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Politicians for one, but honestly, most people don't even think of leaving


Here everyone says that they want to go the US. I am surprised how we aren't getting empty like Venezuela..


Surprising. All the American leftists on reddit are always talking about how racist and awful the us is.


Saw someone from the US saying they wanted to move to Cuba because apparently there they have a law prohibiting parents to deny the inheritance to their kid if the reason is that the kid is gay. Maybe I can convince that person to switch places with me and come to Argentina after telling them you can have a non binary ID here 🤩🤩


Can't deny inheritance if the inheritance is abject poverty


Even if there is racism people will move where the money is.


I love chaos so i don’t want to go to a boring and safe place.


Same, every day is a new adventure.


Exactly, imagine living in Switzerland and [not knowing about this](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/xBiLKxXhCC4)


There was a dude in Brazil who robbed a school while wearing only panties


Lol. I remember that. El roba, pero no roba motor. Lmfao


So they robbed everything but her motor/car?


we recently had a minister who said something on these lines. [article in spanish](https://www.cronista.com/economia-politica/frederic-sobre-la-inseguridad-suiza-es-mas-tranquilo-pero-mas-aburrido/) "Switzerland is quieter but boring" - said the security minister while talking about violence in the Buenos Aires metropolitan area.


What was the context that gave rise to that statement?


Said or did?


she said it. I edited my comment with a link to an article about it.


Oh i thought u were commenting on the el roba pero comment haha sry Because ministers rob people as well


All of my friends in Brazil say they don't want to move out. Their reasoning is that, if Brazil is a terrible place to live in, then they feel like it is their job to turn it into good place by staying there, improving the economy and paying their taxes. That is a position that I respect very much, even though I disagree with it.


It's true, if everyone left when times got hard there would be nowhere good to run to


The problem is that Brazil (and LATAM in general) has a chronic problem with corruption, embezzlement and a combination of the two. No matter how much you contribute with, chances are there will be enough misappropriation of funds and corruption to make all your money go away. So this means all your effort and contributions simply don't materialize into helping others, because of all the corruption. It's important to look at this when making the choice of staying because you want to help. Given our track record, my opinion is that if you want to make a difference in Brazil, donating money to NGOs and charities will have a much bigger impact on people's lives.




You guys soud like you have a complex when it comes to US born Hispanic people. They aren't treated bad at all. Americans actually tend to ignore people who they think can't speak the language.


[Lpsp4750 after writing that comment](https://imgur.com/a/Hm4XZeu). I don't know what exactly you were expecting with that comment, but yeh I don't really care what you think, because I know you're completely wrong 😁


Well I do, please get me out of here.


Want to trade places?


Please please please I don't want to go to Haiti.


Of course there are, not all of us want to go to clean bathrooms in the USA.


Don't be fooled there's plenty of dirty bathrooms here too






Are you from the higher class?


No. Far from it. The ones traveling abroad are the ones wealthy enough. I just made peace with such childish desire.


There are people in Colombia that make more than $10,000 per month, I'm pretty sure they don't want to leave.


There are people like that in every country


Me, despite everything i still love chile and tbh i don't have a bad life


Bruh your country is far a better option than the US, the common immigrant destiny. Wanting to leave Chile is like wanting to leave Canada or something


yeah you are right


Fr. I am visiting Santiago right now and pft. This is not Latin America! There's respect, a working mindset, literacy, diversity in nationalities, etc. The city has the most advanced metro system in the continent (Yes, the continent), the most advanced metro bus web, an amazing road infrastructure. You have jobs everywhere, a relatively useful base salary, fluctuant yet low enough prices. Very admirable nation.


Well yes there are, half of my family is settled in the US, and from the ones that are settled in Colombia some of them got green cards and still they prefer life in Colombia, for them there's nothing to do in the US, since they are over 50. I got a cousin who went to a Top University in the UK, and then returned to Colombia. Live abroad is good, but it is not for everyone. For me the only option to move to a rich country would be if I got a job opportunity, either financial support for a phd or another master's program, otherwise I would go back to Colombia. I would like to take part in the creation of a better nation, Colombia compared to the 80s has improved quite much, the only thing I hate about Colombia is how insecure it is. No one in my family really wants to scape Colombia (I am talking about mother's and father's side of the family)


I don’t, I lived in the US for six years and realized that if you’re not gonna be a baller, you’re gonna have a bad time. I can live like a king in South America being my mediocre self lol


Big facts, the US is nice if you have money and is a good place to earn more money. If you're poor you'll wish you never left


Me. There are a couple of things that I still need to be comfortable here, but I don't feel the need to leave.


Yeah, remote workers.


I can but I won't unless I can bring my whole family with me and I mean the whole family


Yea but I'd say most people wanna leave


Everybody does or at least had the thought at some point in their lives.


There's no point in immigrating to another country if you already have a good income and a good lifestyle in your home country. Especially if you're from a free country, that is not involved in wars and criminality is limited to certain pockets. Which is basically the case for most Latin American countries. People who immigrate are mostly those who have nothing to lose.


Of course there are people who dont want to leave. My family for example, including myself (by family im talking about paternal side of the family). Meanwhile My mothers side which are much better off than them and a higher class all want to leave 😂 I already lived in the US and didnt like it, so I did the reverse and crawled back here 😂


Yup. I mean if you worked hard, have a business, or have a profession and you are doing well enough, its kinda hard to leave and start over from zero, away from culture and family, having to earn your money doin' something not in connection with your studies. Don't get me wrong, some would do it, but there are many exceptions.


Yes, what should i leave the world's best country?


Uruguayans, Chileans and Costa Ricans have no reason to leave, fr


[MFW escaping EEUU to Latin America ](https://media.tenor.com/U9Q6lSEgWtkAAAAC/umm-um.gif)


Lol same


Chileans, maybe. To migrate it's not like a Chilean thing.


Too expensive, most people that emigrate have university degrees


I don't wanna. Colombia is incredible. Amazing culture. Beautiful nature. Diverse and moderate weather. Sadly with our current president things are going to *** and in some years this can turn into hell. So i'm probably gonna leave this country to support My parents from outside.


I want to get back to Latin America, especially my country. I think that apart from Venezuela, Argentina, Haiti it perhaps Nicaragua most people are not actively planning to leave


Maybe if you or your family are a politician.


Where would I go, there’s garbage everywhere. I also have a pretty comfortable life all things considered.




Not me




I hate where I am now. Impossible to pay debts, having stability or a safe place to be. Venezuela is


Me. I can't imagine a life outside Honduras. The world out there is kind of bland, lifeless. I just love being able to breath fresh air while drinking a good coffee and eating baleadas for less than 10 USD. Sadly, most of my people can't enjoy this.


Most people I know don't want to migrate