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More power to tip less restaurants such as the Korean SaRang fried chicken place dt or Wood House BBQ at Yonge Sheppard. Anyone recall when tips were before taxes...?


Not sure about custom % tips, but yes, it seems like the tip % has gone up, but service has gotten worse. Recently went to Wanda’s Pies in the Sky where they wanted a tip after plopping a cold pie into a wet dish. Didn’t bother heating it at all and the bottom was all soaked with dishwater. Many areas are also shrinking portions or food quality is getting worse. I’ve been cooking at home and having potlucks to celebrate instead, it has saved me a lot of money.


It’s crazy how entitled some places are to expect a tip for a terrible service.


Yup. Had a date at Hemmingway’s where I was pretty wasted and suddenly wasn’t feeling well, but apparently we didn’t get any service for nearly two hours. I get that there’re busy nights and all, but we were basically hostaged and couldn’t even leave because no one came to get the bill 😂


Sounds like they cut you off once it became unlawful to continue serving you and encouraged you to sober up a bit before you left (knowing they could be held responsible for your conduct if they were found to have overserved you) all while avoiding explicitly saying it and prompting a confrontation. Sounds like they earned a bigger tip tbh.


Lmfao this is reaching so hard The simpler answer is their service sucks


Sorry, to clarify we were there from Cibo and trying to get the bill to leave! I know it’s just my word but I’m really not a disruptive or confrontational drunk, and they let us in so I’m assuming I looked pretty ok :p most of the night I was just engaging in a staring contest with my date and talking about how chubby and cute his little brother was iirc. It’s been a while since I’ve taken the liquor license test but if I recall, you’re supposed to keep a close eye on customers who may have been over served or who look drunk: if that was the case there’s not really a good reason for them to have neglected the table for almost two hours if we were trying to leave. And we sat right next to the big bouncer guy on the outside seats, so if I was being a pest he would’ve tossed us out. We went to Hemmingway’s to get food and my date was 100% sober and intermittently, but very determined in trying to get the waitress’ attention after we were seated and finished up. Sobered up near the end and was like “wait wtf why are we still sitting here”


Dude the person you're commenting to is actually brain dead, take no notice


Nah I can see where they’re coming from, I didn’t specify that I was there to sober up after bar hopping on an empty stomach 😅 my bad


Yeah last time I was there it took them 30 minutes to serve our table of 4 our first round of drinks, after which we immediately asked for the bill and after another 30 minutes and asking 3 different waitresses we just said "f it" and left. Seems to be a somewhat common occurrence based on other reviews on Google.


Side bar but wanda’s is overrated for sure


Honestly, for some places, I just hit no tip. The prices are out of control and the fact that I’m showing up, taking time out of my day, using gas to come support a local small business should be enough. I picked up 6 small bakery items today and it was $32 and all the girl did was put them in a box and the tip option was 18%, 20%, 25% or no tip, I hit no tip. Their tarts were $9, like come on! I say this as someone who also runs two small businesses both service based and I don’t have a tip me option and I will never add it. 


Literally. I would think giving me the food I paid for was included in the food price?




Always 0% for counter service unless it's a regular spot


I’ll tip if they make me a nice coffee or a sandwich, but I don’t if they’re just putting stuff in a bag and handing it to me.


How does the fact that it’s a regular spot change things?


If a place asks for a tip before I get to taste my food, I’m never going back again. Considering a portion of your tip goes to the kitchen/staff who made it, it makes no sense to pay extra for quality before you’ve actually tried the product and ascertained its quality!


This and the amount of times I’ve tipped and gotten dog shit food makes me sooooo angry!




Ok so you stopped going to all fast food and takeout places?


You tip at fast food? Like, Popeyes?


My local KFC/Taco Bell was asking for tips on the drive through lane… I stopped going back.


Never said that. OP said that they stopped going to (aka patronizing, entering the building, darkening the doorway of) places that prompt for a tip before you taste your food. Takeout joints and fast food places prompt for a tip before you taste your food.  So I was asking OP if they stopped going to every takeout joint and fast food place.  Are you following? I never said I tip at those places. I never asked OP why they didn't tip at those places. I asked if they literally dont go to coffee shops or fast food or whatever.


I don’t tip at fast food, and I don’t eat at Subway. But for takeout, I only get it from places I’ve eaten in person before since I don’t like to play Russian roulette with my food!


Why would anyone tip at a bakery where you went to pick up the items? Do you tip when you shop at the grocery store? Of course you would hit "no tip", that's a no brainer. I laugh out loud when places like that have the nerve to add a tip option. Anything that's takeout doesn't get a tip. Period.


Because the POS is set to guilt trip you while the worker stares at your fingers. It works on most, still


Yeah, I don't feel guilty. I'm buying their overpriced stuff, that's enough. If they don't like it, I'm happy to go elsewhere. We all need to be like this. I work hard for the money I have, no one's going to guilt trip me into handing over more just because they want to see what they can get away with.


I’m on your side with this! I’m in a business which on average consists of nearly two hours personalized service, and would never have a tip function. It feels cringe to me when clients come back in with chocolates or coffees. I pay my employees way above minimum wage to do a job. But I’ve seen it too frequently lately where the bear minimum requires a high tip, don’t get me started on Uber Eats


Honestly, you’re right.


For bakeries, coffee places like Tim Hortons, or fast food there is no need to tip. If I have change I want to get rid of then I do tip.


lol what place has 9$ tarts?!


A place I weirdly go to! Lol I mostly go for the croissants though. 


Also don’t forget that all machines are set to calculate tip on AFTER tax amount. A 10% tip after tax, for example, is really 11.3%. So a 15% is really 16.95%. If you want to tip 15%, you should tip 13.3% after tax.


yup, this. 17.7% on the total is 20% on your food & drinks. Not tax. I believe this is why there is an 18% option.


18% is commonly the smallest option in Alberta as well. It's nothing to do with that.


10% before tax


Just look at the mount you're being charged for taxes and round up a little.


15% is not hard to calculate. Just figure out 10% (move the decimal over one place) and add half that and there you go 


I never realized that.. but you're right lol


I memorized certain numbers that equal 15% and go with that!  15% of $10 is 1.50 15% of $5 is 0.75 So if my meal cost $35, I quickly do some head math. Calculate 15% of the 30 dollars first, so 1.50 x 3 = 4.50 Then I can add the 15% for the remaining $5 which is 0.75. So 4.5 + 0.75 = $5.25 tip on a $35 meal.


Or skip the math and just tip zero


How do you calculate 15%?


yup. but way too hard for the average person.


Or just use 10%


I learnt that in school aged 12. Is this not a thing in Canada?


Is what not a thing in Canada?


Learning that 15% is 10% plus the half of 10%. I'm kinda joking. Probably depends on the quality of the teacher.


I’m sure whatever country you grew up in also had people who are bad at math despite going to school 


England. And yes. 100%


You didn't mention the quick method for removing HST and then adding 15% though.


Do you need to do that? The bills I get show the totals before and after tax 


If the place hasn’t even served me, I simply give no tip, play stupid games win stupid prizes 🤷🏻‍♀️


Some places are so sneaky, that I have to go through 5 different screens to give zero tips.


They make it hard on purpose. Bastards.


If I'm being forced to a certain tip or pressured into it, I will opt for no tip.


Subway sandwiches have a tip machine and a tip jar. They get paid at least minimum wage.


Some managers/owners of Subway don't even give the employees the tips. If you ever go into one and notice the employees say to skip the tip, you know why.


Can confirm! I about to tip at subway cause the guy was so nice and he was like “oh don’t bother with that tip we don’t get anything” and I was shocked.


How is that even legal?


Servers in bars/restaurants also make minimum wage. As of 2022, there is no separate minimum for servers It's just that our cost of living sucks


Worker at Subway said they don't see the tips anyways. Probably the owners illegally taking them.


They get what's in the tip jar in cash. The owner gets the debit tips.


I was annoyed the other day when I was at a bar just for drinks and the service was like whatever. But lowest tip option was 18% and I had Uber waiting so just hit that and ran off. It was bugging me later cuz that is way too high of a tip for just pouring drinks. Should have just left couple bucks. Oh well lesson learned. But i did start to tip less in general. 18% default is way too high on also a post-tax amout. My usual tip is 10-13% on post tax.


I went to PAI and the minimum tip was 18%, then 22%, then 25%, WTF? I’m off Pai now. There’s better Thai places. Do people understand how percentages work?


I do takeout only now and never tip for takeout. Even if I dined in, I wouldn't go above 10%. 


I still don’t get where the tip would go if you bought takeout. The cashier? The chef I assume is already accounted for in the price.


Yes I was at. Hair salon that showed tip options starting at 18%. Then, when I selected “other”, it only allowed for a $ amount and by that point I couldn’t even remember my total to do the mental math.


I always have a $10 ready for my usual place, or a $5 in my pocket if I go somewhere where they only spend 15 minutes doing it and tip with that directly to the hairdresser.


This happened to me recently too, at a bar. I think I accidentally tipped $0.15 instead of 15% 😕 and now I’m scared to go back.


I have a short pixie cut as a lady, I go to a walk in salon like Borics, easy to cut I am in and out in 15 minutes. I always wash my hair prior to going. I give a 5 dollar tip on a 21.99 hair cut. If haircut cost more I would up the tip. I usually have at least 5 bucks on me makes it easy.


stop tipping. fight for a living wage instead


Servers don’t want to get paid a “living wage”. They make much much more with the current system in place unfortunately


Servers are paid minimum wage already


Minimum wage isn’t enough for a living wage in most places. In ptbo for instance the living wage for a single person is 20.57 /hr.


Which isn't enough.


That’s too bad. Get another job if you don’t like it. I worked as a server for 4 years starting from 18 and I loved it. They don’t have to stay servers.


Good for you, minimum wage still isn't enough to survive on in this economy regardless of industry.


Yea but tons of other jobs get paid minimum wage and are expected to figure it out so why is it different for servers? I don’t know a single server that’s struggling to make ends meet. They’re all bragging about how many tips they rack in every night and encourage me to find a job as one to make MORE money. The misconception that servers are struggling, at least in Ontario, is utter bullshit.


Because it's for children learning skills before starting a career. You can be invested in the industry of food service and still make significantly more than minimum just need to be worth more than that.


Hit "No tip" -> Restaurants starting raising prices instead of relying on charity to pay their workers -> They realize nobody's coming anymore because people can see the gouging prices for what they really are -> They adjust their business model and they stay afloat if they were worth something in the first place, or they shut down because they've always sucked.


Hard for me to notice, I stopped going out. idk if you've noticed but toronto servers/bartenders live like rockstars lol. it's not at all uncommon for them to get 200-1000 dollars in tips.


I don't know any of them personally, but by the looks of it, I imagined that would be the case for a good number of them working in popular bars. Gives me even more incentive not to tip and pay for their fancy holidays after doing their jobs with 5% brain capacity.


I’m a good tipper. Went out Friday night and the bartender decided to add 15% and hand me the terminal. It really bothered me she just assumed I wasn’t going to tip or notice. So I just left it, 15% is less than I tip. So her loss. It’s a weird time in the industry Edit: some of you really need to calm down and grow up. Like seriously. The service wasn’t bad. Her assuming I wasn’t going to leave a tip says a lot about the state of people going out and her assumption of me being dumb and not noticing. Was it entitled and stupid on her part - yes. Did it financially ruin me - no. It’s really her loss because I tip more. She made an assumption and lost out.


I’m a good tipper but that assumption would have cost her 15% just out of principle.


I didn’t feel like being a bitch about it. Service was fine - no need to have a meltdown before bed over her assumptions.


That's nuts. I'd leave a Google review if that happened to me, even if I had a good night out that ruins it at the end. The tip is your decision, not hers.


It is, she decided it would be less than I’d give. So it’s her loss and stupidity. Leave a google review? For what? Like what will that accomplish aside from being a brat. Service was good and I could have stopped her.


Which bar is this so I can avoid going….


Why avoid? Service wasn’t bad. Just one person making an assumption shouldn’t warrant me posting the establishments name. Some of yall need to calm down over this whole cancel culture thing.


It's also the fact that it's a bartender that could take advantage. They have one job, and just because you're okay with it, doesn't mean that everyone is, especially if a different amount is automatically pressed for someone a little more inebriated. You didn't say how many drinks you had, and I've never had a bartender set my tip for themselves. It's not a normal situation.


I don't tip anywhere anymore but yeah it seems like the auto tip percentages are have a higher floor than they used to.


I've never seen a payment terminal that didn't offer the ability to customize the tip. Maybe on some of them it's just harder to find the option than on others.


I do the math in my head it's really simple: Say your total is $42. 10% of that will be $4.20. Add half of that on top ($2.10) You get 15% = $6.30. I always use the custom tip amount option and round up or down based on how I feel. It's usually 14-17% tip this way which is where I normally land.


If it helps, I calculate 15 percent in my head by taking the first number of the total (5 bucks for 50, for example) and then adding another half of that to the tip. Of course this is a lot harder when you’re drinking lol


Or look at the HST and round it up a tad.


Why does no one just stealth use the calculator on their phone when they're opening Google wallet if they can't math on the fly. It'll be in your hand anyway.


10% is pretty easy in your head, just move the decimal point. Then add half of that amount and you’ve got 15% 10% of 100 is $10. Add +$5 = $15


Many years ago I started the season of ‘No’ where I say no to all in store donations. It toughened me up to press no tip. I laugh the most at Stock Bar. Sometimes I buy a cookie or pastry for my son and at that store after I select no tip it gives me another screen telling me I selected no tip and to confirm this is what I really meant. It warms my heart double tapping that no tip


We used to tip because waiters didn't make minimum wage because they got tips. I don't know why we tip now but I  give 10 percent which is very easy to do the math. 


Plus when I was a server I hustled! I ran my own food, drinks, cleared my own tables.


I went to a bar between Bloor - Bathurst and Bloor- Spadina. It wasn't a busy night and I'd already spent an absolute fortune at a previous gig. I bought a $5 can, which the lady at the bar opened, I paid and didn't tip,, and I went on my way. Next time I went to the bar, she said "if you don't tip I won't serve you".


Did you say "if next time you don't serve me I'll let your manager know"?


lol me and my friends went out dining in and they asked us to give atleast 25% lol. My friend initially gave 15% and the lady called him back and made him pay 10% more. It felt as if we borrowed money from them or so


Leave a bad review, no one should be forced to tip, especially when they already tipped 15%.


No tip for take out. A few bucks for service these days. They get minimum wage. Teacher earn less. Fuck that.


I do some math in my head and give them something that works out to a clean total, i.e. $47.48 I'll tip $2.52. I've become quite harsh about it, too. Some businesses need tips to survive. Most don't.


I used to feel pressured to tip well, and out of wanting to be nice I always tipped 18%, unless the service was really bad. Now I tip 15% no matter how good the service is, 10% if it's bad. Still working up to not tipping if the service is bad, but I am not tipping 18% or higher anymore, ever. The world is too expensive.


Zero is a percentage. Easiest math.


No, but if I lose the percent option the math I'm doing in my head is 10%. I know it's not the server's choice. I've heard in some places servers don't even get those digital tips.


Just start clicking no tip. Problem solved.


Just noticed this on Friday! So awful... I definitely did the math wrong 😭


Easy - If the amount I want to give is not there and there is no spot for me to enter it, they get 0%


Do you think the waitstaff control payment options? Exit: downvotes? Do you all actually think people working the till in hospitality personally decide the tip options for customers? Or do y'all just want an excuse to punish people in the service industry?


They keep that shit up they'll be learning the repetitive lesson that any percent of zero is fuck all. Here, have 20% of I ain't giving you shit.


Just don't tip lol


Yes I've noticed this too, but the joke is on on them because now instead of 12% I use 10% for ease


who is *they*?


Why are we tipping people to do the job they are paid to do? Tipping needs to die.


I try to carry some cash so I don’t tip on the machine.


Carry twonies and fives and leave what you want to.


If you are trying to figure out 15% just tip slightly more than the tax amount


Lmao if there's no custom tip they get nothing


We always tip in cash, pay meal by card. We tip 20 percent usually, and steer clear of more expensive places like The Keg. There should be an option on the debit machine to choose your own percentage of tip, if not skip and tip in cash. That way the tip goes to the server and not management.


Yea if they do that, I'll just round down to 10% because i don't want to spend more of my brain to add another 5%


Also when did everything start at 18%? I was in TO last week for a short trip. Ridiculous.


It depends on the machine. After selecting "other tip," some give you the option to then select percentage or $amount. Others are preprogrammed to one or the other. Been like that for years from what I recall.


Welp , I work at a fast food chain as my summer job and the prices for the items on menu are well within 20-30$ and 95% customers make an order of atleast 25$ for sure but still we get paid minimum wage and again the tip is splited in a way , if team members get 1% , shift leaders get 1.5% and the management is so keen on cutting labour as they get incentives for that the maximum number of people on a shift is 2.


Yup, I've noticed it. I pull out my calculator app every single time


Wad of cash and a roll off toonies. Sorry I have bad credit i don’t have a bank account


Sucks that some places are going cashless


What restaurants are you talking about? I’ve never seen that before


If I have to stand to order at a counter, you're getting 0% tip. Sit down restaurants are getting 15%. Idgaf


Does anyone here tip at cannabis shops? Went into one the other day and it started at 20%


absolutely not lol


I pit zero for takeout and 15% for restaurants. Ask your employer to pay you more and I’ll happily pay more on the menu


Are any of you familiar with tipping out? If not then please take the time to look into it and learn a bit more about the intricacies of tipping in this city. It is much more complicated than you expect and the fact that the comments are so against tipping shows that not everyone takes the time to understand WHY the tipping is higher. Everyone just cares about the fact that it is increasing in the first place.