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Regulate click bait and sensationalist media online.


Jail every prime minister who wages war in any foreing sovereing country


Skip to World War 4.


Let's just kick it off. Think about the economic growth in the post-war years.


Haha, funny 🤣


Vote for people who support Ukraine. The only way we get WW3 is if Russia wins and goes on to attack NATO counties, forcing the US and other allies to retaliate.


But isn't Ukraine just a proxy war for America vs Russia?


Russia started this war not the Ukrainians or anybody else. The US has literally nothing to gain from attacking Russia but all to lose if US boots on the ground are needed once again if Ukraine falls and Putin's territorial ambitions extend further west.


I'm guessing you haven't seen the video of the US congressman who states that the purpose of the war is to get the minerals from the side of Ukraine that joined Russia in 2014? Those minerals are worth a thousand trillions according to the congressman and he said that he didn't want Russia and China getting them. Sounds a lot like what happened in the Middle East with oil.


Side of Ukraine that 'joined' Russia? The WW III fear mongering, usage of Russian phrasing and blaming the US for the Ukraine situation...? Your post smells fishy.. Elsewhere you are calling Biden a WW III warmonger, while Trump is just Trump (ommitting the fact that he's the guy who tried organizing a fucking coup). Very, very, very fishy indeed, komrad.. Best way to stop WW III, is to stop Russian aggression. Remember, they are at war with the west through sabotage, assassinations, ***information warfare,*** bribing politicians, just to name a few. Don't let the fear mongering crowd convince you that laying down while you're being attacked is an option that will result in a positive outcome.


Well, by saying that Trump is Trump, I meant that you know how that guy is. He was opposed to war during his term. Otherwise he is a dick for sure. However, Biden has been warmongering. He/his cabinet has been and is escalating the war in Ukraine towards Russia. And Putin has said that if US and NATO don't stop encroaching on Russia, they will escalate in nuclear terms by bombing Poland which as far as I'm aware has a military airport that NATO uses to bring in weapons for Ukraine etc. So, I'm somewhat concerned about this since I live in Europe. So there's your fishy fish. And you don't think the US is not doing information warfare? Are you serious? For what it's worth, some good sources of info on what really is going on are these two channels on YouTube: -Jimmy Dore Show -Redacted Both of these channels have great guests that know a lot more than what is said in the mainstream media.


Oh, it's not only coming, it's coming rapidly. For the time being, welcome to Cold War 2: Nuclear Boogaloo. You thought it ended in the 90s, well think again, motherfucker.


Oooh, I'm waiting for the third world. I'm tired of the war happening on my land. I look forward to when all countries are included. I'm tired of hearing these strange theses that they are concerned. Evil must be punished. If it encroaches on someone else's territory. If evil is not punished, it will continue to spread.


Preventing conflicts on a global scale involves diplomacy, cooperation, and open dialogue between nations. It's crucial for leaders to prioritize peaceful resolutions and international agreements to mitigate tensions.


In other words: we're fucked in this timeline.


It started decades ago... Vietnam, Chile, Nicaragua, Afghanistan, Iraq, Ukraine,etc...


Don't pretend like it was inevitable. That'd be the first step.


No it isn’t lol. You need to stop watching 24/7 fear-based media.


Well, that's how the world works in a Cold War.


I am very well aware of how cold wars work. That’s partly why I say WW3 isn’t imminent. I have been alive when things were far, far worse and more intense and less stable.


Right. You must have been born after 1963. Remember that? 1963, aka the Day the world stood on the brink. . The beaches of Cuba, it was then. Nowadays, you don't need that anymore. One missile is all it takes because everybody can shoot at everybody else. 1 missile and we're all going to hell. So tell me again how things were far worse before. 1 bad decision from an asshole like that Un guy or that Putin guy or that whoever-the-fuck-rules-in-China guy. 1 temper tantrum and half the world is dead by sunset.


For all the men who don’t know each other refuse to kill and die for old men who do know each other.


Elect Biden.


we actually need world war 3 because we have 8 billions people on the planet already while the planet can only sustain 2 billions of us


Actually, the planet can sustain roughly 10 billion people. It's our economic systems that can only sustain 2 billion, and even then a quarter would be starving because we're a bunch of selfish arseholes.


Ok cool. We will send you to the front first then.


Is that you Bill Gates?


It does not look probable at all to me.


Just let it blow over.


Stop funding Ukraine, Israel, and other countries.


So your strategy for fixing a leaking damn is to break it down? "How do we prevent the water destroying villages?" "Oh easy, just destroy them yourself", that's what you're saying. . Funding Ukraine is what's keeping Russia occupied right now. If Ukraine loses, we're all fucked.


No it's not. Read something, like the head of the CIAs report on why we shouldn't fuck around with Ukraine. 


Ah, the CIA. Aka the guys who make decisions about who dies, as ruled and regulated by how much money the US stands to gain. Never trust a capitalist to make a strategy for war. That's how Afghanistan and Iraq happened - oil money. Remember what the CIA said then?


Yeah, instead we should trust Biden.


Did I just say "Never trust a capitalist"?




As I said.


So you on your way over to Ukraine to fight?


He's not a capitalist. 


He's an American, so yes he is.


Lol tell Antifa that.

