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I have sensitive teeth too. I never leave the house without my pocket straw in my bag.


You can get reusable straws. They're not expensive and you can avoid all your strawless problems. It's a problem easily solved on your own


If I'm able to drink from the cup, which most chains have a lid that can be opened from, I can do without a straw. I know mcdonald's still provides straws for its frappes, although it's been a while since i ordered a frappe from macs haha


The straws they provide for the frappe became a paper straw now. Not loving it.


It’s also about the experience. Drinking a fizzy without a straw is (imho) inferior to drinking with one. Think about this, McDonald’s designed its straw to be slightly wider so your taste buds goes wild when it hit your tongue. So when I hit that mcd coke it used to make me go sheesh…. Nowadays mcd coke is just not the same.


Spitting facts


People logic here if i can drink cold drinks without straws so can you But opposite thinking would be if i can drink cold drink with straws so can you Too bad people want to act environmentally conscious if they really are all those big companies would have gone bankrupt from people boycotting them


Exactly. Congratulations to those who can drink without straws :)


I bring my own sippy cup for that reason lol.


just bring your own straw if that's so important to you? i drink from the cup just fine.


obviously different people have different levels of sensitivity to cold/texture/etc.


> just bring your own straw if that's so important to you


It’s the inconvenience man. Hear me out. I bring the straw cause I wanna drink coke. But come lunch time I decide to go with kopi o kosong. Then I bring straw for what? Even worst, I feel like drinking kopi o kosong but cause I bring straw then I don’t want to waste effort I go with coke. -.-“ I just want my freedom of choice.


Tbh it's not environmentally sustainable, nobody cares about that. It just means they cut costs on straws, + get marketed as being friendly to earth. If you need a straw, go to stores that provides it i guess thats your easiest solution?


No not really. Straws are nice to have but they're not even nearly mandatory. If it's important to you, you can always bring your own reusable straw, drink something non-iced/non-coffee, or go find some place else with a straw. Drink stalls aren't really losing any business because people don't actually need straws to have a drink (except if you're physically handicapped and unable to lift a cup or something).


I’m not saying it’s mandatory - but I’d like to have straws. Sian want straws also need to be handicapped :(


I wash disposable straws cos i cheapo


What about kids? Inb4 bring your own straws, don’t bring kids out, don’t have kids or let kid drink like they gonna pour everything on their clothes.


In some cultures, it's considered it's part of good etiquette to have a proper sit-down meal or drink. Also, in many cases, it's just wasteful behaviour just for that tiny convenience for a short while, whilst the aftermath of your plastic waste is practically eternal.


Most establishments do have straws, all you got to do is to request for them, simple as that. Or bring your own straw. Some of the reasons you give are for your own, like staining of teeth and going to the dentist. Then don't drink lmao? The shop or cafe cant please everyone but if that is their direction to be environmentally friendly, you can buy your coffee elsewhere. Edit: and some provide paper straws, please don't say it will become soggy or that it will spoil the taste of the drink


I tried asking! They always reject. Wa your logic of don’t drink damn power. It’s like saying the air polluted then don’t breathe. AND PAPER STRAWS ARE REALLY INFERIOR. There’s no denying that.


Ok then yes maybe the establishment is a lil stingy. Regarding the logic, most people still drink coffee without straw (including hot coffee) and not worrying about stained teeth. My point is if you are going to drink coffee, you have to accept whatever is associated with it, don't blame the straw and because of that you have to go to the dentist etc.


Stupid logic. You won't die without your iced coffee.


I won’t die but I want, can or not?


I thank you for sharing with us your First World problems


You’re welcome. According to some comments, it’s a My World Problem T.T


All Kopitiam @ Fair Price outlets do not provide straws anymore, even when requested. Surprisingly, if I order fresh fruit juices from the drinks stall, the straws miraculously are provided once more. F*cking hypocrites.


Ya!! Some commenter said just ask. Simple as that. If it’s that simple, I’d have my straw :(


It really grinds my gears on this. Glad to see I'm not alone. Lol. Sometimes you really need a straw when you're drinking stuff that can stain teeth. I don't like metal straws because I can't nibble on the straw and metal conducts heat(cold), and is too cold for my teeth.


And metal straws are dangerous - the lack of grip?? I’ve been deep throated by them multiple times


>I’ve been deep throated by them multiple times Prepare your inbox. Phrasing.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Seriously, Bring your own straw if it affects you that much


It really does - but my bags are too small to fit anything. And a bit disgusting to carry a dirty reusable straw around


Seems like a you problem. There are so many ways around the issues you mentioned. But you just want to make it an other people’s fault for not providing.


I’m asking if the implementation is necessary. What fault??


What about brushing teeth after coffee?


I do - it’s the experience of drinking cold drinks without straws as well


Understand. Buy a metal one, keep on your pocket, bag, whatever. Plastic cups are already a waste of resources, plastic straws are a step further. A dinosaur dies and then becomes a straw at a luckin coffee. How sad.😅


Metal straws are dangerous, there’s no friction and I get stabbed by one all the time. Wa brother be bringing dinosaurs into the picture.


You sure you are using them right? Try not to get a dual function knife+straw, then😂😂


What you doing with your straw sia...


Not user problem la - metal straws slippery leh


Just bring your own? Have some in a ziplock bag in your backpack. (Not environmentally friendly, I know, or bring your own reusable straw lor.)


I always have few straws in my bag. Also, I don't throw away straws until they get very worn. Especially those nice straws from bubble tea shops


I love having a good S U CC so yes


just get metal straw if you can't drink without straws....


Today I found out that if you buy one of those starbucks tumbler and bring it for your starbucks drink, you save 50 cents but also lose $1 of drink probably. The staff serving my drink did not see the order clearly and prepared the drink in a normal cup. Saw her pour the drink into my tumbler (venti) and had about 1/5 left in the cup so she dumped it into the sink. Save the environmemt my ass.


I haven’t had Starbucks in awhile but wow! Shrinkflation at its finest


The funniest thing here is that you can just switch to straws made of bamboo or agave; Anyway, if its important to you just have recyclables with you


Still trying to see whats funny. It’s a true problem :(


It's funny that businesses are pretending that no straw is the only way to be environmentally responsible because of that one turtle video when there are options like I mentioned to still give them


And they still use plastic take away cups with plastic lids. Paper cups are also not that biodegradable depending on the materials used - whether they are lined or waxed to prevent leakage.


grab a bunch of disposable straws and keep them in your bag for situations where you need them




If you're concerned with sensitive teeth, use a tooth paste for sensitive teeth or avoid cold acidic drinks. If you're worried about staining your teeth, don't drink such drinks or drink them fast rather than slowly sipping to minimise exposure time. Plus, drink lots of water and / or brush your teeth after that. It would also help with the coffee breath. If you really need a straw, just ask for one nicely if they have one or bring your own. There are also a number of disposable plant based straws out there if you're lazy about washing. Lastly, unless you're sipping your drink on the go (which isn't recommended) or your drink have fillings inside like bubble tea, you quite frankly don't need a straw.


I always sip on the go - I’m curious why it’s not recommended. Genuine question btw


No straws no problem. Just provide those diaposable cups with sipping lids that are also made out of plast.... Nvm, just gimme a straw if I ask for it. Thanks.