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I'm touch starved. I'm single and I live alone. Like, I really just want to snuggle to be honest.


Well, at least you don’t live with your parents I am touch deprived too lol


I’m gonna get real dark here but I can’t resist: It’s worse when you live with your parents and you’re NOT touch deprived :S


I am touch deprived and I live with my parents I have the worst of both worlds


Me too, ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


This 👍


My mother wants to come visit me soon. I love her, but I have to mentally prepare


Hoping you don’t know from experience 😳


I feel bad for laughing but I'm still doing it haha.


*Ranty pats on the back like a gorilla, pat pat.*


Yoga (with teachers who do hands on adjustments) and massage are a good way to just feel like you have human interaction.


I'm in the same situation, so I started shaking hands with acquaintances instead of just saying "hi." A pat on the shoulder or back is nice too. Also, a salon where he/she pretty much touches you the whole time.


I'm touch starved and married - and don't live alone. My spouse just has zero interest in touching me :(


Surprised this wasn't right on top lmao, sympathetic upvote


My boyfriend rubs my back a lot but just touches like a tease. No pressure. I can hardly feel his hands. It’s torture but he is proud that he rubbed my back. It’s almost worse than touch deprived.


I am currently getting over my ex of 1 year and its been 3 months.


I feel ya. Still getting over my ex of 3 months and it's been over a year. Turns out short-term relationships can hurt even harder than long ones because they're riddled with "what ifs" and idealism. You'll get through it!


Still too early for the rose tinted glasses to come off and start seeing flaws.


I feel this. A 4 month relationship fucked me up for over a year. Sometimes I still have a moment where I feel it and it’s been almost 2 years. As you explained it makes people think and overthink about possibly missing “the one” even though they obviously were not the one (since you’re not together) The brain is strange and when the heart and the brain compete, it complicates even the most straight forward and trivial things. Time heals some wounds.


Well said, and thank you for sharing. Helps me to know I'm not entirely crazy for feeling this way. And you hit the nail on the head with the overthinking about possibly losing "the one."


Same but 10y/10m.


Last Thursday I was seen in ER and was told I have Interstitial Pneumonia with scarring. I was told to make a follow up appointment with my primary and go from there. My doctor told me I could come Friday this week. I looked up the disease since no one told me anything about it. It isn't curable and progressively gets worse. Life expectancy is 3 to 14 years. I feel gutted. I'm female, 46, have a 14 year old daughter and a loving husband. We had plans to travel after our daughter graduated high school. I'm not afraid to die. I just feel sad.


I am so sorry doll. That feels shitty to say but I couldn’t just scroll past your comment. Please go to your PCP and get another opinion/make a plan for treatment. Please stay strong.


Thank you for the kind words and good advice.


There is some pretty promising reasearch in finland. Last 3 years i think but theyve been able to get life expectancy to 25 but not approved yet


Doesn't need to get worse. Check your air filter often and clean your air vents to make sure your air is very clean! You can still live a lot longer and do a lot!


Sending you the biggest love. I'm so sorry.


Sending you lots of love and hugs OP, I hope that you get through this 🥺🙏🏻


sending you so much love. make that follow up appointment ASAP. 🫶🏻


My kidneys are gone. I had testicular cancer in 2012, chemo and surgery cured me. But chemo shrunk 1 kidney. Over 10 years and now second kidney failed. Going through dialysis and it sucks because I finally got a good job and have money to travel but I can't. Also, I recently felt a bump on my balls, doesn't hurt but ichy, I'm going to go see my doctor but I fear it might be the cancer returning.


Wow. You're strong. I respect that. Stay strong.


I've been telling myself "I'll get my stuff together tomorrow" for probably the past 3 months. My stuff is probably less together than before.


I feel this.




I'm facing a spider in the corner of the room right now. It seems small, let me look closer... wait... It's getting bigger wtf.


I’m sober and I want a drink lol


Oh, man! Sending you Strength. You've got this.


I do! Thank you friend. ❤️❤️


Yeah you do! 🤜


Sober a year and a half and I can smell that coors when walking past the beer aisle


It's a GRAND journey but a worthwhile one in discovering yourself.


Hero for going sober, a huge achievement that takes so much effort and dedication


Thank you so much, I needed this comment. ❤️


Me too. I’m not sober but I grew up with alcoholic parents. My mum is now sober and I have never been more inspired than seeing her take the first steps to AA. I watched her build herself from the ground up. Each day sober, learning to like herself. And she did it and I feel so proud and privileged to have seen it. She’s my hero. She still wants a drink too though. But less than she wants to love herself. I hope you’re finding the love too x


Same. It’s been rough.


I’m drunk and I shouldn’t want my next drink.


9 weeks sober for me. It’s getting easier, just so damn boring. I’ve been trying to get back into gaming to kill the boredom but it just doesn’t interest me anymore.


Where do I start: - behind on uni work by a ton - fell for my friend who has a gf and pretty sure he’s flirting with me (had to ask friends to make sure it wasn’t in my head) - two people in my family died - finally, I’ve run out of laundry liquid and have to walk to the store to buy more :(


Enjoy the walk and meet someone who’s single


Already on it my friend, don’t you worry. Makes me feel icky haha


Save yourself the trouble friend. A guy who will flirt with you while taken will flirt with others while he’s with you. He won’t suddenly change and be a good partner to you :)


I don’t want him, I don’t want the feelings, keeping the distance and hoping they go away soon, don’t wanna entertain that behaviour :)


I can’t get my mood swings under control and it’s ruining my life and my relationships.


Try using the smiling mind app. It's free and is very useful for guided meditation, you can have with /without music.


Lets see in the last 30 days alone. Found out my 5yo isn't related to me and his mom knew. Kids sick for a week. Cat bite on cat cost 600$ Found out my kids mom is pregnant with my kids bio parent who is bi-polar. Said kid is diagnosed with Charcot-marie-tooth-disease Other kid has food poisoning. One cat has pink eye that cost 800$ , the other cat has Cat HIV. What a fun 30 days.


Tons of courage to you


Should you probably leave that home and start over? It’s killing you for nothing.


It's a little hard or else I would.


Recently I've been worried about dying. As I've started making good progress in life, a mortgage, saving for retirement, home renovations, purchasing a vehicle, etc. I can't help but feel worried that I'm going to die and not see these things through. I feel like I'm making all these plans for nothing.


My father passed in 2020, and on his fridge he had a to do list. "Bank, garden shop, saw blade." That really stuck with me, how he made plans and never got to see them through. We never know what's going to happen next.


OMGGGGGG same I have been feeling the same way for the past 2 months 😭


I have constant pain in multiple areas. I have had a constant headache, literally 24/7 for like 4 years now. I also have a constant heartburn, and it’s been a month and my sore throat has went away. I have absolutely no will to do anything about these problems though and find the concept of living with them less scary than lifting a finger to change them. So along with chronic pain, I also have a tooth that didn’t grow in right, so maybe that’ll be a problem later, and I’m 21 now so can’t use my parent’s insurance. speaking of being 21, I don’t feel 21, I feel older. Other people my age are having fun, partying and stuff like that, but I’m too tired and lack any friends outside of work, and feel like nobody knows me. I also just have very little will to do anything. Along with that I also feel too young sense i can’t drive, think you can guess why that is (no will to learn how) and bum rides from my parents or use a train. So I have little independence, despite being nearly 22. And, while I have like 7 thousand dollars in my bank, I get paid less than I did at my last job, in the same amount of time there I had like 12 thousand and like 15 thousand by the end. But maybe it’s good I don’t get paid much cause I’m terrible with money, having blown all that 15 thousand away with school tuition, fast food and random guilt based charity donations. I’m getting better, but truly nobody in my life knows the extent of this, and I have no friends to talk to about it, seeing as I was too bad at showing up to sessions.


I know how it sucks to be alone with this. I've been there and still struggeling but it does get better. I think you may have underlying issues. It seems like symptoms of something deeper and complex. Usually a good therapist can help big time on this. But if you ever care to chat or just to vent with a regular person. feel free just ping "hi".


1. Dread of current world news thinking nothing will ever get better 2. Not being able to be financially prepared for the future 3. Feeling I will never actually meet someone I love


Right there with you on all of this


Trying to balance my time between work, learning coding for my fall classes (trying to get my bachelor's in IT and MIS. Only one year to go), my summer classes (soon), and working with career services to find a specific career to go for, as well as learning about investing so I can retire early


Similar situation here


I have severe, combined type ADHD, and I can't function at all without being on stimulants. My brain just doesn't work. I can't get on back on stimulants until the psychologist who did my testing sends my info to my new psychiatrist. Which is somehow taking 2 months? I've called both offices several times now. I also have PTSD, which is becoming steadily less of an issue thanks to EMDR therapy. But it's hard to tell just how much better I'm getting when I literally can't focus, stay organized or keep consistent habits. Also, mother's day has just been... Hard? My mom was insanely abusive, and apparently mother's day is super triggering for me (I just wasn't aware of it before). It's great, because I don't actually know anyone who can relate. There's my sister, but she's... Emotionally distant.


Living paycheck to paycheck and the people around me have no clue that I’m struggling financially


you’re not alone. it feels like a charade


Trying to turn my life around permanently for the sake of my mental health and relationships


I'm in the middle of turning my ship around, too. I'm just thankful to still be in the ship!


I'm trying to get my ex to find out and tell me which variant of HPV he exposed me to with his cheating. I don't believe I'm asking a lot of him, but he's acting like I'm asking him to swim in a pond full of gators.


I started a new job that is in my field of study and i am loving it so far. But i am just having such a hard time trying to retain all the information… I’ve noticed that after having covid my information retention isn’t like what it used to be and it makes me so frustrated to the point i just want to cry. I want to be successful in this field but i can’t remember anything for shit. I need instructions repeatedly to me constantly and i feel so bad asking my coworker the same stupid questions.


The things that I want such as buying a house, find a decent girl, and having kids are just now a fantasy....Like there is zero chance I would be able to afford any of those things...


My daughter is graduating from college on Saturday. On Tuesday, the three of us are leaving for 10 days in Europe as her graduation present. When we get back, I'm asking my husband for a divorce. I don't want to ruin my daughter's trip, so I'm playing nice and keeping a big secret.


Yeah keep it like this until the graduation ceremony is over




single mother (this is not the bad thing), without a job, and pursuing a university degree (in 6 months I will graduate, God willing) we just moved and I have rent to pay


I have none.


Driving test next week. A lot is riding on passing.


You will do it fine


Trying to find a job, feeling stuck career wise. Thinking of moving to another state but it’s just a “the grass is greener” feeling I think.


Still grieving the loss of my grandfather who passed 10 years ago and my grandmother 1 year ago. When my grandfather passed I just felt lost with no direction. When my grandmother passed I felt fully let loose and lost at sea.


Career change. Do I take the leap or not?




I’m in charge of a nonprofit where I’m not paid (it’s a long story… a side project in addition to my full-time job), and it’s costing me money and opportunities. I need to walk away but don’t have anyone to hand it off to or the money to pay someone to take it over. It employs several people and people depend on what we do. I can’t do this to myself anymore but have no idea how to go about walking away.


Solitude it sucks :( It’s so hard to make genuine connections.


Severe Depression and absolutely no motivation


I'm enjoying homeschooling my kids but my husband's mom thinks they are not getting enough education. This is from the lady who couldn't teach them a single 1st grade math lesson once when she was babysitting. Husband is now talking about putting them back in public school and my entire life dream is just gutted.


Whats best for your Kids? You fulfilling your life dream or them being able to socialise with peers in the same age group, not only in a playful way but also on day to day life.


Since I had a relationship that was very intense but later constant cheating on her side I have been chasing that feeling of happiness I had when we started and I just can't find it anymore. Now I'm afraid I will never experience love like that again.


Feel so drained after 3 week bought with bronchitis. Just finished antibiotics. Generally just feel lousy.


stuck on reddit when I want to go to bed


The whole reason I’m on Reddit right now is to avoid thinking about that very thing


Have debt, lost job can't find a new one, lost gf , lost my friends ( we had same circle) , and I am loosing my parents respect because I am a looser (I worked as a waiter for some time and they sent to the owner to make him fire me because I have a diploma and they think that i need to find a better one ). But I can't all my friends are still unemployed too. I just want to have some money and pay for some groceries and feel like i am helping in a way


Trying to find a new job in the Japanese gaming industry. Its definitely taking longer than I expected lol... and so many rejections


trying to get over my ex. we dated for a year and a half. he broke up with me 5 months ago and I haven't been able to let go.


I'm currently waiting for AAA to come unlock my car because my door actuator started getting stuck months, but I was too lazy to fix it🫠


My mother is extremely sick just went through a big operation, one of my brother's has a brain tumour, the other is highly autistic, I've been building a business for 3 years that was supposed to bring returns now but the downturn in the economy means I might lose everything. I know this won't get much interaction but it's good to say it out loud sometimes I feel like I'm being crushed


Pennyless.. Fuck it it will get better


Tomorrow I will be taking my final qualifying test to be eligible for a heart transplant. It is a right cath pulmonary presure test. If I pass I will the be listed albeit as the lowest category for need. Needed none the less.


I don't understand. I live a normal life, I can describe myself as happy. but I'm falling deeper and deeper in despair. I'm getting even more nervous every day, my day consists of forcing myself to not cry in public places. I'm going crazy from all the stuff I feel. I just want love, I just want someone to care for me, someone to hug and show me physical affection. (someone of my type. mental issues make things only harder.)


Currently getting over an ex girlfriend who I’m forced to living with in close proximity for a year, battling multiple drug addictions aswell as a powerful gambling addiction that has continued to take everything from me and has now landed me ~£2000 in debt that I am literally unable to pay. However; I am looking for work and hopefully things are changing for the better. Just trying to stop myself going nuts as I’m only young in a new, solo living environment also


Sounds shit man. Had a housemate who had a similar situation with a kid. He's just moved out lately so got my bachelor pad back. Take things slow, use citizen's advice they can help with things. A lot of people think that job centers and stuff punish people but they'll have seen people with much worse stuff going on.


I don’t want to be here anymore and I’m kind of doing anything I can to make that happen


The world is a better place with you in it




Got divorced three years ago and my life has been downhill ever since. Last year lost my apartment and job. Got into financial trouble and my MDD got so bad I tried to kms last summer. I do have a job now since May 1st, but the rebuilding is hard and it goes very slowly


I think I’m asexual, but also I get really lonely sometimes and I wonder what my old age is going to be like. Sometimes I think about trying a romantic relationship, but I’m not sure what that would even look like for someone like me. I think I’d be willing to do some physical stuff, but it’s all just so awkward. I’m 40 and have never been in a relationship. I’ve kissed a couple times and to be honest I didn’t get much from it. Probably the most sexual I ever felt was when getting a really sensual massage from a woman who was making it obvious she was into me. Then we tried making out and it was like zero chemistry. Actual sex doesn’t really appeal to me.


Broke as hell for the past 3 years but still optimistic of my future. I have very big plans


My wife is kinda abusive but I don’t think I can live without her


Sudden loss of hearing and severe tinnitus. It’s so tough dealing with this as a musician and then having a debilitating noise making everything so hard to focus on. Appreciate your hearing and the ability to hear silence! It is such an amazing sense that is so fragile.


1- when situations repeated. 2- I care about people, but not for my family. 3- in love with a wrestler who have no idea who I am.


**Decided to get sober**, *then I lost my job (non-renewed teacher)*. **Decided to start working out again**, *then I lost my fiancé (she had an emotional affair)* **Decided to get my own place for the first time**, *fiancé kept my dog (I bought him, but my apartment doesn't allow pets. She'll take care of him.)* Every step I take to improve myself had been matched with hardship, but I haven't given up yet. My parents, who I love dearly, are still in good health. I have friends I can count on. As of now, I need to find love and security within myself, and my self-improvements have helped cement my self-confidence.


Paying off credit card that wife racked up.


Im so damn unhappy, unemployed, everything Im trying fails miserably, confused about God (Yes, sadly Im into spirituality). I want the universe to smile upon me so bad.


Overeating and alcohol cravings (I quit drinking recently). I also have to find a new job in the next two or three weeks. I want to read a book about rational emotional behavioural therapy but I can't bring myself to do it. I can't even bring myself to clean my flat even though it got really dirty and my mom would kill me if she saw how I live (she moved out to her man's house).


Antibiotic induced nerve damage at 25 years old. Am disabled now


my partner has some serious mental health issues. i am trying to get a practicum for my major which is proving difficult. i feel like im constantly a caretaker for someone.


Well, right now I need to find some type of work, but I’m injured at the moment with a septic leg so I can hardly use it. Any recommendations




i have big social anxiety issues i applied for a management position (that i know i’ll get) but im so nervous about it that im thinking about just quitting the job im starting an internship (different summer job, im a college student that goes back and forth inbetween towns) and i have to make confrontational phone calls. im scared of it. i wanna have a “self improvement summer”, read a ton of self help books and strategies and try to better myself. oh also i lost a good amount of weight at college (i wanted to) but now that im home im falling back into unhealthy habits and i fear i will gain it back


I’m honestly still searching for purpose. Nothing really quite ever seems to work out for me, both of my own fault, the fault of others, or just bad luck. I can accomplish things I work at hard enough, but it never feels like I’m really in it you know? Nothing quite leaves me happy, I constantly am annoyed with myself, but can never quite dedicate to getting my issues fixed. They’re only issues with me, and im seemingly the only one unhappy about it. It’s difficult to really describe or explain


Waiting american girl has some big changes coming and new merch for humans too and the excitement that I qualify for a service dog and my cousin is having a baby girl with his fiance


I'm about to take on like 100k in debt for college, I'm freaking the hell out about it


I’m trying to figure out how to afford grad school lol


Current job gives limited amounts of hours, have to deal with a sinking ship and incompetent co workers. Doesn’t help that it’s with middle schoolers with huge attitudes. Been looking for everything and anything else.


I have to get up early and part of me just wants to shut down and sleep for about a year straight. That’s the result of all the other problems.


Questioning who I am as a person after years of following my parents’ structure and traditions. It’s hard out here.


Got some bloodwork done and saw I had 3x the average amount of [Immunoglobulin](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30035936/#:~:text=Immunoglobulins%20(Ig)%20or%20antibodies%20are,to%20differentiate%20into%20plasma%20cells). Could mean a lot of things, including cancer. Has me worried, but I'm getting some follow-up bloodwork done tomorrow morning. I'm also getting new furniture, my whole house floor and carpet cleaned, and tiles replaced. That has me stressin a bit lol.


There’s a pain in my right ankle. I’m afraid if that’s from a sprain I had a year ago. On top of it… I self diagnosed myself with ADHD living in India. Here, people just shoo away this disorder.


I'm trying really hard to get my life back on track from four years of severe mental illness and to be honest I'm really trying but I so afraid that I'll slip and fall into that nightmare again.


I finished my 8 hour shift at 1.30pm today and dunno what to do with myself for the next 7 hours till bed...


I desperately want to have companionship as I've been alone for 10 years now but I also refuse to approach women anymore since I've been proven time and time again that I only end up being hurt by making the approach with getting nothing in return. And, I get to read all types of backhanded stuff towards men from women online and it makes me feel like I should be responsible and more carefully walk on eggshells next time for also being a man. So, I'm a bit of a ticking time bomb as I plan to just "let it happen eventually" like everyone shittily gives advice to do until I can't stand life anymore, at which point I'll just prematurely take myself out of here. Much like everyone's final answer to me ends up being, my final answer will be "Life just isn't fair"


I've begun to realise that I possibly have untreated OCD that's gotten far worse recently but I'm unable to afford help or a proper diagnosis (the public sector where I am has a waiting list over a year long). The constant persisting thoughts of death, existence and doom as well as the insomnia and skin picking are starting to ruin my life. I'm exhausted and scared all the time and I really just want my brain to shut the fuck up.


I am going to graduate in a few weeks and also I have to do entrance exams for uni. I'm scared af.


My friend is not doing well with a breakup for a few months now. I've been trying to help him, but I'm all out of ideas to help him


I've been becoming friends with someone who shares many of my interests, only to found out his fundamental beliefs are grossly contrary to mine...


1. From full depression down to constant sad 2. Do/did i really need the atv im waiting for, did i order it too quickly? 3. Maybe i should move back home and help mom as her driver etc, moving seems like a big step but i also wonder how long i want to do my current job, its taking a toll mentaly with the noisy kids (busdriver) 😑


1. I quit my job, which was necessary and I’ve been getting a lot of interviews but no bites 2. As such, I cashed out part of my IRA which I really did not want to do but hopefully I can put it back in 60 days without the penalty 3. I am pretty sure I’m having issues with low blood sugar and have been in bed all day since Sunday and I am bored 4. Because of how bad my job was, I was keeping my hair in a top knot and often didn’t have time to wash it. As a result I have hair traction issues and it started matting. I got a really bad haircut and it is matted again so now I’m going to spend upwards of five hours trying to unmat it again which is super fun when you don’t feel good


I want to get a masters in education and English literature but I seriously doubt I will have the money for it. I want to seriously help and empower students to learn and understand media literacy when it comes to books, movies, and tv shows. I just wish my passion was supported by any type of financial incentive, as teachers in the USA are seriously underpaid.


After many many years of deteriorating dental problems due to a chronic medical condition, I finally got dentures a few months ago. I finally look normal. I can finally eat real foods again. But I have discovered that I have an intense gag reflex. I can wear my dentures comfortably as long as I'm busy enough to not think about them, and as long as I don't have to talk too much. But if I pause to rest, or take too big a bite of food, or raise my voice, my gag reflex kicks in and I have to quickly remove the denture, pause to take a deep breath, and then put it back in. And that can be embarrassing to do in public, and is probably not too pleasant for others to see happen. So that's my biggest concern at the moment.


I had this problem. Go back to the dentist and have then shave the back. They are probably reaching too far into the back of your mouth.


I had never been in a relationship until my late 20s. When I finally did get into one, it made my life miserable. Completely hollowed out my life and soul and when I thought about the future I could only feel dread. I left them even though I still loved them deeply because I just couldn’t live like that anymore and my life got better almost immediately after I did it. The problem I’m facing now is that I’m worried that I’m just not built to be in a relationship. I want the companionship of sharing my life with someone but when I got what I wanted it didn’t make me happy/content like I thought it would. I felt restrained and limited, like my life wasn’t my own anymore.


been babysitting my niece for almost 3 weeks. I think I might be depressed


I'm 21 years old and I really don't know what to do in my life, and even if I did, I wouldn't have time to do most of the things neede, because I have a 9-5 job and I need like 40 minutes of public transportation to go there and another 40 to get back home, so that's almost 10 hours for me consumed by work and transportation. The good thing is that I'm going to the gym and I'm committed to go there daily, but it also takes 2 hours of my time each day so technically I have 12 hours working and committing to the gym, and between 6 and 8 hours of sleep, in the best cases I only have 5 hours for myself each day, I spend most of it exhausted and not able to do anything else, and this is shit, I used to have big dreams that I'd be a better musician and form a band and all that stuff, but now I don't even have the time or the desire to even pick-up my instruments and play them for fun, and I only meet my friends once or twice a month for a little time that isn't enough to do anything, being an adult sucks.


My cat has been sick since January of this year. Doing my best to keep him alive with a handful of medication daily and subcutaneous fluids nightly. My dog is old and can barely walk by herself, have to help her constantly with basic needs and clean up after her constantly. Was just recently fired from a job that I liked, been to many interviews and have been rejected from all. Struggling with a drinking problem that im trying to kick but can't seem to. My mother had to get back surgery recently so have to help her with all her basic needs aswell. Been fighting a bout of depression since losing my job, im bipolar so im trying my best to stick to my routines but it gets hard when so many other things depend on me. This year has been really horrible for me so far. Just gotta do my best and power through


Finding a full time high paying job with benefits and finding an affordable place to live


I'm still waiting for "special order" tire to fix my lawnmower to come in. I took it to a tire shop bc they sold me 4 new tires on another mower before, so I thought it would be quick and convenient and it's been anything but. Waiting 4 days now. The young guy there is like "you know how special order is like?" I told him there's nothing special about it, they just didn't order it to keep some on hand.  Yard is getting badly overgrown bc of all the rain we've had. So I can do any of it without my wheel being fixed.  I gotta get a land scaper to slope my yard to keep water from intruding. But so far no one will touch it bc I'm too close to center of town, tho I live on south side of track, if you know what I mean.  Gotta get kitchen remodeled bc the people I hired to level the house messed up and there's now a big hump in the kitchen. Probably end up gutting the house just to get at all the problems 3 decades of neglect from 3 previous owners have left.  I'm still overweight and haven't had a semblance of a relationship. I'm 35 and idk what to do there. Can't explain it. Dunno how to "seal the deal" I guess.  I wanna buy a new house. But it'll cost $80k versus the $25k I'd spend getting my current home where I want it to be. Just want one extra room and bathroom. Plumbing is in a good spot for it to happen. Gotta move gas meter first tho. 


I lost a best friend due to my own hubris and I can't stop thinking about it


Russian invaders.


Living paycheck to paycheck not being able to really have fun like I want to.


Weirdly enough, I get stress withdrawal. I'm a teacher and these last few weeks of the school year hammer me pretty hard because I've got nothing to stress about. The kids are on autopilot, testing's pretty much done, I've gone through my EOY checklist, and I've got plenty of time to finish everything else. So I get migraines, especially on the weekends. I woke up Saturday with one, and I'll wake up next Saturday with one as well.


Did a job at Wetherspoons recently. Re-pointing the flag stones in the beer garden. The manager spent the whole day spying on us on his CCTV, writing down how much work we did, how long we took for breaks, how many breaks, and then sent an email to my boss complaining that we didn’t do enough work. Didn’t take into account that we had to go out and buy materials, we didn’t take a lunch break, my boss is fine about It and says it’s not a problem it’s just another petty retail manager. Still annoyed me though


A bug flew into my ear a few hours ago. I am unsure whether or not it is still in there and the thought is preventing me from sleeping


Quit my job Debating on going back to school full-time or find a different job


Mostly lack of money. I feel like 95% of my problems will be solved if I just had a little more.


getting anxiety on the fact that I might not be able to get a job after I graduate . have body image issues I feel like I’m behind everyone and am a total failure don’t have a sense of fashion


Everything went to shit the moment we left our adopted home state and came to another, luckily the door to return opened so I’m looking forward to that. In the meantime, my money is gone, lost the job lost the car and may lose the apartment with an 8 month old son, had the swat team in my house and cps come by because of a false 911 call that the in-laws made when they had to leave, son caught Covid, it’s only been like four months man… I’m depressed and stressed out and when I used to get down like this I’d reminisce about being a teen and young adult and just let the problems go but now when I do it I wonder where the happiness opportunity and wonder went to, how did I become this shell of my former self, who even am I to begin with. So while dealing with all of this my little family and I are planning on going back to where we were happiest and most secure and making the most of it, it’s just a matter of waiting saving and getting everything in place. That’s all I have to look forward to at the moment


I’m dealing with a terrible cold sore 😭


(ab)using food as a coping mechanism. Wish it were so easy and I could just regulate it.




My wife died about 6 years ago. Im dealing with that I lost a bunch of weight, got pretty fit, and had a pretty amazing social life. Eventually I moved across the country for a variety of reasons, not the least of which being the need to escape the places we used to be together. Since that move, I have no social life and have seemingly lost this magical ability to make friends with everyone I meet and to feel effortlessly confident in most social environments. I’ve put weight back on, my sleep habits suck and I’m tired all the time. It feels like when she died, I had one last explosion of life and creativity and I felt that I was always expressing who I truly was, even though that identity was mostly a mourner and a widower. Now it’s like all the wind has left my sails.. I have healed some and the most visceral parts of grief are gone now, but now I realize I am unremarkable, and cannot find my place or my identity. I just work, and struggle again these poor habits I’ve developed in my boredom and lack of purpose. There are some comorbid symptoms but ultimately that is the issue I can’t shake - I don’t know what I’m doing or why I’m doing it, I have lost a spark for life and I’m not sure I will ever get it back without yet another upheaval of my reality; a trade of stability and sanity for change in behaviors and attitudes that I can’t seem to change now.


I have constant debilitating pain that has ruined my entire life. I'm already dead. I used to not understand how someone could become a mass shooter and just take innocent life, but now I understand very well.


Alright here it goes… I was with a girl she cheated (naturally) 4-5 years we don’t talk and now I stopped drinking alcohol & smoking cigarettes almost 3years…Gym regularly and lost 58 lbs She basically made me get Invisalign and I feel like I’m skinny and she became the fat one. Lol still I love her the same but she does questionable things. Said she wants a guy that makes 100k and other things I didn’t like. At the very least I feel like I should leave but am I just trying to re live the past is what I ask myself. I definitely stopped doing all of the nice things I was doing now that I feel this way


Mom is going through cancer, dad is in a nursing home for the last month because we can't take care of him anymore, I'm dealing with consoling one of my 3 best friends cause HIS mom has cancer is on her deathbed, I destroyed my career last December, and I lost my first ever girlfriend in September after a month of dating that felt like years so I'm doing some soul searching 8 months now because till January we were trying our hardest to get back together and it never did. Things are a bit of a mess to say the least.


welp, multiple health issues that will permanently fuck me up pretty soon and I just can't afford to do a thing about. and that's for starters. my mind isn't exactly doing great either and my PC I use for work is 11 years old now and just can't put enough money together to buy a new one... and I am so tired...


Great post


I'm recovering from my 8th surgery and friends keep saying they'll visit but then never follow through. The surgery wasn't a complete success and I'm accepting that I'm sick forever so it's especially lonely. One friend especially annoys me because she was my yoga teacher friend who over the years has expressed some ableist type things and I think 'she means we'll she just doesn't get it' but she's always so flakey. I think it's so annoying because she often offers to do nice things for people then backs out. Most her flakiness is apparently to her 'busy' schedule so we were like 'I'm off work for weeks so you can come round at any time yay' and I'm 4 weeks in but she doesn't reply when I ask if she's coming over 'anytime this week'. It's not my first op either and she was like this last time. Then she'll have the nerve to offer advice and sympathy to people as a yoga teacher. (Ps I'm also a yoga teacher just a lot less woo woo than she is). I've also had quite a few other yoga teachers reach out like 'sorry you're unwell you're welcome to my class anytime' like yeah everyone is surely? I would go to your class if I wanted to. Thanks for reminding me I can pay for your services and using this as an opportunity to market yourself.


Quit smoking weed. Now I'm either tired or bored


I feel like my mother doesn’t love me and she just had me because she’s scared of my dad


Self hate. I just turned 20 two hours ago and all I can think is my younger self would be so ashamed of what I’ve become. I use to dream and plan for my future, picking out my future job and colleges. Now here I am a 20 year old dropout who can’t function without my meds. Still living with my parents while, everyone I grew up with is or has graduated, starting college, or starting families yet here I am laying in bed at 2AM scrolling through Reddit.


Currently looking for a new job and UGH ITS SO FRUSTRATINGGGGG. What a slow and demoralizing process. Hopefully i’ll get a good job.


1. Getting over a girl to whom I didn't even get to confess my love. It's been 6 months now, and I still can't get her out of my head. 2. No money to pay for my university exams or for the institute. So I have to wait until next year to complete the exams and continue my education. 3. Pilonidal cyst on my lower back which requires surgery. 4. Working a job that I hate. Underpaid and broke. 5. No friends (literally zero) to talk to, both in real life and virtually. 6. Lack of motivation to change my life in a positive direction. But I still have hope. Hang in there, peeps!


I’m slowly getting distant from my wife. Trying so hard to save my marriage and reconnect with her emotionally and physically. It’s so one sided that im slowly giving up too. We have 4 kids and I’m 31


I don’t interact with people as much anymore


Mental health. Depression.


highly succesful sibling,its great for him,not so great for me yet...trying to become a success