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I’m convinced almost every guy does this


Fun dangly thingy that feels good to touch? Even non sexually? Yes please lol


Yours dangles? Look at Mr. Footlong over here....


Ew but God loves you


Afaik women do it with their boobs too, humans just like to squeeze soft things I think


“I could never be a woman because I’d just stay at home and play with my breasts all day.” -Steve Martin, *L.A. Story*


Yep, almost every time I’m in bed watching a romantic movie.


I do this ALL THE TIME when I’m at home. I have my hand on my dick like every time I sit in the sofa and relax. It’s not sexual, more a feeling of security and comfort.


My hand is on my dick as I write this.


Both of my hands are on my dick as I write this. They're holding it steady so I can type with it.


Oh bro I’m sitting here with my hands behind my head and guess who’s typing this .


Pics or it didn’t happen.




So where do you want me to send the pictures?


PM’s are welcomed!


Me too




Same here....😊


Security cock


Same. I just stopped touching mine to type


I have a habit of playing with the ridge of the head. I love the feel of it.


Yea I do. Sometimes I’ll just touch it for no reason. 🤷🏻‍♂️ nah, I don’t stop to wash hands. I had to stop wearing overalls to work cause the access is too easy 😂


I do have a bad habit of kinda just resting my hand on the bulge or sticking my hands down my pants for the warmth


Pretty accurate




That’s not a bad habit. It’s the warmest place.


Yes. Starts casually but I frequently pop a bone and bust it.


Who doesn't


Who wouldn’t! I love caressing my man parts.


Yeah and I think I probably do it more than I realize. No I don't wash my hand. Definitely not just a gay thing either, my brothers used to live with a couple of their friends and sometimes I'd walk in the front door and see at least two of them with their hands in their pants, just watching tv or looking at their phones. Not a sexual/jerking off thing at all.


If you’re old enough there was a sitcom on in the 80s/90s called Married with children. The dad had his hand in his pants all the time.


I remember that


But was he holding his dick or cupping his balls?


Absolutely ... especially in the Winter because it keeps my hands warm 🎄💟


I usually play with my sack and I don’t wash my hands.


At home, especially when wearing my pajamas with no underwear underneath, I adjust myself a lot. I like gently stretching and tugging on my cock, and playing with my balls. Also, if my husband plays with my balls, I cum really hard.


All the time. Touch, itch, scratch, you name it. I don't wash them. I kinda like the smell of my dick and balls on my hand




Plus shaking guys hands with your cock covered hand is a total power move


Not when you know they are doing the same




I mostly just stick my hands down my SOs pants.....




Significant other


100%. I'll sit to watch TV and randomly reach down my pants just to hold my cock and balls. Sometimes I'll smell my hand because I love the musk smell of my balls.


That's part of being a man. I bet any woman would do the same if they had one


Apparently some of them do


Plus I've had girlfriends who play with mine. After sex they wiggle it around and stuff. So it's obviously better than any fidget spinner.


All the time. If I’ve had my hands down my pants, I usually just sniff and move on. Don’t wash them.


Sometimes I just grab it like one of those 90’s-2000’s squeeze tubes. It’s nice to have


Ya, I like to cup my balls and tug on my foreskin. I wash my hands at some point but not like, in between tugs or anything.


This happens frequently and yes I wash my hands


All the time When I’m alone at home, Especially after a shower. Not so much when I go out. Just when I know imma me home all day.


All the time, usually when i'm reading 😅


All the time. I’m naked at home during the day most days.


It’s just comfortable to have my balls in a warm basket


Isn't this just a general "man" thing?


Since age fuckin 6 man! I can even remember my dad telling me to stop and that “it’s not gonna fall off”. Lmao


Who doesn't? I also do that to my bf :3


Washing depends on how intensely I’m touching myself and if I already took a shower that day. I got a pretty clean dick on the average day if I say so myself.


How can you resist touching something so fun to play with?


I do it all the time horny or not


Constantly lol


I deny both the allegations and the allegator! I do it all the time. I don't wash my hands immediately since I wash my hands prior to cooking, eating, and after every trip to the bathroom.




Are you a woman? Why is this a question.


Yes I think we all do it or least the majority of us and if I showered and it’s been like 2/3 hours since then no I don’t wash UNLESS I am going out or going to eat , my dick is clean still


I was literally touching it while I came across this post. But my hands wasn’t down my pants just on top of it


Literally doing it as I stumbled upon this. It's winter, I hate my dick being cold and I used to play football so I tend to touch my dick to warm it up more.


What part does football play in that?


Well football season is usually autumn to the beginning of winter. Especially toward the tail end of a season you'll see guys with their hands down their pants to keep their fingers warm while they wait to play since the crotch is the warmest region.


I’d never noticed that. 😂 Thanks!


It’s funny because I never noticed that I did this until I noticed my ex doing it (we were together and lived together at the time and very happy/comfortable around each other’s presence) while he was chilling on the couch, then I caught myself doing it and realized that I do it all the time too. 😆 This is why I need to live alone or only with my partner though, because I literally do this all the time, without conscious recognition of it.


Always. It feels instinctual. My dick is cleaner than most anything else so I don’t wash after handling.


At my work from home job, I'm literally in boxers and socks (chronic cold feet) all day. Personal desktop pc next to my work setup, so I feel myself up through my underwear in between calls on occasion. I'll wait until lunch to haul it out and jerk/play with it.


Sounds like you have a good situation going


This is a great thread. I constantly sit around with my hand on my dick in a totally non sexual way, it just feels good. I just thought I was a life long pervert. I suppose the real answer is that we're all life long perverts ....


Yeah I love holding on to my dick. And no I don’t wash my hands after, I promise it’s cleaner than most.


Definitely used to. As I have gotten older and gained weight, it isn't as easy to just touch. I definitely have to go on a journey to look for it first and this definitely has curtailed casual dick touching.




I do it mostly when I’m on my own. My roommate however doesn’t give a fuck and will casually plunge his hand deep down there and touch himself on the couch.


I use my balls as a heat source sometimes


All the time. When I'm laying on the couch watching TV, without thinking I'll slide my hand down the front of my pants and just lay it half on half off my dick. When I'm driving, I'm steering with my left hand and my right hand is just laying between my legs. It isn't sexual. I'm not trying to turn myself on. I don't even think about it when I do, it just happens.


Every guy does this, I also just have my dick out for no reason, feels good




I love to play with my foreskin tip through my pants pocket.


this is the hottest thing i’ll read today.


When I’m on Zoom meetings my softie is a fidget thingy


I adjust a lot, partly because I don't want my saggy balls too close to the part of my shorts I just farted in lol. To quote the Offspring -- gotta keep me separated


I do it when I'm extremely bored in my bedroom. Sometimes I pull back the foreskin as long as I can until I notice it.


As a circumcised lad I’m curious, how do you notice it? Is it a drying out kinda feeling, or a constriction behind the ridge of the helmet kinda feeling, or what?


All the time when I’m wearing sweatpants.


Constantly. Once I was FaceTiming with my parents and caught myself doing it, and yes this was completely non-sexual of course. Just absent minded. Hope they didn’t notice! 😝


Built-in stress balls


Of course, all the time


Yes. I think all men do this. It’s just comforting and feels good


Yeah ofc hahah need to check if its there😂


All the time , I got big nuts so I usually just dangles them like chi meditation balls , or just basically swing e around when the hang of the chair When I stop I think about washing my hands but sometime I think that my ball are prob cleaner than my hands since the be touching less stuff . Unless they are sweaty


It's a comfortable spot.


I do that. Sometimes wipe precum off it. Don't wash my hands since I m usually at home or work when do it.


Yes I do. No I don’t wash my hands.


i dont do this... i dont feel the need.




That is the stupidest fucking thing I’ve ever read in my entire life


Ask Al Bundy


If im at home on the couch my hand is cradling my balls. Lol no, i do not wash my hands, nor do I wash my hands when i go pee. If your dick is so dirty that you have to wash your hands after, you have bigger problems that handwashing is not going to fix. I wash after hoing #2 a d beflre I eat. I rarely get sick.


I do. I just use hand sanitizer 🤣


Yes always hand sanitizer after


I do by accident or if food falls on my shorts


Nope. Maybe when i was younger but i dont touch it randomly.


And this is why I don’t do handshakes, avoid touching public doorknobs at all costs, stringers, elevator buttons etc.


I never wash my hands after touching my dick, even if I've held it while taking a piss, or even if I've splashed piss on it. This is especially true if I'm on a public place like a restaurant. The reason being that I know my dick is a million times cleaner than the taps, hand basin, paper dispenser and toilet doors (which I only bump open with my elbows). I also like to play around with my foreskin and get piss on my fingers and then go into a business meeting and shake hands enthusiastically with anyone I can grab a hold of. Nobody has ever died from it. Actually, I can confirm that it's safe and non toxic because I've licked my fingers after having a bit of a play and never got so much as a strep throat. My breath smells fresh too - my office colleagues seem to like to stand closer to me when they're talking to me. I can see them getting lost in my bright blue eyes, then drown in my bright white smile and moist, cherry red lips, especially if I flick a bit of pink tongue out. I do always wash my hands thoroughly if I've had a sit down affair ( taking a dump). There's a gay guy in my office that thinks I don't notice that he goes into the toilet cubicle as soon as I leave it. I'm considering whether I should leave a nice big solid log in there for him, unflushed. What do you guys think?


Absolutely right! I have a very firm and honest idea of how clean my hands and my dick are and I know when I even know when it’s necessary to wash my hands.


Lmao, nice troll man Had me for a second




Most men reach down after surgery to see how their cock is. You tell all your boys to wash their hands 10x/day


If I do I'll get hard and end up playing more than touching so usually I don't haha. I get annoyed at my husband for doing it. IDK why but I just notice it all the time. I do however just adjust myself within my undies anytime it needs it. EDIT: PLUS, anytime I'm just at home my dog or cat is laying on me demanding attention so I don't have any free hands.


Lick it clean like a man


Yeah I used to do that a lot more, especially when no one's staying with me and as for hand washing, that's preferable but touching it thru light shorts makes it unnecessary plus if it's a mindless reflex you're not exactly preparing to do it.


Lmao I just did this. Not sure why I do it.


Yeah, just like scratching your balls too.


All the time. I pretty much freeball all the time so my hands are always down my pants lol. For some reason I notice it more after I trim my pubes


One of my friends in high school used to touch his dick when he slept. He put his hand under his pants and sleep.


At home, alone, sure, occasionally I’ll hold my balls. Its comforting, like giving yourself a supportive affectionate hug. If anybody ever saw I’d be super fucking embarrassed tho. I don’t know how guys who just casually grab their junk in public do it.


I do it all the time. I like how its very very mildly sexual, but how comforting and dopamine inducing it is. I can tell when my friends were just touching their dicks because their rooms just smell like dick or theres random pubes on their clothes or right next to them


I do but I get horny right away🫣🥵


Every guy touches his dick many times each day, it’s perfectly normal


I do when I’m alone. If I’m going at it for a while I do think to wash my hands, yes.


All the time. Not like it'll get hard without arousal.


I just like to see if it’s still there


All the time


When I go to sleep I hold my cock in my right hand and I cup my balls with my left hand.


I touch my cock and ball all the time. I don’t wash my hands after touching myself. To quote George Carlin.” I don’t always wash my hands after going to the bathroom. I only wash them when I shit on them. It happens a few times a week maybe more during the holidays you know what I mean.” It’s a comfort thing As AC/DC says it’s my belief that my big balls should held every night. Until I find that special someone I have to do the job lolz


Always. Especially in the car, but that's out of necessity, to keep things from dropping down between my legs and crushing my balls. Of course I wear a kilt, so easy access anytime anywhere.


I do it all the time horny or not lol


who doesn't?


Anyways. Just because


All the time lol


All the time


Yeah same! Sometimes o just randomly touch it and I have no idea why


guys, women do this too with their tits. so don’t worry, we’re fine. just resting there for warmth and comfort


Always. Love it.


There’s nothing causal about the relationship between me and my dick.


My grandma observed me doing this since I was 4. She thought it was sexual but it isn’t.


I do this all the time. Especially when just lying in bed awake


I just like to scratch myself idly down there.


OMG i never do it… scared of the comments :D


I think it's a nervous habit.


I thought it was only me lol. Like I had a freudian obsession or something. I do wash my hands, but you know. Like before interacting with the outside world


God loves you


the smell determines whether I should wash my hands


Oh yeah. I figured most guys do this


I do this all the time! Get hard and stroke a bit but I don’t always nut. If I don’t nut, I hardly ever wash my hands.


Of course I touch my dick all the time. I don't mean touch it directly like pull it out of underwear. But when I am reading something I touch my crotch. Sometimes I squeeze the shaft though clothing when I am hard.


ill do it non sexually and sexually either to jerk off or to just cure my boredom and hold something in my hand, it feels reaaaaly good in my hand as well