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The conservatives were wrong...they thought it was TikTok turning everyone trans. It was you all along! >Because I'm wondering what this says about me. I mean, it says you have a type, but that's only a problem if you deign it to be a problem. You might be a little bit gynosexual.


You know maybe that rapid onset gender dysphoria is real. This woman seems to be the only carrier of it tho.


Gynoid Mary


It means that you are *so* gay that all of your hetero relationships retroactively turn homo.


Every so often I come across the saying that if a lesbian falls for a man, doubt the man before you doubt the lesbian. I think it's a bit of a stretch to say this is a sign you're gay, but it sounds very much like you have a specific type and unhatched trans women have tendencies, styles, mannerisms, etc that tick your boxes. Sapphic cis women are also by far the demographic most widely-accepting of trans people, so you may be more open to dating people with a mixed/transitional presentation than the average person. Trans women also face a lot of discrimination in the dating/sexual marketplace which means we can be much more likely to jump when someone makes romantic overtures.


I don't appreciate the call-out, while I identified as male I dated two people, both lesbian. So I can't tell you that you're wrong, I can say I'm not happy about the saying though.


>I don't appreciate the call-out, while I identified as male I dated two people, both lesbian while I identified as male I dated two people, both lesbian. So I can't tell you that you're wrong, I can say I'm not happy about the saying though. I don't appreciate someone interpreting this as a callout but take it as you will.


they were most likely joking, tho


Joking yes, but they’ve* definitely called out two women now 😂


That's funny. I had a string of girlfriends and two wives that turned out to be lesbians, bi, or gender queer. GQ being the one I came out to a month ago and we're still happy and together. Edit: My first wife, the closet lesbian, later said there was something different about me, and my current GQ wife said she knew I was queer, just didn't know HOW queer until I came out last month. :)


Lol this is relatable. Most all my girlfriends or crushes in the past turn out genderqueer/lesbian/bi, or it was just gender envy from my end in the few non queer cases. (And since that's high school crushes I can't verify if they just came out later 😂)


I used to joke that "I was too much of a man for them. After me, no other man would do." Then I would follow up with "or I was the worst man ever and they were done with them after me." Maybe they just sensed an egg and was trying to make it crack to get to the gooey center. :)


Interestingly enough before I transitioned (MtF) almost all of my partners were bisexual women. In your case I'm not sure it requires more introspection, unless you want it to. It just is what it is 🤷🏼‍♀️


Same for me, isn’t that wild? I always said to friends “Straight women do NOT like me aha” and always ended up dating Bi or questioning women. I was always giving lesbian, I just didn’t know it 😅


Involuntary Lesbian


She's pre ordering!


I've referred to myself as my partner's "custom order gf" before, because of how much she helped me develop my sense of style early in my transition.


lets put it this way: if you are a lesbian, you would not be the first lesbian to take ages working it out because of dating a string of transfem eggs


could be that you’re more attracted to femininity moreso than gender? i think it’s called gynesexual. either way it doesn’t really mean anything other than you have a type. either that or your presence turns people trans which is pretty cool


An old ex-friend of mine was straight except for ONE girl she was into - except that one girl turned out to be a trans guy later. She still doesn't know lol


Lol that guy is so gender affirmed


You'd be shocked how many times I've seen this happen before.


You’re a trans whisperer. :) Just means you can see past the façade better than most can. On that line of thought I’m curious if you’re spiritual. Not religious, but spiritual.


I've got a friend who's also known as the trans whisperer! Not just for folks she's dating (though her fiance is trans), but just generally attracting an unusually large number of friends that end up coming out as trans and/or enby at some point after she's met them :D


hey! this thing happens to me too, and I'm spiritual, could you explain to me why did you linked it to that? 🫶💖 tysm!


This will get a little woo. Not the intent; just the effect of talking about this. One definition of spirituality is being able to see behind the mask that nearly everyone wears. People who are spiritual often describe the ability to perceive when something is… off, at least until they learn what and why they perceive things the way they do at which point they can point to details that explain why this was a wrong type beat. That overlap, both concepts being perception of the truth behind a façade, leads me to muse about that question. As for me, my AuDHD aids greatly in pattern identification and making connections others may miss. My spirituality is based on that as well. Like I said, I like being able to explain my why :)


owww i never thought of it that way, its very interesting. thanks for answering!


Hhhmm so I'm a transfemme bisexual. When I was younger and in the dating scene, decades before my egg cracked, I had this habit of developing crushes on women who would turn out to be lesbians. I always found it confusing and sad, because simultaneously I didn't want to be making someone uncomfortable I also had this kind of gender "error" where part of me didn't understand why I was being excluded romantically. I understand now that it's because in a lot of ways internally I'm a woman and my attraction to women is very sapphic so the signals that lesbians send out are ones I respond too. But I'm very attracted to tomboys, butches, strong confident women they all just make me melt.


You probably just like feminine people, and that would lead you to have a higher likelihood to run into this situation.


Similar story here. All but one of my exes turned out to be lesbians. The other one dumped me mainly because she wanted a man and a provider; not a housewife. Turns out she was right. I *would* love to be a housewife. 😂


Might mean you are way less bisexual than you think and way more lesbian. Then again it doesn't really affect anything you like who you like and those are just words.


I think you can be attracted to an aesthetic both physically and personality-wise, like being attracted to people with masculine/male bodies but whose aesthetic is more femme. That doesn’t necessarily mean you aren’t bi, but I don’t think our labels really fully capture the spectrum of sexuality. Labels are useful tools, but they can be prisons too. I would just go with the flow cause ultimately, why does it matter? I’m actually having a similar situation but in reverse. I think I’m a lesbian but most of my partners are on the butch/masc side of femininity, and recently I found myself crushing on a nonbinary trans masc fellow with they/he pronouns and I’m like ohhhhhh shit, I might be dipping my toes into bisexuality and that’s scary haha. But I’m not concerned about it. I just like having nice people in my life


Ironic, every girl i dated turned out to be bi or lesbian before my egg cracked. Sometimes the heart knows more than the brain 🤷🏼‍♀️


I had sort of the opposite I had 2 people I dated that were AFAB but transitioned and now I am transitioning so maybe your subconscious is on to something?


9/10 of the women I've dated have been or come out as lesbians or at least heavily bi. I had a feminine aura, but thought I was a cis man. The girls were right. I was an egg too.


I know a group of friends who graduated college as four heterosexual couples. All couples are still together but now they’re seven women and one man. Sometimes things like this just.. happen.


Are you cis? If so, ur probably more on the lesbian side of bi. Many such cases


How does whether they're trans or cis make a difference there?


Because trans girls usually don't need to ask why they keep attracting eggs.


I had a similar experience. Everyone I ever dated (with one exception, who by some miracle I ended up married to) turns out later to have been bi, neurodivergent, or both. One of them didn't even find out until two decades later and got in touch to tell me the news, lol. Somehow, we always recognize each other.


Idk. my gf said something similar when my egg cracked


It's interesting for sure. I was "that guy" for some women, but I often wasn't "man enough" for them. The reason was always obvious to me, but I was still firmly in denial that I had a choice about what I could do about it. I think, at the very least, it shows that you are far more open to the concept of a more feminine man than the majority of straight women. It makes me think of how many women enjoy having gay male friends, but they aren't attracted to those men as partners. Or how often men in women's fantasy are depicted as more elegant and androgenous, while still being masculine (Vampires and Goblin Kings for example). The fantasy of a more sensitive man in touch with his feminine side is attractive and enticing to some, but in practice most women don't actually want that. You, however, seem to maybe actually be drawn to that type, and it's not a bad thing. I think, maybe, it says more about effeminate men. Perhaps, it's less likely that effeminate straight men are actually straight...or men? Maybe that's a rarer combo than it seems. 🤷‍♀️


Are you attracted to me? I need to know if I'm an egg or not for.....cis reasons.


If you give off gay vibes yourself then it makes sense why other lgbtq+ people would be drawn to you subconsciously.


I’m in the same boat, OP!! My partner I’m with now also came out after the fact. I was nervous like - am I accidentally a chaser?? What’s going on here?? I’m a bisexual cis woman too.


lol, sometimes it be that way. most (if not all, idk I don't have modern contacts with everybody) of the "women" I had befriend and a crush on over the years later came out as trans men


I had a really good friend back when I was in middle and high school who was /not/ surprised when I came out to her. Apparently some people are just really shit at being guys, including me. Probably helps that she was a lesbian, but...


I’ve had the opposite experience, I’m a bi girl but everyone I date either is a man or turns into one. Dated a NonBinary identifying person, they came out as transmasc halfway through. Had not even a serious relationship but a casual one with someone who identified as a trans woman and they detransitioned for a while after. Dated AFABs as well who started out IDing as cis and then came out as a trans man during or after… everyone I touch turns into a man.


So if your radar is out of tune would you walk up to a guy you fancy and tell them there a transwoman in secret.


I'm a trans woman, myself, so maybe it's different, but... I have had the same experience. 4 and counting...


I find this amusing as every girl I ever dated as a former man (all 3) turned out to end up marrying women now that we're older 😂 And the real kicker is I'm a trans hetero woman, I don't even like 🐱... I never did. I just liked the affection from them I think that this post says more about your sexuality than theirs, js


Reminds me of me. I have a friend whos a lesbian Before she realized she'd only ever dated two guys Both that person and myself turned out to be trans women lol


what is an egg?


It's a term we trans folk have for trans people that aren't ready to accept that they're trans yet. We often invest a lot of willpower into denying or misinterpreting our feelings to delay confronting the truth about what we want from our lives. As we come to accept ourselves, the shell of our egg begins to crack until our true selves emerges from the facade that protected us until we were ready. There are a lot of common trick we use to deny ourselves, so you can sometimes spot eggs out in the wild. However, an egg needs to work out their issues before they can approach being trans without a lot of things holding them back, so we have the Egg Prime Directive: Do not force an egg out of their shell. Like a literal egg, they need the right environment to help them develop. They should get support, information, and a way to explore their feelings safely. That's the ideal, at least. You now have some of our spooky seeeeecret knowledge! Use it responsibly, and beware the transquisitors!


its very common for women who like other women to also like trans men, don't focus on putting a label on yourself tho, you like who you like, but your probably just into the womenly present of who ever you like its bery common


I have heard of this before. There's a lot of people who have dated a trans person before they came out, and found they preferred the gender the trans person came out as, especially if they were in denial of their orientation and the pre-out trans person *appeared* to be the gender they were trying to force themselves to be attracted to. That sounds confusing. So imagine a lesbian who doesn't want to admit she's a lesbian. So she wants to be straight. Then she meets a "man" who is also in denial and trying to present as a man. The lesbian is attracted to her for reasons she doesn't consciously recognise, and later on they both come out and surprise each other. This kind of things has happened a lot, and it doesn't requre denial - just some people pick up on the underlying truth of a person even if they aren't consciously expressing it. As to what it says about you: maybe you aren't really bisexual, but are more of a lesbian, and these trans women allowed you to pretend you were bisexual - essentially being in denial. But only you can really figure out what it means.


I mean... you might be gay? Does it matter? Can you just like who you like and decide retrospectively on your deathbed? Idk, maybe having a word you're sure of is important to you. In that case? Pick?


Weve heared of the girlfreind fairy with Rebecca from let me explain studios, now we have the trans fairy. You turn people trans my your mere presence!!! /j


You got a type. That's it.


I'm exactly the same way. I'm married to one of them now haha.


That sentence would be so confusing out of context


I have had this experience! It made me doubt if I even like men at at this point lol because the feminine and androgynous men are the ones I like the most and I really like feminine women so I guess I have learnt a new thing. Thanks for this!


You like individuals. The rest is coincidence. Stop believing the “type hype”.


It means you're attracted to these people...why is that an issue if you don't make it one ? :)


I think this means you just admitted you're an SCP whose anomaly is turning people trans


ive seen the inverse where a trans woman (pre transition) would only date women who became lesbian after they broke up. i think it's a pretty accurate way of analyzing dynamics because it really is just the participants of the dynamic being honest about their place within it. that said, i think it might mean you are a little bit more into girls than you realized. i dont think you should avoid men if you still like them obviously, but even as a trans woman myself, ive realized dating an egg and being a woman who inspires somebody's self transformation can be tiring and a large stress on a relationship. if that's where this becomes a problem for you, you should maybe look into dating women, including trans women who have already started living in their new identity.


I feel like this might mean your just a lesbian with a insanely good radar lol


I've heard something about queer magnetism before, that queer people just naturally end up attracting each other. Pretty much every friend I made when I actually started socializing again 4 years ago was either bi or trans. It also made me realize my first crush was almost definitely bi, I have nothing to prove it, but it activates my queer-dar.


I had something kind of similar. I dated one of my best friends during high school and we broke things off but stayed friends. Two years later, I realized I was a girl and eventually that I was a straight girl. She took it pretty hard, but eventually we were able to make up. Now we go to Sephora together and talk about boys.


This happens to me too except instead of being a trans woman they end up being nonbinary


God I am realizing I really fucking hate the word egg


I had 1 NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE in 2011 followed by 2 OUT OF BODY experience during COVID19 lockdown. So, I personally know there are things that our known science and known logic can't explain. Although telepathy is real and it is perhaps a proven thing. We give away subtle signal unknowingly only to be received and decoded by the others. Human brain is a complex machine and I'm sure it has more advanced communication system then our 5G or WiFi or Bluetooth. Surely it can communicate things with others. Perhaps our souls are somewhere else and our brains are communicating with our souls and that's how we are controlling our body remotely and experiencing this life. Quantum communication perhaps. I am a tranfem. I realised I'm trans just 3 years ago. I never had any feminine trait in my attitude. I think I was quite alpha type personality and I still have alfa personallity (alpha fem I guess). I was and I am strictly attracted to females. I crossdressed secretly many time since my puberty. Before knowing that I was trans I had been in many relationships with many AFAB girls. Those girls, most of them if not all were bi including my ex wife. I know this because some of them asked me to wear their lingeries. Some of them complimented me like "You would make a beautiful girl if you were a girl". Some expressed their desire to put on makeup on me. I always refused those things and showed strong rejection only to regret later alone secretly. Few of them including my ex wife used to stare at other girls butt or boobies. I never told my ex girlfriends or ex wife about my inner desire and occasional crossdressing thing. But it seems like they caught the subtle signal I gave away subconsciously. Although there are websites say females are mostly bi and rest are strictly lesbians and there is nothing as straight female. I received a lot of downvote for sharing this info earlier. LOL. Thanks OP for bringing up this common yet never discussed matter.