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Voting is important, there's no need to panic though. Red politicians are struggling heavily financially, which is under-reported. In the general elections this year, some places flipped blue unexpectedly. The more "sane conservatives" are getting fed up with the insane part of their own party and switched votes.


do you have any sources for this? not that i don't believe you, i just want to know places to get this sort of information


I dont have information on general elections, but Details on DeSantis money problems https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/ron-desantis-money-problems-deepen-ahead-key-stretch-gop-primary-rcna118820 Nikki Haley was really bad for cash, but Koch network backed her today (paywall) https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/28/us/politics/koch-network-nikki-haley-endorsement-trump.html Oct overview of presidential candidate campaign finances https://apnews.com/article/election-2024-trump-republicans-fundraising-a07e78b814376d635f53ea17aa704d1d


i usually just see stuff on r/politics


Honest question, is r/politics a good place to get this kind of info from?


No. If you got all your political news from reddit, you would have thought that Sanders was a front runner in the 2016 anf 2020 elections, when he very much was not.


It's a very very very blue sub So while they can be overly optimistic towards negative news regarding Republicans, they do share all possible news that is bad for Republicans So yeah its a decent place to see news articles highlighting things like republican campaign financing issues


But by highlighting only news that is bad for Republicans/good for Democrats, it can present a lopsided picture. I remember an article saying that a Democratic candidate had won an election for governor in a red state. A lot of the comments were celebrating like it was a really big deal, a sign of the tide turning against MAGA candidates. But if you actually read the article, the Democrat was the well-liked incumbent who had been in office for like 15 years...the kind of candidate who is seen as an exception to his party and would've won regardless of the general feeling about Democrats. In other words, it's nice that he won but it's not indicative of any wider trends. Meanwhile, a headline like "Latest 2024 polls show Biden declining in popularity" might not get enough upvotes to appear on the front page because it doesn't make us feel good. The selection bias can be really misleading, especially for those who don't click through and read the articles.


lmao noooo


hi! so all of the advice given so far is cool but realistically i’m sorry to be the one to tell you this but you genuinely just need to stop reading so much news… i’m a leftist trans woman and i’ve learned this the hard way. yes we should all do what we can that’s in our power to not have our rights eroded and be genocided but also not everyone has the bandwidth to have all this swirling in our brains while just trying to get by and exist. you only have 1 of 4 options: keep up with news but fear for your life, not keep up and still fear for your life but a lot less, move to another slightly less bad country, or just keep up with the news and somehow develop the mental stability to recognize things are bad but not let it debilitate you i think at least right now option four it’s plausible so i guess you can try one of the others one for me i go with option 2… but seriously it just depends on how you handle these things. being trans is hard on a lot of people as is i dont think it really helps to pay attention to each and everything negative thing said or proposed online, the news, etc. i’m trying really hard to keep my politics out of this (i dont think i’m doing that too effectively) but seriously consider that even if the dems fend off the republicans for another term, or even for a decade, at the end of the day republicans will still inevitably somehow make a comeback and will enact whatever comically evil policies they can get away with. i understand it is our livelihoods and existence at hand but just put your wellbeing first for now and maybe later you can handle being more involved. (sorry if this was a lot of incoherent rambling my vyvanse is hitting hard) take care 💜


thank you you’re wonderful! i try to keep my composure and i usually do but sometimes it gets too heavy ya know edit: also please stay safe yourself and thank you for taking the time to write this💙


this was my problem too I was always feeling so overwhelmed & hopeless and my therapist and me decided it was because I spent too much time doomscrolling on twitter. It’s good to be informed of things but if the daily intake of horrendous news is keeping you from living your life it’s perfectly okay to step back from it and try to ground yourself where you’re at. I wish you the best of luck 💖


well Im gonna try to stay optimistic. if some how they do win, I am gonna fight back. they can make my existence illegal all they want but I am not going down so easily. Im not a punk for nothing and Ill be damned if I dont get at least one punch in ^(that and also I cant afford to leave the country so I have to fight, even if I dont actually want to)


I assume when you’re speaking about a bill you’re referring to “Project 2025”? There is no way around it, Project 2025 is scary; however, this plan coming to full realization is not going to be as easy or straightforward as the GOP wants you to believe. The GOP would have to take both the house and the senate in addition to holding the presidency. This is an unlikely scenario. Additionally, enforcing this plan and these programs takes bodies. I do not believe that Trump has the infrastructure or manpower to do this regardless of his base. Seriously, thousands of people would have to quit their jobs and so on and so forth to push this. I see that as unlikely. Lastly, the military isn’t some blind machine. Many soldiers would dissent and rebel. General Mark Milley displayed this readiness during our last election. Just because Trump or any other GOP candidate says something doesn’t mean it’s going to be achievable. Project 2025 is a wishlist. It’s not law. It would take a lot more than just a GOP candidate winning to enact that. Are our rights in danger? Yes. Are they in danger to the point where we’re going to be rounded up? I do not believe that to be reality. Could it happen? Sure. It could happen anywhere. But Admiral Yamamoto said it best in referring to conquering the United States - “there would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.” I believe the American resistance would be so chaotic we would enter into a civil war (which I believe they want) before we’re rounded up and killed. Take heart queen. We have a lot more support and hope than the media or GOP would have you believe. Edit: Something else to take heart from… Trumps base is dwindling. More and more polls are coming out where did hard Trumpers are expressing openness to ditching the orange overlord. We have a year to go. These polls have plenty of time to change so don’t take them to mean it’s over because they look one way right now.


i feel like a moron i said project 2024 😭. and yeah i understand it’s just places like florida makes it so scary that it could become nationwide. this country is going to shit i just don’t understand how these geriatric old white men keep getting away with controlling us. but okay question say trans rights was overruled an no longer federally protected does that mean our funding would get cut from things like surgery/HRT that is funded by medicaid?


I’m not an expert there so I don’t really know how that would work. However, that being said a complete federal ban isn’t something I perceive as being as simple as Trump just spouting he wants it and it happening. The pushback would be tremendous. If this were to happen I think it would look like what we’re seeing right now in a lot of state level governments. The governor or whoever passes a bigoted law and several months following the law is reversed because it’s unconstitutional (not everywhere of course). I feel like I’m seeing more and more of that happening (maybe it’s just my perception tho). Unfortunately the laws being overturned are not being publicized like the laws initially going into effect as there’s less clicks and revenue for that type of news because it’s not “scary”. So take away this: we have been dealt losses but we also are pushing back and gaining ground, but in most instances that pushback takes time. The likeliest scenario (in my opinion) is in the event of A GOP victory and all that, I believe they will try to roll things back to pre civil war times. Federal ban? Unlikely. But allowing each individual state to operate like it is it’s own country like in pre civil war times and make the bans? I think that’s a more likely and realistic scenario than full on Handmaids Tale.


Well weed was federally illegal despite being state legal in CO. Unless you happened upon a federal marshal in town who was reallllllly bored, you were golden (spoilers, I've literally never heard of someone being arrested for it.) If you're in a blue state thats THAT blue, you're already likely in a great place to be no matter what federal bullshit gets passed. These are the same people who shriek about states rights and all, remember? Seems like your local government has your back. Vote to keep it that way, and big bad government will mostly be held at bay. Unlike Nazi Germany, we aren't one country, not really. We're 50 countries in a loose alliance. Any one of us can and often does tell the feds to shove it up their ass. Even worst case, you're gonna be fine. Remember when Trump, through twitter, announced the trans ban in the military? And then the joint chiefs basically told him to shut the fuck up? It'll be okay.


thank you for the response man and yeah my state is pretty blue we luckily re elected our gov for another 4 years. i just hope trans folk in red states can find somewhere safer


I thought Germany had a ton of states.


Get this. DeFascist is trying to expand the Don't Say Gay bill to include workplaces, making it illegal for orgs. like Equality Florida to even exist... they weren't exaggerating when they issued a travel advisory warning for FL. I'm in FL, and I feel that the only thing keeping me safe rn is that my birth certificate and ID have been updated. That's all well and good, but that doesn't help my trans husband and my trans daughter, and puberty is around the corner 😞 I'm terrified for all of trans floridans 😭 We are moving to MN because I can guarantee you that the next step in FL is preventing trans adults from receiving any gender affirming care. I've been waiting 13 years for grs, and I'm setting it up finally... but by the time it's time to have it done, it might become illegal to perform it here. I've yet to be wrong about these kinds of things, and I've lived here my whole life, so I'm almost 100% certain that our overall Healthcare rights in FL will soon be gutted. I'm trying not to think about it because the surgeon I picked does amazing work, and I've already settled on him 😞 I'm hoping I can get it done beforehand.. What you can do is Vote and encourage others to do the same. It's never been more important. Vote blue no matter who, because the alternative is fascism. Volunteer, canvass, spread information about project 2025 and agenda 47. They aren't even hiding it anymore, they're straight up calling for the US to become a fascist state. Don't lose hope tho, trans awareness is higher than it's ever been, the younger generation is fighting the good fight in the schools, walk outs, etc. It's also important to remember that there are still people in this country who haven't lost their mind and haven't joined the cult. I know that a lot of people disagree with Bidens handling of the current situation in Gaza, but you have to keep reminding anyone you know who cares, who are on the fence, that the alternative is authoritarism and fascism. Remind people that not voting for Biden is a vote for trump, and now is not the time to vote 3rd party because our lives hang in the balance. Do your best to make people understand. That's all we can really do.. otherwise, I'd suggest preparing to leave the US. It won't be easy, and maybe we will get lucky and it won't be necessary, but it's still good to be prepared. Stay strong, hold on to hope, people are fighting back against all the anti abortion and anti trans bullshit. It may not seem like it cuz the news is nothing but fear mongering for ratings, but we have support. We just need to show that support how imperative it is to our existence that they don't vote red. Didn't mean to make such a long response but I hope it helped in some way. If it didn't, I apologize 😓😓


Did you have your birth certificate updated a while back? I was under the impression that it’s not possible. I was born there so if I still can get it changed I would love to do that!


This was 11.5 years ago that I got it done. Maybe things were different then, but all you needed back then was a letter stating that you received gender affirming surgery. I got a breast augmentation labeled gender affirming surgery along with my disgnosis of GD, and that ended up being enough at the time i guess 0.o . Idk what the laws are now regarding birth certificates, unfortunatel. What I find most interesting tho, is that they gave me a *brand new* birth certificate. I was under the impression I would get an *amended* birth certificate, but when I picked it up at vital statistics, it was a brand spankin new birth certificate. Whether it was luck, laws, or a loophole, I honestly can't say =/


I wish there was a good way to see now, things changed so much that most resources I ever found were out of date. I don’t have any surgeries done yet, so that would suck for me if that still is the bar…


Actually, now that you mention it, I do vaguely remember hearing a year or so after my docs were changed, during my activist days, that FL changed the law so that you no longer needed grs or gender affirming surgery to get your docs changed, but this was back in like 2014 or so. DeFascist and his gestapo might have changed that back since, but I'm not entirely sure.


It’s difficult to figure out, especially since I live in a different state entirely, so anyplace I ask around here isn’t barred in fl so they can’t tell me.


You know, they might just reverse any document changes that we have made.


Well, all I can do is hope that it *might* not, and for the moment, it's what's keeping me safe. I'm worried about the present and the things currently keeping me safe. I'm not thinking about what "might" happen. They *might* put us in conversion camps, but we can't dwell on that. They *might just do* a lot of things. Please let me keep what peace of mind I currently have. I'm already aware of all the horrible things they can do to us and our existence, but for the moment what is CURRENTLY keeping me safe is the fact that they *havent* gotten to the point you're suggesting they might. Tbh, I'm not even sure why you felt the need to make this comment as if I'm not already fully aware that they can erase our entire existence at the snap of a finger. I'm not just gonna throw my hands in the air and say "fuck it I guess there's no hope at all cuz theres a possibility theyll do " There's a reason I said "I feel" and not " I know".




if something happens at the federal level, blue states will absolutely put more protections in to law at the state level. blue states in America are literally the best place in the world to be trans right now




girl I've smoked weed on the lawn of city hall in LA. there is no world where the FBI is going to come and arrest u for using the bathroom


Exactly, there isn’t the bandwidth for enforcement at this point if they suddenly outlaw our existence federally. Even w the weed example, that’s still federally illegal but you don’t see DEA raids on legal dispensaries in the states that legalized


and even if a law did go through at the federal level it would just be held up in court forever. like the reason the state has paid for all my surgeries is because of the vast body of court cases ruling in favor of trans people




You really don't know your history, do you?




I don't really understand your line of thought. The feds are going to show up in tanks to the local applebees because someone complained about me using the bathroom?


The allocation of resources depends on the priorities of politicians. We live in a militarized police state. If politicians decide to go after trans people, they have the apparatus to wield to do that.


What incentive would they have to allocate resources like that though? Drug cartels in central/south america are a geopolitical concern. Trans people in California are not




It's not that I don't think it's possible it's that I don't think it makes sense. There are material incentives for eliminating large drug operations or deporting illegal immigrants. The only incentives to arrest trans people are ideological ones.


The whole point of the republican agenda is to gut the federal authority and leave it up to the states.


The plan they have will make sanctuary states impossible. Project 2025. You've got to look at the document. They also plan to define us as pornography. Pornography in public is something you can be arrested for. Exposing children to pornography is a sex crime against children. And they want to make those punishable by death. All of that is in Project 2025. Project 2025 is essentially a blueprint for making sure that Trump has nothing get in his way when he's elected or when he steals the election. It's also a wish list of things that they would like to see legislated as soon as possible. They've carefully thought through how to dismantle our democracy. God Bless America and God bless the Heritage Foundation.


> blue states in America are literally the best place in the world to be trans right now Source?


Leave and go where? RN the USA is the best place in the world to be trans since you can actually get GAC without a 5+ year wait list and draconian gatekeeping. Worst case scenario, at least the US is so large that DIY will always be an option.


Not to mention that it is insanely hard to emmigrate from the USA. Not many places will take you, other than temporarily if you have a needed skill. It is way more than just flying there with a valid passport.


Which countries would be the best?




I think Canada may be falling to fascism too. Keep your ear to the ground.


Australia is pretty good. Our current government is alright and the greens party is pushing for Trans surgery to be supported by Medicare (our government funded health system). HRT is cheap and easy to access via the informed consent model and we are generally pretty chill people. My (cis f) Wife (MtF) have lived all over the country, including rurally and never had an issue. Our military is also very accepting of Trans people if that's your thing.


Are there surgeons in Australia that do phalloplasty?




Asylum has a specific meaning, and applying for asylum is a specific legal process. If you seek asylum, you will have to prove to a court of law that the entire country you are fleeing is inhospitable, and that will be a challenge in a nation built on 50+ legal systems. Being the victim of a crime is not enough. Having some transphobic legislation is not enough. It’s tempting to read international law and believe it applies to you, especially when you think things are as bad as they can get at home. But asylum rights are one of the biggest jokes in the modern world.


Maybe in 2024, but Canada is not far behind the US in this. PeePee has been campaigning on a very Trump-like platform, and if he gets elected we can expect to see anti-trans laws enacted and a surge in hate towards Trans people. It's frightening.


Not if we elect PP. Which we are definitely going to next election, because everyone hates Trudy at this point and Singh's NDP is a joke. Scary times, yo.


Vote and get others to vote...


Seeking asylum due to persecution is an option if worst comes to worst, stay safe


Fear is okay and fear is fine. It's okay to feel this afraid. Just keep in mind that yes we live in times of history and yet it might not seem like it, the left is winning. People are using explosives to halt the construction of Cop City. Shield laws are popping up in a few states, well 11 of them currently. Shield laws would allow some to in effect claim a soft refugee in that state. It is more complex than that, yet TLDR. UAW is back and is kicking some major ass, while calling for a general strike. On top of both the IWIW and the UAW have strong LGBT+ positions. More and more people understand the concept of manufacturing consent. Local elections are becoming more and more politically diverse. This is do to a lot of people getting involved at the ground floor. Yeah it's scary all change is scary. Take a breath and remember Fight Local Fight Together. When I feel lost by the level of bad. I remember that for all that matters it doesn't matter who gets elected president, if I'm building community locally.


Also Henry Kissinger is dead so hey wins an win.


thank you for your response. you are correct fight the local fight because it really does begin at home!


Mhmm liberation is person by person.


Everyone should be scared if that happens, including the people voting for them. It’s just who’s got problems first.


I am also trans and getting a passport in preparation. All we can do is vote and convince others to vote.


trumps video that’s calling for a genocide on trans people?


it’s essentially him calling for a genocide he obviously didn’t use those exact words but it’s his plan to ban all HRT, classify being trans as pornography and being in public as trans is obviously a sex crime, imprisonment of teachers, drs, etc if they promote gender identity/HRT/acceptance. he wants to bring back the nuclear family (his quote). pretty scary shit there’s a whole bill where anyone correct me if i’m wrong every conservative candidate has agreed on


HRT is used on cis men as well, not just trans. He's a fucking idiot if he thinks people will agree with this enough to actually get it banned.


good point i seen someone say how much of a slippery slope it is bc how can they differentiate gender affirming care and “regular” care. like is a cis woman getting a bbl gender affirming, is a man lacking sufficient T levels gender affirming care, can women get breast reductions how are they going to sort hand by hand all of these cases. this is of course a summarized version of it but it did make me feel a bit more comfortable


They'd make it ok for cis people, like they are ok with cutting up intersex infants.


That idiot Trump will say anything to get get elected and then deliver nothing. He is a liar. Nothing will happen to our rights. We have power and we will always be here. Stay strong 💪 🏳️‍⚧️


You've really got to wake up. He tried to have Americans shot because they were protesting in front of a church that he wanted to take a picture in front of. He was told that they couldn't shoot American citizens for something like that. His reply was that they could shoot lower, like just hit their ankles and calves, you know? This man is a psychopath and he sees hurting us as a valid tool to getting back into power.


Trump wanted a wall and we never got one. He is the same one who wanted to genocide Muslim and hispanics. And yet he didn’t pull off a Holocaust with those minorities.


We have to stand strong. Rally for truth and protect democracy. And above not accept fear as a way of being.


It’s messing up my whole transition.


I feel you. After 10 years I'm finally in a place where I can start to medically transition, but with everything DeSantis has done I'm too afraid to now because who knows what other evil legislation is lurking around the corner. Locally and federally. Stay safe, friend, and keep your chin up.


It's hard not to see the worst coming and feel hopeless but the fight is far from over yet. Right now it is sensible to be preparing and making plans, stock up on a few months of extra HRT, decide on whether or not you will fight or flee, have that plan in place, and try not to let it consume your thoughts in the mean time.


how do i stock up on extra HRT, just reduce the portions i’m taking essentially?


That's an option, there's also refilling a week early, changing pharmacies right after filling, or grabbing some off a diy site


thank you for the advice friend i will definitely start looking into that. rather prep for the worst and hope for the best


Calm down. Take a breath. Government largely does nothing. Everything will fine. The overturns in the supreme court were the result of oversteps. Congress ultimately legislates things, and they've failed us. I'm in favor of legalized abortion, but if we want it, we need congress to do their job, not have the supreme court do it on some flimsy technicality. The legal decision in roe v wade was the argument that the 14th amendment's right to life liberty and property implied a right to privacy, which would be violated if the government asked if you were pregnant, which would be a requirement to enforce a law making getting an abortion illegal. We never had a right to abortion in the US, Roe v Wade merely made enforcing a law prohibiting abortion practically impossible. How much simpler would it be if congress said "No state shall pass legislation prohibiting access to abortion"?


thank you for the response friend. i know the gov sucks with getting anything done let alone their own promises. i like to think i have a good understanding of politics but i can admit things get confusing from time to time. kinda like now lol and i’ve asked this question further down say they do over rule some trans rights would we still be respected under our states? like i said i’m grateful i live in michigan our gov covers all of trans surgeries, you can get your name changed/gender marker updated for free here (lot of paperwork to do it that way) and so many other things. i just worry that even here in michigan we might not be protected. (sorry for the babbling and grammar 😭)


If you want to watch a Democratic leader, tonight on Faux "news" my state's governor, Gavin Newsom is planning to debate DeSatan, it should be a good round of watching him smack the shit intellectually out of DeSantis.


maybe watching him get humiliated will cheer me up haha. i’ll try to find a live stream i’ll be honest i don’t watch fox news at all or have cable thanks for the response/advice friend


I would also like to add, you're not alone! There's a whole bunch of us feminist allies (real feminists, not those rhymes-with-a-kids-toy ones we don't like) out here that have trans family members they are fighting for and/or just want our gender nonconforming peeps to be able to live freely. If the shitty maga fascists are coming after you, they have to go through me first - I may be oldish and fluffy, but I'm tenacious and hard to move. I'm scared too, and I also had my therapist tell me to step away from the doom-scrolling. It is hard to do, I feel like I need to stay vigilant but the constant influx of negative feedback is messing with my mental health in a major way. I hope that this is received in the manner it is intended and that I am not stepping on any toes. Love and support to all of you. 🏳️‍⚧️💖


you are a peach!! no overstepping at all. the world is changing so much and i know its for the better in ways but man those fascists are VERY loud lol. it makes me happy to know that i’m not in this alone sometimes i have no clue how our trancestors (ha ha get it) did it before us. but yes please continue to listen to your therapist the both of you are correct doom scrolling has gotten me nowhere but 3 stops to crazyville!!! stay safe & thank you for your kind words my friend they really did help


Vote blue no matter who. Try to get Biden the fuck out of the primary but if he wins unfortunately it’s still our obligation to vote for him. DO NOT VOTE THIRD PARTY


agreed. biden isn’t ideal and i know everything going on in gaza is giving pushback from the dem/liberal party but what people don’t understand by voting 3rd party or not at all is a vote towards trump. if they think biden is handling the gaza/women’s rights/lgbt rights movements wrong what do they think trump is gonna do. a big argument is they’re not gonna vote for someone who’s actively committing a genocide which i get but trump is going to gut this country and cause a fucking war and do 1 million times worse than biden


My advice, hrt is not a wimp if you need hormones it will be for life, and it is not a good strategy to depend on healthcares , goverments, and politics. Dont let politicians control your life. I you are mtf , then you are lucky because Estrogen is one if the cheapest substances with $100 you get supply for 18 months. Why do you need insurances , medicare or govern-care ? Just saying!!


i’m a trans man not woman lol, but thank you for the response! edit: from what my understanding is T is a schedule 1 and you can only have access through medical health professional’s. i’ve been on for 2 almost 3 years. i don’t rely on the gov for my transition but we can’t just sit here and deny what’s happening. like someone else mentioned they’re trying to classify us as pornography and make it illegal to just exist


Well if y'all wanna meet up in Austria or something hmu a republican ruled US in 2024 could be the end of marginalized peoples rights.


austria? hmm gotta check that out


I've only heard neutral-pretty good things about Austria


Do you have rights there?


Unfortunately I'm a US born and raised citizen 😭


Okay so. Right. Here’s the thing. We really have no clue who’s gonna win at this point. It’s looking like it’ll be a repeat of 2020 candidates wise because we’re all unwilling participants in a two party system and nothing is going to ever change that in our lifetimes because not enough people actually give a shit or even know why it’s bad. Trump is an evil disgusting foul excuse of a human being, who had some alright economic policy in terms of growth and nothing else worthwhile about him. Biden is a geriatric dementia patient who escaped hospice and has been on the run from his nurses for the last 10 years, who got the privilege of being the leader at the tail end of a global crisis which always makes you look better than the guy who was there when it started or during it when you look back on it a few leaders later but has otherwise had a pretty passive run. Both of these are bad options. There is no good option here. I want to make this abundantly clear these are both shitty bad awful options. We have a stake in this fight, and unfortunately it’ll come down to the people who have no stake in it to decide what happens. The ultimate question will be is the old cishet man who can’t remember where his hands are most of the time less hated by the people in the middle than the other old cishet man who’s all cozy with the baby killing dictator in Eastern Europe. You said you’re in Michigan, that’s a better position than a lot of people can say they’re in. Even in the event that the right takes over, I don’t think it’d be very likely to see radical changes be made like federal care bans. It’s just too bold of a move, and would spark backlash from a massive portion of the public, and even other government officials, probably within the same party even. But if for some reason it does happen, and we don’t get plunged into civil war as a result(very unlikely), or we do, this will work for that too, Canada has already shown a willingness in the recent past to offer refugee status to those of us who’d have to flee for our own safety. And being close to the border, it’d be a much easier move to make. So yeah, TL;DR, it’s totally valid to be scared right now. There is so much uncertainty in the air, especially so as our rights are one of the biggest marketing toys that the right AND the left are playing around with, don’t let them fool you they’re fighting for us but it’s still to their own benefit. The best thing to do is watch from a distance until it’s time to cast your vote, and either way make sure you keep your eye on big moves being made. Your voice matters, blah blah blah, all the things.


one of the best responses lol thanks for taking the time to write it. i know in reality it’s pretty unlikely and i like to consider myself somewhat politically savvy but with how america is throwing curve balls i’m watching the tv going “how the fuck is this even legal”. i understand biden is a horrible POS but i can’t help feeling conservatives are cheering about how biden is handling this situation in gaza. he’s getting a lot of backlash where dems/liberals are so against biden they’re gonna 3rd party vote or just not vote at all. and as someone says a vote wasted or to a 3rd party is a vote to trump. the left is so disorganized and i fear because of that we’re gonna get a far right extremist in office. idk man this shit is wild


Thank you lol, but yeah, it’ll be uhhh, interesting to watch, to say the least. I’d say that while yes, on the left we don’t have any unification *behind* a single candidate, we do have a strong unification *against* the other option, so we’ll still have good voter turnout I think. But if Trump wins, well, we’ll see what happens, I don’t think it’ll be good but I still don’t think it’ll be terrible. As in, I don’t think federal changes will be that drastic. I would very much so encourage all who are able to get out or red states (maybe into swing states if you want to be disruptive while keeping yourself safe). If you want some food for thought and a conspiracy theory that I’ve heard tossed around a lot recently, entirely baseless and not necessarily likely to happen in any regard. Just a conspiracy theory for the sake of a conspiracy theory. They say that if Trump wins, he’s going to be assassinated, not by anyone in the general public, but by the CIA! They’ve already been trying to get him in jail so they can Epstein him! Why would they do that, you ask? I don’t know, ask the people who came up with it, they’ll probably tell you something about Soros and the deep state lmao


I’m in England and im planning on leaving soon and our situation is a lot better than yours. Seriously run! Walk to Canada with just the shirt on your back if you have to! You can’t change the system from the inside it’s too late and they won’t let you the whole thing needs to come down but you’re jew in nazi Germany it’s not your job to fix it your job is to run, hide, and survive. This is not exaggeration I literally believe you American trans people are going to get round up if things get much worse.


this is horrifying but probably true. i’m trying to figure out the migration process right now to canada. crazy enough to e boarder is a 2 hr drive from me tops. i don’t have a degree or some really good job that usually helps the migration process, i have no family there, etc. i am starting trade school soon but that’s the best i got lol. it sucks if you have any info/tips on migrating i’m open. thanks for the response buddy stay safe




That is not true, republicans are trying to make being trans in public illegal and trying to ban hrt, Trump is horrible




Get off this sub trumper


Are you talking about project 2025? Me and my partner are already preparing to run with our daughter


yes i am! it’s freaking me out. if you don’t mind me asking what are some steps you’re taking because i’m trying to figure it out myself


Make sure to get a passport/update it. Also start thinking about where you want to go and their Visa process. See if you qualify for express entry and make sure you’re putting money into your savings that’ll be enough for a plane ticket, 2 months housing/utilities/food/transport, and start looking at jobs that would be available to you. If you’re in school/plan to be in school look at student visas, they tend to be cheaper and easier to obtain.


i’m starting trade school soon it sucks because that’s 2 years i need down before i even have a job let alone getting a work visa. this shit sucks bad lol. thanks for the advice tho friend


On the plus side, once you have that you would actually qualify for express entry via trade! So you’d be approved within 6 months of applying!