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Nice to read that :)


A million times better and a million times worse.


We are listening brother, tell us why


Because you can't always get what you want. And yet I'm grateful for what I do have. So some aspects of my life are effing awesome and some aspects suck more than all the sucky vacuums of the world combined into one giant suckinator.


better mentally but worse physically.  now that summers here, let’s spin it around 


For me the exact opposite. Also working on it! We got this 🙌


we got this


Physically? A tiny bit heavier (dammit) and more aches and stiffness. A monument to being closer to 60 than 50, I suppose. Relationally? Good. Hubby and I are great, kids are all grown, flown, and carving out content lives for themselves. Beyond that, it's about the same. I remember going through my divorce and wishing for boring and predictable. I got what I wished for. Life is overall comfortable, content, sometimes annoying and sometimes fucking hilarious. My parents are aging and mother is in a nursing care facility, unable to do anything for herself. So that sucks. I do wish I had been able to travel more, and am hopeful we can stay healthy enough to do so upon retiring. Hell, I hope we're financially able to retire and travel. Spoken like a true Gen X. But yeah, overall, all things considered, a little better.


Teeeeerrrrrible. I hope I come across this question two years from now and I’m doing better


Me too 🥺 let’s meet back here in two years.


But you're here. Waking up, getting up, and showing up are wins. Keep getting up.


SO MUCH BETTER. In the last two years. 1. found love and am getting married. 2. Became a soft spoken person 3. Became street smart 4. Hit the gym and became fitter! 5. Calmed the fuck down and became the best version of myself. 6. Career wise- great improvements, and all credits to me!


I make sure that I'm better every "today" than every "yesterday". So 2 years is huge difference




Well right now I'm doing baaad. Recently broken up and trying to find a way of life losing my biggest love. I'm hoping that this question will have a more fun answer in two years.


It‘ll only get better :)


I don't "love aging", but I do feel like I'm leveling up as I get older, unlocking better patience, wisdom, etc. The last two years (or 4/5 really) have been great!


I'm so thankful for my brain maturing. I was such a hothead in my 20s. I'm much easier going in my 40s and it makes everything easier.


So much better, I've been seizure free for longer than any period since 2018 thanks to my laser ablasion brain surgery, and I've finally got some $$ in my bank account.   Plus I'm not a fifth a day alcoholic anymore, so I've got that going for me. Which is nice. 


Better really. So peaceful.


Writing a lot more and reading more and more pessimistic. Apathy is this weird shadow that has its hands on my shoulders


Much better both physically and mentally thanks for asking!




I am better off now than compared to two years ago. I live in a much better place. I love living here. I own a small plot of woodland. I have always wanted that. I have one more son, which is awesome.


Much better, actually. I feel like I'm on an upswing, which is nice.


2 years ago was married to an abusive person, living in a big house, felt stuck in life/career direction Now divorced, living in an apartment, mostly hopeful about the future, 20 lbs lighter.


Financially better, mentally worse


Well, nothing’s really changed for me but I got to see my eldest get married and my youngest finish her master and starting her career.


I got off drugs two years ago.... not sure how I feel about it yet...


In all honesty it really doesn't matter in the slightest, you were already gone, but honestly id still have given up my job , just so you could stress less about getting the gremlins to school . You smiling was worth it.


More capable. Wiser.


1000x better in every regard. 2 years ago, i was severely depresses with an infant. My husband was unemployed and sinking further and further into depression and alcoholism. He wasn't bonding with the kiddo and was getting mean. Since then, I've been able to get off my antidepressants, we've been going to couple's therapy, and our relationship is healing. He's doing much better with regard to alcohol consumption and has an excellent relationship with the kiddo. He's also landed an excellent job that is fulfilling and pays well. It took a lot of work, but it is totally worth it.






the same


Lol, so much worse.


Better in some ways, a little worse in others. This inflation is killing me, but other than that, I'm ok. Looking forward to the future, though.


No lockdown. I'm good ;)


Waay worse.I gained weight and I lost a lot of people.


Better, but I am still missing something. 2 years ago I didn't know as much as I do now, I was working a Hella stressful job and hated life. I did have a wonderful woman back then but I always knew we weren't right for each other and I broke it off a year ago. Back in the dating scene over the last month and it's not horrible but not where I want to be.


So much worse dang


Not great, got hit by a car 20 months ago, crossing the street. Went from a sporty 41 year old, to feeling like a 75 year old and this is the best I felt since the accident.


happier. I've learned to get out of my own way and just enjoy life. I love myself and I'm way more chill as a result.


Not good, but trying.


Great question, and much better as well. Life is more stable and I can see the future more clearly.


Amazing, got a really good job and promotion, my relationship with my parents/siblings is really good, i have grown as a person a lot and i am no longer suicidal. Matter of fact i read a journal i have written 2 years ago at the height of my depression and got really happy with my progress.


Better physically, worse mentally


Much better! How are you?


Married now with a baby and another one on the way. Grateful and blessed


Two years ago I had just lost most of my money and had less than $500 altogether. Today my paycheck came in and I just topped $6,000 in my savings. There have been insane ups and downs since then. I’ve worked 8 jobs, got the highest paying job of my life, lost the job and all my money (yes, again, almost a year ago), scraped and clawed my way back while being constantly lied to from every single company I’ve worked for, finally fixed my car, finally paid off my car, finally bought another car and fixed some of it, finally bought a new laptop… And it’s a 50/50 chance I’ll be homeless by the end of the month because of the housing crisis (I have plenty of money now, just nowhere to move into and my lease is up)


From not able to buy feminine hygiene things to monthly spontant shopping.


I feel like I am about the same.


Much more better. 2 years ago I would struggle to get out of bed and regulate my emotions


Two years ago I was a happy year 11, who didn't care about relationships and had a relatively good amount of friends and hobbies. Now, I'm depressed, nearing the end of my 6th form course with no career aspirations, desperately wanting a relationship, but having few friends and fewer hobbies.


The same pretty much. Still don’t know what I want out of life. Idk. I’m a lot less impressionable tho




So much worse, lowest point in life rn to be honest, thinking about writing a final letter to my family saying goodbye. But I'm not quite there yet.


Better. I'm working more but enjoying my downtime just as much. I've found my happy, peaceful place, and it makes all the difference.


I've been working out for two years now, eating much healthier, working on my mental health and I've been much happier/positive. I took a course and got a job that I actually enjoy with great benefits and decent pay. Got my driver's license and a car too. Things have been going well.


Just Overall more optimistic


2 years ago, I was managing a dive bar begrudgingly because my close friend and previous manager had been very seriously injured and we lost a lot of staff. I built the place back up in amazing short time and it is still going today because I kept it afloat in that time, but that also took me away from my friends and family because I was there most of the day every day. I also had very low self esteem, and was dating a drug addict who admittedly had some very severe mental health battles and unfortunately clung to me and the drugs and refused to get any real help. I wasn't seeing my son as often as I used to, and my entire life was pretty much working and trying to keep my girlfriend at the time clean and alive. Now, I'm single (thankfully had a much healthier relationship after that one) and have left hospitality behind. I have a very standard 9-5 office job that does me well enough to actually support living on my own, cautiously if not comfortably, and I have a healthy social life again. I see my son every week, have a really good network of friends, and a life that is very firmly my own. I get to spend time on my hobbies and goals now, and don't feel guilty on the days I don't because now it's by choice. And for the first time in years I actually have feelings for somebody without knowing for certain where it will go and whether they feel the same. And it's honestly pretty exciting, even if it doesn't work out. Totally different worlds.


Much better financially. Much worse in terms of my health.


Two years ago, I was in a loving and committed relationship with a person that truly understood me and celebrated who I am never judging me. I had a small group of super close emotionally bonded friends. We played board games, hung out at breweries, had long philosophical discussions, etc. I was building a solid social foundation for my life. One year ago, I was single, all my friends have moved either to the other side of the US or being digital nomads in EU. Not to mention one of those friends betrayed me and absolutely crushed me. My GF and I broke up mutually, as we had some powerful discrepancies for how we wanted to live our lives; we were compatible in so many ways but it some ways we were unable make it work and neither of us wanted to ask the other to change. I had to put my dog down cause she had an incurable blood cancer and I watched my grandma die. I found myself alone in a new apartment, a bottle of whiskey constantly ready on the kitchen counter, spending my days and nights either huddling in a broom closet trying to process yet another panic attack or slipping deep into hopelessness and suicidal ideation. Last May marked one year since then. I had pulled myself out of the depression, after trying countless antidepressants . Made a new friend on Hinge (the spark wasn't there but we decided to stay friends). She has become one of my closest friend who ended up saving me from the isolation and depression. We shared a hobby, she invited me to the game store she plays at, we got a DND group going with her friends and siblings. I now have another solid group of friends. I've rescued another dog who is just the sweetest little thing and I can constantly pick her up and hold her to my chest if I need some emotional comfort. My mood is stable and positive and hopeful. I've been diagnosed with adult ADHD which has helped me resolve some of my issues that I previous just thought were character flaws. I'm dating again and exploring new passions. It's funny you asked this question now. I literally considered this rundown just the other day and realized how proud I am of the progress I've made.


The same yet much worse :/ idk how to go on from here I thought it would be better


Some worries have been lifted and others took their place, sadly I still cant shake the existential unease that lives with me.


Weirdly better and worse. Better because I'm more self aware and managing life a little bit better but worse because I keep choosing old coping mechanisms even though I KNOW they're wrong. Trying to make better choices is like swimming against the tide. I'm exhausted.


Better and worse. Left abusive relative, had whole family do a smear campaign, stalking etc, ended up in a domestic abuse shelter, left there and am safe now but in a city where I only know a few people and need to get my life sorted etc. and career.


We up


Financially better. Physically: I injured my c3 c4 c5 of my spine a year ago, I have been hospitalized twice. But I go to physical therapy. Occupational therapy, acupuncture, massage the whole thing. And i'm alive!! I am at eighty to ninety percent mobility.


Feeling really good! My life has changed for the better. Although I’ve gained some weight, I’m trying to find the time and the will to lose it.


Way worse in all aspects of my life! Sucks to be me


Everyday on this earth in health and basic needs with god is heaven 🙏


Made a few bad moves and am now making less money. The emergency fund is gone. Now married and have a 23 month old. My mental health is hurting. But, I have stayed completely sober for over 3 years and am present in my families daily life.


Horrible. I believe my VP shunt is malfunctioning despite a neurosurgeon assuring me I don’t need it anymore. I go through this bullshit of doctors being scheduled out several weeks and I just want to see an eye doctor so I can finally get a referral to a neuro-ophthalmologist to tell me what’s wrong with my vision.


SO much better. 2 years ago I was wired to fentanyl, dating a guy who was literal human garbage (found out he was a CONVICTED sexual predator, he also abused and cheated on me and tried to kill me once), living in one of the shittiest places I have ever known and surrounded by thieves and people who just used me because I am too nice of a person... NOW i am off of drugs, quit smoking cigarettes, dating a different guy who is SO good to me (actually SAVED me from my POS ex, helps me and encourages me. I actually feel loved and protected with him), I live in a different environment that is actually a beautiful and healthy one. So glad things changed for me...no one deserves to live how I was living. I actually feel good and worthy nowadays :)


Definitely better both mentally and physically... Except for my hair who's starting to leave me


More out of shape, but better professionally


I have a way better job than I did two years ago, and I feel much more confident. Largely it's because I've learned how to completely stop comparing myself to other people


Yes 2 year 5 month complete


I'm good. I've lost 90 lbs and have gotten into shape. My life is totally different now!


Much better. Dropped 160 lbs of dead weight, aka my ex. Got my own little house and feel like I can actually think and breathe now.


I am 125 pounds smaller, I’m in a loving and secure relationship, I just had a huge career advancement, and my elderly cat is still alive and healthy. 2 years ago I was suicidal because I didn’t think I could ever have the life I am now living. I’m glad I didn’t give up and that I put in the work to make it happen.


My live is good and i have a good health/wealth but i keep feeling empty and not seeing any point in this world , what i say just feeling empty


Almost exactly the same. There have been a few new or ongoing challenges, but I’ve been trying to do new things and enjoy life more.


I’ve been living alone for a year and I’ve been loving it (it’s much harder to motivate myself to clean up) but at least I don’t get overstimulated by just having to coexist on the daily with ppl


A lot smarter, but also a lot sadder.


Doing much better in Life and Career


Any ideas on how I can find out how I'm doing? Because I've got no clue.


Two years ago I'd just met someone new. Now, we're planning our wedding for less than a year's time :))


Back then I was writing my coming out letter, now I'm out and living my best live, I didn't get accepted by my parents but it get tolerated and I'm still welcome, it is more than that I expected. Last month I signed my mortgage for my own apartment after years of searching and bidding.


I have a better paying job with a better atmosphere but I fucked up my relationship with my gf and now I am scrambling to get a new one. Oh and I have a truck now and my bike is paid off.


A lot worse and a lot better in many different ways.


The same or better except my anxiety is a bit higher because, well… *shrugs and gestures at the crazy human species*


Much worse. I got sick and had to quit my job.


I fell off a cliff and gained 25lbs while I sat on my ass. 15lbs was muscle cause I guess my body wants to throw hands with gravity or Mother Nature.


In a much better place, still thriving but at least now I can afford rent alone, my coworkers are nice and friendly, still working hard to achieve my goals, no matter what problems face me, I always compare it to 2/3 years ago and say "meh, this ain't shit". Thanks for asking man, hope y'all are doing great, if not I hope it gets better sooner than later, stay strong.


Same, worse, no difference Everyone saying better makes me wanna k*ll myself even more lmaoo


Much better. Two years ago we were living in FL, a few months later we moved to OR. Everything about our life is as good or better, often dramatically better.


Mentaly and physicaly very good, I almost conviced myself that I should kill myself 2 years ago, in such bad I was.... Thank god I persisted this depression


Better than ever. I’m fit physically and gaining weight (muscle), got a job for this summer, good grades with little effort, loads of friends and many things planned. (E.g. an offroad trip through eastern europe.). Couldn‘t ask for anything more. Life‘s great. I stopped reading news (just skimming headlines but that‘s it, they‘re negative 90% of the time). Socialized more, going to 2-3 events a week in evenings. View things positively and push back negative thoughts (being delulu in a kind of way, but it‘s massively beneficial if you‘re framing things in a better way.)


Was doing Good!!


I now own a home together with my fiance. We got engaged recently, so our relationship is definitely serious. I've also changed jobs, my old job was not good for my mental health. I can feel that I'm gradually turning into myself again. My old job made me very anxious and cranky.


The same really, my ED started back then, although I no longer have it and I've lost 9 people since then and lost a friend group.


I didn't think it was possible but worse. My career is at the lowest point it had been (as of today). My finances are ruined and my self esteem is gone.




BRO. If I was asked this in December of last year, I'd be like kinda still terrible and the world is on fire. But since starting my new job in January, LITERALLY EVERYTHING IS DIFFERENT AND I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER. Being able to give the middle finger to the toxic ex-workplace was satisfying, getting a new job, with more money and just amazing co-workers changed my life drastically. Then that kinda just spilled over to the rest of my life, and I love it.


2yrs older and still awesome


Dream job. Dream project classic muscle car. Pretty damn good.


Fatter, more depressed, but doing better economically. Graduated, got a job.


Two years ago, I was was homeless. I know own an Audi, my own apartment and making more money than I ever thought. I’m busy as fuck, only have one day off a week. But I will never be homeless again.


Way, way way better. Changed gender i'm presenting as, got some confidence and self worth, few relationships and bad bad heartbreaks that in the end made me learn lots of things. Have better job than before, real friends that support me, i have some dating confidence now too. Got into debt but but i can afford that with my job pay. I see the world in way more positive light now. I'm learning Spanish and Romani, have rented flat in much better city with my best friend. I feel so free.


Hitting my 50s and realising that I give less of a crap about what others think of me. You can't please everyone. No matter what you do or how nice of a person you are, someone will still complain. If you've done nothing wrong, that's their "stuff" to deal with.


Physically I feel like trash, mentally I am doing great


Heavier, going backwards in life it seems. Divorced, was forced to totally change career. See my kid less. Defeated. Really feeling it this evening, so the question seems sent by the universe


Better! Faster! Stronger!


Been a roller coaster. BFF moved in with me while battling cancer. She died last August. Met an amazing guy 2 years ago after heartbreak and a painful divorce. We’re engaged. Had my own health scare. In the ICU for 5 days. Found a dream job that lowered my stress levels and increased my salary. Even mid 40s life continues to surprise me.


Much Much better 2 years ago I was stressed AF and 40 lbs heavier. My self esteem is the best it’s been in years


A bit better, but not a whole lot.


Somewhat better and very much worse


The same. Not good. But not worse I guess.


Mentally better. Two years ago was the beginning of no contact. It was the most terrifying thing I’ve ever done. Physically I need to lose a couple of pounds. But my heads clear!!


In the best physical shape of my life and the thinnest I’ve ever been (all healthily bc I use the gym as a coping mechanism) but the worst mental state of my life. I thought 2021 was a bad year, 2023 was soul destroying. I miss my mam.


Wiser/More Charismatic but I’m still bouncing back from the toughest years of my entire life I learned a lot in a very short time


Really good


Better mentally, physically 50/50, I also moved so related to that it’s better


Like little better but past 6 months been so good for me


A little better I guess but the job's not finished. Still have a long way to go.


2 years ago I was in alcohol rehab and on the verge of divorce. I'm 2 years sober, we've reconciled, I'm in better shape than I've been in 25 years. Been a good 2 years


Compared to 2 years ago: I make more money. I have way more in savings. I know way more about my job (I'm far more competent). Others are seeing, at my job, how competent I am, some are reaching out to me for my advice about stuff. I've lost 40 pounds (though it's been months since I've lost anything, I've still kept off the extra weight. And am starting on my path to losing more). I'm looking after my physical and mental health way better. I've read several self help books. I've become far more at peace with my life, and who I am. I'm not where I want to be. But I'm far greater than I was. The whole advice, for the power of 1% change, is absolutely astonishing. There are certainly down points in my journey. And stagnant ones. But just the overall goal to get marginally better, has actually ended up getting me in a monumental better place in life.


Fucking crap because I've been made homeless and cost of living crisis has hit me and my boyfriend extremely hard


physically better. i. was just getting over a serious injury then.


Was incredibly hopeful two years ago, looking forward to the future. It’s pretty bad now.


awesome, my 401k more than doubled and still moving higher


My username checks out


I can't say any better, but at least I'm closer to death than 2 years ago.


older, fatter, and balder


Worst honestly. Lost my good job, in this economy.. yeah.. I Moved away from my best friend due to that to live with my uncle. I’m still paying for a car I can barely afford now that I lost my job. I’m shy so it’s hard for me to make new friends or friends at all. The one “friend” I did make(or thought I made) here from work is currently ghosting me for god knows why.


I gained a little weight and am close to being overweight, it's hard to lose weight when you don't have control over your meal and are busy with studying :( But other than that, things are better. I have friends at school now.


Not doing well. Have had a series of unfortunate events over the past eight months and have aged aged aged. I am not getting used to that new person in the mirror. Am looking and feeling much older than I am and cannot get any joy going on.


Much better. Thanks for asking.


Miserable but content at the same time.


Physically better. Mentally worse. Will see how life goes two years from now


2 years ago I was helping my wife as she struggled with a cancer diagnosis. She passed away this past August at 42 years old and I'm still struggling with the loss. I've done some therapy and that's helped. This is also the first time in my life that I've really been able to focus on myself and reach personal goals. I've tried to prioritize my emotional and mental health as well as my physical health. So far this year I've lost 60 lb and am in the gym regularly. I still struggle with her loss and hope to find love again at some point but feel its best to focus on myself and prioritize the things I know I need to improve on.


Way more muscular. Still kinda fat though. Net worth is about 40% higher. Hate my job. Really hate my job. Relationship with my GF is better than ever.


Two years ago I was miserable, depressed and certain I wasn’t going to enlist in the army (mendatory recruitment in my country). Now I'm a few months into my service and honestly feel so much better and happier


I’m doing so much better and I feel much happier, all thanks to Prozac. I never thought I’d say, but I enjoy living now . I haven’t cried since I stayed taking them a few months ago and I regret not taking them sooner


Amazing! 2 years ago, I was sliced and diced up in between abdominal surgeries. My colon had been removed, and I had a difficult ostomy. I was exhausted all the time, and I was depressed, trying to cope with everything I was going through. It's not easy dealing with an ostomy and the minutiae of a medical apparatus. They don't always fit well, and sometimes they leak. It's harrowing. Now, I'm all put back together! No ostomy, I'm living my best life, and I weight train three 3x a week, trying to rebuild my strength after all I've been through. Stick with it through the tough times. Life really can get a whole lot better.


Fun fact as you age the fluid between your vertebrae decreases thus making tears between your vertebrae easier to get. It’s called a herniated disc. So I’m having to keep my neck straight and wear a neck brace at night until it heals which can take between 6 to eight weeks. It hurts like a bitch and I fainted in the bathroom because it pressed on a nerve that lowered my blood pressure. I also just recently became farsighted, I’m also nearsighted. Fuck aging!! Literally fuck it fuck it fuck it!!


Pretty well. In better shape, money in the bank, debts paid off…gonna be an interesting next few years.


Let's just say history has a tendency to repeat itself..


Fucking great! I quit drinking and worked on my mental health. It’s the best I felt in years.




Doing well. About the same which is good.


Ahhh man. Two years ago things were all good. Right now things are going pretty bad. Probably the worst it’s ever been. But I still have my health (I think) and I have my wife and daughter so ima keep the positive attitude until things become good again.


Jesus Christ brought me close to him and I am doing great. Grateful for everyday and waiting patiently for him to take me home 💝.


I’m actually exactly the same


Lost weight but still heavily depressed


Down the drain. Taken advantage of by a partner who stole my money, my mental and physical health, and convinced me to overwork myself, then convinced me to leave my well paying job when she left for my kid. After I moved into a place and the roomates there stole my car, I got a broken finger, got messed up in a car crash, and more.


2 years ago was a low low point for me. Things aren't much better now. There were some great times in between though.


Waaay better. Just got my degree after returning to school at 40, alone and appreciating it, working my ass off to go to grad school next year, getting ready for the summer at the beach.


Amazing. I finally have my anxiety under control, I've lost 12kg and I've been promoted at work. Everything is coming up Milhouse.


A hot mess. Made a major decision, and now still questioning whether I did the right thing for me or not


Just fucking great, haven't tried to kill myself again yet the past 2 years. Though did get complications from Covid and almost died Easter week of this year. Than got caught in a EF3 tornado on May 25 of this year. Can't f-ing die if I wanted to.


I was almost 100 lbs lighter and so happy and felt so beautiful 2 years ago. Was with a great guy (well, I thought he was, turned out to be a lying POS) and had dropped a bunch of weight. Then with being long distance and at a weight loss stall, I put like 60-70 lbs back on. A year ago tomorrow, he dumped me and I haven’t felt beautiful since (he didn’t dump me because of the weight). 2 years later, I’m so unhappy and feel/look gross. 2 years ago I loved everything.


A hundred of times better I'm still dealing with an old issue but I'm making more money, having new friends, new girls, hiting the gym, traveling. Things look a way more better now.


Pretty similar maybe some ways better a lot of ways worse


Two years ago I didn’t think I’d make it to the age I am now. Life is still hard, and I still struggle sometimes, but I’m so grateful that I’ve made it to where I am today.


I was a hopeless defence aspirant who took admission for an MBA course just for the sake so that I don't have to drop another year academically without any expectations to land a good job as I was a fresher. (I gave a lot of competitive exams but didn't do well) Recently dad got retired from defence services, sister was blessed with a baby girl and I got a good and decent paying job in a metro city and will be paying off my education loan on my own. I guess eventually everything works out for everyone...in some way or the other. Edit: I was also in a serious relationship in which ended on a very rough note during my MBA...all n all I am in bettee mental state now ... physically I've gained weight and 2 years of no workout is showing up on my body. I need to work on that. Edit: sorry if this is off context but I just read the question and started typing.






Just as broke (money), still single and still living at home. So not much


Not much has changed for me in the last 2 years I’m still at the same job and the same school, same job still living at home. I have a good relationship with my family so that’s good. This year I had my first real relationship, first kiss and first heartbreak so that’s what’s up lol


So much better! Found a healthy love, changed career, started yoga. Probably the best I’ve felt after difficult times.


I actually am living in the moment. I was just in survival mode and hardly remember a single thing. Now I’m just ~okay~ and I can’t wait for the future!


Relationship: bad Mental health: bad


Hard to see it on paper, but I’m doing much better


Couple of pounds lighter, went from living with 2 friends and their kid to living downtown with a friend and started travelling again, i’m happier than I was tenfold.


Well, I haven't thought about killing myself in a while, managed to salvage my marriage, and got accepted into college. I'd say things are a good deal better 🙂


Doing something I enjoy for work


nagrelapse MDD last year and was i a real dark place; pero thru therapy, meds and support from loved ones, i'm bouncing back![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


Idk alright I guess. Lost the girl I could of been with for the rest of my life . Beyond that just hanging in there


Today I have a good job, a newborn and calm and quiet happiness.


Free of the big C.


A lot better, in 2022 it was impossible for me to study and I was in my comfort zone.. Now in 2024 I have started to study the degree for being an English teacher and I love it, I made new friends I got a new job and I'm doing very well on University Hope y'all doing great 👍🏼


Technically the same but feels way worse and hopeless