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Do you live some kind of human experience that doesn’t involve pooping every day of your life?


im aware its common but name a writer that mentions poop as much as george did in asoiaf


Look around, people be shittin.


I imagine it’s part of his desire to show the total human experience.


Probably because he’s trying to make readers imagine all of the ways that living in such a world and setting would be difficult. Hygiene has grown exponentially in the last 100 years, and yes, so much of it does have to do with advances in medicine, germ theory, and what the definition of competent hygiene actually is. If anyone thinks that stuff is purely for a shock or laugh factor, then I’d have to strongly disagree with them.


what about the monkeys throwing poop on Victarions ship


Monkey throwing poop is just a common trope 


Nobody ever pooped in Tolkien.


Poop jokes are funny af


It’s timeless. Even the Homeric Hymns have poop and fart jokes.


100% and it adds moments of levity in an otherwise bleak story like ASoIaF. One of my favorite passages in the whole series, if not my favorite, is when Oberyn tells Tyrion about "Baelor Breakwind" and Tyrion wonders "how many lives had been snuffed out by that fart." Kills me every time.


It's quite the fascinating thing, it is


You can also ask this question but replace it with food, sex, conversation, etc. these are things people do in their everyday lives that gurmmy also constantly writes about, even when they seem irrelevant. but if you look closer it is clear that he is trying to get you to better understand the character’s perspective on themselves and the world around them by having them react to mundane everyday situations. You get to see these things across a wide range of characters locations and cultures and therefore see differences in how they react. Even to something like shit. Also poop is funny


Oh, do we really have to deal with more of this speculative crap (so to speak)? /s


Stinks are an important theme to him. He pairs the adventures of several povs with a stink.


Because he is telling us the Hand must catch the King's poop if they are to have any chance of surviving the Long Night.