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You need to track the calories you’re eating if you want to lose weight. If you’re not seeing progress it’s because your estimation of how much eating is way off. And switch to diet soda.


If OP is eating as little as he claims and is still gaining weight, he must be drinking a lot of sweetened drinks.


>If OP is eating as little as he claims I've seen this situation so many times. Unless someone posts calorie numbers, take all these claims with a huge pinch of salt. Even if it was non-stop energy drinks it would be hard to maintain 300 pounds without a ton of high calorie snacking.


“I only eat one meal per day and I’m still 300 lbs.” Yeah, no.


Maybe he’s on the [Butterfield Diet](https://youtu.be/1NjTWvl8x-U?si=1YUeNr82sadHUkki)…


^ this. Lots of studies that examine how much people eat vs how much people think they ate find that people significantly underestimate how much they eat. The OP is simply just consuming more calories than they realize. At 300 pounds, if you’re in a calorie deficit you should be comfortably loosing like 1-2lbs maybe even 3 lbs a week. If the scale isn’t going down you’re consuming too many calories plain and simple. Replacing the sodas with either diet soda or water is an easy way to reduce your calorie intake by a few hundred calories a day.


I cut out all sodas years ago. The only thing I kept drinking until about two months ago was sweet tea. I’ve since just gone to drinking water alone. I’ve lost a lot of weight from that


soda and diet soda are fake foods and shouldn't be taken habitually by anyone at all. That they are in such quantities (especially in the US) is very worrying.


Yup i didn’t realize how many calories I was eating until i tracked them. I’ve now lost roughly 15 pounds in the past two months. Tracking calories is literally 60% of the battle


I would go further and say don’t even drink diet soda. Water, tea, or coffee or bust


Unsweetened coffee, I would add. Some of these coffee drinks are *wild*.


Or.. here me out. Enjoy your life and enjoy things you like in moderation.


Diet soda is worse than regular soda on your body. Drink water.


It isn't, but I agree that water is better. I don't drink soda myself.


Studies have shown that people who drink regular soda, compared to diet, actually lost more weight when they dieted compared to diet soda drinkers. Diet soda tricks your body into thinking it is like real soda (sugary), so you think it's ok to drink more diet soda.. All those chemicals in there are not good for you in the long run.


Have you ever thought about how this study could be skewed? Like what is the target group for both parts of the study? Were their beginning and ending points the same? Lifestyle habits, preexisting conditons, and weight etc. Coke Zero is 0 calories. Drinking 2 liters of it a day probably wouldnt be bad for you, but it wouldnt make you gain weight.


You will still not be drinking the real soda, so you will still not be ingesting the calories. People make dieting far too complicated, defying the basic laws of metabolism: the way to lose fat is by ingesting fewer calories than one burns. Everything else is marginal effects.


Water doesn't have any taste or much texture. I drink a decent amount of water, but a world where I drink nothing but water all day sounds terrible.


I add a small splash of 100% cranberry juice to my water to give it flavor. Trader Joe’s is the only place I have found the ingredients to contain 100% cranberry juice and nothing else


Fully agree.


I hate going to gym, but I love working out at home. I just don’t wanna deal with people in the gym


Facts. You gotta go super early. 4-5am is where it’s at, you get to workout with very few ppl around and you get energized for your day.


I like to workout in the evening after work. My yoga mat is just behind my desk since I work from home 😂


good god 4am im just getting to bed :)


That's why I go to a pricier gym, a lot less people who are a lot more serious about lifting. And a lot of old folks.




That chest is 🔥


Ditch the soda and sweet tea. The weight will fall off. I stopped drinking soda and the like in 2016 and it played a big role in dropping weight. I don’t even do diet soda.


What typa troll post is this? You exercise regularly throughout the week, eat only once a day yet gain weight? Must be one hell of a meal then. Calories don't lie.


OP said that he drinks a lot of soda and sweet tea. Sweet tea is basically syrup.


I'm no expert but you can lose weight just by walking a mile a day and eating a max of 2000 calories a day with low carbs and low sugar. If you go to the gym without changing your eating habits, your weight will stay the same.


Pretty much. I've lost 110lbs. I exercise intermittently... but I don't eat pasta, or chips or potato and only occasionally rice and bread . Diet soda, tea, meat, eggs, cheese, greens. Breakfast I have to have for medication, lunch is either skipped or soup and dinner I eat whatever really. Sometimes I snack and sometimes I'll eat some garbage but since then I've never stopped losing. When I get where I want to be I'm going to have to figure out how to stay that weight and stop losing lol


Stop drinking sugar. Period


1. Your heart rate getting high, having chest pain, and a slow return to “normal” heart rate is normal for someone who is cardiovascularly deconditioned. If you’re concerned, get a cardio work-up, and then once cleared, exercise. 2. The best exercise for you (and anyone) is swimming. Burns the most calories, easiest on the joints, and is a full body workout against resistance. 3. If you’re truly eating as little as you say you are, then quality over quantity. Because you’re eating so little, your body is starved and will hold on to more. The key is eating healthier not just less. Good luck! Don’t get distracted by anyone else, but especially your own insecurities, because then you’ll definitely feel that way. Exercise is proven to boost mood and can cure a LOT of medical conditions by themselves.


If swimming not an option what’s next best?


Stationary bike. Park that sucker in front of the TV and ride for 30 minutes to an hour


Water aerobics. Then probably rowing and cycling as far as burning calories + low impact


If you can find one, a nordic ski machine is way better than a stationary bike. You don’t have to go fast, you can do it at home while watching tv, and it’s gentle on the joints according to both of my parents who have been using one for 40 years and now both 70+.


>Because you’re eating so little, your body is starved and will hold on to more. This doesn't sound like science. Where is the body getting these calories to hold onto if he's not eating enough?


Yep. Never felt that “good” feeling people talk about after the gym. In fact, I feel *worse* after the gym and I’ve kept up routines of many months. Looking back, my most depressed eras were those in which I kept up a gym routine. Something about feeling tied to going to the same boring place after work was just….utterly draining to me. I didn’t like being there, I didn’t want to be there. I find more joy in walking, hiking, and bike riding than a gym workout could ever bring me.


Very nicely expressed. I feel the same way too. After finishing gym I always feel like shit never wanna do this crap again


That's why I like the line dancing. It's something interesting. There's nothing interesting to me about picking up a heavy object and putting it back down multiple times, and then walking on a treadmill, or sitting on a stationary bike. I sit in an office all day and see people I rarely interact with. Why would I pay to do that even more?


There are little intricacies to lifting that are easy to miss if you don’t pay attention to them. So many slightly different ways to do an exercise and variations when it comes to form, grip, tempo, weight and rep scheme. It gets even more interesting if you get into powerlifting.


I go to the gym and enjoy it enough, it’s not my favorite thing in the world and ngl I wish I could do something else sometimes, but man, I fucking love walking. As the weather has gotten better recently I have found myself walking. 25-30 miles between Saturday And Sunday, just walking around Chicago. Walking is the best.


I started going to the gym last year around september since I was very depressed and stressed out with life. After every single workout, I like the feeling of accomplishing something for my self. I think being a people pleaser all my life played a huge part with this journey and doing something for myself feels amazing, I’m finally taking care of myself. I heard that most people who feels good going to the gym tend to be going through a lot in life.


Dumping all sugar will go a long way for you. No more soda or sweet tea, like at all. Even the diet stuff. I am guessing you're a fellow American and I'm guessing those one or two meals a day are far more calories than you actually burn off, not including the soda and sweet tea. Counting calories sucks, but it is worth it on a weight-loss journey. Try that before you go the Ozempic route. The gym is the best part of my day and week. It absolutely does release endorphins for most. However I also do an exercise I like, which is weightlifting. Seems line dancing is your thing, so lean into that. It's also pretty good exercise.


Cut out sodas and sweet teas! That stuff is garbage and is making you bloated. Talk to a nutritionist about the rest. From what I’ve learned 3-4 smaller meals a day is easier on your digestion system than 1 meal.


Not a gym guy myself. I prefer outdoor walking and hiking to more formal exercise routines.




I mean.. you can like it. People do. Just because you dont like it doenst mean you arent supposed to like it.


Ask your doctor, there might be underlying health conditions to explore. When it comes to weight loss, it’s essential to approach it holistically. Restricting food intake to just one meal a day is not a healthy practice. Surprisingly, our bodies can react by storing more fat each time we eat because it perceives scarcity. It’s a complex interplay of biology and psychology. Go see your doctor, they'll help you on creating a weight loosing plan tailored to your needs.


I hate going to the gym too. Its a real challenge and I feel really beat up every time I go. I always feel like I'm on display and I'm struggling and shaking and everyone else is breezing through their workouts. So I feel you there. Re: soda and sweet tea - these are some of the very worst offenders for weight gain. Drinking calories adds up so fast. If you can, I'd start by cutting those out completely and try to switch to diet soda for now.


I love the gym. Seeing progress and being surrounded by motivated hunks is the best


Not me. I feel the complete opposite. I don't ever see progress, and the pain I get from even a quick session lasts for days. Between the depression of not progressing, the actual physical pain and inability to move my body for days after working out, and the fact I can use my time and money spent at a gym on other things that interest me, I find it very difficult to find any incentive in going to the gym.


Cut the constant sugar drinks and you’ll lose weight, Unless you have some thyroid problems if you are burning more calories than taking in, you WILL lose weight.


Joint pain or muscle soreness? Joint pain is a bad sign but muscle soreness should stop happening after you’ve been regularly going for a few weeks.


Both. I have early onset arthritis in my knees from years of line dancing and marching band from high school and college. The rest of my joints hurt, crack, and pop on a regular basis. Muscle soreness would be okay, but it becomes inflammation and weakness in which I can't even do regular daily activities like standing up, sitting down, getting in and out of bed, etc. Why would I keep doing something that perpetually makes me feel like I'm crippled? Everyone always says to push yourself. If it feels too easy you're not improving yourself. So that's what I would do, I would increase the weight to make it more difficult. I feel fine during the process, but afterwards I become a complete cripple.


>But I do like my sodas and sweet tea I'm not a nutritionist but this is probably where the weight is coming from. Cutting out sugary drinks is what people typically do first when they go on a diet and usually causes the fastest reduction in weight. Running and exercise is *not* the fastest way to lose weight. It takes a lot of exercise to burn calories. It's good for you, but the fastest way to lose weight is always in the kitchen. Completely cut soda and sweet tea from your diet. I would try to talk to a nutritionist or look up more healthy meals, you shouldn't have to skip breakfast and lunch to be at a healthy number of calories.


Line dancing probably isn't providing much of a burn as you think it is. AND you're consuming more calories than you think you do. Sweet drinks will be the death of any diet. You can easily sneak in 300 calories a bottle and not feel full. I think swimming would be a great exercise for you, or biking-both are gentle on the knees. And it really doesn't sound like you've give the gym an adequate trial. It takes about 3 months to really find your groove in the gym. I'd seriously consider getting a trainer if you're serious about the gym, or at least a gym buddy. And be gentle with yourself. Start low and go slow: you have years to build up. You'd be surprised where 2 years of consistent effort would get you. It's not easy. Believe me, I know. It is not easy-especially at first. But it can be done, and it's not as hard as you think.


Hmmm I see your responses and others here. The reality is you're consuming more than you're burning *overall*. Chances are that you're binging if you're eating low calories all the time. Measure or weigh then track literally everything you eat and drink in My Fitness Pal for a month. The key here is **measure and weigh** because most of us are *terrible* at accurately eyeballing a correct portion size. It takes a good year of measuring and weighing to understand that we are in fact eating too much. There are certain things that can make your body more or less efficient at burning and storing calories like diabetes, hormone imbalances, etc. but, quite literally, the law of conservation of energy means you're taking in too many calories. Weight is primarily either water, fat, or muscle. You're storing some combination of those things every time you gain or lose weight. If you're approaching 300 lbs, you're gaining primarily fat. Fat is about 9 calories per gram of stored energy. It is literally impossible to store a gram of fat without first having input 9 calories that your body didn't use. Now that that's out of the way, I say go ahead and try weight loss medication if you think that's the best choice for you. By default though, those medications work by making you eat less so weight your risks accordingly.


I hate the gym. During picking heavy things, the only thing that drives is that I will be somewhat more confident in my appearance and that will get me laid. Yes sex is why I gym… not health or anything else.


Get rid of the sodas and sweet teas. Drink lots of waters


Ditch the sodas, the sweet tea, and anything - ANYTHING - with sugar in it. Ditch the foods that your body converts into sugar. These are often potatoes, chips, and snack foods. Stay away from excessive amounts of fruit: a honeycrisp apple can contain as much as 28 grams of sugar. The same with navel oranges. Walk. You don't have to walk fast; just walk. A few blocks, then a half mile, then a mile. Set a target of walking two miles a day. No fast food. And stay away from frozen entrees. They may advertise that they're low in calories, but they really aren't that much lower than the regular, hi-octane frozen dinners. Don't eat between meals. I once worked with a smart, bright young woman - recently divorced with one child - who was overweight. She was an excellent employee. But something happened in her life, and within a few years she became so large she had trouble walking ONE BLOCK from the bus stop to our office, without finding a place to sit down and catch her breath. Eventually the access (handicapped) bus delivered her to our office building. They had to use the hydraulic lift to lower her from the bus down to the sidewalk, because she couldn't take the two steps down. Don't let yourself get to that point.


The only way I have found of losing weight and keeping the weight off is by meticulously recording every item I eat. On a separate sheet of paper for each day, I record my weight, blood pressure, and everything I eat. I make a careful note of the calorie count of every item. Much of the time, this means reading the back of the packet, but it can also mean going the manufacturer's website. I am an expert in finding calorie counts of Starbucks' products from their website: like lots of firms, they are required by law (at least in the UK) to give a calorie count for every item, but they don't make it easy, and often produce several items with similar names so as to mislead you about the relative healthiness of their menu items. (Hint: every drink from Starbucks other than black coffee has more calories than you think, and even the smallest of their food items is rich in fat and sugar.) I'm sorry, but you must give up your sodas and your sweet tea. And those little snacks that go with them. All of these add up. Only an honest accounting to yourself of this will do the job. If you lie to yourself about your food intake, you will not lose weight. If you are honest with yourself you will. Start easy: just get yourself down to 290 pounds by cutting out the sweet items. Then see if you can go further. Lots of people who want to lose weight lie to themselves. You must be honest with yourself, and accept that your calories in must be less than your calories out. Sadly, there is no quick way to lose weight, but there is a slow way. If you lose just one pound a week, in two years you'll be close to an appropriate weight.


Dude gym is life. Teaches anyone that failure is suppose to happen and that patience is key.


So DS1 is life?


Sounds like you may have a hormonal/metabolism problem. Have you seen the doctor about it?


Yes. I get fairly extensive blood work done every year. I have a vitamin D deficiency and take supplements when I remember to. My testosterone levels are borderline low (not enough for medication), and my fasting blood sugar is prediabetic (because of my weight). Everything else tests within normal ranges.


Not everyone loves the gym. I go but I fucking hate it. I can’t stand the people mainly so I go to a 24 hour one and go very early in the morning before people arrive. You’re better off finding something you enjoy so it motivates you to continue. I love swimming. Where I live we have ocean pools you can do laps in. Walking is good too. Just being outdoors in the fresh air is good for mental health etc


I do like being outside. I'm terrible at swimming. I can't even dog paddle. I did swimming lessons multiple times as a kid and they were shocked at how... Bad... I am at it and always have been. Lol


That’s ok. Just walk and enjoy the nature and think about things. Maybe after a while you’ll want to run. I’ve worked out my entire life and felt very driven by wanting to maintain a certain look. It was kind of fearful tbh. Afraid of getting old, afraid of getting fat, afraid of not being attractive, afraid of becoming invisible etc etc. I think a lot of people are obsessed with exercise for the same reasons. Organised exercise in the way that we do it these days is only a recent thing. 100 years ago people weren’t going to gyms and running around the streets. It has become a national obsession and is driven by multiple industries that make billions from it. I mean it has benefits for mental and physical health etc but a lot of people are doing it for the reasons I mentioned above. Ultimately it all comes down to fear of death. I’ve recently dropped back a lot and started to not care so much. I just can’t be bothered trying to keep up anymore. I do it if I feel like it not because Im afraid. I just don’t feel like wasting hours and hours of my life exercising. There are other ways to feel good and be happy.


This entire post is so delusional. My god.


I love working out and being active. I actually miss having a commercial gym where I can meet people and have lots of equipment, But I did the math and found out how much I would save both in money and time by building a gym in my basement.  So now I get to workout at home and build my own personal gym! 


Maybe check your testosterone? you sound like something is wrong with your body. You get the endorphin rush more and more after your body adjusted to gym , it takes 4-6 weeks min 3 times a week. Religiously regularly.. you have to do it right. You have to make sure you pushed that muscle at the maximum limit( i am not meaning more weight, start low , but repeat the movement till you literally cant take it, 12-15 repeat then without a break quickly lower the weight a little bit and continue the same movement untill you can’t take it anymore. THEN YOU LL FEEL THAT ENDORPHIN RUSH everyone talks about)


It sounds like you might have a body image disorder (i know cause i have one). Exercise can be tedious, but it shouldn't feel like torture. Exercise can't fix body image. Your numbers and your eating behavior don't add up. You should talk to your doctor about whether weight loss drugs are a good idea and getting a nutritionist to support you, in trying an eating plan or meal kit. It is usual to see eating disorders with body image issues. I've had a binge eating disorder since i was age 7. I am now middle aged and still don't feel "safe" around food by myself. Semaglutide is actually a great option for turning around obesity. You'll need the therapist though, as there is clearly a psychological component. Don't give up on yourself. Positive self image is what attracts people, of all shapes and sizes. It's not hopeless, get yourself to a place where you accept your body (weight loss aside).




Don't know how to swim, and there's a significant lack of public pools in my area. The only pools available are at exclusive gyms with very expensive memberships.


So, my thinking on this may be outdated, but your diet and eating habits sounds like a recipe for weight gain and metabolic dysfunction. It sounds like you aren't eating all day, and instead getting your calories in with sugar and a large meal in the evening. That sounds like a great way to screw up your insulin response. This is going to sound odd, but rather than sugary drinks, try drinking unsweetened coffee with a sweet pastry. It sounds like you likely crave sugar, which is hard to kick, but you'll get more nutritional value, feel more full, have a better overall response to that than drinking sodas or tea. Honestly, I'd say ditch the sweet tea all together - don't know what you'd pair it with to reduce the impact. Diet drinks aren't great for you, but might be *slightly* better (they can also screw up the way your body responds to sugars, insulin sensitivity, etc.). As for the gym: I avoided the gym for years (bluntly: sexual assault/trauma, embarassment about my appearance). I don't know exactly what's holding you back, but if you keep going habitually you will eventually start to get that endorphin response and even crave it. I don't really know how to motivate you or help you get past the point where it hurts and to a place where exercise actually feels good. I hated my exes, felt like they left me because of my weight/weight gain and I hated myself. I also hated the man who raped me and wanted to be able to kill the next one to try with my bare hands (so, hopefully never). It worked as motivation, but I'm sure it wasn't psychologically healthy.


Aldo, rereading "I definitely do not have an eating disorder" - restricting and overfeeding sounds like and eating disorder. I don't mean for that to sound mean or anything, just want to reframe that a bit. I'm not a psych/medical professional, but I think that's worth ay least researching more if not talking to a professional.


I mentioned elsewhere that I worked 12+ years on 3rd shift and trained my body to eat my large meal of the day in the late afternoon (7-9 PM usually). If I didn't finish it, I ate the rest for lunch during work (2-3 AM usually). I wouldn't eat at the end of the day and pretty much went to bed tired, but not hungry around 8 AM. I've been working 1st shift now for over 3 years and I can't get adjusted to it at all. I wake up at 630 AM, get ready, go straight to work. My only calories in the morning are from liquids because solid foods tend to give me the shits at that time of day. Lunch time is around noon, but I normally don't eat. When I do, I tend to get the shits within an hour of eating. It's not until I get home from work around 430PM that I can start coming up with a dinner plan, and that meal usually sits just fine without issue. Then if I go line dancing I'll be out until anywhere from 1030-midnight, meaning I don't usually get in bed until anywhere from 11PM to 1AM. I average 5 hours of sleep and do it all again.


This is long, but hear me out: First, the sleep thing will ALSO screw with your metabolism and make it hard to lose weight, may make you gain weight. I struggle with sleep as well, so not sure I have any good advice. But it definitely sounds like you need to approach this holistically, because the more you describe your habits the more concerning it all sounds. One meal a day + sugary beverages + little to no sleep + no gym routine or strength training sounds like a recipe for serious weight gain and health problems. This is going to sound harsh, but how old are you? How long do you want to live? What would you consider enjoyable or good living/a good quality of life? This isn't rhetorical or said with any judgment, just trying to figure out what does and doesn't matter and what it costs you. When I turned 30 I realized I had to do something about my weight. I'd always been heavy - as had almost everyone in my family - but over the course of about 18 months I was in a car accident, had a shoulder injury, a low back/hip problem and broke my foot. I spent about 2 years of my late 20s recovering, ended up getting up to 300 pounds. And I'm pretty short. I lost the first 30 pounds or so biking and by mostly giving up sweet beverages. I lost another 20 or so by adding in weightlifting and getting pretty serious about it. I got another 20 or so pounds off by taking fiber religiously, loosely counting calories and using a fitbit, and taking orlistat/Ali (over the counter drug that blocks fat absorption). I got the last thirty off using steroids, peptides, and other performance enhancing drugs. My point in sharing this is that each of those decisions was a trade-off. I used to bike 30+ miles multiple times a week. That took time and energy that I could have been using to do something else. I still weightlift, which is also a big time commitment. Alli/orlistat is a nasty little drug, take it with too much fatty food and you WILL shit yourself. Everything has a cost of some sort. With regards to time - I came to love biking and weightlifting - which makes the time trade-off worth it. You do eventually get past the soreness and discomfort and may even enjoy something like that, you just have to suffer through the startup phase. With regards to steroids/black market drugs - I *know* I've likely taken a few years off my life. My mom had such bad knees and hips due to her weight that she could barely walk by the time she turned 50. My grandfather lived in a recliner in his walkout basement because he couldn't get out of bed and couldn't handle the steps to get to the front porch. I've seen the years I've possibly lost and, if they look like that, *I DON'T WANT THEM* Anyway, all of these decisions are a series of trade-offs between the length of your life, you enjoyment of life and how much free time you have. The catch is it's hard to know how things will feel on the other side of any sacrifice or time commitment, or if you'll come to enjoy/embrace the process. I think if you start making an effort to take care of yourself and start some sort of fitness habit, you will be much happier due to the sense of control or agency that it gives you over your body and your life, but your brain may work completely differently from mine.


I love love love the gym, it’s my happy time


I hear this all the time with people of varying weight, age, and physical activity, so here we go…again. - It’s the @&$?*% sodas and sweet tea, bro. - Not eating on some days or for long periods of time then eating something calorie dense or sugary will cause your body to hold onto fat for dear life. You need to eat consistently or your body tries to save everything it can b/c it thinks you’re starving. - It’s not the gym, it’s you. You should see a physical therapist or get a trainer/nutritionist (like me) otherwise you’re going to continue failing. - There’s nothing wrong with Ozempic or the other GLP-1 medications if you need it. They’re expensive right now and hard to get, and you’ll still need to have a nutrition plan. - Nothing will change unless you start changing. You are your own biggest obstacle and greatest ally. You just need to pick a side. Team “Fuckyourshitup” clearly isn’t working so maybe it’s time to join Team “Getyourshittogether”


Sodas and sweet teas. 1 can of coke has 39 grams of sugar =10 teaspoons =151 calories. An adult male should have less than 9 teaspoons per day.


If you're gaining weight on only one meal a day, that meal must be really high in calories or your calorie intake from sweet drinks must be pushing you over into weight gain. It's easy to drink a meals with of calories from a sweet drink and still feel hubgry, because liquid calories don't sate us in the same way. I stopped drinking sweet tea and Dr. Pepper, wich helped me slough off 30 pounds without any other changes. I did it by first going to half and half tea, then less and less sweet until finally I started putting salt in unsweetened tea to cut the bitter taste. Now I've trained myself to unsweetened salty tea with lemon, and that's all I ever have at restaurants etc. With that said, putting on muscle helps the body to burn more calories at rest, so gaining muscle mass makes weight loss easier over time. The first step in calorie counting is just to start noticing how many calories


Eating once a day is your problem/skipping meals, you have to burn off more calories than you consume to lose weight, but you are making your body panic and slowed your metabolism. Running/walking burn the same calories, so as long as you hit 10k steps a day you don't have to run. Just sounds like you want an excuse to use Ozempic, just realise you will have to go off of it at some point and there are side effects. Also you can have an eating disorder as an overweight person, you probably leave the gym feeling worse because it's not an overnight weight loss, fix.


I would cut out the soda and sweet tea (including 'diet' drinks). That's probably the main culprit here. They are not food and so won't fill us up, so we'll end up eating more/feeling hungry again faster. Cycling/cycling machine could be a good alternative to running.


You can lose weight and never step foot in a gym. It is 100% your diet. Trust me, I’ve been there. You need to stop drinking sweet tea and soda. If you’re drinking alcohol, you really need to be careful about how much and what you’re drinking. Starving yourself isn’t going to make it better either. You have to find healthy meals & portions that satisfy you.


Everyone thinks they need to run or work out to lose weight. When you’re obese, the best way to lose weight is first and foremost eating healthier food, cutting out sugar (if you’re ignorant about it, most processed food has sugar, so be wary of anything in a box) and walking and/or swimming. Walk everywhere you can.


Sodas, sweets, and one meal a day is not going to build a healthy metabolism. And I’m guessing since it’s your only meal for the day, you allow yourself to eat anything…? Smaller meals or snack throughout the day(HEALTHIER snacks or even small breakfast or lunch) will be much more conducive to losing weight. I used to do the one meal in the evening, usually fast food “since it was my only meal”, with a small sweet after, and this on top of little physical activity, WILL cause weight gain, or unhealthy body. Get active, cut sweets, eat healthier, drink lots of water, and if you don’t like the gym-go on walks. This WILL make you lose weight fast. Especially if you have a large sugar intake, and sodium(fast food), then you will lose it faaaaaast cutting sugar pretty much entirely, and bad fast food. It will fly off too, if you follow that.


No way you’re only eating once a day and gaining weight , that’s cap 🧢


Cutting calories is only one factor in achieving your weight loss goals. You can cut all the calories you want, but if you're eating sugary sodas, sweet tea and other sweet treats, you're going to continue to put on weight. It's about eating the RIGHT things, not just less. Sugary drinks and sodas are terrible for you and you'll notice a major difference if you cut out sugary snacks and drinks. By eating fewer meals, your body is going to have less energy, less energy means slower recovery/more pain and weakness at the gym. It seems counterintuitive, but you really should be eating more than what you say you're eating throughout the week. You need the food for energy and without it you won't have enough energy to get a good workout in. Try an elliptical or stationary bike for cardio/burning calories, it's less stressful on your knees and burns a pretty significant amount of calories. Also, I found that when I started going to the gym, group classes worked great for me to get started, build a community around my physical fitness journey, and ease into a workout routine. The first month at the gym is the hardest, but once you get into a routine, stick to it, and start to see meaningful results, it does become mildly addictive.


I never cared for the gym, throughout the military and beyond. We have a weight set in the basement, but I could never get into it. My mom was 5'3", 300 lbs. Father was about 6'4", 325 lbs. Me, I am 5'8", 140 lbs (weighed 110 lbs when I graduated) 30 years ago. I eat what I want, when I want - irritates my partner to no end, he has gained 35 lbs since we met.


Maybe look for a private training gym. Mine offers small group personal training (basically 4 people doing their own workouts with a single trainer overseeing everyone), plus totally designs my entire workout plan, including cardio and light-lift days at a normal gym. I never worked out for like 20 years, and am 50 lbs heavier than in my 20s, and their approach has been life-changing. And I know that my coach and trainer are really looking out for me (I have some neck problems that they’re working around). The best part of it is I don’t really need to think about it - I just show up and do what I’m told, so it’s honestly been pretty easy. I’m 3 months in and seeing real results - never thought I’d be flexing in the mirror, but here I am! It’s expensive, but I’ve found it to be well worth it - I don’t think I’d have found success with any other approach. Maybe try the elliptical rather than running? It has almost no impact on your frame. You should aim to keep your heart rate between 100-140, no higher. Or recumbent bike, which is boring but you can just read while pedaling. Cardio isn’t about losing weight but about building endurance. You’re very likely a candidate for the new weight loss drugs, but they work by curbing appetite, and it doesn’t sound like diet is really your problem? It also sounds like a good goal for you might be more muscle-bear than lean-and-mean? Like, setting a goal of 250 for now, which should take about a year to achieve. If you get there through strength training, your body will just convert the fat to muscle, and in a year you would look and feel so much better, even if you’re still a big guy (even in 3 months you’ll see results). Good luck! It takes time and patience and some effort, but the most important thing is really consistency, so find the approach that you’ll stick with more than anything.


Also - think about replacing soda with Kombucha. I fucking love soda, but it’s just amazingly bad for you. I pretty much have kombucha with every meal now - it’s made from fermented sugar so it’s naturally sweet, there’s lots of yummy flavors, and it’s also great for your digestion. GTS is the brand I like best, it claims (which seems impossible) to have no added sugar, just usually around 12grams of sugar/bottle (less than a third of soda). And I can usually get 2 servings out of a bottle.


I go every now and then. I hate when ppl sit on their phones and record themselves or whatever sitting on the machines. Come on other ppl would like to use the machine, but here you are focusing on yourself to put on instagram. I hate the whole fitness culture/selfie etc. Just work out and get the hell out LOL.


WEIGHTLESS happens with diet (being deficient in calories). It doesn’t matter if you have one meal or 3, only calories intake matters. CARDIO/ MUSCLE BUILDING happens in the gym.


I despise it with the fury of a thousand suns. I tend to only like exercise when it's natural - hiking, swimming, running around as part of a job, etc. When the goal itself is just to work out, I just REALLY don't want to do it. I thought paying for an expensive gym membership would motivate me, but it only did for a month or two before I was over it. I used to stay fit throughout college when I was waiting tables, because I was naturally getting so much exercise throughout the day. As soon as I graduated and started desk work, keeping weight off became way harder, though I am still able to do it by cutting calories. It's not sustainable, because I can tell my heart/lungs are getting lazy, so eventually I'm going to have to make some sort of lifestyle changes...but the gym ain't gonna be it.


I actually love working out, whether it’s the gym or outside or at home. I am by no means an Adonis. But I try to eat well and move. When I first started going to the gym, I hated it. I felt like people were judging me, and I was well over 30% bf. I talked to a personal trainer about how I was feeling and he said to me, “Bro… if they’re looking at you, they ain’t gettin no gainz”. It made so much sense! Anyone going to the gym is trying to work on being their best self. Therefore, there is no time for judgement. They’re too busy getting gainz. And if you ask any of them, they would be overjoyed to tell you their workout routine and what they do to get lean or swoll! Is the gym hard and uncomfortable sometimes? Yes! But the more you commit to it and the more you fall in love with the process, the more it becomes apart of you. That’s my 2 cents


I don’t hate it. I’m just too self conscious and nervous to go to it.


I had to train myself to not hate the gym. It was a chore, but I would force myself to go even if all I did was a measly 20min workout before going home. Eventually, I got into the routine, learned dedicated workouts, tracked protein. All baby steps. I still hate going to the gym, but I love seeing the progress in my body. It keeps me motivated each day. Also, cutting out soda was way more effective than any other diet or avoidance of food I tried. Diet soda or not, you will never lose enough weight if you’re drinking it every day.


If gym isn't for you that's okay, try something else. The dancing is probably doing you good. Maybe take up swimming or cycling, both are fun and might be what you need. Personally I'm with you, gym feels life a necessary evil to me however I do have some tricks that I use to make it easier. 1. Go early in the morning and take it easy - consistency is better than doing hard workouts sporadically, you'll never see any progress if you start / stop. It doesn't even matter what you do as long as you just stick to a schedule and turn up. 2. Put your kit out the night before and stick it on first thing in the morning when you wake up. Make it a point to have you kit on, teeth brushed and butt out of the door before your brains even woken up. Once you are physically outside of your house you can then ask yourself 'do I really want to go today or just go back to bed'.. 9/10 you'll just go. 3. This one sounds corny but genuinely I only go to the gym for me and the health gains. I don't really care about what others think of me, I'm going because I know I feel better after I've gotten my muscles fatigued. It also helps me get to work on time. Good luck dude.


I hate hate hate the gym. But I live in the forest and hike daily.


I only exercise from home or outdoors because that brings me joy. Just Find what works for you. The simple fact that anyone is just getting up and intentionally moving at all is a positive in itself. it’s not about go do ABC and you’ll get XYZ results like everyone else, because everyone’s body is different and responds differently to activities as well as everyones mind is different and not as engaged by the same activities. Gym is not a universal truth that works for everyone. And for some it does work. Some people find more joy in recreational sports or solitary exercise from home. It’s just as much about your mental health as your physical. And most health professionals will tell you that all anyone really needs to do is to balance what they eat with moderate exercise at least three days a week. Now if you want a certain kind of toning or build then weight lifting might be necessary, however you can still lift from home or through other methods like resistance training. Ultimately it’s up to you. Finding a way to get up and move in a way that is a joyful experience for you is what’s going to make it a sustainable lifestyle. I would encourage taking a second look at your diet and just seeing where you can make some changes. And It doesn’t have to be drastic. One issue is that we sometimes consume more than we actually think we do. I’m not an advocate of counting calories, but I love keeping food journals because it encourages me to reflect and take accountability for myself. You could even ask your doctor if they can refer you to a nutritionist in your insurance network. I don’t drink soda, but I love carbonated water because it gives me that crisp sensation without sugar. And then I found ways to fit in more dark leafy greens, protein and fruit into my every day. Last year I ended up losing 40lbs in three months simply from walking and tread milling from home. Stay encouraged !


I don't hate it but I also don't like it. I'm not passionate about it like some gym bros. It's just like brushing my teeth I guess, I like being lean and I know that if I stop going to the gym and counting calories I'll become skinny fat again. But I've also never had one single negative experience in my gym and it's not super concurred the time I use it so that's a bonus.


I miss going to an actual gym, it was fun and rewarding to see changes and have something to do after work; I’ve got some weights at home now which I like as well for flexibility but I miss the social aspect of a gym even tho I spoke to nobody at all


I like PF nobody bothers me or judges me there


I feel awful when I go to the gym. But guys actually pay attention to me when I stay consistent with going. So I keep going to that hell hole 6 days a week


The gym used to be the most miserable place on the planet for me and now it’s the part of my day I look forward to most. I was also almost 300 pounds and since have lost 120, I know what you’re going through. It really does get better the longer you go and it will also be easier if you start losing weight by adjusting your diet. I know you’re trying to convince us and yourself that you barely eat and magically became 300 pounds but the hard truth is that is impossible. You can get out of the rut you are in, if I can then anyone can because I was in deep. Also I can tell you the secret to getting out: get as much help as you can for your mental health from professionals.


I really don't like going to the gym. I used to walk as my main form of exercise, when I was overweight and pre-diabetic. I felt all of the conventional health advice was either vague or impossible to follow without being in a state of perpetual misery and food craving. I ended up getting into doing a keto diet and it really helped me to start losing weight, and letting me eat until I was satisfied. I ended up losing 30kg/66lbs over about 9 months and was able to build up my walking stamina. It also cleared up a lot of random symptoms I had like acne, asthma, shoulder pain I had from a past job, improve my sleep, the list goes on. Some people lose even more and seem to fix all these health problems doing carnivore, and I want to get there eventually. Regardless of what you do, I think if the diet is right, the exercise gets easier, and then the two just snowball. I don't recognise who I am today. I still don't like going to the gym, but I go in, use the treadmill until I'm done, and leave.


Only saw this as a notification, didn't read it sorry, but I love the gym more than anything else


Me, but I go anyway


I’m 150lbs and I absolutely hate working out with a passion. Granted I have chronic pain so I have a good reason to not enjoy working out. But even years ago, I never felt good or any pleasurable feeling from working out. I only did it to try to improve my looks for men to wanna have sex with me.


I hate the gym for other reasons, it's more because of I'm kind of germaphobe and I don't like the different smells in the gym. I lost weight, probably close to like 20-30 lbs. I lost it doing my workout at home since I ended up being resistance bands and a yoga mat during the pandemic. I only got serious since last fall. I would say this...eating one meal a day isn't a long term solution, you'll only end up gaining the weight back. Keep working out and eat things that you like but keep it around 1600 calories. Stop the sweat drinkss. I also started drinking black coffee which helps with my metabolism. As for working out, I do mostly cardios on my yoga mat...it's not running and my workout includes a lot of squats, sit ups, and push ups. I hate running because it's just boring, so doing that kind of workout has really helped out. You can do it! Since losing weight, I noticed that I get a lot of gazes from both sexes. Regarding your injuries, I've also had less issues with my health since losing weight. I used to have chronic gout and I have it much less since losing weight. The great thing about working out at home is that I'm not really putting so much pressure on my knees but I'm still hitting the cardio heart rate. And I sweat a lot which tells me that I'm burning fat. Finally, I learned to get addicted to soreness. You can do it!


Most of your weight loss and gain comes from the kitchen not the gym. The gym is more for gaining muscle and improving overall health, especially your heart. If you wanna lose weight download a calorie tracking app and log all the calories sources you consume. I can tell you right now, ALL caloric drinks are the death of a diet. They are so easy to consume without giving you proper nutrition and are just adding up your daily calorie intake. I should know, I use to sweeten up ALL my water with Kool aid packs and have multiple a day. I'm over here thinking I don't eat that much why do I weigh 315 pounds at 21 years old???? Then my doctor said I was pre diabetic and that shit got my ass in gear and I tossed out all the Kool aid packet bullshit. I ate better but still indulged here and there but I completely stopped having sweetened drinks because I knew they were just gonna hinder my progress. I soon got down to 260 and was feeling much better. Now I'm 26 and I got tired of being chubby so now I'm cutting my calories to lose weight and after 3 months I'm down to 233 and I still get pizza every once in a while. I'm looking good and feeling good, I just watch what I eat, log it, make sure I stay around 1500 calories, DO NOT DRINK SWEETENED DRINKS, and don't stress about it. I'll get to my goal weight of 190 before the end of the year easily. And ya I do go to the gym 3 to 4 times a week but it's honestly a small part of my weight loss because you honestly do not burn that many calories at the gym unless you're doing cardio like a mad man. You don't gotta go to the gym if you don't want to, you'll lose weight slightly slower and ya the gym would help but you honestly don't have to and you'll still lose a lot of weight. Good luck my man


I love the actual gym part of going. Feeling the adrenaline, working on yourself to heal physically and mentally, toning your body What I don’t like (might just be my gym) is the muscled out meat heads who hog the free weights. They clump up together, they’re noisy and boisterous, half the time is spent looking at each other’s bodies and being super gay with one another It gives me so much anxiety I stopped going altogether for months


As a fat guy… I work out at home. I have a home gym. Don’t like being in public places like that. But many people tell me I’m not fat anymore… The lies they tell…. Point is, you can get the endorphin rush from working out at home.


OP, do you know how to swim?


You can lose weight without the gym, it's just good for your body to be active. It helps keep your metabolism higher and benefits your joints and cardiovascular health. The extra calories you burn at the gym are just the cherry on top of your calorie deficit for the day. Calories are a fancy way of describing how much energy is in a food item. Your body constantly requires this energy from food to function. If your body has a surplus of energy coming in then it will typically store this as fat for later. Energy cannot be created out of thin air so if you are gaining weight it is because you are eating too much and your body is storing energy as fat. If you are in a caloric deficit your body has no choice but to tap into your fat reserves to stay functioning. What you need to do is figure out how many calories you need to eat per day to maintain your current weight. I recommend using an online calculator and erring to the side of sedentary when you get to activity level. Then you can simply eat 500 calories less than that per day which equals a 3500 calorie deficit per week (3500 calories = 1 lb fat). This will put you in a slow and steady weightloss and you will see progress overtime. Not everyone has the same maintenence so you need to keep an eye on the scale. Weigh yourself every morning before eating and take the average for the week and see if you are losing about a pound per week. If not, adjust accordingly. There is alot of dietary bullshit out there because it's big business but counting calories is scientifically sound and the best part is its free! Weightloss medications may work but if you don't change your eating habits and educate yourself about how to take care of yourself you will bounce back when they take you off them. The only thing is you need to be honest with yourself. If you underestimate foods, sneak in snacks, go days without counting ect you will make no progress. When you start making progress it's a big motivator and when you lose weight you will feel so much better overall. You'll find you can eat alot of the foods you love, just less of them. It helps so much to quantify what you are putting into your body because in our world of processed foods designed to make you crave, it's surprisingly easy to over eat. You maintain your car, home ect why not maintain your body? If you need any help PM me.


I’m a personal trainer and hope to compete one day as a bodybuilder, so the gym is kinda my happy place. Not the only one and I like to not always be there since I also work in one, but I just love it enough to never wanna stay away, haha


No I love it


I hate exercise in general but I like yoga and going for a walk . I get some toning . I'd rather diet, do yoga and cardio, instead of lifting weights ewww


I can't stand going to the gym. While I'm give or take 155lbs and 5'10", I wanna gain some muscle because my arms appear disproportionate to my stomach and chest imo. I'm extroverted and enjoy being around people even when not talking to them, however, really genuinely can't stand the gym. I wanna get some small workout stuff I can just have at home but I think I'd do much better just getting over myself and going to the gym. Running is also a challenge because of my asthma. I can't imagine running for more than 2 mins... and never learned how to ride a bike... lol. Ice skating, roller blading, hiking, and rock climbing have always been fun so maybe that could be done instead of running. Less so hiking, because I live in a city with little access to woods.


Track calories. Remove any sugary drinks and see if that does something.


I've never enjoyed it. I've never gotten the "high" from running or lifting. I've been through severe trauma and emotional turmoil and the gym has never helped. It's miserable through and through, but I still exercise because I'm realistic about the needs of my body.


Switch to two meals day and cut back the sweet soda and tea and/or switch to diet or no sugar alternatives to assist in cravings. You’ll need two meals to spread your energy a bit rather than getting the sugar boost immediately. It’s also easier to control binge eating if it’s spread over two meals and easier to track what you’re eating. Your physical therapist could put you on some meal plan tracking to assist.


What do you eat everyday and how much (1 bowl ...) ? Gym doesnt do everything. You need to stop drinking soda. It contains a lot of sugar...


you don't have to go to the gym or even work out to lose weight, it's just an easier way to build muscle mass or heart health (depending on how much cardio you do). barring extremely uncommon disorders, a person's weight is entirely determined by their caloric surplus or caloric deficit over time. figure out what your BMR is (roughly), and spend like a month tracking the calories for *literally everything* you consume. food, drinks, alcohol, all of it. after you have some idea how many calories you consume per day, you'll have some idea what to change.


1. Cut out all sodas and sweet tea; only drink water. 2. Consistently start eating 3 meals/day regardless of whether you are hungry. By skipping meals you are actually slowing your metabolism. Slow metabolism means weight gain. 3. Talk to your doctor. Not only for a weight loss medication but because weight gain can also be a symptom of a larger health issue. Also, yeah, the gym sucks.


If running is rough on your knees, try swimming! It’s much gentler on your body, but it’s a great workout.


Get on the weight loss meds and go to the gym. Now, weight loss meds isn’t for everyone so look for backup. If you have thyroid diseases in your family, you’re automatically not a candidate. If weight loss meds isn’t for you, consider bariatric surgery. Good luck!


I do. Just too much physical effort.


I like going because it helps my mental outlook as my body.


I just hate going to the gym when it's crowded.


I swim at the YMCA six days a week. Swimming doesn't seem like exercise to me it's like a form of meditation. It's easy on the joints. Water is 300x more dense than air, so it's a resistance exercise as well. They keep the lap pool at 78 degrees, so your body needs to burn calories to maintain homeostasis.


Check your thyroid. Weight gain even when exercising and dieting might be due to your thyroid. Also, I used to hate the gym as well. I don’t enjoy working out in a gym full of people but I’ve discovered that working out by myself has been a total game changer. I now rent my trainer’s private studio and I get to workout by myself. It’s fun and very private. For me, lack of privacy was hindering my love for working out but now that I get to do it alone, I like it! My advice is to find out what you hate about working out and then find a way to make it more enjoyable? Maybe going to the gym isn’t right for you but a good 30 min walk does it for you. Or maybe you hate walking but you enjoy bicycling? Just find out what’s hindering your progress or what’s stopping you and get rid of that hinderance. It’s doable 😀


Omg chile, get on that ozempic (Though it’s apparently really bad for you or w/e)


I don’t mind it necessarily, it’s just something I have to form a habit around doing because I know the end results will make me feel better about myself and make my body more attractive to look at


If you are still gaining weight and eating healthy and being active something health related could very well be going on- testosterone and thyroid issues in men can cause weight gain regardless of diet/activity levels.


I’ll say you shouldn’t feel bad about asking for/utilizing weight loss drugs, if that’s what you want. Your body is big, our society makes it tough to lose weight, and these drugs help - just like how other drugs help many people who eat too much salty foods keep their blood pressure down. You only live once, and if losing weight will make you feel better, why not?


Eat 3 meals a day. Kick up your protein intake. Force yourself to eat a healthy balanced amount every day. Walk / jog some. But lift weights as well. Push through not feeeeling endorphins and just do it so you get healthier and eventually look even better.


I hate the smelly gym I haven’t been in one since the military, I have my own workout routine that I do daily in the privacy of my own home , without prying eyes watching and judging my every move .




That's not in the budget.


\*\*\*\*ALWAYS CONFER WITH YOUR DOCTOR BEFORE STARTING EXERCISE AND DIETING\*\*\*\*\* * Start out simple - download one of the free calorie tracking apps like MyFitnessPal and then adjust your diet accordingly. You will probably find some foods you eat that are marketed as healthy have some hidden calories. * One meal a day may not be the best - multiple small meals may better for regulating your metabolism. Think about it like building and maintaining a fire - to maintain the fire is easier than building it big and letting it almost snuff itself out and then building it big again. * Try meal prepping. * Many salad dressings are your enemy - if you like salads, try eliminating iceberg lettuce as it doesn't have a lot of nutritional value and zero flavor and use other veggies that have flavor - try adding flavor by using balsamic vinegars - many of the balsamic vinegars are infused with amazing flavors. * Make sure you're getting enough protein - beware of protein powders and shakes (if you use them) as many have a lot of sugar in them so read the labels. * Dancing is great exercise - the gym isn't for everyone - find other ways to exercise that make you feel good. * Limit your sodas and sweat tea - this is where you're body is going haywire - imbalance of sugar carbs vs. protein. Sugar calories are a quick conversion to fat. Lastly - everyone has a different path to better health - find what works for you but don't forget there are some basic fundamentals that can't be ignored.


Dieting is the best way to lose weight. Exercise is important but the extra calories you burn pale in comparison to what you eat - the body is efficient and does not want to lose calories. The best diet I've ever followed was following my dad's diebetic diet - he was diagnosed with viral induced diabetes in his 20s. He's 82 now and apart from some neuropathy in his feet he's fine. Watch carbs and suger, pay attention to the gycemic index, get calories from protein, etc. He gave me a book that had a ton of info on nutrition for eating and eating out. I quit suger, limited other carbs, focused on protein, and didn't starve myself. I lost 80 pounds eating mostly the same stuff. I added intermittent fasting to the mix and lost another 20 pounds while eating mostly what I wanted besides refined sugar. Diet is key.


1) Eating one meal a day slows your metabolism over time. You clearly like food, like most of us, so eat more so you eat less! 2) Track calories. The odds that you aren’t over eating and gaining weight is very, very low. 3) Schedule an appointment with a doctor. Sometimes there is something wrong, aside from depression/ mental health 4) Erm, you lose weight by eating fewer calories, not by running. Please don’t be dishonest to your PT why you aren’t losing weight. Still exercise but don’t use that as an excuse. 5) You keep using absolutes in the way you communicate. I wouldn’t be so sure that you know what is best for you if you cannot change your actions. Honestly, you have a lot of work to do upstairs and wish you the best of luck!


I used to hate it but ever since I’ve been going with my best friend several times a week for about a year now, it’s so much more fun! we do the treadmill for at least 25 minutes and just talk each other’s ears off and then go off and do our own things without rushing each other. I think the later in my 20s I get, the better my self-image has been getting. I also use the myfitnesspal app to keep track of my progress and what I’m eating (well… that second part is only when i remember lol)


I also hate the gym... but I bike and run a ton, and workout (abs / upper body) at home. Am in better shape than most gym people... actually went to a gym recently to try out lap swimming, and several people were asking me for my workout routine, etc. Felt great haha, and I guess the secret is to not go to the gym


Theres something not adding up about your weight and eating habits. But the best form of exercise is the one youre going to continually do People can mean many different things by "going to the gym", you dont have to go and just use a couple machines so its worth experimenting Running kinda changed my life when i was really overweight and had a bad knee after getting 3 surgeries on it in my early 20s. Sounds counterintuitive but overtime running really strengthens it whereas otherwise it wouldve kept wasting away. Maybe your bodys not up to running yet, so you could always start with long brisk walks and maybe listen to an audio book or podcast if you get bored


Definitely would try getting in more fruit and veggies or protein dense foods throughout the day/week , also would limit the tea and soda if that’s your “cheat” (for instance mine is ice cream but I find alternatives that really hit the cold sweet feeling im acually craving) you might think limiting the actual meals is helping but it might be doing the opposite, just my two cents 🫶🏽 hope you find the path you are looking for, it’s tough but worth it.


1. Try cutting sugary drinks is your prority, gradually of course. Sugary drinks causing your blood glucose level to spike quickly, which gives you mood swing and might worsen your depression. Your body will prioritize burning glucose in your bloodstream rather than fat storage when there is high amount. 2. Try adding more fiber in your diet, presumably from unprocessed plant food, supplement is last resort. It slows down your glucose spike, creates healthy and diverse gut microbiome, and makes you feel full faster and longer with higher nutritional content. 3. Maintaining relationship on someone who already love and support your journey rather than some random guys. Build your self-love around them, by realising you are loved and cared by them, it helps maintaining your healthy lifestyle.


Point number 3 will be next to impossible. I don't have anyone in my day to day life willing or interested in helping me lose weight. I'd have to pay someone and I don't have the money for a trainer or the expensive gyms they are at.


I'm so sorry about that. But I don't mean that you need a person who helps you to be healthy. For me, any friends or family that can sometimes have a chat with you, letting you vent about struggles in your live is a huge relief. They don't have to give you advice, they just have to be empathic, make you feel seen and heard.


I love running but i become more stronger since i work out my legs at the gym, but running is my therapy, i run a lots of mile when i m sad or angry, one time i run for an 1 30hs


The gym is my sanctuary.


Just be miserable then ?


That's why I work construction and grapple....I am almost 50 and I schooled a 23 year old 20lbs heavier and he's a 5 day gym guy


if i have enough space i would rather exercise at home. but I know i know that it is different for everyone else because some people are very social creatures and they get more motivation exercising in a social setting. oh and try to make friends with clean drinking water instead of those sugary drinks.


I also absolutely despise the gym. I don’t get the rush. I find going to the gym as a chore. What worked for me was going to a WOD gym. These are gyms that are class only gyms, think CrossFit. You may find another gym that does WOD workouts that aren’t CrossFit. You schedule a class however many days a week you want. It has a trainer that will show you the workout, will make sure you’re doing the workout correctly, etc. they’re usually 45-60 minutes. You’ll be able to find new connections that way as well. You won’t be the only one out of shape. These are typically more expensive however. For instance, I found one recently that was $250 for unlimited classes. Another was $175 for 8 classes a month. You can typically do a class tryout for free or 5 days for $5 or 7 days for $7 type deal. However, your caloric intake is obviously the problem. Get rid of your sugary drinks. No tea, no pop, nothing. If you want something flavored, do flavored water, bubly and the target brand are my favorite. Honestly, once you start drinking water as your main source, you’ll come to enjoy it. You’ll start to realize not all water tastes the same. You need to make sure you’re taking in enough calories a day as well. Eating 1200 is sometimes just as harmful as eating 3000. Go check out the r/fitness and r/loseit subreddits for help. If you want to stay OMAD, go to r/omad. See if your health insurance will cover a registered dietician. The gym you go to may also have a registered dietician. Dont wanna go to the gym at all? Check out r/ddpyoga or go to DDP Yoga Facebook group. You’ll see a shit ton of stories about how DDPY helped people lose weight. He even does a million dollar competition EVERY YEAR called the Unstoppable Challenge that you can enter (it does start in January though so you did miss this year.) Reading your responses, therapy might also be extremely helpful. The rest is up to you.


I would only go to look


No, I love the gym


No I love it I get very obsessive and have to chill because it takes over my life in a really bad way


I did fell endorphine rush after workout but it does NOT worth all the gym efforts and time spent there. Did gym for 1 year then dropped. Yeah it does feel nice having toned and grown muscles but I was training really hard (with trainer) and there was a lot of effort not just during training, but in eating well, sleeping well, etc. For my lifestyle it's too much and I barely got any gain from the gym. I did find boyfriend though in that time, but gym didn't impact that at all. Also, it's really hard to go to gym casually and have actual results. You either have proper lifestyle for gym or you just waste 1 hour there every few days.


Hopefully I’m not repeating things others have already said. The gym is an acquired taste, but not the key to weight loss. That’s all in diet and what you’re eating. All calories are not created equal. I got my mom on a strict diet to lose weight to get under the weight limit for a joint surgery: the big keys are to avoid breads (mainly white, refined breads), corn, and refined sugars. Also avoid seed oils. Eat plenty of meats, vegetables, and quality fats (extra virgin olive oil, coconut, quality animal fats). Seafood is the best protein for weight loss, chicken the worst, get grass-fed, organic as applicable whenever possible (flame me). Starving yourself and then eating a full meal may actually be compounding things - you need to keep the furnace going throughout the day. It may be worth investing in the guidance of a good nutritionist, though all the info is out there for free. It’s 80/20 nutrition to exercise. Plenty of walks and staying in motion should suffice, when combined with strong diet, imho. Or perhaps cycling or a stationary bike, for something easier on the knees. Physical activity should be something you enjoy and brightens your day! I’ve slogged through the gym but prefer the outdoors any day. You can totally do it!!!


Every time I workout I feel sore and happy that I got it out of the way for the day but that's it. It's not curing my depression, compensating for my terrible looking face, or anything else. I have an at home power rack, dumbbells and a bunch of free weights. No commute and I spend 1 hour working out. If I had a 20 minute drive just to workout, I wouldn't ever bother so I'd recommend an at home setup if traveling to the gym is a hassle. I feel like it sucks up a lot of time checking everything I eat plus the workout itself, and I'm only doing it for aesthetics, but I've failed there, too. It's so easy to plateau. Even at 150lbs doing bench presses, rows, curls, planks, overhead lift and other exercises I don't have much to show for it. Now, I'm going to drop my weight to 140 or 130 to see if I can get visible abs and if not I think I'll be quitting. Genetics plays a big role. About 15% of the population doesn't respond well or at all to strength training and I'm thinking I might be an unlucky one dealing with another genetic screw over. My wrists are small so bench pressing in the proper form and deadlifting are often painful. I'm also generally inflexible so I can't do a lot of core exercises properly besides planks and crunches.


The gym might not be your preferred workout...try different things. I love the gym personally but there are other workouts


Try walking more when you can. Purposefully park a little farther away, take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator. Ride a bike instead of taking a car if you can. It sounds too simple, but it's really helpful. I live on the 11th floor and sometimes I will get off the elevator on the 5th floor and walk the rest of the way up. I work on the 3rd floor and try to take the stairs. I live in a big city and I will walk or bike instead of taking the bus or train if I can. It's a super easy way to get in a little bit more exercise.


I hate it so I mainly do HIIT / yoga / running which I enjoy a lot more instead but then I’m going to start lifting weights this month because I’m almost 40 and my muscles is declining. So if I start to incorporate that into my routine now then in ten years then my body will still function well and look good.




Dunno if evening meal is the one to prioritize cuz I’ve been told it was best to eat something light in the evening


I guarantee you're eating more than you think. Skipping meals just makes you more hungry and prone to snacking without realising. Also "soda" is full of calories - and is extremely bad for you. It is nutritionally empty and is basically fake-food. Even diet sodas are awful for your body. Do not drink them at all. In my opinion they should be banned as Hydrogenated vegetable oils were.


Same, social anxiety sucks...


Go and see a dietitian. If what you’re saying is true then there are underlying issues which need to be dealt with by a professional


The elliptical machine may be more your thing. Your basically intermittent fasting which can be great but will only get you so far. Especially if it's unstructured.You could take it the next step further and track your intake and schedule your eating. If you're only doing one meal a day, have it early enough that you're not going to bed soon after. You should consult your doc, tell them what's not working. They can recommend alternatives and possibly medication to assist


Hey maybe I'm too late to the party but I will try to help, since this post stood out to me. 1) Short of a thyroid problem or something in your brain, if you are eating as little as you say, this is not normal. Go to a dietitian and talk to them about your meals, and cut out sugary drinks, they are the devil (too many calories and little satiety). If you want sugar eat a fruit, if you don't feel like eating fruits you are just having a craving and not hungry (also pick a fruit that are not grapes or something so glycemic) 2) Swimming is the best if your goals is to lose weight, get bored at the gym, and have joint problems. I'm in excellent physical condition and I HATE running, you don't need it at all. There are other ways. 3) Shop for a doctor. Find a TRT clinic or a doctor who specializes in TRT and tell them your concerns. Find a doctor who will prescribe testosterone to you, but ony after you have your diet in order and find a physical activity you enjoy or at least tolerate.


A good tip in general is to find exercises that you do enjoy. I hate going to commercial gyms, so instead I go running with my dogs and do some resistance band exercises afterwards. Also stick to drinking water with meals. You get used to it very fast.


I started tracking calories for about 3 weeks. I’ve lost 6 pounds. Once I realized that the food I’m eating has plenty of energy, I realized that my sense of hunger is just way off. You have to keep track of your foods. They do not teach you how much energy is in all the various foods you eat. It’s really challenging to balance eating in the United States unless you actively practice using hard data. That’s the only real way to lose weight. CICO. The gym becomes really nice once you’ve lost the weight you want already and focus on building muscle or endurance/stamina. Then you can adjust your eating for more calories and then you start slowly seeing improvements each time in the weight you can lift. The gym is really just a convenient location for people to reach certain goals in strength or cardio. It’s not a REQUIREMENT. You can reach your own goals in different ways.


Its all about calories in and calories out. Though you may be thinking less is better thsts not the case. Your body depends on about 2k calories a day. After a month, you can lower to about 1500 a month. And so on. But even after you start to lose weight, you HAVE to eat. The body needs fuel to sustain itself, starving it is only doing more harm than good. Eating 5 small meals a day throughout it is a good start. Enough for you to stay hungry but still feeling full. You say your 300lbs. Drink a minimum of 150 0unces of water day, too. If your knees are bad the bike at the gym is less stressful and better for you. Also, FIRST do your lifting barbells bench press and such. Follow up on cardio.


Yes, thank you! I've been saying this for years. The gym is just pain. There is no "rush" for me. Not everyone gets that shit.


Unfortunately, I hate the gym too, but seeing results after being consistent is what you’re there for. You have to be long-term focused, it’s a marathon not a sprint.


I only don't go to gyms because I want to save money lol. If I can get into a gym for free through my jobs/school then awesome. Otherwise, I just go running outside. It's free. Can pretty much do it anywhere. Pretty time efficient. Don't need to drive anywhere for it.


I prefer working out at home, but then again, I have the basics that work well enough for me. I have dumbbells, push up bars, and an ab roller. Basic for sure, but some exercise is better than no exercise.


What about seeing a doctor? Eating is not something you have to do completely random, and if you eat shit your body is not going to react well. Seriously, revise your eating habits with a nutritionist because it sounds like you have an eating disorder already


No, I like the gym but not everyone does. I recommend having four small, 400 calorie meals per day, half lean protein and the other half of calories from healthy fats + complex carbohydrates. Lose all the sodas and sweetened beverages. You will also need some exercise, walking is good for people who have some weight on their bones. if walking hurts too much a stationary bike works too.


I remember going to the gym with a friend to work on stuff he really made me feel comfortable but he doesn’t live in nyc anymore so I don’t go, I have a huge phobia of that place without him


Talk to your doctor and see about meeting with a dietitian. Many hospitals have free classes on healthy eating. Your biggest meal needs to be breakfast or lunch. Eating dinner and then relaxing around the house before bed is not a good idea. You could also be referred to endocrinology for bloodwork to ensure that there are no underlying conditions. Talk to your PCP about finding one who might have a focus on weight issues. I’m not a tremendous fan of the new weight loss medications that are so popular. They are expensive and “seem” to be a lifelong commitment. The fact that we don’t know long term effects is something I find worrying. Part of a good weight loss program is to work on your self esteem and body image. Based on some of your comments I’d gently suggest that you have some work to do in this area. You can’t change where you came from or your past. But, you can change tomorrow and create a new ending. Blessings on your journey and good luck.


I can’t workout anymore but ya it wasn’t for me


You need to stop drinking sodas and sweet tea. You’re ingesting insulin-stimulating concentrated sugar calories without fiber or protein or fat to moderate its absorption. That insulin rush signals to your body to store fat. Drink water instead.


Sweet tea sweet Jesus


Don’t Go,  it too crowded as it is Stay home, watch Netflix and Eat. Big Bellies and Oversized Ass are  In VOUGE


Yes you are. Unwanted. Stop whining and stuffing your face and stop “line dancing” lol and take up a real sport 5 times a week.


Ah yes, another troll.


>I'm seriously considering asking my doctor about weight loss medication This is really the world we live in now 🤦🏼‍♂️


Ozempic is abused by people who just don’t want to exercise self control, but it’s a miracle drug for people who truly need it for health reasons like OP.


One meal a day is actually not good for you. You're actually better off eating three regular meals a day - so long as you're staying within your recommended calorie intake. Eating 3 meals regularly ALONG with daily exercise (doesn't even have to be that long either like 20-30 mins depending) will actually help regulate your metabolism and lose weight, as opposed to just one or two big meals a day. In terms of weight loss supplements, you can get stuff like Hydroxycut OTC that actually works pretty well - again though, as long as you're eating and exercising normally.