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Healthcare so no choice and I don't mind since its only 4 days a week. Wish more people are able to WFH so the roads are less congested


TBH 4 days work week is also a great perk. Some might prefer an additional off day compared to WFH


They are 12 hour shift, don think is a perk. Haha.


All* Oops! Didn’t saw correctly I thought you were comparing it to hybrid


Which healthcare job has 4 days work week?? 😯 genuinely curious


usually those with 12hrs shifts, so it makes sense to have only 4 day work week for them to recuperate.


Even TTSH nurses can have flexible shifts. But I think for customer / patient facing roles, it’ll be pretty difficult to do flexible shifts unless there is enough spare capacity in the headcount.


Healthcare too, I think I will suffer from WFH because I'll be cooped up at home all day at my desk. Limpeh needs to move to feel alive.


While my office does not have WFH, my boss is pretty flexible. Once in a while, we can ask if we have 1-2 days to WFH instead of coming to work and he's okay with it. There was once we had a photoshoot for some products in our office and after staring into the bright lights for more than 3/4 of the day, our eyes were watering and so tired. We *lom chiam pass* and I lost so kena arrowed to ask boss if all of us can WFH the next day. He said "Sure!" and that was it. I don't even know why we were all scared to ask.


upvote for the lom chiam pass!!!


Accidentally revealed my age


Don’t worry it has been passed down a couple of generations ;)


Until now I wonder what does lom chiam pass means 😂


Local mispronunciation of the word Rochambeau. https://teachinghistory.org/history-content/ask-a-historian/23932#:~:text=%22George%20Washington%20is%20reputed%20to,Bo%20in%20some%20quarters.)%22


Oh Wah. TIL.


wow TIL I did not know this hahaha


Where is the o peh som???


Some bosses are smiling tigers. They may appear kind and friendly but deep inside they would have impressions of their employees based on limited interactions. So if you're the one always asking for privileges, they would have that impression of you which might be negative.


Maybe you've had that experience but we're good LOL. After more than 4 years in this job, I think I'd be able to tell if my boss is a smiling tiger. And my position in the office wouldn't continuously be advancing up the ladder if he thinks of me in any negative light.


My line of work can never work from home so quite sian sometimes 😂 but if teachers never go school, how will the children learn?


Thank you for your service!


Where will be be without you teachers? Thank you for your service!


You have school and half holidays! But yeah, thank you for your service, my life was changed in secondary school because of teachers


Air tickets can be ex during sch holidays though 😅.


My co thinks if employee wfh means they won’t be working. And that they would have to open up their VPN for you if you wfh thus increasing the chance of data leaks. Mine is a boomer boss so, he’s okay if you are in office watching YouTube video. That seems like working. Needs you physically there for him to see. Co doom to fail anyway. Sales been dropping like bird shit for ten years. Apart from this wfh, there are more serious issue my boss needs to look into and perhaps change to keep up with the competition. Internal structure are doom too. So yea


I’ve been the top performer for 2 consecutive years, but my (soon to be ex)-boss still thinks I slack off when I wfh.


Oh yea I feel you man. I have top sales for every month end up also quit because the boss thinks he bringing the company down. From wat I see more like their complacency and refusal to keep up with times that’s bringing the company down 😂 Now he left he’s asking why the sales funnel so bad. Chased two top sales out of the company and now asking why no sales. I really is smh


Just wondering, as someone in sales when you quit? Don’t you feel the sunk cost fallacy of losing your current clients and business? At what point do you justify that the situation is worse than the money u earn?


Typical boss attitude The hardest worker looks like slacking even when email showing non stop action The slackers workers look like hardworking when email is like non existent Then those who send constant email while getting things done, then suddenly no more email due to having to settle privately. These are in the eyes of the boss the slackers of slackers when they simply working and more resourceful to get things done without causing alarm to the boss's even higher ups I'll never understand their brain Rotting too much from shaking leg in office too much


All the best for your next phase ok! You have my moral support and best wishes whoever you may be! Not easy to be top performer consecutively but keep up the good work in your next co!


> Mine is a boomer boss so, he’s okay if you are in office watching YouTube video. That seems like working. Needs you physically there for him to see. WHAT 😂 aiya i mean i also reddit/scroll IG in office hahahahah but as long as i catch up and my weekly deadlines are fine (my progress is tracked weekly) I'm fine. Like sometimes I'll just do abit of work at night to catch up the day before an off-day lor.


Oh yea we have a lot of staff who due to data restrictions despite working at the company for almost 6 years had no data to do their work. So they spend time watching YouTube, playing games in the office and my bosses are fine with that because they know he has nothing to work on. So his job involves ad hoc assignments as and when the bosses think of something and have him lead the project. So he ends up being that person who’s always on the ball when it comes to his ad job assignments because I think he has been deprive on work for so long that every now and then when work are assigned to him, he goes the extra mile to fulfill it to the extend of irritating most of us simply because what he does has got no real change to the actual operations of the company. So it kind of gets on everybody’s nerve when he’s doing extra and in the way meddle with our day to day 😂 also, sometimes it makes people like me who has tons of stuff to do feels unbalance because we are so used to settling stuff at work with or without the bosses knowing so when a slight reduction in comms when my bosses check our emails led to them thinking we are slacking. 😂


Well no engineering company I know of is doing WFH soooo I guess I’m stuck here Edit: I guess Im being fkd


Mine does, sorry mate


Mine 2 days wfh


Alot of engineering got wfh. Mine is 2 days wfh


Mine does


Mine does too, 2 days WFH


software engineer


Nuh uh, blue collar shit


Mine wfh default, unless need to go down to site which is like 1-2 times a month? Time to leave!


Same here


In time, there will be a premium paid for jobs that require onsite presence. I don't mind earning less for WFH privileges. It's only fair.


As there should be [a premium for working in office I mean]. Assuming you don't go to Starbucks and buy drinks, WFH saves transport cost that would be incurred if you go office. edited to elaborate/for clarity


Right, and that’s being short sighted, no? Electricity, internet infrastructure and miscellaneous operating costs are then passed on to the worker. Don’t spoil market and start asking for lesser than what one should be paid.


> Electricity, internet infrastructure and miscellaneous operating costs are then passed on to the worker. If you WFO, commute costs (including time), office attire costs, CBD lunch costs etc. are also all passed on to the worker...


It's not about asking for less. It's "companies are not dumb and know they can give lower increments to those WFH and they will still be reluctant to leave because it's a valued perk".


Oh no I meant the paid more to work in office. Not the reduce pay. Hahaha So like eg base pay 4k, not like WFH reduce to 3.8k, more like base pay still 4k, WFO become 4.2k hahahaah


Well I guess this comment makes sense, by offering a lower than standard pay for a wfh role is simply ridiculous, the worker could be just as competent and the electricity costs and other utilities are borne by the worker; a lower than standard could be as drastic as 5% which doesn't justify anything except setting a poor example for corporations to leverage on. Furthermore there is no late excuse for any wfh employee; 9am means 9am, period.


So if you guys are job hunting Job A offers work from home flexi working hours. Job B requires work in office but 10% higher pay. A good majority might just pick Job A. most will tend to link wfh with understanding boss or trusting environment. I will only pick job B if i just started out in my career. personally i would only pick job B for first 5-7 years to get a higher pay before i jump. Everyone keep saying electricity, don’t you need to take transport to office also, even if you just take mrt everyday it’s gonna come up to close to 100 a month. that’s if the person is super disciplined and will never take grab. also cbd food price compared to heartlands. though not much difference. I agree that you shouldn’t be paid lower just because u work from home. certain companies leverage on employee benefits to attract the talents they want.


Nah. Im asking for more to WFO


Time is more important than saving Starbucks money


There's the countervailing view that if you WFH, the company saves more money by getting a smaller office too, and I think the savings you provide to the company outweighs whatever they're helping you save. So I don't think it's "only fair" if you earn less.


Lol I don't think F&B workers, nurses and electricians will be paid more even in the future. Otherwise blue collar workers would be paid more for being onsite already


Why should you earn less? Thats a wrong thinking. WFH means you work from home. You are still doing your work. You incurred more cost of electricity bill, only saving is traveling time n mayb food if you stay far from city centre n working at CBDs. If WFH means you work less. That's wrong thinking. And mentality like these sends wrong signal to bosses. That's why none will support WFH.


How is it fair? If output generated is the same, the company will have a net gain rather than loss, from saving on office space/utilities.


A plumber cannot help his customers unclog their pipes by WFH. A deskbound job like mine can be done WFH. I don't mind the plumber getting a premium in exchange for working onsite all the time. He has to spend time in traffic, pay for petrol, parking and vehicle maintenance (or otherwise public transport costs). He is also on his feet the whole day, and cannot enjoy the same WFH privileges as deskbound workers. This is not a complicated proposition.


What exactly is the premium relative to though? There's no such thing as a WFH plumber like you said, how would a plumbing company calculate such a premium.


i dont think more coys are offering permanent wfh as shown in your second sentence


I think OP meant permanent WFH by getting laid off.


Permanent wanking from home


My husband works in logistics so there quite a bit of hands-on stuff that he has to do. He has never WFH a single day and he hates that. Even during covid lockdown, he had to go back to work every single day. On the other hand, I wfh every single day so he is extremely sad and jealous. He's thought about leaving a few times for a job with wfh but with most of his work experience in logistics, he doesn't really know what he could pivot to that has wfh offered.


Supply Chain Assistant/Executive, Supply Planner/Demand Planner can wfh der.


That’s the thing - not all job roles are suitable for WFH. A lot of ppl make noise about WFH not being offered at where they work, but fail to comprehend that. Everyone wants to be so woke about things, but yet unable to think logically.


Some jobs are on-site only (production plant, factory, worksite, etc.) These equipment cannot "dapao" to WFH. If office job, can have some form of WFH unless you need to deal with people who work on-site. Why kenna downvote baffles me.


boomer try to use woke word smh


Depends what do you mean by "suitable". My former job role can be done at home but my ex company do not have the infrastructure. They refuse to invest in laptops and vpn and use this as an excuse to not offer wfh.


I don't think you know what 'woke' means, grandad


Use AI


Teacher over here. I’ll never be able to wfh. I look with envy to peers except June and December


To be honest, I rather work in school: I need the clear declination between school (work) and home (relax). It's always a mad rush to finish all essential tasks before the OSOs chase me out of the Staff Room 😅


I resigned. Now I WFH 100% while self-employed. Life's great. COVID is great in that it proved to us that "we are still years away from telecommuting" is a complete lie. Companies requiring employees to be in the office 5 days a week is not a technological limitation and citing "performance" and "collaboration" reasons is complete BS, because you commute physically to work and still attend meetings on Teams and Zoom anyway. Let's call it what it is, managers with a control fetish and equating physical presence with productivity.


What do you do for self-employment?


I trade forex.


was told whatever im doing (semicon R&D project) is considered Essential Service during the lockdown, hence i had to continue my technician work while everyone else gets to stay at home (office peeps). made me realise $2k odd = essential. lol vouch never to use time to make money


It’s one more thing to consider, along with other aspects. For me, it holds less weight than who my teammates and boss are at the human and professional levels; what we’re accomplishing; hours; pay; stability. Have done both WFH and WFO, and enjoy both. When WFO just need to get good habits how to use travel time eg for studies, rest, audio books and have a list of travel-friendly todos. One of the WFO implications I didn’t think much about when switching back to WFO is the amount of ironing HAHA… ha …hmmm


I essentially will never be able to work from home, the semicon industry is pretty much always at office except for a few specific non technical roles. Regardless of which rung of technical engineer unless for you are middle/ upper management you'll always have to be in the office to a certain degree


Same here


Well, you have comfortable pay and OT… I think, idk how’s the industry anymore. I used to think that it’s stable but seems like that took a turn last year


I hate it. At my job I do everything on a laptop so why I even have to come into the office makes no sense!!! Nobody even goes to your table to ask you things, they just use platforms to chat via said laptop! So FOR WHY must go into the office, I don't need to know my colleagues and I don't have lunch with them the majority of the time, coming into the office to do things on a laptop when I can do it just as well at home is BS!!


i get your drift. i used to go into my stupid office 3 days a week, just to stare at my laptop the entire day and not talk to anybody except for lunch which tbh i hated my colleagues. fking waste of my time energy and money. i don’t even have to attend meetings in office nor w my boss.


I agreee! I am in the exact exact same situation. I have lunch by myself and talk to my colleagues via chat platform 😓


Actually it seems like most companies are making folks return to office 100% At least my last 2 companies are doing that


*cries in construction*


*Email concrete to worksite*




During covid I saw some random China news where the guy operate the kobelco scoop thing remotely lmao.


Hey, if it works!


I joined my current company (a local well known company) 2 years ago and by default they already stopped the WFH option. It does feel sucks when you see your other friends still have WFH, but at least I have great colleagues to offset part of the sucky feeling.


Don't compare lor, my wife wfh almost everyday, while I have to be in site due to on prem work. Before covid there isn't so much emphasis on wfh. Is the norm. If you can't deal with it, then look for jobs that can wfh.


Suck thumb and just be glad I've got a stable job.


i'm part of the minority who prefers WFO, mostly because i've spent considerable money and effort on making my office desk setup conducive for work, and also i prefer keeping home separate from work (don't have a separate room for WFH). my company has designated 2 days a month for WFH, but sometimes i still choose to come in to the office because i feel more productive lol weirdo i know ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Pre-WFH, the culture in my company was that everyone stayed 9-6, but left their laptops at work every evening. Any email sent out at night was just a short one (using a phone), and only if it really couldn't wait. Nobody really did work unless there was work or a call to be done with HQ, which wasn't very often, not at the working level at least. It's completely different now - emails and teams messages come in all day (and night), and it also comes with a corresponding expectation to respond. I know I could technically wait till the next day or Monday but there's something extremely grating about a work email coming in after-hours that makes me feel on edge. I won't discount the benefits of WFH and flexible hours, but I do feel like the 24/7 culture that it's created has made me more stressed in a way.


> I know I could technically wait till the next day or Monday but there's something extremely grating about a work email coming in after-hours that makes me feel on edge. 🙋‍♀️ 我 - it grates me too HAHA. I can't even plain ignore, I still end up sending a momentary acknowledgement like "ok I check for you tomorrow" 🙈


That's a lack of discipline too btw. It's not a good thing. It's the same as the being lazy - you are just giving in to your emotions and unable to do what you should be doing.


Lack of discipline as in, the discipline is to **don't reply**, like intentionally ignore? I understand you, but at the same time (I try my best la) -- you know realistically what SME employers are like ... and then esp grp chat you accidentally click then u die ..  cos blue tick lol (I try super damn hard to not be so impulsive to click so that if its a work grpchat on my off day I don't open/click haha) Atm I only use one phone, no separation between work phone vs personal phone 😳


Can't comment on your workplace culture, but is there a possibility that in the first place the boss did not demand such attention and everyone gave in to their preconceived notions? Anyways, what's wrong with blue tick as long as you address it on time? But if your work culture is indeed like that, then you need to consider together with other factors whether it is acceptable for you or not. Work contracts are black and white but the non-written parts of work is mainly dealing with human relations, there is usually a lot of wriggle room if you know how to play your cards. Don't fall into the trap that many people here subject themselves to. There is a lot more to this but I don't think anyone wants to read a whole thesis and I believe you can figure it out as well.


>but is there a possibility that in the first place the boss did not demand such attention and everyone gave in to their preconceived notions? YES. lol. > Anyways, what's wrong with blue tick as long as you address it on time? But the sinkie mindset is "walao why you read alr no reply" -\_- I mean I think my boss is ok ah to be very fair. But then it becomes like other things like peer pressure and colleagues and stuff alr. -\_- I do think the most of my colleagues are ok, but then there was this time I blueticked and intentionally didn't immediately reply to show I'm not at ppls beck and call, then my centre manager just like u/everywhereinbetween hello can you reply ASAP blah blah So to me now (1) either I don't even open it lol or (2) if I accidentally open, I just reply lor. I get you and I think my boss is ok, but unspoken culture and esp peer pressure/influence is another thing altogether ...!


Yeah, understand that we can think about how fantastic things would be if we could just act as we think is justified but reality can hit us in the face really hard sometimes.


My work need to laise different dept(finance,service,logistics) Plus external logistics scheduling so wfo save the interaction else bound have some miscommunication Edit:spelling


I’m exactly the same, even after I got my own place. Previously when staying with parents, no space + air-con so happy to work in the office. After getting my own place, I like the physical separation. Also going to office means actual social interaction with colleagues for work/non-work stuff.


yeah, the social interaction is quite important to me too! keeps me sane haha


I'm okay with it. The commute to/fro home and office helps to draw the line as well as transition from home/work mode. I also use the commute time to plan ahead the work day in mornings and wind down after work. Only personal rule, once I leave office, I don't turn on laptop anymore, don't check emails though I do pick up calls from colleagues for super urgent stuffs.


I think partial is a great option. As it balances productive and collaboration 


Apply the various stages of grief Im still upset but used to being upset. I have no more energy to get angry


Pretty good tbh. Free aircon is the most appealing.


WFH to me, means Working From Hospital. 🥲


My office got free food, drinks and snack. So I’m ok going into office everyday.


What to do, I'm not the fking ceo


Sometimes just not possible... Technology has not found a way to transport my hand to the server room and push the start button, or plug in the network cable. Some days I want you smack the user at the back of the head... The internet is down,but still can do Google search.... SMH


Our role hard to wfh :(


Eyyy infra people ftw. Fuck your AI, they can’t do shit physically lol And my motto is: always respect the electrical engineers, without them we can fuck off back into the Stone Age


Idrac/ilo/kvm over ip.


I really do. i was inv corporate. WFH has it's privileges and conscO as well. However, remote work > wfh/hybrid is more favourable for me


I can’t run my experiments without the lab so no WFH


I have to be in office every day and I hate it from the bottom of my heart, and I am really jealous of my peers who get the opportunity to wfh 😂


Engineer here. I think I managed to WFH for a grand total of three weeks or less throughout the entire pandemic. I don't really mind that. It's kinda reassuring that my job is considered essential.


i wfh most of the time, company actually require employee to be in the office 4 days a week, from the initial 3, citing better 'collarboration'. since i work for global office, across timezone, i go in the office 2-3 times a week, and doesn't follows the office hours. ultimate flexibility? yes. it has allow me to send/pick my kids from school at my own timing. but i lacks lots of camaderarie with my fellow team as they all sit across different timezone and countries.




Mine cannot wfh anymore, used to be able to. But they still allow flexible working hours so I guess it's still kind of alright


Pay is good for diploma holder so I don't mind as much. Yea definitely next job is hybrid or wfh, I've worked about 2-3 years WFO since NS so I think its high time already


Why is it fair if do the same amount of work? WFH should then be higher because you in use your own resources like electricity


i absolutely hate it (but my job cannot wfh, so i suck thumb). - even if i have pockets of free time i can’t properly utilize it to do more work because i can only work on my tiny laptop - ^ the above point meaning that i have to bring my laptop to work everyday (in the off chance that i do have some free time, it’s really a gamble) as if my bag wasn’t already heavy enough - commuting time + transportation fares (and squeezing with the morning and evening crowd) - being in office attire - only having the weekends to run my errands (let’s be real - no one is continuously productive from 8-5, our work output dips throughout the day. the difference is i can’t do something else that is productive, i can only stare into space) - need to be in office by 8 = day starts at 630


When i see "onsite" in the job posting, I won't even apply. If my current employer changes the arrangement from hybrid work to onsite, I will not comply and wait for them to fire me.


It is 50/50 for me, Though I do prefer a hybrid model. The pros and cons are as such for me. WFH Pro: 1. Save on transport cost to and from office. 2. Can wake up later, as I don't need to wake up early to go office. 3. I can listen to music while working without it bothering others. 4. Lunch can be cheaper as you can either make your own or buy from the nearby coffeeshop which is much cheaper than business area. 5. You can take a few minutes breaks in between without the boss nick picking you. \[For those old geezer thinking boss that only cares that you head must be at your desk for the whole day.\] WFH Con: 1. Easily distracted from work by other things at home, like TV and chores. 2. increase in electricity bills. 3. The house will be stuffy \[for those without air-con at home\]. 4. No second monitor \[for those without another monitor at home\]. 5. You have to clear out an area to work, for those without much space at home.


Can't work from home (aka I work in the lab and I can't do experiments at home) lul. But I prefer a clear line between work and home. Feels like WFH will just enable the workaholic in me. No thanks haha


I work full-time at a SME where we're expected to be in the office 5 days a week with no remote work option. Boss feels that only when we are physically present in office, we are actually working (hard) and making our salaries well-deserved. Was kinda disappointed we don't even get one day of WFH a week, but honestly now I'm quite happy because 1) that means being able to utilize the electricity and air-con at office instead of at home, which equates to saving $, 2) getting to knock off at 4.30pm instead of the original 5.30pm, 3) not having to face my naggy MIL (currently living together while waiting for BTO). I did try to upgrade myself + do a career switch, but the current job market is pretty bad to score myself a role in a brand new industry.


I actually need wfh due to health issues. But I prefer going to the office to socialise if I can.


The worst thing is going to the office and having to dial into Teams calls to connect with the majority who are still WFH


As someone whom WFH 100% for 4yrs and counting, can't wait for hybrid system.  True WFH eliminate the need dressing up and the traveling time and the traveling cost, while using own electricity.  While WFO requires time to dress up and time traveling time and the costs involved.  To be frank ( personally for me), nothing beats the physical interaction between colleagues, little chit chat here and there. This you cant do it while WFH. 


I’m an academic librarian. My work requires me to be in the library, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Serving my students and faculty staff is awesome and very enjoyable. I don’t think I could handle doing my job from home.


Just a suggestion, remote full time work. 7 days a week at home 🤪


you in semicon industry?


How do I feel? If they earn more than me I feel sad and degraded. If I earn more than them I feel happy and dignified. I am pap persona


The place i work at is chinese owned and doesn’t have wfh. It’s more tiring commuting 5 days a week and more costly to eat at cbd area. Having the flexibility is good but I don’t feel much about others being able to wfh.


I never expected my workplace to have WFH so Im ok I guess.


If I could work from home as a roaming technician, I think the amount of repair job I have to do will sky rocket, which sounds bad. I kinda like roaming around since being at home for too long will send me into a depressive state


According to one recent news report on a survey 1 in 2 will quit their jobs


Changed job


Stuck in my IT job mandatory 5 days a week even though tasks can be done from home. WFH only if you had night activities. This was a recent change. I hate it so much because it ruins my mental health and I have been so tired everyday ever since. I want to find a job but the market is so bad now, especially tech. I would love any 3 day wfh, flexible or the best — fully remote job and gladly take it even if got less pay.


I can say WFH is bad for health, I need a job! Waiting For Hope to get a job.


As an embalmer, my wife is not too keeen to see me wfh.


Being an employee for any company, I worked hard for the money regardless of whether wfh or office. It would be a privilege if being offered wfh and flexible work. Personally I would prefer to work in an office setting than home as I prefer to separate them unless is my own business venture and bringing work to home is unavoidable.


Work in a clinic, no wfh,had to work through cb...very fomo


Jealous af. But because me and my wife both wfo our house bill is definitely lower. But I’m curious if couples who wfh and wfo see a difference in their spending or is it the same with travel time saved? Wfh, more electricity used, more bills. Wfh also means more time with partner/hobbies, spend more with partner/on hobbies.


Even though working from home (WFH) isn't officially allowed, my boss is pretty chill. We can occasionally ask to WFH for a day or two, and he's usually okay with it. One time, we had a product photoshoot with super bright lights all day. By the end, everyone's eyes were watering and fried. We decided to take a chance and jokingly ask our boss if we could WFH the next day. To our surprise, he just said "Sure!" We were all worried for no reason!


I have always preferred to work in office so I can separate work from home. Better for mental health. Work stays in the office. Commuting allows me to zone out and reflect on the day or to think about what to do before the day starts. I'm not sure why people like to work in their cosy home when the trend nowadays is to hate working. You sacrifice space for a workstation too. The lines become more blurred.


Not being able to wfh sucks real bad. Back during covid days when circuit breaker first started, all my Malaysian colleagues went back home and me being one of the few engineers left in my team I was the only one who was asked to go back daily while others can wfh. Fast forward to recent years when wfh starts to become the norm I still don’t get to have that privilege because bosses think that engineers should be always on site to handle any problems if needed. Now I’m in a job that allows me to wfh 3 days a week. It’s really game changing and I’ve never look back.


My financial institution recently enforced 5 days a week in office. WFH is only granted by exception. The mood in the office has shifted. I find it okay as I worked for a decade prior to the covid restrictions but I have many colleagues who only graduated during covid and have never done full time in office before. I doubt that anyone will seek new employment because of this. (On a funny note, this new restriction was put in place a week after the poll from ST saying that 50% of employees will quit if made to WFO)


Not everyone has the privilege of WFH even if they can


I don't even want to WFH. Its humid in SG especially at home and I don't wanna waste my electricity bill to WFH unless neccessary. It's SG and the ride to work is accesible, not like you live in St John and have to take a boat just to be on the mainland? Like I don't understand some people who needs to WFH so often? Ya'll on the air con 24//7? Your company gives $$ to subsidize your electrical and water bill also?


If you can't bring office to home, bring home to office. WFH unlocked!


If I had to WFH 5 days a week, it means things are REALLY bad. Kindergarten teacher here.


Prior to Covid, WFH is not really a thing for the huge majority of companies and I have been working in office all the while before that and never found it an issue. So WFH to me is just a bonus. If I don't get to have it, then so be it. No biggie. Not sure what's all the hoo hah and sense of entitlement is about.


I don’t like to lose 1-2 hours of my day sitting in a metal tube to and from work. That’s 1-2 hours fewer of work, time with family, exercise etc.


Exactly, like working in office is so bad


It's not supposed to be "so bad" but I think people have realised the time and energy saved from WFH. But personally, its also the knowledge that office small talk slows you down from work and its a social (not like socialise, but like other human beings) environment and you can't entirely disengage. Yesterday I went to office. Had new colleague who was excited to be teaching/interacting with people bc prev job full WFH. Let's just say when the briefing finish and she left, I continued to work in the office and was very glad that I could finally get down to actual work 🙃


Time and energy saved, well in the future the companies may even think why not i save on money and hire overseas since everyone is working from home.


Well it IS happening for some industries already.  Like creative agencies. But in work that requires knowledge of the local economy/structures and requirements (govt work, educators for local education system), won't be as likely I reckon. Gotta be in the right industry lor.


Ya i believe those sectors they keep a few locals. Well ppl want to fight for wfh tho


Found the greedy landlord


Found the SME boss


Coz everyone is so woke now. If others get and I don’t have it, it’s so unfair.


Sucking up to the company bosses ain't making easier for you to promote into your desired role, bud. Like data analytics


I still go to office even I can wfh. I love office 😂


Yea I am 5 days in office despite on a 3 days wfh arrangement.


Why need to compare these options, before covid also u could work from anywhere as far as there is outcome unless the job like hospital where u neff to be in. Nothing changes its just in our head. Working in focused place with people who can help is best than in a place which is in cloud


I do. I believe salary is higher if you work from office full time. But for the flexibility, more than happy to give up some salary.


as somebody that got cabin fever during lockdowns, I'm more than happy to come to office and stay out of the house as otherwise I don't have many other reasons to be out rn that aside, living with family so I'm restricted to working in my room if I wish to be unbothered and tbh I really hate the feeling of my place of rest and my place of work blending into one so yeah, i'm another one of the rare ones


where did OP get the statistics from? Companies are shifting away from WFH arrangements if anything


I like working from the office and I deliberately go back to office 5 days a week. Maybe because my office is comfortable - bright/airy/well renovated/free barista and cold aircon whereas I feel guilty turning on aircon at home to work


Unpopular opinion - Gen Z doesn't understand that going to the office is going to be their best moat against getting replaced by a remote worker based in PH/ID/MY/IN.


Uh that's already happening with or without WFH. MNCs are already moving their operations to cheaper countries, making it a moot point. You can return to office 5 days a week and still be displaced by someone cheaper in those countries.


Nothing is stopping companies from doing this right now whether their staff works from home or not.


Yea and Gen Z are smart enough to bring their talents and strengths elsewhere where WFH policy is encouraged leaving the companies with a boomer mindset behind.


Not true.


Yeah, it's absolute copium for that person to think that it's not going to happen anyway. Do they think companies that are just interested in cutting cost aren't going to try regardless? Do they think their face is so worth seeing in person that companies would pay more just for that? Lmao.


And Gen z are also looking for jobs that can be wfh beyond our shores too. Companies will then need to understand that they will hv probs keeping local talent to meet quota. Its works both ways bro.


Still going to happen..


Unpopular reply - WFO ain't gonna stop companies from replacing you with offshore workers based in PH/ID/MY/IN


I am permanent WFH and I don't really enjoy it. Would rather go to an office as I am a lot more productive that way.


I prefer office with Aircon and wifi


Even if I am WFH I do not have my own room, have to work in Dining Room without Air-con


production plant worker here.. sadly it's like those mcd worker preparing burger can't WFH low salary and still highly labourous job, with zero mistake allowable. meanwhile WFH and office people get to "forget" and make simple "mistake" here and there and nothing crazy will happen.


Tbh ask yourself, if you are the boss of your company, given a choice, would you prefer employees to WFH or work from office? The answer is painfully obvious given that it has been shown that when people WFH, they use working hours to nap, buy stuff, play games. Not everyone does it but will you take the risk if you are the boss? Knowing that you are paying salary for people to slack at home. I am not a boss myself but if you think in their point of view, its v clear WFO is clearly better than WFH. Imo most offices which promote WFH are usually MNCs.


Then it mean the company management suck You have goal setting session where you map out your work with the boss, which usually takes into account the amount of time required to meet this. Then you have the regular follow up session to ensure that everyone is on track. If the staff finish 8 hours work in 6 hours, so what if they nap? Better than staff who work 10 hrs and scream OT but still can't finish the job? WFH is promoting effective management and allow staffs to take responsibility for their own time and progression


Imagine your grab driver work from home, remotely…


Remote control car... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


It’s alright now, I presume once you get the hang of it. It’s not that difficult.


Dam shag man coming to office everyday. Feeling left out haha


Work in production. What is wfh.