• By -


Getting someone to clean my house every two weeks. It improved my QOL so much.


Yeah I used to clean the house myself every weekend. The full works – clean house, do ironing, sort the kitchenware... Felt so annoyed that I have to give up 3 hours every weekend doing this shit when I can just pay someone to do a far better job than me. Now I have 3 hours of extra gaming time every weekend oooh yeah.


Can you please share the name of the company? 


It’s just Helpling. I don’t have any special lobang like the other guy.


Hi pls pm me too


Hi can you pm me which service/agency you use as well as the cost. Thank you.


I also using an agency. I do recommend it. I have weekly cleaning session, and I can easily cancel the session if I have something on, it's super easy. Pm me if interest. Got referal code lah haha


Yos guys that's overwhelming response. The company is luce maintenance. Cheers.


I’m keen. Pls PM me!


PM me too!


hello i’m interested, could you pm too?


Hello I’m interested too - kindly PM please thank you!


Would like a PM too please!


How much isit? Im interested!


PM me too! thank you!


Pm me pls!


Please PM me as well thank you


Hi could you PM me too!


Pm me too! Thanks!


would like a pm too!! thank you :)


Keen too pm please!


Pm please!


Please PM me too thanks!


please PM me as well! happy to use your referral code


DM me too please!


Can you please share the name of the company? 


I’m interested please PM me!


Can you please share the name of the company? 


Agreed. Feels much better living in a clean organized home. And same with laundry, saves time to do something else.


Can you please share the name of the company? 


I use Helpling. I have a regular helper come in every two weeks. Been doing this for a few months and she knows what I want now so I just leave her to it. I can generally do most housework but I loathe ironing and washing the bathrooms so she does those then any extra time, she'll clean up anything else she notices.


Got sexy maid services🤔😂?


I used to eat to live Now i live to eat 😂


Used to fly budget for holidays. But now with young kids, have to go for full service. Maybe when they are teens I'll put them thru budget air again.


I've done the reverse with kids. Always try to keep it budget and only recently flew them SQ. Keep drilling into em that holidays are a luxury.


May be when they are teens, the parents are the ones who have to have full service 😂 Or May be no more tourism, only AR 🤖🤖🤖


Pump them full of food before the flight.


Just curious, why do you bring kids overseas and where did you bring yours? Just seems to me that holidays makes sense without kids unless it's those Genting or JB kind


So far Japan, Australia, Taiwan. Travel to bring them see nature and experience the 4 seasons.


When kids were below 10, it'll always be beach holidays: Krabi, Phuket, Langkawi, Boracay, Kota Kinabalu, Tioman, Danang etc. Once older than venture to more cities where they'll understand history, culture betta.


Same for hotels, not luxury but I've sworn off homestays and airbnbs. Worst experience was staying in a 民宿 (Airbnb) in Shanghai in winter, rude as fuck landlord and broken heater. Me and my friends got out and went to a proper hotel instead, really made the whole trip better.


Same after a shitty landlord experience with AirBNB, I stick to hotels now.


There were nice ones that I stayed with but honestly, never going to risk it again. Especially in winter when heating is essential ☠️ also hotels really have more leeway when it comes to check out times, Airbnb will kick you out at 10am.


Proper headphones. Used to have cheapo $15 wireless earphones that doesnt connect properly. Got myself sony xm5. Dear lord. The quality and noise cancellation is amazing.


Shhhh nobody tell him about the rabbit hole of IEMs and audiophile headphones


Audeze LCD-2


Haircut and treatment at a proper salon. first time getting one was for my wedding and realised that since I only get my hair cut once every 1-2 years, it’s worth it compared to getting my hair roughly handled just to save money on a $10 haircut


This! I paid $398 for the best dye job ever at a better salon, and was so pleased with the results. Never going back to those beng places again. Especially Isoc Ho who was previously from The Vougue at Novena. You ruined my photoshoot hair you mfing idiot. Thank god for korean stylists who could fix it.


Where do you go to now, any recommendations?


Shuji from S.A.D. Hair! Been going to him for several years alr, he always does a great job with rebonding and haircuts ^^


Apgujeong Hair or Chez Vous (The former for cuts, the latter for perms, dyes)


Oh yes. Treatment made a big difference, can see people's head turn when I walk by with long shiny hair hahaha


Malay barbers almost never fail.😎


Emart running shoes to $100 running shoes :D Cat A instead of BMW. Gaming PC instead of budget laptop.


I thought the Emart running shoes were always pretty good in terms of comfort. Just sometimes abit fugly


Yep they are superb value for money if u dun care abt aesthetics


In the past, I never ate much salad because I thought the prices were too high. In fact, I laughed at "cows" munching on salads at the gym near my office. Last year, I had a medical event where I could not do most of the things I enjoyed doing like exercise and taking long walks. During the three months I was out, I started eating salads almost everyday which somehow lifted my mood despite not being able to do the things I wanted to do. Many months after, I continue to eat salads daily, but above and beyond that, I avoid foods where the majority of the plate is filled with carbs, e.g. chicken rice, fried rice, etc etc. Of course, that's not to say I completely avoid chicken rice, I still satisfy my cravings once a month or so. But for my daily meals, I choose salads from places like The Daily Cut and Salad Stop usually choosing 25% carbs, 50% veggies and 25% protein. I had a medical review just two months ago and I was healthier than ever. The balanced diet really helped. Prior to this, I had been exercising for 7-8 years but never felt as good as when I stopped exercise and started fixing my diet. Now I choose to put quality foods into my body and money spent on such foods is well worth the money.


Diet is really 80% of the road to health and fitness man. Congrats.


I want a salad place near my workplace :( Would eat it all day!


where to find salad if you only have hawker near office? 🥲


Properly fitted shoes. Went to a shoe shop with people who knew their shit, and recommend accordingly. Went from wearing what is the online recommendation for my assumed type of feet, buying from outlet to save money, to spending easily 300 plus for a pair of shoes and insoles. My heavy use means they wear out in about 9 months, but in exchange they keep my feet healthy and injury free. Any downtime due to injuries = no income, so this is a investment I will make over and over.


Hey man, do you mind sharing what sort of shoe shop you go to? When people say to have a pair of good walking shoes, I don't really know what it means :/


I only go to 1 shop, Footkaki. They are honest people who only sell you what you need, rather than what they want you to buy. They are happy to fit you with just insoles to go with your current shoes if that’s what will help. I believe good shoes fit your feet perfect, feels good, and does not increase your risk of injuries. Many shoes are marketed to do something in particular, but could be something that is good for most, just not you.


Thanks for the response! I’ll be sure to visit them the next time I’m back in Singapore, haha!


there should be a few of such shops at Novena Square eg running lab did a treadmill test and foot pronation analysis, but in the end didn't buy anything LOL


There is a saying "Its expensive being poor. " like shoes for example, poor people will buy $50 shoes that will only last them months compare to someone who can buy $300 shoes that will last years. Quality > quantity


I'm looking for a good shoe shop as well! Do you mind sharing?




can u message me which shop does this pelas?ntahnk you




Thank you!!!


Haha I like to spend a bit more on accoms as well - having a nice toilet is especially important for me lol. And I know most people like to book cheaper places for solo trips since they can’t split the cost but to me, it’s extra important that I book somewhere safe and comfortable if I’m gonna be alone.


This is something recent but I fell prey to the concept of "Buy cheap buy twice". Bought a few wireless mouse and keyboards from shopee/taobao, never found them good but I used to find joy that they were below $10. Now I use exclusively only logitech mouse and build my keyboard.


I use to use a Razer bluetooth mouse, spoiled, downgrade to Logitech $20 to save money. Different experience! Returned to Razer about $50-$60. Give my mom the logitech 🤣


Mmm i think general use logitech feels better at same price points too. I don't really need a super responsive ultra light ARGB mouse for general use and I hate lights so thankfully I can save there 😅


The response time made a difference for me! Welp we have different needs!


Agreed! I am a controller person so I don't play fast paced games!


GP5000 tyres for my road bike, especially noticeable when cornering down Faber. The other is swiss stop brake pads. Anything on my bike can be cheap except tyres and brakes


Proper shoes, given the nature of my job. Having your feet not hurt and having the right shoe for the environment is bliss.


Are there any brands you recommend?


Depends. I went for this pair of Salomon outrise shoes from decathlon and they are great. I'm often outdoors in all sorts of weather environment. It's also goretex. So it's rainproof. Last thing you want is going around with wet socks


Owning a car instead of taking public transportation


do you think it is justifiable for people with median income though, and how much of your salary does the car take up (15-20%?) if you dont mind me asking


Not about being justifiable, do you travel 1.5hrs to work? A car/moto can cut time to 30-40mins. Do you need more time in the evening? Do you have kids? Do you have many places to go? Do you visit malaysia often? All these are for you to consider. If someone really needs it, 30% of income is also justifiable. Ofcourse financial planning and tolerance uptonan individual’s discretion. 


guess thats true, its up to ones priorities


Same here, bought a car last year, what a difference. Time is money.


Yes. Especially when you have kids. It's not a must but at least I don't feel like being a sardine.


RON 98 lol.


RON100 next?


Nah, no intention of building an engine that requires RON 100. Also it's too inconvenient to obtain.


Caltex techron FTW




you can just go outside and take cats, my friend got 2 this way in different colours


Oh my sweet summer child... that's not what he means by "cat"


oh...that's not...oh


That's unhygenic


Last time 50 + 50. Then it was 88 + 50 Now is 88 + 50 + 30, some places even 88+ 100 already.


I like how polarising the comments are, in a purely content way, not debate.


I've always been cat 150 leh. Its called buy cat A/B but earlybird price. Haha  Cat 50 is see nothing leh. lol


username checks out.


He's not kitten around.


what is cat?


Say it slowly "Me-yow"


apple stuff. lol i used to shit on macs ... iphones ... because they are stupidly expensive but after using it, i get to be more productive on my tasks. so its quite a ROI to me in terms of time saved.


games you had to pay an upfront cost for


microtransaction economy ruining games fr


That’s not too bad! Free games are actually the most expensive!


honestly FTP games were good when i didnt have any money to spend but now that i do i splurge on cosmetics 🙃


Mind sharing what laundry service do you use? Is it those kind that picks up and drop off at your place?


A low carb, low calorie meal plan delivered to me five times a week. I used to balk at the price but then I started spending >$15 on Deliveroo for free delivery anyways, and for health reasons I need to eat low carb now so I tried it. The food is tasty (to the point that I can't believe it's only 350 calories each meal), it's super convenient and I've lost weight eating these so it's well worth the ~$15 I pay for each meal. (Edit: for those asking, the service I use is [Tsquared eats](https://tsquaredeats.com/pages/meal-plans)! I picked it over other similar services cos of the better reviews on Google Maps and it's good enough that I haven't considered trying others yet.)


You can very easily prepare low-calorie meals yourself for a small fraction of the cost you're paying. But if you're earning comfortably, then why not eh? Personally I can't stomach paying $15 for every meal lol


It's the convenience factor for me - if I have to prepare all my own food + must be tasty + weigh everything to calorie count properly, I'm not likely to stick to eating low carb and low calorie. And yes, thankfully I'm in a position to afford this convenience so the benefits make the cost worth it for me.


Which service do you use?


I use [tsquared eats!](https://tsquaredeats.com/pages/meal-plans)


LOOKING FOR RECOMMENDATIONS!! I’ve only heard about Hungrybros or something like that thus far


You get tired of hungrybros in time. I ordered five boxes but it feels like I'm eating leftovers left in the fridge each time. I would bake my five bucks salmon with teriyaki sauce from Donki instead.


Is it Yummybros? I tried it before too, it's cheaper but it's too carb heavy for me now, and the variety of dishes is quite limited, unlike [tsquared eats](https://tsquaredeats.com/pages/meal-plans) where there's a different menu every week. And if I'm honest, Yummybros is not bad la but it's nowhere as tasty as Tsquared. Like I look forward to my tsquared meals but I can't really say the same for Yummybros. Think it's also cos of the type of food served - Yummybros is more Asian style, Tsquared mostly Western but a good mix of cuisines too. Plus Yummybros delivers all the meals at once so it takes up quite a bit of space in the fridge, the near-daily delivery for tsquared works better for me in that regard.


Here to ask for the service too, im tired of cooking.


Hi it's [tsquared eats!](https://tsquaredeats.com/pages/meal-plans)


Yeah pls share which service you use if you don’t mind


It's [Tsquared eats](https://tsquaredeats.com/pages/meal-plans)! I get the 350 calories Sculpt plan. Initially the portion felt a little small but I got used to it after a few meals. Most of their items are really good, it's just that I personally am not a big fan of their steaks.


Hi, new to this Tsquared, may I know how they delivery? the minimum is 10meals per week and only delivery on 1 time slot, so let's say I have it delivery on night, they will deliver the dinner + next day lunch? so keep fridge and oven next day?


If you choose evening delivery, they'll deliver the meals 1 day before. Eg Monday's meals (eg lunch + dinner) are delivered on Sunday evening. So yes, you can keep in the fridge and microwave it the next day. On the box they'll state when you should eat the meals by (usually 2 days after delivery, eg delivered on 1 July evening, eat by 3 July) but I've kept a few meals for an extra day or two before and I have no problems after eating them. You can also indicate if you have a certain window you prefer them to deliver the meals at, and I think they try their best to accommodate.


thanks for sharing the info, but really hope that they allow lesser meal per week


Unfortunately they don't, I guess cos they need a minimum number of meals to earn $. So to hit 10 meals, you really have to eat for lunch and dinner and/or roll over some meals to the weekends. Or see if you have a family member who can take the meals too (I don't have this option as I live alone)


I'm legit considering this but then another part of me is yelling at myself (1) just buy French beans, cherry tomatoes, carrots, and frozen corn, boil/blanch. No oil no messy kitchen (2) for meat, just get those ready chicken fillet or something, or even betagro x2 on promo also can.  **Confirm** not $15. Haha. Or maybe $15 but for a week. Which is fine 🤭😂


If you're ok to cook yourself, why not? I can't be bothered to cook AND weigh everything for exact calorie counting so this service works v well for lazy me.


It's possible to buy and store a few days or even weeks worth of self-prep stuff. But I've stopped being super strict with calorie counting as long as I avoid carbs like rice or noodles in general. I bought those vacuum food storage containers so that certain veggies (usually I get Chinese spinach, wongbok or round cabbage) can be kept longer. Will pre-cut before putting in the container, so that it's easy to just grab 1 or 2 handful for each meal prep and the put back into the fridge. For meat I prefer chicken thigh which is usually sold 2 kg frozen, semi-thaw the whole pack and will cut all to bite size before portioning to approx. 150gr packets and refreeze. Usually these 2 are the main ingredients I'll cook in a small pot with soup. For soup base I use dashi pack I bought from Korea or just make my own either using ikan billis (or similar) with 1 or 2 slice of dang gui. I also sometimes buy large pork bones and boil my own soup broth base to freeze. For the meals itself I will of course add other ingredients which would vary between things like cut bite-size carrots. tofu, mushroom, frozen prawns or 1 or 2 pieces of pork/chive dumplings (frozen type). The pot size is important as it helps with portion control.


thanks for this! Ya my sibling already meal preps so like (at present) apart from general dinner household things, presently the main fridge already has some space filled (ok quite a large space lol) with sibling's mealprep things -\_- So for now i'm just thinking like if I have to work with the limited space available, then I'd seek to increase my own fruit/veg intake first!! : ) But ya I hear you : ))) thinking of (for a start), mainly trying to ensure a dedicated amount of fruit and/or veggies for the day for myself haha.


Skincare. Used to buy whatever facial wash was on sale or smelled nice. Now I have a whole regimen cos age catches up.


Business class flights. Starts the holiday off right!


+1 life changing tbh. the flight itself feels like the entire trip


Would willingly pay for dryer if I'm tasked to do laundry when parents are out. Parents/mom still believes in sun-drying the clothes etc and its how she has done it for like ... longtime, but if its up to me, I'll just pay for dryer and save on other things (like transfer category budgets if need HAHA.) Cus like dryer is like $9-10 and in abt 45-60mins (I usually leave it longer than the suggested half an hour cos eeyer lies, it def dries slower), I can come back and be sure my clothes are done. If you hang laundry like dude, wna go out must keep the clothes, forever staring at the sky like ok do I keep the clothes now and risk wasting one hour of sunlight or keep outside and panic run home later? And even if I hang within the house, what if the weather too cold/humid and the clothes don't dry fast enough, later must take down and blow fan directly issittt. So ... if it were up to me .. screw it lol will pay for neighbourhood dryer. And its 24h. Yay.


Dryer shrinks clothes though. But yay for convenience


we just hang indoors haha. about 24 hours to dry the clothes so … we come back to the rack and hang lor. Hopefully your parents won’t nag if it takes 24h to dry. because the dryer destroys clothes esp our comfiest t-shirts and even worse for nicer clothes, will have holes over time then it costs more to replace them :(((( so we would only use during monsoon season like dec!


Ummm. You might want to consider investing in a hot air dryer cabinet (shopee $40-50) and a smart WiFi plug ($20-30). It uses hot air only instead of tumble drying so it doesn’t damage your clothes that much. And you can do laundry in any weather and it will still take 2-3 hours to dry regardless of weather. Using the smart WiFi plug you can set a timer function to auto on/off, can even control when you’re out of the house (eg you suddenly forget to set timer and have left the house, you still can just switch it off even if you’re in Jb so long as you got network. Don’t need to do hard labour also, like hanging bamboo pole out the window or above your head. Just hang your clothes onto clothes hanger and then hang them into the dryer like a normal wardrobe. Even your elderly grandma can do


Never heard of this, will check it out 😌


I bought a Steigen recently and it’s good. Has hot and cool fan to speed up drying. It’s more expensive than the rest but it’s a lot more sturdy than other hangers.


Dryer is bad for clothes. Increased tearing.


Health supplements and aesthetic treatments, honestly can’t compromise on health and well being. I feel investing on those 2 above really works for me and improved my health and looks.


What kind of supplements have you found helpful?


I have been eating Korean supplements- namely the probiotics and collagen- lacto fit and phytotics I also like taking Swisse brand- Evening Primrose Oil, so far effects has been great on me


Laser treatments for sunspots. They were getting bigger and darker, creams/supplements/sunblock wasn't doing anything. Bit the bullet and only wish I had started it earlier, they're 80% gone after 3 sessions Higher quality clothes. Only need a few to rotate and look good every day. Rather than numerous cheap ones with loose thread, lousy fabric, poor fitting then need to sort through. I like Klarra, Uniqlo, Love Bonito


Oooh do you mind sharing where you go to for laser treatment and how much? I’ve googled a few places but the price seems to vary a lot.


I wanna know too please!


I'm going to Dr Chua at DRX (Tong Building)


tailored clothing. Used to be only for "occassions" But now everything smart casual+ is tailored. Feels good, the good fit boosts confidence too


i dont believe in excessive consumerism


Same. Gone other way. Gave up car. Use Blue / Grab / Taxi freely if ever want. Most days happy to nap/study on transport and/or combine some biking.


Similar as OP, private car or taxi transfer on holidays. Don't see the point of tiring myself out on public transit when I arrive for holidays. That one can wait after I've settled in with the luggage and such. Sometimes I'll splurge for an executive ride (Vellfire/S-Class) if the airport drive is more than 1 hr.


How often are you doing laundry and how many pieces are you sending in on average? Because those services - wash, dry, iron - aren't cheap at all in Singapore. 😳 Are you paying for this in Singapore or Bangkok? Your profile says you're based there.


Gym membership


Used to always dabao food and shop in person when i was younger, now just order delivery.


Last time Wufenpu and Pratunam, now Uniqlo considered?


Life insurance




Phone. Went from budget 200 shitphone to something rugged and durable 600+. Edit: I dont buy phones often, but a bit of splurging once every few years is worth it.


I would occasionally buy myself a nice bottle of whisky. Used to buy more often during lockdown lol


Intimate and personal dining experience




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Good and tasty food, cabbing everywhere, watching concerts. I’m willing to pay more for comfort and convenience hehe


Skincare (scalp and face) ... Age is creeping up and I can't be lazy anymore.


Grab, good hotels when traveling, fine dining (once in a while for a special occasion)


Shopping in Japanese supermarkets like Isetan and Takashimaya. I always why anyone buys from them when there’s NTUC but the produce there is really much better


same for hotels, not that i could ever stay at hostels, but i used to just book any boutique that doesn’t cost as much but now i’m going full service and preferably under some hotel group to clock my membership status as well. been great so far as i’ve enjoyed the room upgrades, free breakfasts, and splendid customer service (instant email replies, always greeted well). felt like money well-spent hahaha. my partner is also influenced and enjoying this.


Beef. Always thought it's unhealthy based on bad press when i was younger. Have been eating it daily for 5yrs now.




Cab and grab.. it saves so much time and energy (mental) especially if you live in areas that are not as accessible via public transport


ActiveSG to anytime fitness


Both are sardines


Haircut? I used to go QB express and it was only $15 and now it's $20 (with designated hairstylist). I rather go for a $30 cut at a gentleman barber shop for better results these days.


Visiting a dermatologist to treat my acne (in progress) and maintain my complexion instead of blindly buying products to try and error


999 investment grade gold. Used to think that these things are expensive. 1g is so small. Bigger values are so expensive. Recently came to a revelation that actually I buy this don't need to scare no money back since past trend shows increasing prices. I might just get back more of what I had invested. Best of all, gst free. So just wack a few grams every few months after I saved enough.


Paying for landscaping services .


Cotton pads lol Figured I’ll need it to wipe my face daily for the rest of my life I should get a good one to reduce friction.


Simply drinking coffee outside.


Korean haircut. Very worth it.


Travel insurance. Used to never buy or buy the absolute minimum. Now I go for at least the mid range.


I just went ahead and bought like one year travel insurance and keep renewing it, mostly because I want to be insured even for weekend travel to Malaysia etc. better safe than sorry.


food delivery.


Curious to find out about the laundry service


Probably airline? My family and I travel to the Philippines quite often cause of relatives there. We used to always take Cebu Pacific but my god, every flight has a damn issue. Could be delay, unwanted meal service, and once there was mysterious stuff on our tray that……..looked like dried vomit. I was trying so hard that whole flight to not think about it. Now I rather take a better airline like Philippines airline even if it’s more costly….


I'm not saying that's your intention but why does this sound like a humblebrag hahah


Not trying to brag. Interested to hear what other people like to splurge on. Besides, I like to focus on the positives in my life.