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Starting with your question: > Is it theoretically possible that a potato chips driven motor with 86kg of potato chips would have the same range as an electric powered motor with a battery of 55kWh? Theoretically, sure. Practically, you'd need a lot more potato chips. But yes, the math you're doing is correct. A lot of people are surprised to learn that the way calories are measured for food is by burning the food, and measuring how much heat is released. This was traditionally done using a [bomb calorimeter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calorimeter#Bomb_calorimeters). Now, however, we've measured the calories of base ingredients, so instead of having to re-test everything, we can just say "well, this is made with this much flour, this much sugar, this much egg, etc" and then add up the calories. A lot of times people are surprised that burning something releases the same amount of energy as digesting that thing, but from a physics perspective, it makes sense. Both burning and digesting create energy by breaking molecular bonds. Breaking those bonds releases the same amount of energy, regardless of the method used to break them. So, if you burned 86 kg of potato chips, you would get out the same number of calories as if you digested those chips. So, if it sounds like a lot of energy from those chips, that's the same mass as 120 liters/32 gallons of gasoline. With that much gasoline, you could go a lot further than a car with a 55kWh battery. So, potato chips are significantly less energy dense than gasoline, but significantly more energy dense than batteries. But, this conversion is assuming equal efficiency. But, electric motors are way more efficient than combustion ones. Electric vehicles are about 85% efficient (that is, 85% of the energy stored in the battery is used to propel the car), while combustion motors are only 20-40% efficient (that is, only ~30% of the energy stored in the fuel is used to propel the car). So, since the electric car is 2-3x's more efficient than a combustion powered car, you would need 172 - 258 kg of potato chips to go as far.


> Both burning and digesting create energy by breaking molecular bonds. Breaking those bonds releases the same amount of energy, regardless of the method used to break them. To avoid misconceptions: Energy comes not from breaking bonds in a reactant (this requires energy) but from forming bonds in low-energy products (this releases more energy). I know you know this, but we see many questions about energy and bonding resulting from misinterpretation of shorthand descriptions.


The quote is also a bit misleading. Burning and digesting differ in a few ways, and thus don't always release the same amount of energy. Some things are burnable but not digestable, e.g. fibre. You can burn wood, but not digest it. Many foods also have high moisture content and wouldn't burn well.


I often read that alcohol has lots of calories but I have my doubts that these are digested in the same way as for example sugar or fat


Why would you doubt that?  There is a reason why the term "beer belly" exists.


Calories in beer mostly come from sugars and carbs, not alcohol content.


It’s around half alcohol, half carbs. There is typically relatively little sugar in the finished product in regular beers, around a gram a pint. Alcohol consumed as standard strength beer contains just under twice the calories as the same amount of alcohol consumed as vodka.


I have a followup question: I know alcohol is metabolized to acetaldehyde and then further through acetate to carbon dioxide and water. So how does one gain weight from drinking alcohol? Is it that the energy released is used to store fat ingested from other sources?


It is because the energy released during metabolism causes the body to put away other materials "into storage, just in case".


You got it backwards: for a 12 oz 4% beer 14 g of it is alcohol which comes out to about 100 calories. Alcohol content changes calories by a lot since it is 7kcal/g.


why isnt there whine belly then, or vokda belly, or sake belly, or rum belly? I've known lots of very slim heavy drinkers as well as fat ones.


Because hard liquor has significantly less calories per drink then beer. Wine has comparable calories to beer but I would wager that beer is more commonly associated with over drinking/binge drinking then wine


Yeah this is an important distinction! And as an extra bit of precision, burning potato chips (or most carbs) is quickly turning the carbon from sugars/starch/fats into CO2, which is effectively what our body does just in a much slower way. It is by no means a linear process, with a bunch of cycles going on at once (including storing the chemical energy via ATP phosphate bonds for example) but on a very macro scale you have carbon (as sugar/starch/fats) going in, and CO2 (in breath) coming out, just like burning it. So when counting bonds, its the same amount of energy! (There are ofc other elements and things at play, and some carbon doesnt make it to CO2, biochemistry is anything but simple! But to a reasonable degree - nearest 50 or so kcal - its probably accurate enough!)


There's a really neat point buried in here. When people talk about Electric cars being powered by electricity from sources like coal it ignores the fact that those power plants combined with the electric motors in cars are much more efficient than internal combustion engines. Obviously I'd rather not power the system with coal, oil and gas but if we are going to use oil/gas to power a car I'd rather do it with an efficient electric generator and an electric motor in the vehicle.


Not to mention one of the big gains of electric and hybrid vehicles: regenerative braking. Instead of using energy to get moving and then wasting it as heat every time you use the brakes, regenerative braking takes most of that energy (60-70%) and puts it back into the batteries! Then of course when you use that 65ish% to get moving again and hit the brakes again you can keep recycling that (theoretical maximum of 233% extra energy, but usually much less). This is why hybrids and electric cars are so damn good at city driving.


Yes this is a massive point if you do a lot of city driving. In my previous gas car I would get about double the mpg on long journeys Vs city driving. In my electric car the Wh/mile is almost identical in both cases.




KERSs (Kinetic Energy Recovery Systems) were even part of F1 cars for a few years. A 60000rpm flywheel is a little noisy for day-to-day operations.


Congratulations, you were only 40 years behind the first practical automotive use of that technology. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flywheel_energy_storage >In the 1950s, flywheel-powered buses, known as gyrobuses, were used in Yverdon (Switzerland) and Ghent (Belgium) I love when I discover these thoughts because it validates that you had a good solid idea!


that has existed as an addon for Heavy Trucks for some time. Another way is to store compressed air for the same reason


Speaking of regenerative braking, it would be cool if you could have full control of engine braking in electric cars. Maybe you can, I don't know. I do know that, on an electric forklift, you almost never touch your brakes. You just gun it in reverse and you get really fine control of braking and free battery charging. It's easy to get used to.


You can. Most new EVs allow you to control the amount of regenerative braking that kicks in when you let off the gas. Some even call the highest setting “single-pedal driving”.


I can count the number of times I use the brake pedal in a _month_ on one hand. Don't get me wrong. I love wringing the neck of an ICE car on a track. But for day to day, one pedal EV driving is just so serene.


Yeah, I picked up a used Bolt recently, and my commute involves driving up a mountain. Takes a chunk of energy to get to work, but going home I end up with a higher battery charge than I started with at work. It has an L mode which will bring you to a complete stop via regen braking alone, plus a paddle shifter to really crank up the regen when you want to stop quickly. So far I've seen it hit 70 kW in regen mode - it's impressive. The thing accelerates like mad too, it's a blast to drive. I don't use the actual brakes except for really hard stops. The best part is never again having to buy gas, except for my chainsaw. Which will be replaced by an electric saw soon enough.


Assuming your start and end point are the same and you do not load from an external source in between, there is no way you end up with more charge than before. The laws of physics have a very dim view on perpetuum mobiles :-D


That’s my point - there’s a 3000 m difference in elevation between my house and my work.  Over the whole day, it averages out to very similar kWhr/mile as a flat drive,  but going from work to home puts quite a bit of charge back into the vehicles battery.  Sure beats doing 3 brake jobs a year.  


Sorry I overlooked the "at work" part in "higher battery charge than I started with at work". That totally makes sense of course.


That's pretty cool! I'll have to test drive an EV and see how it behaves. Not that I'll ever have the money to drive anything other than my '06 POS minivan, but I can pretend.


Almost all electric cars have a smart braking system where the generator mode is always used first until it can't provide the necessary deceleration, then the physical brakes are being added on top. This is independent to any one-pedal-modes, which is more about feel/ux and tells nothing about regenerating efficiency/capabilities. Fun fact: newer cars occasionally use the physical brakes first to clean the break surface to upkeep the braking capabilities since the physical brakes are rarely used by a lot of customers.


For at least some EVs the regenerative braking doesn't kick in if the batteries are full. Which can be a bit of a rude shock.


That is perfectly logical. There is nowhere to store the energy if the batteries are full.


I'm actually shocked and super impressed that the regenerative braking can hit that level of efficiency.


Yeah, I live on a hill and every morning my car’s battery charges 2% while going down


At first I thought this couldn't be true, seems like too much. But if you assume a 2ton car descending by 150m then the potential energy works out to 2% of the average capacity of a car battery (40kWh).


I'd say another major benefit is distribution. It's REALLY easy to move 100kWh from one place to another. It's really hard to move 100 liters of oil across the world, then move 80 liters of fuel a few hundred km.


There is now way this is true. I have an powerful E-dirt bike with regenerative coasting and I have barely seen my battery go up no more than 1% after a entire ride of draining the battery from 100% to 0%


I would assume it's not as much of an engineering consideration in a dirt bike compared to a road car. On the road you'd be expecting much more gradual deceleration in traffic, vs rapid braking off road on a dirt bike. For heavy braking you're still going to be using the mechanical brakes often. I'd be curious to know what EV road bikes are like with regen braking. The ideal scenario is going down a long steep incline, where you'd normally need to use the mechanical brakes to stay under the speed limit.


Also that the car could have two or four motors whereas the motorbike has just one


Just one data point: I have a Specialized Turbo Vado, and all it has is friction disc brakes. I don't know how prevalent it is for an e-bike to have regenerative braking. Looks like Rad Power Bikes do have it. The weight to battery size ratio is much higher than a car, so assuming the same percent efficiency, you would gain more "miles" or % battery. (The Turbo Vado battery is 710 Wh; bike + rider 170 lbs or so; call the car 4000 lbs with a 40 kWh battery; weight to battery size is 2.5x for the e-bike.) But, the absolute amounts of energy are low so building the regen system may not "pay back." Edit: I read more about this and it turns out drag is a really big factor in limiting the usefulness of ebike regen, as per this comment. https://www.reddit.com/r/ebikes/comments/x41k12/question_do_any_ebikes_have_regenerative_braking/imu1sfv/ Perhaps u/electrocats 's experience makes sense in this context.


Interesting! You've given me another thought - it's easy to do in cars because FWD will have the motors for the front wheels (at least, if not all four), and the majority of the braking force will also be on the front wheels. On a bike the motor will be turning the rear wheel but most of the braking will still be on the front. A bit harder to justify the cost and weight of regen braking on the front wheel if you weren't already driving it with a motor anyway.


Which leads to things like the efficiencies of Diesel-Electric locomotives -- they're burning diesel to produce electricity to turn motors that are pretty much right there.


Yes, but the diesel engines can be tuned to run incredibly efficient that would not be otherwise possible for a diesel engine that is tuned to give enough tourque to get a train moving, and have enough gears and revs to give it usefull acceleration. Designing a diesel engine for only one specific rev-range and load is just incredible fuel efficient.


Yes, that's what they said, y'all agree with each other that diesel-electric locomotives are very efficient. This should have been a *yes, and* not a *yes, but*.




Or the totally badass Dakar audi etron! The drivetrain is 100% electric, but the only way for them to keep the battery fed in a cross-desert race is a screaming-loud turbine of some flavor. The turbine doesn't need to run at variable speeds, it just sits in its peak power band and produces electricity for the motors. The vehicle doesn't need to carry a giant heavy battery pack because it can leverage the energy density of liquid fuel. It's a really beautiful implementation, if not entirely practical for neighborhood use.


The original Jaguar CX-75 concept used this tech back in maybe 2010 or so, but then they changed it to use a piston engine as a generator unfortunately.


Trying to design a transmission to pull a train from a stop with a diesel engine would be a nightmare.


I mean, you could just use a diesel-powered steam engine to get going, and then switch to an internal combustion diesel once you get going.


Diesel powered... steam engine? Really trying to capture those thermal losses I see...


There's also the fact that electric cars can switch the ultimate power source out by charging from a different power plant too.


The biggest missed point for energy is transmission cost. Fossil Fuel proponents love to bring up the 5% loss (on average) for transmission and distribution of electricity, and then act like gas just magics its way to the station. Estimates on that are very vague, but it's a hell of a lot more than 5%.


85-5 = 80. Which is still so much more efficient than ICE vehicles. And even if transmission losses are 5x as bad as 5% (which they won’t be, max is probably 2x worse) then 85-25 =60. Which is still much more efficient than ICE. But yes I also hate it when people try to argue that the production and transportation cost of gas/diesel doesn’t matter but the production cost of the battery for the BEV does. If you are looking at cradle to grave emissions for the BEV you also need to be looking at the same for the ICE and that includes the ongoing emissions from oil extraction and processing. (And BEV are still greener after like 2-5 years than an ICE car depending on grid mix and a couple other assumptions)


Plus you can use waste heat from the fossile power plant for district heating in the winter.


A cool fact is that a heat pump using electricity from a combined cycle gas powerplant still has a heating effect higher than the energy stored in the natural gas, despite all the losses from generation and transmission.


If it's an air source heat pump and it's -40C outside this is definitely not true because the heat pump stopped working at all.   And at -30C if it's running it's less efficient than a 95% efficient gas furnace. What you say is true at more moderate temperatures, of course.


And then you have the option to charge your electric vehicle with solar power and suddenly you've got the carbon footprint of your mileage (almost) exclusively at the cost of building the vehicle and solar panels. Which when amortized over 10 years is dramatically less than 100k miles driven at 28 miles to the gallon (over 3 and a half thousand gallons) plus the manufacturing of the vehicle.


yeah, this alone makes EVs worthwhile. If you factor in the potential to shift to even BETTER energy sources the gains become exponential.


Gotta be a bit careful here. Coal and gas fired powerplants are limited by the same adiabatic limit as car engines, i.e. a little over 39%. That's theoretical limit that cannot be reached in practice, though some engines get close. If you stack up all the inefficiencies of burning the fuel, losses in the steam to turbine exchange, and in the power distribution, you're realistically talking about something like 85% of the 39.something % available from the fuel. Then the EV loses another 15 - 20%. So if your EV is charged from a fossil fuelled electricity grid, might as well burn gasoline or diesel. If your EV is charged from wind or solar, THAT'S where the gains are.


> Coal and gas fired powerplants are limited by the same adiabatic limit as car engines, i.e. a little over 39%. That's theoretical limit that cannot be reached in practice The adiabatic limit is *a lot* over 39%. Modern combined-cycle gas power plants get [62% efficiency](https://tractebel-engie.com/en/news/2018/world-record-for-efficiency-62-4-for-a-ccpp) *in practice*. Meanwhile, car engines average around 20-30% efficiency. Car engines can't get anywhere near the theoretical limits because (a) they're smaller and don't have the efficiencies of scale, (b) they are optimized for flexibility over variable loads and RPMs instead of efficiency at one operating condition, (c) they run at much lower temperatures to improve safety and reduce material costs, and (d) they run an Otto cycle, which is intrinsically inefficient due to the use of isochoric (constant volume) processes for the combustion and exhaust phases instead of isothermal ones. For reference, the theoretical limit for the combustion of natural gas can be calculated easily given the maximum flame temperature (about [1960°C](https://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/flame-temperatures-gases-d_422.html) in air, or 2230 K). The [Carnot efficiency limit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carnot%27s_theorem_(thermodynamics\)) is `Eff_max = (T_h - T_c) / T_h` If the ambient temperature (T_c) is 20°C (293 K), then the maximum theoretical efficiency is `(2230 K - 293 K) / 2230 K = 86.9%`. Combined-cycle natural gas plants in practice currently only reach 62% in part because we don't have any good alloys that can withstand temperatures that high. The turbine blades would soften and/or melt if we tried to run them at those temperatures. The best technology we currently have is to manufacture the turbine blades as a [single crystal of a nickel-based superalloy](https://www.rrutc.msm.cam.ac.uk/outreach/articles/metals-up-close/turbine-blade-nickel-superalloy). This material can operate at temperatures [as high as 1000°C](https://www.totalmateria.com/page.aspx?ID=CheckArticle&site=kts&LN=CZ&NM=355), which is far higher than you'd get out of the ordinary cast iron in a car engine. The single-crystal nickel superalloys are extremely expensive to manufacture, so it only makes sense to use that material when you're going to be getting as much use out of it as possible. Given that cars spend at least 95% of the lifetimes parked and idle, a superalloy-based car engine would not be economically feasible.


Hmm... I bow to your knowledge and stand corrected. I don't know Carnot well. It seems Otto may have been keeping us apart.


New efficient hybrids use ICE engines with efficiencies that can top 40%, because they don't use the Otto cycle.


Most hybrids still use an Otto cycle engine configuration at least some of the time, but they get higher efficiencies mainly because the hybrid system addresses point (b) in my comment. Hybrid engines are smaller, and are optimized for an operating point closer to their typical load than a non-hybrid engine. Non-hybrid engines need to handle much larger peak loads than hybrids because they lack the electric motor assistance. Also, while the Atkinson cycle is an improvement over the Otto cycle, it [still has isochoric and isobaric stages](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atkinson_cycle#Ideal_thermodynamic_cycle) which cause it to be less efficient (theoretically and practically) than a Carnot cycle. That said, the 40% numbers you are quoting are the *best case* efficiencies. That's the number you get when you run the engine at *exactly* the best RPM and load for that particular engine. This is not necessarily even the highway driving RPM and load; it's just the marketing number. Highway efficiency for a hybrid is going to be less than that. There are also still losses from the clutch or torque converter, the transmission, the differential, etc to contend with. Just because your engine is operating at 40% efficiency at one given moment does not mean your car is running at that efficiency. EVs simply don't have most of the drivetrain elements that ICEs do, and the ones that they do have (e.g. the 1-speed transmission) are usually drastically simplified, so the battery-to-wheel and tank-to-wheel efficiency numbers diverge farther in favor of EVs. And for every person who buys an efficient hybrid with a 40%-peak-efficiency engine, there's another person who buys an F-150 or Ferrari with a V8 that they don't need but which they still desperately want, and get less than 10% efficiency while they sit in rush-hour traffic every day commuting to and from work. As I said: > > Meanwhile, car engines *average* around 20-30% efficiency. *Averages* are what matter, not peak numbers. ICEs do not do well *on average*, precisely because of reason (b) that I mentioned.


Can waste heat from a combined-cycle power plant be used to heat houses in the region like in a cogeneration power plant to further increase the efficiency? Or does a combined-cycle power plant extract too much heat for this to be practical?


Yes, this is known as combined heat and power (CHP). Up to 38% of the heat generated from a top-of-the-line modern CCNG plant is waste heat that could be used to heat homes or for other thermal uses. The exhaust temperature from the steam turbine second cycle of a CCNG plant is often [around 80–120°C](https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/602a7b6bd3bf7f031e1bdcdd/Part_2_CHP_Technologies_BEIS_v03.pdf). That's too low to be useful for extracting significant amounts of additional work, but it's great for heating homes, greenhouses, or aquaculture ponds.


I once installed an ORC cycle engine in a CCNG plant, which would run on the exhaust heat during summer, when no district heating is needed. It was still in an R&D state though.


It's also a lot easier to control pollution emitted from a few thousand large stationary sources that are owned and maintained by (hopefully) regulated operators than from millions and millions of small mobile sources that are owned and  maintained by your average moron.


Natural gas plants can easily go over 39% efficiency if they're paired with a steam turbine. Commonly called Combined Cycle Gas Turbines. A turbine is powered by natural gas, then they recover the waste heat in a boiler, and convert it to steam, which then powers another turbine. Usually 2-3 gas turbines will be paired with a single steam turbine. Those can go up to around 60%, but you're typically hanging around 45-50% range. So if you take a 50% efficiency from your natural gas plant, 15% transmission loss, and 15% loss in your EV, you're still sitting at 36% efficiency overall. Much better than a gas powered car. (Obviously the actual math is *much* more in-depth, this was just a quick and dirty example.) Coal is obviously much worse, and if your grid is primarily powered by coal, your benefit will be much more slim.


You're ignoring a very important factor--that a huge fraction of energy in gas cars goes to engine operation/drivetrain inefficiency. Gas cars get 12-20% total efficiency in terms of actual fuel used per energy for movement. Even with two 80% losses for generation and transmission to EVs, they still easily beat gas cars for efficiency.


Formula 1 engines are over 50% efficient apparently (Google has many sources). Not sure how accurate that claim is or what they are actually measuring.


F1 engines are, by far, the most efficient internal combustion engines in any vehicle. Although to do so requires incredibly complex and expensive bits of engineering. The hybrid drivetrain is augmented by regenerative braking, but also by harvesting the heat in the exhaust gases. The latter is not financially feasible in roadcars with current technology though.


Tbh, I was thinking purty much best case for all. It is possible for a car to convert as much as 95% of the (available adiabatic limit of) energy delivered by the fuel. A modern engine can convert well over 30% of the energy in the fuel to motion. Under the right conditions. It very much depends on the vehicle. I think your 12% is too low, unless you're including things like tractors and old cars. 20 - 30% is realistic. But your point, in general, is valid and requires careful consideration. Given the scales involved, one percent is a big number. My point is, really, to a first order approximation, EVs are possibly worth the environmental cost (which incorporates no small amount of energy) of manufacture if they're powered from wind or solar. Or even nuclear. But if the electricity grid is predominately fossil fuelled, the EV will not provide much, if anything, in the form of a real energy benefit. Don't misunderstand me, I drive an EV. I love the fact that on my end of it, it's ridiculously efficient. But please let's not forget that the rest of the system probably nullifies almost all, and in some calculations more than, those efficiency gains. I justify it to myself by claiming I'm ready when the rest of the system catches up.


I mean, the research simply disagrees with you. https://yaleclimateconnections.org/2024/01/electric-vehicles-use-half-the-energy-of-gas-powered-vehicles/ From fueleconomy.gov -- 16-25% of energy in the fuel reaches the wheels in a gas car. It's objectively not true that coal-powered EVs are less efficient than gas cars. They are 20-30% more efficient in terms of starting energy in fuel to wheel movement than gas cars. The first order approximation favors EVs even with a purely coal-based grid. Even with your made up 30% efficiency to wheels for a gas car, it still favors EVs. Of course it's better to have renewables (and you'll offset the cost/CO2 of manufacture sooner), but it's more efficient no matter the power source.


How do you get that 39% limit? I heard new coal blocks are about 43-45%. If we assume steam temperature of 560 °C and condenser at 30 °C, this gives (560-30)/(560+273)= 64% Carnot limit. If your energy mix is primarily nuclear, it's also good.


Yeah there's something wrong somewhere in this because plenty of things are far above 39%. F1 ICE engines on gasoline are above 50% in testing conditions.


The difference in efficiency comes from converting internal energy to heat, then to work, vs. going straight from internal energy to work. In the first case, which involves a heat engine such as a combustion engine, there are fundamental limits on the efficiency, determined by the temperatures of the hot and cold reservoirs connected to the heat engine. There are only practical limits on the efficiency of direct conversion (losses to friction, etc.). How would you go straight from coal, oil or gas to mechanical work without burning it first?


The average coal-fired power plant in the United States operates near 33 % efficiency, google tells me. That's before transmission and charging losses, as well as efficiency of the EV itself (~60 %). Coal-powered EVs are better than gasoline and comparable to diesel on good days. 


It also ignores that we could produce that energy in a green way too. And many EV drivers would enthusiastically support that. And yet its somehow a 'gotcha' that the electricity for EV cars comes from coal. We know, thats part of the problem!


And basically no power grids are pure coal. Every minor gain in power generation carbon reduction means all electric cars become more green.


>burning something releases the same amount of energy as digesting that thing This isn't quite accurate as there is a difference between the physical and physiological calorific value. Our bodies can't use all the chemical energy stored in amino acids. The same is true for fiber: it can be burned in a fire but we lack the enzymes to digest it. Some of it is converted to fatty acids by bacteria, but it's not a lot.


It's more like, oxidizing carbon in cellular metabolism releases the same energy as burning it, but the digestive system has to bring it to the cells first.


Isn't there an assumption that during digestion you are exhausting *all* of the chemical energy contained within? Like, if you were to take the resulting fecal matter and put it in a bomb calorimeter, wouldn't is still show that some calories remain? I suspect that some foods this may be negligible while others it wouldn't. But honestly I don't know how thorough digestion is (on a normal healthy person).


You're right that a significant amount of energy remains in the fecal matter, and not all energy is extracted by the human body. However, that's not relevant to the question at hand, because the energy content of foods is determined experimentally by burning it inside a calorimeter, not by measuring how much energy is extracted by an average human digestive system.


Why doesn’t burning foods release more energy than digestion? For example, the digestive benefit of fibre comes in part because it cannot be easily digested, but I bet it can be burned. Proteins only reduce to amino acids in digestion but could be burned down to nitrogen and CO2 in a calorimeter.


it does, as you say there are things we can’t process that definitely have combustible energy, fibre, wood, coal. However I’d wager the calorie difference in things intended to be food is rather negligible and you’d likely see more variance in calories as a result of harvest date, handling, processing etc. so burning is a good enough estimate. Not to mention everyone’s digestion is ever so slightly different, just because there are X amount of calories available to extract in forms we can process doesn’t mean you’ll get all of them.


It does, slightly. But there is very strong evolutionary pressure to make digestion as efficient as possible (starvation being a very common cause of death among organisms) so nature got very, very good at it.


For a practical example of "engine efficiency" put your hand on the hood of a car after driving somewhere. Feels warm, almost hot right? Now do the same with a bag of burning potato chips running a steam engine, and a battery powering an electric motor. Which "engine" set up do you think will feel like it's giving off the most heat? The car, the potatoes, or the battery? It's the bag of burning potatoes right? All that heat you're feeling is energy being 'lost' from the engine. What about noise? Well that's the combustion engine, those things are noisy as hell. So a big open flame is not going to make a very efficient engine, as it wastes a lot of fuel heating the surrounding air. Likewise a combustion engine isn't actually that efficient, they rattle around and heat up something fierce. But an electric motor? Quiet and relatively cool. That baby is about as efficient as you can get for practical uses. So in general, the more energy an engine loses to its surroundings the less efficient it is. So anything loud, hot, or visibly shaking, is spending energy doing that instead of doing engine things.


Just a note that the numbers seem a little off. Cheetos are listed as 160kcal / 28 g - [https://www.cheetos.com/products/cheetos-crunchy-cheese-flavored-snacks](https://www.cheetos.com/products/cheetos-crunchy-cheese-flavored-snacks) So 55 kwh = 55 kwh \* 860 kcal / kwh = 47300 kcal 47300 kcal = 47300 kcal / (160 kcal / 28g ) = 8278 g or 8.3 kg of potato chips


Your point on measurements of calories from the ingredients is a very excellent point that most people don’t know when they learn about it. In fact, most people don’t know that the NIST (National Institute for Standards and Technologies) in the US keeps extraordinarily specific standards for almost everything for this very reason. Its insane how much we have things down to a science these days.


>A lot of times people are surprised that burning something releases the same amount of energy as digesting that thing Shall I go and eat a hay bale to see if this is true?


That makes sense! Thank you for the extended answer!




How does this work with 0 or low calorie artificial sweeteners, or Olestra (0-calorie fat substitute)? Do they simply not burn? Or what about things that are combustible, but that we cannot metabolize?


Artificial sweeteners vary, sometimes they can be metabolized and give energy, other times they cannot. Aspartame, for example, is basically just two amino acids with a methanol molecule stuck on it, and the two amino acids are metabolized like any other protein source. But typically the artificial sweeteners are much sweeter than sugar, so you can add a much smaller amount. So even if they do provide energy, it's often negligible due to the tiny amounts of sweetener used.


To add, one thing about potato chips is they are cooked in a lot of oil. Chips are fairly light, so the cooking oil mass ratio of a chip is fairly high. These are long branch hydrocarbons, just like other fuels we use, so it’s not surprising they have a fairly high energy density relative to other foods, like carrots, or even raw potatoes. On the note of the noble potato. One of the big issues with chunking potato’s into a bomb calorimeter is that not everything is digestible. I could chunk wood into a bomb calorimeter and show a fairly high calorie content. Problem is, we can’t digest wood and the actual digestible calorie content of wood would be very low. Potatoes are starchy foods. We can’t digest starches. So, the calorimeter value of a potato would be higher than the digestive value. Another reason to just add up known values from known ingredients. There’s a lot of things that can burn exothermically, but that can’t be digested by humans.


I mean, most cars can do the same distance as a fully charged electric car by burning about 30kg of gasoline. So yes, carbohydrates are an incredibly dense source of energy. And there are cars that run on frying oil, which provides a lot of those calories for the potato chips. Unfortunately getting the potato chips to burn efficiently and using the heat to power a steam engine or something is not as efficient as digesting them. Our muscles have about the same efficiency as an internal combustion engine, though.


Think about it this way. People need 2000kcal a day. That's 2.3kWh. a day. Average of about 100W 2.3kWh will move an EV about 5-7mi 2.3kWh (in excess of the usual 2000kcal a day) can make a person go 30mi Meanwhile 2.3kWh (of gasoline) is about 2.5-3.0mi in a ICE vehicle


2.3 kWh of gasoline is also about 300ml, or a bit less than a standard aluminum can. Vs 80kg of potato chips which would require about 300 regular bags of Lays, or a 23 full sized laptop batteries. The energy density of gasoline is what is making it hard for EV’s to win out.


2000 kcal would be around 400g of potato chips. OPs number is for a 55kWh battery (and also off by an order of magnitude).


Yes but for almost the same energy a car could also move 5 people plus a trunk full of stuff the same distance. That would be more efficient than a person, but of couse most people use their car alone. Still, this shows that from an purely energy based viewpoint, public transportation still makes sense while cars mostly don't. Interesting to think about.


A properly tuned and fitted bicycle is *very* efficient (sorry, don't have any numbers, but this is just an off the cuff thought). I wonder what that would do to the 30 mi estimate?


Yes. Actually, engines that are capable of running on foodstuff exist. They're called diesel engines. You need liquid foodstuff though - typically that means lipids (fats and oils), not carbohydrates. The only reason we don't do this at scale (and instead fuel diesel engines with petro-diesel) is because farming food to run all cars would take far too much land - maybe more land than there is, and at the very least, enough land that it would displace too much food production. That's the problem when you have effectively 100-200 "horses" for *each and every one of 8 billion human beings*. Electric makes it much easier, but still you have the problem of the battery waste and resource consumption (lithium usage).


We currently rely on foodstuffs for about 10-15% of our fuel needs. 98% of fuel in the US at least contains ethanol, and almost all of that is E10 with E15 and E85 making up the bulk of the rest outside of race application. Given that, we can do some more back of the envelope math to determine that we definitely don’t have enough farmland for all fuel needs. Right now, about 40-45% of all corn grown in the US becomes ethanol to add to gasoline. So we definitely don’t have enough corn crop land to go pure ethanol even ignoring the deleterious effects of ethanol on automotive components.


A tank of gas is, let's say, 15 gallons. The weight of 15 gallons of water is 8*15 pounds, so 120 pounds. Gasoline is a bit less dense, so let's call it around 100 pounds. Gasoline is made of mostly hydrocarbons. Just carbon chains with hydrogen. So is fat. Burning gasoline or fat gives you water and carbon dioxide. So gasoline and fat are roughly similarly energy dense. Thus, the energy in a tank of gas is about the same as the energy in 100 pounds of fat. Potatoes are mostly starch, which are carbohydrates. They are roughly half-way between pure hydrocarbons and the waste products of combustion/metabolism into water and hydrogen. So you need about twice as much starch as fat for the same energy. So a tank of gas has as much energy as about 200 pounds of potatoes. Potato chips are about half fat and half starch, so for every pound of chip, there's half the energy of a pound of fat from the half pound fat, and a quarter from the starch. So 1 pound of chips = 0.75 pounds of fat, or 1.33 pounds of chips = 1 pound of fat. So a tank of gas has as much energy as about 133 pounds of chips. An electric vehicle should have a roughly similar amount of energy as a tank of gas in order to drive the car a similar distance (at least, for highway driving). So a battery in an electric car should have as much energy as 200 pounds of potatoes, or 133 pounds of chips. That's about 60 kg of chips. You got 86, I got 60. Not bad.


> An electric vehicle should have a roughly similar amount of energy as a tank of gas in order to drive the car a similar distance (at least, for highway driving). No, it shouldn't. Electric vehicles are about 4x as efficient as gasoline vehicles, so they should have about 1/4 as much energy to have similar range. > You got 86, I got 60. Not bad. As I and others have mentioned elsewhere, his number is wrong too. [He's off by about 10x](https://old.reddit.com/r/askscience/comments/1cb5e4i/if_1_kwh_860_kcal_how_do_i_need_to_interpret_the/l0xona6/).


For highway driving (no regenerative breaking), if gasoline engines are 30% efficient, how can an electric engine be 4x more efficient? I didn't check OP's figures at all, but I wasn't relying on that. Obviously I made an assumption that they are equally efficient, which of course it not true, but this is back of the envelope math, and I don't have an easy story to tell about the difference of efficiency between electric and gasoline motors. As it turns out, yeah, electric motors are more efficient, and electric cars also tend to have less range, and both effects mean smaller batteries, so together, sure, that'll give you a factor of 10. I was a little suspicious that the number came out so close, and probably should have tugged on that thread further. But mostly I was trying to demonstrate some ways to reason about this kind of problem.


Varies by gas engine, of course. For a long time, you could reasonably assume 20% in car applications. The engine itself might have been capable of better at a specific rpm and load, but would also spend much of its time at suboptimal conditions. These days, the best can do a bit over 40% in perfect conditions.  They’ll still be worse in real life, but transmissions with more gears (and CVTs) keep them closer to ideal than an old 3-speed slushbox could.  But I’m guessing that older “typical car engine” number is where the 4x ballpark came from. 


> But I’m guessing that older “typical car engine” number is where the 4x ballpark came from. Tank-to-wheel efficiency vs battery-to-wheel efficiency under average driving conditions, not simply engine efficiency under ideal driving conditions. Even a good, modern engine will get 10% or less tank-to-wheel efficiency in stop-and-go traffic. Being forced to idle or run at near-zero load will ruin your efficiency. I was basing the 4x figure that number off of a [16-20% tank-to-wheel efficiency](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0306261920309752) estimate for ICEs and something like 74% to 85% for EVs. See also [fueleconomy.gov](https://www.fueleconomy.gov/feg/evtech.shtml#:~:text=Energy%20efficient.,to%20power%20at%20the%20wheels.)'s take on the issue.


That sounds about right as an average. Average conditions will always result in lower efficiency than an engine's best-possible number. Better transmissions can help it stay closer to its happy place, but transmissions introduce their own friction losses... so an engine that can hit 30% thermodynamic efficiency at peak is going to lose quite a bit of that on average in practice.


ICE motors dump a ton of thermal energy out of the tailpipe and radiator.


> if gasoline engines are 30% efficient, how can an electric engine be 4x more efficient? Most cars are not 30% efficient most of the time. A tank-to-wheel efficiency of [16–20%](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0306261920309752) under average conditions is probably closer to the average. Some vehicles are as low as 12%. Electric vehicles have an overall battery-to-wheel or plug-to-wheel efficiency of around 74-85%. (Teslas tend to be closer to the 85% end of the spectrum due to better motors and power electronics.) Keep in mind that there's a big difference between the *engine* efficiency — which is about 30% for a Prius, but lower for typical cars with larger engines and no hybrid drive — and the tank-to-wheel efficiency, which is necessarily lower as it must also include drivetrain losses, parasitic loads from AC, and other losses. Also note that I said "about 4x more efficient" in my comment. Reasonable arguments can be made for as low as 3x or as high as 5x. In some circumstances and for some types of cars, the efficiency really is in the vicinity of 30%, and in that case, EVs are only about 2.5x as efficient. But in others (e.g. sitting in traffic, rarely moving), the EV advantage is much greater, and can even exceed 10x. The 4x figure is a reasonable rule of thumb, but it is rough. > As it turns out, yeah, electric motors are more efficient, and electric cars also tend to have less range, and both effects mean smaller batteries, so together, sure, that'll give you a factor of 10 You could also just look up the [energy density (per unit volume) or specific energy (per unit mass)](https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1755-1315/781/4/042023/pdf) for Li-ion batteries vs gasoline. The specific energy is about 0.46-0.72 MJ/kg for lithium ion and about 46.4 MJ/kg for gasoline+air (thermal). Gasoline is about 56x–100x as energy-dense as a typical Li-ion battery. Potato chips are about half as energy dense as gasoline, so 25x-50x as dense as Li-ion. After taking into account the ~4x efficiency advantage, and you get something close to needing 10x (or 6x–12x, expressed as a range) as much battery mass as potato chip mass for the same range.


The energy density of batteries was not really pertinent to what I was doing. The fact that potato chips are slightly less energy dense (on a per-mass basis, okay closer to half than 3/4, but whatever), and in particular, why you can know that without looking anything up at all, was like 90% of my point.


Discharging a battery is a reversible process. You can put electricity into and take it out of the battery again with nearly 100% efficiency. Burning potato chips is an irreversible process. You can't take the water, carbon dioxide, heat, and ash and recombine them to regenerate the potato chips. Furthermore, this is an *inefficient* process: of that energy, you're only likely to get about 30% out as usable work in a car-sized engine, with the rest being emitted as waste heat. Because of this reversibility difference, the kind of energy stored in batteries is not equivalent to the kind of energy stored in fuels. The energy in batteries can be used directly to perform mechanical work, whereas the energy in potato chips must be first converted to thermal energy, which in turn drives a heat engine that extracts a small fraction to perform mechanical work. The greater size and mass of batteries per unit energy is the price we pay for batteries' efficiency and reversibility. They have roughly 3x the efficiency but 10x lower energy density. This central tradeoff defines most of the rest of the tradeoffs made in EV engineering: because the battery's energy capacity is low and limited, engineers put a lot of effort into making every other part of the EV as efficient as possible, such as by reducing aerodynamic drag and tire rolling resistance. > the battery of an electric vehicle is roughly the same as 86 kg of potato chips I think your numbers are off. One gram of potato chips has about 5 kcal of chemical energy. *(Note that one [dietary Calorie (capital C)](http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/Biology/kcal.html#:~:text=The%20dietary%20Calorie%20is%20an,is%20a%20kilocalorie%20%3D%201000%20calories.) equals 1,000 calories (lower case c) or 1 kcal.)* This means that 86 kg of potato chips would have `86,000 g * 5 kcal/g = 430,000 kcal` of chemical energy, or `430,000 kcal * (1 kWh / 860 kcal) = 500 kWh`. That's 9x higher than the 55 kWh of a common (but somewhat smallish) EV battery. If we take fuel conversion efficiency into account, a 500 kWh (thermal) potato chip fuel tank would have about as much work capacity as a 150 kWh electric battery. Most car-sized EVs have batteries in the 30-100 kWh range. So even given the lower efficiency of a potato chip engine, a car driven on 86 kg of potato chips should be able to have much more range than an EV. The counterbalancing advantage of EVs is that they can drive that distance using about 1/4 as much energy per km as the potato chip car, and given that humans don't and can't eat electricity, EVs don't compete with the food supply for humans. We don't have to worry about America's driving habits raising the global price of potatoes and causing a famine in Latvia. Americans drive about 60 km per day on average. Due to America's fondness for large ~~cars~~ trucks, the average fuel consumption is about [8.6 liters per 100 km](https://www.iea.org/articles/fuel-economy-in-the-united-states#:~:text=With%20an%20average%20fuel%20consumption%20of%208.6%20litres%20of%20gasoline%20equivalent%20(Lge/%20100%20km\)%20for%20new%20LDVs%20in%202019), so that ends up using about 5.16 liters of gasoline. One liter of gasoline has around 33.6 MJ/liter. Expressing that in kcal, the average American uses about `5.16 liters gasoline * (33.6 MJ/liter) * (1,000,000 J/MJ) * (1 kcal / 4,184 J) = 41,437 kcal` each day in driving. That's about 8.3 kg of potato chips per day, or roughly 17 times their daily dietary requirement.


If you burn that many potato chips you’d get that much energy, yes. Mostly from the starch and added grease. Or you could just burn biodiesel.


Side note of how efficient your body is with calories.. gasoline has about 30k calories I. It. A person can bike an hour for about 500 calories going about 18 mph… You body could go about a thousand miles with that much energy:) Good job evolution


If you would have an engine that could extract the energy from food the same way our body does, then yes. You would be able to do the same amount of work with the potato chips, but the batteries have a higher power, meaning that they would be able to provide that energy in a shorter amount of time, which is more convenient if you don't want to wait too long to reach your destination.