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Holt from Brooklyn 99 would like a word


*Me watching my emotional support comically serious queer older man with intellectual hobbies, strong opinions on everything he cares about and obvious sensory issues involving food* hmm yes this makes sense but I don't currently have the words to express why


Very true. But also, autistic-coded ace-coded characters are pretty much the only kind of mainstream media representation aces get. Which as someone who is both autistic and ace is kind of an emotional mindfuck. Cause like, at least I'm getting *some* kind of rep (which is more than most people who only occupy one of those identies). But also? I would like literally anything other than a string of aliens, cyborgs, children, or all of the above ~ thanks. And we ALL deserve better. Ace-spec autists, non-ace autists, and non-autistic aces alike.


Hey, I’m also autistic and ace.


I’m ace adhd but trying to find out if I’m on the spectrum (because 3 of my 1st-cousins are, lol)


3? I only have one autistic cousin and one with ADHD (and some NTs).


ADHD is on the Spectrum, but the question in the Phycologist community is why.


Where have you heard that?


Me too!


There’s also Max from that one movie called Mary and Max who we don’t know if he’s Ace,


Don't forget old young Sheldon


some LGBT autistic characters for your pleasure * Henry (Special, 2019 series) * Xandri Corelel (Xandri Corelel series of books) * Theophilus Essex (Heart of Stone, 2020 novel) * Shahir Hamza (Saving Hope, 2012 series) * Paxton McKee (The Heartbreak Handshake, 2022 novel) * Olivia Sanderson (Into the Drowning Deep, 2017 novel) * Morgan (Morgan and Grant series of books) * Emmet Washington (Carry the Ocean, 2017 novel) * Elena Torres (The Game Changer, 2022 novel) * Aster Grey (An Unkindness of Ghosts, 2017 novel) as the list indicates, you're gonna have more luck with literature if you want autistic LGBT character (many of the authors are also queer and/or autistic themselves). Mainstream media definitely has a lot of catching up to do.


They can catch up once they get rid of those Bible thumpers who are holding them back.


Idk if its canon, but another comment mentioned Raymond Holt from B99, and that makes total sense to me


the autism is not canon


While it’s not canon, it’s pretty heavily implied that peridot from Steven Universe is both autistic and ace, which I think is pretty cool


Spencer Reid from Criminal Minds is Bi coded and you can’t tell me otherwise


Absolutely. In my head he’s dating without telling the team.


The only lgbtq+ autistic representation I can think of who isn’t asexual is Entrapta from She Ra


I will raise you the Katie Mitchell from the Mitchells vs the Machines.


the character is not canonically autistic though


entrapta's lgbtq?


Please everyone on that show is gay af


I mean Entrapta's queerness is not really shown or mentioned in the series itself, so most people wouldn't know it unless they looked it up


Well she did have a thing with the ship, which was at least somewhere in the ballpark of gay (the ship, or maybe the ship's computer, had a traditionally feminine name, at least) Anyway we stan a bi manic pixie dream queen, i fucking love Entrapta


She also experiences a sapphic moment when she first meets Adora- although that is *probably* because she's currently 7'6" She-Ra with First One's tech, not because she's adora.


"You're abnormally tall" in that extremely matter of fact way she said it is one of my favorite line deliveries of all time


Well, you're not wrong.


Yeah one of the show writers said “I think entrapta has had a lot of robot boyfriends and girlfriends”


oh i've only seen the show, haven't looked at any outside material


I haven't seen the show yet but from what I've seen of her in YouTube clips it wouldn't exactly surprise me. I swear, people talk about how you shouldn't spoil things for yourself but watching YouTube clips of shows that I'm interested in seeing just make me more eager to watch the show. It's really a self-torture device honestly, I have to live with not being able to watch it until I can afford Netflix yet wanting so badly to.


i've watched the show multiple times and I don't think she is


The thing is I've only seen her in YouTube compilations (where she's completely hilarious and I absolutely adore her btw) but haven't seen the show so I really don't know these things haha.


Plus Quini from heartbreak high


Renarin Kholin from the Stormlight Archive is canonically gay and autistic, and it's handled really well.


Do you really expect Hollywood to understand nuance?


Falin. Cant confirm but shes probs a bit on there. and probs bi


From Delicious in Dungeons? My kiddo and I just started watching it.


Yeah. Laios is clearly autistic but falin shows a lot of the same traits >! She does get a LOT of bad stuff happening to her though!<


We’re just now getting to the red dragon so we’ve barely seen her. I’m really enjoying it though.


Yeah falin is my fav character in the party. Her >!beating that undine!< comes in clutch and shes really strong with her legs too. Def my fav. There is a bathhouse scene that you may want to fast forward or pretend to use the restroom for depending on how old your kid is tho


Ughhh I can’t wait! Thanks for the heads up! I’ll be on alert for it.


Luz Noceda my beloved. Though I guess she's not canonically 100% confirmed to be autistic so ymmv.


I think she's confirmed to be ADHD


I hate it how the best ones are never confirmed.


Norma from Dead End is autistic and bisexual! Not ace-spec AFAIK


I came here to mention Norma! Such a great character! It’s also my personal head cannon that Barney is on the spectrum, too. (Really only because I want to see trans autistics represented in the media)


I'm glad you mentioned her! I used to watch the show a lot before the finale put me off, and I still think they did a great job with her.


Ugh don't get me started. I need a chaotic queer who either flirts by teasing/roasting their crush or by being too direct (like saying let's go have sex). Cuz that's me and I need to know I'm not alone 🥹🙈


Where’s the character that constantly flirts with everyone and has no idea they’re flirting.


Both of you are me and I don't know what to think about it lmao. I tease/roast people as a way to purposely flirt until they notice me, but I've also unintentionally flirted way to many times to count and I've apparently been that way since I was very young.


Yeah I look back on my highschool days and I’m like….was I flirty???? Cuz like at the time I just thought I was being friendly with people.


dont expect Corprate suites to do things for minoirtys unless its trendy ​ they do things for money Not for Compassion or becuase they actually see them as people


Quinni from Heartbreak high


Will Graham in Hannibal was canonically on the spectrum and (at least in my mind) there was a lot of sexual/romantic tension between him and Hannibal by the end.


canonically is debatable, both Bryan Fuller and Hugh Dancy have said that Will isn't autistic. (sources [1](https://web.archive.org/web/20130705021822/http://www.geeknation.com/podcasts/the-bloodcast-ep-33-hannibal-showrunner-bryan-fuller/), [2](https://web.archive.org/web/20160307151653/www.wga.org/content/default.aspx?id=5235), [3](https://www.digitalspy.com/tv/ustv/a500944/hugh-dancy-hannibal-qa-season-two-has-very-different-trajectory/))


I watched the first season with my partner and there’s so many scenes of Will being like “I’m undiagnosable!” and I was like “but he’s just autistic?” They really did seem to be trying to push the “he’s UNDIAGNOSABLE” narrative though.


I think it's definitely a situation where their goal wasn't to write an autistic character but they ended up writing one who was super relatable personality wise. So that's fair


No, it isn't debatable. He is literally stated to be on the spectrum in the first episode.


He says he is "closer to Aspergers and Autistics than narcissists and sociopaths", which is not the same as being stated to *be* on the spectrum. And none of that masters when the writer says that that line is taken out of context and the character is not autistic.


He is asked if he is on the spectrum and confirms that he is. This isn't super hard to understand, dude. He is, canonically, on the spectrum. Oh and what the writer says doesn't matter, what actually happens in the show matters. If Lucas says, "no, Anakin only threw a fun party for the younglings" that wouldn't be canon because what actually happens in the piece is what is canon.


then I guess we're operating under different assumptions of what it means for a character to be canonically autistic. though I find this uncalled for: >This isn't super hard to understand, dude.


We definitely are operating differently...I'm correct while you just objectively are not. I'm happy to break it down more to help you understand as best I can, though! Oh and I genuinely couldn't care less what you think is "uncalled for," that is meaningless to me tbh, especially since I have been civil.


I don't think he's meant to be autistic. Will Graham first appeared in the "Red Dragon" novel, which was released in 1981 and got a film adaptation in 2002. Thomas Harris, the author of the book, was good at doing his research, but back in the '70s and early '80s, not much was known about autism.


I specificed "Will Graham in Hannibal," meaning I'm clearly not talking about the films or novels. In Hannibal he is outright stated, in the first episode, to be on the spectrum.


I may just be a humble hobbyist but I'm doing my part by having every character I write be autistic, gay, and kinky as fuck.


Makes me wonder about Sir Pentious in Hazbin Hotel 🤔


I don't think he's LGBT (correct me if I'm wrong), but I can see the autism


He’s bisexual according to the wiki. There was also a statement that Nifty is the only straight one in the hotel.


Have you seen the Australian og version of love on the spectrum? James is gay and he’s one of the main people they focus on . Also fictionally , James from heartstopper is played by Bradley Rich, who is autistic and he was given full reign to play James as autistic. This is a especially obvious in the scenes where James is talking to and about Isaac. 🫡


More like we just get another robot


Honest question, am I the only one who doesn’t really care about sharing traits with characters? I see people talk about representation a lot but I’ve honestly never understood the appeal.


Please Like Me and Everything’s Gonna Be Okay have a ton of queer and autistic characters.


Read the Diviners series by Libba Bray! Ling Chan is an autistic lesbian! She only makes a cameo appearance in the first book, but she's one of the main characters in books 2-4!


Norma from Dead End Paranormal Park is autistic and bisexual but unfortunately Netflix canned the show’s third season. The show is amazing and Norma is very good autistic representation in my opinion.


Quinni from "heartbreak high" is both AND is played by an autistic actress! \^\^


I feel represented (as ace autistic)




I kinda want a show to have a Fun Autistic Flirty Ace


Honestly why care about representation at all xD in glad when theres no character like me in shows, that would suck


Why do people make these posts and then not say what characters the issue is with


Matilda from Everything's Gonna Be Okay. Though she's >!panromantic heterosexual, and her girlfriend is homoromantic asexual!<, so I'm not sure it's the perfect answer...


harry du bois could represent any demographic if you try hard enough


Will Graham is Autistic and definitely bi. I'm definitely Ace and probably should be evaluated for the other.