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If blood were coming out of my dick for an hour, I'm pretty sure I'd be seeing the fucking doctor.


If blood were coming out of my dick for an hour because of something that someone did while blowing me, I'm pretty sure he’d also need to be seeing the fucking doctor.


Seriously, WTF you doing on Reddit OP? STFU AND GO TO THE HOSPITAL


Not like pouring out. Just a little bit every time I looked. It stopped LOL..


What the fucking fuck dude, go to a doctor. Blood coming out of your dick is NOT something to fool around with….


It’s a common phenomenon for a medically untrained ordinary citizen to overexaggerate the amount of blood that comes out a wound. After all, it’s a scary thing to happen to any of us. (Edit: I mean cut op some slack it must’ve been terrifying)


You're right so I'd go to the doctor if my dick was bleeding still.


We men could never handle having periods lol


No we could. But you'd be considered if something was bleeding when it's not supposed to. The issues can be as small as a UTI which can be bad if untreated to other things. It's good to take care of your genitals and make sure everything is healthy.


Definitely still go, not worth risking it imo


I didn’t think you sounded like you were saying it was bleeding for an hour straight. Not sure why the downvotes were so salty about your reply 😅 Anyway, it would probably be good to let your doc know about it so you can learn more about how that all works and if you should pay attention to anything in particular to make sure there aren’t additional complications. My unsolicited advice is to find a doctor you’re not embarrassed sharing dick stuff with. As gay men we need to find healthcare pros who understand and take of our needs. Just tell them things got rough and your partner grabbed your dick really hard at climax and it bled a little after so you’re afraid it was a popped blood vessel.


And thanks for advice. I’m gonna keep a close eye on it and hopefully it continues to get better!!


Yeah why did people downvote that? Kinda weird lol


Dude, you need to start establishing boundaries, seriously. If you didn’t want the guy to be so aggressive by sucking your dick, you need to tell him to calm down and go a little softer. Just go to the doctor as soon as you can because you probably did pop a vessel !


He did tell him.


I think he just damaged the tissue but it’s definitely not broken. If it looks different; bent, changes color, hurts unbarebly then you should be worried. But i think you’re fine


Thanks I’m hoping you’re right!


I think you're right


You are right


Dude I hope you are ok but wtf is wrong with some people. You don’t do aggressive shit out of the blue without getting a sense of if they’re into that first. Have had it happen once or twice with bottoms and I’m like… what cosmo article did you take this from? Stop. 


Haha love this.. my own fault though.. getting head from a random guy has its risks I guess.


It’s not your fault. He was weird. It’s like if someone decided to fist you when you agreed to penetration.


Thanks I appreciate that! And he WAS weird. Also a big muscle guy so his hands were extra strong. Hurt like fuuuuuck


I can imagine. One of the reasons I don’t like hookups without knowing a little the other guy. Too many weirdos.


Damn if he was that horny I would have fucked him


This is definitely a growing trend with hookups these days. Not necessarily guys trying to make you bleed, but I'm noticing more of my hookups in recent years have been so AGGRESSIVE Y'all been watching way too much extreme porn and trying WAY too hard to turn what should be a chill time into a nightmare.  Hell, just last week I invited a guy over and at first I thought it was just gonna be relaxed mutual fun. Then he just pinned me down and went WAY overboard on my cock, like toothy and forceful and hurting my balls.  I think I got lucky cuz he started getting annoyed that I didn't cum right away and left. Um dude, you were getting semi-assaulty.  Guys. I'm begging you, PLEASE chill the fuck out on your hookups. 


Once I went for a piss and instead of unzipping I just flopped my dick over the waistband. I could feel the flow of pee was being constricted by this but let it happen anyway. As I was finishing and pushing the last few drops out, I felt the pressure build up somewhere internally and got a really sharp stabbing pain. Similar with you I must have injured a blood vessel or something because for the next few minutes I had blood dripping out my pee hole. The pain was short but *intense* so I can’t imagine how much you must have hurt!


Yes probably the exact same type of injury. And it hurt like FUCK. Ruined my orgasm and today I have the bluest of balls lol


Dude, go to the doctor


Could that be a small urine stone or something?


Gurl, go see a doctor!


Absolutely seek the care of a urologist. This is your permanent sexual function we’re talking about


Agreed, but I can also say firsthand that most urologists are not concerned about a small amount of blood when there’s a known trauma. You have a ton of capillaries in your penis and it’s not that difficult to burst one. Not good but also probably not an emergency


It’s a good thing not to be alarmist here. Sure. To be clear, I’m not talking about going to the emergency department. I still advocate seeing a urologist


Seems like you may have to get a replacement. Did you keep your original receipt for it?


This made my stomach turn in knots. Thanks lol


I rather have an embarrassing moment than a broken dick. I say go see the doctor. It might suck, but so does permanent damage.


This is why I see a gay doctor that is well aware of any situation that I may be presenting and never cause me any embarrassment.


A proper diagnosis requires proper visual inspection 🧐




Never happened to me. But fuck, I truly hate when a guy is being rough on my dick like a fuckin idiot, massive turn off. I would have stopped him after the first time. Let's say I didn't though, and he did that shit. I would be beyond furious, seeing red, and resisting the temptation to whoop his ass. He would also be paying for my medical expenses.


I know I should have, but I thought it’d be fine after I said ‘yo dial it back a little’


Nope but I did break my dick. One thrust too hard and I was in accident and emergency.


I’m 100% top so I feel this. Been many times I’ve thrust too hard or wrong and hurt myself. How long did it take for it to heal?


It took 6 weeks after the operation to heal. But was bout 6 months for a hardon not to be sore.




I know! Wtf 😭




Go see a doctor why tf are you on reddit


I once met a guy who said he would give me the best blowjob ever - guaranteed to make me cum (I don't usually cum from oral alone) - it started well enough, but then he started getting frustrated because I didn't cum, so he starts sucking harder and with much more suction. He started to celebrate thinking he had managed to make me shoot, until I noticed that the liquid in his mouth was red, not white - turned out he had gone so hard that he burst some blood vessels in my urethra - I ended up having to go to the hospital and trying to assure the nurse that no, I hadn't been attacked or stabbed, but that I was actually still pouring blood from a body part you don't want to see blood coming out of. I was literally pissing blood for the next week, and have sworn off ever meeting someone for some "oral fun"


Wow.. sounds worse than mine thanks for sharing. So far today it’s been ok. A little pain but no blood. Thank god.


It's alright, I can laugh about it now. But at the time I was furious - the guy did come with me to the hospital though, and was able to back up my statement that I hadn't been attacked. Poor guy. Mind you, he wasn't the one that had to try sneaking past the living room when he got home to avoid his parents from seeing the state of my jeans, which I immediately threw in the bin


I had on gym shorts. Luckily live alone so didn’t have to sneak in but I had to stop and get gas on the way home.. hid it well LOL


I don't drive and didn't want to get a taxi and possibly have to pay for the cab to be cleaned (because those cunts will charge the earth if they can get you to pay) so I had to use Shanks's pony and walk home from the hospital. Which was only a two and a half mile walk


It’s probably just a nasty case of retrograde ejaculation.


I blame porn. To many guys think they are porn stars. But just end up being bad lovers.


Christ, I'm glad I don't hook up with random people 😬 that sounds harrowing. I am hoping for your speedy recovery from this ordeal.


I know I shouldn’t have but……. I was at the gym working out, which gets the hormones pumping … it had been a looooong time and the opportunity presented itself… and I’m just not in the frame of mind for anything more than that right now. I’ll definitely be more careful in the future.


It happens man, I'm just sorry that this guy turned out to be ridiculously rough in the BJ department. I hope you feel better soon.


Thanks 😊


Can you still get an erection?


Yes- woke up full mast this morning. It just hurt a lot, which has gotten better as day went on


Omg please erase this image from my brain.


New fear unlocked


See a doctor!


Wow. What an asshole.


Just be careful out there, period.


I had a similar thing happen to me years ago. I went to the doctor and found out I had an acute prostate infection.


I thought "broke my dick" was a good thing, like the bj was so good it "broke your dick", I didn't think the dude actually broke your dick 🤣🤣🤣🤣 In all seriousness though, keep close attention to it and if it hurts, go to the hospital.


Drink loads of water. Urine actually helps heal it faster, almost like a saline soak


Snapped your banjo string…


NOT MEDICAL ADVICE. You sound fine. Keep the wound clean and keep an eye on any infections. If the wound becomes swelled, inflamed or you have pain that wouldn’t go away then go see a doctor immediately. Your dick isn’t technically broken. A broken penis is called a penile fracture where the erectile tissues ruptured, causing intense swelling and possibly necrosis in the penis. Just glad to see your penis isn’t severely damaged.


> Just glad to see your penis isn’t severely damaged. aww, that's so sweet


Should’ve slapped or punch him


Appointments can be hard to get. I say, schedule an appointment with a urologist now, and if it feels better, you can cancel it later. If it gets worse, go to a clinic or the ER.


That sounds scary..


Oh god I wouldn’t be able to handle that, I would’ve started freaking tf out 


I was just calm, didn’t say anything.. went home, got in the shower and cleaned up. Freaking out only makes it worse lol.. and it ruined my favorite gym shorts 🥴


I want a top like you!


😂 thanks


Not quite that, I was pissing full stream and accidentally kinked it, pissed blood. I was sore for a couple days, but fine afterwards. If you are worried, possibly a discrete visit to urgent care?


Yes, that happened to me years ago. Went to the er and they said it can happen but as long as it wasn’t continuing it wasn’t of concern. In this case it was only a few patches in the cum and didn’t bleed after. Hope that helps.


One time my shawty was deep throating me, got carried away and just bit down extremely hard right around the base. I could feel this sting underneath right in my urethra. Couple mins later the blood comes. We carried on and it took a few hours to flush out but I ended up all good 😭🤞🏽


I’m hoping mine will heal up quick too! Thanks!


Keep us updated , hopefully it’s not broken


Thank you!


Go, why wait for the damage to become permanent? What it you end up with a hook shaped dick? Scar tissue blocks shit up, go to doctor it’s not a bloody nose


I would still go see a doctor and tell them what happened. You never know what could be damaged. Even if you don’t have pain anymore I’d still go see a doctor to check that you’re good


It’s not your fault. He did something that’s not in the ordinary blowjob playbook. I don’t get it. That should have been only done if he knew you were into that. And first time play usually means to go slow and easy until you really know how to read the other person’s reactions to what you are doing.


That made me cringe reading, ugh he definitely shouldn’t of been going that rough I’m sorry that happened 😩


He probably has a bladder infection when you have a bladder infection blood will come out of your dick exspealy when you take a pee


Also a prostate infection can cause blood in the semen.


Oh man, that sounds like a wild experience! Definitely important to communicate boundaries and not be afraid to speak up if something feels off. Hopefully everything heals up okay, but if you notice any lingering issues, don't hesitate to see a doctor. Take care of yourself!


Some potential problems with bleeding penis https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/


Yeah I would be pissed. Who chokes a dick when cumming?!




Thanks for sharing. I think that’s what it was!


Go to the doctor, please. For everyone's sake Ty.


Want me to kiss it make it feel better? 😈😜 seriously that sounds like some bdsm shit. Hope you’re okay.


Wow, that sounds like a wild and intense experience! It's important to remember to communicate boundaries and take care of yourself during intimate moments. Hopefully, everything heals up quickly for you. Thanks for sharing your story with us!


I think you may have made me straight after reading that... Fucking A some dudes are out there. Weird. Hope your pecker isn't permanently damaged!


So far it’s getting better! Don’t go straight lol


I hate bjs lmao, and people tend to get so aggressive as if it’s not the most sensitive part of our bodies.


I hope you're doing fine mate If it bled for an hour, you definitely should see your doctor


Holy fucking shit did my jaw drop at the blood part 😱


Too gory, can't read.


Do you love him?


Holy shit. Sounds like he was trying to edge you or not let you cum but damn that is scary. Hope you are okay. Def sounds like he was being too rough.


It really depends on the level of blood. If just a little and spotting, that can be normal after an extended hardcore situation. More then that can be something to seek medical attention about. If you continue to bleed or notice any swelling or pain, get in to see the doctor right away. Your situation is not something to ever get embarrassed by, especially with your doctor. At your next physical, if you don’t seem them beforehand, I’d still mention it. Sex is a natural part of life and taking care of yourself when sexually active is being smart. So try being open with your doctor next visit. Better to be safe and a little red from embarrassment then bleeding and red from damage that if had been caught early would have likely been reversible.


Dude I’m a commercial fisherman I cut my left index finger off at the second joint a few years ago. Option 1 go back to shore fuck the whole crew out of pay. Option 2 deal with it at sea. We all got paid and I got a nice 10k bonus and a raise. Definitely not worth the finger but I know the signs of infection from experience unfortunately and I had access to oral antibiotics. If it was my dick I’d have been on a med flight that day.


A guy bit my dick. And full disclosure: I like guys biting my dick, and he was being a very good sub and was doing exactly what I asked. And at some point he got a little too enthusiastic and kinda crushed my head flat in his chompers and it felt funny. Like not the usual fun-pain, this had a little sting to it. He noticed, apologized, and got me off per usual, no big deal. Later, however, I was wearing grey sweatpants and happened to catch my reflection on my way to pee, and I had a big blood spot on the front. Yikes is right! I gingerly checked out my penis and indeed it had some blood on the tip and while, sure, I like certain kinds of pain on my most special friend I'm also really attached to my cock and freaked out a bit. I peed, gingerly and 2 alarmin things happened: 1) pee was pink. With blood. And 2) it stung. Like for real. ANd the one thing that made me feel "better" was that it was where the bite earlier had stung. SO! Internet said damaged urethra. Take it easy, hydrate plenty, urine is a surprisingly safe saline wash. Pee gently for a few days. I made an appointment with my doctor anyway and boy was that awkward. I told her the symptoms and, peering at me over her spectacles like a proper Jewish mother, said "Tell me what you think led up to this. I cant imagine it isnt going to be interesting". I told her and she rolled her eyes. Then explained what to watch out for (swelling, heat, fever, dizzyness, redness) and advised I pee gently for the next week or so. And so my entirely unprofessional opinion is that you ruptured your urethra. You'd be a fool not to have your doctor check it out and possibly see a urologist, but it's also not worth panicking over. Pee gently.


Yes blood (like, blood from a wound) came out of my urethra after fucking a friend and it happened again later in the night when I went to pee but then was totally fine. If you have no further symptoms (including no pain) you don’t need to check with your doctor. But if things aren’t back to normal def have it looked at


Nope. Never happened. And I've been ROUGH with mine. Go see a doctor. For real real, not for play play.


Hey bro, Do yourself a favor and go see a doctor, if my fucking cock was bleeding, I'd be in the ER ASAP, not just that, but a torn vein or muscle on the inner part of your shaft could end up forming bruises, good luck!!


Just so you know, dicks can actually break. That’s a thing. So…maybe get that checked out.


So your dick bled and instead of going to the hospital you hopped on Reddit??? 🙄


My dick really hurts reading this lol


Literally had this happen to me a couple of months ago. The guy was sooo aggressive and I told him to go a little easier. He kept trying to deep throat me and eventually I felt this weird, popping sensation and told him to stop. After he left, I saw blood coming from the tip and it was very scary. My doctor said it was trauma and encouraged me to drink a lot of water to prevent any clotting and obviously not to engage in any sexual contact for the next week. Rest up! You'll be OK. If you are still bleeding, you should definitely consult a doctor.


Thank you! Yes I think the same thing. It seems fine today thank god. What’s up with these aggressive guys? Just gimme a nice slow wet BJ!


Exactly! The best BJs for me are a slow, wet tongue and finger tip combo... I'm uncut so even gliding lips gently over it feels amazing. My aggressive guy was like JLo trying to kill the beast in Anaconda. Calm your farm. He did msg me to hook up again but I can't take the risk!


Same. Guy messaged me wanting to know when he could do it again. BLOCK 🥴


Oh your dicks going to have a wicked bend or curve to it now. That’s how that happens!


Also the doctors won’t care, lie likely like the 5th guy with that same story. They see it all!




Hey thanks for asking. I think it’s gonna be ok. There hasn’t been any more bleeding. No discoloration or bruises. Woke up hard in the middle of the night, and then again this morning. I’m gonna give it a few days rest before playing again just to be safe. I appreciate everyone’s input here- definitely a little scary, but sounds like I’m not the only one this has happened to! MOST everyone has been helpful and supportive! I will NOT be letting that guy touch me ever again!


New fear unlocked 🙃 Hope you're okay man and you got that checked out


On the mend!


Dude go for a check up even my balls hurts reading this


Yea,it happen once that was it.i was playing with anal toy ,I was on coke,it felt good than little blood shot out that was it never sharpen again I am fine no after problem. If you stopped no problem then wait it out.i do not know what I did to my prostate maybe going it through the anal wall .


Wouldn't have blamed you if you'd murdered him afterwards.


It’s all good. It’s working as usual again!


Glad to hear it! But you could invite him back and fuck him dry and rough. Gotta teach people lessons every now and then.


Ahaha. That jackass isn’t coming anywhere near my dick. There are more worthy bottoms out there


it may be embarrassing or a weird comvo to have but bro please go see a doctor


Dude go to a doctor just to get peace of mind that sounds really scary


Something similar happened to me with my ex years ago. He kept “popping” off my dick like you do with a lollipop and ended up tearing my frenulum a little bit. Now receiving head makes down there sting slightly after a few minutes 😭 Definitely go get it checked if you notice any pain or discomfort.


Reading this made me squirm, and not in a good way. I know it's embarrassing, but doctors have seen and heard it all. If money isn't an issue, why not get some reassurance from a urologist? Good luck!


I might but so far it’s doing ok. There’s no bleeding at all, only hurts a little. I’ve just never had this happen before and it’s been through some beatings lol..


Good to hear. Hope it just needs some rest :)


Based on the comments about blood for an hour, OP is busted for making up a story.


Why would I make up a story lol. Great detective work there 🤡


If the cock is fractured it is a surgical emergency unreal that you would bleed out of your penis and not go to hospital.


I had some blood on my dick once, but it was because the kid sucking me had braces and he lost his rhythm… it was definitely painful!


Okay weird off topic question but could this be considered rape? If you didn’t consent to that form of aggression? Yes consented but he was being forceful and aggressive and hurt you in the end. Just a question not a consideration for anything or trying to insinuate anything


I honestly think he thought he was performing some great move that would feel good. I did tell him to chill a bit so he should have calmed down. He messaged me a few hours later wondering when we could do it again and I blocked him LOL. Thanks but noooooooo


See exactly it was an unwanted meet up and agressive and ruined the mood so still leaves my question could it be considered?!


I’m just gonna let it heal and never let him back there.. it’s a risk you take when you let someone you don’t know suck your dick I guess


No, it’s NOT rape 🙄


rape is fucking someone against their will, equating doing a bad hj with assaulting someone in a dark alleyway is the pinnacle of woke naïveté


Can we call it rape when the vers guy turns out to be all bottom, at least?


You should read what OP said again he asked him to. Calm down when he got rough. Then when he was about to cum it was very rough. My question was just that, a question why do we have to make things more than they need to be on these here internet’s… I’m asking a question!


when you dance, someone can step on your toes while trying to make a fancy move when you have sexual encounters stuff like that might happen also and it's not rape just because a dick is involved


The police pulls guns on unarmed people too and because they reach for their phones or moves fast they’re shot dead… so is it not murder? I mean I don’t get your point


I know you don't


He definitely broke the boundary that OP set up. Damn, some of you need to calm your titties down, it’s just a fucking question.


Atleast one non-sheep.. Some people don’t like to have there opinions challenged and because you think differently you have to be difficult or a bitch or something.. I’m not telling anyone to make any decisions to do anything simply challenging thought.. this cancel culture got y’all real mad at the wrong people




I did say I wasn’t trying to insinuate anything just sparking a question because of the unwanted grabbing and production of blood from that could it be considered… just like a food for thought type of question




Not everything is rape. I bet you’re one of those people that will look for a way to report someone for SA just for shaking your hand 🙄


No I wouldn’t but consenting to some parts and not consenting the remainder is the definition of SA maybe you’re the kinda person that’s open to pushing other peoples boundaries when they say stop


And it’s also up to the person to stop them. Regret is not SA or rape. Lots of women need to learn that. But if I was OP, and someone got painfully rough with my dick, it’s on me to stop them. Like another poster said, I’d rather have an ruined hookup than blood coming out of my urethra


If you read OP’s story he had already asked him to chill when he got rough, meaning he did want it to stop hence the reason for my question


Chill doesn’t mean stop. Chill means calm down. Stop means stop. That doesn’t make it SA if OP still did not stop him.


I get both sides of this conversation, but ThatBhartBoy js correct. I didn’t ask him to stop, I asked him to chill- calm down. I don’t consider this any kind of assault, but he’ll also never get near my cock again


No I’m not, it just really irks me when people automatically question if ANYTHING is SA or rape. I’m sorry for my outburst. You didn’t deserve that. I’ve actually been SA’d before and no it’s not fun whatsoever.


Some Bottoms licking my balls as they dont have there own and dont know how its structured genetically. They trying to bring it home and i got 2 times injured 🤕


I know right? It’s bad enough when someone has got beard stubble rubbing all over your balls, but pushing his face into them was extreme.


you go to the dr but, before you do, dm me the guy’s number!


Dude, that was the demonic leftover presence of your ex erupting in your testicles in an effort to produce Rosemary's second baby.


LOL.. no, he’s not a demon. That’s a WHOLE other story.


I got pounded so thoroughly by my hung gay Top playmate once that the next day I was having sex with a woman and when I came the condom was full of cum and blood. I figured it was that he pounded my prostate so hard that either my prostate or something internal was injured. I ended up having to explain to the girl, as she was mortified, but once I explained to her about the guy and his size, she was super cool about it.


Someone did this to me with their ass. They clenched super tight when I came. Thick spurts of blood came out for less than an hour. Scared me but I didn't go to the doctor and everything was back to normal within the same day. Likely a vessel burst.


Thanks for sharing- yes I believe that’s what happened. Almost exactly the same thing.


Could it be hsv2? I hope not.


This sounds made up or exaggerated


Dude I don’t need to make shit up. If that’s what you think, then so be it. It literally doesn’t affect me LOL