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I once fell asleep while standing after a long day at work and fell onto the floor. On the bright side, people gave up their seats to me and i could sit down haha






let the bodies hit the floor let the bodies hit the floor let the bodies hit the floor let the bodies hit the FLOORRRRR!


Mid to late 2000ā€™s YT era


[Old manā€™s cover version of that song](https://youtu.be/wFKBN3MGUGI?si=l16av8aMBkqS-iKg)


I fell and kneeled down for a solid few seconds. Dk which is worst


People might have thought that you have fainted. At least we still know there is the gracious side of Singapore


I literally saw a lady who fell asleep standing and fell on the floor. Everyone nearby was concerned about her and asked if she was ok because it made a loud thud. She got off immediately at the next station, presumably embarrassed.


Stepped on dog poop while walking to the MRT but didn't notice. Only smelled it when I got into the cabin... Everyone was looking around for the source of the odor. I looked down and found out, to my horror, that I was the source (still got a large piece sticking out of the sole). Got out the next stop. A little part of me died in the train that day.


Shit happens


boarded the train during peak period after work, and it was packed full to the brim like sardines in a tin. this fella beside me wore his shirt inside out. the shirtā€™s tag and size everything was showing on the outside, and i guess he survived the entire day at the office/meeting clients like that without anyone informing him. too shy to just verbally tell him about, it i wrote a note on my notes app and nudged him to read it. i think his face turned red afterwards but he still thanked me before he alighted.


that was very classy of you


yeah i mean, though we were packed like sardines, i didnā€™t want to embarrass him by making it known to others or intrude into his personal boundaries by whispering into his ear ( eh granted he was taller than me anyway ) so i went with the most discrete route ā€¦


i shall take note of this. i find this a "less paiseh" method if i need to tell someone who has a shirt tag out šŸ“


Mid-2000s, and I was riding on the westbound train towards Boon Lay one afternoon. I heard a little boy about 6 or 7 years old and in the same carriage telling his mother that he needed to use the toilet, but the mom asked him to hold it in. At the next stop, the boy again asked his mother if they could alight to use the toilet, but she replied that they only had a few more stops to go. A minute or so later, everyone within earshot heard the boy asking his mother, ā€œMommy, can I just pee in your mouth like Daddy?ā€. Needless to say, they alighted at the next stop.


Boy just need to ask the right questions


sia la. i canā€™t even imagine the look on their faces(both parents) if i heard that out of earshot. this story takes the cake ā€¦!!!!




Omg you win this thread bro


Not me but saw a lady rush into a fairly empty train before the door closed. Unfortunately her skirt got kiap by the door. So the entire time until we reach the next station she had to awkwardly stand beside the door. The train was really empty so it was super obvious and everyone was staring.


that's the problem.. I m very empathetic so I wouldn't stare. Just like if someone or myself have a pimple at my nose, please just be more discreet about the staree la..


Oh dear


This guy asked a lady who was seated at the reserved seat to give the seat to his pregnant wife. Something like ā€œgive the seat to my wifeā€. Turns out the lady was also pregnant, just that her bump was covered with her tote bag! I got secondhand embarrassment especially because he didnā€™t ask nicely.


Insert Spider-Man meme. Just like aunty who begrudge other aunty for taking the seat.


My wife is quite skinny but she dose get a bit of a belly on her after a big meal.. we got on the MRT after going for food. My wife was joking with me how much we had eaten. Patting her food baby. A nice man jumps up to offer a seat. My wife just says oh sorry I am not pregnant, just greedy! Hahah i felt so bad for him he was mortified. We have to be more careful! Our personal jokes should not embarrass others.


Omg I think I would have just sat to avoid the awkwardness


Perks of food bump. Too bad it doesnā€™t work on guys


A couple fighting during the peak hour commute. Nobody knew where to look. The guy was shouting that he wanted a break up and she was like ok fine break up. He suddenly walked out at the next stop and the gf followed him šŸ„²


It was during peak hour and a passenger wnated to get off so i had to move backwards to guve space. As i move backwards, i accidentally walked into something and felt in on my back. I instantly said ā€œ Sorry!ā€ Really loud. When i turn behind, it was the train pole. I died when the aunty seating nearby was judging mešŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Gave up my seat to someone whom I thought was pregnant. She wasn't....


[This guy's wife](https://www.reddit.com/r/askSingapore/s/Owh8InDw7Z)




I was once offered a reserve seat by a nice lady when I wore my loose dress (I couldn't find the belt). I told her I wasn't pregnant but she was too embarrassed to take back the seat. So I sat there and felt guilty the whole train ride. When I got off I quickly went to buy a belt and put it on šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚


Guy standing near the Circle Line train doors with wired earphones. As the doors closed, it chopped the dangling cable in half, and he stood there awkwardly as the train pulled away. He didn't even remove his earphones. I felt the second-hand embarrassment.


this is like straight out of a comic moment LOL


HAHAHAA ok Iā€™ve one - In my early 20s, my date and I went on board green line, so we were just chatting. Nothing much. Suddenly, there was this super DUPER loud porno noise coming from someoneā€™s handphone and you can hear the guy humping and the girl moaning away, everyone turned to the personā€¦ itā€™s this OLD uncle staring at his screen and apparently maybe heā€™s deaf or what but heā€™s not using headphones/ear piece, he was just blatantly ogling at his screen. Everyone in the cabin was making this ā€œeww grossā€ horrified and turned off face. And my date, back then, ushered me further away from that siao old man. Still get second hand embarrassment whenever I think about it or passing by Buona Vista MRTā€¦.


i once worked for a few months in a customer service job that required lots of elderly to open up their phones. lots of them were pretty digitally illiterate so they needed help with their phones, and my job was to help them navigate to the app/website. the number of phones that opened straight to porn and/or live camgirls is astonishing. im not even exaggerating, it must have been at least one in five elderly men. its especially awkward when im an eighteen y/o girl lol.


Oh no.. must have been a nightmare for youā€¦ šŸ˜…


Recent one was wearing the exact same shirt as another lady who's standing beside me in a crowded train. I think we both felt awkward about it.


2010 or 2011 there about, I was on the mrt early one morning on the way to my part time job after graduation. Was standing behind a foreign worker wearing a light coloured shirt. Suddenly I noticed two bedbugs emerge from a crease in his sleeve and walked across his back. A lady next to me saw it and we both *noped* away.


I had a similar situation about a year ago lol. Except it was just one baby cockroach. I was too tired in the morning to do or say anything.


Omg I also had this encounter but it wasn't just one baby roach. It was a few. 2 of the baby roaches were running around. I was tracking where they were coming from and noticed a foreign worker sitting opposite and saw movement in his shirt. They were just crawling all over his body. I noped out of the MRT and took the next one.


Okay that is a lot worse




Holy smokes. No wonder my house was infested some years back. I need to be careful and be more observant in crowded areas.


The train jerked while I was standing and I lost my balance, causing me to crash into this guy who had to help me get upright againā€¦ since then Iā€™ve been super vigilant about clinging onto the poles / handles


We the Polish population of Singapore are happy to help


ok that's pretty funny lol


Don't polish the poles and handles too much, they will be harder to grip onto


i saw a guy walk in to the train cabin, holding his phone in his hands, turn around to face the door, and then inexplicably he lost his balance or smth , and his phone flew out of his hand and out of the train door just as the door was closing. he stared at the door in shock and horror for the train ride to the next stop before he got out quickly (no doubt to take the opposite train back to retrieve his phone šŸ˜…) a bit amusing for the random commuter witnessing this but i think iā€™d be in panic mode if i were him šŸ˜…


I was on an SQ flight and there was a slightly fat man seated a few seats away. He was slouching and so his belly protruded a bit more than usual. The flight attendant came by, pointed to his belly and said ā€œSir, please put your bag under the seat before take-offā€ then promptly walked off. The man sat up and patted himself in confusion to see if he was carrying a bag, then a slightly hurt look flashes across his face.


Oh my days. I actually feel bad for laughing


I was riding up the escalator with a friend and halfway through, a guy walks past us and asks for a time, so I answered him and he proceeded to say ā€œSorry I am not ret*rdedā€ My friend and I were so shocked. No idea where that came from. I sometimes think of that moment in quiet times.


he has mental issues. let it go and move on. he probably said the same thing to a lot of other random people and theyā€™ve had the same puzzled experience as you..


Wasnā€™t really like hung up on it negatively, it was just memorable enough to be remembered.


Every now n then on my way to camp, there would b this kid who keeps dancing to some video on his phone while wearing his wired headphones. Reeks of body odour n sweat from all that dancing n would occasionally walk up to commuters n flash his phone screen at them. Quite clear that he has some form of mental disability so nobody really did anything


Red line west side?


Yea lol


Anyway on this topic, just an appeal and PSA: if ever you happen to catch someone crying silently on the train/ bus/ plane or whatever, please donā€™t stare or make it obvious you noticed it. Go about your day, look elsewhere. some people canā€™t control their tears. uh yeah i mean adults. It just happens.


Thereā€™s this girl with mental disabilities at Tampines mrt. She switches between the most random of skits to busk. Goes from singing to random commentary and other shenanigans. There was once she just started holding the mic in peoples faces and everyone ran/avoided her.


Saw her just a few days ago, everyone around was staring at her


I just boarded the train at Raffles Place around 8pm to head home on a weekday. I sat on an empty row of seats and took out my laptop to do some work. An office lady boarded too and sat right across from me. She whipped out her phone and after a while, I saw a camera flash from her iPhone. I then saw her phone was aimed in my direction. I didnā€™t know what to do except stare at her and she just acted like it was normal.


She wanted to post about a yandao on their own version of bike forum


Oh lord no, is that a real thing? Cause my friends ever shared about a forum where women shared random pictures of guys they found attractive on public transports. I thought it was a joke.


Sadly there are people that upload these photos on Xiao Hong Shu...


I think there is a option to have the flashing as a notification for your iPhone. Might just be that.


I am aware of that, which is why I just stared while thinking of what to do at that moment and especially why there was that sudden flash. It was an awkward few seconds for me. If she had said something, I think I would have felt some sort of closure to the incident.


zp z nlc


Bit awkward and a bit weird: there is this guy who purposely waits until the last minute to board the train, and does like a dance where he holds his face super close to the door as its closing?? I've seen him do exactly the same thing twice now hahaha so weird, people in the carriage both times were a bit stunned


this autistic kid ran to the red button I was standing in front of, pressed it and ran off. Cue train announcement saying they gotta stop because someone pressed the button. The staff came to where I was standing and ask if I pressed and I said no but couldn't point out the autistic kid cus he ran off. They just ok and unlocked and walkie for the train to move off.


Beware the "silent" farts... You'll never hear them coming...


*3 Idiots* movie reference


Crowded peak hour train from Jurong East, I got sandwiched between two women who had zero awareness. The train's inertia kept tossing me back and forth....between their well endowed chests. I had to keep both my hands in my pockets in case of any unfortunate accidents. But my elbows kept bumping and rubbing against their boobs though (they either didn't know or didn't cared).


Must be very yandao for two ladies to want to squeeze you with their well-endowed chests. Truly winning at life!


Not careful kena accused of molest and I really don't need that lol.


Nah that's not how it works. Yandao won't get accused of molest de. šŸ˜‚


Can i have the code? šŸ˜‡


Hand in pockets bad. Should be hands up like surrendering. Easier for witnesses to see also, and is a very irregular position to be in, so people will remember.


In early 2000s I was in a very packed train. Then this foreign worker squeezed into the train, with his back facing me. With nothing to hold on to, we were all packed like sardines. Then at a curve, everyone got swerved and some of lost lost balance. The worker lost his balance and I felt his butt on my groin. Yes. Thatā€™s embarrassing to me and I still remembered that after two decades.


He probably felt yours too ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Lololol maybe he is in another reddit thread posting about it.


This happen quite recently, right after peak hours in the train. There was a parent having a heart to heart talk with her kid when they boarded the train, on why she kicked her friend, and if she were to treat her friends that way, she is better off not having friends, go apologise to her friend as such. Mum was hugging her child and seems traumatised. Good parenting but it was quite awkward to stand and listen


Pre-covid era, I was recovering from an ankle injury but was well enough to only need a walking stick for aid. During the peak hour, I was seated on a non-reserved seat and then this uncle waved at me to takeout my ear phones. He told me to give my seat for a pregnant lady and said something about "you young people always on your phone and never look around, wah lao eh". Now, I was holding on to my walking stick between my legs and i was also hugging my bag which covered the stick. So, being the kind soul i am, i replied "orh", put on my bag, reveal the walking stick, stood up and let the lady have my seat, stood next to the uncle whom started to look away from me. Yes, I was staring at him, yes he left at the next stop... ... which happens to be my stop too kekekekekeke


idk why itā€™s always these social justice warriors that never thought to even ask nicely first like ā€˜hi excuse me could you offer your seat up to this pregnant lady?ā€™ but nope, they rather just go straight in with the condescending attitude of theirs and assume the worst of others. Being nice/ having some basic manners is not even a second thought for them. iā€™m sure if people approached with basic respect, they will receive it back and with no hostility / awkward unnecessary interaction involved. but nahhhh first things first : be as rude as possible to get the point across.


standing infront of the 2 reserved seats near the ends of the carriage and leaned over to listen to what my ex was trying to say, lady in the seat thought i was trying to look down her blouse, got up and got off. only pieced it together afterwards when i remembered she kept adjusting herself and fidgeting in the seat. in my defence, the trains are very very loud and i really couldnt hear her without angling my ears right to her.


another one of those eh(?) moment is when i board a cabin, and a few individuals are a huge fan of PDA. entire journey they are sucking their faces off like they are squids or something, or if not groping each other inappropriately. sir, respectfully/disrespectfully, i am right in front of you, i know your girl is almost seated in your lap already but weā€™re in a train, not sure if everyone around yall is into voyeurism as you assume /:


I was on the train when I had stomachache. I tolerated it until the shit almost wanted to come out. When the train finally reached my destination, my legs were as soft as jelly as I walked quickly to release the shit. Luckily, I did not shit inside my pants.


Missed opportunity to get into a fart battle with him.


Once i was heading towards simei(next stop) but announcement error said that next stop was gul circle. My ass panicked and called my parents cuz i thot the train gonna skip 27 damn stations but an uncle beside just assured me it was a mistake


A couple passionately kissing in the mrt disregarding all the attention they were getting from the commutersā€¦


I lost my balance and fell onto a guy's lap.


This has to be me! I was trying to rush inside the train & I was pushing my luggage. In my hurry, somehow one of the rollers got caught at the gap between train and the platform. I panicked because I knew the doors were closing very very soon and yanked the luggage. When I got to my seat, I was wondering why my luggage wasnā€™t able to stand straight. I had tilted my luggage and looked the the wheelsā€¦1, 2, 3 and one huge hole at the bottom where the 4th wheel was. The other 2 passengers were trying hard to hide their giggles.


I was seated down, and these 2 couples came in beside me, but only the gf could sit. They had the constant need to touch each other every 5 mins, like, stroking each otherā€™s thighs. Super fking uncomfortable. Wonder what would happen if I gave the bf my seat, prob would have a full on show.


In case the old uncle was me, I'm very very sorry about that. In case it's not, I'm very very sorry for what you've been through.


I was standing on a fairly empty train once, and this hot OL was standing to my left. Train suddenly braked super hard, and hot OL came crashing into me, boob-first, and all she did was cheerily say "whoops, sorry!" and went on her merry way.


Mine was when a mentally ill man boarded the same train cabin as I was in. He kept staring at me while singing out loud. It wasnā€™t so bad until he locked eyes with me and came to talk to me. He kept asking if I was local or a foreigner and if Iā€™m heading home after work. People in the train started staring at us. Subsequently I shifted to the next cabin and then he just shouted across in mandarin ā€œ donā€™t think I canā€™t see you from here! ā€œ. Didnā€™t help that Iā€™m an introvert with mild social anxiety. Worst nightmare.


Train was packed and I was standing behind a migrant worker with a bag. Mid ride saw a cockroach crawling out of his bag, didn't know what to do so I tried smacking it. Ended up entered into his bag and I didn't inform him..


Bruh why did you not move? You were bathing in fecal particle. His fecal particle.


Now I know. That time was too tired from work.


> can feel vibration from the fart šŸ’€ i don't want to experience such thing in my life lol


Took the train at 8am to work, a lady suddenly collapsed onto the floor, everyone was "someone give her a seat", "someone press the red button". The lady took the seat and then got out of the mrt at the next station lol. (don't know if its due to embarrassment or not) Staff came in and people were pointing here and there and then the staff member shook his head and walked out.


Ang Mo guy approached me, touch my chest and said "You are quite fit". I put up my hands and said "I'm not into guys, k!" He left at the next station.


I boarded the train heavily pregnant and in the priority seat was a teenage girl, and beside her an old lady. Old lady looked physically weak. But old lady jumped up to give me her seat. Or course I said no cos how could I. Teen girl was just on her phone the whole time. Couple of stations down a young man boarded, went right up to teenage girl and told her to give up her seat to me. And teenage girl yelled "but she doesn't want!" Young man looked embarrassed. I wanted to explain the whole situation but I was just fatigued. I felt so bad for the nice young man. I hope the encounter didn't stop him from stepping up for those around him.


I would have told the teenage girl I will have your seat thank you. šŸ„°


MRT IP MAN https://youtu.be/k1ToqHn6aX0?si=bUTYqr-tC7rmxhE0


Tampines Bus Int fight https://youtu.be/yV-ZIm1oBic?si=Mc3nrcawi68EpyOv


Wow you guys have stories. My train rides have always been boring with nothing exciting happening.


The first time I dropped my phone while falling asleep in the train, it was super embarrassing. And then the next 1000 times that it happens almost daily when going back home from work, its just like an alarm clock for me to not miss my stop.


boarded the train squeezed like sardines ā€¦ accidental touches on my butt by the same uncle behind me .. could only give him the benefit of the doubt šŸ˜•


Should've shakes your whore ass and give him a good time instead.


Sleeping, woke up and found out I was resting my head on some broā€™s shoulder 2nd and 3rd time - same scenario but head butting the glass panel and some uncleā€™s shoulder Never slept on the train since then


Sometimes I fall asleep with my head back and my mouth totally open. Not a good look šŸ˜‚


I was boarding the train and I found an empty seat between two people. As I was about to sit down the train jerked and I lost my balance and fell onto the gentleman's lap next to the empty seat. Apologised to him and he laughed.


Train was somewhat empty but not completely so. A young man in his 20s tried to chat up a chiobu and ask for her contact but got flat out rejected. Poor guy felt so dejected he got off at the next stop (probably wasn't even his stop).


I saw someone rush for the train just before the doors close and one of his flip flops fell into the gap. Bro got out at the next stop, presumably to buy another pair of shoes...


Was at a traffic light and this old man was on his ebikeā€¦ watching porno with full screen brightness. Mind you his phone was propped up with the phone stands that people usually use to put on their bikes so it was in full view of the crowd


It was super packed on the train at Serangoon, peak hour. Was pinned to the corner of the mrt, couple was fighting right in front of me. Guy accused girl of always showing up late and he couldnā€™t take it anymore and wanted to break up, girl starts making baby noises and they threw tantrums. The girl started to cry pretty badly and sobbed profusely. Could feel her vibrating against me. They started raising their voices at each other and although my stop was further down, I exited the MRT to get on another one after that. They looked like they were in their mid 20ā€™s.


Heard a lady yelling and scolding someone loudly (I assume sheā€™s a mom scolding her son - the son is an adult btw) in the MRT. Then, a man sitting in front of me started saying out loud ā€œSomeone didnā€™t take her meds. Some people are crazyā€ and then his son next to him shushed him and said ā€œStop talking pleaseā€ (he was clearly embarrassed). The man still kept going ā€œThatā€™s why you need to take your medsā€. He was looking at me and other people around me as he was talking and I just smiled nervously. Everyone was kinda looking at each other like ??? The woman still kept yelling at her son throughout the ride until they left.


Is that the infamous shouting MRT lady? Actually, if so, she quite poor thingā€¦ As in I read into her story. Apparently she has schizophrenia. And she scolds people ā€œsiao ehā€ Itā€™s also part of this fallensuperherosg MRT dance [remix](https://youtu.be/gN_HSn4tKT0?si=eeW4oMaLkJztFj3-) lol


Donā€™t wry. Your time will come. When u r old enough to not give a fuck about ppl u donā€™t know thatā€™s what u will do too. Uncle is literally living his life.


My wife was pregnant during that time. We were seated while I was holding 2 half-filled cups of softdrink from Burger King. Train stopped and as we stood up the 2 cups dropped from the paper bag container. It splash on the floor and ran in all direction. What could we do, we couldn't even clean it up. Went to control kiosk to inform and apologize.


Extreme strange encounter šŸ˜‚


Otw to school in MRT and sitting on a sit in the middle. Didn't know my water bottle was leaking till a passenger beside my told me. Apparently it leaked through my bag onto the seats too. Luckily my stop was the next.


The lights were already flashing and the train doors were about to close and there were 2 ladies (friends) running to get in the train. Unfortunately, one of them managed to get in while the other was left outside as the doors closed. The train was relatively empty and quite a few of us saw the whole scene and giggled for a bit, including the 2 ladies.


I have a sad/funny story I tell my friends all the time. Years ago (like a decade) I was taking the train home from school and there was a pregnant lady standing at the door, suddenly her bra (probably hook broke idk) dropped out on the floor and an old uncle saw it and just screamed "wah suay ah" and then proceeded to kick it away across the cabin. The shock on her face and everyone else's in the cabin.. Including mine.. Oof. It was abit stunning to be there but I guess a bit ridiculously funny in hindsight.


i was seated, a young guy standing in front of me asking me if ā€˜ I like to have some funā€™ . I thought he is asking for some ā€˜fundsā€™/ money . I asked again and he said he would like to have some fun with me. another lady sitting next to me opened her jaw widely and I just ignored him saying I donā€™t understand šŸ¤Ŗ


Boarded crowded train with fly unzippedā€¦ Sitting Old uncle pointed it out as it was in his face ā€¦


not a story but thank you for sticking through that ride?? i don't know why you felt morally obliged to endure that torture šŸ˜‚


some short overweight guy started laughing like the joker


U mean like the Penguin


nah he was doing the joker laugh from the 2019 movie. it was pretty cringe lol


I would've openly laughed at him lol but not said anything I mean, it is kinda funny


But why did you sit there lol




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This one actually happened to me when Iā€™m in sec sch. Fell asleep after sch cuz just so tired. Slept until very sound and good. When I finally stirred and eventually wake up, I didnā€™t even realise I was leaning against the shoulder of what I presume to be a rather young OL (but obviously older than me la; sheā€™s a working adult). I didnā€™t even feel suddenly flustered or what. It was just like a ā€œbruhā€ moment when I woke up. She also didnā€™t seem angry or uncomfortable or whatnot. In fact, no such negative vibes. Looking back, it didnā€™t cross my mind to apologize and/or also say ā€œthank youā€ to whoever was that kind soul. I just continued my journey and alighted at my station a few more stops later, lol.


Not on MRT, but I get off at Jurong East MRT every weekday for work, and the side I get off on, had an escalator down, so the huge crowd had to take the stairs. Maybe it was just the morning tiredness or the 1.5hrs commute, but I somehow missed a step going down and immediately fell to my knees. People around me were very quick to catch me and help me up, which I was really grateful for. The other semi awkward time, was many years ago, a much younger me was on a train there was this sec school girl seated opposite me. Somewhere along the line, a FW boarded, and despite other empty seats, chose to sit next to her. I noticed sometime later that he seemed to be leaning close to her, and may be trying to touch her under his folded arms. I couldn't pinpoint for sure if he was trying to molest her, and she didn't seem to look uncomfortable or move away, so I didn't dare approach to confront the guy. Eventually, she got off at her stop and he got off at another. Looking back, I should have just gone up and just asked her if he was doing anything funny. I was even texting my police friend what to do if I suspect someone was molesting on the train, but couldn't get an answer fast enough.


Saw this guy drop his phone while attempting to board the train and the phone just slid all the way into the gap between the train and platform. What followed was just me and him staring at each other with the most awkward eye contact yet, and the train door closed.


I was standing at the standing(open) cabin and had a female right infront of me just drop flat on the ground...a loud bang, the lady had a seizure or something... Lay flat for 10 seconds... I'm a male didn't know if I'm appropriate to help... Anyways lucky there are other ladies around that carried her when she was conscious again... But I was ready to apply what I learn from army...


Boarded crowded train with fly unzippedā€¦ Sitting Old uncle pointed it out as it was in his face ā€¦


Some dude was searching for Jenna Ortega porn. This was when Wednesday was huge on Netflix


I saw Fatimah Rocker giving an unsuspecting and asleep male commuter a bj. Yes, it was at a late timing night train. Coincidentally when I saw that scene, we passed by Woodleigh Stn on the NEL shortly after. This was before Woodleigh stn was operational. Back then, NEL trains used to just pass by that station. This was a #truestory U know whatā€™s the best part of the whole encounter? Basically, when ā€œsheā€ caught me looking at wtfish was just happening right in front of me, ā€œsheā€ continued doing whatever ā€œsheā€ was doing and stared back at me while CONTINUING to do that with BLOODSHOT eyes. I swear on my ah gongā€™s grave āš°ļø and his ashes that this was DEFINITELY a true story. Oh yeah, after passing by Woodleigh stn, SUDDENLY three more of ā€œherā€ fellow KAKAK friends just MAGICALLY MATERIALISED before my very eyes. And they all started having a lively conversation, laughing in their signature cackling voice. I looked around. YES, it was one of those last few trains for the day BUT I counted - and there were still AT LEAST A FEW other commuters around too. FUNNILY ENOUGH, they didnā€™t seem to notice at all whatever was happening around them. I was the only one who did. Oh yes. For those who donā€™t know, just go search up on the Internet about Woodleigh Stn interesting stories šŸ˜


Took me a while to get what you were saying. Is this your only encounter with them or not your first rodeo? Also doesnā€™t that mean the guyā€™s dick was just hanging out


I have a couple of dresses that really REALLY makes me look pregnant (Iā€™m not), this really nice aunty stood up to give me her seat, when I told her no and that Iā€™m reaching my stop soon, she held my arms and said loudly - sit sit, take my seat. And she moved to another seat. I - just stood there and waited for my stop which was 3 stops away. šŸ« 


Just sit la