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The concept of “atomic habits”. Big changes are threatening, small one are easy. A small change at a time amounts for a fuckton in the long run. "Sleep on time” is hard. “Turn the TV off by 10” becomes “Be in bed by 10” becomes “lights off by 10 which becomes “meditating in bed with lights off by 10”


"Finish edging by 2am" becomes "crying in shower by 2am"




I looked up edging the other day because I needed to get some yard work done this season and WOW.


I used to watch lots of YouTube videos about makeup, fashion, and social commentary. Random vlogs too. After a while those topics stopped being interesting, and they weren't really adding value to my life, so I pivoted to other topics that fall into the category of "how to be better." What that means will be different for everyone, but I feel a little better each day knowing I'm watching/listening to stuff that's actually important, and it's helping me form those atomic habits. Listening to happy, successful people talk for 2-3 hours most evenings rubs off on you after a while.


Interesting. Thank you so much for sharing this


Man, you’re not kidding. I went from a night owl that stayed up until the sunlight came up to bed every night before 9 o’clock. I also used to drink like five energy drinks a day, and I cut myself down to two. And on my days off, I only drink coffee. It is crazy when you just limit yourself. Just a tiny bit more here and there. It’s amazing at how being awake during the day and sleeping at night has improved my energy, my mood, and just quality of life in general. Yeah, just a tiny bit at a time and eventually you get there.


I have that book:)?


Your username is cute :)


Coming to realize that work is what I do for money. Coworkers are not my friends. Once I finish my work day I get to live my real life surrounded by the people I care about. Frees up all that we're a family work bulls#it.


And that you don’t need to think about work in your free time or do work related stuff in order to be a better worker. Thanks, God.


I started doing that this past year. No, it's 430pm, my work day is over, I won't do that thing. My REAL life starts unmolested at 430. Catch me tomorrow at 8am. These past 8 hours are SOLELY TO FUND MY ACTUAL LIFE, thank you.


This is my number one goal going into my next job search. My mental health is in tatters because of it. I literally dream about impossible deadlines, unanswerable (without extensive testing) technical questions, and laughably optimistic budgets. Along with forcefully "managing expectations" and not sharing personal details from day one. Current employer only hires mechanical engineers and assumes each of us can manage design, analysis, drafting, supplier quality, R&D, software, process development, tool design, manufacturing, quality, and test interchangeably. Each of those is a separate job title at most companies....


Mfg Eng checking in. After all that bullshit, including substitute production manager, Hourly craftsman now. I make stuff. That's it. Keeps the roof over my head in a decent manner, the lights on, and I can get fat if I want to. OT after 40, same medical bennies, and no fucking phone calls on the weekend.


Im sadly the opposite. My family i care about, for more than be force but still, they'd disown me if they knew i watched anime and oirated movies lol. My coworkers and discord friends know more about me than my mom.....well ....thats debatable


Doesn't always work if you don't have a family. My coworkers have become some of my best friends now


i’ve always been good at separating work and my actual life. have a rough day at work? as soon as i walk out those doors, its a new day and my mood is great, i do not think about work until i walk back through those doors. and vice versa, had a rough off day or morning? walk in those work doors and its time to put on my game face. i’ve been with my girl for 5 years now. she often asks why i never vent about work or tell her i had a bad day at work, and i always respond: because im simply not thinking about it. work is never on my mind until im back at work. goes a long way.


Thank you!!


Same! I found a job I can do without it impacting my free time. Only a couple of times in two years now I have worried about work after clocking out. It is a new form of freedom - i feel so rested, vibrant and alive with lots of quality time to do my own things!


Why that mentality I feel like that makes work more miserable instead of enjoyable


You speak truth!


I wouldn't consider it a hack really but when I open my fridge I ask am I hungry or bored. Most the time I'm just bored and that stops me from over eating.


Eat that broccoli. Gonna spoil ifya don't.


Dad is that you? 😆


I am your father, Luke. Or Leia. Whoever.


Is broccoli on the dark side or light side of the force?


Well it's cruciferous which obviously means it crucifies. Dark side.


Depends ifya put cheese on it. I reckon Yoda eats it. Just look at him.


How did the voice in my head end up on Reddit?!?!


I totally use "wander into kitchen, look into fridge" as a semi unconscious procrastination thing. 


I do the same at times. Usually, if I have to clean up the house.


I’d consider it a hack, thanks for sharing this.


It’s a fine line between boredom and hunger


Bored eating is serious eating


Boarding a flight first when the seats are assigned is a giant waste of time. I don't wait in line for an hour like everyone else. I just sit down and relax and when everyone else is boarded I walk right on. I've never failed to find overhead compartment space either. Also, a backpack is the best carry-on.


Or people standing in the aisles after we landed and waiting for the scissor lift to attach…. Like what’s the point we are all gonna have to wait 10-15 min anyways. And after we get out we all still have to wait for the luggage to come out 😂. “ A lot of “ hurry up and wait “


The only excuse for this is if you’re uncomfortable sitting and it’s a relief to stand. I’m tall and those seats are small for me so I can’t wait to stretch my legs.


I'm short and when I stand my head hits the ceiling so not sure how it's any better


Im only 5'5 but sitting for so long on flights always gives me major back pain and so I always jump at the chance to stand once the plane lands.


I have joint issues and if I can move my joints even 20 seconds sooner I will. I'd rather stand for 15 minutes in a new uncomfortable position than have to stay in the same uncomfortable position I've been stuck in for however long


I can tell you are not tall because you've clearly not experienced the misery of having your knees crammed into the seat ahead of you for hours at a time.


Clearly you've never had back trouble. 15 more minutes of agony folded into an airplane seat is NOT the same as getting to stand up right away.


Right? I have two kids and one has autism so we get "priority" boarding. I have to explain every time there's no way I'm putting my kids on a plane and asking them to stay still for an hour while everyone boards and then sit still for another 6 hours. I let them roam wild and free until the very end. They're great travelers!


Exactly. I want as little time on the plane as possible, especially if I have my kids with me.


Haha, it's funny how some folks can be a bit clueless, especially the ones at the very end of a super long line! I've been doing the same thing as you for years. The best part is, when you're the last to board, you get to pick from any of the available seats. And occasionally, you luck out and snag an entire row to yourself!


Hell yeah. It just feels dumb to bring bigger luggage in such a confined space anyway, and it's not a race to win a seat or something to waste time queuing Common sense, I love it.


I now always check luggage unless it's a short trip to somewhere warm where I need very little. All I carry on the plane is my phone, noise-cancelling headphones and a book. Everyone looks at me suspiciously when I look so relaxed and comfortable during air travel.


Have you been on a plane since Covid? Luggage rack space is the spice of the skies. I’m seen multiple near fist fights happen in the last couple of years over luggage rack space.


Problem was never lack of seat but lack of pre assigned stowage area for bags. Once the flight is packed you’ll struggle to find a space to keep your handbags right above you


It's great until you have to put your bag containing valuables in the hold because everyone else has filled it with their giant carry ons. Yes, that's happened to me. If overhead space was guaranteed, I'd be chilling just like you.


I think I've seen a few videos explaining that the way airlines board is the worst possible way. Even letting people board randomly would be better.


working out, daily


cleared my head, boosted my mood


Even walking at a decent pace for 15 minutes can help your mood. Feel down, go walk around the neighborhood.


Made my ass look a lot better for sure.


What else are you doing because I've been working out lifting and doing cardio 3-4 times per week for several months with 0 results


You can’t out-exercise a bad diet


I learned that the hard way after a year. Killing myself in training six days a week - no joke, no exageration - and there was barely any visual progress. (Though lifting and endurance progress was decent - hired a PT and we were logging everything). On a positive note once I got the food issues sorted out - it turned around quick and I had actually built up a bit of muscle underneath the blubber - so according to my friends it looked like I had gottten jacked overnight.


Honestly I just do 30 minute high intensity workouts 6 days a week. Mostly body weight stuff with some weights here and there. I just got the general impression it was supposed be beneficial in a number of ways from the internet, and began to feel the benefit within a few days of regular exercise. What sort of benefits are you aiming for, is it mainly for your mental health? what exercises are you doing exactly?


What can I do for my ass? Seriously. It's as flat as a board.


Dead lifts and hip thrusts.


You had me at hip thrusts




I need at least 2 days rest honestly.  I've done it daily before but end up feeling ill, even worse on my period


That's a lot better than not working out at all.


I love doing 3x a week full body lift, than BJJ/wrestling 3x a week. Pretty fun mixture.


Put money into the things that go between you and the ground: bed, chairs, shoes. You’re dealing with gravity 100% of the time, so make it more comfortable to deal with.


I’d add quality tires to your list. Safety but also better handling


Don't ever skimp on rubber. Any kind of rubber.


If you skimp on rubber, you will not skimp on diapers!!.....or child support.


This guy fucked!


This guy fucks!


Ignore everyone on the sides laughing at you or whatever and stay on the path


Did that. Started to a class to get certified in a program for the medical field (after spending 10 years working in education) and multiple people, family members included telling me to drop it because I was just going to fail anyways. Joke was on them, I aced my final exam.


Congratulations ❤️


Thanks 🤗


"Most people don't like themselves. Why would you care if they like you?"




True story - I have a friend who 25 years ago everyone (except a couple of us) thought was a bit of a loser. He was often skint and borrowed money off people from time to time to pay the bills. Super smart guy, just a bit lost. He then announced that he was going to take flying lessons and become a pilot. Everyone completely took the piss out of him/didn't believe him. 25 years on he's flying private jets around the world and lives in a great house, bringing up a lovely young family. A couple of the people who were taking the piss out of him 20 years back are (guess what) sat on their arses doing nothing, smoking weed all day.


Have a list of my problems that required very little effort or time. I thought I had a procrastination problem but what I realized was that I more had a problem of being overwhelmed and not having away of prioritizing task. So I made 3 list of my tasks/goals: Hard, Medium and easy. Easy tasks were all tasks that could be fixed with an email/1 phone call or cost less than $50. I cleared this easy list in less than a week. I also found even my medium/hard tasks required at least 1 easy task. This meant I was also able to work on my long term goals. The amount of anxiety and procrastination I have been able to remove is dramatic. Don't get me wrong, I still scroll, I still spend too much time on Netflix. However these tasks are far more enjoyable because I am not constantly stressed because my life was slowly getting worse, 1 small task at a time.


This is a great idea! Thank you I will try to implement


Holy shit, this is huge. I guess I've heard it before but your wording just made it stick. Starting is really hard and just doing one easy thing can get the ball rolling.


That sounds really good, could you please share your lists with us?


This sounds like the Getting Things Done technique. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Getting\_Things\_Done](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Getting_Things_Done)


Saying please and thank you with a smile goes a long way with most people and makes my interactions with others more pleasant. Being nice is nice.


I totally agree to this! Having manners is always a good thing and goes a long way!


It's nice to be important, but more important to be nice! - Scooter


Not give a fuck


If there is a problem. Don't try to hide it and dont try to lie your way out and get deeper and deeper in trouble. As an example it could be some shit u done and are scared to tell your parents because they will get mad. Just say u messed up from the start and u save yourself alot of stress




Stopped drinking


Same. Was tough but shits just better now


So much so.


My shit actually IS better. No more bile acid diarrhea 🤣🤣


Saving money and brain cells


Reminding myself that I’m paid to be accurate not fast. All my previous jobs were about speed and it was hard to switch gears.


My current job requires me to be accurate (extremely) and fast. I can smell my brain burning by the end of the day lol. I also think I’ll need glasses soon.


Thank you for this epiphany! Seems so obvious, but it’s really genius!


My hack is laughter. Just find simple things that are comical. Like little dopamine boosts. Natural.


Looking at life as "Comedy" helps. Thank you for this important "hack", often overlooked today.


Coworkers are not your friends


Never trust HR


HR here: never trust HR. By the way *u/Eryeahmaybeok please report to HR*


Never accept criticism from someone you wouldn’t ask for advice.


Sleep on time. Period. 6-8 hours


if i get a good 4-5 hours of sleep i think im blessed 🤣


I started caring for my sexual health way too late in life, but practicing pompoir (vaginal gymnastics)is my life hack.


That's it. I'm buying a membership to the vag gym.


The things in life that give you dread, fix those things hunt them like animals and you’ll start feeling so much better.


What do you mean by hunt and fix them? Genuine question. Can you give an example in your own life of a situation that you dreaded and what you did to overcome?


Well a big example is in my career I have to negotiate and I would dread it as I’d often get stumped and not have answers to a customer’s bargaining. I decided to seek out more training it wasn’t an over night change but I was able to increase my skills to a level that allowed me to stop dreading the interaction. Other times it’s the feeling at home that I have so many chores to do often paperwork type stuff. I will just force myself to start and most often it’s easier than I was making it. I know this isn’t a secret but the implementation is what’s important. I now make it my mindset to take notice of things I’m dreading and take action with them. It gives me that space back in my mind, that the dread was occupying. I’m a nervous person with an overactive mind.


That I can actively build my personality and behavior like LEGO. If I don't like something, I just tear out this part and replace it with something I like


I'm going to build my life like the Rivendell set.


I love this Analogy


Turning negatives into positives. If something bad happens I am the first to start on a solution because I skipped the whole process of evaluating what has happened, I just get busy with what to do next.


The best piece of advice I was ever given: with each paycheck, first pay anything you owe others, then take care of the roof over your head and transportation, then any animals you may have, and the rest is yours. I have no background of being able to manage money, but my best friend gave me that advice, and things have begun to slowly improve ever since.


Clean as I cook. It saves me a massive headache after i finish making my food


Gameify all your boring life stuff 


I've said this before but 30 dollar rice cooker with vegetable steamer tray. I was eating so much restaurant food and microwave garbage it was about to affect my physical health in addition to my psychiatric health.


Instant pots are pretty cool too.


Not thinking too much about my interactions with people. Most times, people arent out to get you and are at best thinking of something unrelated to you. If you know you've done nothing wrong and someone is curt with you, realizing that whatever they've got going on has nothing to do with you will drastically improve your mental health. You arent the center of everyone's world.


Along those same lines, when someone acts incongruently rude, instead of feeling to blame, I bolster myself internally with, "Wow-I'm so glad that I would never act that way to another person."


No one actually thinks about you


‘The Spotlight Effect’ is what I’ve heard that cognitive distortion called. It seems to be common with teenagers, especially. They worry their peers are watching and judging them — meanwhile, those kids are worried themselves about how they look, to others.


I respectfully disagree. Maybe I just hang with the most judgmental people on earth but many people DO in fact analyze and think about other people and their lives. Whether or not that should matter is different


But you don't live in their minds, you live in your mind, that is enough. You can't control what people think about you whatever you do. It's a waste of energy.


Perhaps an unusual one but Ketosis. I’ve done it off and on to lose or maintain weight but this time around my head is more clear. My ADD symptoms are far reduced. Feel like it pulled me out of a small depression and I just generally feel so much better. It’s like I’m taking a happy drug. 


Could you elaborate how this works?


Yes. By eating less than a certain amount of carbs each day (ususlly 20 grams max) you deprive your body of glucose which is the usual energy source. Your body instead produces ketones and that’s what your energy source becomes. It’s a different metabolic state and it does things to your body and brain. Appetite plummets, inflammation drops, and many people experience these super positive mind effects, and lots of energy once you get adapted.  Theres a joke that people can’t shut up about keto and it’s because so many people are blown away by the effects and it’s been hiding in plain sight. Especially for those of us who grew up on the food pyramid. 


Telling yourself that nervues and excited is chemically the same thing in your body. It's how you interpret those feelings. Leads to more logical thinking for life changing opportunities.


Honestly that nothing I think about what other people are thinking is true. I actually learnes it in my first therapy session. He goes to me "everything you think is completely in your head until there's guaranteed evidence of people thinking that way" it's genuinely made me way more friendly and tolerable of people. Ive found myself being much more social since learning this.


My first week at my first job this old dude had shown me how to most efficiently empty and rebag multiple garbage cans. For the next 6 years I taught 3 dozen people at 5 different jobs the same thing. My last job the average time it took for trash was 1 hour, and after I came we got it down to 20 minutes.


What was the method? 


Apparently top-secret. 🇺🇲 🤫


Realize that everything is a self-portrait to the world. The ability to speak clearly without dragging on or using "uhh" and other fillers helps people take you more seriously. Same with texts and emails. You don't have to put on an act, but you can improve the image you want to be seen as


Start saving young. Wish I would have at 20. Doesn't take much but $20-100 into a 401k at that young can really make a difference


when using anything don’t put it down put it away


this is a good one and to add, it keeps you from doing something twice (picking it up to use it and picking it up to put it away) if you look at it like this it makes so much more sense and it cuts putting all of your shit away in half!


Be nice to yourself and your body. Treat yourself well and tell yourself you look good. One day you’ll believe it


this hasn't changed my life but is a good hack. When you go to bed drunk, and you're sure you'll be hungover in the morning, just leave a glass of water and an aspirin or ibuprofen on your night stand and set an alarm for 6 am or something. When the alarm goes off just take the pill, drink the water and keep sleeping. Also, a wine connoisseur friend has told me that to avoid being hungover after drinking wine, you need to drink of water the exact same amount as you have drank of wine... works like a charm!


Replaced 'should' with 'could' in my vocabulary. Opened doors to possibilities, not limitations.


Ian Malcolm may disagree with this.


Mute all my friends and acquaintances on socials that don’t post things that make me smile, happy or laugh. I love them, but if they’re posting negative stuff I don’t wanna see it on socials.


Did this, now my Facebook feed is only advertisements.


Being polite and make eye contact when thanking someone for something.


Intuitive eating. Lost so much weight and cleared my mind that was once only ever thinking about food.


Read more books


Around 40 I quit worrying about what other people thought about me. I realized that the thoughts or words someone creates cant physically hurt me , and I picture peoples words / writing/ thoughts bouncing off a pretend steel plate on ky chest to protect me. It totally changed my life and gave me SO much freedom.


Be friends with smart and hardworking people! You absorb their qualities even if not at their exact level.


When people downvote you and insult you on here for speaking facts, ignore them and keep scrolling through Reddit, it helped me a lot.


On a hot day bring wet wipes and deodorant with you incase you sweat alot


Change of clothes in the car. And layers.


Pay yourself first. The bill you pay first is your RRSP and savings In 40 years no one will care if the phone bill or mortgage was late


workout everyday.... but make sure you are not sore because if you are, you will quit working out.


Never ever accept conversation rate when using a foreign ATM (literally can save you €20 when taking out €150




Do you recommend going to a bank instead? Or other alternative?


Budgeting my money. Just started 2 months ago and it's life-changing.


budgeting/investing. start of 2023, I make a spreadsheet of EVERY purchase per month, compared that total with the total income, and I get my Net for that month. (my average was +$500) Also starting a Roth IRA, chose to invest in tech stocks. started last August, contributed $7,500 so far, it's currently at $10,700.




Have a routine before you go to bed every night that is always the same. You'll sleep alot better


Healthy physical exercise stops your joints and muscles from constantly aching! Who'd have thought?! Seriously though, within 2-3 months of picking up weightlifting and swimming, I was a new man.


This is gonna sound stupid, but socks. Get good socks, treat ur feet and ull notice a difference.


Quality shoes, too.


Yes this. I found a brand I love, comfy cotton socks with a little cushioning, invested in 7 pairs, now I know whatever else happensat least my feet won't hurt at the end of the day.


If a task only takes 5 minutes, stop thinking about it and just do it. I'm a procrastinator and I dread doing chores. But I found that this advice really works for me. I don't wanna take the trash to the alley. But I think about the 5 minute rule. Then I take out the trash. Next thing you know, I'm getting laundry started, vacuuming, dusting baseboards and shit. It's hard to get started, but once I do, there's no stopping.


Excel, because it showed me where I was spending money that I could easily save without impacting my overall life that much. Saving 3-10% really does add up.


I met the CEO of a company I worked for and asked him how he dealt with all of the emails that he would receive because it was a "CC company" where just about everyone and his dog got CC'd on every single bloody email. He told me how he did it, and it has made my life so much greater. Step 1: Set your email to check email at the longest time interval. Outlook is every hour, so that's as often as it will check it (Seriously, if someone needs you quicker, they can pick up a phone and talk to you!) Step 2: Set up an email rule that auto moves everything that you are CC'd on into a dedicated folder. Step 3: Block out a 2 hour meeting on a Friday, (straight after lunch works for me - choose your own adventure) within which to go through and read all the emails. THAT'S IT! It means that you will \- Get all emails that you need to actually do something on in your inbox, meaning you will be able to see them more easily and action the items \- Stop needing to cognitively switch between the emails as they will not keep on popping up in your desktop \- Catch the final decisions made on the things that don't concern you that you just need to be aware of. That's it! You will be surprised how much time you spent reading 15million emails that you were cc'd on, that don't require you to do a damn thing anyhow :)


Looking through my camera phone while driving in dense fog. I know its bad to use your phone while driving, but when it comes to dense fog, its really hard to see, and for some reason, even just standing still in park, you can tell that through the camera, you can see slightly farther away, which is an advantage on the road. If the future can implement a front windshield to work like the camera on a phone, then dense fog wouldn't be as bad. My camera can see farther than my brights or anyone else's brights


Radical...must try...


Physically write your goals and chores down on a pen and paper, then cross them off when they’re done. You see the progress and you get addicted to the feeling of crossing it off.


Telling my brain when to wake up . I usually had such a bad time waking up and always getting late but once I learnt to "tell" my brain to wake up at "x" time it has been so much easier .


Romantic partnerships don’t define who you are


Not a hack per se but exercising and calorie counting. It has changed my life for the better. Mentally, physically, emotionally. Although the Mentally and Emotionallly part also have something the do with a gf that is super supportive.


When confronting anyone who is doing their job. I always try to make it a point to be extra polite and ask how they’re doing, or point out something about them I notice. (That shirt really works well with your eyes, etc). Then I’ll ask for what I need from them. Doesn’t matter what kind of job they have. Cashier, bank teller. I’ve noticed it makes the interaction much better. And if I’m requesting them to do something difficult they are more inclined to help or find someone who can.


Back in the day when people used to ask me if I was good at something I was good at, I'd always say 'yes'. Over time I learned that when people ask you this, it's normally because they want to follow up by asking you for a favor. It's hard to refuse after you've just told someone you're good at something. So I've trained myself to always answer 'no' whenever someone asks this question. They move on to another sucker and I'm spared being asked to do things I don't feel like like doing. Obviously I can't say exactly how much time this has saved me over the years but I'm sure it's quite a lot.


Low cost index funds and start investing young. Simple is better than complicated.


See if you aim for more steps, strength train x3 times a week, actually prepare food for work such as breakfast and lunch, you will be 100 happier in life than most people


seeing solitude as a privilege and not a curse has helped when dating.


Pretend. Fake it til you make it, I even fake my confidence sometimes because how will they know


Masterbating to porn instead of in public. Saved me a lot in court fees




No matter how late I sleep last night, I will make myself wake up at around 7 or at best 15 minutes later if I need a bit more rest I won't feel grogging next morning, have more time to exercise, and start work earlier






Please look up a skivvy roll. When packing it’s such an easy and convenient way to have a few items of clothing ready to go.


Next time is next time. Now is now.




Spite is a good way to keep on living and reason to not cancel the subscription to yourself


Putting on socks before putting on underwear. Cut down jock itch episodes by about 90%


Learn to cook rice with a normal pan. Add some salt and whatever herbs you want to add. Add rice and an equal amount plus half a cm more of cold water to cover the rice. Cover/seal the pan with aluminium foil Boil it for 5 minutes and then turn it off, don't open it. Come back in 15 minutes Done, perfect rice every time


Meal prepping. Having healthy, pre-portioned meals has saved me immense money and time each week. It is also crucial for weight loss, in my experience.


I learned a long time ago tobhave have more then one car for winter I live in Minnesota and with how much is es break in winter and unreliable they can buy I have 4 cars I rotate thru winter and never trunk off the one I using saved me so much trouble and stress over dead cars and brok down cars. I have 4 new cars 2 truck 2 cars


Although sometimes it takes motivation, I always remember my brother in law’s saying “you never regret working out”. 100% true.


If something can be done in <3 minutes, do it right now. Amazing how much stuff one can get done that I would end up procrastinating.


Divorce. Its been great. Not that I ever go out all night, but I can now. When I have a free Saturday, I'm no longer informed on Friday night that my free day has been planned out for me, sun up to sun down, without any input from me. No one guilts me for buying good long lasting work boots and other things that keep me safer at work. I can play hooky from work and go fishing and no one will act like Im out spending the day in a strip club and tell me that the two aren't that different. Its been a nice, peaceful, and stress free couple of years. I still love women and most of my closest friends are women but I don't think I need to have relationships anymore.


Be kind at first sight, it doesn't matter if the other person don't, just be kind at first sight, everyone are with some many things in our minds.