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Absolutely, I totally have those days! My go-to lazy but delicious meal is a simple pasta dish. It's quick, easy, and always hits the spot. Here's what I usually do: Spaghetti or any pasta you have on hand Olive oil Garlic (a couple of cloves, minced) Cherry tomatoes (halved) Fresh basil (optional) Parmesan cheese Salt and pepper Red pepper flakes (optional for a bit of heat)


That's my go-to lazy meal, as well! Pasta never disappoints.


Also, when I'm really feeling lazy but still want something tasty, I love making a loaded baked potato. It's super easy and satisfying.


Sounds good... but will Red pepper flakes make it tastes spicy if so thn I ain't eating it


Instructions unclear, I've circumcised myself.


Just instant ramen, simple but taste so good.


With boiled egg and veggies 😮‍💨


Now you're just making it fancy


No I want my eggs fried and extra crispy on the edges. When it soaks up the sauces 👌🏼


Yea I'm starting to add boil eggs I heard it adds protein


It does ! And tastes so good especially with spicy ramen


I won't eat it but ok


Yea ND I prefer to add cheese plus onion powder


A grilled cheese sandwich


I never could make a good grilled cheese sandwich so I don't make it


The trick is a low heat (a bit under medium). Take your time. Sometimes my pan gets to hot when it's flip time so I take the sandwich out and put some water in the fry pan to drop its temperature. High heat is the enemy of grilled cheese




Hard boiled eggs, steamed veges, and a can of tuna. It's really easy to make and pretty cheap and healthy. I do meal prep and cook several dinners at once and live off leftovers, so I don't cook dinner every night.


What type of vegetables do you use


Green beans and broccoli. Our supermarkets sell steam fresh bags that you can cook in the microwave.


Ok good looking


A few options, there is always at least one of them: Fries in the air fryer with smokey bacon seasoning and aioli. Toast and coffee. Plus cruskits and rice crackers. Whatever is in the snack cupboard. Rice with garlic, corn kernels and whatever vegetables are in the freezer. Noodles.


Always a pizza




I used to cook while facing deadlines at work from home. So: Some sort of casserole that's mostly about dumping stuff together and pouring tomato sauce over it. Like get a bag of frozen veggies, cut some sausage slices, pour the tomato base all over, add herbs. Alternatively, pasta, rice or something else easier/faster than patatoes, plus stir-fry with or without sauce in the pan. If you start early and make something that won't burn easily at the lowest setting, you can slow-cook for hours (some pasta or curry sauces benefit from that, perhaps Europeans soups even). I sometimes put raw chicken and frozen vegetables in coconut milk in this manner and just leave that for a long time on the lowest setting, mostly (but not completely) unattended. The more experience you have, the less attention needed, but be careful not to fall asleep or leave house or whatever. Pizza if you have the dough and have gone through the motions many times and just don't have to focus or care — that can go fast and be a low-stress process. Or anything you can just put in the oven for a long time, although if that's your first time, you'll need to keep tabs on it to avoid burning or something else undesirable. My mum's trick is to keep some delicious home-made dishes frozen for a time when you don't have the time to cook but would like to eat something nice. That's often some sort of stir-fry or casserole. Toasters also work. Some sort of bread, whatever cheese, whatever sandwich meet, some sort of ketchup, as simple or as fancy as you want. That's always at least a warm meal.


Ikea Meatballs with sauce and Mash.


Skillet chilaquiles. Put oil and salsa/taco sauce in skillet. Dump tortilla chips or (torn corn tortillas) in. Stir to coat. Cook a minute. Top with leftover rotisserie chicken, (or make welds and crack a few eggs in them if you prefer) more salsa, cheese. Put lid on until cooked through. We do red or green salsa, depending on what we have. Serve with sour cream, any veg you want on top: lettuce, avocado, tomato, etc. we eat it in bowls with guac, lettuce, sour cream. Sometimes straight out of the skillet.




Microwave nachos


Rice and tuna.


Some variation of sandwiches- bread, butter, cheddar some sort of ham, cucumbers, some seasoning, sometimes I heat it. Sometimes it is just bread, cream cheese and tomatoes. Sometimes instead of bread I use a wrap - I can also put some leftover meat or something from last night. Sometimes I make “whatever is in the fridge quesadilla” - with cheddar and ham, some thinly sliced cabbage, oregano, chilli, salsa, avocado (sometimes it is just cheese & spices tbh and it is still delicious). Pasta - I have learned a few easy recipes I have on rotation- pasta with tomatoes and fresh basil, lemon pasta (might add shrimp if available), and pasta with lemon basil avocado. Under 15 min but with a few things to wash - pan, pot, cutting board etc. So when I don’t want to clean up as much I stick to the sandwiches. If I am extra lazy/have no time - ramen or frozen pizza, frozen fries, frozen chicken nuggets or frozen tofu vegetable dumplings(the best kind imo!). If I am beyond lazy - I order food. Sometimes I don’t feel like cooking at all.


Bread and eggs


Not a meal, but fills you up if you're hungry but it's too early for a proper meal. Cut up 2 bananas, get either 2 tea spoons of cocoa powder or ½ bar of dark chocolate, throw them into a blender, add milk and ice, blend it up, viola delicious milkshake.


Fusilli pasta with tuna


Peanut butter toasted sandwich


Fruit loops !


Ruby Tandoh's gnocchi with chili oil recipe: https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/food-and-drink/gnocchi-recipe-chilli-oil-ruby-tandoh-b2177160.html Five ingredients and probably the only 20 minute recipe I've tried that's actually 20 minutes (if that).


I love chili crisp and gnocchi but never thought of combining them. Have to try this, thank you!


This may be a weird one, but I get a packet of plain microwave rice, crush up an OXO cube and grate some cheddar on top, and mix. Always sorts me out


Rice. It used to be hotdogs, ramen, or lunch meat. Once I cut those out of my diet though i started feeling much better so rice is now my go-to.


Grilled cheese and tomato soup.


Perfect time to eat nothing.


Buttered egg noodles with a little salt sprinkled over them


Cheese fries  Start with frozen fries  Cook bacon directly on top of Fries so grease drips over fries   Mix fries so they all get coated in bacon grease   Take bacon off and mix fries again to coat more   Let fries cook until crispy crumble bacon and shred cheese  Cover fries in cheese and bacon Broil for a few 


In a rice cooker: 1/2 cup of washed rice, splash of mirin, splash of soy sauce, sprinkle of dashi stock, dash of sesame oil, dried shittake mushrooms, frozen vegetables (I like edamame and corn), fresh vegetables (I like carrot, broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage), half a dozen frozen dumplings, and a cup of water. When it's finished cooking add chilli oil and soy sauce to taste. Doable without mirin, dashi, and shittake if you don't have it. Adds extra flavour, but would be yum without.


I call this my broke meal, because even if you're broke it can still be done. Ground beef, a can of corn, and some rice. Whenever I can't think of something to make. I make this. I like to mix it all together in the same pot.


Spagetthi and Pesto Bread with butter and ham Spoon of nutella Coffee


Fresh bread from the bakery and butter is so very good.


My spoon is biscoff spread lol.


Pasta, mozzarella or cheddar, peas, asparagus if I have it, lemon juice. Bit of sage, pepper salt.


I pick up a vegan tiffin meal at a local Indian shop. $10 and it’s enough for two people.


I cut potatoes in little pieces and toss them in a mix of oil,chilli powde, salt and ppeppers, then toss in the airfrier. It’s so good .


Some good bread with goat cheese, rocket (arugula) and truffle oil


Fusili pasta + tin of sardines + tomato paste and mixed herbs. Dinner of champions, just need to wait for pasta to cook.


Fried Rice with egg


Spagetti with tomato sauce or salad with hard boiled eggs, beans and tuna.


Pizza as long as I remember to make the dough in time to let it rise. It’s surprisingly easy and inexpensive to make at home.


Either instant mashed potatoes mixed with chili or if I'm feeling only kind of lazy I'll make mac & and cheese and mix that with chili.


Chicken Tikka pizza


Beans cheese and toast. Eggs if you can be bothered


A turkey sandwich with some chips.


Quick and easy? A grilled cheese sandwich...


A handful of chex-mix, handful of mixed nuts, and a couple of mozzarella sticks.


Mashed potatoes and buttered veggies


Take out / hot wings


Pasta with green pesto, shredded cheese and sunflower seeds.


I've labelled my lazy meal as BBP which means basic bitch pasta. It's literally pasta noodles boiled up, drained, and tossed with olive oil, salt and pepper, and chili flakes. I never tire of it!


Mine is buttered penne pasta with some microwaved frozen meatballs. 😅 I know that’s gross to a lot of people but it’s been my go-to meal since I was 3 or 4. If we went to a fancy Italian restaurant? I’d order butter noodles and meatballs. Another go-to for me that is healthier is air fried chicken breast. Throw some lemon pepper on some raw chicken breast and then put it in the air fryer on 400 for about 8-9 minutes per side. Flavor it up with your favorite hot sauce or dipping sauce and add some steam in bag frozen broccoli and you’ve got yourself a nice meal.




Costco's rotisserie chicken is great for portioning bags for the freezer, my fast meal is rice with chicken sliced avocado, drizled with soy sauce, sesame oil, and Sriracha mayo. It's fast and filling and tasty.


Pasta aglio e olio, cacio e pepe, carbonara, all'amatriciana Stir fry with vegetables I have in the fridge sandwiches


If you kinda like indian food, this is my go to for lazy meal at home. 1. Tandoori seasoning (can get at Spice and Tea Exchange or any Spice shop) 2. Chicken thighs 3. Rice 4. Green beans or asparagus (optional) Chicken in pan with oil on medium heat, sprinkle ample amount of spice on the chicken, cook with lid on medium-high, flip. When cooked, cut chicken up and put in bowl with rice (sprinkle a little seasoning on rice and a touch of oil). SOOOOO good.


Literally any type of potato


Baked Garlic rosemary chicken breast + boxed mashed potatoes lol


Bacon sandwich. About to make one now.


Fried rice. Only need 1 pan to cook everything, I always have the ingredients and it takes only 20 mins. I made some last night 😂


Homemade steamed dumplings. 30 min countdown to heaven.


Tacos are so easy


Taco chips from a takeaway


Cheese quesadilla in the microwave.


Mississippi pot roast


Chilaquiles.a Mexican breakfast dish. I open a can of salsa, a can of tomatoes, add a bit of cilantro, and salt and boil while you prepare a couple of scrambled eggs (or whatever). Serve in a bed of nacho chips (the best are the triangular ones) add any kind of cheese. Pour the salsa so the nachos get a bit soft and the cheese melts. Enjoy! I always have the ingredients at hand because they have a long shelf life.


Garlic, onion, diced bacon, Swiss brown mushrooms, cream and pasta. Quick, delicious and unhealthy.


Steak and spaghetti


Instant mashed potatoes!


Rice and omelet or fried egg


Queso fundido. Cook some chorizo, put some oaxaca in a dish, put chorizo on top, add a poblano if you’re feeling spicy. Oven for a few. It’s just Spanish for “melted cheese” jajaja




Grilled cheese always


Air fryer night. Chicken nuggets, taquitos, mozzarella sticks and tater tots.


Rice and spam. Add fried egg if you wanna be fancy


Burger King double chili cheese burger




SautĂŠ mushrooms, red bell pepper and red onion. Season some ground turkey with your favorite spices (I use cumin, coriander, paprika, cinnamon, and.. something else I'm forgetting). Cook that up, heat up some black beans. Throw it all together and eat over a bed of fresh spinach. Or cook the spinach with the veggies if you prefer that. It's simple and quick enough, healthy and yummy! I'm a Texas girl, so of course I cover it with cheese and salsa because I love myself.


chocolate milkshake or tuna rice chips


Steak with nothing else


McDelivery nuggets, fries and chocolate sundae… which I am eating now LOL! Bloody love their chocolate soft serve but it’s always “unavailable” at most places.


Egg fried pasta with garlic.


Aglio e olio spaghetti


Lunch Meat Quesadillas. A quesadilla but with lunch meats. I usually put salami, ham, and pepperoni in it with tomatoes, jalapenos, italian seasonings, etc. Takes me less than 5 minutes to put all the ingredients inside the tortilla wrap and heat the wrap up until it's got the perfect crunch on the outside and the lunch meat is warm on the inside.


Bacon and eggs.


Butter noodles with Parmesan cheese from the green shaker


Pork Roll. It's so good


Nachos with cheese, crème fraiche, sweet&sour souce and red onion in the oven


Throw some chicken thighs in the pressure cooker with BBQ sauce. Serve with frozen veggies and yoy have yourself a full nutritious meal that you barely did any work for


Frozen pizza


tuna salad with crackers




Oven roasted vegetables. Grab a bag if precut veggies and Italian seasoning and olive oil. Put veggies on tray, drizzle with olive oil, and seasoning. Roast until done. Easy peasy.


Scrambled eggs. Just put in some veggies and sausage.


Throw rice and delicious things in the rice cooker. Switch on. When it beeps throw sweet chili sauce on it dinner done


Egg salad with truffle oil and all the seasonings on some gooooood sourdough


Shredded chicken (rotisserie if you don’t want to cook the chicken), avocado, little bit of lime juice, garlic salt, and pepper mixed up in a bowl. If I have it on hand and feel like chopping, I’ll add diced onions, cilantro, spinach, tomatoes, and diced bell peppers. So tasty, easy, and makes me feel good after.


Box mac and cheese. It's super lazy, so good, and I liven it up a bit by adding seasoning, meat and/or frozen peas, and extra cheese.


Menemen. It is a traditional Turkish dish and simple to make. You cut the peppers, tomatoes and onions into small pieces, cook them in butter and crack an egg on top


Beans and rice


PBJ and fruit


Anything airfryer. Potatoes, chicken, bread, veggies..etc


Canned soupe or frozen pizza


Quesadilla! Takes like 5mins from prep to finish, especially if I'm really lazy & microwave it rather than stove top it.


Peanut butter and banana toasted in a tortilla with a drizzle of chocolate syrup. It's wonderful.


Pb toast. When the peanut butter gets all melty and still a little crispy toast. Ramen noodles with a scrambled egg added while cooking to turn into a kind of egg drop soup. Add some chopped chives or green onions. A sliced hardboiled egg...




Two that were/are common in Germany, esp. among the poorer ones: We know leftover pasta can’t be cooked again, but you don’t throw things away. So you heat oil or better butter in a pan, put the cold pasta into the pan, then you add two eggs and mix it all together. It’s even allowed to cut the pasta into smaller pieces. Salt and pepper. Very simple but I love it. Sometimes I cook pasta just to prepare it this way. Very similar: leftover bread that is dried out. Two eggs, maybe a bit of milk, salt, pepper. Dipping the bread into it until it has soaked a lot of the eggs. Fry in a pan with oil and/or butter. I loved these as a child for supper, which is mainly “cold” in Germany.


[Black bean quesadillas](https://www.budgetbytes.com/hearty-black-bean-quesadillas/). They cook up quickly, and if I don't feel like cooking up the whole batch at once, they freeze well.


a pack of smoked salmon, one sliced raw white onion and one lemon. Place salmon on plate, garnish with onion slices and sqeeze half the lemon over. The more pulp you get, the better. Now eat. No cooking required.


Fried eggs, buttered toast.


Fried eggs, buttered toast.


Air dried taquitos from Costco.




Oh, when I'm in the mood for something tasty but don't feel like putting in too much effort, I usually go for grilled cheese and tomato soup. It's classic and comforting, and it's super easy to make. Just slap some cheese between two slices of bread, throw it on a pan, and you're good to go. Pair it with a warm bowl of tomato soup for dipping, and voilĂ ! Lazy person's dream meal.


Ramen noodles beef flavor or Fast Bites BBQ Chicken Sandwich from Dollar Tree


Pepperoni surprise. Place a bunch of pepperoni on a baking sheet, cover in mozzarella, bake for a little, broil for a few minutes, grate some parm on top, done. 


The pepperoni should be laid out flat in rows not overlapping.  


Rice a roni but I'll throw some broccoli in there, I usually have these already cooked chicken breast slices for my lunches to take to work, if not.. canned chicken.. throw those bitches in there too and when it's all cooked, toss some shredded cheese up on it and let it melt... and you've got yourself cheesy chicken and rice. If you live alone, it's like 3 meals. If you don't like broccoli, you can just do chicken and cheese then throw some salsa on top. So fucking good.


Hungry man Salisbury steak