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Whatever they'll actually eat. I don't have time for a fight in the morning.


Real life


So true.


Overnight oats soak with fruits, depends on my mood I’d change up the fruits, banana, blueberries, strawberries, apples. In the morning I’d just pop it in the microwave for a couple of seconds just to make it room temperature and dribble some honey on top. If my child is being extra nice, I might even pop in some Nutella. If the oats dry out, I will drop a scoop of yogurt in there. If I’m feeling fancy, I might sprinkle some chia seeds on top or even raisins. That or a couple of honey stars.


W parent


Our go-to is scrambled eggs (with milk) for protein, oatmeal or toast with unsalted butter / cream cheese as the carb, and Tamar Valley yoghurt. We always have the ingredients for this at home. If they’re still hungry (they usually are) they get a bit of fruit - usually banana, apples, oranges or strawberries.


French toast without salt, sugar nor oil. Use a non-stick pan. Banana pancakes, just banana and eggs. There’s still a selection of cereal that is without sugar. Lots of nut butter options that are without salt/sugar.


For cereal you can buy cornflakes. I used to love eating that as a kid and it's not sugary like the other cereals. My 1 year old loves eating bao, so having some in the freezer is always a good option for me. You can consider keeping siew mais, Lou Mai Kai etc frozen also.


Bao gang falling in!


Overnight oats Fruit and oat smoothies Weetbix Waffles Pancakes Eggs Hot oats Toast occasionally.


Banana pancakes, waffles with peanut butter, boiled eggs, home made muffins and milk bread


Leftovers from dinner. I feel it is the healthiest alternative because at dinner we always have brown rice, a protein and veg It is a bit weird I guess but I just feel it is healthier than processed cereal, ham/bacon etc. and also less effort for everyone at home.


Plain sliced bread (maybe with a bit of healthier choice jam) or corn flakes also cannot?


Scoops' almond butter or cashew butter. One spoon of it + a banana to go.


Gotta have my bowl, gotta have cereal


What if it isn't friday?


You know what it is


No kids of my own but was babysitting my sister's kids for a bit. Blueberry waffles in the little HK egglet mold Some with a touch of cocoa powder / used chocolate milk. Pancakes Marmite toast I'll also give them the 9 layer rainbow kueh and said, yiyi used to eat them as a kid! And tell them to peel off the layers one by one.


My dad used to make for us Milo, Nestum or Ovaltine in the morning for drink before heading to school. A good warm and filling drink to keep yourself awake. Can consider that. Very simple, easy and quick too.


Those loaves of bread (Sunshine/Gardenia) with fruit or nuts in them are healthier than bakery buns. And they are fibre rich too. Just use regular margarine or unsalted butter spread. Or just eat “plain”. My kid prefers white bread over wholemeal so i make a sliced cheese sandwich. Cheerios cereal have the least sugar, with milk it provides good fibre+calcium. Steamed frozen bao like someone suggested. U can do wraps if they prefer. Hard boiled eggs (or soft boiled if they’re old enough)


Usually frozen pancakes, waffles with some fruits and Nutella or honey. I usually look at the food labels before buying frozen stuff, avoid those with additives and preservatives.


Fresh milk + koko crunch + corn flakes Sometimes fan choy/lor mai or meat/char siew baos I'm still eating them to this day after decades lol


not a parent, but i remember my helper making french toast (bread dipped in egg then pan fried), breakfast potatoes and eggs (small cubed potatoes tossed with eggs), loaded tomato (egg, cheese, ham in a hollowed out tomato. then bake till cheese melted), bake potato (put butter mushrooms inside) and occasionally spam with egg and cucumber sandwhich. you can try making the bread from scratch too.


Tried dehydrated fruits made with a dehydrater? They're light and easy to pack. Lasts pretty long too if your kid forgets to eat them on time. Can eat on the go as well. No mess. Pack them in a ziplock bag.


2.5 yo. Red Bean Pau, Pumpkin Toast, Scrambled Eggs, Croissants and she loves trying out new breads. But usually we’ll try and bring her to school on time for breakfast 🤣


I grew up occasionally having a layer of Hup seng biscuits dipped in a bowl of milo and crunched up. Currently like many others am doing overnight oats but I add in hup seng biscuits and crunch em up cos it really makes it more palatable in my pov aside from experimenting with various berries and milk flavors


bread, red bean pau, cereal, whatever they like. lol top comment has it right just feed abit to get their engine going then off to school or play etc


My girl is just gardenia bread with peanut butter or kaya. As she can't eat much in the early morning. And school also give them proper meals and snacks too so as long my girl has eat a bit of food before going out it is okay for me


They are having intermittent fasting, next window at 6pm.


Bread with butter, peanut butter or jam?


Parents regurgitate and feed their young what they ate, an exhibition of true love.


Depending on their age how old are your kids ? Mine are 4 and 5 - they eat bread with jam, cereal , pancakes But you sound like you have younger kids - hence the concern about sugar and all - when they are younger at maybe 2 I’ll give eggs, banana pancake - self made without sugar , avocado , Plain oats boiled with water or milk and add fruits inside


I'm super lazy so usually it's just one banana two bananas three bananas (if asked for more). Fancier times during weekend will make scrambled eggs and pop a frozen hash brown in the air fryer


Breakfast? What’s that?


Kway chup, long tong, nasi lemak,


Mcd is nearby so usually hashbrown and a egg mcmuffin will settle it. If we got more time, will go for breakfast at starbucks/cbtf before we head to childcare. On weekends, we go further to local hawker centre for prata / wanton mee etc.