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Nobody likes me on any level, they just don’t mind me


Jeez you put me in a sentence… feel that myself


I feel that.


This is how I feel… :-/


I am with you on that. I just feel people take me for granted very often!




Not sure if this is what everyone else feels, but by that I mean I'm at uni so there are naturally many opportunities for me to join things. People at my block going to a nightclub, society events and everything. I try joining things when I can and people are 'happy enough' to see me there, but their attention is mostly on each other and once it ends and we're off they all forget I exist. I tried texting pretty much every one of them but they give cold replies and I stop bothering. No social life until I barge my way into another event.




Ehh it's how it is. I'm still at uni while everyone pissed off for christmas, really not sure which I prefer haha. Is that a Young Mungo reference I see? Although I'm barely halfway through the book.




We get accepted by default because we're not disliked enough that rejecting or excluding us isn't uncomfortable or rude.


I used to feel the same way. And I'm here to say. You are somebody's type. But you might not like em back. 😅


I hope you're wrong. Just because you perceive that to be the case, it doesn't necessarily mean it's true. I'm sure there are loads of people out there who'd adore your company. Hope you're okay.




Same, plus the low libido and ED from the meds.


>xandaar337 Same!


Yup, haven't had a boner since august


Hey at least we want to die less. Hopefully.


Nah I want to live less... a lot less


Sorry to hear. I'm on lots of meds and feel like I'm just floating around through life like a balloon. It's not perfect but it's okay for now.


My lingering doubts and lack of meaning in my life


You should give spirituality a shot. Not religion , just being try reading ur natal chart . It's a little philosophic. Helps me a lot. Even if it's placebo


I am to cynical for that.


Damn why did everyone downvote this 😂


Because there’s no such thing as a spirit, and the stars have no effect on your personality or emotions.


“even if it’s placebo”


Maybe try an actual fix for the problem, not something that involves relying on fairytales.


The same way religion doesn’t. It’s something that’s nice to think about. You focus on your emotions and how you want to change them, something a lot of people otherwise wouldn’t do


Yeah fr that was a good answer


Try a therapist instead. That’s actually real.




Pisses me off man... How hard some of us work, and for what? Just gets burned away at the minute of payday now.


Yea 👌. And when the payday come, that loan, basic needs, installment, unknown health condition and long lost brother suddenly say "Hi"


Escaping my country


Oh god same


Have you done it?


Obviously not lol


Addiction and untreated mental health.


I know this feeling all too well. From pot, to psychedelics, to alcohol, to party drugs, to nicotine; always have a vice. Maybe framing your life around the vices you can withstand and cutting the ones you can’t can help. For me, alcohol consumption completely took over my life, and while I’m still dealing with the repercussions of that, the positives I’ve been cultivating for years with sobriety (and an adhd diagnosis lol 😅) have finally outweighed the mess I made with alcohol. Hang in there, bubs. You are not alone, and if you ever need to reach out to anyone (even if that person’s a complete stranger), I’d be glad to listen. ❤️


What are you addicted to


Overthinking, missing out many opportunities and regretting my past


It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me.


Coming out of closet to my conservative family


Same. And being gay.


Insecurity, depression.


realising that i don’t need to be in a relationship/gain attention from men to feel valid; i don’t need to worry about not having sex cause they’ll be guys later on that will want to see what’s under my bulge (but first let me get hot for myself, and only myself)


U think that until u get old then panic sets in


I am pretty sure he has contemplated that and has made his choice. I too don't mind if I due alone. If I get to have the body and life I want


i needed to read this 💖


Trust issue and long-term affect on social skills caused by rape trauma Another issue is: guys only want my ass but nobody wants my heart


Have you spoken to a therapist?


You’re not alone in this. Trauma’s affects on social skills are heartbreaking and frustrating. Wishing you peace, healing and all the love. That heart will find a man that wants it and protects it.


Tried Jeffery Dahmer?




Depression, anxiety which are directly related to low self-esteem.


Fully relate to this.


Me living in a homophobic country where being gay is illegal and I cant leave cause I dont have the resources or money. It hurts cause my youthful years are passing me by and I cant do shit about it.


Where the fuck are you?


Are u gonna get me out of here? Lol I'm in one of the worst countries to be gay. even the gay people here are homophobic. that's how bad it is. Lol




I think could be the middle east /Russia or Nigeria


They dont kill gays in Australia


Not finding a correct life partner. Person whom I can love and he loves me. So many heart-breaks I had, so I have lost the any confidence to fall in love.


Intrusive thoughts...


My smol pp


Daww . I'm sure it's just in ur hed


It's all in your Le head


I’d like to be the judge of that!


Being in the closet and also being frustrated with unpleasant sex (bottom here).


If the sex is unpleasant, have you considered you’re not a bottom?


I am submissive so being dominant like that isn’t my thing.


Gay people see in black and white. Its like there is no other option outside dom/sub. We can thank pornos


Lol at being downvoted for my own opinion. Ridiculous.




I feel you. The worst part is when some of my friends praise me for how I’m able to be so indipendent. It’s not like I had a choice, I just had to learn how to.


Being massively in love with my best friend. He loves me too but we can't be together and I need to figure out how to move past my feelings


What is the reason for not being together?


Is he straight?


No he's gay




My drinking problem.


AA man. It worked for me.


Lack of total eyesight kind of sucks


Feeling sort of too unattractive to have any meaningful romantic relationships. Nobody ever seems to be remotely interested. My short term problem: I really really wanna move out of my city but I’m absolutely terrified. One for leaving my friends, and two, that I’ve missed the prime age to do it.


Being in an apathetic rut - unemployed, lazy, no interest in romance/sex.


Me not able to understand anything financially, all the terminology, numbers, etc I feel so stupid! I cannot get a grasp of anything that’s related. And for that reason, I feel like I’m not intelligent enough, and worthy enough to be loved by someone. Not sure how I came to that conclusion but it’s just how I feel 🤷🏻‍♂️


I kindaof am in the same boat when it comes to finances and interest rates, etc I try to keep things as simple as possible. What kind of questions do you have ? You're lucky you live in an age where questions can be asked online and answered by people with passion in the subject for free some times.


My regrets from doing a terrible thing when I was black out drunk that I told all my close friends Who weren’t there since I felt so terrible about it and it ended up with me losing my close proximity to them, so now when I was surrounded by close friends I now have 1 or 2 who don’t even live where I live, so I blew up my social life in one night and I haven’t been able to recover


Well, I feel the fact you feel remorse and owned up to it really says something about your humanity .


Of course, I feel terrible about it, it had never happened in my 3 years of university, I started counseling, I don’t drink like I did before and I’ve been focusing on my studies, I know that what I did was wrong and I won’t brush it off as it’s just something I only did when I was black out, I just wish my friends knew how much regret I have and how much I’ve beat myself up over it, and that I didn’t care I’d be telling them of this terrible thing they would’ve never found out about if I hadn’t told them just because of how bad I felt and I needed to let it out, but I know that I can and will do better and actions speak louder than words so I’ll try to make sure never to drink like that again so that I don’t make that mistake again


I’m pretty much on the same boat as you in almost every way. I said things and acted in ways to some people that I am extremely ashamed of even after about 4-6 years later (this was multiple incidents in a time where I depended heavily on alcohol). I felt that I was socially handicapped having to hide parts of myself in adolescence and childhood that ended up me acting way less mature than my age. I wish some people know how much I beat myself up for years. “If only I had a normal upbringing and knew better”. I think it’s not uncommon for gay men and other lgbt to fall under similar circumstances since many of us don’t learn certain social skills or go through certain life experiences that cis het people go through.


And you’ve described me as well, I lived in a very homophobic household so after coming to uni and experiencing being out as gay and partying a lot made me act way less mature since I was just starting to live my life as a gay person so I would go off the rails very often, over drink when going to gay events since I’d become nervous being around gay people and not know my limits for drinking, I just wish I could turn back time so I didn’t overdrink on Halloween and my life would be so much more different


How avoidant i am


My weight, it’s completely out of control and it is reducing the quality of my life a great deal. I’m getting ready to do the Bariatric surgery.


Good luck with your surgery. I hope you find that quality of life. Sending you love.


Oh so good for you! I wish you the best recovery process and everything is gonna be alright




Post finasteride syndrome


What's that


Post-finasteride syndrome is a rare condition that some men may experience after taking finasteride (Proscar, Propecia). Post-finasteride syndrome is characterized by persistent sexual, physical, and mental health side effects that continue even after stopping the medication.


Money I guess. I bought my own house last year but trying to save up to buy a second one in the city to rent out rooms to gay guys who need a place to live for cheap. But I only make 43k so it will take me another year or two


"I can't buy a second house". That doesnt sound like much of an issue lol


That's very noble ! 😲 do let me know when you open it and which city lol.


Well it's Rochester NY! I know a few guys who have done it and I wanted to follow their example I'm looking at one place now that's 65k but I don't have quite enough saved to get the mortgage on it


Jesus you can buy one house and try for a second with 43k? Fuck why do I live in LA lol


and i make 130K in LA and can’t buy a house 💀


Addiction, loneliness, impostor syndrome, codependency, among others. Yeah I know that probably I won't live too long, anyways.


Oh don’t say that :(( I’m sure you’ll overcome it. It takes quite some courage to admit that to a bunch of strangers on the internet. I admire that


I have anxiety too.slow and deep conscious Breathing helps me a lot when I'm spiralling . I get a better idea of how much is within my control that I can do at the moment and kinda stop bothering about the rest .." temporarily "


I feel like no matter what I do, people always end up hating me. Like I’m cursed to not be able to hold down a friendship longer than 6 months. It’s sad. I know I have some role to play in this. The common denominator is me. At this point I’m just turned off from socializing, I’ve given up. I feel like I’ll never find my people.


I’m too fat for any man to ever be attracted to me.


Lack of intimacy


Overrated. Get a pet.


Not everyone has financial means for that


Family and friends can be intimate relationships


What are friends & whats a supportive fam


Depression, childhood trauma, body dysmorphia. Thankfully I am on meds and they are somewhat helpful but I feel so overwhelmed with so many issues I don’t even know which to begin resolving first ao I get frustrated and do anything at all


I suffer from childhood trauma and body dysmorphia as well. I have a loong ass way to go with inner child healing , but trust me it helps, just watch some videos. But I've realised sometimes i cant get into it because im not ready, but it helped me a ton .. Just try listening to it without a cynical mindset . For me i was rolling my eyes during this inner child meditation thing on youtube then listened to it again, it takes you back to specific scenarios of your childhood that deeply hurt. Could be something simple as hell, but the scars it could have left affects you so much. I had a lot of issues with childhood bullies and my dad and childhood in general. Helped me get over it .. I kind of had a very emotional release.. It may sound weird but pls give it a shot. It helped me so much. As for body dismorphia. I have nothing to offer as I have ridiculous body image issues to the point i dont take my clothes of even during sex. Guess thats what being chubby in your youth and now having stretch marks does to you :/ . Good luck with that and do get back to me of you know any resources that you find useful in your life regarding this !


Confusion, as in not knowing what I want, what I need.


Wanting to move out but not finding anything that pays good or wants to hire even after submitting a resume or going through interviews


Well it's a toss between housing and putting myself out there for dating.....


Having just moved countries at age 29 and applying for jobs in a city where I don’t speak the main language. Excited but also really scared I’ll be starting at the bottom of the ladder


I may have multiple sclerosis (relapsing remitting type, not the death sentence type). It’s weighing on my mind.


Cannot find an apartment that’s I can afford to rent so stuck living with my parents 😭


Unable to accept and trust that I am very loved.


I feel I need to do more in life to be successful


I peaked in the army, live off va income, and am estranged from my family. And will never have bio kids.


Working 60 hours a week on night shift trying to save up for a house and give my dogs a backyard. Feels like I neglect them sometimes but I try my hardest to exercise them as much as possible.


Stress and intense procrastination, to the point that I cannot control it and it is ruining my life. Paired with my memory not being great and just not being able to get the motivation to get things done.


Sounds like classic ADHD. I suffer from the same things as you.


Right now it’s my mental health I actively feel myself getting worse everyday and as a result I’ve been using alcohol (in moderation) to sooth symptoms of anxiety and depression. I feel people are worried about me too but I just don’t care.


That I have been the target of narcissists most of my life. I see them now though. But seeing them doesn't make them selfdestruct, unfortunately.


Financial. Cant afford rent in the city I work in. If i had the money i would have the time for working out and for hobbies. All i do is work and i am kind of forgetting who i am. It's depressing asf


My mental health, the ever-spiralling shadow of doom swallowing me whole to the point that I successfully end myself


Money, career, and probably the most important thing is lack of self love.


Commitment, I recently started dating a boy and we met on a dating app, and I feel like he's great match for me, he's opposite of me fem gay, cute, attractive, very sarcastic, and a homebody, and I feel as though I am leading him on, because I am starting to explore polyamory, because I know monogamy isn't for me, but he has said he is very monogamous, and I'm scared to have this conversation with him. I really like this guy and I don't want to hurt him, I feel as though if I do tell him I'm polyamorous, he might dump me so yeah that's my problem. I have hope that someone like me isn't alone when it comes to looking at other people and fantasizing about being with them sexually and not have it mean anything. But I am an man and we are trash. 💯🤣




Chronic illness


This has caused me so many issues and suffering. I have this desire I can’t ignore and am always in pursuit of: I want to be held, genuinely, by a straight and gentle friend who loves me, and every once in a while I want to be his submissive to please him with oral sex. I want to know he cares. And I want to know he finds my need to submit pleasing. It satisfies my needs. I want respect and also be a sexual object. Be gentle with me, gay bros… I’m deeply embarrassed to share this with gay friends…


Being into my mate but knowing it’s platonic and hell one day leave like everyone else when they find out




Damn that's hard. I'm so sorry. I get you love your partner. I also get there's a constant desire in you and it's not fair for you to just live feeling unfulfilled. I don't know the right advice to give , but I feel you might need to talk to your partner. I tried putting myself in your shoes. I would honestly talk it out and it's not an easy conversation to have for sure.


Mine is something worse I'm in a true plutonic love see below and we have trancended all seven steps but both still seek romance, with others and are okay with it but when we find romances for ourselves they peter off or the other one of us thinks that one was unworthy and our relationships end however we are not romantically in love but there is Attraction both gay and our perspective romantic partners never understand. And we are in esesnce left with a greater love but without romance. Because romance is not the meaning of love and thus comes secondary to our friendship. ogether with other Greek philosophers and scientists of ancient times in “The School of Athens.” Credit: Public domain. Platonic love is one of the most widely misinterpreted concepts in Plato’s philosophy. It has transcended the realm of philosophy, becoming widely used across culture and has strayed from its original meaning throughout the process. Plato believed that love is the motivation that leads one to try to know and contemplate beauty in itself. This happens through a gradual process that begins with an appreciation of the appearance of physical beauty and then moves on to an appreciation of spiritual beauty. Moving through these steps culminates in the passionate, pure, and disinterested knowledge of the essence of beauty, which remains incorruptible and always equal to itself: the knowledge of the idea of ​​beauty. The true concept of platonic love This type of love is often interpreted as spiritual rather than physical. Some even go as far as to call platonic love an “impossible love,” although that is perhaps more extreme than Plato’s conception. Plato provides his clearest outline of Platonic love in “The Symposium.” A symposium, or banquet, was a common celebration where Greeks came together to drink, celebrate, and discuss ideas.  During a symposium held in the house of the tragic poet Agathon, several of the most important men of Athens, including Socrates, Pausanias, Aristophanes, and the most powerful character of the moment, Alcibiades, began a philosophical debate over the true nature of love, with each philosopher providing their own argument. After having listened to all those present, Socrates takes the floor and narrates what the priestess of Apollo, Diotima, had revealed to him about the meaning of platonic love: that it was a ladder on which love climbs up a series of steps to reach the peak of a “supreme idea.” For Plato, love is not an end in and of itself but only a means to achieving this supreme concept of beauty. The first step is physical; the senses unleash eros (the love that enters through the eyes and compels one to approach someone). In this stage, love is physical. Plato does not, in fact, reject the physical dimension of love, as many falsely believe. This is a fundamental stage and is necessary in order to reach the supreme idea. In the second step, one goes from looking for beauty in a particular body to looking for beauty in multiple bodies, thus forging a categorical notion of beauty and prompting the search for the idea behind this notion. The third step is the one that passes from the physical body to the beauty of the soul. In this state, the person learns to love the soul despite the physical aspect of beauty. In the fourth step, Socrates elevates love to a very different scale since it enters the world of ethics. The love of beautiful souls increases moral beauty. In the fifth step, Socrates passes from the rules of conduct to beautiful knowledge referring to institutions and a love for the government. The sixth step starts from the beautiful knowledge and uses science to reach a delight in the beauty of knowledge and understanding. In the seventh, the idea of ​​beauty comes into harmony with the universe. It passes from the world to the cosmic category (to beauty itself.) In this phase, beauty takes on the hue of vision, or revelation, experienced through the lens of philosophy. Plato and his ideal love Plato’s ideal love is connected with his notion of the ideal world (a world where everything is perfect and our material reality is a copy of its image). That is why this ideal of Platonic love does not refer to having an unattainable love but to love in a sense that is eternal and intelligible: a perfect ideal form. This framework is closely connected to Plato’s allegory of the Cave. The one who comes to the idea of beauty is the one who has managed to get out of the cave and look at the sunlight. That person has passed from the initial experience of physical love, which could be compared to existing within the cave, to reaching the experience of beauty’s truth, the equivalent of leaving the cave for the outside world


Knowing I wouldn't succeed at a monogamous relationship, yet really having fallen in love with a guy. I just don't know what to do with my feelings at the moment.


All y’all need therapy Source: me in therapy


Yeah.. for me talking helps. A lot. If I could afford therapy I'd be there 24/7


Finding a man,I'm bi,very down low. Just need a man to visit,enjoy,please him


You'll easily get one . Or more than one.


The September Issue.




My weight


Lack of discipline.


Same. Do you have ADHD ?


Not knowing what tf is going on


A sense of time and place.


What do you mean? Do you feel disoriented ?


Skin problems with my dick


Like vitiligo or jock itch




Find another job in the short term






Mental health treatment can be exorbitant depending on state ur in


Everything is too complex. Simplicity is best!


Graduating and leaving my country


That I cant marry my boyfriend...


My finances and my current environment. Which isn’t currently as friendly as I would want it to be.


Not feeling successful or independent




not being passionate about "nouns"


What do you mean ?


Getting old, and lonely. I can still turn a trick but that still leaves me lonely, in the end.


Find a companion mister. It's not late.


Debating to come out rn or once I get out of my all guy religious/majority homophobic hs


Financial restraints, overwhelmed by academics, lackluster social and romantic life, mental health issues, body dysphoria. So just your average gay Gen Z experience.


I fear I’ve wasted my time in university instead of doing something worthwhile


You can still do things after your uni right? Also you got a degree :)


Politics -- the insidious war of the Right against democracy in the United States, Poland, Hungary, many other places.


Since I’m not having children, what is my legacy?


You.your posts, your outlook, your impact on other people, sometimes things happen like a butterfly effect you're not even aware of :)


Working in the mental health field is very taxing at times. I love helping people but damn sometimes the paranoia, anxiety, depression, and amount of time/attention my clients require is honestly exhausting. Lol, one is even mad cuz I'm starting to actually use my vacation/sick time to give myself a break. They're all like "what am I supposed to do???!! How can you abandon us!!?". Part of caring for others is also doing self-care when you need it cuz it's easy to run yourself ragged


Not finding the motivation to do what's needed to get where I want to be in life. It's not like I want to live a luxurious life, I just want to be a successful voice actor, and be in good shape


I can’t seem to start studying for my CFA :(


I lack all ambition or desire for responsibilities. I’m happy this way, though.


tell me more. My sister is this way


Trauma brain. I recently came out to my mother. When she couldn’t accept it, my brain automatically panicked and tried to conjure a plan involving me being straight ‘for appearances’ in order to appease her.


I had surgery on my chest from being overweight and having gynecomastia and now I have a really hard time taking my shirt off at sauna or pool or around the house wish I was brave enough to I feel like I missed a crucial part of being confident growing up as a man (there’s pics in profile)


You look fine . I also snooped at your responses and kinda feel you might have slight body dysmorphia( I have it too) It sucks the gay communities superficiality only provoked this further . You have a gorgeous body . Maybe if you feel super insecure about them do you think you pec muscles could give you a firm and convec curvature to match ur abs ?


My future: career goals, relationship status.


I just feel really misunderstood


Relationship imbalances




Feel atracted only by straight, see them marry and get depressed by this.


Being a bit of a people pleaser and not being able to say no