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I think the obvious answer is that men are easier. However, I actually feel like a lot of guys on apps and NSFW twitter and stuff who identify as bi are way more into men than they are into women.


That's because men are easier for sex, but women are easier for LTR, so bi men that are more into women than men are most probably already in a LTR.


Hey there, it‘s me - identifying as gay… bicurious I couldn‘t imagine myself being in a relationship with a woman ever, but I find them attractive from time to time (however I would prefer men over women 95% of times and I‘m also in a gay relationship)


Bi and definitely agree. There are a lot of women I find attractive. But I would never want to be in a relationship with them. Dating a man, not always, but in general is more chill and fun. And I bond with men better than women.


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You guys don't make them work for it and then are somehow surprised when they don't work for it lol.


Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?


I don't give myself easily, I'm very selective and have small circles of people and trust. It's just that even with the premise you've given, these people won't ever take a gay relationship seriously as much as a straight one. Maybe because gay people are just a sexual fulfillment for them, while girls are the real deal... :(


It doesn’t matter if you don’t, 10 other guys will. It’s about how easy it is to have gay sex in general. 


Cuz men are easier.


I can’t see how there’s any other answer than this. I mean some of us literally put our lives in anon stranger’s hands by blindfolding ourselves, sticking our bare asses up in the air, and leaving our front door unlocked for them to come in and fuck us. How hard do they possibly think they need to try.


Cuz maybe they want girls because it's the opposite of what they are while men are instead what they are and bore them?


lol mmmkay. Then no one would be gay 🤷🏻‍♂️


I'm referring to bisexual men


I said what I said. Logic still applies.


For women, it's both cultural, biological, societal and viral. To generalise, women in general are more emotional than men and history has a long list of activities to be the provider, now coming to current age, men are still seen to do the heavy lifting when courting a woman. This changes the behaviour of men to be more nicer, courteous, be more attentative to the woman's emotional side for him to reach his goal. This could be dinner, sweet talking and try get in their good books. With men, we are more logical and upfront. We tend to not be emotional and we tend to skip alot of emotional queues to get to the goal. It also helps that men know what men want in a passive way, we don't need to BS each other. In saying that, I've had my fair share of bi and straight guys speaking to me and I can tell you their mannerisms is totally different than your average gay man speaking to me. Bi and straight guys tend to sweet talk first and have a decent conversation before we get into the sexual stuff because that's what they're used to with women.


Not gonna lie, but as a gay man, the thought of a bi man sweet-talking me and having great conversation sounds hot AF. Back when I was single, I, as a gay man, though the lack of conversations, or superficial AF conversations when being flirted with for hook ups was banal and exhausting.


I agree, it's refreshing to actually have a decent conversation but only to realise that they are just playing a game to get their dick wet. I like speaking to bi or straight men but at the same time, cut to the chase on what they want.


The problem is they never mean it. Most bi men are way too homophobic and influenced by society to actually have meaningful relationships with men. They’ll sweet talk you until you let them put their dick in you then go right back to dating women.


Gay men are no different nor is straight men.


Gay men will not, because they don’t like or want to date women. Gay men date other men. That’s the point.


I'm talking about sweet talking using you and them move on to the next one.


Probably because men are easier than women. I, bi, could download Grindr and get a fuck in an hours time. Women, generally, are not as easy and therefore one has to try harder. Saying that I met my husband at 16. Together 14 years (2 year break whilst I was in the army). Married for 6 years. 32 now. And I won't be downloading Grindr because I'm happily monogamous.


Because most men are so easily DTF. 🫤


Not true. As a Bi man when I came out gay men only wanted sex and I wanted a relationship. But after dating 2 women, I found my attractions were only to men so I've been gay since. The bi men I know are so varied it's impossible to make generalizations. Some are in relationships with women, some with men, some with bi men, some gay men, some bi women, some straight women. There is enormous variation.


hey, not wanting to disagree with you or anything, but statistically speaking, most bi guys are in fact hetero romantic, or at least in a LTR with women. There's data available to this, it isn't very hard to find and most of this data is provided by several institutions in the bisexual community. We can debate why this happens all we want, but you're in the minority in your own community, and so is homo romantic Bi guys in general


I would consider myself a gay biromantic man, but I am mostly attracted to men and in particular masculine ones. And yeah I feel you when you say that most men look only for sex, Idk for what reason


If we only knew the answer to that one. Carry on brother!


Whats gay biromantic? You mean you’re just bisexual?


In this context gay is the sexual attraction and biromantic is the romantic attraction


That’s still bisexual


It isn't you don't need to have sex in romance


Let's be honest, most gays are easy and just wanna have sex. That's nothing as new as bread in a can.


Men are horndogs and we get along better. Women have entirely different rules and expectations. It's like meeting someone who speaks the same language, versus someone who speaks a different language and you have to translate what they mean, and some things get lost in translation.


men are horny all the time, and know better how to satisfy other men


Most of the human population sounds like a void shell. Only few are enlighted by the gift of personality and selection.


You'd better think about notorious bisexual double standard for men and women.


So are they real?


You've got to be kidding? or in denial. 63% of women said they wouldn't date a bi man. If 63% of white women said they wouldn't date a Black man or Asian man, it would be labeled as racist immediately. This is homophobia. Whether they are brainwashed by porn standards or afraid to compete with men for other men. In porn female bisexuality is everywhere. Why do so few bisexual male porn videos?


As a fully proud gay .- I lost faith and lost complete tries with them I do thing bi men are more then valid sexually and romantically and it’s their right to like whoever or spoil whomever they want . But I can’t give my body or date them anymore when it comes to me simply . I’m tired and done. . After being breadcrumbed so much . And going through an illness and surviving it etc you know life is way more precious than that right and it is Jesus . So I let go completely. 5 years ago when I healed from something that could’ve taken my full sight from me . I saved an eye lost one and lost faith in some men with it too .. sadly but also in a good way I taught me how to appreciate life and who I am , cherish my talent my music I’m a pianist , and meteorologist so it made me realise my life my importance when I saw how my family loved me as a gay and when I got sick and when I healed they were crying happiness and joy they were so relieved and I’m still 28 . You can also make it out alive and turn your sorrow into a strength like I did . Hey if men treated you like a sex you like a butt to fuck only ? If they want to date women on the side or left you for a woman or whatever don’t even get mad at them just drop them and act it out it hurts I know I know but that’s life . I thought men were gayer before … Now at 28 I’m realizing we are indeed not up to 2% in each country fully gay men . Yes it is sad but once you accept this reality .. it’ll set you free . I feel nothing now when I see my ex he tried so hard to get me back even left several women and men for me .. I’m literally a rock with him no emotions just cordial and that’s it . He’s dying inside but I’m moving on happy I’m not sick anymore happy I still look good and a pretty boy and I’m going on cruises gay cruises with my gays and sometimes my family and cousins my girlies the allies are always there for me . My cats , my money my car my job . I mean what can I ask for me ? I saw kids in caskets when I was still in treatment tumours etc … I saw mothers crying screaming at doctors to make miracles for their babies . When you see these things … when you’re only 22 you know what ? A man ? A damn man ? You think a man would stop you from living ? God wanted me to survive this thing mom cried but she also cried tears of joy seeing me still alive and free form that shiiit illness . I hate its name even .. look at me now . May god bless y’all with abundant happiness and joy and especially good health . The rest are things of life and you make them they don’t make you . You make yourself happy not the man . Also I learned that these men are tired too mentally drained hence why they suffer with internalized homophobia and marry women or put women on a pedestal also … women are gayer something else that I learned lately . Here are the big shocking truths I learned throughout my illness and time as well . 1- Men are not as gay as I thought . Younger id call any homophobes a gay in denial not even bi completely gay … when in reality at most they maybe not straight but just curious not even gay to begin with 2 - indeed women have more attraction for each other and are more comfortable showing it and would even marry another woman even she prefers men by far . Good for them gay sisters 3- yes we usually thought many guys were into us … not really had you asked them out they would’ve lashed out at you even physically nearly killing you . I still remember when my gay bestie tried telling his old friend who’s hot of 12 years they grew up together .. he had a crush on him 12 years later the beat friend who’s supposedly bi but more hetero leaning slapped him so hard my friend had to have head scan . The bi guy did say sorry 10 times at least but my bestie didn’t accept his apologies good for him . It was traumatising I guess he still is traumatised by thay guy . 4- sometimes we judge too much as gays . Whenever we sense some fruitiness in a man coupled with a woman we assume he’s cheating on her with guys … I used to be that judgemental gay twink until I learned the hard way by a bi coworker def a bit fruity but bi and married he had 5 kids and is a hardworking father with his wife . And did all chores and even masculine stuff more than some straight acting dudes . Just saying . 5- we think all men are into us or asses or whatever you want . If all these men were closeted trust and believe at some point they would have come back and married us gays but no numbers don’t lie .96% of bi people are either in the closet or even out married to women . The 4 % you see are the miracle cases of some bi men who happen to be into men more . Sexually especially . 6- in other words go check vids on YouTube it’ll make you tears up social experiences around the whole world even opened minded countries … you’ll see women picking up other women in a second !!! Men !!!! … the poor guy doing the experiment got beaten , insulted jumped all of the above till the point I cried and stopped the video . 7- yea it’s sad but at least knowing this gives me solace guys . 8 - don’t hate on bi guys necessarily, they’re not the problem either we live in a straight heteronormative world … they want what they want and it’s not us who they want . So when I see no love on the table I leave . 9 - it’s been 5 years now since I healed I do talk to other gay men of course . Now recently gotten back not officially but soon with an ex gay bf who was there for me through the whole medical process he likes me physically a lot and likes my personality too and knows my family I know his too . And yes it’s not bad but yeah healing from that men trauma I got Jesus that was hard !!!! My advice to you my beautiful gays let them go if they don’t want you it’s fine . Being alone won’t hurt you . And also it’s their loss don’t worry . But now I know at least that if they like that much women … that must mean bisexuality and bisexual men are really valid and as real as us gays . And now I have a better understanding of that . And now I can tell why I can’t date them at all as iam gay and different from them . But I can accept their friendship . My ex bi best friend reconnected with me 5 years ago after the surgery and now he felt guilt somehow .. but he really made it out he’s been there for every second cried every tear till I won the battle . I don’t know if still likes me or not , don’t know about his dating life he wants to talk about it i don’t ask him but I let him back into my life as a friend and a medical field person he’s a doctor and helps me with my eye . I have never had a male friend take care of me like his own little brother or child . So sex or relationship ? Men ? I really stopped looking for it a while ago they come naturally .


Because very very few bi men have a 50/50 attraction to both men and women. Most bi men are heteroromantic. Their romantic orientation is to women. They're just not inclined to have romantic feelings for men, period. With men, all they want is incidental sex every now and then. It's not cultural. It's where heteroromantic men fall on the bisexual spectrum. It's got nothing to do with women being the "easier" and more socially acceptable route. It's got nothing to do with you. It's them. If you're thinking romance or relationship with this type of bisexual man, you might as well be trying to date a straight man. There is an opposite. The homoromantic bisexual man is only into men romantically. They're not interested in having a wife or girlfriend. When they imagine waking up next to a partner, they imagine that person being a man. Women, to them, are good for occasional sex play, maybe a fwb, but that's it. Of course, the latter, are much less visible. That's because they blend in as "gay" and usually don't get to play with women because most women won't have sex with someone who doesn't have relationship potential. But if given the chance to have fun with a girl every once in a while, they certainly would. Especially if they're in between boyfriends. These are the type of bi men you should be looking for.


Acting like this is some inherent part of their sexuality is silly. All bisexual men are fully capable of having romantic feelings for both men and women. They just prefer women because of societal expectations and their own internalized homophobia.


The bisexual community's internal labels did not appear out of nowhere. Bisexuality is a huge spectrum and romantic, sexual, and aesthetic attractions do not always line up neatly like they do with gay and straight people. So respectfully, you are highly incorrect on so many levels. Bisexuality is the potential for attraction to people of either gender, not necessarily at the same time, not necessarily in the same way, and not necessarily to the same degree.


So it’s just a funny coincidence that the vast majority of bisexual men are “heteroromantic” which just so happens to line up with homophobia and societal expectations that men date women? I doubt that.


Actually it lines up with the fact that the vast majority of humans are heterosexual. So it would be logical that the majority of bisexuals prefer the opposite gender.


Then they’re basically straight. Functionally there’s no difference between a “heteroromantic” bisexual man and a straight guy who likes a blowie from a dude once in awhile.


There's no such thing as "basically straight" or "mostly straight." Bisexual means you prefer men or you prefer women or you have no preference. Straight means you can not be aroused by men in any way. Gay means you can not be aroused by women in any way.


A bisexual man who claims he is not capable of romantic attraction to men faces ver little stigma or discrimination. Nobody is trying to take away his right to marry who he loves, his family and friends will not reject him because of the sex of his partner, etc. Socially it is the same as being a straight man.


He still bisexual regardless


Technically yes but in terms of life experience he has the life of a straight man.


Well, yes, until he tells his wife/girlfriend/female life partner that he occasionally fantasizes about men and wants to try a three-way with a man sometime. That kind of has a way of changing that whole "socially the same as a straight man" thing. Face it, you're looking at bisexuality from the point of view of someone who is not bisexual. And that's a distorted view.


Good explanation. I'm bi and agree.


You are right but I refuse both of them … actually if anything I’d be terrified to learn that a man I thought was gay or presented himself gay to me then tell me he would fuck women on the side but officially date me oh Jesus I would leave him in a second like really dry leave him not even the joke . You are right in what you said tho they be like that two types . True But the second type are like shapeshifters or something they scare me af . Like practically you see him gay and stuff you’re happy that’s my man that’s all then hear of he opens the relationship he’d do it with some girls . Imagine he’d knock a woman off absolutely not . That’s why I plain refuse to date bi guys I all friend zoned them one by one . That’s happened to me with that homoromantic one and he was Into men more sexually too .. what’s crazy … yes anyway I don’t hate them as people they can live as free as they want . But without me✌️peace


Yet if a gay men does it to you you be here crying 🤔


absolutely both shouldn’t be cheating straight or gay


because men are bros who get each other. with women, for every 10 good things you do for them, one mistake can deduct all that.


Yet the vast majority of bi men only want to date women and won’t give gay men the time of day except when they want to fuck. So explain that 🤔


because women wont give them sex without dating.


As a bi guy, most gay men fetishize me because I'm bi and most women are turned off because I am bi. So I have to work hard when I am interested in a woman versus when I am interested in a guy. Note: This has just been my experience, and I have dated more men than women over the years.


and nobody says about this notorious double standard in the LGBTQ community


Men are easier, they don't make a challenge for bi men. And personally, I wouldn't give a bi guy any chance whatsoever


I treat women the same way I do men. I’m leget 50/50 when it comes to attrection to both sexes, so I’m not gonna out of my way to treat women in any other way as opposed to men.


Just do yourself a favor and erase bi men from your possibilities


Yeah, maybe it's for the best


Agreed. Not worth the trouble.


Period that’s what most of us gays do instead of hating them . We should just reject them politely and leave .. keep it moving even if you had to stay lonely


i dont know a lot of bi men so my references point is myself while it is somewhat and arguably true that men are easier for me personally is not necessarily true? i tend to try harder with men because its harder for them to take interest in romantical relationship (doesn't meant i dont try hard with women okay) this is also the reason why i have never dated men till now, when i get close to someone they sometimes get overly sexual and it just turns me down, not because i dont enjoy intimate stuff but its all to it in a relationship


I'm bi and it really depends on the guy. But the main reason is that it's always been like this. Women have always been spoiled more than men, be it with flowers, gifts or other gestures like holding the door open. Men, on the other hand, don't "want" it or feel uncomfortable when they experience it. Many here will say they like to be treated like that, but generally it's always the case that it's demanded of men and you as a man somehow don't "need" it.


Bisexual dude here who only dates men, as I’m only interested in men romantically. Have a husband. Not my experience, obviously.


Men are easier so stop being easy


Gay men are easier, and you cant bear their future children, and have a normal non political life. Women are likely to settle in, because of kids , and work with you long term.


Do they ? Or you're projecting on them, what if bis are with you and tell they are gay cus they know you will talk shit about them


I’m bisexual and in my experience, this generally isn’t the case. If I like someone, I like someone. It’s not about gender. Chasing sex is a bit different, as men are easier to bone (which is a major plus). There’s a lot of social expectation around women in my experience that demonizes the idea of women having casual sex which creates an ideal that sex shouldn’t be easy and fun and needs to be earned. Typically this means we need to work harder for chicks, which is very stupid because if you wanna slam, you wanna slam. Shouldn’t be so difficult. Don’t be afraid of us, we’re great and honestly, Bisexual guys in my experience tend to be way more open-minded than gay men.


In my experience bisexual men tend to be open minded when it comes to casual sex with men but not when it comes to romance. Most bi men I’ve interacted with are the “no kissing but I’ll fuck you” type who explicitly state they only date women.


maybe you’re fetishizing us and only hooking up with the more DL or Discreet group? (Not trying to be offensive) but there’s plenty of bisexual men that are interested in something romantic. I think it’s a stereotype that we’re all DL straight guys.


You sound annoying


You’re so wrong though. I’m bi and I prefer men for a relationship and women for sex. While guys are easy for sex, they are harder to be serious with compared to women. It’s why I feel cursed and I’ve had a hard time accepting that if I want something real and serious, that I’ll be stuck with a woman for the rest of my life…


Imagine being with a man who wants to only date men cute okay me as a gay I hear my husband telling me he dates gay guys only but prefer sex with women … you’re out my door in a second I’m telling you no explanations no nothing you’ll be dead to me . End of the discussion


To each their own buddy. Haters gonna hate me for who I am and what I am into.


I may love you with all my being but the fact that you like still fucking women would slowly destroy me . Had I hated you I would’ve have dated a bi man before in my life . It’s more like . Love me and only the gay side don’t leave me . This world is full of straights that’s how it feels it’s a different level of pain only us gays can feel . I don’t necessarily hate you . I feel unwanted despite looking very pretty . That’s the thing nothings wrong with you nor your sexuality . I want you to be happy with other bi people who can understand you better than an annoying gay twink


I love gay twinks though but you are definitely being unfair to my feelings and who I am


You are who u are from what I see and feel a down to earth man who’s sweet and nice . I quit joking for this one in all seriousness a humble man . I just feel you won’t be happy with a gay twink like me or other twinks who think like me . Doesn’t mean were problematic but nor that it means it’s you the problem cuz you’re not either it’s none of us . It’s nature , how god made people straight some bi and some gay that’s all . At times it’s not compatible. From what I’m sensing you’re gay leaning and that’s why it hurts you . Well then it’s your right and if the gay accepts dating you you’ll have to cancel that little straight whatever part you have . You only think gay and about guys like he does . Never express any bisexual fantasy cuz it does hurt us. . Now if it’s canceling your bisexuality a bit then i would be selfish right now? That’s why a bi guy would suit you better . I hurt that guy a lot when he came back he cried tears I’ve never seen men cry that much . He was all into it . He couldn’t stop you can tell I hit the nail he tried the other grass if it was greener in the other side he found nothing that’s why and you know what I didn’t even hate him for it many experience many things . It’s fine he’s right his life life is short . He regretted not being by myside when I needed him the most while getting surgeries and treatment . That’s fine I found my mom my dad my family bless them the docs the friends … cousins . But yeah don’t worry you’ll be happy and we can be friends with bi men all the way it’s not like I reject their friendship . It’s just that it’s always like that to a certain point . I always turn them into me without realizing I’m not their little brother they touchy they think of me sexually and I can’t blame any guy it he doesn’t control his dick either . It’s fine I’m sure it’s full of bi women ready to love you and bi men too chose from pan men bi men or omnisexual or anything in between . Bless you Again and never lose hope . Kiss 😙 I’m also realizing being a twink myself I understand why imma magnet for bi guys also not blaming them either and thanks . 🙏


It's cultural.


I'm a bi man that has never slept with a woman, but had a male partner (and many gay hookups). I'm sexually attracted to both sexes equally, but I prefer to date men. I had a boyfriend as I said, and he was really clingy, fake, ambiguous.... He was totally gay, unlike me. I personally think you are just making an unaccutate statement, there are plenty of gays that make terrible relationships, and bisexual men that are good partners to other men.


a bi man saying that bi men are better in gay relationships than gay men show why gay men don’t like or trust bi men


I didn't say that. I said THERE ARE some cases where gays are the bad partners. Doesn't apply to every relationship. Learn to read. >show why gay men don’t like or trust bi men If gays don't trust in bi men (which is not always the case) It is just because of ignorance and biases.


You’re just saying on other words us gays are worse in relationship than bi men . Okay thanks ? Still asking why I would never ever let you touch me let alone date me ? Still unclear … I’ll let it sit here for others to comprehend no ma’am I don’t need it don’t need your dick nor your mentality nor you as a person thank you next I’m better off alone living my iconic gay lifestyle . Really tried it with that one trying to put it in a nice political way no mama not with us .


aaaaaah stop smoking crack


Never tried that hun . Sounds more like you baby . You sour and sad you couldn’t get twinks like me or other gays to give you their cookie their boipussies it’s okay boo stick to women or maybe a watermelon hole 🕳️ ciao bello ( you didn’t eat … you thought you ate ? ) in a loud voice ( nah huuunayyy) bish bye


What a well said statement


I'm Bi/Pan but don't see myself in a relationship with a woman, so I wouldn't see all bisexuality in the same way. Many bisexuality men will put into just as much effort as yourself.


I'm bi and the I'm opposite. I mostly go for guys and only want a relationship with a guy. If some women I get to fuck come my way then that's a bonus Stop generalising, this is the Internet


You can keep your bonus then stay with it for life . You think that’s gonna make a gay guy stay ???? At least not my ass . It’s okay I’ll use toys alone instead of his dick or strictly other gay men . That’s all ain’t no hate in what I’m saying why would I give my body to a pussy licker ? Just why ? He likes it good for him ? Why would that have to be an obligation to date him or even let him fuck me ? Never Evah girl nevahhhhh he can dream . lol


Triggered 😂😂


Indeed triggered and proud ❤️amen to that sis you thought I was gone be mad and stuff ? And be like omg he ate me all up ? Yep that’s exactly why I was triggered a bi man left me for a woman when I had a tumor not ashamed to say it ? Is that a crime ? Is that a ridiculous thing to say ? Is that weird ? Nah boo boo . It’s okay don’t feel sorry for me I’m alive and sain now , do I hate him no ? Did come back of course did I take him back nah … am I amicable with him now yes to move on and heal from my wounds . He married another gay guy now by the way . Jokes aside thanks at least for being honest and choosing a gay man instead of a woman you’re at least a man of your words . Now doesn’t mean all gays will date you . Nevertheless thanks for chosing us best of luck god bless . My humor is distorted with the hurt I got through but I’m a good person who speaks the truth . I simply feel safer with an another gay guy . Doesn’t mean your a bad one or bi men are all evil the guy who helped me with my eye was a bi man a bi nurse .. he did the most to make me feel at ease so .. depends on the situation we were talking about dating and fucking . As people never had any issue with a bi men long as we wasn’t my man . They were always chill with me .


Dude, you're so mad your first comment hardly made sense 😂 But seriously, that's horrible to hear. You met an asshole :/ good to hear you're better now. And it's not that I *choose* a guy, it's just what I want. Guys are way better to spend time with and are more attractive to me. Y'all get annoyed when some right wing nutjob says you *choose* to be gay


I feel you yes glad you’re happy with your husband or bf very happy for y’all 🙏❤️bless I have a gay one like me . But this doesn’t stop him from checking the other guys obviously he’s also verse I’m bottom but I’m not that jealous it’s hard sometimes when he meets other verses but yes relationships are hard I gave him a pass last week to have sex with a verse like him I thought he’d Leave me that’s it .surprisingly nothing changed if not he came back swinging for me . And is still as attracted to me as before . I’m happy but yes love is weird at times and tiring


No boyfriend atm (been single for 9 years) but I've been seeing this great guy for 8 months now and looks like we'll end up boyfriends soon :)


All the best with him






At least this guy has the balls to come out and say what 90% of bisexual men believe but won’t explicitly state.


Why do you think bisexual men devaluate other men?


The vast majority of bisexual men put women on a pedestal; they love women, they pursue women, and they exclusively date women. They’ll have sex with men but outright refuse to even consider dating men. They call themselves “heteroromantic” as if it’s something inherent to their sexuality rather than just a behavior driven by societal expectations and internalized homophobia.