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You can only increase your sex drive naturally if you already have a natural or slightly low drive.. If you have ED you have to see a doctor


Take Maca Root. Double the recommended dosage.


For me fadogia agrestis and cistanche make a massive difference. But really you should focus on getting enough exercise, sleep, and a nutritious diet




Just exercise in general. Nothing magical about hiit alone.


There is no miracle pill in life.


I hear that bluechew which is predominantly for ED, helps with performance which is why a lot of guys take them but I don’t wanna take something that fixes a problem I don’t have


Do you feel you are cumming too early?


Not particularly, can go from like 10 mins on the light side if we have foreplay, or 30-45, but my recharge time is massive, usually just next day, sometimes if I’m really horny we can go again after a few hours but that’s like once every few months that doesn’t happen that much. I was hoping to find something that could maybe make the recharge time a lot less


Ok, that doesn't sound quick. I was thinking this was two pumps and done.


Cock sleeve


You have to give up all internet porn. I guarantee you It is destroying your sex life and you don't even realize it. You also can't keep your cell phone in your pocket next to your balls. The minute radiation from your cell phone destroys your ability to perform.


You had decent credibility in the first half but then absolutely shit the bed with that ending


You don't need to