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if we did meet we probably ignored each other


Yeah, I’d likely hate them. 


I dunno man... I kinda like myself.


same lol the comments were unexpected


Nah. You say that but then you get suicidal and then you get over it and feel sad for yourself and you realize you value yourself so much and you just wanna take care of yourself. Ask me how I know why 🥲


No, but my doppelgänger came to my place of business once. My coworkers saw her first and were losing it. “You have to take a picture with her! She looks exactly like you!” I assumed they were exaggerating and walked over to take a look. She did look just like me. I felt like I was like looking at myself. Freaked me right out and I turned around and left.


Long lost twin split at birth?


No twin that I know of, but I guess anything is possible. I just know I surprised myself by getting so freaked out by seeing her.


My ex boyfriend dated my doppelganger after he as I split up (we were in our early twenties at the time). I later bought my very first car off her mother (we all got along, it was fine). When I got to her parents' front door to get the keys, her mom jumped! I said "I look a lot like Lisa, don't I?" Her mom just gasped and said "YES!!!" Lisa and I were not only doppelgangers but were the same hight, same weight, same hair, same shoe size... We kinda figured my ex had a "type"!


I have an ex who broke up with me because he realized he preferred men, and now he’s married to a man who looks suspiciously like if you took a photo of me and used a gender swapping filter on it. He’s even indigenous to the same tiny remote island as me (ex is a white guy who has lived in the mainland US his whole life). Kinda freaks me out.


I had that happening to me. My ex partner and my ex best friend both dated and married women that looked eerily familiar to me. Sometimes men do have a type and it's a little weird. (But no one come to my doorstep and say I talk shit about men, I dated women who looked very similar to another. All dark and curly hair, kinda butch/masc looking, alternative taste in music, idealistic & strong morals. All of them. It's a little weird, too. 😬)


Was it legit horror? Like 'something is wrong with the matrix' kind of feeling, or that the other you could be there for bad reasons, or like you are in presence of something supernatural, or something else? This is interesting. Reminds me of the old saying that if you met your doppelganger, one of you has to kill the other...


🎶 someone's been spreading genetic material 🎶


Hahahahaha 😂😂😂😂


Mine started at my work, his friend who brought him on was talking about how we look alike, act alike, then we found out we share the same birthday and year.


I have a doppelganger somewhere in my area. I've never met her but several times random people insisted we knew eachother and had very specific instances (like "we talked the whole 4 hours on the bus between X town and Y town, how do you not remember?!" When I've literally never taken that bus). Then one day I was at a restaurant (for the first time) that's walls were decorated with photos of people eating their food, and there was a photo of me there eating. It was crazy because it obviously wasn't actually me since I'd never been there or taken that photo, but I wouldn't have been able to tell it wasn't me from looks. 


This is the part where someone on here suggests you check your house for carbon monoxide.


I had a doppelgänger in college apparently. I walked into a campus mart and the cashier in disbelief asked “wait were you just in here like 2 mins ago?” I said no. He said “a guy looks exactly like you just walked out 2 mins ago wearing completely different clothes” I thought it was funny. Then i heard it a few other times throughout my freshman year


I’ve only seen one person that looks like me and it was on TikTok, I sat there for a good 10 minutes trying to figure out who tf this girl is, and where we were at taking this video and why I don’t remember any of it


What was her response? 


That may be saying something😭


"I can't be with someone just like me...I hate myself" -Jerry Seinfeld


That makes two people that hate Jerry Seinfeld


And the rest.


![gif](giphy|94EQmVHkveNck|downsized) Jerry soothing himself with his wealth cos u dun like him.


That's not Jerry


Was it the hair that gave it away?


He really went bald there. That happens with the first million.


Worth it 




Yeah, he prefers 17 year old girls.


Exactly what i was thinking when i read this post.


Yes i married him lol Every night is like when you have a sleepover with your best friend and you can’t fall asleep bc ur laughing too hard at dumb shit while the other one in the room is shushing you (the other one is the dog)


I have the exact same relationship with my partner, but we are very different people. Every day is exactly like a sleepover with a bestie (with whom you can make out!lol)! We talk so much, and discuss a 100 things. It's so much fun! Since we are different, we also have slightly different opinions on things, and that leads to some fun debates, which i love. And the judgement comes from the two dogs trying to get their beauty sleep.


Not exactly but my wife and I are the most similar two people I've ever encountered


I guess that’s what happens when you marry your sister.


So, funny story. I got state certified to officiate weddings in Wisconsin because my sister was getting married like 12 or so years ago. We all figured it'd keep things closer to home and save costs because the venue was expensive enough. Well either way I wrote and carried out an entire 30-minute ceremony complete with a prayer, a speech about love and the hardships my sister and her fiance had overcome, and the exchanging of rings and vows. I was even the wedding singer at the reception alongside two friends of mine (one who played drums while the other played bass. We had a computer play melody guitar.) I shortly thereafter moved to South Carolina, where my mom introduced me to her friends on day one and said, "This is my son Daniel (made up name). He recently married his sister." All I could do was slap my forehead and try to explain what my mother had not. Super embarrassing moment for just a moment.


Shame you weren't also the photographer. You could've added on "...and then I shot her!"


This is hilarious, that's a story not many can tell.




Sweet Home Alabama


Get 'em!


Roll tide




I’ve always wondered - would two very similar people make a great couple and live together happily or are differences better? Would you say you won the lottery - relationship wise?


My boyfriend and I are extremely similar, and it's definitely the best relationship I've had. It's pretty stress free when we're always on the same page and have the same values.


My partner and I are so alike, it's kind of remarkable. I always say someone once told me to go fuck myself and I've really taken that to heart.


It's the best relationship I've ever had. I had completely given up on the idea of finding a long term partner and then I met her


I've seen both work. There's no template for the magical sauce.




I have a close friend who grew up on the opposite side of the country (both on the coastlines of each state) but everything else extremely similar. Similar upbringing, met doing the same craft. Lost touch for about 6 months then later found out we both just got houses a few blocks from each other. They got married, shortly after I got married. Have similar style, attitudes, interest. Super cool. Almost feels like we grew up always knowing each other.


I’ve met someone extremely similar to me. Can’t get enough of him. I’m engaged to him.


Met my current girlfriend who is precisely this. I'm just a little less sunshine than she is. We say i'm dark mode. Even her family who I just met say we are the same person


Me too, except we are married. We even have the same birthday.




about 1/365 for any couple


i hate this comment knowing i just had a final exam yesterday in statistics and probability


Congratulations and Happy Cake Day 🎂


It’s wonderful to be with someone you can understand, especially because you think similarly.


Yeah I found mine 7 years ago and we're still together. We have our differences, but it's nice to have a person who genuinely understands me, and we are both gamers so we have a common hobby.


Same! I married mine.


It’s strange, I’ve had two experiences with people extremely similar to me but one of them, let’s call her person A, pissed me off to no end. Just excessively argumentative, attention seeking, yada yada yada - and I get that doesn’t paint me in a good light, but hey, shit recognized shit. Then eventually as I grew out of that phase and was more comfortable in my own values/traits I met a dude, person B, who’s now one of my best bros. Extremely similar yet very different in key areas that make us really capable of supporting/understanding eachother without feeling like we’re butting heads. Shits dope.


yoooo same here man


My wife and I are very similar in what we like when it comes to most things, we both like ish the same music, movies and so on, and we are both quite introverted in that we can easily go a day without really talking at all. Not because we are fighting or anything like that, but we both see no reason to talk just for the sake of talking. My ex wife and me were different, nothing wrong with that, but I do prefer sort of knowing what/how my wife feels just by the fact we are similar.


I met someone very similar to me, almost identical. The only difference was upbringing, but we were into the same stuff when it came to music, shows, food likes, ways to pass time, etc.. We both played Pokemon Go, we both watched stuff like Resident Alien and South Park. We both had our own collections of Nintendo stuff that we had held on to since we were little. It made for a wonderful relationship at the time. She’s my ex now. She was a little *too* much like me as well. We were both shy and struggled to openly communicate every worry we had. At the end things were just getting more awkward and cold, and when we finally talked about what was wrong it was just too late. I kick myself to this day about it, thinking what could’ve happened with better communication on my part. It was a learning experience and I’m mostly over her now, but I don’t really think that I’ll be able to find someone on her level ever again.


Never I would be so interested in meeting another me!


No but I’ve met people who I see a lot of my own flaws in. Usually I realize it a day or so later and try to work on that, because if it annoyed me then it probably annoys others when I do it


Not exactly, but close. She and I are half-Mexican, half-American. Mothers both Mexican. My father was American, of German and Irish ancestry, and her father was Polish. Both of us were raised in the Midwest (USA), I in central Illinois, she in Nebraska. Here's where it gets weird. We both, at the age of 13, almost 14, were sent to Mexico to live with a family of our relatives for a year, to attend the first year of secundaria (high school), and to get fluent in Spanish. None of our ypunger brothers or sisters was sent to Mexico to do this (neither of us is sure why). We have both been fluent in Spanish since then. She met her husband in college and married him after he spent 4 years in the Air Force. He is from a small town in eastern South Dakota. I met my husband while I was living and working in Germany. He was in the Air Force (I was not military) and is from a small town in eastern South Dakota, fairly close to the town her husband is from. Both of us visit our Mexican relatives every year for weeks at a time. I very, very much doubt there are any other women in this world who are from the Midwest USA, who are half-Mexican (but look completely Caucasian because our Mexican relatives didn't "mix" with Native Mexican Indians, and instead maintained their Spanish ancestry over the centuries...I am NOT being racist or disparaging of anyone, just stating what my ancestry is) and half of European ancestry (but American) who went to live in Mexico at the age of 13-14 to live with their relatives, attend a year of high school, and get fluent in Spanish. And then later met men from South Dakota and married them. And then met each other while working for the same airline in Mobile, AL.


Yeah and we're engaged


I did, once. She was the most fun person I’ve ever been around. Carbon copy stupid humor, same hobbies, same thought process. Always total sync. Communication just felt so… effortless. Sitting back together on a blanket in the grass heckling shitty movies playing from a shitty Walmart projector will probably always be one of my favorite core memories. It’s one of my deepest regrets I never asked her out to be something official. Especially reading some of these other comments that had the same kind of circumstance and took the leap. I let my head fuck with me over the trauma of a past relationship when I should’ve allowed myself the opportunity to be happy. Don’t make my same mistake Edit for those asking since I can’t reply?: Nah, she’s married now. Someone else made their move, she moved a few states away not long after with a new job, and the rest is history. She’s got all her same old socials I think, but as much as I loved her I’d never come back into her life to wreck what she’s got. That’s just not me


no chance in hitting her up now?


My best friend of 15 years. We were not related, but he was my brother. We met in junior high, in a class about aerospace taught by an old military Air Force instructor, who was an older black man but built like a brick shithouse. One of the very few teachers that ever that ever made an attempt to give either of us respect, and he is still "Mr. Jackson" in my head out my respect for him. Tough, fair, loved to laugh. My brother was a social reject due to a medical condition, muscular dystrophy. When we met, he had just been confined to a wheelchair for most of his day. I was also a social reject, and still am. So naturally, when it became time for the class to work on a project, the two weirdos were paired up together. I wasn't quite sure what to make of him when I first say down at the table across from him. Would he be cool, or a total bitch? Did he even want to work on the project, or was he merely going through the motions? *Could* he even work on the project due to his condition? I didn't really mind his chair or his medical status, but I know the majority of other people did, so my initial goal was to do the best job I could on our project, and express a level of compassion and empathy that he rarely got to experience. The project in question was building a model rocket from scratch. This was a post-Columbine time, so the school was very nervous about handing out model rocket engines to a bunch of angsty, idiotic teenagers. Mr. Jackson was going over the Do's and Don't's, how absolutely critical it was to properly secure the engine to the fuselage (the body), the correct deployment mechanisms for the nose cone, which housed the parachute, etc. I'll never forget, as Mr. Jackson impressed upon the class how dangerous all this could be if we do not do things correctly, I glanced over at my brother. There was something in his eyes that told me he was thinking exactly the same thing I was thinking, *"We ain't gonna do none of that shit. Let's make a bomb instead."* What followed was the most deliberately half-hearted effort in rocket science in history. Every single thing we were supposed to do, we did not do. We were making much more effort in making it *look* like we were following directions, than actually following them. As a side note: our principal, an evil, twisted, old crone had it out for the both of us. Again, in a post-Columbine world, the weird kids were socially maligned and ignored. This old bitch went so far as to ban t-shirts promoting rock bands, blaming everything she did not like on "Satanic subculture". Boys with facial piercings or earrings? Banned, sent to detention every day. Anything that wasn't strictly conformist to her vision was swiftly dealt with, at great prejudice. So, naturally, I started wearing all black, growing my hair out, and my brother got his ears pierced and gaged and wore Slipknot shirts, and carried in his backpack a single book: The Long Hard Road Out of Hell, by Marilyn Manson. When it became to launch our rocket, we were absolutely giddy with anticipation, but we had no idea what to expect. Ultimately, the entire thing fell apart under the pressure of its own thrust, and by sheer accident, skidded it's way under the principals car, where we were praying that it blew up and took that cunts car with it. Alas, that didn't happen, but we both did get detention for the remainder of the semester. We did everything in our to confuse, irritate, frustrate, and baffle our teachers. We did a very good job of this. Our parents eventually met, and all parties concerned were convinced that the world would suffer if left to our devices...so we started spending every spare moment we could together. We lived fast, hung out in drug dens, listened to music loudly, drank ourselves stupid, played video games, and generally carried ourselves with the same irreverent ambivalence that you'd expect from two goth teenagers who can only be described as copies of Jay and Silent Bob, expect we were both Jay. After school, we talked daily. His mother drank herself to death, and my mother became deranged and eventually died herself. My brother and I were there for each other. We healed together. We grew together. We laughed together. We cried together. We did all of this without shame or judgment. He's still the only person I've ever met who could call me at 4 in the morning for absolutely no reason at all without me getting angry. It was always a good time, and I did everything in my power to make sure he knew he was loved. He knew what I'd say and feel before even I did, and vice versa. We could be separated by hours of driving, hundreds of miles, and I could just *tell*. So could he. 9 times out of 10, when one of us called the other one for another 8 hour long rant of nonsense, the other would already have their phone at the ready, about to make the call themselves. We never once argued or even disagreed about a single thing. One person trapped in two bodies. He is, was, and always shall be the gold standard by which I measure the human race. He had no right being as wise, as kind, and joyful as he was. There was no situation that couldn't be inflated by his involvement or his presence. A goofball. A rebel. But, as it always goes with the best of us, he was not long for this world. He died a few years back. He eventually just got tired of trying to take care of his failing body, not that he was ever one for caution in the first place. I always knew it'd end that way, but nothing could have prepared me for it. He's gone, and I don't have so much as a picture of him. I miss him dearly. I could tell stories about his legend for hours and never run out of material. *"There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die."* - Hunter S. Thompson


This made me cry. What a beautiful story and memory. I’m so sorry you lost your friend. I’m sorry you both seem to have had very difficult lives. I hope you’re a writer because you’re gifted. Beautifully told, thank you. I hope your friend is at peace ❤️


Bro this story read in the right time could make me cry like a baby. I’m so sorry he is gone


Yeah I kinda started to really relate to her and have a crush on her


Good Luck!!!!


Not in personality but once in another country where I’m not from I saw my exactly twin amazing and fucked up, I saw him but not talked, later the place share photos of the event and he was in pictures exactly like me, even shared the pictures with my friends and everyone of them thought it was me. Well I’m adopted so the probabilities of he was genetically my twin are real, and I don’t know nothing about my “fathers”. But the chances of it are imposible I’m from El Salvador and this happened in Argentina.


I met someone who is basically my clone but female and we became friends. Basically every question we asked we both gave the exact same reply, we even have pretty much the same array of mental health issues. My wife got jealous and thought I'd rather date her until I told her that there is nobody I would want to date less than a copy of me and I have no idea how she even puts up with me.


Yes, and we hates them.


*coughs* gollum gollum


Me and my boyfriend look like brothers, we have almost the same interests, opinions and quirks. Hell, we were even asked more than once if we were twins. The only difference is our childhood - while he grew up in a conservative, middle class family with sibblings, I grew up as the only child with a progressive single mother in lower class. We love eachother and we're happy to have so much in common.


Nah, I'm way too weird




Not even close. Probably a good reason why I've never had a partner


Not yet but I'd like to meet her


I have met someone very similar, aaaand I absolutely adore that man. He brings out the best in me and it's impossible to have a bad day with him around. I miss him something fierce.


I met my best friend of 35 years, and although we aren't exactly alike, we discovered early in the friendship that we grew up in the same neighborhood and we had lived just a block away. That fact solidified why we had the same values, same sense of humour and most of all the same nostalgia we both share for growing up in the 70s in a big city, but a quaint neighborhood. We raised our kids together and they're all very close. Talk about best friends forever. BTW I am Irish and she is Lebanese. We flow like a river.


I have an identical twin. If I ever thought there wasn’t an exact copy of me running around doing shit I have no control over, I would probably have a heart attack and die.


Same! The idea of not having a "clone" out there is just really alien to me.


The mirror


Similar.its kind of irritating.


Hard same.


Yeah he’s me best mate


Nah, I like me, we got along great, then fucked, I always wanted to fuck me.


Nope, not even close.


Yes, I'm marrying him in August


Yes. We were soulmates. We were always joking how one of us is not real and is just a hallucination of another, like in our favorite movie, Fight Club. We were even born almost at the same day. Main difference between us was that she was a hot girl but the personality, humor, interests and and even thoughts were the same as me. She even was into girls, just like i am. I loved her but she was a lesbian. Last time that we seriously talked she said that she is afraid of me. She hated me for loving her. I also hate myself for loving her now, like i said we are the same.


Yes, my daughter is just like me, she pisses me off and I hate that she’s like me. I just don’t like the way I am and that she’s the same way.


Please get therapy before you traumatize her - coming from a woman who was once a little girl with a dad who hated that she was just like him.


Yeah. My mom used to tell me I was "just like my dad". And I was like, "But he hates himself. And you don't like him either. WTF am I supposed to do with this info?" So I made sure to be nothing like him and now we don't speak.


Same with my mom! I’m picking up her habits and omg I’m bothered by myself


My best friend Cassie. She is white and I'm black. Her aunt calls me Blassie. I love everything about her. Now my daughter is also just like me but not the parts I wish she had...I love her and she is a G but sometimes I want to throw hands.


I didn’t “meet” them. I “made” them.


So eventually you meet them after you make them.


Nope nd probably wouldn't want to


Never found anyone close. A couple with similar taste in music or movies but that is about it.


I've met two people who were almost exactly like me in most ways. The first was in grade school and they're still one of my closest friends even though life has taken us different places. I met the other in adulthood. I was prepared to hate their guts based on the description from others (they sounded like Pollyanna crossed with Daria with a bit of Amélie thrown in there). Once I had to speak with them for longer than a minute, I saw the description from others was not accurate at all. I felt like I was talking to another me with some minor differences and that the person is a lot of fun.


My bff is a lady and she’s VERY similar to me in all the important ways. We never went romantical because it’d be like fucking a lady version of me. Too weird.


I have. In one instance it worked really well. In another instance, we just ended up clashing because we didn't balance each other out well


Man not even close. Now that I think about it....I find that kinda strange.


Same here. Reading all these stories makes me sad I’ve never met someone like me 🥺 I’m friendly to everyone and super outgoing and silly. I’ve never gotten to have a friend like me and m my relationships were always with people who balance me out. I left the love of my life because he was too different now I’m with someone like him but different in all the right ways I guess. Life is hard and nuts


My cousin from out of state is like this! We have only seen each other a few times over the years and it’s amazing each time. I swear we must have the same freaking brain. That dude and I can talk for hours about everything because we have identical interests despite seeing each other so rarely.


I had a bf who was similar to me We both had unique names, British parents and had each owned a pet duck, our ducks had similar names too He was an only child though and I had siblings We had lots of similar interests but the main issue was the age gap, he wanted to settle down and I didn’t I ended up dating someone ten years younger Than him and he ended up with someone ten years older than me We are both happy though so I think timing is really important I also ended up hanging out with people more in my age range He was 7 years older which was a lot at 20 Timing is really important but it taught me to hang out with people on the same page as me


Identical twins enter the sub…


yes, and insanely so, Im mid40s, she's mid 30's, but other than that we are so similar that I spent the first 6 months of knowing her, not saying when I felt the same - we both work in the same industry but work for ourselves as owner operators, I have a lot of quirks that most people do not get, and I understand that, she has the same quirks, my friends joke about my anti consumerism, which I replace with learn it/diy, she's the same, and I get burned out and drop off the grid quite often, and those times are in sync, I really like her, we both say how easy it is to have a friendship that you don't have to explain yourself constantly, I don't get offended if she's taking a break from her phone, she doesn't with me, and we both know our weaknesses, so like when I was quite sick and needed to go to the doctor, she rung me every day pushing me too go, while I was unknowingly trying to excuse my way out of it.


I would never know if I met someone exactly like me because we would both avoid having any sort of conversation at all. We'd probably both appreciate how the other didn't try to have any sort of interaction beyond the necessary, and go about our business.


I haven't met people exactly like me. There are people who have similarities in some aspects. Like completely same taste in music and/or shoes and movies. Or being overthinkers, anxious and stressing too muc among many other things. But not one person who was exactly the same. I'm also way older than my age, always have been. I was always this way, then my wonderful parents and some trauma hardened me up even more. So I the people who are somewhat like me are usually a decade or more older than me.


I never met a jackass, ugly and stupid like me.


Nope. That person doesn't exist. My upbringing was so unconventional. I know there is no one like me on the planet.




No, never.




i met someone very similar to me but she wasn’t from here and she ended up getting a boyfriend


Yes and I married them 😂




No, thank god.




yeah I did, and she has a boyfriend. But it’s alright, we’re still very close. That’s good enough for me.


Best friends not the exact same but very similar. I love her so so much


Not the same childhood and we had some different intrests at the start, but when I met my Partner it was like I finally was understood by someone. I don't have to explain what I think in various ways, they just get me and I get them. We've been going strong for seven years and I can't imagine my life without that person.


I had one friend who told me about a friend of hers who was just like me. We hit it off, and became good friends. Same friend, had another friend like me, and I really didn't like him


my opinions are so diabolical it's hard to find sb to have the same way of thoughts as me:/


One of my lifetime bffs.


My husband says that him and I "match" which was funny to me, but he explained that our souls / hearts / morals match and it made sense. We definitely aren't exactly alike though, but definitely match where it matters.


Luckily, no 🌚


Ohh fuck no. There better not be another one of me.


Yes , I realised how annoying I am/was.


Yes and she was insane.


Yes and he was a better looking more successful version of me. We were the same age. Fucked me up for about a year. Met this person 24yrs ago. I still wonder what he’s up to. If we’re talking about the opposite sex, my first girlfriend and I were soooooooooo similar in terms of wit, humor, the way we took on life, our risk tolerance and no fucks given threshold. I was insanely in love with her and I blew it by thinking of only myself. I should have rescued her from herself. Reconnected 20yrs later but we were on different paths. Just thinking about it brings me back. Has the whole world in front of us.


I once met a guy who had the same tastes as me, the same interests I truly found him boring, luckily I'm not like him, I'm nice.


We were on train going from Atlanta to El Paso. He was exactly like me. It was disturbing. Later that night I used a pillow to smother him. Then I spent 2 years in Mexico.


Someone with a very similar first name to mine (think Bob vs Robert) and same last name, living on the other side of the county, working in the same industry. Surprised we haven't crossed paths at some point.


No. I am one of one. Not one in a million. Still 8,000 other people out there like you. Not one in a billion, still 8 people out there like you. I am one of one.


Yes and they turned out to be a covert narcissist. Love bombing.


Honestly, you'd have to get to know someone extremely well to actually be able to tell what they're like and I highly doubt the similarities went deeper than surface level or that you got to know them that well since you hated them so this is either just to farm likes or you're projecting pretty hard


I don’t think I would want to meet a similar psychopath like myself.


My youngest sister. She's about 10 years younger than I am, so I can see exactly what I was like when I was younger. I cringe so hard at everything she does. She's me cut out and I can't deal with it. Do not like. Maybe when she gets to my age I will like her again, I know I'm a much cooler person now😂


I met him. We had insane sex for three solid days and bonded on almost every possible level. He begged me not to ghost him, and then a week later ghosted me. I’d never do that, so I’m just realizing maybe we’re not the same after all.


Yes, I have. She was my best friend for 6 months, then we dated for 3 years, and then I asked her in marriage 🤣. No regrets. She is the best partner and friend I could have in my life.


My oldest sister, we didn't get along for a long time... Few years ago I discovered somethings about her and her about me and things are changing a bit, and we recognized that our middle sister is the golden child and doesn't really matter what we do because we will never be her... My mom says I'm a slither better them my sister only because I'm not alive in this earth for that long (we are 18 years apart)


We looked nothing alike but had similar upbringings, exact same MBTI type, and somewhat similar family circumstances. However, she is a very toxic and immature version of me. Lacking drive, identity and purpose. She’s still heavily involved in the party scene and still in and out of abusive relationships taking on both roles at times. I’ve distanced myself over time. Seeing her and her life choices / our differences feels like looking back at a fucked up rear view mirror.


In relationship with them. Going great.


My girlfriend is very similar to me, we even had the same childhood of moving around a lot. Of course not exactly the same, she's a lot quieter than me, but very similar right down to mental illness, same opinions on tons of stuff, like all the same things. I absolutely adore them. And in college, my best friend always dated guys exactly like me, we used to joke since she couldn't have me that she went with the next best thing xD


My boyfriend and I are a lot alike 🖤🖤


My husband


Yes I married her.


I wish! I’d marry me.


Yes but I felt the opposite


I don't think so. My husband and I had very very similar upbringings, but we are completely different people. My best friend and I had completely different upbringings and he and I are extremely similar. Both of them annoy the hell out of me sometimes. I am a woman and I don't think I've ever actually had a female friend that is that similar to myself.


We are best friends and many people thought we were dating for a while before they realized how close we are as friends only.


I also hate myself lol Not sure if this is the joke but also I’m not joking


No, I haven’t met someone exactly like me. While I’ve met people with similar interests or personalities, everyone has their unique experiences and perspectives that make them distinct. It's fascinating to see the differences and similarities we share with others, but an exact match is rare.


No I've never met anyone like me. I'm really quite unique it's hard to match that


I married him..


Yes. My partner 🥰


No, never.


I wish


No. I wish I did!


That’s funny because I have, but I absolutely loved them and we were best friends.


I know someone very, very similar to me. We could talk nonstop for days, and at one point we were close friends. Eventually I realized they just weren’t a good person though. Serial cheater, couldn’t be happy for others if they couldn’t one-up them, etc. Keep them at arm’s length now.




thankfully, no.


Dear lord no!!!!! I’m a bonafide asshole and there’s no way I’d like someone like me!!!!!!!!


My daughter. We used to struggle a bit with our relationship when she was a teenager but we're very close now. I'm glad I can give her the support I didn't get so she can be her best self.


my best friend and i are truly so much alike but we also are so different. but per your post we have many of the same opinions, interests, and a very similar childhood. im definitely more type A and shes type B, but we compliment each other nicely. my soul sister fr


Yeah my ex’s best friend. They were better for each other anyways 😂. And his weird comments of “you’re like the female version of him 😍”


Why so you could say. Wait you’re not me hmm then get angry and stomp off. Lmao I hope some people will get the reference.


Yes, and I’m going to marry her.


My twin sister is like 98% like me




Occasionally. Never perfectly like me, but certainly a few kindred spirits. I’ve met some one who looks remarkably like me, but we were chalk and cheese


I met someone just like me….. we’re married


My husband


I’ve met people just like me and I love them you just hate yourself


We each thought the other was smarter and better off.


My daughter is very much like me in her weaknesses, which is kinda extremely confronting but obviously an opportunity for us both to work together


You hate yourself


Thank God no


My son- when he is arguing back with me - I find myself staring at a mirror!!!! And I hate that mirror!!!!!