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Do this in the shower. Have hot water blast your sack for a good 5 minutes or even more. Use shaving cream and a new razor and shave away. Be careful. This works for me every time and the cleanup is easy.


I agree. I'll let them warm up so they kind of hang, then stretch the skin with my left hand while I use the razor in the right. It's makes everything smoother and easier to shave. Just be careful you don't go sideways by accident so you don't have those tiny annoying cuts


On the contrary! Use cold water to make it shrink and be firm so you dont knick the skin, rinse with hot water and clean, then cold water again to close the pores and keep bacteria out.


What we have here is peak Reddit lol


Guys arguing about water temperature for shaving balls




But basically I have to use a razor?


I think they work the best yes, whenever i tried using anything electrical it just tugs the hair! šŸ¤£šŸ˜©




Because it tugs the hair? Haha masochist?


Hot water opens the pores. You want to use hot water before and while shaving to get as much as the follicle sticking out as possible. Then you finish with ice cold water to close the pores, reducing razer burn and ingrown hairs. Barbers have been doing this for centuries.


I know that, i just think its easier to get all parts if im more shrunken that loose if you get my drift! šŸ¤£


Agree, in the shower after a good hot soaking, and take your time, it's a very delicate area.


OP: I use the norelco body trimmer. Does a great job and super safe Anyone have any tips for razor bumps? I always get red ingrown hairs on my bikini line next to my bush either if I use my trimmer or a razor. I try to exfoliate a lot after but still always get them for 3 days and then the hair is back.


After you finish, rinse with cold water, it closes the pores


Exfoliate before, not after. Doing it after will just cause irritation


Ok perfect!! Because I hate how long it takes me to use a non electrical razor. It takes FOREVER


I use a trimmer as well, but not a body trimmer. Just a regular old beard trimmer with adjustable trimmer setting. Works fine. Minimal to no nics. https://www.amazon.com/Trimmer-SUPRENT-Adjustable-Long-Lasting-Charging/dp/B08J7L8ZK6/ref=dp_prsubs_sccl_1/131-3068917-4331820?pd_rd_w=P5tAE&content-id=amzn1.sym.45c827e9-3fa5-4466-98ac-46548a14f051&pf_rd_p=45c827e9-3fa5-4466-98ac-46548a14f051&pf_rd_r=01TP14WKDV5MJXFN94T7&pd_rd_wg=FvICy&pd_rd_r=da1c89ba-db26-45c3-b4b5-88a59dfb0406&pd_rd_i=B08J7L8ZK6&psc=1


If you must shave your balls get a friend to do it for you, it's enjoyable for both


You need to have a friend do it


With tweezer for every single hair


Trim donā€™t shave.


I do it in the bath or shower. Just relax in the hot/warm water, stretch the skin and shave it. Iā€™ve never had an issue cutting myself or anything by accident. Didnā€™t realise it was that complicated lol. However, anywhere else I would trim and not shave it. You do not want an ingrown hair on your ass or on your gooch to develop in to a cyst. That is NOT fun.




Sugar wax. Effective but a little painful and tedious process that makes long lasting smooth silky balls. So silky, you want to eat them.


This. I pay someone to ~~torture me~~ perform this on me. It's unpleasant but worth it. The ingrowns afterwards suck though, damn my hairy Mediterranean genetics.


you want to eat silky shit?


Generally speaking, I would follow the ChatGPT advice another commenter posted if you want a super smooth shave. An electric shaver can work fairly well, and if done correctly won't usually tug or pull on the hair. That said, the shave isn't super smooth, and you have to trim it to a reasonable length first with scissors or an electric trimmer for it to work well and not pull. A bit of a hassle, but the least painful option. Another commenter suggested an epilator. That is essentially mechanical rotating tweezers, and pulls hair out. Lasts much longer than shaving, but can lead to ingrown hairs. It also hurts like hell imo, and if I'm going to pull the hair out I'd rather go with waxing. Finally, if you have the money and want a smooth sack for a long time, there's always laser removal. It's not the most pleasant experience from what I've been told, but it's not horrific, and after getting a few treatments it can last years. The only truly permanent option (per the fda) is electrolysis. It destroys the follicle, but the disadvantage is that it has to be done to each individual hair.


Nah don't shave, it usually creates more problems down the road especially when it's hot. Trimming would be better because you don't risk nicking your balls, you won't risk ingrown hairs and itchy balls, and your sack won't stick to your legs/dick when it gets sweaty as there's still some hair left the keep things apart.


Hi šŸ‘‹, 37 here, been shaving my balls since I was 12, what I do is get the area nice and wet in the shower with hot water, ive found hair conditioner works better than on your face for shaving (or if shaving cream ends up irritating your junk), well at least it has for me it had, get your sack nice and loose, always use a good razor that can get the job done without a lot of going back over, I use one of the gillettes with 5 blades, always gets em squeaky clean lol, just pull your dick and balls to the side and what I do is run it in a straight line up from the bottom of the nuts and get the sides, then the patch above up top, then pull the beanbag up and shave from the back near the taint, then start pulling the skin and clean up the rest of the sack (carefully of course), afterwards a nice lotion or baby oil to keep it soft šŸ˜‹


How long does that take u normally?


Not incredibly long, adds maybe about 5 mins or so in the shower, I usually try to keep it shaved so it's not so much to take care of but if I've let it go for a while I'd say maybe another 5 on top lol


Advice from ChatGPT: Shaving the genital area requires special care to avoid irritation and potential injury. If you're considering shaving your testicles, here are some steps you can follow: 1. Preparation: Start by trimming the hair with scissors or an electric trimmer. This helps to make the shaving process easier and reduces the risk of pulling or tugging. 1. Warm water: Take a warm shower or bath to soften the hair follicles and open up the pores. This will make shaving more comfortable and reduce the chances of irritation. 1. Use a gentle shaving cream or gel: Apply a generous amount of shaving cream or gel specifically designed for sensitive areas. These products provide lubrication, allowing the razor to glide smoothly and protect your skin. 1. Use a clean, sharp razor: It's important to use a new or well-maintained razor to minimize the risk of nicks, cuts, or irritation. Consider using a single-blade razor or a razor designed for sensitive skin. 1. Stretch the skin: Pull the skin taut to create a flat surface for shaving. This helps to prevent accidental cuts and allows for a closer shave. 1. Shave carefully: Start by shaving in the direction of hair growth to reduce the chances of irritation. Take short, gentle strokes, rinsing the razor frequently to remove hair and cream buildup. 1. Rinse and check: After each stroke, rinse the razor under warm water to ensure it's clean and unclogged. This helps maintain its effectiveness. 1. Repeat and adjust: For a closer shave, you can go against the grain (opposite direction of hair growth) after the initial pass. However, this increases the likelihood of irritation, so be cautious. 1. Rinse and pat dry: Once you're finished shaving, rinse the area thoroughly with cool water to remove any remaining shaving cream. Gently pat dry with a clean towelā€”avoid rubbing vigorously. 1. Moisturize: After shaving, apply a gentle, fragrance-free moisturizer or aftershave balm to soothe the skin and reduce the chances of irritation or razor burn. Remember, everyone's skin is different, and what works for one person may not work for another. It's essential to be patient, take your time, and listen to your body. If you experience persistent irritation or discomfort, it's advisable to consult a healthcare professional.


Doesnā€™t ball hair just grow straight out and not in a particular direction? Guess I never looked that closely.


Nair for men. Works wonders and no sharp objects near my nuts.


This. It's unironic that depilatory creams are not approved for use on genitalia because this is the one area they are most helpful. I always use Nair and have no problems.


Iā€™ve used Veet (same as Nair) for years. It works great. You just have to be careful not to leave it on too long.




Whats that?


Machine i think that pulls out the hairs with the sack i believe


Don't shave, trim. https://www.manscaped.com/


Iā€™ve been using my manscaped electric razor for years and only recently got nicked a little, I think cause itā€™s so old, Iā€™m looking to get a new one soon


Use Nair!


Donā€™t use Nair. Itā€™s much too strong.


Get a dab a mix it with water


No Hair Crew for Men. It doesnā€™t burn. So much better.


Never heard of it...will try tho TY


Available on Amazon. Leave it on longer than Nair.


Use an electric razor with a guard to trim it down while still dry. Jump in the shower and wet it with warm water. Use a shaving bar and not foam. A bar applies a gel-like substance that allows you to see more. Pull your balls up tight and shave from the bottom up with a good razor.


Trim long hairs with eyebrow scissors then use an eyebrow razor.


Venus razor. I swear by them. Have for more than a decade.


And in the shower, of course. Just soap up your nuts and carefully shave. Do work slowly and softly around the folds and wrinkles of course. Different directions depend on the area, skin type, and direction the hair goes.


I used to shave line in the bath tub. Then shower so I can rinse the pubes off. It kept my sack loose so I could stretch it and no have any wrinkles.


Philips body groom is pretty good




It is an in the shower job. With a razor going from totally hairy to shaved bald will take a few shaving sessions. Once you get it smooth make it part of your showering routine.


No Hair Crew for Men on Amazon. Better than Nair. https://www.amazon.com/Hair-Intimate-Private-Removal-Cream/dp/B08D67MF73/ref=sr\_1\_3\_sspa?crid=3AUIOU0EJVGXW&keywords=genital+depilatory&qid=1685464454&sprefix=genital+depilitory%2Caps%2C209&sr=8-3-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzSVczWEZQQlQ3V0ZKJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMjczODAzMk5TRDIxRkRaUlgyTCZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwMzMyMTkwMzJKQ1NGTEE2OVE4MSZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU=


Streeeeeeeeeeeeetch that thing out and go to town. You may want to trim first with a electric shaver with the shortest guard on. This will save you from rinsing your razor as much. Also, you can place the razor against your leg/hand/arm and push it forward opposite the cutting direction to clean it to save on water and time and keep it from getting clogged.


Yeah, I use scissors as well and just go short with it. I'm a tactical caveman, there are better ways to do this, I just don't care.


Manscape has a good razor


Trim with scissors or a guarded razor, then get in the shower and lather, stretch to reduce wrinkled surfaces, use a safety razor and be careful. I used to star in some adult films when younger, they demanded that this hairy bear have shaved balks and neatly trimmed pubes. What a total pain, even if it did look good.


Well I don't want completely shaved balls because that's just too time consuming. So I think I'll try with a razor.


Use No Hair Crew - Intimate Hair Removal Cream. Available on Amazon. It is much less severe than Nair and others like it. You leave it on longer. Then take a shower and wash it off. You are not ā€œout of commissionā€ as someone else said. And razors are just awful.


Maybe moisten them first.


What dovu do about having a dry dick? I think I may have been playing with mine too often and now my skin is very dry. My friends recommend lubridurm or cerave to jerk off with


Electric shaver with guard set high


Bro I red scissors and I tingled in a bad way down therešŸ˜©šŸ˜†


Yeah thats everyone's reaction hahaha


I use a combination of hair removal. I have the hair removal cream from No Hair Crew (use thr intimate one and not the body kind.) , and that works pretty well and quickly and doesnt smell like shit like nair or other hair removal creams (please follow instructions on the timing and test areas to know how it will affect you) The other method I have is the body and beard trimmer from Philips, works fairly well but it does snag a bit sometimes but you can trim first and then shave (highly recommend if you are as hairy as you say, and or the timing between shaves is alot) And razors Everybody's favorite debate on how to. Still recommend trimming first. Next partial debate is cream, wet, or dry (which why would you do that? Lol) wet ok, fine. For cream I use the shaving cream from dollar shave Club, it's very soothing and has a pleasant smell. As far as like actually doing it, I pull on the sac to try and make a flat surface for the razor, and going different directions because the hair grows every direction.