• By -


Yeah. Loooove me some parasites and blood-borne pathogens. I also like the way bodies are put together! But there's almost never a good time to talk about it.


I mean... as long as you include how to best avoid getting infected by them, it seems like something that's best known even just for safety. Know thy enemy and such.


You'd think but some people like to be ignorant. It's also important to include how likely it is to be exposed to them in the first place, such as if you're not going to come across them unless you're in xxx country. Just have to get a feel for the person you're talking to because it can cause people anxiety to know that they're out there in the first place.


I am going to eat sand to have pet nematodes


Nematodes eating you from inside be like: https://preview.redd.it/o45xvg6l1kad1.png?width=215&format=png&auto=webp&s=e8f542c3c3e93d86843d937e869f5f2e47ba1aeb


Yes! Anytime you express interest in medical knowledge, epidemiology, pathology, parasites or other various “unsavory” things people treat you like you’re going to poison them or something.


Probably the folks who have it the worst are people who like to prepare bones or dissect things. I'm in this weird spot where I think it's so fucking cool but also can't stomach it. Honestly I'm here for anatomy half way because of the cool latin names for everything. Big fan of the corpus cavernosum.


I am one of those people. I've always had a fixation on bones, and how bodies work. I don't know why.


Idk they're just friggin awesome is all lol.


I too love to study diseases. It’s been a special interest since middle school


The body is wild dude. The picture that sometimes floats around that shows all our nerves without the meat suit attached is so interesting and disturbing


Meat suit lol. I know the image ur talking about, it is fucking wild looking


AYO I majored in infectious disease and now work in a lab. Pathogens are my life and I will talk about them until i die


Human anatomy/human biology is just that thing I love so much that I can’t explain why I’m fascinated by it. Not to mention how much I love diseases and viruses, just guh I love it so much


the good time is Always tbh 😎 but i say that bc my special interest is my job, traumatology and orthopedics, so i talk about trauma surgery when i get tipsy.


intestines go on the inside, blood stays in the veins? Sorry, quote form a book.


I haven’t studied parasites and pathogens yet :O thank you for reminding me of their existence (please tell me a bit about those)


Dinner time is the best time to discuss it


I had a huge parasite hyperfixation when I was a kid


I'd sit in the corner of a party I didn't want to be at and listen to someone talk about that.


I am fascinated with all different kinds of diseases, medical history, parasites, pathogens, pretty much everything having to do with the human body. It started when I became chronically ill years ago and has become a major fixation for me. It's quite funny, because I actively avoided that knowledge until I became sick.


Damn I love bloodborne


You can take apart a pen to see how it works but you can’t do the same for a person, legally.


No one ever wants to hear the origin and evolution of brain rot memes, and I shouldn’t want to either! Why am I almost 30 talking like, “skibidi Ohio, what the sigma?” Like I have to keep it tucked in so deep because I’m not a 12 y/o boy


Me freaking out my kids because I meme enough to understand them, but my wife is in a constant state of WTF when they talk. And yes they say “skibidi Ohio, what the sigma?” all the time.


Please, I would love a guided tour through the origin and evolution of brain rot memes. 100% serious.


Me too


I think this is how Technology Connections and a whole lot of other niche youtubers got started. - I have a very specific weird interest that nobody probably wants to hear about. Eh, i'll make a video anyway. 2 days later. - why the hell do I have 50 thousand views on a video about the joys of crosspollination?


I do. I once watched The Film Theorists explaining the skibidi lore without ever watching, not even once a skibidi video entirely. And I used to hang out a lot on Know Your Meme


https://preview.redd.it/3kwlmpqs4had1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a95b58125120745620a322e33f204f36758e997a Trying not to talk about the thing that is not meant to be spoken about.






*thousand yard stare*






Been reading a lot about Labor-Zionism lately to be quite honest with you.


Hey, my special interests are often political and religious related so I actually have read The Holy History of Mankind by Moses Hess


I didn’t know who Moses Hess was till now. I just searched him up. My reading has mostly been about Ber Borochov and Poale Zion. What can you tell me about Moses Hess and The Holy History of Mankind?


So, I learned about him, and that book, through a Sam Aronow video covering him in his coverage on early Zionism. He was in the early socialist circles, kinda close with Marx and Engels I believe (responded to each other and IIRC, but diverged as Moses Hess's idea of socialism was very Jewish influenced). If you have a background in some philosophy that the Young Hegelians were into, or at least some with Spinoza, that goes a long way to understanding his philosophical work, but it's not strictly necessary. He paints a picture of ancient Israel as being sort-of proto-socialist, and this informs/is informed by his approach to Zionism as well as socialism. To be a little loose-y goosey with my summary, he takes the general progressive idea of history associated with Hegelians and a new Israel is where that history is heading. IIRC, there's a tripartite division of the book to speak to that development in three different historical phases, one being the bud (associated with ancient Israel), the stem (associated with Christendom and maybe the enlightenment IIRC), and the fruit/fruiting (the future Israel I think). Spinoza is associated with the shift from the second period of history to the third, which is supposed to be more egalitarian and just economically and politically. I enjoyed it, and it was kinda short as I recall so maybe I'll check it out again.


having a little too much interest in gore art be like


So, I was into gore art for a little bit and then someone was like, "ew, guro" and I thought that was what it was called. Nope. Guro is...different. I just like body horror in general but I don't sexualize it. 😭


Same, I don't like it in a sexual manner, I like to see how the body is put together, I like it in the way a clock maker adores looking at the gears whirring behind their clocks seeing what makes them tick and whir.




I was really attentive during biology class just to draw accurate gore xD (and avoid watching actual gore because it’s unethical to do so)


There's nothing more exciting than hearing someone excited about their thing!!


This is so real


Serial killers, forensic science, and criminal profiling. Most moments are not good to talk about this, with the possible exception of the Halloween party (hopefully a quiet one, with less than ten people, and plenty of snacks)


I like coming up with untraceable crimes, let's trade notes


terrorism and bombs for me


The logistics of terrorism and guerilla fighting fascinate me (though to be fair that is just extension of my special interest in in logistics and infrastructure in general), but I can only talk about one side of things cause otherwise I'm "a traitor to my people" or "associating myself with our enemies". And as someone who lives in a modern colonialist state on the side of the colonials, hell yeah I am


I am interested in learning about forensic science! Do you have any fun facts? (You can dump all your info here! I like to read!)


1. The first fingerprint, the first dna, and the first dna generated facial sketch used in the successful prosecution of a criminal trial- all 3 exonerated the initial suspect, that had been incorrectly fixated on by police. 2. While the facts don’t lie, people do. The best way to see through lawyers and experts presenting the facts in a skewed way, is to educate yourself on the science. This way you can more easily sort out facts from fiction. 3. Proving a case using evidence is all about collecting a lot of evidence from various sources, and presenting a probability that it was who you said it was. Some evidence is not conclusive by itself, but is very good at telling investigators who *didn’t* commit the crime. 4. Eye witnesses are the least reliable form of evidence. This is not so much about lying, it most has to do with the brains hampered ability to record all the details during a traumatic event. If you have 10 people who witness a crime that only took a short time to commit (like a shooting) it is not uncommon for all 10 people to have slightly different idea about what the perpetrator looked like, or was wearing.


COOL! Thanks a lot mate!


Videogames, and anime... To be fair, when I started they were incredibly niche, but now it's pretty much standard.


Growing up being called a weirdo nerd for liking computers, anime and gaming (also read the manuals before playing). Now everyone has seen some form of anime and calls themselves a gamer.


So true, I was beaten every day at school for things that would become the standard


I used to read the manuals when I bought my games too! A lot of them had concept art in them and it was super cool.


Middle child and had to share games, so played till death then swap turns. I read the manual, they die quick, my turn last for ages and they get pissed and rage quit. More game time for me.


Which is a good thing! I think it is great people aren’t being made fun of as much anymore just because they like games 


And now all the NTs call themselves gamers but play things completely unpalatable to me as a life long gamer


Hey. Let not gatekeep. If someone want to call themself a gamer, let them even if they play games you personally don’t like 


it's quite the opposite i no longer feel comfortable calling myself a gamer in public spaces because the image brought to mind by most people is not one i can identify with


I play video games sometimes and don’t call myself a gamer either.  The way a term is thought of is always going to change. 


so anyone else wanna talk about scp and analog horror?


Yes. Tell me some interesting stuff about it NOW (please :3) (I watched the Living Meat horror documentary and loved it)


vita carnis is fucken amazing, fav species?


Yes i love them. I may not know much but sometimes weird scps can count as a fun "fact"


Yup. I am stuck on a topic based on an aeronautics tradgedy in the late 1800s and the specifics surrounding how/why it happened. Lot's of tiny details. No one understands the fascination I have for this and no one wants to listen.


Please tell me that sounds really cool


Very brief version: In the late 1800s Sweden, around 1890's, a group of 3 men from various academic backgrounds decided that they wanted to be the first pioneers to travel across the North Pole by air balloon. While they would seem to be fit for the journey physically, as well as well equipped with food and survival gear, things went wrong from the very start. The leader of the project; *S. A. Andre*, lied about the safety of the project. The balloon was leaking gas and he refused to have it replaced. This was something he never told his colleagues of course. He also opted for the weather conditions in the arctic landscape by insisting that it would be sunny with no rain or snow (literally the opposite of reality). He had also made sure that the balloon would be fitted with steering lines to be dragged along the ground to make it somewhat controllable. The expedition started in summer of 1897 with the balloon taking off from Svalbard in Norway. They soon realised that they had forgotten to properly attach the steering lines, so they were unable to control the direction of the voyage. They also realised, minutes after taking off, that the balloon was too heavily packed, which made it sink fast towards the open water. They panicked and dropped as much gear they could. However, now after dropping too much gear, the balloon took off too high. A "fun" little anecdotal detail here is also that they had brought with them a number of doves to deliver messages to Stockholm from their journey. These messages were pre-written without any proper details of their actual journey. Even more; these doves were not trained to find their way back to Stockholm. The expedition drifted for days in the leaking balloon and the weather was so grey and damp that ice started to form on the vessel. Heavy ice and a leaking balloon equals a forced landing on the arctic ice, somewhere south of the North Pole, where no one knew where they were. They decided to walk back to civilization. The "emergency sleds" which they had brought with them were faulty constructed, making it nearly impossible to drag them over the uneven icy landscape. The ice also drifted in the opposite direction of which they walked, which in result made them walk for hours, but ending up in the same spot. This continued for weeks with no real problems except for the fact they came no closer to their goal. Eventually they found an unknown island that we today know as White Island. They managed to get onto the island with their equipment and gear and decided quickly to spend the winter there. What's ironic then is how quickly they died as soon as they came ashore. From weeks, drifting on the ice in perfect health, to succumb to death only days after getting onto land. Up until this day, no one actually knows what happened to them, other than estimated guesses. And the theories are *many*. Everything from Trichinosis to suicide. The reason we know so much about the story before their deaths is that they wrote diaries and letters, took photographs and left behind their gear and camp on the island, where their bodies was found in 1930 by coincidence.


Hmm reminds me of a certain submarine.. Fascinating stuff though. Never heard of it until today, it's always surprising to me how carelessly some people will endanger themselves and others to go on these trips despite being warned that it's not safe. What do you personally think happened to them in the end? And how did they survive for months on just these sleds? Did they have dogs with them to pull all the food and water they needed?


Hehe, you don't say? It's seriously pure insanity that some people get to live out. No one saying stop. And that's something I really love reading about in these types of events; the human mind/psychology in the context of how extremely unprepared we are for the unexplored. But how we can not fathom the facts of reality of the danger we out ourselves into. Personally, after reading one of the latest researchers publications on the topic, where the researcher in question takes all major theories into account and actually debunks them with pure updated science, I think the 2 youngest members died from being attacked by a polar bear on 2 separate occasions. The first one, which were also the youngest, was buried under heavy rocks, and therefore got somewhat of a burial. So this leads me to think that the two remaining members were still alive. As to when the second member died, he was not buried. However, the third member, the leader himself; S. A. Andre, was found dead and fairly intact, leaning against a big rock. He had his diary with him, wrapped in various fabrics so that it would be found one day. Next to him was one of the many glass bottles they had brought with them, a bottle of opium that had been emptied. Thinking that Andre had basically dragged his team members with him, to their deaths, and how he was stranded on an island that did not exist on any map, with the coming polar darkness (which would last for approximately 6 months), it probably didn't take much for him to take that step, to down that bottle of opium. The latest research also suggest, after a new discovery based on one of the members clothes which he was found in, that they were torn off by a wild animal, most likely a polar bear. The reason as to how they managed to survive on the ice and not on the island is actually still baffling to most researchers. There's no reason as to how that could really be, other than pure coincidence. They actually dragged the sleds by themselves and that's also something that is repeated in their personal letters and diaries. The struggle and work was tedious and simply pure hard killing work. And they had no dogs.


About the psychology aspect: absolutely, they must have survived that long on sheer will power alone... It must've been pretty horrible for that last guy to end up all alone in the month long darkness after all that struggle to survive as well. It would make a pretty good horror movie now that I think about it. Thanks for taking the time to write it all out, it's a really interesting tale, makes me want to do a deep dive on them as well


This is fascinating, thank you!


Are you generally interested in these types of accounts, or just this one? I went through a period of reading a ton of articles by Admiral Cloudberg, about aircraft crashes and other major incidents. They're a fascinating mix of human psychology, engineering, and science. Her articles are well researched, well explained, with handy visuals to understand the sometimes minute details at the heart of disasters. But I was a real downer telling my sisters all about the crashes and deaths nearby and what their causes were!


I love these types of accounts in general! Especially based on all examples you gave here. For me it's the abstract parts of pure coincidence and timing in these cases, that mix with the human psychology and engineering (as you mentioned!). Thanks heaps for the suggestion!! I have never heard of her, so I guess I have some digging to do 😂 You really had me at the "minute details at the heart of disasters". That's what I really need in these stories. Go ALL in into the very specifics as to how/why/when of things. Almost going in with a microscope into the atoms. Haha! Well, we have all been there. I told a family member about how visiting White Island was on my top 3 destinations! They wondered why and I just said; because the members of the expeditions died there!! And all I got in response was a; oh, ok...


my special interest is the psychology behind fetishes, I feel you OP


I have heard it said that therapy is cheaper than kinks with gear. Do you think this is true?


Yeah I'd say therapy is the cheaper option but it not nearly as fun lmao


Mine is Auschwitz and war crimes…


Does it ever affect your mental health reading all the fucked up shit that happened ?


to be honest, I tend to avoid reading/researching these topics when my mental health is at its low point. Because as interesting as, for example, unit 731 is - it’s also really fucked up and upsetting, to the point where I had nightmares.


Do you have any opinions on Robert Sternberg's Duplex Theory of Hate?


I am familiar with the theory, and find it very interesting (especially the types of hate that can be distinguished and how the theory applies to genocide) but I do not have a strong opinion on it - I just find its value in understanding some mechanisms of how the Holocaust came to be.


Yeah I don't have too many thoughts on it either, except that it really sticks out for me. I can't help but think about how it applies to different minority groups. I think my brain latches onto it because it's a semi-intuitive way to classify types of hatred, but I'm not entirely certain it's really all that sound or useful. It seems like in practice there's a lot of diversity in people's ultimate motivation to destroy others. As far as I know it's not part of the theory, but I do think there's sort of a dramatic buildup to burning hatred, which is explained as annihilatory, but what I find interesting is that any of these forms of hatred could be annihilatory. For instance I think a lot of ableism is more cognitive and would fall under decision/commitment. These are simply "inferior" people, useless eaters. The ultimate reasoning is less personal than it is economical. Hatred almost seems like the wrong word. I see it all the time. People go on about "Darwin awards" or something and have this vague sense of genetic cleansing. I don't think people are very passionate about it, but it disturbs me how ok these folks might be with genocide, as long as it's quiet.


Thank you, that was a very eloquent and thoughtful comment, I really appreciate it. Especially the part about “Darwin award” - and I know it’s portrayed in a joking manner, but it does leave a weird aftertaste in the context of eugenics.


My mom’s is the Holocaust. Nobody was willing to buy her the books on her Christmas list last year except me lol.


Insects. Beetles. Millipedes. Spiders. I work at a butterfly house/insectarium, so I can talk freely about our weird critters, but a lot of people don’t wanna hear about our cute fuzzy tarantulas or our adorable stag beetle or our goofy stick bugs and how they do a little dance when they feel scared. They’re there for the butterflies. They don’t give a hoot about other insects.


I wanted to study butterflies and moths when I was little, but I CANNOT do spiders. Nope. No spiders. I used to catch ladybugs, dragonflies, and grasshoppers, though. I also used to feed June bugs to the toad that lived at my old apartment complex.


I love spiders!!! they are my favourite thing rn. I love going outside and looking for them. I also like insects and other little creatures. they are so cute


My special interest is quite common, but I have smaller weird hyperfixations.


Mental/neurological stuff, not really a strong fixations though, but I could read about stuff like DID for hours, something about it just fascinates me


I know a *lot* about the Manhatten Project. People do want to talk about WW2 in passing, but they don't usually want to talk about the extremely questionable moral implications of the atomic bomb in normal conversation.


i jus like me tanks and guns


Figuring out the names of unidentified bodies, and trying to match missing person cases. Involves a lot of talking about corpses


Me being a Sonic the Hedgehog fan at 26 years old.


I’m old enough to remember how relentless bullies were to people who liked anime (me) now those same people have demon sayer or MHA tattoos lol


Psychedelic drugs.


Same. So fascinating.


I'm trying LSD for the first time on Monday after years of wanting to and my friends all desperately want me to shut the fuck up about it


Wishing you a safe trip! :)






Teletubbies... 😅


That's cute lol 😂


True Crime.


Ok everyone! I’ll be your safe space! Learn me a thing! Tell me all about your unorthodox special interests! Don’t hold back!!


BDSM. I love to talk about kinks but theres literally nobody other.


Or to specific, one of my interests is my student apartment building, the people I live with don’t care as much as I do and don’t want to talk as much as I want about it while the people who don’t live here won’t understand what I’m talking about


Sexual education visual media.


Mine is nuclear bombs :/


My special interest is Star Wars, which isn’t weird, just hard to ramble about if someone has no idea what I’m talking about 🫤


Me too! Specifically interpreting it through the lens of intergenerational trauma. I tell people not to ask me about Star Wars.


Ya none of my family wants to watch Star Wars with me because I go on very in-depth tangents about all the background stuff, I can’t help it 😭


Magic mushrooms and how to grow them for me


I like the topics of biblical theology, comparative religion, philosophy, conspiracy theories, macro evolution, politics and vaccines. If these ever come up in conversation it lasts less then one minute. I have gone rather deep into these things over the years. The only time someone wants me to talk longer then one minute is if I am echoing their opinions. As soon as i veer off a common belief or perception even for sake of argument, all interest gone. People are boring and have learned to stay boring.


Religion , theology and specially philosophy have always been my special interests. Which philosopher have you read ?


Well, I'm really into the history of words and the death penalty.


Do you mean etymology or social or historical background of those words ? Yes tell me more about death penalty, i am interested !


Would architecture be a weird interest? It's something newfound, and I've been learning more. I'm trying to tie it in with my artistic skills and create the home I keep seeing in my dreams. Speaking of dreams, I also really like to know what they mean and often dissect them after the fact. Spiritual stuff has also been a weird interest of mine, that not many people are into/will listen to me talk about.


I fucking love poisons. I love where they come from, how they work, their efficiency, what they do to the human body. I'd never obtain or use them, of course!! Like people who are fascinated by serial killers don't start racking up tallies of their own.


True crime: Interrogations, court proceedings, and documentaries. Horror video games: From Silent Hill to Fear and Hunger. I've spent days reading about SCPs as well. Cave diving accidents. Actually, any kind of accident. Defunct Amusement parks and failed businesses. Scams: Multi-level marketing, romance, and crypto scams mainly. Edwardian and Victorian innovations and culture. I love learning about their everyday lives and the makeup and fashion that existed during those periods. Pokemon and cozy farming games with dating elements despite me being aromantic. I can talk for hours about the different inspirations behind Pokémon designs. I've also memorized most of the moves. I count this because everyone just seems to play first-person shooters and battle Royale games.


Try me.


The psychological underpinnings of modern and historical Fascism and it's relationship structurally to prion diseases


I know this is the internet. But I don't think we're allowed to dirty talk to strangers like that in here. Tell me more


Fascism is a rhetorical prion disease because it isn't form of rhetoric that requires thought, it only requires amygdala response. Rhetoric and communication of ideas functions similarly to disease vectors. Person to person through vectors like social media, word of mouth, or passive media like posters and billboards. Some rhetoric functions like bacteria, forming a sort of communicative microbiome for a civilization. The social contract, filial piety, the golden rule. All "bacterial rhetoric" that can function in a healthy society (though if they grow out of control you can get a negative condition). Some rhetoric functions like a virus, co-opting healthy cells (people) against the body of the society. Racial supremacy, Anti-semitic conspiracies, Nationalism. All these beliefs propagate from person to person and reduce the individual's ability to communicate in a healthy manner with subsets of the society. It stops up the passage of information between cells (racial or ethnic groups) and creates cysts in the body politic with hard edges that disallow communication. And then there's Fascism. Which is not a virus, or a bacteria, but is more like a rhetorical prion disease. Prions aren't viral, they are a misfold of a protein that gets copied and continues to make copies ad nauseum, with no real connection to the body around them. Prions are made of the same building blocks as the other two kinds of diseases, and of the body itself, but they are different in a very important way. They lack internal intelligibility. A virus is a machine for making more virus. A bacteria is a small creature with the goal of symbiosis with varying degrees of success. A prion is the body itself folding wrong, and the wrong fold, made of its own flesh, kills it. There is no "goal" for prions. The virus wins when it spreads, can become more complex, can evolve. Prions don't. They are a dead end. And Fascism functions rhetorically in a deeply similar manner. I'm not the first person to point out the necrophilic nature of Fascism, and I'm probably not the first to compare it to prions either. The structures are so similar in my head, though. Fascism is a rhetorical disease that cuts it's carrier off from other humans by "folding" their anxieties into a defensive rhetoric of violence. The violence of Fascism is ALWAYS nominally defense. Defend our children. Defend our women. Defend our purity (ultimately). The fear of personal corruption at the heart of Fascist rhetoric is like an OCD corruption loop run amok. And it is the bad "protein fold" at the heart of the ideology. Edit: oh hey, so the psychological bit of this is that Fascism is an "amygdalar ideology" rather than an ideology that requires greater cognitive effort to understand. Fascist rhetoric is so cognitively "sticky" because it functions using our amygdala as a lever for action. It's rhetoric is designed to activate your fight/flight/freeze/fawn reaction, but politically. Oh no, They™ are coming for us! We™ need to defend ourselves! There is no logical foundation of Fascist rhetoric, and it actually *benefits* from this lack of rhetorical foundation. Fascism isn't playing a rhetoric game, it is playing a cortisol response game, but using words to activate cortisol responses in the faithful. I have a theory that a lot of fascists are people who have a form of contamination OCD or identity OCD that produces a deep visceral fear of "the other" and the rhetoric is a self-soothing action for them. (Zero shade on folks with OCD, I'm one of them, so I get how loops and self soothing work hand in hand).


Oooh, memetic theory! That makes sense, viewing these things through that kind of lens.


100% I think Chomsky was a clear influence on my understanding, but I also think that it's really valuable for the social sciences to borrow schemas and frameworks from physics and biology, too.


This is a fascinating framing! Thanks for explaining it. I just read Snow Crash, which has a similar major plot line, if you or anybody reading has an interest in a fictional version of this!


I LOVE Snow Crash, and yeah, I think the description is related, and very apt.


I need'nt say anything I think.


Fellow MLP fan spotted :0


Drugs. My special interest is drugs.


Criminal corruption and manipulation in the stock market. And Deep Fucking Value tweets


People sometimes politely entertain my infodumping about bears, but no one wants to hear about animal attacks or major disasters 🥲


PEDs and self improvement/optimization. I die during normal conversations if it’s not a topic about self optimization or something to improve functionality and progress in life


I saw the notification for this post, thought "maybe they're not sure how to spell jealous", and then saw everyone else was answering as if the title said "else"


I kinda see my interests as weird, most situations don't really feel like a good time to mention them


Incredibly technical Minecraft - Bedrock edition


League of Legends, it's extremely mainstream but most people (even players) don't want to listen to me rant about macro. I coached diamond+ teams for 7 years but now I don't have an outlet for all that knowledge lol


Prions lmao


Medical students think me, the forensic science student, is weird. They think my fascination with death and the ways people can die is odd. They think its weird id rather work on dead people than living people


Reading about the history fascist movements outside of germany.


Please tell me EVERYTHING


Define everything, like do you want to know about the directly inspired fascist movements, like the National Romanian Fascio. Pseudo-fascist movememts like the Brazilian Integralists and Falange. Or the general swath of dictatorial movemwnts that have been described as faacist like the Peronists, and Augusto Pinochet? Any of which will take something much larger than a reddit commemt in all likelyhood.


Feel free to DM me about it too. I love studying the psychology of fascism and how it works and thr patterns it follows. I want to hear about it all really. It's all fascinating and i adore learning about this stuff. What's the shortest fascist movement? Are there any abnormalities that don't follow the usual script? Any fascism that people don't realize was fascism? What's your favorite?


You’ve been hit by You’ve been struck by https://preview.redd.it/shkl3urhqjad1.jpeg?width=2266&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebd64fcf7fed343d2de771a29466212949904956


Torture/execution methods :(


I used to have a fixation on clowns


Yeah. Spiritual work. I have a group of 6 friends, told them very little about it once, got weird looks. Same with my family. fortunately, I have 1 other friend and we have very deep conversations about it ( let me also say that I am not actualy autistic, was very depressed in the past and developed similar symptoms, and joined this group as I thought I was on the spectrum and wanted to know more about it, I still read posts sometimes)


Biological evolution. I am not a biologist either, so I don't really have any coworkers or friends to talk about it with.


Convergent evolution is soooooo interesting! I like studying evolution, biodiversity, and genetic diversity. Then again that's what I went to college for lol. I wanted to be a wildlife biologist specializing in studying keystone species. 😭


My special interest is actually really normal (it’s k-pop and the k-pop industry), but it’s still considered a weird and childish interest. So when I say I like k-pop, people assume I’m way younger than I am.


I had a brief hyperfixation on corpses and how they decompose when no one finds them for a while. I'm just so fascinated by the scenes left behind


I'm obsessed with nerf guns and other silly toys from my childhood


human/animal reproduction-


Sex, Kink, bdsm, and trauma ya


It's hard for me to have a normal conversation with polite company because all I want to talk about are reptiles, bugs, carnivorous plants, and other natural science topics. I am like the e-harmony cat lady, but about snakes. At least people are less put off by these interests than they were 20 years ago!


When your special interest is your own novel that is just in your head and doesn't actually exist so nobody else understands it


Inbreeding in royal families in Europe and the effect its had on their looks/health etc!


I don't know if that counts as weird, but Dark Souls lore for me.


occult, witchcraft, divination, astrology… etc lol


The rabbit holes are endless


Only because I don't want people to think I'm an edgy looser, I just like physics as well as makeshift stuff! Plus, pipe bombs are funny, let's be honest


It’s not really a special interest of mine but I was once hyper fixated on collecting acorns I only realized later on that lil grubs were growing in them yeah that hyper fixation then turned into smashing the acorns and watching as the ants ate the lil grubs………is there something wrong with me lol


Yup! Watching videos about radiological disasters, especially orphan sources! They fascinate me but if I go into to any details about how scarily easy it is for these things to happen or what radiation does to the human body people freak out..but they loved watching Chernobyl a few years ago 🤷‍♂️


DM me your special imterests. Right now, I'm into Godzilla lore myself and not just the timeline since 2014, the first one in 1954 with the cross eyes and breatherapon that was more like a mist.




Intergenerational trauma in Star Wars. Cataloging the development of technical skills & culture, & shifts in the meta in early-ish ALTTP Randomizer (roughly 8.21-8.29). Plane crashes, especially the ones that led to lasting changes in air safety.


r/fundiesnarkuncensored :/


Zionism and the concrete wall industry


I don’t get it either, but I’m obsessed with how tall people are. I always need to know exactly how tall someone is, whether it’s my friend, a celebrity, or whoever. And apparently the bands I like aren’t extremely popular, especially with my generation, which is unfortunate.


Finally have a co-worker who loves scps, so it's been great


Yeah, I have been very good and have only gone off about the political situation in pre-WW1 Europe to my friend one time. Still feel bad about it 😕


sigh…one of my current hyperfixations is a smutty gatcha game Like….yes yes hee hoo hot guys but dammit if im not insanely emotionally invested


Not enough Godzilla fans out there.


I know a lot about object shows in general, but I don’t get a chance to talk about it a lot cuz not a lot of people know about it :/




motion sickness bags, but nobody wants to hear about those since you use them for something gross.


I've been super into cubing lately, as in rubiks cubes. It checks all the boxes for me something to keep my hands busy, new things to learn, tinkering and set up, lots of content about it. It wouldn't be weird at all if I was a 10 year old boy, but I'm a 40 year old woman.


Magic the gathering lore and the artists of magic the gathering You would think more people would wanna talk about it but most of the people I meet in person that play always are surprised when I mention an artist's name or a favorite plane


What's your interest?


Popping out blackheads r/popping


Watching reaction videos


Industrial/Engineering disasters. Really any story where something man-made breaks or fails in terrible ways due to design flaws or laxes in safety protocol.


mental health conditions


Yes. Yes I do.


The deepest end of the UFO pool all like 🙃


The second wave black metal scene and its connections to the Norwegian church burnings


I could tell you everything about Apex Legends lore. 2 years ago I was very hyperfixated on that game and if there was ANY piece of lore, I knew about it One of my friend’s interests is WW2. You could ask him about any battle or semi-important person and he’d know everything about it


Cannibalism and anatomy I suppose would be the best definition. I love looking into the way the different parts of the body function, ticking and whirring like a fleshy clock. Not exactly something I can easily mention with my friends who are obsessed with sonic.


i heart the military industrial complex


Nobody around me shares many interests with me aaaa, at least I got my friends on the other side of the world


Yeah. I am ttrpg player in middle europe post soviet country.


Yeah I’m into knowing who conglobates and who doesn’t. You wouldn’t be surprised how few other people care.


I think you guys know what i'm gonna say at this point.


Weird? I don't think so. An interest I know nobody has any interest in besides me? Most of them.