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I am not attracted to women in any way whatsoever


Same, this is why I never get the “nobody is 100% straight” argument. I’m definitely 100% gay so why wouldn’t the opposite exist?


it's that thing where closed minded folk know what they think, and can't understand how anybody could have any other preference.


Same here


Feminine men don't really do it for me either. Cross dressing just kills the mood entirely for me. But it's just a personal preference, I have nothing against either group of people, it's just a major boner killer for me.


Same, really. I can be down with a certain style or vibe of gender non-conformity but there has to be an element of blurring what's traditionally masculine rather than outright cross-dressing which just turns me off. It's all personal preference. If someone wants to dress that way and find people to fuck then more power to them. I'm just not going to be a sexual partner.


I’m the exact opposite. I love Femboys, and feminine men. And I present as more masculine, but not “super masculine” if that makes any sense


Same. I'm a six on the Kinsey scale. We definitely exist.


All my fellow sixes are all up ons


Here I am


Came here to say this


Hello handsome


I've had plenty of opportunity if I'd ever wanted to pursue having sex with a woman. I just haven't wanted to.


Yup. Like women as people / friends, mom, sis. But not in the least attracted sexually. Hard/angular vs. soft / curvy. Massive difference!!


Same. I had a gf in high school but we never did anything more than make out.


Congrats, you’re a gay man!


Can't wait to tell my boyfriend!


I have literally never felt sexual attraction to a woman ever.


Same. At all. And some have tried flirting with me in the last, but no, nothing. Its no wonder I was able to easily stay celibate for "god"


Same. I’ve had plenty of opportunities to sleep with objectively attractive women and literally have zero interest


I am in my 50s and have never had ANY attraction to a female - ZERO. Even as a teenager, none whatsoever. I believe sexuality is on a continuum but I am on the far far spectrum of attraction to males.




That heavy social influencing sure got through to me. So much so that I married a woman. But over the past decade I’ve come to terms with my sexuality, and attraction to men. So I agree that 100% exists, but some guys may be at 100% even if it doesn’t appear so.


That’s what I was gonna say. I have 0 attraction to women, but “dated” a girl in high school (in quotes because we never went out or talked outside of school because her phone was broken). It last like a month and I was miserable. We never kissed or did anything physical besides hold hands and I just felt gross because I knew I could not feel how she felt, I don’t like lying to people, and I had a crush on this other guy in our school at the time. I only agreed because she asked me and I wanted to try being straight. Knew immediately that’s not who I am.


Are you me? Lol, I didn't realize this kind of thing was so common until i looked for it. I ended up dating the highschool crush after, but it didn't work out :p




No you are not weird or different or unique. Most of us have never been with women or had any interest in trying it.


So true. Does it kind of feel like we were the ones groomed to believed that only heterosexuality is the only way? Almost brainwashed. After coming out, I feel like I needed to do a lot of reorienting myself. To answer OP’s question about 100% gay existing, I’m pretty sure I’m it. Survived 19 years of Evangelicalism brainwashing me straight. Glad I didn’t get married and have kids. I’d be the saddest closeted gay. Got me an amazing boyfriend who tops me. I only ask for more. He’s definitely made up for the life I wasted believing I’m straight.


Definitely not attracted and would never do anything with a woman. Not even curious


Same with me. I have great women friends and family who I love very much. But I could no more have sex with a woman than I could with a crow or a corpse.


I’ve never had any sort of arousel around women. I’ve had people say “ try it you might like it” and just the thought of it skivvies me out😖 i even get asked if i ever watched straight porn before and the answer is no. I just can’t see a female and get hard and hearing their moans just propels my disinterest. It’s not just you !


The noises are enough to frighten me as well.


Same here. The sound of a woman orgasming is really off-putting to me. So no ftms are out.


Hello handsome




No not really, i feel like they get it cause they know we aren’t all the same. I feel like for gay guys and other LGBTQ folks, the concept of sexual freedom is tied into identity. It allows us to navigate our desires,something that may have suppressed for so long because of unaccepting people,without the constraints of traditional norms. I guess my point in this extra ass response (lol) was while some of us embrace this journey with curiosity and liberation, others, like myself, are fine within the boundaries of just men even though i experienced the same suppression and I’ve never been looked at oddly or even judged for that cause i think me and my friends just get it if yk what i mean


I’m 100% gay. I have never had nor wanted to have any type of contact with the female body or a woman. I won’t even let female friends try to cuddle with me or hold my hand bc it makes me extremely uncomfortable.


Same here. I always wondered why. It's so strange. I almsot can't even look at women directly. Seeing a woman while I'm having sex is almost an instant boner killer.


saaameee,its so weird but im just like that too


Yes! I’m 100% gay and have never had sex with female. I kissed a girl and that was enough to know I wasn’t into it. I have a voracious sexual appetite for men. And I don’t need to sleep with a girl to know I don’t want to the same way a straight guy doesn’t need to fuck a guy to know he doesn’t want to




No; some people are surprised but Mostly it’s seen as respectable. I knew I liked other boys when I was like 11. I came out at 17 and never looked back because why would I? I was raised in a religious household too but I never let it mess with my mind enough to grapple with my sexuality which I always knew came NATURAL- unlike religion


Your very fortunate to not have to grapple with your sexuality. Not as easy when you’re older. After the age of 30 spent in the closet gay, and virgin, it gets worse. Each year I spent in the closet not true to my sexuality is like adding 50 lbs to a bench press. Like a weight of sadness, shame, and regret. I left the church, and found a boyfriend.




Yes, Gold Stars exist.




A guy who has never been with a woman. There’s also platinum gays which are gays who haven’t even touched a vagina even in birth as they were born via c-section. I’m a platinum gay


Platinum gay must have a generous rewards program.


being gay already means being exclusively attracted to the same sex,so is already 100% if you have some attraction even at 1% to the opposite sex you're bisexual


I find women pretty and things about them can be pretty, however I don’t want to have one as a life partner nor have sex with them.


I have never been attracted to women, not even when I was younger. I know plenty of guys that haven’t been with a woman. And I have never heard any of my gay friends suggesting to “try it” if they have before. That’s wild.


No no. No vagina for me. And the boobs, ugh - no. No! No thanks. Not only am i not interested but the mere idea of needing to try it for the sake of trying makes me recoil like if someone passes me a rugby ball i dodge it as if its a game of dodgeball not an invitation to join a friendly game.


Not attracted to women. I am 100% gay. This isn’t some radical statement. I know there’s a new generation that believes that everyone is bisexual and we choose to prefer one over the other that our sexualities are fluid and we’re only constrained by culture which limits our attractions. I promise you. That isn’t true. At least with me, I am gay. Never had any attraction to women. Never will. If I could choose to be attracted to women. I wouldn’t be gay, but we are what we are and we love who we love.




Yeah I think internalized homophobia and this desire to just be normal became so ingrained among a lot of guys. That they have to prove themselves to be anything, but gay. Almost like the idea of loving another man is disgusting in their minds that they cannot accept that aspect of themselves so they jump thru hoops to make sure they act, react and insist they aren’t gay. All the while getting plowed by another man. Cognitive dissonance is a disease of the soul and far too many lgbt people have it.


>I know there’s a new generation that believes that everyone is bisexual and we choose to prefer one over the other that our sexualities are fluid and we’re only constrained by culture which limits our attractions. I promise you. That isn’t true. Speaking as a bi male, I agree with you completely. I don't actually think sexuality is fluid at all, but sexual behavior can be. I was always open to boys and girls, my husband who is entirely 100% gay, was not. Ever. At all. We are what we are.


So can we chat and see how our first chat will led us to 😍🤜


I’m 100%


Gold star gay here.. never had a desire for the opposite sex. I find women beautiful and appreciate them aesthetically, but not sexually. You’re not alone.


Yes we exist. A lot of people are dumb, scared or what have you in their youth. I was not going to be dishonest in any type of relationship so I only have ever been with men. #blessed


Zero attraction to women - and believe me, if there had been even an inkling of it I would have acted on it when I was younger, because I was not super happy about being gay. But nope. Women are just people and naked women, even conventionally good looking ones, can sometimes even be actively unappealing. I hear gay guys talk about being with women and I wonder how on earth they’re able to perform because there’s no way I could get hard being that close to a vagina. Very occasionally I’ll see a woman with extra big, prominently displayed boobs and find myself wanting to glance at them. There’s still no sexual attraction but I guess just a natural curiosity about something that is so out of the ordinary? I imagine that’s what’s going on when you hear about straight guys freaking out because they saw some guy with a big dick in the locker room at school and realized that they wanted to look at it and “oh my god does this mean I’m gay??!!”


We definitely exist and anyone who tells you otherwise is ignorant or lying. Im 100% Kinsey 6 gay and I’ve never been with a female. I’ve never wanted to and I have no desire to now or in the future. I got to second base (felt her boobs) with a girl in high school and I noped out immediately. It was pretty clear that it did nothing for me. The first time I kissed a guy, it was immediately apparent that I was definitely 100% gay bc it felt so natural and right, whereas kissing a girl always felt awkward and forced. 


I think about this sometimes - when thinking about being with a woman, something in my brain just rejects that scenario entirely. Like. Even simple things like going on dates, holding hands, stuff like that, something inside me just hates it. It just knows that that’s not right, that’s not how it’s supposed to be. Meanwhile, thinking of being with a man… the exact opposite. There’s a euphoric feeling, something deep within that’s like “yes. This is right. We like this this is good”. Everything in me is just happy that way. So, that’s why I can say without a doubt that I’m 100% gay. People try to go on about how sexuality is fluid, and certainly there is a wide spectrum… but people like me happen to be on the very very far end of the spectrum, in a way that is very much rock solid. Like, I’d be a kinsey 7 if that were possible


I'm a 100% gold star gay. Cisgender and masculine (he/him/his). I've known plenty like me.


Yes. 100% gay here. Never had any sexual desire for women. Even accidentally stumbling on straight porn and seeing a woman getting fucked is a turn off for me. The idea of pussy is even - to a small degree - slightly gross.


Yes. Don't believe those who say it doesn't. You be you. The thought of sex with a woman is revolting to many.


You are called a "gold star gay" ( [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gold\_star\_(LGBT\_slang)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gold_star_(LGBT_slang)) ). There's plenty :)


Wth if you say you are attracted to women in any way you're bisexual 😭


I love feminine guys but can't even kiss a girl


Yup it's because sexuality is about someone's sex, not whether they perform "masculinity" or "femininity"


I was getting to know someone at work and in casual conversation at a bar with about a dozen people, sex lives came up. You wouldn't think he was a flaming mo with a fiance if you didn't ask. So I asked if he'd ever tried muff and he involuntarily gagged at the thought. It's a thing 😂


Yeah, I'm a top and 100% gay. I've never felt attracted to a woman nor am I curious about the idea. I have great friends who are girls and admire many women, but zero sexual attraction.


Yes I’m 100% gay! I don’t find women attractive in the slightest. I could maybe see if somebody is said to be beautiful, but I’d never get an erection or think sexual thoughts about them at all. A vagina is gross to me. Sorry, just the truth. I love cock and holes. A man’s shoulders, his chest, his leg muscles, all of that is delicious. Women are not sexy to me so I think I’m 100% gay!


Yeah, people who are "sexually fluid" are just bisexuals by another name. Same goes for people who posit that "no one is 100% straight/gay", no, you're just bisexual. Gay denotes exclusive same sex attraction in those of the male sex, as such, logic indicates that someone who isn't both male and exclusively same sex attracted is categorocally not gay. Experiencing attraction to individuals of both sexes but electing to partner only with men and experiencing exclusive attraction to the same sex are two very different life experiences. The distinction is important.


Apart from kissing a few girls while drunk as a teenager just to see what it was like (and realizing that I didn't like it at all), I've never done anything with a woman. Doesn't even occur to me to think of them in a sexual way. The thought of me doing anything sexual with a woman feels like such an unnatural thought that trying to force myself to think about it makes my skin crawl.


>you should try it, you might like it People who say that are dumb as fuck. Sexual attraction is NOT like food, trying it won't change it. Either you feel attraction to female sex characteristics or you don't. Forcing yourself to have sex with someone of the sex you don't like won't make you feel attraction from then on, even if you feel "it's not that bad" for some reason.


Same here, I'm not attracted to females the same way as you, yea i can say which one is good looking which one is not, but i don't see them sexually at all, and i never been with one 😂


I’ve never been with a woman and I never intended to. Most of the guys I’ve been with haven’t been with a woman either


Where do you live? This never happens where I live






yes. It’s me.


Same here never been attracted to woman or even tried . Your not alone


Yes, me. Never been with a woman, never been sexually attracted to a woman at all. I love men, would never look at anything that is not a man. I never fantasize with women in any way. Always men


It’s possible that their either lying, or the people you talked to only realized they were gay later in life and spent the first however many years of their life in relationships with women bc that’s what they thought they liked


Sensitive topic for the gay community. On the one hand many will claim they are 100% gay but on the other hand many (maybe even some from the first category I mentioned) will deny a man being 100% straight because sexuality is a spectrum and no one can be 100% straight. While I do believe that sexuality is a spectrum, there are individuals who are 100% gay or straight.




I'm not blind to a woman's beauty, but they don't make me want to get into bed with them. So, i'd consider myself exclusively gay, or a 6 on the kinsey scale. Id wager the closer you are to homosexual, the less drift there is in terms of sexual fluidity. It's the straight guys who are more likely to drift to bisexuality. Manlove is just that good.


100% gay, never touched a woman, no thanks, I need man penis.




Lol yes. Women with penis is not my cup of tea.


You don’t have to worry about it, you are 100% golden gay! I feel the same way! Like, if I were sent to prison where there were all females, I would never be straight for the stay of my sentence. Not one bit of desire to get off that way. I certainly would braid some hair and trade moisturizers from commissary!




Same. Never been curious about sex with females. No desire. 101% homosexual.


No I am 100% gay. No desire for females.


Never been with a woman


I mean, sexual orientation exists for a reason. If straight men and women are oriented towards each other for the purpose of making babies, then a male to male sexual orientation is just as human. For myself, I'm pretty binary-oriented. I'm only into masculine, natural born men who like being men, but some gay men are broader in their attraction. I can't relate to liking twinks or feminity, but some of us seem to love it, so more power to them. I admit I'm basic lol So, same-sex attraction exists and is immutable, but individual "types" can certainly vary.


The only vagina I’ve ever touched was the one I came out of. Gold star here, and like I haven’t even so much as kissed a girl since 6th grade. And always peck no tongue. Doesn’t do a single thing for me. No sexual attraction ever lol.


I'm not remotely attracted to women. I thought I was bi as a teen but realized when I tried sex it just didn't work. I can appreciate women's attractiveness but not sexually or romantically.


I have never had the urge to touch, taste, or insert my penis into a vagina. I was born crying, apparently I had a very early negative opinion.


There are many women that I find strikingly beautiful but I feel zero romantic or sexual attraction towards them. To all the people who say that sexuality is fluid – yours might be but mine isn’t.


"I identify as male, born with a penis"? - I think the phrase you're looking for is "I am a man".


100% gay here but I when I was young I tried to fuck the gay away with a couple different girls. At that age just the thought of getting naked was enough to get hard, didn't matter with who. Couldn't get off with either. First time with a man I came so hard I could see into the rainbow colored future and it was full of dick. So yes, there are some of us that have tried it with women but are still 100% gay. We're just not gold-star gay.




I hardly remember a time from mid teens to early 20's when my dick wasn't getting hard, was hard, or had just been hard. I may have a lot more control over when it speaks up these days but there are times I miss those early years.


I am the corporal proof for that.


100% gay here


As Jack would say from “Will & Grace”; “I’m a platinum gay” implying he never touched the vajajay even at birth (C-section)


Hi! 👋 I was born via cesarean so in my 40 years I HAVE NEVER TOUCHED A VAGINA and I have zero desire to. The funny thing is that I’m very straight passing and everyone assumes I’m straight but I couldn’t be gayer.


"you should try it, you might like it". If some guy said this sentence to me, I would consider it as rude rejection from him 💀💀...and also red flag...




I think you are right...I hate this kind of "hetero" gays 😃😃 And now to the question : I also consider myself as 100% gay since I have never had any physical "activity" with opposite sex. I'm also kinda scared I'd get attracted to a woman 😅


Not attracted to women at all but I had a gf for a year and a half as a last ditch effort to stay in the closet. I had to be bribed to eat her out. Had to not jerk for like 3 or more days to be able to fuck her 😂


Look up something called the “Kinsey Scale” It’s a rating of human sexuality, and helps explain sexuality more than our typically “labels” do. You are what they would call a “6”, meaning you have absolutely no attraction to the opposite sex. Most of the guys you are talking about are likely between 3-5. Research also states that most humans fall typically between 1-5, meaning 0 (completely 100% heterosexual) and 6 (completely 100% homosexual) are more rare. However, they do exist!


100% here


I’m 100%. Have done nothing sexual or intimate with a woman. I am not physically attracted to women.


Of course 100% gay exists 🙄 I've never been with a woman nor had the slightest desire to do so. Not sure where you're from but I know tons of gay guys who have never been with women either.


I like the idea of being able to find women attractive, like my mom likes the idea of eating tomatoes, but when it comes to the point of action, i.e., reality, I don't like women that way like my mom doesn't like tomatoes unless in a sauce.


100%er here. Big no to women, lovely as most of them are. Doesn’t matter how they act, what they wear, what they call themselves or how they identify. There’s never going to be any sexual or body compatibility there.


The idea of sex with a woman is repulsive to me. I am 100% gay.


100%er Even when I tried dating women, made out with them, cuddled them, etc I couldn’t ever get aroused Kissing felt good and holding them felt good but I think that’s less of a sexuality thing and more of a human contact thing I’m not repulsed by women or their bodies, I just have like, no feelings or reaction whatsoever


I lot of "straight experiences when they were younger" are literally just "I didn't realize I was gay and went through the motions for a while." There's absolutely more bi people than folks want to admit, but the majority of gay men *are* 100% gay.


Of course. I’m not attracted to women and have never, and will never, sleep with one. Being 100% gay exists, there’s women who will never sleep with men either. Also 100% straight exists, there’s lots of men out there who will never sleep with another man or find one attractive.


I think the official term for this is a “Gold Star Gay” but I may be wrong.


>I think the official term for this is a “Gold Star Gay” You are correct.


I’ve never had any sexual experience with a woman


Yes there are a lot of people who are 1000% gay


I am 100 percent gay! Never been with females.


I have never been sexual towards a woman, and was even a C-section. At no point in my life, has any part of me passed through a vagina. I’m *also* a Kinsey 6. So yeah, definitely 100% lol


Yes not attracted to females 100% gay


Uh....yes. vagina is gross...


Never done it with a woman. Never done it with a trans man. I exist.




It could be internalized biphobia. I knew a "straight" dude who denies he's bi even though the evidences hoard up a mountain, so I think some gay dudes could be like that too.




This friend is a mess. A total mess.




I wouldn't be friend of someone who has internally biphobia as your friend Clearly bissexual and deny it.




If you like to cum on a women’s tits you are not gay, I’m just sayin


Yes. It absolutely does. There are guys who know as toddlers that they are gay af and they could never ever be confused about it. I absolutely think if we were to take the messages that are beaten into guys all the time that the only viable choice presented is to be with women then you’d have way more guys who could say they never even thought about women in a sexual manner. There are definitely guys who grew up in such a way that they always knew they liked men or that it was very obvious to them and the people around them that women were *not it*. But most men who end up realizing they are gay have a LOT of baggage to offload when it comes to understanding what they actually like since it is outside ‘the norm’.


I saw a girl & what she had between her legs when I was about 3, I can see it in my mind now, that was it, immediate disgust, I am 100% gay!


A friend of mine said he's "A golden gay." I asked what he meant, and he said he's never had any attraction to or experience with women. He did then add the following: "I'd have been a platinum gay if I'd come out of my mum's sunroof." and I didn't know if I should laugh or be shocked. Great turn of phrase, though, haha.


Yup its me


Honestly,same.Im just 100% gay and i just feel uncomfortable around any naked female body,escp the vag. And im often att about it,but there is nothing i can do about it. Its just how i am wired


I think so. For me personally I've never felt an attraction to women in any sexual or romantic way, I have felt very connected to a lot of them emotionally though but as you know friends only nothing more. In highschool it was kinda awkward because I had some girls hit on me like sit on my lap or them making me sit on there's so the opportunity was there but it just did nothing for me. I was kinda in a double closet situation I was deeply into my religion at that time(JW) so I didnt want my friends knowing from school because I would get made fun of but also if I came out I was scared they might bully me and my parents would find out and kick me out 😅. Kinda looking back I wish I took the risk and come out because I had guys hit on me but I rejected because I was kinda religous and had many missed chances 🙃. I did come out to my coworkers though at work so they wouldnt ask oh why dont you have a gf or don't u think that lady was hot??? Even at that time I still had more women hit on me than guys somehow even though I was depressed and my hair was falling out really bad. So I had many chances but I could never imagine myself lying to a girl and giving her false hope of me loving her with all my might because I can't and I'm not so selfish and cruel to do such a thing to them. Maybe thats why I have such a hard time feeling any empathy towards gay guys that do that because how can you be so cruel to lie for such a long time to such a great human being because you're a coward. I mean even after all I went through and even if I would have decided to supress my feelings and stay a Jehovah's Witness I could never imagine myself marrying a woman even in that scenario.




Yeah, I mean I still have my regrets like not coming out during that time to avoid the gf questions from friends and have hookups with my male friends or the other way going full religous zealot and use the religion excuse on why I don't date. Like someone once said its easy to be a prude when you're not attracted to them 😅. I think what got me from not going suicidal as morbid as it sounds is that despite all the religous guilt I still thought to myself that I didnt have it as bad as other gay guys like in homophobic countries, now them I do have empathy for.




I’m 100% gay and I’ve done little things with women who were friends or people I knew and I never liked any of it so I’d say im 100% (:


Who the hell told you that? Sounds like you are hanging out with homophobes who don’t want to admit that gay people exist. I find this a bit weird of a question though tbh because of course they exist lol. I don’t think I have ever really been sexually attracted to a woman but I did have girlfriends when I was (much) younger because I felt like I had to. Doesn’t make me any less gay to have done that though although I wished it did back then lol. After I hit the end of my teen years I vowed never to do that again because it just wasn’t fair on the girls and I’m so glad I was able to realize that at quite a young age compared to some people I know who got married etc to fit in.


Me: I have zero attraction to females


200% gay here. Unlike you, all my gay friends are 100% gay, not even one Bisexual (even if you are 1% straight, that would make you bisexual I guess). Also, having experiences with women doesn't mean you aren't gay. I had some experience in the past, when I was experimenting with my sexuality. I didn't like it for one second, but I was simply trying to understand what I like and what I don't like... You could see it as if tasting something for the first time just to see if you like it or not.


I'm 100% gay and so is my partner but we both dated women before coming to terms with our sexuality and coming out and dating men. Unfortunately in our time (and in some dynamics, still to this day), you couldn't just accept your sexuality easily. So you suppress it and try the traditional lifestyle that everyone forces down your throat. That includes being in denial and dating women. This is also why there are many men married to women on the down low looking to hook up with other men. It's a real shame.


Most of my gay friends are what you would call a 5 star gay. They’ve never been with a girl and don’t want.


Does 100% straight exist?


The term you're looking for is golden gay. There are many of us. Of course 100% gay exists. Sexuality is a spectrum.


Yep. Me. I didn’t even touch my mother’s vagina (Caesarian birth)


I kissed a girl once and that threw my gay% from like 70% to 100%


I’ve also never been with a woman. Ever. So yes. We’re out there. I started coming out at a young age. Knew who I was a long time ago.


Your not alone dude


We call them thoroughbreds , don’t we?


I’m sure there are 💯% gay guys/ women. I dated and fucked girls in high school and college but 💯% men after age 20. So consider myself 99% gay. Lol.


I’m 68 and I still don’t know what I am


I am a platinum gay :) https://youtu.be/P7egsYXrHV4?si=eaeKQErTBC-J4JXw


I am 100% gay, ultimate pure quality 🤣


I once heard a brief lecture. The point was this: testosterone is a much stronger hormone than estrogen.


I met a gay man one time who said he is literally scared of vaginas


I think it does. I can admit I have never even considered trying sex with a female. It’s just never been an appealing thought, I think people can definitely only be attracted to a certain type. It’s not a choice, just how our brains work.


There is a difference between 100% homo and 100% of sexual experiences being with men. I did have a girl friend in the 90s when I was a teen. No one was out in HS, it wasn't an option. So I do have some sexual experience with a woman. Percentage wise it would be less than 1% of all my experience, but I consider myself to be 100% gay.


Just because a gay man has had a sexual experience with a woman doesn't mean he's not 100% gay. People experiment. People feel pressured to be straight. And yes, I'm absolutely 100% gay. I exist.


I have been told I'm a "platinum star" gay. Never slept with a woman, nor been particularly attracted to anyone who was at the time female identifying, and I was born by c-section. I'd say that's pretty gay, lol.


Never had a sexual experience. Hell I was a c section so didn't even come out of one


Hello fellow platinum star gay!


I tried it once when I was in high school and deep in denial. At the age when just seeing a guy walking down the hall gave me a hard on. It was with a girl I liked, and thought was attractive. I had absolutely no physical response at all. It was incredibly embarrassing, but was what made me completely realize that I was 100% gay. While I do find some women to be attractive, I've never found them to be attractive physically.


I was in straight relationships when I was closeted as a kid. Had sex and everything. There was zero attraction. Fortunately, as a teenager I had no problem getting hard even if I wasn't turned on, so I could perform with the girls being none the wiser. I consider myself 100% gay since I have never had any sexual attraction towards women, only men.