• By -


22, 0








Same til I was 23




24, 0


Fucking same omg (technically had a 1 month bf, but it doesn't really count). Are we all living the same life? 😭😭


28 this year, 2 including my right hand


At least you’re right hand is competent and faithful.


To be very honest, 8 years ago I WAS the person who slut-shamed: “Ew! How can he just have sex with so many guys?! He has no standards”. “Omg, he’s been with how many people? Good luck finding a man!”. Life is a spectrum. There is no normal, there never was. Your sex drive and sexual exploration is sacred to you and shouldn’t be compared to anyone. You should also not feel ashamed to enjoy sex! I’m 33. When I was 31, I’ve had a total of 4 partners. Now? Probably 20? It changed my mind the more I spoke to my fuck buddies. They range from one time hookups to long term fuck buddies and we all agreed that sex…is just sex. You’re not gross for wanting it. Your body isn’t cheapened because you’ve had more of it. You’re beautiful and deserve to have some fun with whoever you want. As Naruto says in the English dub “BELIEVE IT!” (I hate dubs…). P.S We all know slut-shamers are just jealous. If they truly cared about you, they’d just remind you to get tested often instead of shaming you. That’s the honest truth. P.P.S If you weren’t desirable, would you be able to wear a slut badge?! I doth think NOT. That is also why being a “slut” is not a negative thing. But do get tested. That’s always paramount.


this took a turn I wasn’t expecting when you mentioned Naruto-kun lol 


> But do get tested. That’s always paramount. Even if you typically use protection, get on PreP (which includes getting tested regularly as part of the protocol).


This is something I really needed to hear after being slut shamed by my ex for years💞💞💞


May I be honest? I slut shamed my ex when we first started dating. I’m not proud of it. I remember each of those comments. I was jealous. Deeply jealous because he had far more experiences than I did. That jealousy turned into spite. We still lasted 8 years and are great friends today. However, I will never be able to take those words back. I can only hope your ex grows. People like him and me live in a very dark echo chamber. We see others hook up, look in the mirror, and feel undesirable. It’s a cycle that will not end until he comes to terms with his own ego and lack of self-worth. Poetically (or ironically) it’s the lack of self-worth that causes the most problems in our lives. Some of us can move past it. Others will continue to circle endlessly.


He started therapy after I broke up with him. I couldn’t stop crying for about 6 weeks and most of his words are still stuck in my head. I don’t feel like a whore anymore but nowadays I am just hurt that the guy I wanted to marry was so mean to me.


You’ll find another who is more worthy. It was a maturity mismatch. You were leagues ahead, he was struggling to keep up. He made the distance your fault. I’m glad he’s in therapy! I’m on the shrooms/LSD self-discovery route.


37 and stopped counting literally hundreds ago


37, and 10. But I've only been out 6 months, so I'm playing catch up


Congrats on the outing.


🥳 Thank you!


Same but 24


25 yo and been with 9.


34 and I’ve had about 10 I guess.


You guys have partners?




18 and with a new acquired sense of freedom I’ve had 3 partners so far. Not nearly as many as others but I’m happy and that’s what matters.


Be safe!


Always! <3


29. 1 partner, from 21 years old to 27. I personally am the type that grows sexual attraction through passion and intimacy, I've never hooked up or wanted to. I ultimately left him because I know we aren't best with eachother, we have fundamental differences when it comes to life (im a huge intellect, abstract, scientific dude and he doesn't find any of it interesting, he'd a bit more simple and enjoys things like gardening). Nothing wrong with that, but I always felt that really deep connection felt missing. Since than I came across the perfect candidate, but I move SLOW lol. As in I have to really get an idea of who you actually are before I date you, because I really need someone I can depend on who has what's needed for legit loyalty.


I feel you a thousand percent on the slow, needing to really know someone part. It just sucks that the dating culture of majority of the community or humanity in general (maybe?) doesn't roll like that


22, I had 8 partners


31 ..zero


52 and about 1500 to 1700 is my guesstimate. Most in my 20s and early thirties.


42, and I'd say around 20 sexual partners. They always come back for more, so I don't have to hunt up someone new every week.


35 and well over 500… could be over 1,000 depending on your definition of “partner” Slut shaming is a defense mechanism that is usually rooted in insecurity. I live in a town that is transient so I have many one and done. And I have regular fuck buddies. I’m sti negative, on prep, and make sure I get tested regularly so nothing is passed along. I’ve had a long term relationship (10 years) so I’m capable of adapting to what I desire at that time. How many times have you satisfied your thirst with something other than water? Sex is a normal human desire that should be celebrated. And one thing I can guarantee, when I’m with someone, no matter if it’s known to be a one night thing or not, they are the most important person to me at that time. Because every human being is enough, and I want my partner/hookup/anon guy to know they worth my time and attention. I know how it is to feel forgotten by someone that should never abandon you, so when someone is allowing me in to their world via a sexual encounter, you best believe I’m going to treasure that moment and be present. I hope you will do the same. No matter if you have a sexual encounter with 1 more or 1,000 more.


I'm 21 and had over 50 partners🙈


Slut! (I’m also a slut)


Yes, but I'm in relationship for almost 1.5y:)


🤔 I'm in the thousands for sure. Stopped counting.


Quite sad that in 26 years old and no long time partner. Only some occasional sex encounter. If I was ugly I would’ve put my mind at rest, but I’m quite handsome (as has been said by other people that I’ve met), and the only reason I’m single is that I’m quite afraid on doing the first step. Growing up in a extremely religious household made me fear and hate my sexuality. Took a long time to accept myself and still I have some issues. But I’m confident eventually I’ll come out better and I’ll find the love of my life.


Good luck for us the mid 20s!


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They obviously haven't met most gay men... I'm 27 and honestly times that by like 20 and we might be close. Who cares if its 1 or 1000. There is nothing wrong with not wanting to sleep around as there is nothing wrong with being a total slut if you're not hurting anyone!!


28. 0.


Not even cock sucked through a wall?




Feel like it’s my duty and responsibility to volunteer


Dunno if glory holes are my kinda thing tbh


15? Those are rookie numbers. I am 26 and had a bit over 130 I think


30, I think 5 or 6 people. I did however get into a relationship at 20, we've been together ever since.


32yo, around 50. I have sex between one and three times a week, but it's usually with the same fwbs, I rarely hookup with new people.


40 years old, I'd estimate about 40 partners maybe, most of the before 30 though. In the last year I've had 7, but also had my first time at a gay sauna, so only 4 of those are people I know. One is a romantic partner, one is a kink partner, and two are friends with benefits. Honestly, if people are judging you on having consensual sex you don't want them as a friend. I don't talk about this stuff with work colleagues. Heck, they probably think Im a strictly monogamous vanilla guy if they think about it at all. Sex is just another pass time. It's a pass time we put a lot of emotional pressure on as a society but it's just another thing you do with your body. If you told people you ended up golfing with a stranger at the club, that's normal. I had gratifying sex with someone at the club, oh how could you?


25. Hmmm 175-200 is my guess


42, and probably pushing two hundred. I could probably count the anal sex partners but that's never been my preferred activity. Having "a number" is straight people shit. Have exactly as much sex as you want, take precautions, behave responsibly, and (don't) fuck the haters.


0 I am still a virgin never had a bf


31, top. Lost count of how many people I’ve hooked up with years ago lol


I am 32 and have had somewhere between 50 and 70 sexual partners. Only 11 or 12 were full-on butt sex.


19. Two before 18(we were all silly teen boys) and one is my current boyfriend(34). My two exs made me realize that I don't just simply like older matured men *more than* my peers I actually have *zero interests* in young guys. I, quite literally, only into matured men. I guess it's because my brain is wired differently? And dude...before I hit the legal age I never knew western culture was so against of having partner significantly younger or older than yourself. I used to think everyone sees it as normal as any other relationships since I could see the western celebrity couples mostly have big age gap. It was so difficult finding dates with older men. Most wouldn't date guys my age saying it's creepy for them to "date children" and some even thought me as sugar baby wanting to sell myself for their daddy money. Jeeeez that seriously SERIOUSLY hurt me which resulted me avoiding obviously rich men. My lonely soul just want some real love n affection and building something that could eventually grow into a family. Yet they considered me a fucking prostitute?! Luckily I found my current boyfriend who sees it no big deal. Love is love after all. Age shouldn't stop anyone from chasing it.


31, been with more than a hundred probably :)


37 and I’m well over 500. Maybe 1000 I don’t really know.. I just chuck it all up to being an experienced fuck! You know the more the merrier. I’m decently hung and completely vers so I can take and receive like a champ! Slut shamming is horrible. I am pretty successful in my life and I am a total slut so don’t judge a book by how many cum stains it has on its cover!


27 and somewhere in the triple digits lol.


19 years old and have none. Because I'm trying to train myself for relationships first. Like better personality, working on my anger issues, my body, dick size enlarging exercises


There’s no textbook about how you should be or how you should look like to start any kind of relationship, honestly they just.. happen They make you grow a lot and kinda change ur whole perspective. It’s not because you don’t match the ideal version of yourself that you don’t deserve a beautiful relationship 😊


I'm scared to be the last option honestly. Working on myself makes me feel better, even though I live in really homophobic place. There is probably no one in my town who's gay as well


I am absolutely shocked that nobody is mentioning that there is no such thing as “dick enlarging exercises” or surgery or whatever. It’s total nonsense. You have the dick you have and that’s about it. You can’t change it. The only way to peace is acceptance. Love your cock. It’s yours, no matter what it is. And FYI: it’s a normal size.


You don’t need to be any better than you already are, just enjoy yourself!


Thank you for your positive words. It means a lot to me. It's just I want to look hot as hell... not baby face/dick/voice dude😭


Why do you believe you have a baby dick?


Welp I'm 4.72"(lenght) x 4.53"(girth) inches. I want to increease my size to 6" x 5.5" inches


If I was to bottom for someone you'd have the perfect size, I've literally had to turn down guys with big ones as I'm tight and get into my own head about it. And if your not planning to top, doesn't matter at all! Some guys get off on it. That said, took me decades and therapy to get over it so give yourself the grace of that.


Listen to me. You're perfect, just the way you are.


I dunno man, it's like I'm not developing well as man. Like puberty avoided me


If you have some specific goal and you don't feel ready until you get there, that's fine, but if you only do it out of a lack of confidence, that most likely won't work out in the end. I've waited until I got my drivers license, which turns out was the right move, cause my partner lives 2.5 hours away. It was also a good thing for personal reasons, because I enjoy driving and I like maintaining/working on/tuning my shitbox. You don't HAVE TO do anything before you can date, but if you want to be in a better position before you try, than be realistic about it and do your thing!


It's good to do self work, especially if you've identified very problematic things like anger issues. But don't do it for a relationship, you need to do it for yourself. Relationships will come and go. If you do all this because of a relationship, when the relationship doesn't work out it will be easy for you to fall back into bad habits or beat yourself up because "I wasn't good enough, I didn't change enough, ....". I've been through many, currently I'm married to the person I'm probably going to die with now. And what I've found is that the best relationships are based on honesty and authenticity. When you can bring your true self in, scars and all, and you accept your partner's true self, scars and all. So focus on being the best version of yourself regardless of a relationship, and then one happens it will be really you and not something you are trying to do to fit them. And as for the dick thing, you'll probably have a higher chance of your dick getting mutilated or weird looking doing that. I've been with some guys and their junk was funky looking and found out later they were big into trying to grow it with pumps and pills and exercises (like weights). And honestly it doesn't matter. I've had great sex with all different sizes of men and dicks. What makes it great is when they have self confidence. Because everybody can have confidence issues, and when one person starts to feel self conscious it makes others feel the same. So when you do get there, just go into it knowing you are great (confidence not cocky) and they will feed off that energy and you'll be known as a great lover regardless of whatever you are packing.


Damn you made me feel like I'm getting talk with dad I needed. Thank you😭✨


hahaha Well I am in my "Daddy" phase now. 😂 Glad I could give some helpful advice.


I think it’s great to work on yourself because that type of exploration tends to go out the window once you meet someone. But, be kind to yourself when you do meet the guy that you want a relationship with. When you find someone that sweeps you off your feet, the dopamine is like popcorn in your brain and you feel high. It really is a different state of consciousness when you first fall in love with someone. I say be kind to yourself because things like exercise and eating well fall by the wayside because all you wanna do is be with that other person. That’s just part of falling in love and there will be time for self discipline in the future.


Do the actual thing. Nobody will credit your training when you’re six feet under.


I’m 31 and I’ve been in love 3 times, I’ve had two official boyfriends and seem close to getting a third. I’ve had loads of casual sex. I haven’t counted but upwards of sixty for sure. I used to keep a blog and I would only share the funny / interesting moments of my sex life as a twink, and I had over sixty entries on that.


I’m 32 and I had 3 boyfriends in my life. However, the third one became my husband 7 years ago lol


18 yo and 2 people


23 and 0 (kms)


27, 0


37 and I stopped counting after I went to a sex party for the first time when I was 26 LOL


Almost 36 and 4 2 one night hook-up but I didn't like it and 2 long term (first time and now my current)


I'm 30, and only 1 which is going on for 4years now


I'm 34 and I've had 17 partners. In my peak hoe phase a few years ago, I racked up a whopping 8 of them over 3 years.




I’m 18 now but when I was 16 I had a few more than 10 but surprisingly ive slowed down now that I’m more mature


25. One, my ex-boyfriend.


27 and 0 romantic partners


When I turned 28, I'd had 1 partner. When I turned 29, I'm probably had about 20. I'm 33 now, and have probably had somewhere around 40


I'm 28, and I've had zero partners 🥲


35yo and don’t count anymore, estimate is around 300 people


17, 3


38 years old, 34 men, 15 women. Not sure why I keep count, maybe it was for this post.


43, 0


22 and roughly 40-50


22 probably surpassed four digits... I want to stop for a while but exploration is so fun… I have minor self control


I'm 22 and had about 26-30 partners in total (not entirely sure of the specific number)


Also 28 and well over 300 at this point. I was quite the slut in college and I've been to bath houses all over the world with my husband. Two more trips and I'll probably start guessing around 400 lol.


22, Well over a hundred or so guys


23 and I lost track…I think it’s in the triple digits or atleast close to that


22 and I’ve slept with about 30 guys so far


Im 21, I've dated like 5 people, had one real relationship, and My bodycount is 51. I keep stats in a spreadsheet for fun :)


I'm 28 too and i had sex with too many to count. Plus the count would vary depending on what you count, like does only oral count? Nevertheless, it's a lot of men over the years for me. Nothing wrong with that of course, just be safe and get tested regularly. But I live in Montreal. Quebecers tend to be less upset about sex and gay sex in general than Americans or western Canadians. I did meet gay men that judged me for my sex life, but most did not, probably because theirs was as busy or more than mine lmao.


My bf is 24 and had been with around 70 people (most oral). And yes he's a slut, but he's my slut.


24 years old. 1 sexual partner


I’m 32, in my twenties I used to cruise a lot and jacked off guys under the stalls so I’m not counting those. I am at 36, including romantic partners and hookups. Recently I’ve been really horny cause of new medication, I think I’m about to enter my slut era, to think I thought I was over sex. This number is going to go way higher


I'm 40 and I don't keep stats but it'd be in the 700-800 range by now easily probly more. For context I don't live in city's, small town, and I'm reasonably fussy. That's grindr for ya.


I’m 21 and stopped at 5, not for any specific reason, just got too lazy to prep and socialize in general.


24, probably around 300


I'm 17 and now it's been 6 sexual partners


26, 1 partner. I'm selective when I date, I usually ask myself, is it someone I can show my parents one day? I cant date someone that have no family values, that want open relationship, thats jerks offt has a collectionof dildo, slept around many dudes, crazy leftist liberal/sjw, doesnt submit to my authority etc.


50 and ½, ½, and 1. The first two I backed out before we finished because it didn’t feel right. But they still should be counted because stuff happened. By the third I knew what I was doing. 26 years to date.


I m 39, I had pretty much of flings when I was younger (7).


31 and I have onlu had one for 7 years. Hope it lasts forever.


41 years old with 4 partners total. Have had the same one for the last 18 years. 


I’m 23 and somewhere between 16 and 20? I think?


27, probably over 60? I don’t really know. I used to travel a lot.


19, I had one like 3-4 years ago and I'm getting pretty desperate to be honest


22 and 6.


23 and 3


29 and I would say about 40/50


I'm 30 years old and recently hit the double digits with sexual partners. I'm at 11


Just looking through my Grindr grid where i am. been here a couple of years and counted approx 45. Am 40, been sexually since am 18, i stopped counting after 20 guys, and that well before i turned 19. i estimate to have done stuff with at least 500 guys. i've become a 'responsible' promiscuous person. get full STI panel every three months. i an lucky that they are free and easily accessible through sexual health services.


30 years old, an honest estimate would be 83.


55 years old and too many partners to count.


38 years old, in the region of 50 (guys & girls)


44, 7 sexual partners including my husband of 22 years.


I'm 30... I've been sexually active since I was 19 and have had about 25 partners? I've been in one longer term relationship (lasting a few months at best), but beyond that, I've been a single pringle 😅


I'm 33, I'm pretty sure I had 15 sexual partners *just last year*. At least four of them were in a single day. Don't let anyone shame you for the sex you do or don't have. Life's too short to worry about the opinions of small minded individuals, as long as you're getting fulfilment from your sex life, getting tested regularly, and enjoying yourself, that's all that matters.


I'm 36 and I must have had around 40, everything is listed on my diary 😂


Stop comparing yourself to others


23, 13


26, 20 partners.


118 and I’ve had 35 thousand sexual partners. They were all cocker spaniels.


21, 0


23 yo and I have had 7 so far


49 and must have 2000+.


I. 59yr old and partners gay or straight?


I'm 19 and I've only had 2 so far. Don't plan on having more than that atm.


24, and I’ve had 7. So far all of them non-romantic. And at this point, it looks like it’ll stay at 7 the way guys in my area act. But I’m oddly ok with that:


28, about 60? I usually keep regulars though cause I prefer it that way.


37 and quite a bit I didn’t start dealing wit guys until I was 31..and became a bit of a slut😬


27 and have had sex with 20 other guys and I don't feel like a slut and you shouldn't feel like it unless you want to be one. Have fun and don't give a shit to whatever people think about that.


42 years old, and I think around 55 partners.


35 over 100


38 years old, 34 men, 15 women. Not sure why I keep count, maybe it was for this post.


38 years old, 34 men, 15 women. Not sure why I keep count, maybe it was for this post.


In my youth almost 200 hundred different women ,I'm not bragging so I'm actually ashamed a little bit cause I had no respect for women as I was a child and seen a lot of abuse to women and my mother ,it's wasn't good,when my son was born he changed me for the better as I still try to bit by bit everyday try improve me so I can in some way be a mature person for others to look up too! Peace out and please bless all to be better to each other to exist on this planet ,we obviously have not learned anything from war! And why do some have to be sooo greedy ? It's a foolish stupid way to be ! Thanks to our service men and women who put there lives on the line to honor our countries Democratic process and to protect our rights and freedoms from those who stand to take them away from us,freedom.hasnt been cheap for our American people ,sons and daughters our future of existence is barely hanging on an enemy within us wants to chase a dictatorship a d model america just like putins Russia ? You in ink about the that I'm sure the people we of Russia would want it the i other way around ,but as long as you put fear in the people and don't care what it does to them then we have a problem no one person should run or rule americans personm or country Hitler was a coward just like trump ! Poor leader ship and false everything,my fellow Americans don't buy into Trump's ideas they haven't done anything for the middle class or poor just made the rich ,richer and when that happens it's a dead ringer that the only thing that's important to trump is money and expose the earths minerals and shit on our children's futures on this planet! That's murder to the human race! Why would he care he is life has been a box of chocolates! Dodged the draft, father spoiled him then trump inherited the riches of his father and we tax payers inherited Trump's bankruptcies over and over as he thru recklessness keep failing in business,proof in the national archives ! Hey vote so you can vote in again in 4 yrs !!! If you vote trump u will not vote again! A dictator to stay in power takes those freedoms away to rule you forever!!trump acts like Hitler everyday the syphilis is taking over!


28 bi, no partners




Im 18, 0


50, and I have no idea how many. I stopped counting 30 years ago because I didn't see the relevance or the need to brag to my friends about how many people I slept with.


I’m 21 and I have about 26 sexual partners(non-romantic). Also the person who call you a slut is just rude asf. Don’t listen to them dude, I hope you’re feeling better though 🙂


23, 0, at this point probably never will. I've found that people see my wheelchair and immediately get turned off


I’m 53 with a body count of over 500. Crazy thing is probably 450 of that was in the last 4 years! 😳


Age 36, partners:3


This had me counting. I'm 26, I've had 11 sexual partners, zero relationship. I guess that makes me something? Haha


24 and only two😔


23 and 2


Ehh all in all about 80 but as long as you’ve had your fun and a good time it’s good :D that is what counts


35 and probably 25-ish. I've been at it since I was 17 and counted at first, but I was like a dog in heat🤣🤣 I was exploring myself, porn and how sex as a young gay man worked (because, my parents didn't teach me shit, learned on my own & from my LGTB center as I got older) but I enjoyed my escapades, fun times😋😏


22, with 26 sexual partners, male, female, and in between. If it feels right, and neither you nor the other person is unwilling, then go for it. Live your best life how you want to live it and never be ashamed for what you like.


In my 60's now and absolutely 100's of experiences


45. My wife and I split up a little more than a year ago, and I've had 12 guys since then.


20. 2


28, 1


51 and I haven't kept count.


Late 30s. Anyone else lost count? 😭


24, 2 boyfriends/partners


24, 1 (and it sucked) *cries in the corner*


36 years old 72


I’m 45 and I think i had sex with over 1000 men. I had 2 boyrfriends, one that i’m married now and we’ve been together for 18 years.


39. Partners, 3. Sexual partners, around 20.


21, 66, and i lost my virginity a year ago. i need to find god lol


43 and I suspect my body count has exceeded 1000


50, 2


30yo and 11


22 and i really don’t know exactly how many partners i’ve had. my first like actual relationship was my ex, before i met my ex i couldn’t tell you how many people i was with, and the same goes for after we broke up. right now tho i’m seeing like 3 guys


61 years old. I didn’t come out until I was 35. More than 400 but less than 1000 is the best I can do. I got to the first 150 in my first year of exploration and then it tapered way off.


41 - alot. But really only from ages 34-40. Was quiet before that


31. Emotional? One. My husband. Sexual? *Uhhhhhhhhhhh* probably close to 50 lol.


27. 2 relationships, 1 fwb (I wouldn’t be able to label this accurately), 1 hook-up. Doesn’t sound like a lot but the first partner was very fun and experimental (perhaps his main (only?) good attribute), the fwb was *interesting*, the hook-up was more “wait what” and the final partner has been several years. I guess it’s not a lot of diversity regarding people, but there’s a lot of diversity in what’s been done and I don’t feel there’s anything I’ve missed out on.


22, 1 romantic, 7 total sexually.


23, 2 (somewhat substantial) boyfriends


38 and I’m not entirely sure 30-40+. As long as you’re making good choices and being safe, who the fuck cares? This puritan mindset shouldn’t bother you.


I’m 42, I came out of the closet as bisexual in 2014. I have had about 15 women all my life and about 120 men. 100 of those was just in the last 3 years. Oh I was married twice (both women). 2011-2104 & 2017-2021.