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I've met a couple people with aquarium hyperfixations and they're always so chill I'll listen to your info dumps if nobody else will, fish person


What I picture when I read "fish person" ![gif](giphy|IVdiLpeFecais)


Quaggan wants to hear about your special interest!


Based guild wars player


Ocean man!


Take me by the hand, lead me to the land!


I wish they could see and understand the amount of effort you're putting into this.


So real. For a lifetime. 🫣


I would have loved to be at your family gathering and listen to you talk about aquariums! I hate family gatherings sometimes because every conversation has to be about what everyone’s got going on in their lives and it often makes me feel like shit for not doing much thats actually interesting


It's the same for us. My partner and I get up to quite a lot together hobby and activity wise, but his NT family members mostly visit family and watch TV, and they don't seem to know how to talk about much else.


I don’t really have any family members my age except my siblings. And nobody has similar interests to me except my SO. I usually don’t talk about my special interests much anymore because nobody is really interested. My dad was the only one of my NT family who was interested and actually engaged with me in discussions. But he passed away in 2019 from a failed transplant after fighting cancer multiple times. He left me his nice medical books (he was a doctor and one of my interests is random information from the medical field) because he said that I was the only one who knew how to take care of them.


Tell me more about the shrimp and snails incompatible water parameters. I too am an aquarium enthusiast


So Caradina shrimp and snails get along swimmingly. However, after about a year of living in a caradina shrimp tank, snails start to experience shell degradation, where they get holes in their shells, and will start to cannibalize and die. This is because shrimp like more acidic water, and this acidity eats through the shells of the snails, which do better in more basic water. However, a lot of caradina shrimp breeders will house snails in their tanks and recommended that they be housed together on their sites. Many that keep both will suggest that you keep your caradinas as a species only and house your snails in a community tank with fish and / or neos, as neocaradinas can live in more basic water.


That’s really cool. Sucks for the snails though.


I love snails, but after I moved, all of mine died because the water is so acidic, it consistently tests around 6 on the pH scale :( I had a nerite that I’d had for four(4) years die because of this acidic water I just couldn’t make the water hard enough *and* stable enough for the little guy But the good news is I’m gonna get some cardinia soon and they should love the water!


PH of 4-5 is very ideal for Caradinas, they will love it. Caradinas are fun little dudes once you get the water right. Too bad on the snails, but I'm jealous, as it took me months to get the right PH for my first caradina tank.


Also a fish nerd. Kind of dread neurotypical questions about my aquariums because I only know how to talk about them in "long format".


Long format… that’s what I’m calling it now!


This is the answer. There are not a lot of aquarium facts that are short format. I mentioned cycling, and out of politeness tried to keep it at "there's a lot of ways to do it", and my SIL asked "yeah, but like what, how does it work?" And I watched her face change as I attempted to explain that one in any kind of short time. They were thinking of getting my niece and nephew a fish tank, and I think I completely turned them off of it, haha.


Honestly, I'm happy you talked them out of it, if they couldn't be bothered to listen to proper tank treatment and such, then they shouldn't even think about getting one, especially for their kids, though if the kids were interested in the ins and outs of it, it'd be a different story, I suppose.


They are very young, and I don't think they would be super into taking care of the fish, maybe just feeding them. If they were, they could always come by to look at our tanks to see what type of care the fish need. I was a bit horrified when SIL suggested we go and get hermit crabs at this local tourist spot to get the real beach experience of their childhood. According to her, it's quite normal to get them as a souvenir for kids, keep them in a glass bowl, and then just forget about them and let them starve over the vacation, then throw them out. She wanted to get them gold fish and was surprised to hear that they needed 30 plus gallons for one fish due to bio load. The idea was to get the kids something they could kill by neglect to give the kids the experience of small pets, and knowing that the setup for fish is expensive turned her off from it. I did offer to set them up a small snail tank, since you can neglect the fuck out of those, but she thinks snails are gross, lol.


I'm actually trying to get into gardening and I always love learning about it, tell me more about your local medicinal herbs and stuff. I'd love to eventually grow my own. Also, I'm sorry you went through that. Unfortunately the way neurodivergent people get closer to others and the way NTs do tends to be different - ND folks share things they like, and NTs small talk, as far as I can tell.


That's why I cut contact fully with my extended family, I always felt uncomfortable and unhappy.


I left my family of origin behind and moved far away They were not good people. I had hoped to form a relationship with my SO's family that is some kind of close. My SO has confirmed that they are also much closer with their dad's side because they feel out of place with mom's side and how "normal" they are as well. His parents are older, and I've just had catastrophic fear that if I don't connect despite being in wildly different life stages than these individuals, I'm failing and I will run out of time to fix it. Which is dumb. And then there's the having not cone out about transitioning thing, and woo boy do I not see that going well with that side. It's not even intentional either, where as I have self awareness enough to mask, so I think I get myself twisted in knots because I think I can find the perfect solution if I just think long enough and try hard enough.


Ooo, I love forging info, do go on


I collected probably two pounds of Filbert hazelnuts from my SIL's yard. My niece and nephew were super interested. They are a local tree according to the internet, and they look odd compared to true hazlenuts. I want to make butter with them to see I they taste anything alike.


Come to my yard and tell me about my plants. Actually, you and my husband can spend hours talking about the different plants. I love plants so listening to you two would be very entertaining.


When my partner and I first met, we went on a lot of nature walks, and I would tell him about all the different types of plants and trees. I'd love to learn more as well from another plant enthusiast. I don't know my new area super well, as I moved less than a year ago, but I've been doing a too on of research.


The last one is my favorite


With my family of origin, I got to where I stopped trying so hard to please, and would be unhinged levels of Autistic. I am hoping to get to the point where I stop caring so much with these individuals, not out of spite, but because my partner doesn't find me any kind of embarrassing and thinks I'm really rad and honestly would get a lot out of seeing me more myself at family functions.


I love this very much. I am here cheering you on (:


You got anything about homegrown mushrooms?


Yes! I have grown lots of oysters and...other kinds. 😈 I recommend starting with a kit that is ready to go. Lots of places online will sell the feed bags where you can inject syringes of different mushrooms that are sold from online labs. Unfortunately, it's not really feasible to collect and germinate your own spores at home. You need some pretty sophisticated lab equipment. But the good news is the labs have plenty of species, including ones that can be collected for *scientific research only and not for cultivation*.


You might get some tips on starting from a spore culture over in r/ mycology. I think a few folks there have started them in agar.


I am interested in all of these things, and you seem like a cool person to hang out with. It sucks they couldnt match your energy


I personally would love to listen about your hyperfixations, you probably know so much interesting stuff I bet.


You are the best in-law. I study herbalism and I'm always harvesting things from the neighborhood where it's safe ❤️


My SIL thought it was "really cool", but more in the way that this side just tends to find me odd and entertaining rather than they take genuine interest. I want to learn what mushrooms are safe and quietly not share, muhahahaha.




Currently developing a fish keeping hyperfixation, I’m so lost with cycling though :[


Cycling can be frustrating. The good news is there are a million ways to do it. You just have to have patience. If you can, I recommend getting used material from a local fish store and adding it to your setup in a mesh bag. That helped introduce the bacteria colony to my first setup.


Thank you!


Like don’t ask questions you don’t want answers to TF. I’m sorry that is really shitty


Have you drank the Walstad method cool-aide yet?


No, but I love planted tanks. I've put pond water in tanks to get bacteria and microorganisms going, though.


It's the low tech version of planted tanks, you don't need a filter if you do it right. You screen some organic potting soil so it's super fine and there's no wood chunks if you can help it, make a 1-2" layer of that on the bottom of the tank, a 1' cap of whatever substrate you'd like to use, then plant and let it cycle. The soil decomposition replicates a river bottom, and provides the co2 needed for the plants. You don't need to change the water supposedly once it is going. I've had a tank set up like that going for about 5 years now


Understood, I'm soon to build a vampire crab habitat in a 50 gallon, I would love to try this for the water side!


If they don't care about the aquarium why do they ask https://preview.redd.it/gzq5pw00y60d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb949b8a4c47f51b59730635b0a44844592fd338


i might preach to the choir, but if you haven't read it yet; "Teaming with Microbes - Jeff Lowenfels" and the follow-ups will be right up your alley.


Yooooo, thank you!!! 🤌🤌🤌 I love book recs. I'll check it out.


I'm sorry. You are welcome to come educate me about plants here at my house or in my area. We can go for a drive and you just talk and talk and I'll want a few times together so I can absorb it all. Teach me, oh wise one.


Omg I would have been static to hear your thoughts


Hey there fellow neurodivergent\~ I also have some family members who ask how things are going, prompt me on the one thing they know about me (one of my hobbies), and then are utterly disinterested in the details of my projects. While YOU and I know that 'Did you know you can keep yeast alive in jars for *years*?' is a cool fact that should elicit 'woah, no shit? that's wild.', some folks don't care about topics they can't use in everyday life. I've found that they don't want to *learn* *about* my hobby - they want to know **how I feel about i**t. Their interest is not in my aquariums, or my snakes, but rather: They want to know about Emotionally Significant Things that happened to ME. -- Uninteresting to them despite being the coolest things in the world: - Did you know some damselfish will farm algae? Some algae only grows densely when being watched over and tended by that fish species. There's a whole symbiotic relationship between tiny shrimp plankton, damselfish, and that specific species of algae. **VERY interesting to them:** - One of my first fish just passed away last week. He got sick two months ago, and none of my treatments worked. **I know I did my best, but I still feel bad about it.** (Obviously this is a Sad Story, and they know that they should respond with Compassion and Reassurance) - **I*****'m so excited*** about a new project I started! So, coral is a colony of living organisms, right? They're tiny, so they need tiny food, too*. It's hard to find food for them at pet stores*, so I have to order specialty food, and *shipping gets expensive fast.* I just found out I can grow the stuff that corals eat at my own house, in jars! The yeast they eat can live for *years* in regular 'ol mason jars. **Years of buying packets of expensive food, and I could've been brewing free soup for them this whole time.** (*a Funny Relatable Story* about *saving money by doing it yourself*. Listeners are invited to laugh and offer their own story of DIY'ing something expensive, or congratulate you on your new discovery.) -- Since Neurotypicals tend to have a hard time reading my face and body language, giving emotional keywords like 'Im excited' or 'I feel conflicted' helps them understand why I'd offer information on topics they don't care about, and come up with an appropriate response. After presenting a fun fact about reptiles, or salamanders or whatever, I try to lead them to why I told them, by offering clarifying info about how I feel about that fun fact, or why it's significant. "Axolotls require cool, very clean water, and in the wild live in high-altitude lakes in Mexico. Due to destruction of their habitats, they're nearly-extinct, critically endangered in the wild, and mostly exist in the pet industry now. ***THEREFORE***, *I feel sentimental and wonderous* when I sit down to watch my axolotl eating and scooting around. *It feels like I'm preserving something special.*"


Okay, but more about the edible plants in the yard... (I'm amazed she has wild hazelnuts - I'm planning to plant some!)


I have told my partner when we get a house that I have a list. 1. I need a large green house. 2. I'm going to have a pond in the greenhouse. 3. I'm going to have a chicken and duck run that feeds into the greenhouse. 4. I'm planting fruiting trees in the yard. 5. The lawn is going to be replaced or supplemented with local moss species, flowering herbs, local wild flowers, lavender, and other pollinator friendly plants. We will never mow and instead use stepping stones and gravel to set out pathways. 6. We need a covered porch so I can give our cats outdoor space. 8. I'm going to go to so many farmers' markets to give off eggs, plant cuttings, and produce so I don't have to work a normal 9-5 in the summer.


That sounds dreeeeaaamy!


You sound delightful. I would love to hear more about your special interests. I have a budding (haha) special interest in gardening and specifically developing an edible forest in my back yard.


You can info sump on me, I love these things too. I don't know much about them though.


I'm sorry that they didn't care OP, I know what that feels like


How do you keep yeast bacteria alive and happy? My parents tried during covid but weren't successfull (I'd also like to know this about yogurt bacteria, if it's also one of your intersts)


I'm not sure about yogurt bacterium, but yeast bacteria love potato peels!


What fishes or crustaceans or just what anything have you kept?


On aquatic creatures: I started with guppies and mollies as a teenager. I had a colony that thrived for five years and spawned a few times. I moved states, so nothing is going right now. I am looking at re-establishing a caradina shrimp tank and maybe a pea puffers or other oddball tank. I will have one for brine shrimp, but that would be more a jar or vase situation, as thise will be food. I am cycling a small community tank that will have wild-type bettas (I'm looking for breeders that are conservationists and keep good practices, as I know domestic bettas are problematic), rasboras, maybe some loaches or Cory's, and probably a snail or two. The project I'm most excited about is a vampire crab tank. I have a friend who is giving me a 50 gallon, and I'm going to build a planted paludarium, which will be 2/3 land area, and 1/3 water. I will likely add some apple snails in the water area to help keep things clean. I'm hoping the apple snails will lay eggs to provide food for the crabs, and so I can hatch anything that doesn't get touched. On others: I've had many cats (my own plus fosters), I've saved baby squirrels a couple of seasons (those are really cool pets if you have the space, time, and energy), I had a tarantula, mice, rats, a bird, a turtle, and a few different kinds of frogs, and a compost with worms that I considered pets as a kid. TL;DR Animals, bugs, and plants are super cool.


Always want to keep aquatic life so very interesting How do I take care of guppy fry?


I had a planted tank, so they mostly hid and survived that way. They need smaller food, and I would syringe feed them basically a flaked food slurry.


Aquascaping you say..


I'm working on a vampire crab set up 😏


And I'm assuming it's a vivarium too 🥺


More of a paludarium, but only because it needs about 4 inches of water. It's going to need a rain system to stay nice and wet, and lots of springtails and isopods to keep the mold levels down.


Oh yeah? name every rock


Oh gosh, oh geeze, oh man, oh ᴼʰ ᵒʰ ᵍᵉᵉᶻᵉ, ᵒʰ ᵐᵃⁿ, ᵒʰ ᵍᵒˢʰ


Jesus Christ Marie! They're minerals