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This car had all the classic blue and white paint work. These particular Ford model cars have also ostensibly been out of circulation for many years. The car was missing the tricolour light bar on top of the roof.


In Nova Scotia the denture at that killed 20 people? He drove an Ex RCMP patrol car


Yeah that’s my concern as well. They also had some stroke lights going off in the cabin like they’re performing a stop.


Maybe r/whackers ? After what happened in Nova Scotia I hope they are cracking down more on this.


there are actually a few that still in the police fleet and do parking enforcement, there often one parked on st. Patrick st


I've seen the auxiliary volunteer cops driving these cars (who wear the baby blue-colored shirts).


I think they were baby blue shirts. As for the lights, definitely ON and blinking. They were either white and blue or white and red so they’re a hairline on the legal side. Just some punk in his 20s having fun I suspect.


If they were wearing a baby blue uniform shirt then it was definitely an officer from one of the civilian support units. It wasn't somebody impersonating a police officer.


Was it a 90's crown vic or a 2000's crown vic? They made Crown Victoria's until 2012 and they were largely unchanged from the 90's generation. I've seen Toronto police still using them today.


There are still crown vic's in old white with blue stripes livery in service. See a few without light bar but with plate readers from time to time.


I think you're talking about the sweeper... It's a crown vic used by parking enforcement. It has similar markings to that of a regular scout car, including to call 911 but does have parking enforcement on it. From a distance it looks identical to that of a regular scout car and the PEO inside it is in uniform, body armor and baby blue shirt. It doesn't have a light bar but does have 2 ALPR's to scan plates and find stolen vehicles. It's one of, if not the only, crown vic that TPS has in service.


It is legal. What you likely saw was a special constable driving one of their duty vehicles. https://www.instagram.com/p/CXWR_ZGF1G7/


Pretty sure it wasn’t. I’ve seen special constables and their cars are modern. This car was straight up out of a Due South episode.


There are still some Crown Vics in use with TPS. They're rare but they do exist and they are often relegated to support units like special constables, court services, auxiliary and even [parking enforcement](https://policecanada.ca/policeca/on/toronto/tpspke/tpspke011.jpg). There are still some used for scout cars but not many. Whatever you saw, I highly doubt it was somebody impersonating police when there are so many other more likely explanations. It's possible you saw a prop vehicle being used in a movie or tv show. Lots of stuff is filmed here and pretend police cars are quite common.


Prop vehicles have special plates and cant be driven on the road


Only during filming. They still have to have proper plates and insurance because they are sometimes driven to and from filming locations.


I work in film and have only ever had vehicles delivered on a flat bed truck. Otherwise the person who rents it and drove it there has to stick around for 16 hours while we use it.


This guys was nowhere near a film set. They were in a plaza crawling looking for a spot to park.


>This guys was nowhere near a film set. How would you know? >They were in a plaza crawling looking for a spot to park. Maybe he was on break and needed to run an errand away from set. In any case I am sure what you saw was not a police impersonator. But you've already decided that's what you saw so why don't you report it to the police? Believe me when I say that they take it very seriously when somebody impersonates an officer. They will investigate and you can come back here and let us know what they find out.


If it was a picture car being used to film it absolutely would not be driven off set for an errand. Those vehicles aren’t often even driven *to* set but transported on trailers.


Sure they are. Sometimes they're on trailers but not always. I know people in that business and I have seen it with my own eyes. As long as they have proper plates and insurance, it's legal. But never mind all of that because that's still more likely than the probability that the OP saw what they are claiming was a police impersonator. What do you think is more likely? That the OP saw an elaborate fake police car being driven by an impersonator with sinister intent? Or that the OP saw a one of the hundreds of uniformed civilian police employees operating in official marked vehicles that are driving on our city streets every single day and just didn't know what they were looking at?


I’m just saying it’s highly unlikely likely that a car being used on an active film set is running around doing errands.


It's lot more likely that the OP's belief that it was somebody driving around in a fake police car impersonating an officer. Like I said, it was probably just a special constable or some other civilian police employee performing their duties.


I’m not discussing which of these two scenarios is more likely. I’m simply saying that picture cars being used on set would never just run around doing errands - that’s not how that works. So your suggestion of it being part of a film sense is not realistic.


Like one of these? https://www.flickr.com/photos/112704828@N03/17056679466


This one was an older model. Different paint scheme. This is pretty close but missing the 9-1-1 decal on the door / rear corner panel. https://policecanada.ca/policeca/on/toronto/tps31division/tps31division001.jpg The generation update was very subtle but this was the one I saw.


If it looks like a policeman and it's driving a car like a policeman are you sure you didn't see A policeman.


Were the strobes ON and were they blue/red strobes? There's no law against driving a knock off police car. It's when you turn your blue/red strobes on and start impersonating an officer that it causes problems.


I saw this car a few weeks ago on the road. It looks identical to a cop car minus the lights at the top of the vehicle. It was just a normal person driving it. It's like they bought it in an auction as is and the police forgot to remove all of their identifications. I thought my eyes were seeing things. I haven't seen those style of cars in years


What colour was it? If it was clean and well maintained, white or dark blue it was probably a legit cop car. If it was a hooptie it’s just a bozo wannabe.


THe short answer is that you went thru a time portal. It is not a time machine but a momentary blip in which you go back in time for a split second. You returned to a Toronto of mediocre Pizza. Either that or its one of those auxillary cops but we all know the truth.


My understanding is as long as it no longer says police on it and they aren't using red and blue lights on the street, it's OK.


Probably parking enforcement. They still have a handful of crown vic’s they use as street sweepers - ie licence plate scanners. They would be wearing TPS uniforms.


Is legal someone sitting in a car with electronic device to see the speed of other car and give them tickets. Is legal