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I’ll be alone with you today. Cheers! I have family and friends, but my family differences are too big for me to even bother (I have). My friends are with their families. It’s just a day. I prefer to take that time and reflect on what I DO have going for my life, and that one day I’ll have a family on Christmas that will know they are free of judgement or expectations.


I don't know if I will ever have that family, more likely not to, so there really isnt much to look forward to to be honest


Hey man, I’m single too! Don’t let a day get you down just because it’s December 25th. I know all of our local gay bars here are open for a free potluck and drinks all night for those like us. Maybe look around your area if you’d like not to be by yourself. You are far from alone in this situation.


absolutely nothing is open around me and there are generally speaking no gay bars where I live in the first place


Well. If you want to chat feel free to DM. I’ll be free! (I’m seeing someone, but they’re out of state for the holiday. 😉)


so ur going to cheat?


That last part of the message was my very direct way of saying I’m seeing someone. I don’t know how much more clear I could make it. Of course I’m not.


I think think the winky face could be inferred as something along the lines of “while the partner is away I am free to play.” Not saying that’s what you meant, but my mind briefly went there as well.


That’s fair!


Don't you have Turkish Muslim restaurant communities or places? Go there....if not go to Istanbul:D


Do this, bro. Go for a nice run/walk. Come home, take a hot shower and put on your favorite outfit. You take your fine ass to a movie theater and go watch Godzilla minus one, enjoy that shit while eating too much popcorn. After that movie, take your self to the best Asian restaurant you have nearby and order wayyyyyy too much food. Go home, throw something comfy on and just remember that you’re alive and that self care is truly important and that you don’t need no man… in this moment. 🫂 ❤️


I was going to ask has he never seen _A Christmas Story_? When their meal (and kitchen) was destroyed by the Bumpkiss's bloodhounds, what did they do? And if he hasn't seen it, that's another entertainment he should do.


Upvoted for recommending Godzilla Minus One. What a film!


there is nothing open bro, cinemas are closed and restaurants too and it's minus something outside


Cinemas are closed? Where do you live?


Yambol Bulgaria


Christmas is one of those times of year that enables us to be reflective. You're mentioning feeling alone or the lack of people in your life which is beyond challenging. It is very easy to ruminate during the holidays, theres too much free time to think! It is important to feel your feelings, cry! Let it out! Watch perks of being a wallflower and resonate with Charlie, lay down and cry your eyes out to Taylor Swift, however do not let it sit all too long that it's hard to see the Holidays and life as something lonesome. I often feel lonely as you've mentioned. What I find helps is doing things that: 1) Keep me busy 2) I enjoy 3) I don't need the experience of someone else to like the activity. For instance; reading a great book, dancing around in my living room eating chocolate listening to my favourite playlist, seeing how long I can hold a handstand, baking a cherry pie and singing. etc etc. You get the point. Our feelings come in waves, especially around the holidays. Feel them, reflect on why they're there and try the above. If a friend called you up saying they were lonely you'd be ready to do a fun activity with them! Show up for yourself like that, the world is hard enough, don't be hard on yourself by sitting there with negative thoughts and nothing to do. I hope you're managing as best as you can. Thinking of you. Lots of love bro! 💙


Great advice!


You’re not alone. I started to feel that way yesterday because I have to attend a family event. Now that it’s over I’m so glad to have my “me time”. I’m currently cooking because somehow I didn’t meal prep before dumb me! And I’m flickering through Netflix finding what to watch. Do what you like to do, live in the moment and don’t worry too much about the future or the new year as they could bring unnecessary anxieties about what your future self could be versus now. What you already have now is already good, be yourself be alive and enjoy the now like it’s your last.


Sorry bro merry Christmas! I hope you find some joy today and please never feel alone there are people out there that care for you.


Loneliness sucks but you should at least try to make some friends. If you have no friends you are lonely 365 days a year, not just Christmas. My family lives far away but I am married and we have friends. I done Christmases just my husband and I and I enjoy it. I dont mind friends coming over too as well. If you were a close friend of mine and had no one to spend it with I'd invite you. One of the closest friends I had over the last few years... I got to know her cuz she invited me over for Easter once when I had no one to spend it with one year. Just work on making friends. You cant control the family thing and I know dating sucks but theres always ppl looking for friends


I am in a similar situation. I broke up with bf months ago and didn't find anyone else in the meantime, also no friends (apart from his), my friends live back in my country. So I went to buy groceries on the 23rd and decided to stay indoors until the 27th, when I'll go to work. I have tons of movies and series to watch, also I continue reading a great book I started weeks ago. I have so many things to do I didn't do any cleaning yet. I am feeling a bit sad that I ended up alone this year, however I have plenty of things to do. Doesn't anything make you happy? No hobbies? I'd suggest if nothing at home makes you happy, get dressed, go for a walk even if everything is closed.


I generally try to make myself busy around the home .. get cleanings done... or just start binging a video series... But if you prefer to be out of the house, go volunteer... There's likely a social service agency like food banks that can use an extra pair of hands...


My neighbour and I found out that we are both alone for Christmas so we decided to cook a meal each of our choice and enjoy them together today! And i think i just made a new friend :)


Same situation single no friends to speak of. Slept late today got up made myself some French toast and hot chocolate. Upstairs neighbor is gone so put on some music and cranked the volume while I prepare a nice bourbon spiral ham for dinner and my favorite Sicilian Orange cake . Eat way too much . Doesn’t feel so alone when I stay busy. Just sucks going to bed with no cuddles


Aw dude Yes holidays, time that is usually spent between family can make us feel really lonely For all it matters. I still wish you a merry christmas and send you a warm hug <3


I feel the same way


I hate Christmas, it is most depressing holiday in the year. I am spending day with my mother, and every year I am looking at woman that I love getting older knowing that one day she will leave. Dont know why, but today was specially difficult, as she was very down…I think she was remembering my late father, and also she is getting older and probably getting aware of that. on top of that, my brother spent a day with his girlfriend and her family, so it was even more difficult. We had a nice lunch, spent a day together, but there was such a sadness in the room, that I needed to go several times in other room to cry. And I shouldn't….everything is OK, she is still in good health, I am very well settled in terms of career and wealth, but I cant overcome thinking what will happen in few years when I stay alone, and how I will come to this house and none will be here. And all that fueled with this crazy imagery coming from any type of media where everybody is happy, where all families are together, where love is flowing in unlimited flows. And then I look at here, and my heart breaks. I look at myself and get overflowed with sadness and loneliness. I wrote bunch of stuff here….I guess I hate Christmas, and I always had. I think when my mum will not be with me anymore, I will always travel for Christmas to countries where is not such a big deal, at least not in form as it is in US or Europe. Such a difficult day.




Thanks, and thanks for DM offer, very kind of you. Today, I just want this fake emotions supercharged holiday to be over and that we go back to our normal and good lives. I dont remember when was last time I felt this bad as today. Crazy, and I dont get easily down.


Here’s how I see it. I have been alone on every major holiday much of my adult life. I enjoy it Having said that there are years I felt like you do right now. In those years I learned planning ahead is a godsend. We know the day is coming and we plan ahead. Sometimes way ahead. Travel, movies, hobbies, volunteer to serve at a homeless shelter. Be a big brother. Just don’t let the day sneak up on you.


Do you not have any hobbies? Take this time to start a new game, a new show, a new book, plan a trip, or do literally anything. I get it, it sucks. I still have some family that I spend the holidays with, but no friends or relationship. However, I use this time to partake in my hobbies stress-free.


I always feel refreshed when the holiday season is over. It can be tough before then, but it's only a waiting game. I'm rarely depressed around the holidays, though.


I understand how you feel. One Christmas I decided to travel to a well known tourist area. I got there on the 23rd. I was very lonely on the night of the 24th. On the 25th I went to the busy tourist spots. It was less lonely.


Experiencing this a bit myself. I’m divorced. Fortunately my ex and I are on good terms so we do holidays together for our two boys. Spent the morning with my kids but now I’m in my house, watching football alone. Horny and no one around.


Christmas is typically my least favorite holiday.


I’ve been having some spine issues so staying at my sons it’s been the best Christmas I’ve had in 15 years. After my back is fixed hoping to find someone and start another family


It’s just another day. You don’t have to make a big deal out of holidays just enjoy your time alone and with yourself. Watch a movie, start a new show, read, go out and fish or hike. You have the power to control how you feel today.


I was jus crying from my hotel window watching the sunset.. it gets easier with time, and finding your chosen family. That doesn't mean it wont sting sometimes 😪😔💔.. sending prayers & Merry Christmas 🩷


When I was childless and single, I would find work for myself during the holidays. Either helping out at a local restaurant or an opportunity to volunteer at a food pantry. I was always fine being alone any other day, but it was justified as a choice I was making. When it felt like the choice was taken away, the loneliness hit even harder. So, I had to do something about it and get myself out of the house. It certainly helped me with the crushing depression that always came with the winter holidays.


Definitely a tough time a year. I’ve made it a point to do things on this day to celebrate in my own way and make myself happy. I cooked myself a nice meal and have been binging my favorite shows. I know it’s difficult, but it’s important to create ways to get through these days in the best way possible.


Lost count how many Xmas I've been alone, you'll get used to it