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It is inevitable




This is the only answer. I cannot fear what I can’t do anything about. It’s the one thing that you can’t run away from. The thing that does bother me is the “act” of dying. Quick and sudden is my preferred way to go. A long slow suffering is not the act I want to play out.


This is how my brother views it. Why even when his best ever friend died to cancer he still didn’t even seem to be sad because it was inevitable.


I watched the Biden debate


I fucking LOL'd at that one!


With who?




actually true, no need to fear something thats inevitable


Why not tho? How does it being inevitable distinguish fear? I understand it’s inevitable but I’m still scared as shit about it lol


There's nothing you can do about it, why stress out about it then?


Memento mori


Don't take life too seriously, you never get out of it alive.


No one gets out alive


I'm not afraid of actually dying. I'm afraid of how. I don't wanna die burning or drowned. But I also don't wanna die in a stupid way.


true. dying while sleeping would be good for me


I always think that dying in your sleep would probably be the ideal outcome for me. Just drifted off a little too far in the Wonderland that I choose not to return to my body anymore


Honestly yeah much like my grandfather not the other occupants of his car though


My wife said that's how she wants to go because she can't deal with any pain. I feel she would sign a dnr if it came to it.


I want to die at sunset on a crisp fall day, in a rocking chair with a blanket over my legs and a dog in my lap, at the age of 100.


Being 100 will suck balls, you will be trapped in a horrible body begging death to take you.


I almost drowned as a kid it was very peaceful after the first thrashing about burning would be my biggest concern


Yeah you're the second person that says something similar...


I did briefly drown once, and there's about a 30-45 second window that was terrifying and my lungs were screaming at me, but before things went black I remember feeling sad but it not hurting as much. I still fear the idea of dying painfully but in a weird way that experience helped me a bit.


It’s actually so fast and especially in the case of burning not at all painful, your nerves almost immediately die for you to feel anything. It’s not the dying that hurts, it’s surviving that causes the worst pains.


Holy shit, I'm reading this as I posted almost the exact same thing! I don't want to burn or drown!


I've worked with old people who can't take care of themselves. I will take death over that any day of the week.




Just keep driving mate, beat it and beat the system, don't let debt weigh heavy on you as long as you have a roof/food and your mind, you can live a life worth living


These kinda incidents makes you think “Why me” and why would god write someone’s destiny yo be like this, but just remember its life, gotta keep on living till death comes


I don't fear being dead. I fear potential suffering in the process of death.


Aint that the reason thats keeping most of us away from death.


It's a natural part of life, it happens to everyone no matter how rich or poor, and it's everyone's objective end


# “To die, to sleep – To sleep, perchance to dream – ay, there’s the rub, For in this sleep of death what dreams may come... — [William Shakespeare](https://quotefancy.com/william-shakespeare-quotes)”


Billy knew. Billy knew that at a certain point you just think, Meh.. I'll finally get to rest


I won't know that I'm dead.


Better still, its the end of allll my problems


Both been a witness and the cause. I've seen what it is in its naked form. I joined the army when I turned 17 and deployed soon after and participated in plenty of situations that made me be the cause. Also was a nurse and seen plenty of it anywhere from trauma to natural. And with my mental health disorders, I know that death shall find me one day and I shall embrace it like that of a long lost friend. I am not afraid as it's natural, and this life is painful.


“Death gotta be easy, cuz life is hard.” -50 Cent


"It'll leave you physically, mentally and emotionally scarred..." But death wipes that slate. Thank goodness.


I realized life is the scariest thing ever.


because it doesn't exist, do you remember the exact moment you fell to sleep? do you remember the moment of your birth? then why be afraid of a moment you won't be conscious about it?.


I have been dead billions of years before my birth and did not suffer from it


Makes “billions of years” sound infinitely small.


A few reasons... I've lived. When I was afraid of death, it was because my life was just potential. Now I've done enough that I don't think it would all have been wasted. I do believe in life after death, and it doesn't terrify me. I believe God is love, and I trust that. On the other hand, if I'm wrong, and the atheists are right, death will be just like all those years from before I was alive, and those weren't dreadful or bad in any way.


We all die. Worrying about it on a daily basis is just a waste of time.


Eh. I guess it just happens when it happens. I think nobody is truly fearless, they’re just either not controlled by the fear or their fear is overwhelmed by some feeling that pulls them in the other direction. For example, people that jump off buildings with a parachute say in interviews that they were scared but their fear motivated them to do it anyway. When it comes to death, it’s just something inevitable so you might as well accept it. No reason to fear the inevitable because it will happen no matter how you feel and no matter how much you fight it or don’t want it or even do want it. Plus there are things worse than death, so I don’t really see a reason to fear the thing that could end up being a release from something worse.


"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him shall not die, but have life everlasting." (John 3:16) That is why I do not fear death, but rather look forward to being reunited in heaven with my loved ones in the loving embrace of the Lord Jesus Christ!


My mom nearly died when she was a kid. She almost drowned. She said it was really peaceful. Someone pulled her out of the water and she survived. She said it was calm and she wasn't scared. I also watched the first episode of Surviving Death on Netflix. It talks about a doctor who died for 30 minutes. Her death experience was interesting. Most people who have near death experiences say it's not scary, it's peaceful on the other side. Earth and living is the scary place.


I am not actively seeking death. I am not suicidal. But when it comes my last words will be "Finally it is over."


I feel this is my bones




I've seen my grandparents dying. There's nothing to fear.


Tried to kill myself, to be able to, you need to get over your fear of death. Mentally healthy now, but having gone over that hump, I haven’t regained a fear of it.




Right! Good old morbid thinking when you're going through it. I'm out of my darkest times, so I don't want to die, but I'm also not scared of it. When you face your mortality every day and consider death but choose life, you almost get desensitized to the idea of dying. But I'm happy I never gave in. I would have missed a ton of wonderful little things and moments that add up to reasons to keep going.


Because life is a scare and a waste of precious time as it is. It's ruled by stress, expectation, and destructive behaviour. Death is a reprieve from it all. It has many benefits.


While that is true, there still is some level of good and pureness if you look carefully. Lost my cat recently and he thought me so much about caring, kindness and the significance of love. I'm just happy to be alive that I got to experience him, and I am not afraid of the possibility of joining him one day. So I am no longer afraid of death either.


I don’t fear my own death, it is inevitable, but I fear the death of my loved ones.


It's the start of another journey.


Serious answer? because I have very little pleasure in the alternative


I think because of the mystical experiences I've had, I understand the Universe is in good hands, death is just as natural as birth and it's nothing to fear. "This place is a dream. Only a sleeper considers it real. Then death comes like dawn, and you wake up laughing at what you thought was your grief." -Rumi


It's not that people fear death. It's the pains that come along with it. You don't fear death. You just fear not living anymore, the fact that people you love leave so will you leave this beautiful world, thats what you fear, I read that somewhere


Cause I'm already dead inside. And there is literally nothing left that can hurt me more than my own existing clinical depression already has.


Death is just like going to sleep. I do that every night. The difference is that you just don’t wake up.


What's to fear? You won't know anything about it.


That's the fear


No I mean once you're dead you're dead that's it you don't exist anymore. You won't feel anything, there's nothing to be afraid of.


I agree. The problem is, for my personal fear, it isnt dying per se, it's whatever comes after. Ceasing to exist entirely, consciously (as that is our existence), terrifies me and I can't comprehend it. It is the lack of comprehension that motivates the fear. Despite that, I know full well I'll have nothing to worry about as I'm not conscious of any thoughts.


Because life hurts. What’s after life can only be an improvement upon the experience.


Can't be worse than the life I'm living


It's just going like going to a dreamless sleep forever. Why would that be scary?


It's important to accept death or everything will be consumed. I want to be turned into mush and planted as a tree, then I can make oxygen for things to breath. A rope swing if you wanna come and have a chat or a noose if you want to make it a bit more permanent haha


I have someone waiting for me.


Because I know where I'm going.


I don’t fear death. It should fear me because I’m sigma


It’s a part of life. Fearing death is like fearing new experiences. It’s gonna happen whether you want it or not so why not welcome it?


I have nothing to lose and I’m tired/underwhelmed w life.


because it happened twice already


I should have died with all my friends in Korea.


I don't want to be inappropriate or pretend I know anything about you, and I'm not a doctor. But, This sounds like a "stuck point" of survivors guilt? Have you ever tried any cognitive processing therapy? Only if it bothers you, but like, if you're looking to try to move past this feeling, I would definitely recommend trying out CPT, (not to be confused with CBT)


because life used to be far worse


I'm not fearful of it, but the concept of potential nothingness and just... nothing, is a mind trip. I just don't fear it. The pain is for those left behind.


It is inevitable. We are ment to disappear. In short-term, our actions don't matter, as an individual and no one will ever know.   Most importantly, it is okay. It could happen at any moment, right now or in a few years. Noone knows when and where. So why bother thinking about it. Just enjoy the time you have, with your love ones and friends and do whatever you liked to do. And at the end there is nothing you have to fear or bother about.


Death is a known fact. Life, on that other hand, is filled with "unknowns" at every corner. What's scarier?


How can you fear the one inevitable thing, it will happen regardless, might as well accept it.


It’s inevitable!


"Death" does not only come in a single form of a physical death. It comes in a wide variety of forms, from small like being "dead" in some people's eyes(friends/family) metaphorically, "social death", to some forms that are even worse than the physical death itself. Some experiences change people a lot, some bring changes that are so fundamental, that they appear to go against the human nature as as a whole. But I wouldn't say that it is necessarily an illness or an unusual thing, it is a form of progress in life, it is the one type of experience that I am very jealous of, personally. Everything in every individual person has a deep reason. You wonder why, but I'd rather advise you to not think about it too deeply and experience things, until you come to a satisfying conclusion yourself.


I won’t be around to experience it 🤷🏽‍♂️


Why worry about something you can’t control? No point.


Because I have lived my life as fully as I can knowing death is the unevitable outcome


I spent about two years just watching NDE reports, this was on the "old internet" when the first results didn't all seem like weird ulterior motive garbage in like 65% of subject matter (at least that's how it seems, comparitively) and it seems almost unfathomable to me that there could be that many people, that genuine, all lying, from atheists, to agnostics, to religious people. That's the first one. The second reason is simply that life is really difficult a lot of the time, and I don't want to admit how often I'd've rather'd simply to have fast forwarded through life--it'd minimize my existence down by like, 10 or 15 years, of my adulthood, and I'm in my early 30's lol.


Going to be exactly the same as before I was born


I'm going to die. My loved ones are going to die. Ny pets are going to die. Nothing I can do to stop it. Now, I can do whatever possible to prolong life. You are going to die. Everyone on Reddit (other than bots) will die. I don't want to die. However, when the time comes, I will be dead. It's inevitable.


I don't fear death because well, when it's over, it's either over, or it's not. Until then, we will never know. The act of dying, when it will be, how it will happen, is it unexpected? Did I get to say goodbye? Now that terrifies me.


Can’t do a damn thing about it. We will all die


Why waste energy fearing something we are powerless to do anything to stop?


Tbh I'm interested in seeing what happens. A bit afraid of the pain but I guess it comes with the territory.


I don’t want it but don’t fear it. Why fear it?


They are just lying, everyone fear death


Because it’s inevitable. No point in being scared of something you can’t stop, I don’t want it to happen I’m enjoying my brief time on our space rock but when it does idc I’ll be dead!


It’s simple, if you get born you’ll die. It’s one of the most certain things in life.


Why would I? Do I fear being asleep each night?


Life HAS NOT been very nice to me


Because death is the only thing in this world that you can be sure of. Also, you cannot cheat death so why fear it? As Avicii one wrote "One day, you'll leave this world behind so live a life you will remember"


Its one of the great mysteries in life and I cant wait to find out what happens then


I was dead before I was alive and now I’m the walking dead while I’m alive.


I want to remember what it was like for the billions of years before I was born.


I have a contract for some time.


It’s part of life. I’d just be upset I didn’t get more time with my daughter


We’ve been practicing everytime we sleep.


Why fear something that you cannot prevent?


Life is the lesson. Death is the test.


Because it’s inevitable. But I fear bad deaths. And bad living. And being tortured. Or being a burden. I fear not having lived life to the best of my abilities. So, I try to live it while I can.


I was dead before. It’ll be just like that again. I fear my death for my loved ones left behind however.


I believe I have seen it and have some concept of its mechanism.


I don’t fear the time before my life. I do not fear the time after. They are the same.


Because it is not the end of existence.


Why should i? Give me one good reason to be afraid of literally nothing.


Death is only hard on the living




Howdy! I died on May 28, 2020 (coded/flatlined). And yeah, if you wanna have that conversation I'll summarize by saying it's real; I'm a scientist so I returned very changed from my skepticism. It was not a dream or a panic happening from my brain being without oxygen. I noted details for my nurse that could not have been seen by a person who was lying on the table. I know what I registered while dead and it is joy, but I also love the challenges of life.


Getting old is so bad that many old people would prefer to die.


I'm not going to remember it.


There's little I can do to stop it, only postpone it. I'm not all too keen on it happening soon, but there's absolutely nothing I can do to keep it from happening some day.


What’s there to be afraid of? Dying is inevitable so worrying about just dying is pointless. Worried about what happens after death? None of us knows what happens then either despite how much we may believe whatever we’ve been told by whomever or whatever religion. So worrying about what happens after is also pointless, we will all figure out what’s right after or fade into nothing without ever knowing. Process of dying? Sure that one worries me a little. Please let it be quick with little pain instead of being mauled by a wild animal or something. About not doing more things before dying? Why? Like either I have an eternity after for whatever I can do in that eternity or I fade into darkness and how much of whatever I did or didn’t do doesn’t matter and I won’t even know about it or ever existing anyway. So really aside from it possibly being painful or slow in the process what’s there really to fear or worry about?


“Lord I ain’t afraid of dying. It’s the thought of being dead. I want to go on being me once my eulogies’s been read.” - J. Diffie


I'm too old to let fear of death guide my life.


What’s there to fear? I never understood the religious folks who say they fear the creator either… I genuinely think I’m a good person, and I’m prepared to meet the creator and argue that I think I was a good person, if there is a heaven. I don’t see the point in stressing about death


I am not scared of death cuz death is normal and I bealive that my lord and savior and Jesus Christ who died for me will free me of damnatation.


I’m just so damn tired


I fear God, and God only 


It’s like sleeping except you don’t dream it’s just black.


So the only difference is I won’t wake up.


Because life is hell.


I fear no gods. Sensible Athiest


i am looking forward to it.


Yoo bro don’t kill yourself 👊(virtual fist bump)


I've never feared dying. How I might die does bother me, a little, very little. I've been at the bedside of many friends and family who passed away. It's so peaceful.


I hand the question back to you: Why should I fear death? I can't find a reason.


How can you be afraid of something that you won't even feel because you won't exist?


Not my problem after I'm dead. Edit: I'm sure I fear death, but it's more through other people when I start thinking about it. Like when I think about death I don't really think about the process, I think more about how my family would feel about it.


I fear dying, not death. Overall, I’m far more curious than I am fearful. Does that count?


I was dead for millennia or really more than that before I was born and it didn’t bother me then.


It seems like a waste of life to fear the one thing I can't escape. I'd much rather focus on living than dying. Plus, how can I fear something I've never experienced?


I mean... If there *is* something after death, that means it's not the end, and we'll continue living just in a different realm (whether it be reincarnation, or heaven etc). If there's nothing... Then all my sufferings would be gone. It would be just like seeing with your 3rd eye (oh wait, you can't see anything cause there is no 3rd eye you can experience).


It's just a transition to something else that no one knows anything about. If anything I'm excited to find out what happens after


It's impossible to fail. Whatever failures you experienced, at the very end, there's a sure win.


Those who dont fear death but embrace it in fact fear to live there is no courage in death only living-  some ancient Chinese guy 


I won’t know I’ll be dead. Now the act of dying, that’s a different story -


Not a whole lot to miss.


Because it’s gonna happen regardless rather we fear it or not it’s gonna happen and nothing can prevent it why waste time worrying about something that’s guaranteed?? Enjoy whatever time we have here cause when the clock stops for good it’s stopped. 


It's the natural cycle we live and die and what ever is left is used a resources for the next living thing. Plants and animals die all the time because they know that they we eventually regrow into something else.


Because by the end, the old age and life struggles will make me choose it over anything. And I would be back to that phase where I was before I was born...


Sweet release


I don’t fear death, but I fear the pain


I’m on a train I can’t get off of. Why fret about something for which I have no control?


Been dead before. It's not that bad.


Stubbornness my part really.


What is there to fear? I don’t fear nothing. Death is just nothingness.


Why would you. At that point all your troubles are over.


I don’t fear death as in not existing anymore. I more or less fear HOW I’m going to die. Been shot and stabbed before and I absolutely do not want to go out that way. I wanna go out quick and painless.


As much as I fear what is coming that I can't change, death has such a level of inevitability to it that it circles back around to being calming. Take any upcoming stressor for example, such as a surgery. I likely won't die in or after the surgery, but I might be perfectly fine, I might get worse, I might find out my insurance doesn't cover it and now I am in debt, something else else on me might go wrong that was stable before the surgery and so on. I can worry about all these things because I know I will have to deal with them for good or ill. Death however is the greatest unknown, it might be a peaceful ending where there is nothing after death, it could be the afterlife, it could be reincarnation, or any number of other possibilities. The only thing I do know about death is that it will happen, but not what happens. Paradoxically, because I have no knowledge about what could be on the other side, and no way to learn or avoid going to the other side, all I am left with is hope. Hope because that is all I can have. Sure I worry I might go to hell or an equivalent, but I need to have hope that I won't. Worry and hope both come from knowledge, either knowledge of outcomes and consequences or the lack of knowledge on either. So when all you know is that it exists, you can choose to worry about nothing or hope for something. TLDR; Death comes for us all and since there is nothing we can do about it to know what comes after you might as well hope and be content instead of worrying about something you can't change.


Because we have come to the conclusion that there are things far worse than death and i live with the idea that fuck it we ball


I get to do it only once


Because there is no hope.


I can't say I don't fear it because staring at it in the face is bound to be the scariest moment of my life. I hope I find a sense of freedom with that fear though because when ever I am scared I feel the most alive.


because when I'm dead, I'll have nothing to worry about.


In a world where we can't treat each other as equals, death is the inescapable reminder that we are. I take a great amount of comfort in knowing that regardless of how greedy someone is, or how much they elevate themselves in their own mind, they'll be a part of the same dirt I am. That and I've had my jugular cut and 3 guns in my face in a 30 year life-span. Just ran slap outta fucks.


It's a waste of effort fearing the inevitable.


I don't fear death, I fear dying painfully. There's a reason why you hear older folks say that they'd rather go in their sleep because you get ready for bed, lie down, and never open your eyes again. There's no prolonged suffering. Do you want your last minutes to be painful or do you want your loved one to say, "(s)he went peacefully. That's the way to go. In the night after a life well lived." At the end of the day, until we've developed an elixir to extend life, death is inevitable. It's not a matter of if but when.


Because I can't do anything about it. It will happen if I want to or not and there is nothing I can do about it. I can try to postpone it but it will be when it will be. So i try to live my every day like it was my last, hug my loved ones, not be angry and not hold resentment.


Because life happens, everything is going to die sometime. I fear of growing old and not being able to do things myself or pay for things myself. I would hate to be a burden to others, especially family. Something about not being able to do anything, and requiring assistance all the time from showering, to eating. It is saddening to even think about. We put down our animals that have health problems or struggle by themselves because they are old, why don't we do the same with people?


No logic fearing what you can not change.


I'm already emotionally dead. Death is of no concern to me.


because they are darwin award nominees


I very nearly died earlier this year from a combination of sepsis and bad doctor. When I finally was hospitalized, I was told it very well may be terminal. To my surprise, through all the pain, I felt no fear. Really. I was too angry at everything. I wasn't ready! But I'm not afraid of death.


Why fear it?


Very simple, it's just another part of life as we can't avoid it.


Look into NDEs. The r/nde subreddit will bring you lots of comfort, answer some questions and also make you ask more questions.


What is there to be afraid of?


It's not an end


I am death >:)


It’s coming and living life in fear of it is no life at all.


I just don't care to be honest. I don't actively want to die, most days at least. I just hope it's quick and painless when it comes


Death is nothing to me. When I exist, death is not; and when death exists, I am not.


My dad, my best friend, my horse, my dog, my cat..


I wont know about it, I fear a slow painful death more then the death myself, the only thing I really worry about is how I'm going to get buried, I should probably write a will XD


In my very ending, Is just my beginning. A simple shift from the material realm to the energetic, the physical to the metaphysical. What the Egyptians called the afterlife. https://youtu.be/gIOyB9ZXn8s?feature=shared


I mean I do avoid dying, but there's no real point to fearing death itself. It's inevitable, unless you've really fucked up then it's pretty quick. Is there anything afterwards? Maybe, it's not really worth worrying about. Hedge your bets with a religion if you want, there's so many of them that you have no way of knowing for sure which ones are real, if any. Enjoy being alive, make the best of the experience. And hey, your memories are stored on physical meat media, if some spiritual component of yours exists after you're gone, it probably won't remember you! So be cringe, and free.


Why not? Everyone’s got to experience it sometimes. I’m not going to fight it.