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when you are a child in a good family and you have nothing to fear about


Weird to think about how those folks, from 'a good family' have completely different mindset, what it might've been like for those who didn't.


I came from the good family, my dad came from the exact opposite


I came from a bad family, my dad came from a family even worse.


There’s an idea that character skips a generation. The toughness fought through by one generation now made life far too easy for the next. So a difficult life for one generation forces them to sacrifice their own life for the greater good of their children. But once those children have grown up and have been given every advantage you can think of, they treat people like shit and act like narcissists. Then, their children, having to live with narcissistic, egomaniacal parents, have to suffer through life, and end up giving up, only to focus on making a better life for their next of kin. Of course, there are an immeasurable variety of circumstances that can lead to personal growth, or lack thereof, but I think the generalization still holds water. Edit: I just realized that this could be taken personally for the OP, and that’s not my intention. I was speaking more generally about the general population.


It’s a cycle as they say. It’s “Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times.” By G.Micheal


Strangely I prefer "Hard times create hard men, hard men create good times, good times create soft men, soft men make me hard"


It's definitely untrue anyway. Too often it's children who grew up in abusive environments which continue the cycle of abuse in our society. Children who grow up comfortably, not so much.


Or like many of us, not have children so we can actually enjoy life now.


That can be true but it’s a gross generalisation. I know many people that come from good families that want to make their family even better, me being one of them. We weren’t exactly a rich family but we were off well enough to have a decent start at life. My parents gave me and my two siblings everything we needed, they educated us and now all of us have respectable high income jobs. They weren’t perfect of course, nobody is, but I respect them immensely for what they managed to do because they had a REALLY tough start at life. I will do everything I can to give my kids an even better life and opportunities, while trying to not spoil them too much. I’m not delusional to think that I will be perfect because I know I won’t be, but I will try my best. At the end of the day what matters the most is to be there for your kids and encourage them while not ignoring discipline. The rest is up to them to use what you taught them in their own lives. Most spoilt kids from rich families are like that because they are neglected and their parents throw money at them to hide their indifference towards them. I definitely don’t want to be like that.


I don't believe it goes like this. The difficulty in one generation causes them to focus solely on providing materially, neglecting the emotional side of raising a child and connecting with their child. So the children grow maladjusted. And maladjusted people aren't equipped to raise well adjusted people either, and the circle continues. It's very difficult to break, as at some point a poorly raised child has to grow up and become something they never learned from their home.


Its a neat "idea" it just has no basis in reality.


I come from a very conservative family. I do not agree with anything with them, even though they are very strict


I came from an abusive family, and it made me a better parent.


That is how my Dad approached it. He just did the opposite of what his dad would have done.


What’s interesting is siblings coming from the exact same family with vastly different stories/experiences growing up. Happened with my mother growing up (my aunt thought they had a terrible childhood) and with my brother and I. Same middle class loving parents. Totally clashing recollections of our childhoods


I think of people who had good childhoods as having a treasure box of memories that sustain them throughout life


They haven't a fucking clue about childhood trauma, anxiety or fearing your own family. Maybe that's why they go on to do so well in life..?


A good family would make the difference Personal I absolutely hated my life from 4-18 . Probably the worst years of my life was then


You’re not alone. Wish you the best, and hope you can do something great with the mess that your parents left you with.


To be a kid again... Those were my BEST days Honestly


Yup. Completely unaware of the negatives on this planet. Everything is a fresh new discovery, ripe for exploration with an imagination that doesn't yet have limits. Ages 3-5 are probably the best for that. Old enough to really explore and young enough to still be blind to the unpleasant things in life. As you pointed out, good parents are key to this.


No bills, just imagination and the unknown. What we adults could live in a future where everyone actually has a chance. So A book 😣


I am out


Oof the good family part is hard.


I’ve never had that, and I understand and envy my peers when they say they miss their childhood and schooling days.


so basically 2-12


When I was in my 20s, I got married, started my engineering career and had few responsibilities. It was my favorite decade. In my 30s my three kids were born and it was so much better. In my 40s, the kids were out of diapers, I was on top of my profession and we moved to a house my wife designed. Life was good. In my 50s my kids graduated from college, we were financially secure and we both retired. Life kept getting better. In my 60s we had 7 grandkids born, we traveled often and had friends we had known for 40 years. We are now 73, in good health and look forward to tomorrow. This just might be the best decade yet.


This sounds like a wonderful life. Congrats!


I love your positivity. Reading this made me smile.




This could be me but I failed to find a partner even though I really tried so now at 31 I am an engineer since 21 but don’t have any aim in life. 😞


There is 100% someone out there that will LOVE YOU FOR YOU, but even more important, will enrich your life more than you could alone. But you have to enrich their life more than they could alone. Partnership is beautiful.


I’m positive that you’ll get there! Be confident and believe in yourself - and you’re halfway there already


You’ll get there bud. Everyone lives through their own unique story, but if you’re patient enough it almost always has a happy ending.


LOVE that!


What a wonderful life!


The 40's. Hands down. Old enough to have figured out life. Still young enough to enjoy it.


My 40s are going fantastic. Secure in my job, make decent money, losing weight


I’m going to be 50 in a few months. The last ten years were the best ten years of my life.


So far 😉


I just turned 37 and everything is finally starting to go my way. Bills are lowering. We’re done with the stress of having kids and our two youngins are flourishing. Both of us have great jobs and continue to move up in our careers and learn. We’re in a nice house on a corner of a wonderful neighborhood where we’re getting to know our neighbors. Today we just bought a brand new, deep cushiony, sectional sofa that you just sink the hell into from West Elm. I can see the 40s being kick-ass!


I agree! I’m 44 and have been loving and living life to the fullest the last few years


Do you guys have kids?




“Life really does begin at forty. Up until then, you are just doing research.” -Carl Jung


As someone who just turned 30, this is actually really nice to know


I love the 30s so much that I keep saying I can't wait to see how amazing my 40s are!! Thanks for the reassurance. Looking forward to life 🙌🏽


Absolutely! My kids are adults and I'm young enough to have fun empty nesting. Love it! Also, at work, I'm like generationally ambiguous. I get along with my younger coworkers in their 20s/30s AND my coworkers in their 50s/60s.


Mid-life has had some rough years so far. Aging parents requiring care in parallel with the demands of a young family.


Wow this makes me happy because my 30s are fucking horrendous


Just started my 40s and this is my hope. My 30s were absolute dogshit. Filled with chaos, pressure, instability and a lack of time or resources to properly look after myself.


I really hope you're right! 38 here 😂


Oh thank god, there’s still time! I’m in my early 30’s and thought I’d have it figured out by now, but now I’m going to push this expectation back to my 40’s haha!


60's. I retired at 60 sold everything and moved to Mexico. That was 4 years ago and I'm loving it


What's "retired?" I'm 43 and I'm planning on working until I die to avoid homelessness.


42 and “retired” here. Highly recommend it. I also wish it was an option for every human. I wish I knew how to make this wish reality. I used to call it my MWO plan, “make work optional”. And I worked for it, hard, with discipline and it never felt I’d get there. Then, just when I was close, my wife died. Glad I had the option to do it to be there for my kids the past 7 years. Life is so absurd. I call myself a “free-time engineer”. Because there’s this weird stigma people have about you retiring under 50. They think we’re loaded 💰. We’re not, we just bought our time back for mostly a simple life. Good luck on your journey.


I retired when I was 50. I was lucky enough to have a job that provided a pension after 25 years. It's enough so I don't have to work but I'm far from being loaded. I live simply, and as long as I do, I don't have to work again.


Not if you start now as I said the same thing at 50 but managed to retire at 63 Not with much but I get by


I'm not saying that this is a universal answer to everything, but I wish somebody actually told me on my first day of the real job, that money ACTUALLY makes money - invest whatever you have extra (upon deductions on reasonable savings, of course). It does make a difference.


I'm terrible with money because I wasn't taught about it. Money was a big secret with my parents. In fact, everything in my fucked up family was a secret. It helped hide the child abuse that was being done to us.


55 now my plan in 5-7 years as well. We are Still deciding on where.


Sounds relaxing. What’s life like nowadays?


His last three words answer that


Ba da Ba Ba Ba... He's loving it.


ba bah bam ba bah 🍟 (TM)


He dead?


It says “I’m loving it”


So he’s back working at McDonald’s?


Mexican mcdonalds


60s for me too. But only because I finally have financial security. Having that at 20s/30s would’ve been even more amazing


Great I turn 60 in a week and now I have something to look forward to. 🤣


My 40's are the worst for me right now 😰😰


Sorry that’s awful and I remember my 40’s were not that great. Hang in there. 🙃


For my wife and myself, it has been the post retirement life. Both in good health, financially secure, living where we want, watching our grandsons grow up. Doing what we want, no responsibilities to anyone but ourselves. It is damn sweet.


me reading this while trying to put my 2 years old twins to sleep, :') help me


They wont be 2 forever! 😂 they grow up so fast, cherish these times ❤️


I'm not sure whether these times are to be cherished or endured :) but it gets way easier soon. Hang in there, being a Dad and husband has been the best part of my life.


thanks for the encouragement, and Woah, ballsy to use emojis on Reddit :O


Fuck Reddit. Rock emojis if you want.


It gets better when they get to about 10. Hang in there. Mine are 10 and 14 now and they can do a lot on their own now.


thanks for the encouragement:)


“Terrible twos“ can be real. All I can do is offer sympathy and say enjoy them while you can.


Our finances allow us to retire at 40 yo. Would you recommend retiring this early?


None of my retired friends have regretted the move, but most are much older than 40. It really depends on what you enjoy doing in life. I have met a few people who could not stand retirement. Their self worth and identity were too wrapped up in their professions, they had no passions outside their employment. The biggest problem you would potentially have would be boredom unless you have multiple interests and activities that you enjoy outside of work. I worked in special education, so had summers off for 30 years to develop and pursue hobbies and interests, so was able to “practice” retiring a little bit each year, I perfected it, ha.


I'm in my 20's and this is the best decade!


They get better


Not sure how true it is, but I saw something that said that the average age most senior citizens would want to go back to was 36. You'd think it'd be their teens or 20's for the fun and vitality. But in your mid-30's you still have many perks of youth while also having a lot of real-world responsibility. People count on you at that age. And when you pass that part of your life you struggle to find purpose. So to answer your question, probably your 30's. Broadly, it seems to have a balance of vitality, freedom, and responsibility.


I think it was VSauce or somebody on YouTube who said despite ~36 being some of the most stressful and active years old people look back to those the most. Probably because they're also the most memorable.


I don't think that people who pass 36 struggle to find purpose - I think that comes MUCH later.


65-75 if you are healthy So much free time




Definitely 30’s. I felt less awkward. I had “some” knowledge to backup my decisions. Was making decent money. My kids were a joy to raise…


Just prime time for me until “shit” got real !


Agreed. Youre dumb for most of your 20s, and things begin falling apart at 40. Somewhere in your 30s you are in the best shape of your life and the wisest youll ever be. ***EDIT*** Everyone who responded and was still in their 40s proved my point. Thank you!


In what way do things fall apart in your 40s?


Fuck I hope not


so far my 30s have sucked compared to my 20s.




Same. 37. Last 7 years sucked so hard. My 20s were absolutely fantastic.




1st decade, you're the healthiest, no worries and you get the summer off


Your first decade is so heavily dependent on who your parents are


too true


And when/where you were born.


When you are a kid you don't know you're poor


Possibly. But a kid will know if their parents are cruel


When I was a kid I knew we were poor. None of my friends let me forget that all my clothes were my tall friend's hand me downs from the previous year. It wasn't difficult to put two and two together even at a young age. Christmas was the worst because I knew my mom would ask me what I wanted but I always felt guilty saying anything. I just wanted things to not be so intense all the time. I think there are plenty of kids who are painfully aware that they're poor.


You do know you're poor by the time you go to school. It's not hard for a perceptive child to notice the difference between them and their peers.


Age 6 to 16 from 1979 to 1989 was pretty freakin sweet. Played sports all day and homework really wasn’t a thing.


I miss growing up in the 80s~90s 😭😭😭


In my case it was my 20s, I was young, healthy, had an active social life, disposable income, and much fewer worries.


Let me guess , you're in your 30s now


Nope, 50s


Haha 37 here I can definitely say life is pretty good now but boy do I miss being strong as a ox and invisible like i was in my early 20s.


I'm in my 30s right now and this is by FAR the best decade yet.


I agree. Money, have learned a lot about myself, more confidence, more enjoyable hobbies, better life outlook, deeper relationship, more awesome experiences. It's a blast. I was just drifting in my 20's due to lacking those things.


This one because you’re still alive


Hey, as long as you're on the right side of the dirt, you're doing all right. For most of us, at least.


I like this answer. Why compare different decades and put a label if they are the best or worst when they’re all part of the human experience.


The next one, and the next, and the next...


I am in my 50’s and loving it. I didn’t mind the other decades either. This one has been great. Feel amazing. I am older for sure. But I have no aches/pains or any health issues in general. I am really digging my 50’s. Have a great girlfriend and couple really good friends. My 30’s probably my worst decade. But I was married so that was the biggest issue.


Every. Single. One. Nothing beats being alive…


I'm 29 and Id say my late 20s. Life seems to get better the older I get. I used to be very depressed and now I have medication for that and built a little life (dog, cat, husband) that I'm happy with.


The one you make the most of


I can go with this answer. It means life can just keep getting better or you had a decade that worked out well. My 30's were great but I expect my 50's and 60's to be smooth.


The one where you figure out how to live life properly and things come together


50s i love this architecture and songs. I mean big hype for rock and roll , jazz


What is your decade? Make that one the best


40s thru 50s were my best times.




My 20s I had hundreds of friends, we were partying all nights long. My job was easy, no responsibilities. Life was cheap and easy. No wars in Europe. The far-rights were unimportant. No crisis. We were so happy!


All of them.


The 80’s!!! Wtf is wrong with you kids these days?? 40’s thru the late 90’s was acceptable, what goes on now well that’s a whole nother subject


I’m in my 30’s and aside from the odd shitty month feel like life pulls its punches most in this age range.


People say the 30s are, but honestly, my teens and 20s were also great. I would probably do my teenage years again first, if given a choice.


I think 7 was my favorite age


I barely remember being alive at that age.


Serious? Damn. Tye dye shirts in school. Making projects, school plays, water gun fights, water balloon fights, nerf wars, legos, some whacky computer games on CD-ROM. Nintendo. Bike rides, soccer, swimming, days at the pool, ice pops, school field trips. No worries. Just, everything was exciting and a discovery.


The only specific memory I have from that age was when I broke my arm.


lol literally the worst age for you


The one you're living in... make it count & quit worrying so much about what's been & what's to come...


I’m 42. I feel like I’m living my best decade right now. We’re healthy, our kids still have 8-10 years left before graduating (lots of family time), we’re experienced in our careers, and we’re just enjoying life.


Loved my 40s. Hating my 50s.


16 to like 25. Goes down hill from there.


10-20, life is easy and no problems.


Teenage depression/anxiety has entered the chat.


Teenage angst sucks!


It does and it doesn't. At the time it feels like the weight of the world is on your shoulders, but I'm a gamer and the way I looked at the four year of high school, was that it was the most intense game I ever played. I found myself once I was in college reminiscing on those days and the struggles. Maybe this is just a me thing, and I'm happy it's over now, but teenage angst does have it's perks.


No problems? You must have had a great time in junior high/high school...


I’m 35 and so far my 30’s. I’m hoping each one will be better than the last.


40s for me. Financially comfortable, could eat and drink. Sex still good. Body worked well.


25 to 35.


If you did things right (and are a bit lucky), 40s. 1. You have some agency & authority in your career position. 2. You’re at a level of comfort financially. 3. You’re probably in a committed relationship. 4. Have some kids to help you see the world through fresh eyes. 5. Had a chance to see/do/touch/feel/hear/taste/experience enough to appreciate the right things and the right people. 6. Despite having lost a step (or two), you’re still in decent enough shape to casually do the things you did in your 20s (just need a longer warm-up BEFORE & more stretching AFTER).


Idk, I'm in my early 20s,cant say much.


What about that time that hot girl smiled at you when you were 16 and it made your decade?


So far, every decade I've experienced has been my best.


Hopefully, the last. Cause it kept getting better


I had friends between the ages of 9-12. The following decades have been miserable.


The one you’re in right now. Live in the present moment.


Every decade. Don’t be depressed and enjoy every second of life


Single digits are best 0-9 parents do most stuff for you


Your current one


0-10 if you got good parents.


For sure the 30s… no studying, you have money and enough good friends, and you are still in good physical conditions (not necessarily good shape)


Top is from 10 to 20, up to 15 you are still like a child but already understand something, no worries, feed, dress, play with friends, what else is needed) And when a teenager then to everything else is added to the relationship well after college partying and all that.


If you live every day investing in your own future while enjoying the present, every day and every decade is better than the last. Living life with one decade being superior to the others, is just not the way to live.


Definitely the 30’s. You are hitting on all cylinders during that decade.




I know exactly that you'll disagree with me, but it's today, and every single day world becomes a little bit better.


Depends. I think I have had the most fun as a kid or at least below 20. Many first times and experiences. But at the same time it is also the most annoying time with school and parents you don't appreciate as much as you should. In your 20s you probably have money which is pretty nice, but that comes with more responsibilities and less time. I am not there yet but I think the 30s will also be relatively nice and after that it probably declines drastically. Also due to the decline in body function and performance.


In the case of how we are moving now, probably 20s or 30s is when the majority can set up a system to have the rest of their life enjoyable or the moment never expanding.


Depends on the person


I’m just doing me? I’m doing what makes me happy! How about that? Who cares about everyone else? Just do you!!!


First 10 years. Little to no responsibility, minimal expectations. Just eat, sleep, shit, and play


Hopefully this or the next




I'd rather not think of a best. Each decade has it's positives and negatives. To call something in the past "the best" means that you're over the hill and it's downhill after. Physically that may be true, but age brings other compensations. Each decade is unique, with its own good and bad points. Enjoy where you are right now. Reflecting back occasionally is OK, but don't pine or feel longing. edit - FYI, I'm in my late 60s, so I've been through a few decades.


Late 20’s or early 30’s.


30s. By your 30s, you should have some money and your ducks in a row before your 40s/50s wreck you with increased costs for your kids, divorce, health problems and midlife crises.


25-35 I had $ health no kids or pets. Married at 36 had kids and pets, well you know the rest.


In my early 40s, I would say 30s is best.




I'll let you know.


For me personally, it was 11-21


30’s in my opinion


For me always been 15-25. Married late 20s, In my 30s I had kids. Still never seen the same carefree I had at my mid teens and freedom like I had in my early 20s.


For having near zero responsibilities'- 10-20yrs For traveling and partying. 20-30's The 30's to 40's was spent with responsibilities and stress. The 40's was fun Loving the 50's. What was the best? Toss up between the 20's and the 50's.


0-13 was the happiest time. Pure potential, zero responsibilities, happiness, rawness, authenticity, stable family, lots of friends, lots of travel, attractiveness, love. 13-21 was hard due to puberty, moving to another continent and intense self-consciousness. 21 starting to study, finally getting a glimpse of independence and having a stable relationship. 28-32 first job, huge ego boost and more emotional stability, although a mental void from time to time and being aware that life isn't going to change too much anymore, plus my parents and relatives (will) die sometime which is depressing as hell.


The one you’re currently in!


My mother lived to age 90. She took a poll at her old folks' home, asking her peers what they thought was the best age. Most answered that the 70s were the best. This was many years ago. I'm in my seventies now (male), and I can see what they mean. I feel great every day. I bike, I hike, I kayak. I started weight lifting at age 71, and I have put on new muscle. Haven't eaten meat in 50 years, been off alcohol for 22 years, don't eat anything with sugar in it. I take no medications. I don't have the patience to sit through movies or series, but I read books, fiction and non-fiction (no science fiction or fantasy) one after another. I take a daily nap, whether I need it or not, because (no one tells you this) old-age naps are incredible. This was a huge surprise to me. My naps are NOT like nighttime sleep. They are "trips" - blissed out journeys out of this world into some lovely place. I'm also lucky. I'm married, my wife (same age as I am) is in good health, and I retired at 70 with a decent pension, savings and Social Security payout. Worst decade? Your 40s. Then the 50s. Make it through those, and it starts getting really good.


It's all relative. Each decade had it's own bests (and worsts) for me, not sure if I could pick one. Each is the best, but different. Glad to still be here for now. lol


the current one, which ever it is


So far, 40’s


Probably your 50's or 60's. By these ages, you've probably figured out what's important to you, so you can focus all of your time/energy on those things. Also, it's still early enough where your body is still physically capable to do most things in life. In your 70's is when your body starts slowing down.


The 9 months in ur mother’s womb


all of them


Very subjective, but I say 20s. Usually everyone's first opportunity for independence and freedom, while in the peak of health and fitness, and all the time and hope in the world to be what you want to be.


Ooo good question I’d say 30s an 40s I’m 73 now, still happy, still working but if I could stay in one timespan.. that’d be it