly taken care of. ashley only takes care of her fucking *wombspace* , nothing more.


Wtf is a gentle walk? 🙄


She's granting Luna grace.


Yep granting her grace instead of regular vet checkups.


Fuck you ashley


If Ashley Carnduff didn’t proudly neglect her dog in the name of her bullshit illnesses like Chronic Lyme from a spider bite & CCI & all forms of EDS; then that six year old dog wouldn’t be morbidly obese with chronic dermatitis, nails so long they curl under & make walking painful and was on deaths door before Ashley Carnduff even bothered taking her to the vet for a check up.


Ok now she's munching Luna? There is no hope is there? She has almost reached unredeemable in my eyes. It would take a lot to convince me with this bish


Back again to comment on how obnoxious a person has to be to publicly post that they didn’t realise their beloved dog who they claim is their soul mate etc was 15 pounds overweight and very ill, and yet thinks they sound like a fucking saint and a dog mama for eventually bringing her to a vet.


"Dog mama" makes me want to hurl.


I saw that video, I initially mistook Luna for a Texas longhorn calf and wondered why the video was on my feed. So....are we sure Luna lost 16 pounds (and so quickly) or that Ash has figured out the canine applications of the slimming filter?


Whenever I read her posts it totally just seems like every aspect is exaggerated. So she says the dog lost 16pounds. It probably lost 4. Her thyroid was dangerously low? Was probably a tad low. Nothing comes off as genuine and she needs too many adjectives and adverbs.


Thank the gods she's lying about that weight loss or that dog would be about to drop dead.


Everything is so dramatic with her. Also feel like 16 pounds is a lot for a dog to lose in a month and a half… and obviously she needed to lose weight, not saying the thyroid thing isn’t real, but the real reason Luna got too fat is because she wasn’t getting enough activity and of course the vet is gonna call that shit out.


Don’t make your dog fat 💁🏻‍♀️


Luna has no thyroid hormone, Ash has no neurotransmitters... Damn, shit luck 🥴